Cabbage face mask. Recipes, health effect. Protein mask to increase tone. Lemon mask for acne

There is an opinion that the most useful for a person are those products that grow in his area. From this point of view, a homemade cabbage face mask is not only inexpensive and simple, but also a very effective cosmetic product.

It helps to get rid of many skin problems that give rise to so many complexes in women of different ages.

How does such a simple cosmetic product manage to cope with pigmentation, wrinkles, and inflammation at the same time? This miraculous effect of cabbage face masks is explained by the chemical composition of the white vegetable:

  • vitamin A- a substance of large-scale action: it treats inflammation, moisturizes, soothes, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, destroys microbes, smoothes stretch marks and wrinkles, helps cells regenerate, promotes the production of elastin and collagen, solves the problem of age spots;
  • thanks to vitamin B9, cabbage for the face becomes an ideal remedy for acne;
  • vitamin C- wound healing and rejuvenating;
  • vitamin K prevents swelling on the face, relieves age spots, soothes inflammation;
  • cabbage for facial skin is useful in that it normalizes fat metabolism in skin cells, thanks to choline;
  • potassium dry skin needs to moisturize;
  • organic acids do not let the skin age.

The well-coordinated work of all these active ingredients leads to the fact that cabbage for the skin is the most effective natural cosmetic product. After the very first applications of miracle masks from this unique vegetable, you will feel that the skin is refreshed, rested and looks much better than before.

So that the cabbage mask does not disappoint, but transforms your skin in the most wonderful way, you need to be able to apply it. Follow a few simple tips - and enjoy the result.

  1. Fresh cabbage is good for dry skin, and sauerkraut mask will eliminate oily skin problems.
  2. To prepare masks, it is best to chop fresh cabbage into a thin strip, and then squeeze it with your hands until juice is formed.
  3. Test each mask on your wrist to ensure your skin doesn't react with allergies.
  4. The mask can be done after a bath or a hot bath once a week.
  5. The duration of the cabbage masks is about 15-20 minutes.

Best Cabbage Face Mask Recipes

Choose a cabbage mask recipe according to your skin problem and skin type.

  • 1. Classic fresh cabbage mask for dry skin

Grind fresh cabbage, squeeze and apply to the skin.

  • 2. Classic sauerkraut mask for oily skin

Sauerkraut for the face is also used in masks: squeeze, put on the face.

  • 3. Rejuvenating cabbage honey mask

Squeeze chopped fresh cabbage (three tablespoons) until juice is formed, mix with honey and yeast (one teaspoon each), dilute with apple juice (2 tablespoons).

  • 4. Olive cabbage mask for dry skin

Scald fresh cabbage leaf with boiling water, chop, mix (2 tablespoons) with a tablespoon of olive oil.

  • 5. Kale yolk mask for flaky skin

Squeeze chopped fresh cabbage (3 tablespoons) until juice is formed, mix with mashed yolk, add a teaspoon of olive oil.

  • 6. Kale Protein Mask for Oily Skin

Chop cabbage, mix (2 tablespoons) with protein.

  • 7. Kale Nourishing Mask for Normal/Combination Skin

Mix fresh cabbage juice (50 ml) with boiled grated carrots and honey (a teaspoon each).

  • 8. Cottage cheese mask for sensitive skin

Chop the cabbage, mix (2 tablespoons) with lemon juice (a teaspoon), cottage cheese (3 teaspoons), honey diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 (2 tablespoons).

  • 9. Whitening cabbage milk mask

Chop the cabbage, mix (2 tablespoons) with the same amount of milk and cottage cheese (1 tablespoon).

  • 10. Lemon cabbage mask for acne

Chop cabbage, mix (2 tablespoons) with lemon pulp (1 tablespoon), add a few drops of olive oil.

Effective and nourishing, cabbage face mask is a natural beauty product that is ready to take care of your skin.

White cabbage is one of the most common vegetables on our tables throughout all months of the year. The benefits of juicy leaves are also appreciated in home skin care - cabbage masks are extremely useful for the face: the vegetable contains a complex of useful trace elements that help to cope with many defects that negatively affect the appearance.

