Why does a child hiccup in the stomach. The baby hiccups in the womb. A baby in the stomach hiccups: unreasonable fear or a serious cause for concern

We can say, probably, the most touching and just as joyful moment experienced by any woman is the first movement of the unborn baby. And of course, every mother is waiting for him with great impatience and experiences truly indescribable feelings of this very first communication with the baby. But quite often, children's movements can even give the mother some discomfort and sometimes pain, but some can even make women doubt whether absolutely everything is in order with the baby.

Many women in the later stages (most often, it is in the third trimester, but it happens all the same before) feel almost clearly defined rhythmic contractions of the fetus itself. Not only do such contractions sometimes last for 10 or even 20 minutes or even longer, which at least becomes extremely unpleasant. I must say that sometimes they are generally difficult to tolerate, and besides, the expectant mother is often completely unaware of what all this can mean in general. What does this “signal”, so similar to simple hiccups, actually testify to?

What can we say about expectant mothers, if the doctors themselves cannot at all agree on a single and clear opinion on this matter. So can a fetus simply hiccup in the womb of a future mother? And if still not, then how exactly to regard all these hiccup-like movements?

So, from about 28 weeks, as many gynecologists say, the embryo simply learns to suck and even seems to be training to breathe. And directly in this process, he gradually swallows the amniotic fluid, which actually provokes a contraction of the diaphragm, and then the child really just starts to hiccup! Well, there is absolutely nothing surprising in this. After all, your baby already knows how to yawn, so why shouldn't he learn to hiccup? Hiccuping is, first of all, an unconditioned reflex that almost every born child has. And as you might guess, it is laid in the womb.

Moreover, many doctors believe that it is hiccups that are a sign of an absolutely normally developing entire central nervous system of the fetus, and hence the unborn baby. So he just needs to be happy. After all, hiccuping does not cause any inconvenience or discomfort to the baby itself, and it is even absolutely safe for him. So you shouldn't have any reason to worry. Among other things, the same thing should be said to all women who do not at all feel this same childish hiccup. It also does not mean that your baby is not okay. Just understand that every woman has her own so-called threshold of sensitivity. And sometimes it happens that a pregnant woman simply cannot catch some of the small movements of the fetus itself. In addition, not all children show maximum activity in the same way, as some of them hiccup for a long time and are very pronounced, while others give literally barely noticeable signals.

And, nevertheless, it should also be said that there is an extremely disappointing version about what such strange rhythmic contractions in the stomach can sometimes mean. Moreover, its supporters are completely convinced that the so-called hiccups are some kind of sign of a lack of oxygen directly in the child (or, that is, a sharp fetal hypoxia). And so with rapid, increased movements, including hiccup-like ones, the child himself is simply trying to get himself an additional portion of much-needed oxygen and practically gives a distress signal. Therefore, do not be surprised at all if, with such a complaint about fetal hiccups, you may be prescribed.

And it’s a completely different matter that it’s simply unacceptable to make such a dangerous diagnosis solely on the basis of the baby’s hiccup-like movements. There are, among other things, other signs of oxygen starvation, directly to which close attention should be paid when making such a diagnosis. So, for example, too increased motor activity of the fetus itself, or a sudden increase in intensity and even an increase in the duration of such contractions. In addition, the gynecologist himself will have to refer you to special additional studies with such complaints if he suspects something is amiss. For example, ultrasound with dopplerometry and also fetal cardiotocography can really help to identify such hypoxia.

We unequivocally urge you to look at all things as positively as possible. If you have no cause for concern, then, of course, Lyalina's hiccups are unlikely to be dangerous for you. And of course, I would like to say that indeed many women experienced such an interesting feeling and even observed this phenomenon during pregnancy, and it was in their case that, of course, there was no question of any hypoxia. So always think only about the good, eat healthy food more often, really walk a lot in the fresh air - and then everything will be fine with you!

