What gives a woman cheating on her husband. Why a woman cheats on her husband - psychology and causes of female infidelity

As a rule, a woman cheats less often than a male, this is due to the desire to gain a foothold, gain stability, create a quiet, calm family atmosphere. There are 10 signs of female infidelity that are very easy to recognize.

An important role is played by stereotypes about the “unfortunate fate”, that every girl dreams of a white dress, her vocation to give birth to children and do household chores. Modern society is more free in terms of choice, looks at things more realistically, assesses the situation sensibly and is not ashamed to really live one's own life with one's own mistakes, victories, defeats, without anyone's advice. It is worth understanding that a woman is more whimsical in terms of betrayal. It is much more difficult to seduce her if she does such an act, most likely, behind this lies not only sexual attraction, but also something more, which, perhaps, will make adjustments or even lead to the breakup of marriage.

Most guys are sure that sooner or later they will have to face such an unpleasant fact as adultery, it's only a matter of time. Most often, husbands reveal female infidelity after this news has long been known to all close circle. Early or hasty marriages are rarely crowned with success, these things should be treated not only as a beautiful ceremony, celebration, but also a great responsibility, which brings with it the routine, responsibility and many duties to another member of society.

It is generally accepted that a man is polygamous by nature. He needs a lot of ladies to get variety, new emotions, impressions, only pleasure at the physiological level, the logic is simple: there are no feelings - there is no betrayal, but when it comes to their halves, then, alas, this is an irreparable step, which cannot be closed in any way . It doesn't matter whether a guy or a young lady betrays, in any situation the outcome will depend only on the perception, character, temperament, interests of both parties.

Naturally, you don't want to make a fool of yourself, but how to determine a woman's infidelity? - In fact, it is extremely easy to recognize a woman who is cheating, for this you do not need to be a psychologist, use tricks, tricks, it is enough to show a little patience, observation, focus on the image and behavior of your soulmate. If she is cheating on you, there are commonalities that strongly indicate signs of infidelity.

Signs of betrayal

It will not be difficult for an attentive partner to detect signs of female infidelity, or at least a few of them. There are ten main signs, with their help, you can declassify a woman's infidelity. The primary aspects that indicate how to recognize treason:

  • Variety in sexual relations. Most often, a couple who has been married for a long time has managed to study the nuances, subtleties of each other, even if there is diversity, intimate experiments - a behavior model is visible. Sudden looseness, desire, the desire to comprehend something new, role-playing games, innovation in poses may indicate the presence of a new chosen one in the life of your lady of the heart.
  • Of course, life changes a person, takes a lot of time, effort, he becomes tired and completely forgets about appearance. It is extremely difficult to look perfect when you have a lot of work, duties, work. And so the need disappears, because the hubby is always there, he saw in any form: sleepy, not made up, tired, exhausted, but from this he did not stop loving less, because the main thing is not the appearance, but the soul mate is nearby. Changes in the image: hairstyles, cosmetics, perfume, clothing style can mean that a loved one is trying to interest someone.
  • It's no secret that there are very stubborn girls who must control every minute, be aware of the course of action, the slightest movements, changes, well-being. Of course, this is nice, any of us will only be glad that someone is sincerely interested in him, wants to know, listen to everything in detail, in detail, but sometimes this already goes beyond even the most multifaceted patience. The slightest misunderstandings, misunderstandings, delays can end in a grandiose scandal, statements, hysteria, given that no one can stand this, the fact that such antics will be stopped will be very pleasing. It is important to emphasize - this is far from always a reason for joy, pride because you finally got through, gained peace, mutual understanding; sometimes, on the contrary, is this a cause for alarm, if Madame is simply cheating on her husband and she is not at all up to him?

  • Each individual must have their own personal time and free space, it should not be violated, but the frequent absence under the pretext of girlfriends, help, various meetings with old or new acquaintances makes one think, prompts zealous reasons. The easiest way is to keep calm one day to offer your help: to see off, to let you down, to ask for the presence at this meeting, at worst - to follow.
  • In cases where the girl returns and hurries to the bathroom, suspicions may creep in that the smells of another man exude from her. The haste is explained by the desire to hide, disguise smells. I wonder what will be the reaction, upon meeting from the threshold, with a proposal for a romantic dinner with a continuation in the bedroom? - Pay close attention to the reaction.
  • Abrupt changes are not always a reason for joy, pride. Ladies always need help and attention, if she refuses to take walks together, she says that she will get to her destination on her own, and then she will be late on business, go to her friend, meet with an old acquaintance, most likely, someone else will accompany her husband.
  • The young ladies have a more developed sense of jealousy, but sometimes, it already goes beyond, if suddenly the lady of the heart becomes very quick-tempered, sees competitors everywhere, then this may indicate that she herself has tried betrayal, and the feeling of oppressive guilt does not leave you alone. Paranoia begins when a person himself is not completely honest and frank.
  • Perhaps excessive mystery paints the girl, but not when her own husband knows nothing about her, she stopped talking about her difficulties, work changes, where she was and whom she saw. Ladies are very emotional, to calm them down they always need to talk to someone. She does not answer questions, she does not tell anything, what is there to think?