The effect of trace elements of cabbage on the skin of the face

Cabbage has been popular in cosmetology since ancient times, a mask based on it is still used to rejuvenate the face, fight pigmentation spots, acne, various rashes and increased dryness. The effectiveness of cabbage masks is explained quite simply - the vegetable is so rich in biologically active substances that, upon contact with the skin, these trace elements pass into the cells of all layers of the dermis.

  • The cabbage mask is full of the most necessary vitamin A for facial skin. Under its influence, cells are quickly restored, the flow of all energy processes increases, and the production of elastin increases.
  • Under the influence of cabbage, all annoying acne and rashes go away - folic acid fights these facial phenomena.
  • Cabbage for the face is also useful because of the ascorbic acid it contains. Vitamin C eliminates inflammatory reactions, promotes the speedy healing of wounds, works as an antioxidant in cells and increases the strength of the protective film of the face.
  • Thanks to vitamin K, the cabbage mask perfectly brightens areas of the face with pigmentation, relieves swelling, and reduces inflammatory reactions.
  • Choline has a positive effect on oily skin, under its influence the work of the subcutaneous glands is improving.
  • Kale potassium provides optimal hydration.
  • There is also a group of organic acids in the tight fork of cabbage, it is their presence in the mask that prevents the skin from aging.

Thanks to such an excellent composition of trace elements, cabbage is valued by cosmetologists and recommended for home use. You can evaluate the effectiveness of the cabbage mask immediately after its first application: freshness, increased tone and amazing softness to your face are guaranteed.

Use in masks

The cabbage mask will transform your face in just a few sessions, if you use it, guided by advice from professionals.

  • Cabbage is useful in any form. A fresh vegetable is an unsurpassed moisturizer, and sauerkraut will eliminate all the defects of oily skin type.
  • The mask, based on fresh cabbage, is prepared according to certain rules. The vegetable must first be finely chopped, and then mashed until juice is formed.
  • It is best to use masks with cabbage after bath procedures or baths, when the face is well steamed.
  • Cabbage masks are aged on the face for no more than 20 minutes and, of course, must first be tested.

A fresh fork of cabbage is available for use any day of the year, prepare a mask based on it and you will see how your face changes before your eyes.

Recipes useful for the face of cabbage masks

Easy-to-prepare white cabbage masks are in no way inferior in their effectiveness to expensive procedures, and in terms of naturalness they are many times higher than the composition of the latter. Naturally, such care will be safe and enjoyable, the main thing is to choose the recipe, the action of which is aimed at solving your cosmetic problem.

    • with yeast
      It will take three tablespoons of chopped fresh cabbage along with the juice formed from it. The vegetable mass must be mixed with a spoonful of yeast, with the same amount of bee honey and two large spoons of apple juice. The mask rejuvenates, relieves inflammatory reactions and nourishes the cells with all the microelements necessary for their good work.
    • With olive oil
      Three tablespoons of chopped cabbage are squeezed until juice is formed and mixed with a spoonful of heated olive oil. The recipe is worth trying for owners of dry skin, under the influence of this composition, optimal hydration occurs.

  • With yolk
    The basic composition of the mask from the previous recipe is used, to which fresh yolk is added. The prepared mixture helps to cope with flaky skin.
  • With protein
    Two tablespoons of chopped and mashed cabbage should be mixed with whipped protein. The prepared mass eliminates oily sheen and tightens wrinkles on the face.
  • with carrots
    50 ml of fresh cabbage juice should be mixed with a spoonful of mashed boiled carrots and an equal amount of melted honey. The mask perfectly nourishes any skin.
  • With cottage cheese
    Two tablespoons of grated cabbage should be squeezed out until juice is formed and mixed with a spoonful of lemon juice, three teaspoons of soft cottage cheese and a spoonful of honey water (honey and water mixed in a ratio of 1: 1). The recipe is useful for improving the condition of sensitive skin.
  • With milk
    It is necessary to mix fresh grated cabbage, cottage cheese and warmed milk in equal proportions. The prepared slurry has the most optimal whitening properties.
  • With lemon
    Two tablespoons of chopped cabbage should be mixed with a spoonful of pitted lemon pulp, after which a few drops of olive oil are introduced into the mixture. This mask helps to eliminate rashes and acne on the face.
  • With flour
    Shredded cabbage must be mixed in equal proportions with flour and sour cream, then add the protein whipped into foam. The mask is used to improve oily skin.