In the last trimester of pregnancy, when all the movements of the fetus become especially noticeable, many mothers note that the unborn baby hiccups from time to time. These rhythmic and regular shocks can appear at any time of the day and last from 5 minutes to half an hour. Fetal hiccups during pregnancy in itself do not mean anything. But in combination with other symptoms, it may indicate hypoxia.


There are three common theories about the origin of hiccups in an unborn child. According to one of them, the contraction of the diaphragm is associated with the ingestion of amniotic fluid. Another says that the cause of hiccups is preparation for spontaneous breathing. The third connects this phenomenon with fetal hypoxia.

Swallowing amniotic fluid is a completely physiological phenomenon. The fetus swallows the amniotic fluid, after which it is excreted in the urine. Neonatologists suggest that if the water tastes sweet, the fetus swallows more than it can excrete, in which case a bout of hiccups helps get rid of the excess. The theory is supported by the fact that the fetus hiccups more often after the mother eats sweets.

Preparation for independent breathing and sucking is expressed in the fact that hiccups contribute to the development of swallowing movements.

Hypoxia can cause various changes in the fetus, including prolonged hiccups. In this case, one of the nerve centers of the brain responsible for the motor function of the diaphragm is irritated.


Hiccups are rhythmic short jerks, some regard them as clicks. It does not cause discomfort, but can last from 5 to 20 minutes or longer. As a rule, the phenomenon is noted at the 25th week of pregnancy or a little earlier.

By the source of sensations, you can determine the location of the fetus. If tremors occur 1-2 cm below the navel, this indicates head presentation. Shocks above the navel indicate a breech presentation.

In the case when the hiccups are too frequent and prolonged, accompanied by increased movements of the fetus, it is worth contacting the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe additional examinations to exclude hypoxia in the unborn baby.


Physiological hiccups, not associated with hypoxia, have no negative consequences for the mother and baby, but can cause insomnia if repeated at night. Hiccups are considered a sign of the normal development of the fetal central nervous system. The absence of hiccups is also not an alarming sign: most likely, the fetus hiccups, but his mother has a high sensitivity threshold and does not feel this kind of tremor.

Fetal hiccups associated with hypoxia are an alarming sign. By itself, it does not have a negative effect on the body, but the reason that caused it leads to abnormalities in the development of the embryo. This may be growth retardation, problems with adaptation to extrauterine existence, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, etc.


If fetal hypoxia is suspected, a pregnant woman is prescribed CTG and ultrasound with dopplerometry. CTG or cardiotocogram evaluates uterine contractions and the baby's heartbeat, as well as the motor activity of the fetus. Doppler ultrasound determines the speed and nature of placental blood flow. This information allows you to evaluate the blood supply to the fetus and the work of his heart. In 90% of cases of such appeals, hypoxia is not confirmed.

What should mom do

Fetal hiccups are not a cause for concern. But if the baby hiccups too often or prefers the night hours, you can moderate this phenomenon by doing the following:

  • walk outside more often;
  • during bouts of hiccups, lie on your side or take a knee-elbow position;
  • give up sweets before bed;
  • stroke the belly and talk to the future baby.

If hiccups are combined with excessive motor activity of the fetus and there are risks of pregnancy pathology, then with frequent attacks, you should consult a gynecologist.

In many cases, the first movements of the fetus inside the womb bring joy to the mother. However, some of them can bring some discomfort. And in some cases, a pregnant woman may doubt the normal state of her baby.

Often, especially in the later stages (usually in the third trimester or a little earlier), very pronounced contractions of a rhythmic nature are felt. Many experts call this phenomenon "fetal hiccups."

It should be noted that such contractions can last ten, twenty minutes, and in some cases even longer. The longer the hiccups of the fetus, the more discomfort it delivers.

