Caesarean section 3 times. Next surgical delivery. "Caesarean section" with breech presentation



Good afternoon

I am 33 years old. This is my third pregnancy at 36-37 weeks. Pregnancy proceeds without complications, tests are normal. There will be PCS.

Previous births were also CS:

  • 1 - weakness of labor activity, EX.
  • 2 - PKC 1 g 8 months after the first CS.

7 years have passed since the second CS.

I have a question:

At what obstetric period do they issue a referral for hospitalization to the maternity department of the RD?

At what obstetric period is PCS done, given that there have already been two CSs, will this be the third?

Thank you very much in advance…


Hello Ekaterina!

Antenatal hospitalization for 38-39 weeks' gestation.

You can find out the exact date from your doctor, as it depends on:

  • the state of the fetus;
  • woman's condition;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • the date of the previous birth.

You can be hospitalized ahead of schedule according to indications if you suspect a scar failure or problems with the fetus.

A planned operative delivery is carried out after the woman enters the hospital for 1-3 days, if there are no additional indications for delivery.

A planned CS implies the passage of all necessary studies in the antenatal clinic. Each analysis has its own expiration date, which determines the speed of the operation.

For admission to the maternity ward, you need to have a referral with the results of the following studies:

  • blood type and Rh factor;
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood glucose;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood tests for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • smear on flora;
  • therapist consultation.

The blood type and Rh factor are determined when a woman is registered.

Blood for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV is given before the issuance of maternity leave at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

The rest of the blood and urine tests have a shelf life of 10 days. The same terms regarding the ECG.

In a smear on the flora, there should be no inflammatory reaction. Often, in the period of 36-37 weeks of gestation, the obstetrician-gynecologist recommends putting vaginal suppositories to sanitize the vagina.

Which involves doing it on an empty stomach.

Additionally, in the hospital on the eve of the operation, you will have:

  • - fetal monitoring;
  • consultation with an anesthesiologist who will select an effective and gentle method of anesthesia.

Already after the second dissection of the uterus during childbirth, a woman is often offered to undergo sterilization, since the third caesarean section will cause irreparable harm to maternal and child health.

Why is the third caesarean dangerous?

Conducting a triple dissection of the uterus and abdominal cavity is fraught with such complications as:

  • inflicting wounds to the intestines;
  • damage to the bladder and ureters;
  • violation of the natural placement of the pelvic organs;
  • adhesions in the area of ​​the scar;
  • persistent hypotonic bleeding;
  • uterus removal;
  • intoxication and fetal hypoxia.

The risks of a third caesarean are extremely serious, medically justified and require the woman to be familiarized with their likelihood in advance.

Is a third pregnancy possible after a second caesarean?

When planning a third child, it is necessary to observe the time interval during which the seam will become complete and the entire body will recover. The process of the third gestation will be under careful medical supervision, and will proceed with the same pathologies as the previous ones. A third pregnancy after a caesarean section has a small chance of ending naturally, but the risk is not recommended.

Third caesarean in a year

The ideal option for a subsequent pregnancy is its onset at least 2-3 years after the previous dissection. The onset of unwanted fertilization must be prevented by taking contraceptives. Additional trauma to the uterus by abortions, curettage or forced births in the early stages is not allowed.

Is a third caesarean dangerous?

There is no doubt, since each surgical intervention in the work of the body causes some harm. Especially if it is intended for the same body. Constantly superimposed scar, chronic endometritis, anemia - the minimum "set" of a constantly cesarean woman. Therefore, after the third caesarean, doctors will insist on sterilization in order to avoid lethal outcome.

Third caesarean at 40

Sometimes women "ripe" for a third child when the number of years begins to exceed the mark of 40. And there may be an unplanned pregnancy after 40 years. It is not age itself that is important here, but the time interval from previous births to pregnancy and the state of health of the intended mother. In any state of affairs, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by specialists who will assess the situation and offer a suitable method of delivery. And not everyone will be able to decide on a caesarean section for the third time.

If the doctor hears that this will be the third caesarean, then his eyebrows will fly up to the ceiling. Few agree to undergo this operation for the third time, usually two are enough through the roof. And doctors already during childbirth suggest sterilization to avoid the next pregnancy, because the risk of a third cesarean section is simply huge, and the pregnancy itself after two operations will already be unhealthy. This, of course, does not stop some, and they will go to the third cesarean and the fourth for the sake of the children. But is it worth it?

Third caesarean section - risk and complications

A third caesarean section is a risk, and a huge one at that. And any doctor will definitely warn that you can voluntarily agree to this only if your health and your own life are not expensive. And even the best obstetricians are unable to prevent most of the consequences of the third caesarean section, because the body after two operations will be completely unpredictable.

Complications in the third caesarean may be the following: injury to the intestinal region and bladder, deformity of the pelvic organs, displacement or perforation of nearby organs. The formation of adhesions in the area of ​​scarring, uncontrolled and unstoppable bleeding, the need for amputation of the uterus, fetal hypoxia, due to the fact that anesthesia will have to be made longer.

Should I have a planned caesarean section?

In recent decades, more and more babies are born by caesarean section (CS). In some maternity hospitals in the CIS countries, CS rates reach 50% of all births. In 2005, WHO conducted studies showing that with an increase in the frequency of CS, the frequency of prescribing antibiotics in the postpartum period increases, and the level of maternal morbidity and mortality increases. On average, caesarean section occurs in 15 births out of 100, while a further increase in the frequency of CS does not lead to a decrease in perinatal morbidity and mortality in children.

Given the relatively high frequency of CS, any opportunity to reduce the risks associated with operative delivery will have significant benefits both for individual women in labor and in terms of economic costs.

Compared with vaginal delivery, maternal mortality rates for CS (40 per 10,000 cases) are 4 times higher than for all types of vaginal births, and 8 times higher than for normal vaginal births (5 out of 10,000 cases).

Planned caesarean section

A caesarean section can be performed as planned, when the doctor, together with the woman in labor, decides in advance on operative delivery, as the safest method of delivery, or urgently, when there are indications for urgent operative delivery. Even when registering, an obstetrician-gynecologist collects an anamnesis of a pregnant woman. Based on this information, he decides on the type of delivery recommended for this woman. Indications for a planned caesarean section can be both on the part of the mother and on the part of the fetus.