By incorporating cabbage into your facial routine, you can be sure that the results you get will exceed your wildest expectations. The cabbage mask will return the natural shade, give clarity to the lines of the face and allow you not to think about age-related skin changes.

Sauerkraut is a source of valuable vitamins. This product is often used in the cold season to improve immunity, as cabbage contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. However, few people know about its benefits for skin beauty. For example, a sauerkraut face mask is very effective and popular, the recipes for which you will find in this article.

What is useful cabbage

Cabbage is a source of valuable vitamins and contributes to:

  • removal of skin irritation;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • skin lightening;
  • deep hydration;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in cells;
  • protection against premature aging.

Cabbage contains large amounts of retinol, natural antioxidants that protect the skin from harmful effects and premature aging, a complex of trace elements that normalize metabolic processes in cells and improve complexion.

A cabbage face mask is prepared with the addition of various components. Thus, we can safely say that sauerkraut and fresh cabbage can be used for all skin types.

Cabbage mask for rejuvenation

    The following recipe will help brighten and refresh the complexion. Grind 20 g of sauerkraut in a blender, add 5 ml of lemon juice and a large spoonful of sour kefir. The mask is effective for fighting age spots.

    Crush 20 grams of oatmeal in a convenient container. Pour 20 ml of slightly warmed sauerkraut juice and wait until it cools down. Then 20 ml of olive oil is added to the container and a mask is applied to the face. This mask simultaneously deeply cleanses, refreshes and moisturizes the skin.

    Mix 20 ml of sauerkraut juice with 20 ml of warm milk and 5 ml of honey. The mask nourishes the skin and evens out the complexion.

    Tonic based on fresh and sauerkraut: chop a leaf of fresh cabbage in a blender, 10 g of sauerkraut, and add one cucumber.

    The mask helps to cool, relieve irritation and moisturize the face. Recommended in extreme heat or as a soothing first aid for sunburned skin.


Dear readers, today I propose to talk on a blog about cabbage face masks. Surprised? But in fact, cabbage face masks are a remedy with a cosmetic “history”. Cabbage leaves were used by both noblewomen and peasant women to keep their skin fresh and young for as long as possible. In addition, it is known that the most useful for everyone are precisely those vegetables and fruits that grow in his area. Therefore, homemade cabbage masks are not only simple and inexpensive, but also a very effective cosmetic product.

Probably, many of us harvest cabbage and buy it all year round, make fresh salads. I propose to recall the old Russian time-tested remedy and give yourself, your beloved, at least half an hour. And so that the effect will definitely please you, I suggest reading the recipes today and choosing something just for yourself.

The effectiveness of cabbage face masks

Cabbage leaves and juice are used to make homemade cosmetics. I already wrote about the beneficial properties of the latter and how to drink it correctly in my article. In the same article, you will find all the tips on how to prepare cabbage juice at home and how to use it for health and weight loss.

And how does such an ordinary cosmetic product manage to cope with wrinkles, pigmentation, and inflammation at the same time? The miraculous effect of such masks is explained by the chemical composition of white cabbage:

  • vitamin A has a diverse effect: eliminates inflammation, soothes and moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, destroys microbes, stimulates the restoration of damaged cells, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, brightens age spots;
  • vitamin B9 relieves inflammation and “dries out” pimples;
  • ascorbic acid has a wound healing and rejuvenating effect;
  • vitamin K prevents puffiness, helps to lighten pigmented areas;
  • potassium is necessary for dry skin for proper hydration;
  • organic acids prevent premature aging.