According to many experts, around the twenty-eighth week, the embryo acquires the ability to suck and begins to try to breathe. In this case, a slight swallowing of amniotic fluid occurs, which, in turn, provokes diaphragmatic contractions. Thus, "fetal hiccups" occurs. According to many experts, there is nothing to worry about in the manifestation of this condition. On the contrary, for pregnant women this is a favorable sign, indicating that all systems, including the central nervous system, develop normally in the embryo. In addition, such a manifestation is an unconditioned reflex and is present in almost all children. And it is laid during intrauterine development. As a rule, upon reaching this period, the child already knows how to yawn. In addition, experts believe that fetal hiccups do not cause any discomfort or inconvenience, but, on the contrary, are safe.

However, in many cases, women do not feel any contractions in the abdomen. This does not mean at all that the child is not in order. The fact is that each woman has her own threshold of sensitivity. So, some mothers are not able to pick up the signals of the baby, while others react even to minor movements. In addition, not all children show the same maximum activity. Some, for example, hiccup very pronouncedly and for a very long time, while others give barely perceptible or completely imperceptible signals.

However, it is necessary to say about another, extremely disappointing version of the occurrence of prolonged contractions in the embryo. Proponents of this explanation say that fetal hiccups are a sign of insufficient oxygen supply. Through contractions, the embryo tries to fill this “starvation”. Therefore, in many cases, with complaints of a hiccup-like manifestation inside the abdomen, treatment for hypoxia is prescribed.

At the same time, it should be noted that making this diagnosis on the basis of intrauterine contractions alone is unacceptable. Oxygen starvation is accompanied by other symptoms, the presence or absence of which should be checked. These signs may include increased activity with fetal movements, a sudden increase in the intensity or duration of contractions. Of course, gynecologists, when complaints appear, prescribe special additional studies. So, to detect hypoxia, ultrasound with dopplerometry or fetal cardiotocography is used.

However, experts still recommend that pregnant women look at things more positively. In many cases, as practice shows, hiccup-like fetal contractions are not a cause for concern and are unlikely to be harmful to health. Many women experienced similar manifestations, but there was no talk of any hypoxia of the embryo.

To maintain a normal state, experts recommend eating healthy foods, walking more often in the fresh air.

Pregnancy is one of the stages in life. During this period of time, a woman faces a number of difficulties associated with a complete restructuring of body functions. The expectant mother is recommended to approach the state of health with special care: observe the regimen, remain balanced. Often, a violation of the usual rhythm of life leads to the emergence of extraneous processes. Surprisingly, it is impossible for a person to control hiccups, and a woman is able to hiccup more often during pregnancy. But the phenomenon that has arisen is not a reason to be upset and fall into a depressive state. In everyday life, the manifestation does not cause great inconvenience, but during the period of expectation of a child it becomes a nuisance.


Hiccups represent the rhythmic order of chest contractions. Breathing disorders are manifested due to irritation of the diaphragm, located on the border of the chest and abdominal cavity. Hiccups during pregnancy as a result of irritation of the nerve center of the brain, which is specifically responsible for the motor function of the diaphragm. The process is caused by various reasons. The factors provoking the situation are disorders of the digestive system, nervous disorders, hypothermia. One of the most important is drinking too much water. In the early stages, there is more free space in the abdominal cavity. The longer the baby develops, the less it remains. When a woman drinks a lot of liquid, the diaphragm is under pressure from the internal organs, which can cause hiccups. A similar reaction is caused in the baby in the womb.

Hiccups can occur when a baby has swallowed amniotic fluid. This happens if the fetus sucked a finger. This causes irritation of the diaphragm, then its contraction from the thirtieth week of pregnancy. There is no need to worry, the future baby is active and has a good appetite. An interesting fact: if a woman pays attention to her own diet and the reaction of the future crumbs to the food she eats, she will be able to understand his culinary preferences. Most babies are sweet tooth. If you eat a confection, the baby swallows a lot of liquid, and then hiccups. If the reason lies in this, you just do not need to eat sweets in the evening. This will allow mom to sleep peacefully.

