What to do if your wife cheated on you. Behavior of a woman after her betrayal. Constant delays at work

Cheating wife is one of the most painful topics that experienced psychologists talk to their patients about. Strong, courageous, self-confident men are often lost in such a situation and do not know how to behave, what measures to take, how to act. It is difficult for them to imagine that such a thing could happen.

After all, the betrayal of a wife is a betrayal of the closest person. In many families, spouses have lived in perfect harmony for decades, and the man never had any reason not to trust his wife. Having learned about what happened, not every man is able to soberly assess the situation on his own. They will help you make a decision, understanding what to do, the advice of a psychologist. An experienced specialist will tell you what actions should be avoided.

Faced with such a problem as cheating on his wife, most men do not hesitate to take the most extreme measures.

Someone, unable to restrain himself, dissolves his hands, someone offends, someone leaves slamming the door, or puts an unfaithful spouse out the door. Of course, it is difficult to contain emotions, but there are things that should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Being confident in his full power and absolute authority, the spouse is not even ready to imagine that his wife is capable of treason. The first reaction caused by such news is anger. He is sometimes indomitable, and it seems impossible to restrain himself, as it seems. But is it? Is it worth giving in negative emotions? How to pull yourself together?

It is difficult, but you need to understand that you cannot act and make any decisions in a fit of anger.

Not allowed:

  • make a noisy scandal;
  • unravel your hands;
  • insult your spouse
  • try to understand the situation in the presence of children;
  • seek solace in wine or the arms of other women.

All this will not help to find a way out of the current situation, but will only aggravate it. A quarrel and scandal with a violent showdown and promises of imminent punishment will not help solve the problem. In this form, the husband and father can only push away both the children and the unfaithful wife from themselves, giving her a reason to think that she, albeit wrong, but not in vain, did just that. You can't show your arrogance. There is no need to try to blame the spouse for everything, even when there is no strength to remain silent.

A man by nature is a hunter, earner, head of the family.

He is sure that a woman should obey him in everything, unquestioningly obey. He cannot even imagine that his wife, life partner, soulmate, could pay attention to someone other than him.

Complaining about what happened to friends means admitting defeat. Therefore, such conversations should also be refrained from. Alcohol won't help either. Alcohol will cause you to lose control of your emotions. Anger and resentment can take over the mind, and the consequences will be sad.

Another mistake that some men make when they find out that their wife has cheated is the desire to arouse pity and ask them not to leave, to stay. They promise to forgive and forget everything, hoping that the woman will change her attitude towards him. It is impossible to agree that it is he, the husband, who is to blame for what happened.

That he himself pushed her to take decisive action or provoked such a development of events.

How to behave after the betrayal of his wife, each man decides on his own, but it is better to try to calm down, if you even need to leave for a while, leaving your spouse alone. This is the time to reflect on what happened.

Try to understand what made the wife act this way. Most often, the fact that the wife is cheating is the fault of the man himself. In all quarrels that occur in the family, two are always to blame.

What preceded female infidelity? Why did she think that there was someone nearby better than a husband, and why is it better? It is not easy to accept the fact of betrayal, but if this has already happened, it remains only to figure it out, find the reasons, and only after that make a responsible decision. Serious conversation will definitely happen. During the conversation, you will have to listen to the arguments that the wife will give, ask questions and get answers to them.

In order for the decision to be fair and correct, you need to understand what happened between the spouses?

Maybe the husband stopped understanding his beloved, and this offended her? Maybe she lacked elementary attention or respect?

A cheating wife cannot be justified, just like a husband's infidelity, but there is a reason for such behavior. She needs to be found out. All this is necessary if a man has made a decision for himself and is ready for a lot to save his family.

Talking with friends about cheating on your wife will not lead to anything good. Discussion behind the back will hurt painfully, pity from comrades is humiliating. And the very recognition that someone has become closer to a wife than her husband, with whom she has lived for so many years, does not do honor to a man. The betrayal of a wife is one of the most powerful blows that can strike, unbalance any man.

Before making an important decision, you need to make sure that there really was a betrayal.