  • Irritability and indifference do not always indicate stress, depression or resentment, most likely, there are no more feelings.
  • Couples who have been married for a long time know each other so perfectly that they cannot deceive even if they wish, they feel everything at the level of intuition, subconsciousness. A direct question in this case often leads to a stupor and the partner simply will not find an answer to it, will not be able to make excuses. Direct reasons and reasons are not necessary, but the obsessive pursuit of thoughts about “going to the left” certainly has a chance to come true, so it’s worth understanding any details, clarifying understatements, misunderstandings, looking for answers to questions and come to a unanimous agreement.

Happiness is in the details

One of the items on the list is not yet a reliable basis for accusations of infidelity, so excessive suspicions also do not lead to good consequences. It also happens that one of the spouses is very afraid of losing the other half and begins to look for deliberate reasons to find fault. In addition to the main reasons indicating adultery, there are minor nuances of the type:

  • Panic obsession with the perfect appearance from the elastic athletic body and ending with the never-ending additions to the wardrobe.
  • Stupor at an elementary question, confusion, secrecy.
  • Desire, looking for excuses to leave home.
  • Pickiness, reasons for quarrels, irritability, a statement on any trifle may be caused by the desire to break off relations.
  • Joint life moves sexual satisfaction to the background, of course, sex becomes rarer, this is normal, but its complete absence already indicates the appearance of someone else in life, interest and need for a husband as a partner automatically disappears.
  • Work cover. The most banal, common excuse - work, constant lateness, delays for no apparent reason are a serious cause for concern.
  • Not a minute without a phone. Why carry it around all the time, run away every time someone calls or stare at the screen for a long time and smile?
  • Excessive jealousy or lack of it. If this feeling manifests itself, then everything is not lost, the spouse is very tormented by guilt for the actions committed, and she is afraid of the same actions on your part. When jealousy is completely absent, there is only one conclusion - you are no longer interested, she plunged headlong into her lover, who will easily soon become a new legal replacement.
  • The traitor always devotes little time to her close circle, her family, this is due to the fact that she feels errors, obligations, is afraid of being exposed, seeing them, constantly replays situations in her head, often becomes depressed, stressed, becomes more withdrawn.
  • Fictitious friends, weekly delays, meetings, celebrations, bachelorette parties, which is typical: on the same days.
  • Stealth is very alarming, the cheater tries to disguise herself, not to leave personal things unattended: phone, open social pages. networks. It all looks at least very strange and immediately catches the eye, therefore, with a normal reaction to such behavior: what's the matter, what happened? - In response, only awkward fear, excitement, embarrassment.

  • Use of various perfumes. Some favorite perfumes can be replaced by several fragrances at once. Thus, you can easily confuse and mislead, there will be no questions about extraneous flavors, because everything is quite understandable.

Way out

The main thing is to treat everything with a positive attitude and to understand that everything in the world comes and goes. Perhaps it's just paranoia, the fear that you can easily be replaced by another? It is logical that no one wants to go “horny”, so there are only two solutions: the first is to figure it out, understand the reason, talk heart to heart and, possibly, improve relations. The second is to understand that the offense will not recede, to demand a divorce. Whatever the decision, both there and there there are pluses and minuses. It is worth coming to conclusions only in a calm state, when emotions recede, give vent to glimpses of common sense.

Each of us has the right to make a mistake, but at the same time we are obliged to admit it, and not to place the blame on everyone except ourselves. You should not force yourself, listen to outside advice, it is important to do as you want, the only adviser is your own heart. 10 signs of female infidelity can only serve as an indirect accusation, do not panic, pounce with clarifications, there are ordinary coincidences. Everyone needs an individual approach, think, talk, find out and find a common compromise, because often both spouses are to blame in the current conditions.


The conventional wisdom asserts that a woman by nature is a monogamous creature; her purpose is to keep the family, give birth and raise children. However, adultery happens on the part of women. Why do women cheat?

And really - why? It would seem clear that betrayal does not contribute to the harmonization of your relationship, but will only confuse them even more, although you may receive some temporary satisfaction of your problems. So what pushes women to cheat, forcing them to go against their natural destiny to be a wife and mother?