An additional reason is fetal hypoxia, or lack of oxygen. Signs: hyperactivity, decreased heart rate of the crumbs, reduction or sharp increase in seizures that become frequent. Hypoxia itself is the result of deviations formed in the child. This is a common cause of sad consequences, a complication does not allow the fetus to develop normally, contributes to various anomalies. To prevent oxygen deficiency, take preventive measures:

  • Be more often on the street. Walking is the main assistant in the fight for the health of the child.
  • Categorically exclude smoking, active and passive.
  • Alcohol, drugs, drugs that the attending doctor did not prescribe can be fatal.
  • Spend time in well-ventilated areas. Avoid stuffiness.
  • Don't give in to stress.
  • Do breathing exercises.
  • If the mother has a history of diabetes or kidney failure, there is still a risk of fetal hypoxia, and regular doctor consultations are necessary. Prevention with medicines is carried out exclusively by order of the gynecologist observing the woman.

How to stop a mother's hiccups

  1. If the cause is hypothermia, it is recommended to drink hot sweet tea and wear warm clothes. It is recommended to subsequently exclude prolonged exposure to cold air.
  2. If it is a matter of overeating, it is recommended to adjust the diet so that meals become fractional and fairly frequent.
  3. Avoid stressful situations. You can relax by watching a movie or reading a book. Eliminate the reasons that can cause a similar reaction of the expectant mother, strong emotions and unbalance. If such a situation has occurred, you need to switch as quickly as possible and think about something positive and pleasant.
  4. Try to hold your breath, trying to avoid straining your abdominal muscles.
  5. Chilled water helps. It is drunk in small sips.
  6. Hiccups are prevented by dry bread or crackers. Be careful not to choke or scratch the lining of your throat.
  7. The phenomenon will disappear if the patient opens his mouth wide and sticks out his tongue as far as possible.
  8. Try using digestive enzymes, massage the chest in the area of ​​the diaphragm.

To stop hiccups in pregnant women, you will need to follow the tips below:

  • Eat small meals 6 times a day.
  • Drink cold water slowly in small sips. As a rule, half a glass helps.
  • Avoid hypothermia, dress warmer. Have a cup of hot tea.
  • Don't worry, stay positive.
  • Do not take medicines and dietary supplements without consulting a doctor.

Hiccups in a baby in the womb

The development of the fetus for nine months depends on how the expectant mother feels. It is important that a woman maintain a daily routine, diet, follow the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist. If the first trimester test results are acceptable, additional vitamins were used, walks in parks or squares were carried out, the baby develops correctly.

At the twenty-fourth week, the baby moves 10-15 times per hour. He falls asleep for an average of three hours. Then the fetus is calm, there are no movements. If the baby is energetic, the frequency of movements is regular, then there is no cause for concern. Cause reasonable concern unusual movements of the fetus in the womb. Experts believe that hiccups during fetal development indicate the correct formation of the baby's nervous system. The child develops reflexes: he yawns when he falls asleep or wakes up; swallows food. It is believed that in this way the baby learns to breathe without assistance. The mentioned process begins at 31 weeks. During hiccups, a massage is performed, which helps the full functioning of the heart and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The health of the baby at this time is satisfactory, the fetus does not experience any inconvenience.

Hiccups during pregnancy occur at any time of the day and last up to two hours. The expectant mother gets used to the tremors in the womb, but the twitching in the abdomen can cause anxiety. They resemble cramping rhythmic contractions. Different women react differently.

It is shown to tell the obstetrician-gynecologist about hiccups with accompanying uncharacteristic signs of the usual state. One procedure allows you to evaluate the contraction of the uterus and the baby's heartbeat, to track the frequency of movements. CTG is not dangerous and painless for a woman and a child. The study is carried out in the last trimester. Ultrasound with Doppler will help to find out the speed of blood flow and its nature in the vessels. The doctor sees how well the body is supplied with blood. The procedure will not bring inconvenience. These methods reveal the presence of complications that the expectant mother should focus on.

The presence or absence of hiccups in the fetus is an individual characteristic of the body. Babies before birth are not the same: they like to eat or have a reduced appetite; has increased or low sensitivity of the nerve centers of the brain. The gynecologist will help the mother make sure that the baby does not lack oxygen.