Perhaps this is just a rumor or gossip. Most men ask their wives by looking into their eyes.

In 30% of cases, women admit to cheating themselves, but more often, trying to avoid unpleasant conversations or divorce, they deny the fact of cheating. If the husband decided to verify the veracity of the words spoken by his wife, he will certainly require evidence.

The wife who failed to present them will sooner or later stop making excuses and agree with the accusation. According to statistics, only 25% of men who survived the betrayal of their wife left the family. Most still remain, having decided to forgive their spouse. This may be due to the presence of children or unwillingness to part with a loved one.

It is important that forgiveness be sincere, otherwise, in a few years, the family will break up and the spouses will part.

Leave or save the family

What to do if the wife cheated on her husband? How to come to terms with what happened, and is it worth it? Maybe it's easier to break off relations and dissolve the marriage? Psychological advice can help.

An experienced specialist in the field of psychology will help the spouses understand each other, survive difficult period V family life, put everything back in its place and restore trust and love. Not every man is ready to end a relationship. Many strive to save the family and for this they are ready to forgive the wife who betrayed love.

To begin with, it is worth secluded and think it over well, analyze the current situation in order to understand not only what pushed her to betrayal, but also how much her husband loves his wife.

If the feeling is so deep that he is ready to forgive betrayal, then it makes sense to try to save the family.

You need to remember everything that could offend your spouse:

  1. Maybe in the past the husband had a mistress, and the wife, knowing about her existence, was silent and endured. Now the time has come when the resentment surfaced.
  2. The husband did not pay enough attention to his wife. Love has become a habit; life, problems at work, financial difficulties made the man irritable and constantly tired. Coming home, he only tried to lie down on the sofa, refused to talk, was not kind and affectionate.
  3. When a wife realizes that over the years, interest in her as a woman has disappeared. Women are acutely aware of such changes. Their self-esteem falls, and if someone else pays attention to her, makes insignificant gifts, compliments, shows concern, a woman involuntarily reaches out to such a person.
  4. Very often the reason female infidelity becomes sexual dissatisfaction. Habitual rare sex, boredom in the matrimonial bedroom, lack of passion in relationships lead to the fact that a woman begins to look for the missing attention on the side.
  5. It is possible that the wife was not going to change. Met a person from the past or a sudden feeling broke out. But falling in love or a fleeting infatuation cannot be considered a reason for breaking up relationships and breaking up a family.

Psychologists say that such a situation is an opportunity to test your feelings and make sure of their strength and stability.

True love does not fade with age. She changes from passion to respect and care. However, even a psychologist with many years of experience and work experience will not be able to help if a man cannot or does not want to forget the betrayal.

He is not going to forgive, he is not in the mood for revenge, but he does not intend to stay close to his wife who has cheated on him. How to do the right thing? Perhaps forgiveness will be the surest solution, but in this case, the husband must be sure that the wife is striving for the same.

She does not want to part with her beloved spouse, does not intend to lose her family, her connection on the side was fleeting. The question is different. Most men are not able to wholeheartedly forgive betrayal, forget and live as before, talking about love, trusting, enjoying life. As psychologists say, trying to change your wife, try to change yourself. If the cause of what happened was a lack of attention, then the situation is easy to fix.

It must be remembered that next to a man is not a housekeeper and a cook, but a beloved and desired woman.

Give flowers more often and say kind things, sweet words. If the reason is in the environment of the spouse (girlfriends, parents, employees), cope with pressing problem will be more difficult.

A loving husband who is ready to forgive betrayal for the sake of preserving the family will have to prove his worth not only to his wife, but also to those who are close to her and sometimes turn her against her husband.

Another way to save a family and return a loved one is to understand what the opponent’s advantage is. Young lovers are passionate, tireless, active. It is interesting and fun with them, and most importantly, next to a lover there is no need to think about everyday problems. And this problem can be solved. It is enough more often to give the wife the opportunity to escape from problems and worries, surrounding her with attention and love.

All these actions are necessary only if the man is determined to save the family. A loving husband is willing to do anything to keep his wife and children by his side. It all depends on how much he loves.