Why do women cheat on men?

Sometimes a woman's infidelity is due to the fact that she begins to enjoy increased attention from her boss at work.

This happens quite often if the woman is young and beautiful. And it is very difficult to sacrifice a good position and a high salary, because if a woman does not accept the courtship of her boss, she will only have to quit. Such a betrayal can be called forced and, as a rule, it is very burdensome for a woman.

A completely different type of infidelity occurs when a woman is looking for a new boyfriend or lover because she cannot satisfy her craving for a luxurious life with you. She dreams of being showered with flowers and taken to Paris for the weekend, and you give her a stunted rose on weekends and the most you can offer is a trip to the country house to her grandmother.

At the same time, she can really love you, but .. She likes Paris more. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Sometimes a woman cheats because she wants to take revenge on you. Perhaps you cheated on her, and she harbored a grudge. Or maybe you're just not giving her the attention she thinks she deserves. As a result, the woman changed.

· But most often women cheat because you can't or don't want to satisfy her sexually. Have you ever tried to talk to your woman about this topic? What do you even know about her sexual preferences and fantasies?

Many men would be quite surprised if they knew how much their girlfriends think about sex, where and how they would prefer to do it, and what exactly turns them on. Men do not even think about why a woman herself never approaches them with these proposals. But it is very difficult for her to cross the invisible border and open up. Some husbands don't even consider whether their wife actually had an orgasm or was just faking it.

In general, if you recognize yourself in this paragraph, it's time for you to think.

Why did a woman cheat on a man

How we are accustomed to the idea that treason is the lot of men, and a married woman does not need extraneous connections. Many psychologists confidently say that women cheat for two reasons. First, she fell in love. The second - she wants her husband to be jealous of her. It is strange that women themselves sometimes cannot clearly answer the question of why their wives cheat.

Anonymous questioning, as a rule, does not give clear, and most importantly, correct results. Following the responses from this type of survey, both married women and married men, many experts can conclude that men cheat more often. During their family life, about 7-9 novels happen. Women in their anonymous questionnaires note that during their life together with their husband, 1-3 side romances happen.

But who said that questioning, although anonymous, is a way to find out the truth? Interesting research was carried out in England, with the help of ultra-precise and sensitive equipment. They were able to reveal that every ninth child does not belong to the woman's lawful husband. As it turned out later, more than half of these random connections took place during the period of ovulation.

In these few days, the attraction of lovely ladies reaches its climax. This is how nature intended it, probably so that the human race would not die out. And no one clarified to her that it would be advisable for the attraction to extend only to her husband. And some scientists claim that women have an "infidelity gene." And it is during the period of ovulation that it is activated. Well, it's kind of like when alcoholics claim they have a vicious alcoholism gene.

Why married women cheat

I also want to cite the results of a study by one scientist, which seemed surprising to me. About five years ago, this scientist decided to investigate whether it is true that the microflora of the genital organs of married women is much healthier than the flora of unmarried women. He also conducted his research on ultra-sensitive equipment, which helped him to discover, in the genitals of every fourth examined, except for the husband's spermatozoa, "foreign" spermatozoa that have a longer period.

The equipment made it possible to determine if “foreign” spermatozoa had entered a hundred days before the experiment, with great accuracy, up to 2-3 days. And again, these hits occurred during the period of ovulation. In the fourth part of the studied women, "foreign" spermatozoa, there were two or three varieties. In general, besides her husband, she came into close contact with several other men.

Unfortunately, what is very interesting to us, namely, intra-family relations of spouses, is not described in these experiments.

So what does it do? Can we, women, regardless of our relationship with our spouse, calmly “ventilate” on the side? And just because we're ovulating? Probably every woman is her own controller. And I believe that even a strong excited state can be controlled, whether it be ovulation or alcohol intoxication, if love reigns in your family.

A completely natural question: why do women cheat if a happily married woman enters into a dubious relationship on the side, and even more so, start an affair? So, not everything is going smoothly in the family.

After all, we know our abilities, right? And since we know that on the days of ovulation we, like wild ostriches, are looking for a mate, so why not sit at home and find pleasure where it should be - in a husband? If this does not happen, then something is wrong with the husband. I don't mean impotence, but an emotional connection with him. And if you have ever had sexual intercourse on the side, answer yourself, was it when the storm reigned in the house? Many patients at appointments with psychotherapists say that they have a strong desire to bend over to bed with another man when her husband greatly offends her.