These include the following states:

From the mother's side:

Placenta previa, which is confirmed by ultrasound after the 36th week of pregnancy (the edge of the placenta is less than 2 cm from the internal os);

A scar on the uterus in the presence of contraindications to subsequent vaginal delivery:

  • The presence of any contraindications to vaginal delivery;
  • Previous corporal CS;
  • Previous T and J-shaped incision on the uterus;
  • History of uterine rupture;
  • Any previous reconstructive operations on the uterus, resection of the uterine angle, hysterotomy, myomectomy with a history of penetration into the uterine cavity, laparoscopic myomectomy in the absence of uterine suturing with modern suture materials;
  • More than one CS in history. As an exception, vaginal delivery is allowed in women who have undergone 2 CSs, if there is at least one vaginal delivery in history;
  • A woman's refusal to attempt vaginal delivery;

HIV-infected women:

  • women taking three antiretroviral drugs and having a viral load of more than 50 copies per 1 ml;
  • women taking zadovudine monotherapy;
  • Women infected with HIV and hepatitis C at the same time.

in such cases, the CS is indicated for a period of 38 obstetric weeks, before the rupture of the membranes;

The appearance of genital herpes for the first time 6 or less weeks before delivery;

The presence of extragenital pathologies (the diagnosis must be established or confirmed by a specialized doctor):

  • on the part of the cardiovascular system - arterial hypertension of the III degree, coarctation of the aorta (without surgical correction of the defect), aneurysm of the aorta or other large artery, systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle with ejection fraction
  • ophthalmic - hemorrhagic form of retinopathy, perforated corneal ulcer, wound of the eyeball with penetration, "fresh" burn. Other pathologies of the organs of vision are not an indication for CS;
  • pulmonological, gastroenterological, neurological pathologies in which the attending physician recommends childbirth by CS;
  • Tumors of the pelvic organs or the consequences of a pelvic injury that prevent the birth of a child;
  • Cervical cancer;
  • Conditions after rupture of the perineum III degree or plastic surgery on the perineum;
  • Conditions after surgical treatment of urogenital and enterogenital fistulas;

From the side of the fetus:

  • Breech presentation of the fetus after the 36th week;
  • Breech presentation or incorrect position of the fetus in multiple pregnancies;
  • Transverse presentation of the fetus;
  • Monoamniotic twins;
  • Syndrome of growth retardation of one of the fetuses in multiple pregnancies;
  • Gastroschisis, diaphragmatic hernia, spina bifida, teratoma in the fetus, fusion of twins - subject to the possibility of providing prompt assistance to a newborn child;

COP at the request of a woman in the absence of the above indications is not carried out. There are discussions about this in medicine. On the one hand, women want to decide on their own how to give birth to a child, and on the other hand, a caesarean section is an operation and is associated with many risks for the mother and fetus. If a woman refuses the indicated operation, she must sign an informed refusal with her own hand.

Scheduled caesarean section

Elective CS is performed after the full obstetric 39 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the minimization of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in the newborn.

In the case of multiple pregnancies, elective CS is performed after 38 weeks.

In order to prevent vertical transmission of the disease in case of HIV infection of the mother - at 38 weeks of pregnancy, before the discharge of amniotic fluid or before the onset of labor.

In case of monoamniotic twins, the operation of the CS should be performed at a period of 32 weeks after the prevention of fetal RDS (special injections are made to help open the lungs).

When is a planned caesarean?

As you know, a caesarean section is nothing more than a surgical intervention, during which the fetus is removed from the mother's womb using an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and uterus. The decision to conduct such a planned operation is made depending on the presence of indications that do not allow natural childbirth.

At what gestational age is a planned caesarean section performed and what are its advantages?

With this kind of surgery, the likelihood of uterine rupture is sharply reduced. Besides? various kinds of complications observed during vaginal delivery during cesarean are less common. The operation also reduces the risk of uterine prolapse, which prevents heavy, uterine bleeding during childbirth.

If we talk about how long a planned cesarean is done, then this is most often 39 weeks. The thing is that it is by this time that a substance such as a surfactant begins to be produced in the body of the fetus, which contributes to the opening of the lungs at the first breath of the baby. If the operation is performed earlier than the specified period, the baby needs artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Who is scheduled for a planned caesarean?

This kind of surgery is not always prescribed. The main indications for its implementation are:

  • features of the anatomical structure (narrow pelvis);
  • the presence of mechanical obstacles to childbirth in a natural way (myoma, bone deformities, tumor);
  • having had a caesarean section in the past.

As for the last point, earlier, if a woman had already had a birth by caesarean section, then the subsequent ones were also carried out. Today, if there is a dense scar on the uterus, childbirth can also be carried out through natural routes. However, a repeated caesarean section is mandatory in the presence of such complications as a vertical incision of the uterus, uterine rupture, violation of placenta or fetus previa.

If we talk about how long the second planned cesarean is done, then usually it is the same as with the first - 39 weeks. However, if there is a risk of complications, it can be carried out earlier.

Why is a caesarean section dangerous?

Like any surgical intervention, caesarean section is associated with the development of certain risks of complications. These primarily include:

  • the development of adhesions and scars, which subsequently fasten together the organs located in the small pelvis and the muscles of the abdominal wall. This is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, discomfort;
  • violation of placenta previa in subsequent births.
  • accreted placenta. This complication occurs when the placenta cannot detach itself from the uterine wall. Therefore, manual separation is required, which is accompanied by severe bleeding. This kind of violation is observed in cases where a woman has already had 3 or more cesarean deliveries in the past.
How is the recovery period after a caesarean section?

The first day after the operation, the woman is under the supervision of doctors in the postpartum ward. Pain medications are prescribed for several days after the operation. At the same time, special attention is paid to the condition of the uterus, observing its contractility.

The sutures placed on the anterior abdominal wall are treated daily with antiseptic solutions, and then removed for 7-10 days. In the absence of complications in the mother, and if the baby does not have any disorders and was born completely healthy, discharge home occurs a week after the caesarean section.