This is the spectrum of everything useful in ordinary cabbage.

So that the cabbage mask does not disappoint you, but transforms the skin in the most amazing way, you need to know how to apply it correctly. It is necessary to follow only a few simple recommendations - and you can enjoy the result.

  1. Fresh cabbage, and sauerkraut products will help eliminate oily and combination problems.
  2. When preparing masks from fresh cabbage, it is best to chop it into a thin strip, and then squeeze it with your hands until the juice is released.
  3. Each mask should be tested on the wrist so that the skin does not upset you with an allergy. How to conduct such a test, I have already written repeatedly on my blog.
  4. The mask is best done after a steam bath for the face.
  5. The duration of the mask is usually 15-20 minutes.

By following simple tips, you will soon see for yourself that a cabbage face mask is a truly unique remedy that is available to each of us at home.

Classic cabbage mask recipes for dry skin

The cabbage mask recipe should be chosen taking into account the condition of your skin, the type of your facial skin and the solution of primary problems.

Recipe number 1. Nourishing cabbage mask with exfoliating effect.

To prepare the mask, mix 200 g of chopped cabbage leaves with 1 yolk. Add 10 drops of olive oil to the cabbage-yolk mixture and mix gently.

Recipe number 2. Cabbage juice face mask.

Take ½ cup of cabbage juice, moisten a gauze napkin in it and apply for 20 minutes. As the napkin dries, it should be moistened with juice again. Before applying the mask, the face is wiped with sour cream, cream or a regular nourishing cream, and after removing the napkin, first with a damp cotton swab, and then with a dry one. This procedure should be carried out 3 times a week for 1.5-2 months.

Recipe number 3. Cabbage mask for dry skin with age spots

The skin should be wiped with corn or olive oil, then apply a compress for 5 minutes, soaking a napkin in warm chamomile infusion. After that, a slurry of crushed cabbage leaves (200 g) is applied to the skin. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week.

Homemade cabbage masks for oily skin

For the care of oily and combination skin, cosmetics prepared with the addition of sauerkraut are perfect.

Classic sauerkraut mask

A thick layer of sauerkraut is applied to the face for 30 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Protein-cabbage face mask

Cabbage gruel (200 g) is mixed with egg white whipped into a fluffy foam (1 pc). Apply to face for 30 minutes.

Homemade cabbage mask recipe for acne with lemon


  • 2 tbsp cabbage puree;
  • 1 tbsp lemon pulp;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

All components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin. Residues are removed with cool water.

Recipe for a nourishing cabbage mask for combination and normal skin

50 ml of freshly squeezed cabbage juice should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of boiled grated carrots and honey (1 tsp). Apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Wash with water at room temperature.

In our country, cabbage has always been highly valued by housewives for its availability, low cost and useful composition. But not only cooks appreciated this vegetable. Cosmetologists have revealed the beneficial effect of the product on the condition of the skin of the face. Homemade kaputa masks are not inferior in effectiveness to expensive cosmetic preparations and salon procedures, but unlike them, they are inexpensive.

beneficial effect

For cosmetic purposes, cabbage is used both fresh (juice and leaves) and sauerkraut. No less useful is the so-called sea kale (kelp), which contains a large amount of iodine.

The effect of the use of cabbage masks appears almost instantly, the skin condition improves markedly. But when using home remedies from cabbage, as well as from other products, you need to know its properties and the presence of contraindications.

  • sea ​​kale

Seaweed differs from other products due to its unusual chemical composition, which was formed under the influence of the product's growing environment.

Cosmetic procedures with the use of seaweed have a positive effect on the condition of the skin due to its components:

  1. Yoda. The microelement normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, allows you to even out the skin relief, eliminate blackheads and other types of rashes.
  2. Ascorbic acid. promotes the natural production of collagen, has anti-aging properties.
  3. Lactic acid. It provides soft peeling, promotes the regeneration process.
  4. Niacin. Promotes the breakdown of melanin accumulated in the body, which in turn prevents the appearance.
  5. Kholin. The substance has a calming effect on irritated skin.
  6. Routine. Vitamin P strengthens capillaries, reduces their permeability.
  7. Iron. This element has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, normalizes the filling of cells with oxygen. Thanks to this, dry skin receives sufficient moisture.