Emotional wounds do not heal quickly. It is during this painful period that a woman can commit adultery, after which she will repent greatly. But the next time, when the husband allows to offend her again, he will again repeat the “turn to the left” ... A woman always strives for a family. Nature created her as the keeper of the hearth. And this instinct comes over the years to any of the fair sex. Therefore, whether it is ovulation or menstruation, she will definitely be near her husband if he loves and appreciates her.

Why do women cheat on their husbands

Over the years, sex in marriage fades. A couple, having enjoyed each other, enters into an intimate relationship with each other quite rarely. Our body, along with the mind, cools down, and lives in harmony. Of course, falling into the hands of something new, sexual potential increases, but not for long.

Also, over time, having had fun with a new individual, the body will say: this is enough, thank you. This means that it is impossible to spend your whole life in active sexuality (although there are exceptions to the rule here too). And it is normal that a couple does not make love eight times a day, as in the first year of marriage. And the fact that such a connection occurs rarely cannot be the reason for treason.

I believe that there is still no such physical or physiological indication for infidelity. All changes occur first in the head. It may be a long-forgotten insult, or it may be fresh. This is some kind of misunderstanding, or complete rejection by the spouse. This may be the betrayal of her husband, which refers to the section - resentment. Someone even thinks that if the husband has cheated, then I should cheat on him too. For everyone to be even.

But, answering evil for evil, in the equation you get - evil. I don’t know how you can forgive an unfaithful husband, but each one decides for herself. Some people forgive and some don't. And yet, going down the bar just to get revenge is a blow to itself. Still, if you really have sex, then only for pleasure, and not for revenge.

Will you then feel proud and confident? I think no. And the pain in the soul will not decrease.

Summing up, I want to say to jealous men: if you are afraid of your wife's betrayal, then love her and let her see it. After all, sometimes love lives so quietly next to us, then we don’t even notice it. And you need to show it to your soul mate more often. A beloved and loving woman does not need to look for someone. Well, there's just no need.

How to know if a woman is cheating

Yes, it happens that women cheat on their husbands. And her betrayal is much more serious than that of a man, because if a woman has already decided to change, then with a probability of 50% she will leave her husband and leave the family. But how do you know if a woman is cheating?

Psychologists believe that there are certain types of women whose betrayal is very likely. These are girls and women who, on the contrary, lacked parental attention, greatly spoiled by parental love. Women-careerists and women who are in constant search. As you can see, there are a lot of such types and far from a fact. That your wife will be an exemplary wife and mother.

Pay attention to whether she mentions the name of a man too often in conversations. Due to her emotionality, a woman cannot always restrain her emotions, and if her tongue flies off and on: Petya said or Sasha did, then you should think about it. Not the fact that the betrayal has already occurred, but such an enthusiastic attitude can be very fertile ground for her.

If your wife began to pay increased attention to her own appearance. No, it is clear that women already pay a lot of attention to her. But here we are talking about something even higher. She tries to change her hairstyle or style of clothing, constantly asks you how she looks, perhaps she begins to intensely look younger. All this suggests that she has an object for seduction, and this object, alas, is most likely not you. Most likely, while this is being done without far-reaching plans and even on a subconscious level. However, be vigilant.

Your spouse began to go away more and more often to the shops, then to a friend's birthday, or to visit a sick aunt. Traffic jams have turned into a real nightmare for your family, and buses and trams, including the metro, are experiencing a deep crisis? And all this mysteriously began to happen after meeting this mysterious Petya? It seems that your woman is cheating and you will soon have horns.

To find out, to find out that a woman is cheating, pay attention to her behavior in bed. If you notice obvious changes in him, for example, does she constantly push you away, or, on the contrary, began to show a truly delightful sexuality, which was not observed before? This probably indicates that something has changed in her sex life, and, apparently, you have absolutely nothing to do with it. Looks like it's time for you to think seriously.

Padding around the form

Of course, to forgive or not to forgive cheating on your woman is the personal choice of every man. But I believe that female infidelity cannot be forgiven, and if this happened, the relationship should be put an end to. And do not think that I am so implacable and tough. I perfectly understand that every person has the right to make mistakes, and these mistakes must be forgiven. But female adultery is not a mistake, but a betrayal. By cheating on her husband, a woman soils both herself and her family in mud. And most importantly, a relationship with a woman who is cheating has no prospects for the future, so there is no point in continuing this relationship. And here are the reasons why:

1. The fact of female infidelity inflicts a deep psychological trauma on a man, and no matter how a man deceives himself that he forgot everything and forgave the traitor - this is not forgotten and is not forgiven. And if a man, for the sake of maintaining a relationship, begins to shove his resentment deep into himself and pretend that nothing has happened, then by doing so he will destroy his “I” and cause damage to his own psyche, which is fraught with nervous breakdowns, bursts of unmotivated aggression, the acquisition of various complexes and sexual disorders. And all because by forgiving betrayal, a man signs his own male insolvency, he seems to agree and resign himself to the fact that he is an inferior male who cannot win and win back his female from other males. Yes, of course, people are not animals, but in this case it does not change anything. For any man, as you know, there is nothing more painful than to suffer a sexual fiasco. And when cheating on her man, a woman, by her betrayal, first of all calls into question his sexual abilities.