Thus, doctors determine the choice of the period at which it is better to do a planned cesarean, based on the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman. In the absence of any risks, such an operation can be performed with the onset of the first contractions in a pregnant woman.

How is a cesarean section performed? -

How is the operation

An anesthetic is applied before a caesarean section is performed. As a rule, this is local anesthesia by epidural or spinal blockade. At the same time, the woman in labor remains completely conscious, local anesthesia affects only the lower part of the body, causing a feeling of numbness and blocking pain.

After anesthesia, the surgeon makes two incisions - an incision in the abdominal wall and an incision in the uterus. In most cases, these incisions are transverse (horizontal). With such incisions, there is minimal blood loss and a lower risk of postpartum infection, scars from transverse incisions heal well and leave strong scars. A longitudinal incision (from the womb to the navel) is made extremely rarely. The abdominal muscles during a "caesarean section" are not cut, but only pushed apart.

After that, the doctor sucks amniotic fluid from the uterus, removes the baby, separates and removes the placenta, and begins to sew up the incisions. The uterus and abdominal cavity are sutured with dissolvable surgical suture. The skin is also connected with a thread or metal brackets, which are removed before discharge from the hospital.

How long does a caesarean section take?

The date of "caesarean section" is set individually, after examination of the woman in labor. When setting deadlines, pay attention to:

  • child's weight;
  • the condition of the lungs, the child's ability to breathe independently;
  • the degree of aging of the placenta;
  • is there an entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord;
  • the state of health of the woman in labor - the presence of high blood pressure, kidney function.

At what time is a planned "caesarean section" done?

A planned cesarean section operation, if there is no threat to the child and mother, is usually done in late pregnancy. Most often this happens at the 39-40th week.

"Caesarean section" with breech presentation

Breech presentation of the fetus is one of the most common indications for a caesarean section.

Natural birth of a fetus in a breech presentation is classified as pathological. At the same time, approximately 40% of them are successful - with proper attention to the woman in labor.

Without fail, a "caesarean section" is prescribed for posterior breech presentation, foot presentation, or a tilted fetal head. With this arrangement of the child, the woman in labor is usually prescribed prenatal hospitalization, approximately at the 37th week of pregnancy. This is done in order to conduct a comprehensive examination and decide on the correct delivery.

How to behave after a "caesarean section"?

Getting out of bed after a "caesarean section" occurs, the woman in labor can be six hours later. Active movement is allowed after you are discharged from the intensive care unit. After the operation, wear a special bandage for several days to facilitate movement.

For some time you will feel dizzy, weak, get tired quickly. This is a completely normal condition, it will pass as soon as the body recovers. They are usually discharged from the hospital a week after the "caesarean section".

At home, there are also some restrictions. For example, you can take a bath only one and a half months after the operation, before that you will have to limit yourself to a shower. Sexual intercourse can be resumed after six weeks, but only after consulting a doctor. Try to rest more, avoid serious loads.

Cesarean section | Growing family - pregnancy, childbirth, household

If there is only one relative indication, then in many cases natural childbirth is possible, and a caesarean section is performed, as a rule, if there are several relative indications.

Contraindications for caesarean section

After Kasarev section, inflammatory processes may occur, therefore, factors contributing to the development of inflammation may be a relative contraindication to surgery:

acute bacterial and viral diseases, a long anhydrous period, the duration of labor for more than 14 hours, immunodeficiency states.

An absolute contraindication to caesarean section may be a violation of blood clotting and intrauterine fetal death.

The progress of the caesarean section

A caesarean section is done through a corporal incision or through an incision in the lower uterine segment. The corporal incision runs vertically from the umbilicus to the womb along the midline of the abdomen. The incision on the uterus passes through the entire body, also vertically. With this method, the muscle fibers of the uterus are irreversibly injured, and significant blood loss occurs, however, this method allows you to get better access to the fetus during the operation. Therefore, a corporal caesarean section is used in emergency cases when childbirth needs to be completed as quickly as possible. This method is also used for delivery up to twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy. In all other cases, an incision is made in the lower uterine segment. With this type of operation, the incision passes along the growth line of the pubic hair, and the incision is also made transverse on the uterus. In this case, blood loss is less, and the uterine fibers are better restored.

Both with a corporal incision and with an incision in the lower uterine segment, the course of the caesarean section is the same: first, the abdominal wall is opened in layers, then the muscle fibers of the uterus are dissected and the fetus is removed. After that, the fetal membranes and the placenta are removed. The entire operation takes about forty minutes. Extraction of the fetus occurs in the first five minutes of the operation, the rest of the time is occupied by suturing the incision on the uterus and layer-by-layer restoration of the integrity of the abdominal wall.

Postoperative period

The first 12-24 hours after a caesarean section, a woman spends under supervision in the intensive care unit. It is desirable to get out of bed on the first day to improve the blood supply to the uterus. From the first days, it is recommended to wear a postpartum bandage, although in maternity hospitals, the stomach is often pulled in with a diaper instead. This reduces pain. In addition, the first days the woman is given painkillers. If the sutures were applied with non-absorbable threads, then they are removed on the sixth - seventh day. Discharged on the eighth - tenth day, provided that the postoperative period was uneventful.


Several factors affect the baby during a caesarean section:

  • general anesthesia drugs enter the bloodstream of the fetus,
  • fluid is not squeezed out of the lungs, since there is no compression of the chest in the birth canal,
  • with a planned caesarean section, the child leaves the womb when the doctors decide, and not himself.

Children born by caesarean section are more likely to have problems with the respiratory system, and muscle hypertonicity is often observed. Therefore, in the first year of life, such cesareans need to be monitored by a neuropathologist, swimming and massage are desirable. Although, recently, almost all adverse factors of the effect of caesarean section on the fetus have been taken into account by doctors and neutralized during childbirth: anesthesia is often done epidural rather than general, so drugs do not get to the fetus, fluid is squeezed out of the lungs, and the operation is performed with generic naal activities. Subject to all these conditions, children after caesarean section do not differ from babies born through the natural birth canal.

