How to keep gel polish manicure for a long time? How to make gel polish last longer

The manicure, as usual, did not last even a week, the coating cracked and began to chip off in the corners. And a friend has been wearing her jacket for almost a month, and at least something. Do not complain, but read how to properly apply shellac to show off your perfect nails.

We divide the whole process into three steps:

  • preparation of materials;
  • preparation of the nail plate;
  • shellac application.

Any process begins with the preparation of the necessary materials. It is better to have everything at hand at once than to waste time looking for the necessary gizmos.

To correctly apply shellac and forget about manicure for up to 4 weeks, you will need:

  1. UV or LED lamp. Their main difference is in the speed of varnish polymerization. Therefore, for some coatings, there are restrictions on drying in a particular apparatus. For example, shellac for LED lamps will not dry out in a UV lamp and vice versa.
  1. Manicure set. You will need a cuticle pusher, a special hatchet, nail files (wooden and/or glass) and a nail brush.
  1. Cuticle softener. It can be oil or a special cream. If you are going to do a trimmed manicure, then you will not need it.
  1. Degreaser and hydrator. If there are none, you can find an alternative. Read.
  1. Base and top coat. The recommendation on the shellac bottle will help you choose the right one. If there is none, replace the top with a colorless varnish.
  1. Sticky layer remover. Its alternative would be a degreaser.
  1. Lint-free wipes. Do not look for a replacement for them in the form of cotton pads. They will leave villi and further violate the integrity of the coating.

Step 2. Preparation of the nail plate

It is important not only to gently apply shellac, but to create all the conditions for it to last as long as possible.


Don't rush to apply nail polish. Pay attention to their shape and regrown cuticle. The first is to correct, the second is to get rid of.

Always start with the cuticle. The need to remove it is easily explained. You won't be able to gently apply shellac without touching it. With further growth of the nail, it is she who will cause the peeling of the coating. Therefore, either cut it with special tweezers, or soften it with cuticle oil and push it back with an orange stick or spatula. Remains (keratinized layer) touch up with a manicure hatchet.

Don't forget about form. Even if it is perfect, the nail will still have to be sanded for better adhesion to the coating.

Do not use metal files. They destroy the structure of the nail. Give preference to sapphire, sand and finely abrasive.

After filing, brush off the nail dust with a special manicure brush.


After giving the nails the correct shape, proceed to the next step - degreasing.

Pay special attention to this procedure. Degreasing and removing excess moisture from the surface of the nail is necessary so that the shellac lasts for a long time, does not peel off and does not roll off during wear.

First, disinfect your nail with an alcohol wipe. It will remove the remaining dust and partially remove greasy deposits. Carefully treat the sides and the space around the cuticle.

After that, degrease the surface of the nail plate with a bond and remove excess moisture with a dehydrator.

Treat all your nails one at a time, rather than waiting for one to dry before moving on to the next. The faster you complete the procedure and move on to the next step, the more likely your nails will not have time to get greasy again.

Don't apply too much. The thickness of the layer does not affect the quality of the degreasing. Rather, on the contrary, an excess of a substance adversely affects the coating.

If you did everything right, then the nail will look matte.

Step 3. Applying shellac

The nails are prepared, the remnants of dust and fatty deposits are removed, which means you can proceed to the most important stage - applying shellac.

We create the basis

Surely, you have already taken out your favorite bottle of shellac, unscrewed the brush and brought it over the nail. Wait. First, create a base. It will be the key to a durable coating.

As a base, use a special transparent gel. Usually on it it is indicated that it is suitable for shellac. It is better not to select analogues and not to experiment with alternative means. At the basic level, the best option is the original remedy.

Carefully cover the entire nail, leaving no gaps. Otherwise, shellac will begin to slide off unpainted areas.

After applying the gel base, be sure to dry your nails in a UV or LED lamp for 10-60 seconds. The waiting time depends on the manufacturer and composition of the coating, as well as the lamp used.

Pay attention to the labeling of the shellac bottle. LED is used to indicate quick-drying varnishes. To dry such under force only LED lamps. UV - on the contrary, it polymerizes only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. For LED lamps, they will be unsuitable.

Did you notice that there was a sticky layer on the nail? Under no circumstances should it be washed. This is done only at the end of the entire manicure, and not in the early stages.

We paint nails

Is the base dry? Great, you can start applying shellac. There is no fundamental difference from applying conventional varnish.

Start with the little finger and work your way up to the thumb. You can dry each nail separately or make up all at once and put your hand in a UV lamp. The only difference is the availability of free time.

Fill the nail with shellac in three steps. First, put a small point at the base, near the cuticle, and draw a line for the entire length. Then go over the left edge of the nail, and then along the right. Don't forget to seal the tip when applying the last layer.

The number of layers of shellac depends on its color and density. Some light shades will only show up in a third or fourth coat, while two will be enough for rich colors.

Finish your manicure with a top coat. It will protect shellac from exposure to aggressive environments, prolong its durability and protect it from fading.

Remember that each layer must be dried in the lamp for at least two minutes.