2. A woman who has cheated on a man at least once is no longer his woman. And not only because the hands (and not only the hands) of another man touched her. The fact is that a woman who has cheated on you once will change more than once or twice, especially if she understands that impunity is guaranteed to her. And do not expect a woman to appreciate your generosity, repent and never repeat what she did. As soon as she realizes that you are so afraid of losing her that you are ready to forgive even betrayal, she will openly cheat on you with everyone she sees fit, even with your friends, and thereby turn you into a miserable laughing stock. As a result, your status as a cuckold will become known to all your friends and acquaintances, and you will finally lose their respect.

3. The reasons for women's infidelity are very different from the reasons for men's infidelity. A man may well love his wife, be an exemplary husband, and at the same time sometimes go to the side. In the case of a woman, this is out of the question. It's about the psychological differences between men and women. Men clearly distinguish between sex and feelings and know how not to confuse one with the other, while in a woman these two concepts are combined. The average woman will never cheat on her man if she loves and respects him. Normal women are characterized by elementary disgust, so they can only have close relationships with men who are at least a little sympathetic. The only exceptions are nymphomaniac women, who, due to their physiological and psychological characteristics, do not care who they sleep with. So, if your woman cheated on you, then she either does not love you, or she is a promiscuous nymphomaniac. It seems to me that any of these two options is unacceptable for a self-respecting man!

4. Only an initially weak man can come to terms with the role of a cuckold, and weak men, as you know, women despise and trample on. It is not for nothing that tough, domineering men often enjoy great success with women, while women, as a rule, do not appreciate soft and weak men and ignore them. So, as soon as you forgive your woman for cheating, she will stop not only loving you, but also respecting you, with all the ensuing consequences. Do not leave her - she will leave you herself, and leave you for a man who will treat her in such a way that she simply does not dare to change him.

5. A woman capable of betrayal is also capable of the lowest betrayal. She will set you up, leave you and exchange you for another in the most difficult moment of your life. Therefore, even if you do not have strong jealousy and think that betrayal is not a reason to destroy a family, still think: do you need a woman whose help and support you can never count on, if some kind of trouble happens to you, for example, serious illness or bankruptcy. Not to mention the fact that a woman who cheats on you with her lover may well become pregnant from him, and then pass off someone else's child as yours. Do you want to raise and educate other people's children?

6. Even if a woman who has committed adultery regrets her deed over time, it still won’t save your relationship from inevitable collapse. The fact is that, wanting to find an explanation and justification for her betrayal, she will certainly begin to look for those responsible for what happened, and since women are generally not very inclined to objective self-criticism, she will not blame herself for her own betrayal. And guess who? Of course, it's you! Do not hesitate, she will come up with a bunch of excuses for herself in order to calm her conscience, but she will remember all your “sins” and as a result will come to the “logical” conclusion that it was you who, by your behavior, pushed her to treason.

So many men, continuing to love the traitor, make a typical mistake: they try to sincerely forgive the betrayal and start the relationship from scratch, pretending that nothing happened. To some extent, these men can be understood: it is not easy to cross out an established relationship in one fell swoop and tear out of the heart the one that was most beloved and dear. In addition, men for the most part are slaves of habits and do not like to drastically change the established way of life. Therefore, some men try to hush everything up, hoping that what they think is an accidental incident will be forgotten and will never happen again. It seems to me that this shows the weakness of modern men, who, for the sake of maintaining life comfort and peace, are ready to deceive themselves. And one more aspect - male conceit. Many men sincerely consider themselves unique supermen and simply cannot admit that their woman can stop loving them and prefer another man to them.

Having learned about the betrayal of a loved one, we are completely sincerely perplexed and cannot understand how this can happen. “We were so good together, we loved each other so much, I did so much for her! How could she?!” the cuckold wails tearfully. And like this: if she changed, then she didn’t love so much!

As life experience shows, a man's stubborn unwillingness to break up with a woman who has cheated on him and a pathetic clinging to a relationship with her are just attempts to delay the inevitable end, which will come sooner or later anyway. Your family died at the moment when your woman decided to cheat - and the sooner you realize this, the better.