Pregnancy after caesarean section

How the next pregnancy will proceed after a caesarean section largely depends on how the scar on the uterus was formed. If there was inflammation in the postoperative period, then the scar may be insolvent, that is, unable to withstand stretching during the next pregnancy.

It is recommended to take a break between caesarean and subsequent pregnancy at two years. But if you have become pregnant before, you should not worry too much. There are many examples of women giving birth normally, becoming pregnant 3-4 months after a caesarean section. An abortion after a caesarean section can be much more dangerous than a second pregnancy, since there is a direct rough mechanical effect in the area of ​​the scar.

After a caesarean section, vaginal delivery is possible in the absence of indications for a second operation, a full-fledged scar on the uterus and the obligatory desire of a woman to give birth on her own.

Sterilization after caesarean section

A woman is not recommended to have more than three caesarean sections, but some have had eight or ten such operations! Therefore, the doctor, before the third caesarean section, or even before the second or first, if there are any contraindications to subsequent pregnancies, may suggest sterilization along with the operation - the creation of artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes. However, the decision is made only by the woman, and sterilization without her consent cannot be carried out.

Caesarean section at the request of the woman

Now many women, not wanting to "suffer in childbirth," ask for a caesarean section if they wish. This is not a good idea, since a caesarean is an abdominal operation. This operation can have negative consequences for both the mother and the fetus, although they happen extremely rarely, so it should be carried out strictly according to indications and only in cases where natural childbirth is impossible or too dangerous.

At what time is the second (third) planned caesarean usually done? Pregnancy and childbirth. Conferences on

But I don’t know))))) usually at 38, but I don’t know))))) usually they put me at 38, but a lot depends on the seam ... my second one herself asked to be released before the hospitalization period - it was again EXA with this B has not yet gone to the RD .... 02/22/2012 23:16:13, GerberA

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I was assigned to 39, they did it at 38 - I was assigned to 39, they did it at 38 - childbirth began :) 02/22/2012 22:49:48, Mama Mu

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Why didn't you give birth a second time? (sorry. This question is very urgent!) 23.02.2012 22:49:54

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They look at the condition of the scar and the rest look at the condition of the scar and other nuances, everything is different for everyone. the day of the operation, in the morning ... but everything started earlier for me :) 02/22/2012 16:05:06, LubaM

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Forgive me for interfering! And how did it go??? Have you given birth for the second time? What were the chances of this???22.02.2012 17:46:29

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It just went - the waters broke and such good, sensual ones began :), the classic contractions at 38 full weeks (+ 3 more days) we rushed to the hospital, called the doctor back, she also came there and performed an emergency caesarean section (instead of the planned one later) to give birth herself ... of course, I hinted for the sake of formality, but we had previously discussed this with her, that she does not specialize in this (ER after CS), I knew about it, I knew what I was going for (planned CS) everything happens differently for the first time with me the waters broke (in a full 41 weeks) and there was no labor activity, just about 12 hours of stimulation and other things, as a result - EXV the second time everything flooded itself :) I would have known in advance :)

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Everything is individual, I’m on the third -Everything is individual, I was offered to come to the third the day before, the day before 39 weeks, but because of my nuances I will go to bed at 38 weeks.

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She went to the maternity hospital at 38 weeks, because. sick - She went to the maternity hospital at 38 weeks, because I had a stomach ache - the doctor got scared and put it down earlier. They tried to make it to 40 weeks, but because the stomach continued to hurt - they did it at week 39. 02/22/2012 14:33:10, Katyunya

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I went to bed at less than 39 weeks. Operation - I went to bed at less than 39 weeks. The operation was scheduled for 39 weeks and 1 day. We really asked ourselves a little earlier, exactly at 39:) 02/22/2012 13:29:12, BEAD

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How many times can you do a caesarean section - Third and fourth operations

There is no specific answer to the question of the number of possible cesarean deliveries. There is an opinion that the optimal number of births through operations is two. But this is far from true. It all depends on many individual factors of the woman in labor.. Mainly, the number of subsequent births by caesarean section depends on the condition of the uterine suture. The fact is that the greatest risk is its possible divergence, which represents a potential risk to the life of the woman and the fetus. In addition, the health status of the woman in labor, the consequences of previous operations, and the tolerance of anesthesia are always assessed.

Modern techniques allow suturing using threads that accelerate the healing process and reduce the recovery period after surgery. Sutures applied in this way are less visible and more elastic than those that women had a decade ago.

Second and third pregnancies - not necessarily caesarean

Some suggest that if a woman's previous pregnancy did not resolve naturally, then a second caesarean section should be planned for a subsequent pregnancy. This is not always true. In the absence of absolute indications for caesarean section in a pregnant woman, the only factor that significantly affects its implementation is condition of the scar on the uterus. His inferiority is a danger to the expectant mother and child, increasing with each subsequent pregnancy.

In the case of a third caesarean, complications during the operation are also possible, the probability of which was minimal during the first intervention. We are talking about uterine bleeding or damage to nearby internal organs (intestines, bladder, ureters). Such a danger arises as a result of a possible violation of the anatomical connection of the organs as a result of the adhesive process at the site of the uterine scar.

Fourth and subsequent operations

According to the observations of international experts the greatest risk for a woman is achieved after the fifth caesarean section. If we are talking about the third or fourth medical intervention during childbirth, then the number of successful operations in such cases is many times greater than operations with serious complications.

In world practice, a large number of cases of successful multiple caesarean section operations are known.

Victoria Beckham, famous model and singer, gave birth to her husband David Beckham four children by caesarean section.

Ethel Kennedy, wife of 1970s American politician Robert Kennedy, gave birth to her 5th children by caesarean section. In total, the Kennedy couple had eleven children (some sources erroneously claim that all 11 were born by caesarean section, but this is unreliable information).

In any case, it should be remembered that a caesarean section should not be a substitute for natural childbirth without significant indications. This is a complex operation, which, like any medical intervention, has serious risks.


Cesarean section | Timing, planned caesarean

Due to the impossibility of natural childbirth as a result of some pathologies, one has to resort to surgical intervention.

In such cases, women in labor have many questions: how long is a planned caesarean section, what are the indications for surgery, how does the recovery period go, whether this will harm the health of the child.