Seaweed has no serious contraindications and restrictions for external use. But if discomfort and burning sensation are felt during the procedure, the mask is washed off and is not used in the future.

  • Sauerkraut

In traditional medicine recipes, the brine in which cabbage is fermented is used to treat various diseases: neurological, gastrointestinal tract, and others. In addition to medicinal purposes, brine is used externally for the prevention of skin diseases and for cosmetic procedures.

The acids that are produced in the process of pickling white cabbage have a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face:

  1. Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Contribute to the fastest passage of camerons and acne.
  3. Cleanse the face of dead cells.
  4. Lightens pigmented areas, helps hide freckles and other spots.

Despite all the useful properties of cabbage brine, it should be used only in compliance with certain rules and recommended proportions.

There is an opinion that preparing a cabbage mask is very simple and can be done even by someone who has never encountered the manufacture of homemade cosmetics. This is true, but in order to prepare a highly effective remedy that will heal the skin and not harm it, you need to choose the right composition of the mask (according to the problems and type of skin), follow the rules of preparation.

  • Use fresh cabbage leaves in the preparation of masks for dry skin, and sauerkraut for oily skin care.
  • When choosing fresh cabbage for making a mask, you need to remember that the thinner the cabbage leaf, the more useful it is.
  • On average, the duration of the procedure does not exceed 20 minutes, but some recipes are designed for a different exposure time.
  • Before applying masks prepared according to a new recipe, from components that have not previously been used on the skin, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. Test the prepared product on the wrist or the inside of the elbow. The risk of developing an allergy from cabbage masks is minimal, but it cannot be completely ruled out.
  • The cosmetic result of the procedure will be more pronounced if the skin of the face is steamed before applying the mask.


Among the variety of recipes, each woman can choose one that will help eliminate existing skin problems.

Seaweed mask is used not only for medicinal purposes. In the absence of serious problems on the skin, a self-prepared mask is used to even out the complexion and refresh the skin.

For the procedure, you need gauze and steamed kelp.

Mash the pre-soaked and squeezed sheets of kelp into a pulp. The prepared mass is evenly distributed on the face, a dry gauze napkin is applied on top. After 20 minutes, the mask is removed, the face is washed with warm water.

  • Sauerkraut mask

Preparing the mask is very simple. The required amount of cabbage needs to be squeezed out a little and chopped. In this form, apply on the face. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Carrying out such procedures helps to eliminate oily highlights on the face and.

  • Remedy for sagging skin

Grind two fresh cabbage leaves to make a paste. Mix it with two tablespoons of rice flour (you can cook it yourself by grinding rice) and a couple of drops or.

The mixture is distributed on the face and allowed to dry. After that, wash off with warm water.

Owners of oily skin should not introduce oil into the mask. In the absence of allergies, you can add one beaten egg yolk.

This mask fights wrinkles and other signs of skin aging. The oils in the masks moisturize the skin, and the yolk helps open pores and remove toxins.

  • Acne mask

In the struggle for clean skin, masks are used, prepared from both fresh and sauerkraut. The most effective acne recipes include sauerkraut.

The composition of the mask against acne and comedones, in addition to sauerkraut, includes other ingredients. A mask is prepared from two tablespoons of finely chopped cabbage, a teaspoon of fine salt, a tablespoon of oatmeal. The products are mixed.

Such a composition can not be rubbed into the skin, it is carefully applied in an even layer. Leave for twenty five minutes. After washing off with plain water.

  • Mask of cabbage leaves boiled in milk

A mask of boiled cabbage will help to increase the tone. To prepare it, you need to boil the milk. A few cabbage leaves are cut into thin strips and dipped in boiling milk.