He who betrays once, betrays twice. So, if you have nothing against wearing branched horns for many years of marriage, then please wear it - this is your personal choice. Well, if you are not a miserable henpecked man, but a self-respecting man, quickly say goodbye to the traitor, no matter how painful it is for you. Believe me: you are quite worthy to have a faithful, loving and devoted life partner next to you!

So many reasons not to forgive and only one reason to forgive:
Padding around the form

The infidelity of a woman in society is perceived as something out of the ordinary. When wives cheat, a man perceives it much stronger and more dramatically than in the opposite case. Unlike husbands, wives know how to carefully hide their love affairs. And if the woman herself does not want to admit the fact of infidelity, then no one will know anything for a long time. Women know how to perfectly manipulate the feelings of others, they act more often, relying on their own emotions than on logic. Why do wives cheat? Let's try to figure it out!

Why wives cheat: reasons

Constant conflicts

Wives change, first of all, when there is no mutual understanding in the family. Constant swearing and quarrels lead to open conflicts. When the confrontation continues for a significant period of time, it becomes difficult for a woman to restrain her feelings. Overwhelmed by resentment, bitterness, the desire to take revenge, to achieve due attention. The lack of respect, the desire to help each other gradually accumulates and, as a result, unspent negative energy needs to be put somewhere. An unsatisfactory relationship with her own husband often forces the wife to seek solace on the side. At the same time, most often, wives become strongly attached to their lover and try to build a serious relationship with him. But, of course, in most cases this fails. Husbands are often unaware that they are being deceived. Outwardly, the family continues to be quite prosperous, but inside there is a void that cannot be filled with anything. Men are not as sensitive to other people's feelings as ladies. When a person tries to understand the reasons why a family collapsed, he often cannot understand where happiness has gone, because it seemed so unshakable.


Resentment, especially long-term resentment, is a powerful thing that can destroy even the strongest and most trusting relationships. It can be compared to an unhealed wound that disturbs the soul again and again. Wives who find out about the betrayal of their husbands experience great suffering about this. Some, in a fit of despair, decide to take a retaliatory step - they cheat themselves in order to take revenge on the offender. Sometimes no one will know about the fact of infidelity, in other cases everything is done with the intention of immediately revealing the cards. Wives cheat in order to regain their peace of mind, to deal with the doubts that torment them. It is very difficult to stop hoping for the best, especially if the wife has lived with her husband for many years. The sudden news of betrayal can stun, knock out the ground under your feet. There are many reasons for infidelity, however, much depends on the behavior of the woman herself. Resentment sometimes overwhelms more than the most stormy relationships in which African passions boil. The psychology of the beautiful half of humanity is such that a woman constantly wants to feel the attention coming from a loved one. If there is no proper attention, there is no admiration, the wife feels abandoned, unnecessary. This is where the serious problems begin. And they are barriers to happiness.


Wives cheat because they're bored. Yes, there is such a reason. A bored wife who sits at home all the time feels some curiosity about how her friends live and how the world around her “breathes”. Sometimes she just has nothing to do, nothing to fill her emotions. This is especially true for housewives who love to watch endless television series. Many women immerse themselves in reading romance novels, while others prefer to play in life. Curiosity often pushes a person to inexplicable and unpredictable actions. Not always unfaithful wives sincerely regret their act. Many are quite satisfied with the situation when their husbands provide them financially. For the sake of such constancy, they are even ready to endure counter betrayals.

age crisis

There are moments in a person's life when he rushes about, looking for answers to his own questions and trying to prove something to himself. Age crises (mid-life crisis) also do not bypass women. Wives, especially those who have nothing to boast, after reaching a certain age, begin to count their victories. Not everyone has achievements to be truly proud of. Having reached the turn of thirty or forty years, many wives begin to doubt their own attractiveness, prospects and relevance. Attracting the attention of other men, you can calm down, regain your peace of mind. It must be admitted that housewives are experiencing this difficult period much more acutely than women involved in building a business or even working for hire. The psychology of the beautiful half of humanity is such that they always want to remain confident in their own irresistibility. The age crisis often pushes for treason. It's just that women want to make sure that they have something to love for, and they themselves deserve much more than they have at the moment. It is psychologically difficult for someone to decide to cheat, while other wives do not look for reasons to remain faithful to their husbands.