A caesarean section is a surgical procedure in which the fetus is removed through an incision in the peritoneum and uterus. The decision to conduct a planned operation is made depending on the presence of indications that make natural childbirth impossible. Various complications endanger the life of the woman in labor and the baby, as a result of which a caesarean section is preferable to natural childbirth.

With surgery, the likelihood of uterine rupture is reduced. The chance of complications in the later stages of a second pregnancy can be reduced by a planned caesarean section. In the case of elective surgery, newborns do not often need mechanical ventilation. The operation also reduces the risk of uterine prolapse, helps to avoid excessive bleeding after childbirth, stitches and bruising in the perineum.

Indications for caesarean section

Absolute indications for surgery include features of the anatomical structure (narrow pelvis), the presence of mechanical obstacles for natural childbirth (uterine fibroids, tumors, bone deformities). In the case of an operation already undergone during the next pregnancy, women are most often recommended another caesarean section. Repeated cesarean is often recommended for various complications: placenta or fetus previa, with a vertical incision of the uterus, with uterine ruptures during previous births.

Among the relative indications are chronic diseases in the acute stage, weakness of labor, a combination of breech presentation with other pathologies, and possible complications during natural childbirth.

Risks associated with the operation:

  • Spikes. Scars that can fasten the pelvic organs to the muscles of the abdominal wall, which causes discomfort and discomfort. Adhesions are a fairly common occurrence in women after cesarean.
  • With a large amount of scar tissue, the operation takes a lot of time due to the complexity of making the next incision.
  • placenta previa in the future. The next pregnancy will most likely need another caesarean section, as the risk of such a complication increases with each operation.
  • Placenta accreta. This complication occurs when the placenta cannot naturally detach from the wall of the uterus and most often requires surgery to stop heavy bleeding. In some cases, the uterus has to be removed. The danger of such a complication arises with every caesarean. Most often, this complication occurs in women who have had more than three caesarean sections.

Operation progress

The patient is admitted to the maternity ward a few days before the planned operation. How long to carry out a caesarean section is determined by analyzing the condition of the mother and fetus. On the day of the operation, a cleansing enema is prescribed. The operation is performed under epidural or spinal anesthesia. In some cases, general anesthesia is used. The duration of the operation is less than an hour. In the postoperative period, the introduction of blood-substituting solutions is carried out, since during the operation there is a loss of up to 1000 ml of blood.

When is a planned caesarean section done?

A caesarean section is usually performed at 39 weeks or urgently during contractions. Infants with emergency surgery before 39 weeks may experience breathing problems. Most often, this option is possible with a second caesarean. The second caesarean section is carried out at the same time.

Postoperative period

The first day the woman in labor is under observation in the postpartum ward. For the first few days, painkillers and medicines are prescribed to reduce the uterus. Within a day after the operation, the patient is transferred to the postpartum department. The seam is treated with antiseptic solutions daily until removed. To normalize the condition of the intestines, a special diet is prescribed. As a rule, an extract is made a week after the operation, at the discretion of the attending physician.

Pregnancy is undoubtedly a wonderful time in the life of every woman, but it does not always go smoothly. As medical statistics show, every year more and more girls cannot give birth on their own, so they need surgical care. Especially difficult is the third caesarean section after 2 caesarean sections.

It creates a great risk to the health of the expectant mother and her baby, and also increases the likelihood of developing various serious complications, among which there is even internal uterine bleeding and death. However, this does not stop women, and they refuse to have an abortion, preferring to give birth again. Let's see how dangerous this is and what consequences such a decision can lead to.

Possible complications of the operation

It is worth familiarizing yourself with this aspect in the very first place. After a cesarean, not only do scars remain on the woman's reproductive organ, but many structural changes occur, which can be asymptomatic for a long time. At the site of the seams, scars are formed, which are seals of the connective tissue. Unlike muscles, they are not elastic and do not stretch. As a result, during the third pregnancy, the uterus does not increase in size as the fetus grows, which negatively affects its development. But this is not all that is dangerous for the third caesarean section. It can lead to the following:

  • disruption of the functioning of the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  • anemia;
  • incomplete patency of the fallopian tube;
  • damage to the intestinal walls;
  • endometriosis;
  • improper fixation of the embryonic organ;
  • delay or stop the development of the embryo;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • oxygen starvation of the baby;
  • bleeding;
  • intestinal hypotension;
  • acute blockage of blood vessels;
  • slow contraction of the uterus;
  • sepsis;
  • the development of purulent infections;
  • scar failure.

If a woman is scheduled to have a third caesarean section, the third pregnancy is also dangerous because there is a great threat of uterine rupture, which can lead to the death of the patient. With such a problem, the chances of saving the baby are almost zero, so doctors are trying by all possible means to save the life of the mother. But even despite the high level of development of modern medicine, this is far from always possible.

Contraindications to surgery

This aspect deserves special attention. A third cesarean section after 2 cesareans is a very risky step, so doctors go for it only for lack of another way out. Before the procedure, patients should undergo a complete examination for the presence of any severe pathologies. These include:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • autoimmune and chronic diseases;
  • pathologies of infectious etiology, occurring in an acute form.

In the presence of any of the above problems, the operation to surgically extract the child is strictly prohibited. In addition, doctors take into account the state of health of the woman. The thing is that the uterus after a caesarean section becomes less elastic, so it may not be able to stretch to the desired size. As a result, the fetus stops developing and various serious pathologies appear. Therefore, throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother will have to constantly visit the doctor.


Doctors determine the time of surgical intervention individually for each patient. This takes into account not only the clinical picture of the patient, but also the features of the previous operation. When is the third caesarean section safest? If the first procedure was carried out at 38-39 weeks of gestation, then the next one is prescribed 10-14 days earlier. As a rule, doctors prefer not to delay too much, since any delay increases the risk of serious complications. The issue of reducing the period may arise if there are the following problems:

  • complete occlusion of the internal os by the placenta;
  • pelvic presentation of the fetus;
  • suspicion of seam divergence;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • deterioration of the woman's condition;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • diagnosis of HIV or dangerous infectious diseases;
  • a threat to the health and life of the mother.