Hiccups during the mother's pregnancy is an acceptable phenomenon. The research results convincingly prove that the child does not feel discomfort, the internal organs are not subject to strong pressure, and the baby is in a state of calm. The expectant mother should be in nature for a significant part of the day, move, and avoid hypodynamia. Mandatory conditions for the formation of a healthy body are useful rest and rational nutrition.

For example, baby hiccups during pregnancy- a very common question faced by local gynecologists. So, is it worth worrying? Let's figure it out.

What's happening?

hiccup- rhythmic contraction of the "respiratory" muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity - the diaphragm.

This process occurs as a result of irritation of the nerve center of the brain responsible for the motor activity of the diaphragm.

Hiccups are an innate reflex., respectively, it is quite relevant for the gestating fetus.

How is it happening?

A pregnant woman can feel the intrauterine hiccups of her crumbs already from 28 weeks pregnant. Particularly sensitive women can even earlier, because the fetus begins to hiccup long before the 3rd trimester.

In practice, it happens that the expectant mother feels the child’s periodic hiccups from the moment of his first movements - 16-18 weeks is the “popular” period for the mother to feel the first movements of the fetus.

The hiccups themselves are usually correctly recognized by the pregnant woman. More often, on a subconscious level, a woman understands that her child is hiccuping.

Fetal hiccups are similar to systematic rhythmic short jolts (some say clicks), which in themselves do not cause discomfort in a woman.

But if the hiccups last for a long time or occur frequently, it can interfere with the pregnant woman - distract, prevent sleep, cause anxiety.

The process of hiccups in the fetus over time individual. Someone hiccups for 5 minutes, someone for all 20, another baby in the womb may not hiccup at all (more often his mother simply does not feel such delicate micro shocks).

In any case, the presence or absence of hiccups is not a cause for concern if you understand the reasons.

Why is it happening?

Causes of hiccups Only two fetuses can be distinguished during pregnancy:

  • For an external reason(for example, when a baby swallows a large amount of amniotic fluid during too active thumb sucking), the diaphragm is irritated. It begins to contract rhythmically, which is recognized externally as a hiccuping process;
  • For an internal reason(for example, fetal hypoxia or the appearance of any of its individual symptoms), one of the nerve centers of the brain is irritated, which is responsible for the motor function of the diaphragm, which also leads to its rhythmic systematic contraction.

For the first reason the appearance of hiccups in a pregnant woman has absolutely no reason to worry - such hiccups are caused only by a good appetite of the crumbs, its proper activity and vital activity.

And here hiccupping process caused by irritation of the motor nerve center of the diaphragm, requires attention, both the expectant mother and the gynecologist observing her.

Let's consider such "complicated" hiccups in more detail.

Hiccups due to hypoxia

hypoxia- lack of oxygen in the baby. It should be noted that fetal hiccups due to hypoxia may be accompanied by specific symptoms (signs):

  • increased motor activity of the child, with the help of which he obtains the missing oxygen for himself;
  • bradycardia - a low heart rate in a baby;
  • a sharp increase in contractions (hiccups), an increase in duration;
  • too frequent hiccups.

These signs should alert the expectant mother, but do not scare! After all, the presence of any of them is not a 100% indicator of a lack of oxygen in a baby.

In this case, it is most reasonable for a woman to contact her local gynecologist. The doctor, in turn, will already conduct the necessary examinations to identify or exclude fetal hypoxia.

Examination of a pregnant woman with fetal hiccups with signs of hypoxia

As you already understood, hiccups accompanied by unusual signs should be reported to the observing gynecologist. The doctor may prescribe two procedures: CTG and ultrasound (with Doppler).

- cardiotocogram. Allows you to evaluate the uterine contractions and heartbeats of the child, as well as to track the motor activity of the fetus.

CTG is safe and painless for both mother and child. Usually this procedure is performed after the 30th week of pregnancy.

ultrasound(with Doppler) - ultrasound with Doppler. Allows you to evaluate the speed and nature of blood flow in the vessels of the "mother-placenta-fetus" system. With it, you can assess how well the baby's blood vessels are supplied with blood, and how his heart works.