different values

When a husband and wife hold opposite points of view on important issues, this cannot but give rise to additional fears and doubts about a joint future. Different values ​​\u200b\u200boften lead to betrayal, this is a significant reason for the growth of family conflict. The wife feels uninteresting for her husband and therefore seeks an opportunity to feel better. If she manages to attract the attention of another male representative, then she considers herself quite satisfied. This is the psychology of a woman, you can’t get away from it. However, the feeling of fullness and happiness at the same time often completely leaves her. Various human values ​​do not allow to improve relations in the family. Husband and wife begin to move further away from each other. Often such families exist for years, actually being on the verge of breaking. However, none of the spouses wants to discuss the current conflict, to look for worthy ways to resolve the depressing situation. At some point, they simply no longer have a reason to be together. People who have absolutely nothing to do with each other are simply contraindicated to live together. In this case, married life will bring many disappointments.

strong feelings

This also happens. Wives sometimes fall in love with strangers, but their own husbands are safely forgotten. Such a phenomenon cannot be explained or predicted in advance. If passion for her own husband cools, many wives prefer not to hide this unpleasant fact. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that relations with the other half will develop really strong and worthy. Strong feelings force a woman to make decisions precisely when the situation is aggravated every day. Some serious act is required that would change everything, put it in its place. Strong feelings for another person, not your husband, are a good reason to think about your own life, the expediency of the chosen path and personal values. Lovers are often more attentive and caring than spouses. That's why wives cheat. A woman decides to cheat in order to feel happy and self-sufficient. The psychology of beautiful ladies is very difficult. And not every man wants to bother solving this mystery.

early marriage

When a girl marries too early, it is difficult for her to adapt to her new role as a wife. You have to take on tasks that you didn’t have to think about before. Not always a young girl is ready for this. Not everyone develops tolerance, respect for the spouse, the desire to be useful, to give joy so quickly. If the sudden birth of a child is added to this circumstance, it becomes quite difficult: systematic lack of sleep, problems associated with caring for the baby, its development and upbringing - all this falls on the shoulders of the wife. If a woman has not had time to properly realize herself as a spouse and mother, she will begin to look for "happiness" on the side. It will constantly seem to her that real life is passing by, and her dull existence is located between cooking for her husband and a child. A rare young girl would call such a prospect tempting. In addition, marriages are not always made for love. It happens that early marriage is due to the need for a child to be born in a complete family. Of course, this is not an option, but few people in their youth are aware of this fact. The psychology of a woman is a very delicate branch. Unfortunately, it is not always clear to men, especially if they are not prone to analysis at all.

Lack of attention

Why do wives cheat? Many men ponder this question for a long time and do not find an answer. Every woman wants to feel irresistible and desirable. But not always her partner really pays her due attention in marriage, shows sincere concern. How many women are forced to endure the bullying of their legal spouses. However, some of these wives, instead of severing outdated relationships, prefer treason. They unconsciously attract a new partner and begin to build interaction with him. Of course, the situation is aggravated, complicated by many details. Psychologically, the woman in this case suffers a lot, she has a good reason for this. Lack of attention from your own husband can give rise to numerous problems in the future. That is why it is so important to be able to show your feelings, to clarify all grievances and omissions in time. Sometimes a woman is driven by self-doubt. If she does not feel attractive and beautiful enough, then she can start to test it in practice. Complexes prevent you from feeling happy, impose additional fears and doubts on a person. You need to know how to get rid of them in time. Otherwise, it is unlikely that harmony will be achieved in married life.

Thus, women have many reasons for cheating. The psychology of a woman is one of the most complex and unexplored areas of this science. But in a loving family, people always strive for mutual understanding, and this practically excludes the fact of infidelity.

Most infidelities, both male and female, happen when a person's basic needs for a permanent relationship are not met. The significance of different needs in men and women is different, respectively, and the reasons for cheating are also different.

You can read about why men cheat in the article " Why men cheat».

Now we'll talk about why women cheat.

To do this, let's look at the most characteristic needs for women that are satisfied in a relationship with a man:

  • The need to be needed
  • The need to share experiences
  • Need for emotional and sexual intimacy

Accordingly, if one of the important needs is not satisfied, then fertile ground for treason is created. However, the final choice to change or not remains with the woman. Indeed, loyalty to one partner is often a kind of conscious choice that a person follows, despite all the difficulties, dissatisfaction and temptations.

Thus, in order to prevent female adultery, a woman needs to be aware that she can be pushed to cheat, and a man needs to understand what the lack of in a relationship can be a reason for cheating. So let's now look at the most common causes of female infidelity.

As has been said, women cheat because of a lack of something important to them in their relationship with their man. Consider the most common causes of female infidelity:

Lack of attention

It is important for any woman to feel loved by receiving signs of attention from her man. It can be flowers, and gifts, and just nice words from a man, hugs, kisses that confirm to a woman that she is loved.

At the beginning of a relationship, as a rule, men willingly express their feelings, hug, kiss, not only to have sex, but just to show their attitude, say compliments and words of love, give gifts.