The cabbage should be very soft, so that it is easy to cook gruel from it. Cool the mass and mix with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of vegetable oil (refined).

If the broth from cabbage turned out to be too liquid, excess moisture must be removed. To do this, the mixture should be squeezed through cheesecloth.

The finished mask is applied to the face for 7 minutes. It improves skin tone and tightens the contour of the face.

Repeat these procedures once a week.

  • Mask with sour cream

The mask prepared according to this recipe cleanses the skin and at the same time saturates it with nutrients.

A few leaves of white cabbage are crushed, a tablespoon and one yolk are added to them. All components are mixed and applied to the face, except for the area under the eyes. Keep this mask for half an hour, wash off with cool water.

After the procedure, if necessary, you can apply any cream with nourishing properties.

You can use such cosmetic masks three times a week, then the face will look fresh and well-groomed.

  • Cabbage mask for oily skin

Needs more careful care: it is necessary to eliminate oily sheen on the face, prevent the appearance of acne, normalize the work of the subcutaneous glands.

A complete care can be provided by a cosmetic mask made from fresh cabbage, carrots, a teaspoon of wheat flour and one yolk.

And the cabbage is individually scrolled through a meat grinder. One teaspoon of each vegetable is combined first with flour, and then with pounded yolk.

Apply the mass on the face for twenty minutes, remove with cool water, wipe the face with a soft towel.

  • Anti-inflammatory cabbage mask

When pimples or foci of inflammation appear on the face, a mask is prepared from chopped cabbage leaves, the juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of 5%, a teaspoon of viburnum juice.

All components are mixed and applied to the face for five minutes. Carry out the procedure twice a week.

  • Cabbage mask for dry skin

From the available products that are in every kitchen, you can prepare an effective mask with a rejuvenating effect. The use of the mask allows you to tighten the skin, eliminate mimic and age-related wrinkles, and ensure proper nutrition of the epidermis.

To prepare the mask, a tablespoon of grated fresh cabbage leaves is mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil and one yolk. For twenty minutes, the mask is applied to the face. Do this with light patting movements. Wash off with plain water, after fifteen minutes apply a nourishing cream.

  • Cabbage mask with honey

The mask is well suited for use on normal and combination skin. With its help, you can increase the muscle tone of the face. This, in turn, tightens the contour of the face, making it younger.

For the procedure you need: a teaspoon of juice squeezed from fresh white cabbage, half a pack, a teaspoon of honey.

At the first stage, yeast is mixed with honey. Only after kneading this mixture well, cabbage juice is added to it.

When the volume of the mixture increases two to three times, the mask is applied to the face. Withstand half an hour, wash off with plain water, but it is better to do it with cabbage juice.

The use of cabbage brine

In the process of salting cabbage, fermentation occurs, as a result of which natural acids are formed. They have a good effect on the skin, reduce the production of adipose tissue by the subcutaneous glands, narrow the enlarged pores. Their effect is similar to surface gentle peeling. Acid helps to lighten the skin, eliminate age spots and freckles.

Cabbage brine can be used in its pure form, without additional components. It is used instead of a tonic, every day before washing with brine, they wipe the face. The brine is left on the skin for no longer than 2-3 minutes, then washed with plain water.

Such procedures tone the skin, increase elasticity, help hide freckles and other spots, narrow pores.

  • Brine compress

You can enhance the effect of cabbage brine on the skin with the help of compresses. Moisten a cotton pad or swab in the brine, use it to apply the brine liberally on the face. Leave for fifteen minutes.

To make the effect of the procedure more vivid, the face after applying the brine should be covered with cling film or a napkin made of natural fabric (with cuts for the eyes, nose and mouth). After fifteen minutes, the mask is washed off, and the faces are washed first with warm water and then cold. After the procedure, a cream with a moisturizing effect is applied.

Procedures are carried out once a week. The course should not exceed 15 procedures.

Cabbage masks are an effective and at the same time affordable way of facial skin care. They nourish, refresh, tighten the skin, lighten pigmentation. At the same time, they act gently, without causing side effects.