Not all men are ready to forgive betrayal and live with a wife who once betrayed. To continue to live as a family after the betrayal of his wife, you need to find the strength not to remember what happened.

Forgiving is harder than revenge or just leaving. In order not to remember grievances, you need to learn to boldly look into the future, not looking back. Will be able to return his beloved wife for real loving husband. Life continues after infidelity, despite the fact that the relationship between spouses will never be the same again.

In 40% of cases, after the betrayal of the wife, the surviving families continue to exist for a long time, but especially in the first years after reconciliation, the spouses experience a second honeymoon. They both realize that they were literally on the edge, could lose the most precious thing, stay away from the close and native person. Often, husbands and wives simply keep silent about the existing problem, not solving it to the end and staying together for the sake of the children.

But such families sooner or later still break up. And children in such a union cannot be happy, feeling tense relations between their parents.

Yes, life goes on, and after the betrayal of his wife, only the husband can decide on the need and possibility of preserving the family:

  1. There is not always evidence of infidelity. Sometimes the wife does not consider it necessary or does not want to confess what she has done, denying all the accusations against her. Perhaps it's for the best. If there are no witnesses to the connection on the side, then you should not tell your husband about it. A woman herself is recognized only when the present has taken possession of her. sincere feeling. In this case, there is no need to try to save what is already lost.
  2. Does the wife repent and is ready to do anything to save the relationship? Perhaps you should go for it. Even if it is difficult to forgive and it seems impossible to forgive. A strong loving husband is capable of a noble deed. He is ready to give a chance to correct the mistake and restore trust. The situation is much more complicated if the betrayal of the wife is a retaliatory action committed after the revealed betrayal of the husband. Although not a single man considers himself a traitor, because each of them is a male, a hunter by nature. Women see it differently.
  3. If a woman decided to cheat because her husband is prone to constant scandals and not a day passes without quarrels, so blaming her for betrayal is, at least, stupid. You need to start with yourself. By changing his attitude towards his wife and children, the husband will change their attitude towards himself.
  4. Revenge by treason for treason is not a way out. Both cannot forgive and leave grievances in the past? It is better to calmly leave, leave your spouse in her world, closing the door behind you. The choice after the betrayal of his wife remains with the man. It is he who has to take a step towards or step aside.
  5. If relatives and friends know about the betrayal of the wife, then the husband will have to withstand enormous pressure from the outside. Surely after the statement that he decided to save the family, the man will be accused of lack of character, softness, inability to stand his ground, remain independent and maintain pride. Only those who truly love and value their family can withstand such pressure.

It is important not to succumb to persuasion, not to plunge headlong into your own grief, not to try to drown him in wine and not to go on a spree.

Is there life after betrayal?

A man is a representative of the strong half of humanity, this must be remembered even in the most difficult situations And don't lose your self-respect.

Having made a decision, you need to stand your ground until the end. Changing your mind under the pressure of others, you can finally lose the trust and respect of not only your spouse, but also friends, children, relatives and people close to you. Having decided to do everything necessary to save the family, you should think about what level the relationship with your wife will go to. Send your thoughts and desires to right direction and forget about what happened. Perhaps, for this, it will even be necessary to break off friendship with some of the comrades who will not understand decision. A man who forgives his wife's betrayal will not be easy. But he knows exactly what is more important for him, and stubbornly goes to his goal. By proving to his wife that she is still loved, the husband will be able to return her love, loyalty and devotion, as in happy years. Isn't it the way you think?

Treason is ugly in any of its manifestations, regardless of who, to whom and how cheated. Women are frustrated by infidelity, unsettled by a walking wife.

What to do if your wife cheated

When such grief happens in a family, one should not give in to emotions, although this is quite difficult. It is better to retire, calm down and think things through. Sometimes deceived husbands cut in the heat of the moment, do things and say words that hurt even unfaithful wives. And the worst thing is that what was done in anger can no longer be changed, and this in no way paints a person.