Why some men do not express their feelings, read the article " Feelings of a man»

However, after a certain amount of time, usually after 2-3 years, the passion weakens, the partners get used to each other, which is quite natural. Falling in love passes, and with it the attention that a woman received from a man at the stage of falling in love decreases.

Many women regard this natural course of relationship development as the fact that they are no longer so loved and not so important to their man. Then there is a risk of betrayal when a man who is attentive to her appears in her environment, from whom she will begin to receive admiration, attention and courtship.

Lack of communication

It is important for women to communicate with their man, share their experiences, thoughts, feelings. When a woman shares herself and what is happening with her partner, she feels the emotional connection with him that many women need. Therefore, it is enough for a man to just give her time and listen.

However, some men find it difficult to find time to just chat with their woman. If a woman accumulates a large deficit in communication with her lover, then another man may appear in her life who willingly listens to her and takes time to communicate with her. At first, it may be just an innocent communication, which in the future may develop into treason.

lack of sex

For many women, an emotional connection is more important in sex than a physiological one. In other words, it is important for a woman to feel that she is loved and desired. If a woman feels that a man has cooled off towards her or is having sex, fulfilling her "marital duty", then the very emotional contact that many women need is lost.

In such cases, women often begin to unconsciously look for what they lack in a relationship with their partner. And then, when a man appears who gives her signs of attention, communicates with her, cares for her, she can feel the very emotional contact that is lacking with her man. With mutual sympathy, there is a risk that an emotional connection can spill over into a sexual one.

Loneliness is hard for many women, especially when they are in a relationship. For most women, it is important that a person close to them is nearby, it is important for them not to lose both physical and emotional contact with their beloved for a long time. Otherwise, they begin to feel unnecessary to their man, and some even abandoned.

Moreover, with their minds, of course, they understand that the man just went on a business trip, but sometimes they can’t do anything with their emotional experiences.

Moreover, some women, during long or frequent separations from their man, begin to exacerbate the fear of losing him, and also have fantasies on the topic “what is he doing there without me ...”, which further exacerbates the already not very calm emotional state.

Therefore, as a rule, it is difficult for a woman to be alone for a long time when her partner is somewhere far away from her. In addition, the basic female needs that we talked about at the beginning of the article may remain unmet if partners do not maintain regular communication at a distance.

Thus, the inability to see each other for a long time and maintain constant communication can be a serious test for any couple.

because they are missing something important in the relationship. However, it is worth noting that the above reasons are just some of the feelings of a woman. Like any sensations, they are subjective, that is, they depend not only on external factors, but also on the internal structure of a woman. So the next question is what does a woman do with all these sensations?

Why women cheat - choice and responsibility

First, when a woman feels dissatisfied in a relationship, it is important to talk about it with her man first. And not in the form of claims and accusations, but in the form of what exactly a woman lacks in a relationship.

Perhaps, having discussed calmly with a man, it will be possible to understand not only the reasons for what is happening, but also to find some joint solutions. Often, it will take more than one conversation to quickly solve all problems, but some joint efforts over time. This definitely requires a desire on both sides to be together and make efforts to ensure that the couple is satisfied with their relationship.

Secondly, if after repeatedly discussing everything with her partner, a woman still continues to feel a lack of something valuable for her in a relationship, she always has a choice of what to do.

Many betrayals are not always conscious. Rather, it is a certain combination of circumstances, which is superimposed on the lack of something important for a woman in a relationship, and betrayal happens “by itself”. And only after that, the woman begins to think, especially if her man finds out about it. On good, it is worth thinking before, not after. And if they decide on treason, then bear responsibility for its consequences.

Thus, like any human behavior, female adultery is, first of all, the responsibility of the woman herself. Even in a situation of acute lack of attention, communication, sex, or simply the presence of a partner, a woman always has a choice of what to do. At a minimum, you should talk about your dissatisfaction with your partner and try to find solutions. And if two people love and appreciate each other, and want to be together, then there will always be a solution.

If the betrayal has already happened, and the man found out about it, then a completely natural question arises - what to do?

To begin with, it makes sense to understand the causes of treason. In most cases, as mentioned above, cheating is due to dissatisfaction with the relationship. Therefore, it is worth discussing what exactly was missing in the relationship, if there were no such conversations before the betrayal. If they were, it would still not be superfluous to say again what exactly the woman felt was lacking in relations with her partner.

Further, it is already the couple's choice to stay together or leave. If there is still something valuable for both in the relationship, then you can try to survive and forgive the betrayal, perceiving it as a kind of lesson for both. It often happens that couples only become stronger and closer to each other, having gone through this difficult experience together.

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