Removing the sticky layer

After polymerization of all layers, a sticky layer remains, which can and should be removed. Many women use alcohol for such purposes without spending money on special products, such as clinser or degreaser. It is not advisable to repeat after them. Alcohol will de-coat the gloss and devalue all your work.

Do not rush to remove the sticky layer immediately after drying. A minute should elapse between these two stages. So you protect the shellac from tarnishing. Use only lint-free wipes so as not to leave unnecessary marks on the coating.

It is better to see once than to re-read several times. Therefore, watch the video instruction for applying shellac at home:

Common Mistakes

The coating will last longer if you take into account a number of popular mistakes and do not repeat them.

Material delamination

To prevent shellac from chipping, peeling or wrinkling, follow 4 rules:

  1. Carefully prepare the nail plate. Insufficient degreasing, neglect of the dehydration procedure, the use of improvised means lead to peeling of shellac.
  1. Know the measure. Do you want bright nails? Apply several thin coats of coverage rather than one thick coat. It is unlikely that it will be able to dry enough, which means that it will quickly wrinkle, sagging will form and chips will go.
  1. Don't feel sorry for the top. Unlike shellac, you can apply it in a thick layer.
  1. Be sure to stick to the drying time. If you understand that you have only an hour to create a manicure, it is better to refuse shellac coverage. Reducing the drying time leads to delamination of the material.

If you carefully followed all the rules and strictly followed the instructions, and the varnish still broke off, then the reason is in the characteristics of your body. Maybe you have flaky nails. A nail file and vitamins will solve the problem.

Cuticle neglect

Often, removing the cuticle is long, tedious and sometimes even painful. But without this, you will not get a lasting manicure. Imagine, the nail is constantly growing, and the cuticle remains in place. Capturing it when painting, you doom the coating to peeling off.

Look carefully at the composition of cuticle softeners. Prefer bases based on fruit acids, avoiding alkaline ones. They do not leave a specific plaque, which means they minimize the risks of coating damage.

Use of poor quality materials

It is difficult for beginners to decide which tool is of high quality. I would like to buy an inexpensive shellac and quickly start creating beautiful marigolds. This approach is wrong, it will not be possible to save on cheap coatings. They spoil the nail plate and are consumed 2 times faster.

Find a trusted seller and buy all manicure products in specialized stores.

Pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions. Do not use shellac that has been exposed to direct sunlight. Such a manicure will not last long.

Gel polish combines the qualities of a regular polish and a gel coat: it is very resistant - it lasts at least 3 weeks, retains a radiant color for at least 2 weeks, and is applied like a regular polish - with a brush. Why is such a spectacular coating sometimes not kept on the nails, and how to avoid this?

Why is this happening

As always, in such cases, chips and peeling of the lacquer coating owe their appearance to non-compliance with the technology. No matter how simple the application rules are, their violation is fraught with troubles in the form of tarnishing and a sloppy peeling edge.

Even a regular manicure is trusted to be done only by a proven master. What can we say about the gel coating. The reputation and experience of a specialist are a guarantee of long-lasting shine of nails.

There are many reasons for delamination of the coating.

  • Insufficiently processed nail: the nail plate is poorly dried, fat is not removed, poor-quality primer, and so on.
  • The nail is too heavily filed, the cuticle is damaged. In this case, a hematoma is formed, which will not allow you to properly apply the varnish.
  • The base coat is not dried or has not been aged too long.
  • In principle, insufficient drying leads to delamination of the coating.
  • An excessively thick layer of varnish polymerizes unevenly - “weak” areas appear in the coating, which are destroyed faster.
  • The tool was on the periungual roller and was not removed in time. Since the sebum is here in a much larger amount, the gel polish will not be able to be retained, and at the same time it will damage the coating on the nail itself.
  • Do not wash your hands or moisten them in any other way for the first 2-3 hours. The gel coat has not yet fully cured and may be damaged. In any case, the gloss will decrease.

The video tells why the gel polish does not stick to the nails:

There are a number of other reasons related to the characteristics of the body, general health and other things. The nail is a completely living part of the body and reacts to violations of endocrine or hormonal processes quite unambiguously.

  • Individual characteristics- nothing depends on the master here. It happens that the nail plate does not hold any coating due to irregularities.
  • Very specific diseases- Diabetes mellitus, inflammation, requiring antibiotics, significantly affect the metabolism. And he, in turn, changes the condition of the nails, making a manicure simply impossible.
  • Excessive hand sweating.
  • During menstruation, during pregnancy it is also better to refuse gel polish: the nail plate at this time becomes porous and does not hold any coating well.
  • Quickly destroy manicure exposure to household chemicals. It is not without reason that all housework is advised to be done with gloves.

What it is and how it should be used in order to have the maximum effect, you can understand by reading the contents of this article.

How long does he have to keep

In this matter, little depends on the quality of the tool and the correct use of it.

  • On average, even the cheapest gel polish stays on the nails for a week, all other things being equal.
  • A high-quality coating does not change color, gloss and shape for 3 weeks.