Dopplerometry allows you to see abnormalities in the work of the placenta, to check whether it supplies the fetus with oxygen well. This study is also safe for the pregnant woman and the child who is carrying it and is absolutely painless.

So, the doctor, after listening to the complaints or worries of the expectant mother about the hiccups of her child, having made the necessary manipulations (tests, listening to the fetal heartbeat through a stethoscope - a special tube), has the right to prescribe a CTG or ultrasound with dopplerometry, if necessary.

The examinations carried out will reveal whether there are pregnancy complications and other reasons for the expectant mother's concern.

Remember, the presence of hiccups in the fetus or its absence is not good or bad, but very individually for any pregnancy.

The kids are different: one is a lover to eat in the tummy, the other is a small child; one has an increased sensitivity of the nerve centers of the brain, the other does not.

Pregnant women also have different sensitivities, for some it is not at all possible to feel tremors from hiccups in the stomach. In any case, if hiccups bother you, tell your doctor about it.

A gynecologist will help you make sure that everything is fine with you and your baby! After all in more than 90% of such visits, fetal hypoxia is not confirmed.

Walk more often in the fresh air, move more- so the placenta better supplies the fetus with the oxygen necessary for its life.

Eat right, don't forget to rest and get a good night's sleep - your child will tell you "Thank you"!

Pregnancy is a wonderful time. But in addition to the joy of waiting for a new family member, it also brings a lot of worries. One of the major concerns for pregnant women is hiccups. Strange as it may seem, but such an everyday occurrence instills a sense of fear and panic in the expectant mother. But does hiccups during pregnancy really harm the woman and the fetus?

Hiccups do not cause much concern in ordinary people, since this phenomenon is understandable and familiar to everyone. But during pregnancy, hiccups appear much more often, and a woman may be afraid of such changes.

The main causes of hiccups in pregnant women are the same as in other people. This is hypothermia, long laughter and overeating. In connection with pregnancy, eating disorders occur much more often. In addition, hiccups can be provoked by constant stress. And a woman in a position has not so few of them. They can be stressful situations at home or at work, and psychological rejection of a new role, and even fear of the upcoming birth. Any little thing can bring the expectant mother out of such a precarious balance.

Is hiccups dangerous during pregnancy?

Hiccups in most cases do not pose any danger to the woman and the fetus. However, if hiccups occur regularly and last for a long time, it brings significant discomfort and pain, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe you a series of tests and examinations to exclude the pathological nature of this phenomenon.

How to deal with hiccups during pregnancy?

  • If you start hiccuping because you are cold, drink a cup of warm sweet tea and dress warmly.
  • With hiccups after a burst of laughter, sweet tea or compote will also help you cope.
  • Don't overeat. Such a simple measure will save you the risk of hiccups and a number of other problems.
  • Eliminate all factors that irritate and unnerve you. Take up a hobby that will calm you down.

Hiccups in a baby in the womb

Many pregnant women, especially those who experience an interesting situation for the first time, are surprised to note that somewhere around the 25th week, or maybe a little later, the fetus in their womb begins to actively move, with a certain rhythm and frequency, which often causes significant discomfort and even spasmodic mom's pain. Certainly. The understanding comes to mind that the baby can move and kick, stomp its legs on the mother’s stomach, but often pregnant women do not have an understanding of why this happens for the first time. So why does the baby perform a “dance” in the stomach, how long can this continue and does such activity harm the baby’s health?

Why do babies hiccup in their stomachs?

It has been scientifically proven that the rhythmic explicit movements of the fetus are by no means connected, not from his awareness that he wants to leave the pleasant haven of his mother's tummy, but because the baby in the womb has a banal hiccup. Like an adult, an unborn baby at this stage of its development has a fully formed diaphragm, which is not yet breathing, but is trying to complete this natural process for all of us. As a result, it can contract due to pressure, and in addition, the so-called vagus nerve, which passes through all organs of the human body, and being accidentally irritated, acts on the diaphragm, causing it to involuntarily contract.