In the vast majority of cases, if a third caesarean is performed, the third child is born premature and weak, but he remains viable. Therefore, after the operation, he is placed in a special incubator, in which he will remain until he gains the desired body weight.

Examination before surgery

Let's dwell on this in more detail. For a caesarean section to go smoothly, a woman must visit the hospital regularly for ultrasound examinations. With its help, the attending physician can assess the condition of the uterine scar and the growth of the reproductive organ. In the second trimester, carrying a fetus, an examination is recommended at least twice a month. As the delivery approaches, ultrasound must be done every 10 days. But it all depends on many factors. When monitoring expectant mothers, doctors take into account the following nuances:

  • clinical picture of the patient;
  • age;
  • place of fixation of the uterus;
  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • the presence of comorbidities.

If a girl has any health problems, then the risks increase. Therefore, doctors are much more likely to prescribe appointments for pregnant women in order to prescribe timely treatment if necessary and increase the chances of a successful birth.

Features of the operation

So what do you need to know about it? If the expectant mother needs a third caesarean, reviews of qualified specialists will be given at the end of the article, then she is placed on a stationary basis a few weeks before the expected date. In doing so, the following activities are scheduled:

  • comprehensive examination;
  • colon cleansing.

If there are any health problems or threats to life, an emergency hospitalization is carried out, and the timing of the operation is shifted. The uterus after caesarean section is already damaged and has scars, so as not to injure it even more, surgeons make an incision in the same place as last time. Particular attention is paid to blood clotting, since the genital organ contracts worse, then there is a threat of internal bleeding.

Anesthesia is selected taking into account the patient's state of health and the presence of concomitant diseases. Spinal epidural anesthesia is considered the safest, so it is most often prescribed. After the operation, the woman should stay in intensive care until her well-being and state of health return to normal. As a rule, this takes several days, but each case is individual.

When can I have a baby after a previous CS

It must be remembered that any operation does not take place without certain health consequences. This is especially true for cesarean section. Therefore, if you are planning to have another child, then you need to take this very seriously. Doctors recommend women not to take such desperate steps, assuring that it is better to do sterilization altogether. However, the fair sex does not cease to be interested in the question of when it is possible to become pregnant after a second cesarean.

In order for the body to fully recover after surgery, it takes at least two and a half years. Therefore, it is not recommended to have a child earlier, as well as after 6 years from the moment of cesarean. These terms are set by doctors for a reason. It takes about 27-28 months to form a scar. If pregnancy occurs earlier, then there is a risk of divergence of the seams. Uterine rupture can result not only in the death of the fetus, but also in the death of the mother.

If you've had 2 c-sections, a third birth can be very difficult. There is also a high chance of developing various serious complications. To reduce your risks, you should take the following precautions throughout your pregnancy:

  1. Have sex, be sure to use reliable contraception.
  2. Periodically undergo an examination in the hospital to make sure the integrity of the stitches.
  3. Discuss future pregnancy with your doctor and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

If you seriously approach the issue and follow all the recommendations of qualified specialists, then the chances of successfully enduring and giving birth to a baby are quite high.

What to look out for

If you are having a third caesarean section after 2 caesarean sections, then you should visit the doctor regularly and have an ultrasound. Before planning a pregnancy, it is very important to make sure that the sutures are tightened and a scar has formed in their place. You will also need to be under the constant supervision of a doctor throughout the entire period of bearing the baby. The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • feeling of heaviness in the lower part of the abdominal region;
  • spasms and pains;
  • dizziness;
  • unpredictable jumps in blood pressure;
  • discharge from the vagina with an admixture of blood.

All these symptoms may indicate a rupture of the seam, which poses a great threat to the health and life of a woman. Therefore, when they appear, you should immediately contact the clinic.

Preparing for the operation

Let's dwell on this in more detail. According to doctors, the third caesarean after two should begin with planning. It is very important to calculate all possible risks before surgery and take measures to minimize them. It is strictly prohibited:

  • abortions;
  • scraping;
  • uterine surgery.

After the completion of the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist. He will refer you for ultrasound, hysteroscopy and contrast hysterography. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will draw up a clinical picture of the patient's state of health and decide what to do next.

How long is recovery after surgery?

As has been noted many times before, a third cesarean section after a 2nd cesarean is a very serious operation with many risks. Therefore, it is difficult to say how long the rehabilitation will take. It all depends on the age of the woman, how successful the intervention was last time, what diseases she has, and much more.

Doctors let patients go home after a few days, provided that they feel well, and there is no intrauterine bleeding and infection. But in order for a dense scar to form at the site of the seam, it takes several years. However, there are no specific tips or methods that would speed up the recovery process. It all depends solely on the characteristics of the body and the state of human health. The only thing that depends only on you is compliance with all doctor's prescriptions and regular examinations.

The opinion of doctors about the third caesarean section

A third caesarean section is a risk for the woman. It must be understood that the operation is accompanied by negative changes in the body. For the purpose of the operation, the patient must have certain indications. Also, before planning a third child, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will assess the state of the reproductive system and issue a verdict. If the pregnancy is unplanned, the doctor's control should be carried out from the first days of conception. The presence of any pathologies is a reason for termination of pregnancy.

During the third pregnancy, patients are asked if a cesarean is dangerous for health. Doctors' opinions differ. Some experts believe that another intervention will not do harm. Other doctors do not recommend a third pregnancy. Despite this, it is necessary to know what complications may arise.

After 2 surgical interventions, the woman's body is depleted. The operation leaves a trace on systems such as:

  • nervous;
  • reproductive;
  • vascular.

The nervous system suffers due to the action of anesthesia. Doctors do not recommend more than five full anesthesias in a lifetime. The action of anesthesia negatively affects the central nervous system. The drug causes partial death of nerve endings. This is fraught with the development of myopathy, headaches, migraines, joint disease. After the next anesthesia, the disease worsens. The patient's condition is deteriorating. After 2 operations, the body can cope with the problem on its own. The third intervention can cause complications. This condition must be discussed with the patient. A woman should be aware of possible complications.