If you have convicted your wife of infidelity:

  1. Retire. You can not go to bars, to friends and even more so to girlfriends. Alcohol will not help, but will only aggravate the situation.
  2. Understand your feelings for your wife, those that you experienced for her earlier, when you did not yet know the bad news. This will help you understand how much this person is dear to you.
  3. Weigh everything possible ways reconciliation and change. Breaking up is much easier than trying to stay together.
  4. If it hurts you so much that it’s impossible to think about continuing the relationship, then try to at least adequately get out of this situation. You should not poison your life with hatred and anger towards a person who is not worthy of any emotions at all.
  5. Find out what caused the infidelity. If elementary promiscuity - it is better to leave. If the wife fell in love, think, it could well happen to you, then you need and you can fight for her return to the family.

Female betrayal reasons

They have two faces: the first - unsightly - is licentiousness and a tendency to infidelity both in the presence of a beloved man and in his absence, the second face is love. Most often, wives cheat on their husbands because they met another person. It could be like sincere faith in the fact that this is her only, and indeed a real second half. Not everyone and not always marry for love, and sometimes they meet her much later, already burdened by family ties.

What to do if your wife cheated? Base your actions on what was the reason for her infidelity. There are marriages in which there is never cheating, but there are also those in which spouses provide each other complete freedom. Polygamy is accepted among Muslims; in the north, among the local population, one can meet families where one wife has several husbands. is still in place. Do not give in to panic and look with caution at others. You can not listen to other people's advice, only your heart and mind will help you find a true way out of this situation.

Bring back a loved one

What to do if your wife cheated? Understand the cause of what happened, forgive her and return her to the family. Many men are quite sensitive to female infidelity. they leave their wives, and then, a little later, they themselves come to make peace. You should always give your women a second chance, parting is such a thing that can cross out everything. The wife has already tried another world, without you, and who knows: if you turn away from her, perhaps she will be happy there too. If your love for her is the strongest, then you know what to do. If your wife cheated, you can go down the dubious path of revenge, or you can forgive each other and live happily ever after.

Cheating on a marriage partner remains the main reason why couples break up after years of being together. But not everyone decides to break up after they find out about adultery. Let's take a closer look at how to be guided by a husband who found out about treason. So, what to do - the wife is cheating on her husband?

Calm, only calm

Emotions can overwhelm a husband who has learned about his wife's infidelity. Indeed, cheating puts your relationship at risk. But, having calmed down, some men forgive betrayal, which strengthens the marriage bond.

What to think about if you find out that your wife has cheated on you:

  • is betrayal a trait of her character, or was it just a careless and not deliberate step on her part (perhaps under the influence of alcohol);
  • whether there are mitigating factors: extreme stress, desire for revenge, and so on;
  • is cheating a consequence of the fact that your relationship has cooled;
  • how the wife relates to what happened: she denies her guilt and shifts it to you, or she admits her guilt and is ready to work to strengthen marital ties;
  • are you ready to forgive the guilty party, or will cheating constantly remind you of yourself, so not normal family relationships will not be possible.

If you are on your own this moment not able to think calmly, it is possible to involve a third party in the discussion. Eg, experienced psychologist can help you to resume calm communication with your spouse.

Break up or forgive

Most often, the family breaks up if the wife has changed. What to do if you want to save the marriage? Try your best to avoid cheating again. Perhaps she showed the weaknesses of marriage. Try to strengthen these sides. Spend more time with your spouse and children. Joint rest and common interests unite. Find time to calmly discuss the events and news that have accumulated over the past day. Don't be so busy with work or play that you don't have time to just chat over a cup of tea or at the dinner table.

Wife changed! What to do: maybe forgive? Remember, if you are determined to restore relations, never blame your wife for cheating - this will only aggravate the situation. Learn to calmly express your feelings, and over time you will notice that the resentment and anger that you experienced after the betrayal will cause you less and less pain and eventually completely disappear. Although cheating on a life partner is not good, it can lead to the fact that your family will become stronger than before the betrayal.