Such hiccups are a completely natural process for a baby, one might say, even an unconditioned reflex, which is thus honed in his body being formed. Therefore, some mothers perfectly feel these periodic tremors several times a day, they cause them serious discomfort, and some, with a stronger threshold of sensitivity, barely catch them. Everything is extremely individual and depends on the pain threshold of the pregnant woman. It is not necessary to assume that if your fetus hiccups rarely and weakly, and your pregnant girlfriend often and strongly, then one of you has a child developing with pathology. There are no definite rules with what force this natural process should take place. There are times when a child begins to hiccup only during childbirth or immediately after birth.

Thus, the question is formed - why did nature put this reflex into it? Firstly, these movements perfectly develop the central nervous system of the future newborn. It is worth noting that in this way there is a preparation for the imminent independent process of sucking and breathing.

Causes of hiccups in unborn babies

By its very nature, hiccups in an infant are akin to the hiccups of an adult who experiences discomfort from overeating or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. But why can such a state arise in a little man who has never even felt what solid food is? The reason is that in the womb, the baby begins to actively suck on his finger by the onset of this particular period, about 25-26 weeks. Therefore, excessive irritation of the fetal diaphragm may occur due to the fact that, along with the sucking process, a large amount of fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb, the amniotic, enters the respiratory organs that are not yet fully formed. Some of the liquid can easily pass out with urine, but excessive volume will certainly cause hiccups. It should be understood that there is no reason to worry - frequent recurring bouts of hiccups for the fetus are normal.

Another, no less common cause of hiccups in unborn children can be the emotional and physical sensations of the mother. Thus, when a pregnant woman experiences strong emotions, whether they are positive or negative, the baby feels changes due to their extraordinary internal connection. Hiccups can often occur due to sudden changes in the mood of a woman in a position. The baby can actively move and accidentally swallow the amniotic fluid if he hears the conversations of his parents, if mom or dad sing songs or read books aloud - all this only causes a greater activity of the fetal brain. Therefore, listening to classical music, reading fairy tales in a slow, drawling voice is very useful for the development of a baby in the womb. The fetus also actively reacts with movement while stroking the mother's tummy - it feels the presence of a loved one by vibrations.

Another reason for swallowing amniotic fluid by a baby may be the excessive activity of his mother during pregnancy, when the stomach moves a lot.

The timing of the formation of the fetus in the womb. Schedule

Is hiccups dangerous in a baby in the womb?

Frequent and short bouts of fetal hiccups are considered by obstetricians to be the norm, in which the baby does not feel any discomfort or pain. On the contrary, hiccups during pregnancy benefit the internal organs of the fetus, which are massaged in this way, more blood flows to them, supplying them with a large amount of nutrients.

Mom, of course, experiences discomfort, and if the pain is really unbearable, then you should put a small heating pad on your stomach or do a light stroking massage of your stomach, relax and try not to provoke mood swings.

However, sometimes strong and prolonged tremors in the womb can indicate a problem with the baby. This should be suspected only if the baby continues to hiccup in the womb for more than twenty minutes. In this case, there is a partial danger that the baby is experiencing hypoxia - oxygen starvation, which can cause serious harm to the health of the baby and even lead to the development of pathologies or stillbirth.

Fetal hypoxia

The mother purposefully cannot influence the process of saturating the baby with oxygen, you can only try to walk slowly on the street, breathing deeply. However, if the constant hiccups of the fetus continue for more than a day, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. It’s not a fact that the fetus has a terrible diagnosis - it’s just worth taking tests, taking an anamnesis and prescribing the right treatment. And remember, one of the most obvious ways in which hypoxia occurs in a baby lies in smoking, and not necessarily during pregnancy. Even if the habit is abandoned a month or two before the planned day of conception, its impact has a great chance of affecting the health of your unborn child.

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