The third intervention is also dangerous due to the presence of several scars on the uterine cavity. A caesarean section is performed by cutting several layers of the abdominal area. The next incision is made under the previous scars. Due to this, the scarring area expands. This tissue does not have the properties inherent in the uterine wall. The scar cannot stretch or contract. Due to this, the uterus during the next pregnancy is stretched along the back wall. Wall tension is accompanied by the threat of scar tissue rupture. After 2 cesareans, doctors examine the condition of the scar. If the tissue develops unevenly and disrupts a large area of ​​the uterine body, a third pregnancy is not recommended. Accidental conception requires careful monitoring by specialists.

The vascular tissue is also damaged. The vascular system during pregnancy changes its work. The volume of blood supplying the pelvic organs increases significantly. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the placenta. The body consists of a large number of vessels. After each operation, part of the vessels that feed the uterus is damaged. Less blood enters the uterus. Also, several pregnancies cause changes in the vessels of the lower extremities. The walls of the veins are strongly stretched in some areas. Formed varicose veins. Varicose veins of the second degree should be monitored in a medical setting. The third pregnancy and caesarean section can aggravate the pathology.

The third caesarean is also dangerous for the baby. With each operation, the start date is postponed by one week. The process of fetal development is disrupted. Attachment of the placenta to the scar zone is also dangerous. This can cause early detachment. In this case, a caesarean section is prescribed on an emergency basis.

Reasons for another intervention

Surgical births are performed for specific reasons. The presence of 2 operations does not allow a woman to give birth on her own. After the first caesarean, natural childbirth is possible after 3-4 years. This requires a full recovery. Re-section can be done after 2-3 years. The presence of two scars leads to a decrease in the ability to bear. For this reason, third births must be performed by caesarean section.

Caesarean section for the third time is appointed by the presence of indications. The reason for the next surgical intervention may be one of the following pathologies:

  • threat to the life of the fetus;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • features of the attachment of the placenta;
  • lack of natural labor activity.

The main reason for the third caesarean section is to preserve the health of the child. Often, an operation is prescribed when the child is in the wrong position in the uterus. Before the onset of labor, the fetus should move head into the pelvis. Under the influence of various factors, this does not happen. The baby can be positioned across the uterus or head up. In all cases, natural childbirth can lead to fetal death. At the last ultrasound examination, the doctor prescribes surgery.

The third operation is performed with improper attachment of the placenta to the uterus. A low placenta or its attachment to the scar area can cause preterm labor. Such fixation and placental abruption are dangerous. It is impossible to remove or change such a fixation. The woman is placed on bed rest. A caesarean section is performed when the first signs of labor appear.

Also, the section is carried out with a hypoxic lesion of the child. This disease is accompanied by a lack of oxygen in the fetus. The child is not getting enough food. He might choke. To avoid such a result, a third operation is performed.

Mom can also testify. Surgery is recommended for women with serious chronic diseases. Caesarean section is often prescribed for patients with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes causes the destruction of vascular tissue. It also negatively affects the hormonal background. Due to impaired blood circulation, the placenta delivers a small amount of blood to the baby. The fetus will receive a small amount of oxygen. Hypoxia develops. On the background of diabetes, bleeding can also develop. The rupture of several damaged vessels leads to a large blood loss. It is possible to alleviate the condition only after the operation. A caesarean section can save a woman's life.

Additional indications

Surgery is used for hypertension. The presence of a constant vasospasm entails a constant tone of the uterus. For a full-fledged bearing, a woman is recommended various activities. Natural birth is prohibited. It is necessary to resort to a third caesarean section.

Cesarean section is also necessary for pathological processes in the visual system. A relative indication is the presence of myopia. Myopia is the medical name for nearsightedness. The problem can develop rapidly. Natural labor activity can lead to loss of vision or its severe deterioration.

Caesarean section is also used in the presence of various neoplasms. Cancer develops for unknown reasons. The disease causes a change in the cellular structure. The tissue affected by cancer begins to grow actively. A tumor is forming. Any negative impact can speed up the process. Surgical intervention is required to prolong the life of the patient.

Surgery is also recommended for uterine myoma. This pathology can develop for a long time without harming the health of a woman. During natural childbirth, damage to the surface of the fibroid may occur. To eliminate this complication, a third section is necessary.

The operation can be caused by the absence of a natural birth process. Labor activity after two caesarean may not begin. This is due to the lack of the hormone oxytocin. This substance is responsible for the appearance of contractile activity of the uterus. The introduction of a medical analog of the hormone can speed up the process. If this does not help, it is necessary to carry out a caesarean section.

There are other reasons for a third intervention. Appointment is negotiated with the patient. She also warns of possible complications.

Selecting the date of the operation

You should know how long the doctors do the third operation. The choice of date depends on the reasons that influenced the caesarean section. In the normal course of pregnancy, surgery is scheduled for the end of the third trimester. The operation can be performed from 38 weeks. Two previous caesareans shorten the time. To avoid complications in the fetus, doctors recommend setting the date at the end of the 36th week. By this time, the child is fully formed. Further development takes place in a special box.

In rare cases, the third operation is performed at an earlier date. For such an intervention, there must be a threat to the life of the mother and fetus. In this case, a caesarean section is appointed by a special commission. Members of the commission evaluate the risks of early surgery and choose the most appropriate solution.

Preoperative preparation

To prepare for the third intervention, the pregnant woman must go to the hospital in advance. With the first 2 interventions, hospitalization is carried out three days before the operation.

Early hospitalization is carried out for additional examination. The doctor examines the condition of the scar tissue on the uterus and takes general tests. It is necessary to study the bacterial microflora and blood. There are also events such as:

  • purgation;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • cardiotopography.

In the first days, the doctor examines the condition of the fetus using an ultrasound machine. Ultrasound allows you to establish how the child develops, what problems exist. After receiving the results, a bowel cleansing is prescribed.

Cleansing is carried out by two methods: enema and drugs. An enema is given a few hours before the operation. If drugs are used, they are taken the day before the intervention.

Before the section, eating and drinking is prohibited. This will help eliminate unwanted reactions during the operation.

Recovery period

After the third section, the woman will need a longer recovery time. The first week a woman should not get up and make sudden movements. Complete rest is needed.