If the emotional wound is so serious that it does not allow you to continue to calmly exist with the person who has changed you, if you see that, despite all your efforts, your wife continues to cheat on you, then the decision to leave may be the best in this situation. Either way, a decision needs to be made. It is clear that this is not an easy question. Especially if you have more than one year behind you. life together. Therefore, do not rush, try to think everything over carefully after the first wave of emotions subsides. And consistently act according to the decision you have made. Your well-meaning friends may advise you to make a variety of decisions, but the decision itself and the responsibility for the consequences are yours alone.

Loving people, entering into marriage, hope: their relationship will forever remain honest, clean, and there will be no third superfluous in them. Men, but often, tormented by doubts and suspicions, they do not know how to reliably find out, and at the same time not destroy a love union. In this article, we will try to answer the following questions:

  • how to find out with an accuracy of up to 100% whether the wife is cheating?
  • What are the main signs of infidelity?
  • What if the betrayal has already happened?

First of all, it is necessary to understand: why doubts about the fidelity of the wife crept in right now. What was the impetus for suspicion? There are rare cases when a woman looks to the side if everything is in order in the family. And therefore, in order to understand whether there could be a betrayal, it is necessary to look at the relationship from a distance and objectively.

Possible reasons

There may be a mass

Indirect signs of treason

Men are careless external change their halves, and after all, by modifications, one can calculate the betrayal of his wife. There are about 15 items.

  • The first sign: the wife is in the clouds. Thoughtful, dreamy look, wandering smile, moist eyes. He laughs, then cries, not explaining the reasons for the surging emotions.
  • The woman began to carefully monitor the appearance. New hairstyle, always wearing makeup, signed up for a fitness center, beautiful underwear.
  • Previously, the wife threw the phone, without hesitation, in a conspicuous place, but now she does not let go, passwords social networks changed, secrets appeared - serious occasion to think. Now he doesn’t chat with a girlfriend on the phone in front of you, but retires to the bathroom and answers in telephone conversations monosyllable. Even worse, the wife decided sometimes to stay overnight with a friend or sister. At the right moment, neither a friend nor a wife can be reached by phone, and only after some time the wife calls back from her mobile phone.
  • Darling began to stay late at work more often, meet friends outside the home, social hobbies appeared, although earlier the wife loved to spend time with her family. On the proposal to meet with work reacts negatively.
  • Changed sexual behavior. Having fallen in love with another man, a woman often tries to distance herself from marital obligations. There are a lot of reasons why sex will definitely be tomorrow, but not now: the woman is tired, her head hurts, she is upset about something, and so on. Sex itself changes, the woman leads in bed not like before.
  • Appeared criticality, irritability. The wife “nags” her husband because of trifles, makes a lot of claims, does not thank for the good, but notices the bad.
  • Indifference. A woman does not care when a man returns home, his well-being, how things are progressing at work, she no longer cares if a man pays attention to other women.
  • Admiration for others. A mysterious colleague, friend, husband of a friend appears in the conversation, who turns out to be smart, olfactory, and hardworking. At the same time, the wife each time clarifies that she has only friendly relations with this man, friendly relations and as a man he does not attract her. This does not mean that the wife is already cheating, but still you should be wary.


To accuse his wife of treason indirect signs few. Therefore, you need to pay attention to physiological signs. So, how to find out if there was a betrayal by the body?

  • girl in Once again stayed at work. When the wife comes home, look at her appearance : disheveled hairstyle, tights with arrows, rumpled clothes, swollen lips - signs of treason.
  • Worth a look on the face. In women, after touching the male stubble, there is irritation. If there were kisses with another man, then it will be noticeable.
  • In close contact with a lover a woman absorbs his scents. Men's Eau de Toilette, body odor, if they are alien - noticeable. If there was sex, then the woman smells specifically: this is the smell of lubricant and sperm. But even if the wife does not smell of anything, as if she had recently left the shower, it is strange. How to check without giving unusual interest? Meet your wife at the door, hug, kiss, inhale the scent of skin, hair, body.
  • If the wife went home and took a shower, offer your help: rub your back. After sex, there will be redness, bites on the body, especially in the chest, thighs, arms.

Evidence of treason

But there are ways that allow you to be 100% sure that a girl is unfaithful. How can you be sure your wife is cheating?

  • Can you tell cheating by your underpants? Yes. There is a special set of infidelities: within 72 hours after a possible betrayal, you need to take your wife's underwear and take it to the laboratory.

Fact: after sex, fluid with sperm elements is released from the woman's genitals for another three days.

Cheating Proven

Before convicting your wife of cheating, you should talk frankly with yourself: are you ready to leave, are you ready for,. Is it not your fault that your spouse has cooled off towards you and began to look to the side? Do you love her even after the betrayal, or now you can’t live with her under the same roof? How serious was her affair? How to understand the act of his wife? What to do now?

First, sit down and talk. Find out how important these relationships outside the family are to her. Then it all depends on how you feel: if pain and resentment overpower past feelings to your beloved, then you need to disperse. Because constant reproaches still will not allow you to return a sincere love relationship.

It may turn out that the wife herself wants to go to her lover. And you also need to be prepared for this. For some, this blow may be harder than betrayal. But if the decision is made to stay together and continue to build family relationships, then serious efforts will have to be made to restore trust and understanding. You may need the help of a psychologist. But in any case, marriage will have to change a lot. This is a difficult traumatic situation for everyone. The choice is yours.

video consultation

Ten signs from Alexander Samsonov.

The feeling of guilt after an accidental betrayal quite often visits a woman. And since she likes to wind everything up, and constantly conducts internal monologues, the internal conflict is often brought out. Therefore, sharp mood swings are possible, and a woman often declares that she wants to be alone. The thing is that she is trying to understand herself, to understand what she really wants.

If you see that something is wrong with your wife, and she is trying to move away from you, then this is quite danger sign. All of the above may be in response to accidental infidelity. But it can also be signs that betrayal is not accidental, and a woman feels the awakening of love for another person. Or, on the contrary, it is not love for another man that awakens, but love for you dies. A third option is also possible - when everything takes place at the same time.

Signs that a woman has fallen out of love

If irritability directed at you is added to the signs that were indicated above, then be sure that you serious problems. If your wife finds fault with you for any reason and even for no reason, if absolutely any action or word on your part causes irritation, if she abruptly pulls away when you try to touch her, hug her, then her love really fades away. Only a miracle can save the situation, or a joint trip to a psychologist.

But normal man when he sees all this, first of all the question arises about the presence of an opponent. Well, they can help here. the following signs: a woman is often absent from home, and either does not give explanations for this at all, or they are rather vague. At home she provides increased attention children, and attentive husband will notice something new in this communication, some kind of tragic overtones. This feeling of guilt towards children.

At the same time, her eyes shine again, just like when you were in love with each other. She gets new things, she changes her hairstyle. She gets sexy. And if you do nothing, then very soon your marriage will come to an end.

How to forgive the betrayal of his wife and keep her?

It will be difficult for you to understand that when a woman falls in love, she believes that she is cheating on her beloved with you, her legal husband, and not vice versa. But if you do understand this, you will find the key to solving the problem. Of course, there are women who simply do not know how to be faithful to one man. There are nymphomaniacs. There are women who choose their partner wisely. And in each case, betrayal will be something else, and forgiveness is in question.

Can you forgive? Men hardly forgive betrayal, and only if they truly love. So ask yourself if this woman is the right one for you. Are you happy with her? Maybe both of you are unhappy? If you are sure that you love, then start by showing her your pain and resentment. But not by aggression, but by the fact that your love is humiliated. If anything can bring a woman back, it's love. Not coercion, not profit, but a guarantee that she will be loved and desired.

Give her a shake, let the adrenaline find a way out, but bypassing the path of violence. You need a big heart-to-heart talk. You should listen to everything she wants to tell you, most likely a very long time ago. But you should also tell her what you think.

Children are a powerful factor in this conflict, because in a woman a sense of guilt smolders in front of them. You can use it, but on the contrary - a family vacation with everything that goes with it. Show her the value of the family, the value of what you have created. Try to make her feel like she's missing something important. Make her want YOU back when you were one with her. Also, a woman is always affected if her man "marks the territory." Demonstrate that she is your woman, the only one, and that you are ready to fight for her, even if the whole world is against it.