This will allow the seam to heal faster. Wound care should be handled by a specialist. You should not do this on your own.

The first movements can be carried out only with the permission of a specialist. For several weeks, you should not carry heavy objects and play sports. You should also eat right. This will help the body recover faster. Home care is also voiced by a doctor. A woman is required to strictly follow the recommendations. Only under these conditions, 3 caesarean sections will not harm health.

After two operations, it is recommended to plan pregnancy in advance. The state of health and readiness of the body for a third pregnancy should be assessed. Preparation will help to easily endure the baby and transfer the next caesarean section.

A third caesarean section is not uncommon today. The technique of the operation became more and more perfect every year. Once performed, a caesarean section does not limit a woman in her desire to have many children.

In the olden days, a caesarean section was an operation of desperation. It was performed only on a dying woman in order to save a still living child.

Over time, to save the life of a woman, they tried to remove the uterus after removing the child. This woman saved her life.

Unfortunately, they could not have any more children. Through the centuries, the uterus began to be sutured. There were antibiotics.

Since that time, the number of births by operation has increased dramatically. It is impossible to surprise and repeated operation.

Why is a third caesarean section common today?

  1. Operation technique. Today, a caesarean section is performed with a transverse incision in the lower segment of the uterus. This incision heals well and quickly. Less bleeding during surgery. The scar is formed strong, which reduces the risk of uterine rupture during subsequent pregnancy and childbirth. It was the use of this incision that allowed the woman to have more than one child after operative delivery.
  2. Reducing drugs. The scarred uterus contracts worse and slower after childbirth. This is fraught with bleeding and infection. Medicines came to the aid of obstetricians, which help the uterus to contract even in such difficult situations.
  3. Antibiotics. They were first used during the Second World War. In the post-war years, they made it possible to make the caesarean section safer and save women from puerperal fever. The fact is that after a caesarean section, infectious complications are not uncommon. Previously, because of this, the first caesarean was a mortal risk. Today, with a second operation, and even with a third caesarean, it is possible to save a woman's life, health and the opportunity to have more children.
  4. Nutrition for women. For the full healing of the scar on the uterus, a woman needs a proper balanced diet. Sufficient consumption of meat, fruits, vegetables.
  5. Lifestyle. A woman in modern society is rarely engaged in hard physical labor, eats well, lives in a warm house with all amenities. This is an important moment for maintaining her reproductive health and the ability to survive 3 and even 4 caesarean sections.

Third pregnancy after cesarean. Features of the course of pregnancy

Important! A woman carrying a third child, if she gave birth to previous ones by surgery, is at risk. She deserves close attention of doctors.

The fact is that there is a scar on the uterus. This is a weak point in which connective tissue predominates. The uterus during pregnancy increases in volume by 500 times.

The muscle tissue of which it consists is well adapted to this, but the connective tissue is not very good. Therefore, the risk of uterine rupture along the scar increases even during pregnancy. It matters:

  • How much time has passed since the previous operations. Ideally, 1.5-2 years should pass. But not more than 4-5 years. The fact is that during this period, muscle tissue predominates in the scar and it is the most prosperous. After 4-5 years, calcium salts are deposited in the scar and it undergoes sclerosis - compaction, loses its ability to stretch. Up to 2.5 years, the scar is still at the stage of formation. It is easily torn and thinned during pregnancy.
  • Whether the woman had abortions, operations and how much time passed after them. Abortion disrupts the formation of a scar on the uterus.
  • How was the postoperative period. If there were complications, infections, then it will be difficult to bear the pregnancy.

What to look for during pregnancy?

  • Scarring. To do this, ultrasound is regularly performed during pregnancy and not only the growth and development of the child is monitored, but also the condition of the scar on the uterus, their consistency and thickness.
  • If the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus in the area of ​​scars, then it will not work well here. This may result in your child's growth retardation. In addition, during pregnancy, the placenta can adhere tightly to the area of ​​the scar on the uterus and not separate after childbirth. In this case, the uterus will have to be removed.
  • It is necessary to avoid any physical activity, lifting weights.
  • Don't be sexually active.
  • If there are pains in the lower abdomen or bloody discharge, weakness, dizziness worries - call an ambulance immediately !!!

Features during childbirth

With one scar on the uterus, you can have a discussion about what to do with the second pregnancy: childbirth or surgery. But after the second cesarean delivery through the birth canal is extremely dangerous and fraught with uterine rupture.

The third and subsequent cesarean is technically difficult to perform. It has more complications. It's connected:

  • with adhesive process in the abdominal cavity, which remains after any operation. Adhesions may interfere with the removal of the child. They may need to be cut beforehand. This will lengthen the operation time. Rupture of adhesions can cause bleeding and damage to neighboring organs - the intestines, bladder, as well as the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  • with insufficient contraction of the uterus. Due to scarring, the uterus will shrink worse. And the operation may result in severe bleeding from the uterus, which will require its removal.

The risk of complications is higher if the woman had abortions, inflammatory diseases of the uterus, the postoperative period after previous operations was difficult, if little time had passed after previous operations.

Interesting! During surgery, doctors may suggest that you have your fallopian tubes tied to sterilize and prevent future pregnancies. This is due to the fact that if you become pregnant for the fourth time, there will be even more difficulties with pregnancy and childbirth. But 4 and even 5 operations are not news today.

Features of the postpartum period

In the postpartum period, you will also have to face difficulties and peculiarities.

  1. Firstly, it will expand in time. The uterus will contract worse. Because of the scar.
  2. Secondly, the scar will also heal worse and slower.
  3. Third increases the risk of bleeding and infection.
  4. Fourth, subjectively you will feel that the stomach hurts more. This is due to painful uterine contractions, adhesions that remain in the abdominal cavity, and repeatedly injured tissues and nerves.
  5. Fifth, it will be more difficult to restore the former tummy and remove sagging skin. And it will take much more time.

Ladies, don't be afraid. Medicine does not stand still and every year the skill in performing repeated operations is honed.

Gone are the days when an operation once performed did not allow a woman to give birth again. But, the third pregnancy after two caesarean, has its own complications. You must be prepared for difficulties. And the task of doctors is to help you overcome them.