In practice, the time of "using" varnish is limited to 2 weeks: during this time, the nail has time to grow, and the light strip that appears spoils the whole picture. It is desirable to remove the varnish from the same master by washing off without filing, so as not to harm the nails.

On the video - how long should gel polish stay on nails:

How to make it last longer

The ideal 2-3 weeks can only be achieved if certain rules are followed.

  • You need to prepare for the procedure in advance: for example, oil manicure, nail baths and other SPA procedures of this kind should be abandoned a day before applying gel polish.
  • Classic manicure - wet, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 hours in order for the nails to dry well enough.

Some deficiencies require additional processing. So, “wet” nails are covered with a primer - a means that enhances the adhesion of the plate and varnish. Soft nails are pre-coated with a strengthening composition, which is then necessarily washed off.

  • You need to use high-quality materials and use the services of a proven specialist.

So, before applying the nail must be polished, filed, even if it does not need to be shortened, and must be degreased. Moreover, both the nail plate and the cuticle are degreased.

  • The gel is applied in a very thin layer, and each layer is dried under a UV lamp for 60–120 s. The cut of the nail must be tinted - “sealed”.
  • During the next 2-3 hours, contact of nails with water in any form is not allowed.
  • Within 10-12 hours, you should avoid the shower and bath, as well as any oil procedures.
  • You can not file your nails: this destroys the seals - the section covered with varnish, air or water enters under the gel layer, and the coating exfoliates.

On the video, how to paint your nails so that the varnish lasts a long time:

How long does regular polish last

This question is not as clear-cut as it seems. And the point is not only as a means, but also in the state of the nail plate.

  • With uneven and “moist” nails, neither regular varnish nor gel is retained for longer than 1-2 days.
  • Without a fixer, the average static representative of the weaker sex keeps the varnish for 2-4 days.
  • With a fixer, the coating is more stable, sometimes held for a week.

Doing housework with gloves - especially wet cleaning and washing dishes, noticeably lengthens the "life" of the nail. As a rule, the varnish lasts a week for those who care about the condition of their hands and fulfill this simple requirement.

How to make up to enhance the effect

The rules for applying conventional varnish are slightly different from the rules for applying shellac.

  • Contact with water should be avoided 1-2 hours before the procedure. Steaming has a particularly negative effect: the pores expand and the plate turns out to be looser, and the varnish adheres worse on such a surface.
  • Be sure to file the edges, preventing brittleness.
  • Before application, the surface of the nail is degreased with a solution of vinegar, for example, or with a special tool that does not include acetone.
  • It is necessary to avoid getting the material on the cuticles.
  • On the top of the nail, the base coat is applied twice, as the edge is more prone to chipping.
  • The bottle is not shaken before use, but rotated between the palms to reduce the risk of air bubbles. So the agent is applied more evenly, and the risk of delamination is reduced.
  • Be sure to apply a layer of varnish - even the base, on the edge of the nail.
  • Dry your nails with cold air: hot slows down the polymerization process.
  • To prevent chipping, you need to renew the coating with a clear varnish for 2-3 days.
  • Be sure to wear gloves when doing housework. This simple tool most effectively lengthens the "life" of a manicure.

On the video, how to cover natural nails so that the varnish lasts longer:


Opinions about varnishes, of course, are very different. The owner of healthy nails seems to be excellent almost any varnishes. But those who have loose and uneven nail plates were much less fortunate.

  • IsaDora- a well-known Swedish brand that offers a very rich color range. The secret of a good manicure from IsaDora is not only the quick drying of the product, but also a special wide brush.
  • famous American manufacturer Orly offers varnishes, base coats, dryers and more. There is a collection of products enriched with vitamins.
  • Polish brand Belweder manufactures a wide range of medicinal products. Lacquers of the company not only decorate nails and, but strengthen them. Belweder products are easier to find in pharmacies than in salons.
  • OPI- According to statistics, it accounts for half of all varnishes sold in the country. The secret is in the variety. And this applies to color, and texture, and cost.
  • Stands out from gel polishes VINYLUX by CND. The tool is offered as a “weekly” varnish, and, judging by the reviews on the forum, it really is a record holder for “longevity”.
  • The main rival of the company is the famous Revlon. The products of this company do not need advertising.

For those who want to understand. what is Orly nail polish, you can learn from this

A well-groomed appearance is the “calling card” of a modern business woman. Perfect nails are a part of this image, but there is not enough time for daily care of them. A busy work schedule leaves no time for careful nail design; on the other hand, a woman of our time is a universal specialist who is needed both at work and at home. Love for cleanliness leads to the fact that ordinary varnish loses its attractiveness after 2-3 days. You have to do a new manicure, but it again takes precious time to dry each layer, and nail polish removers dry out the nail plate with frequent use.

A revolution in the field of decorative cosmetology was the appearance of gel polish, the unique composition of which guarantees ease of use, durability and a great look. This tool combines all the advantages of conventional varnish (shine, wide color palette, ease of use) and gel, which ensures the durability of the varnish and the absence of a strong odor.

The revolutionary gel polish formula includes a composition of polymers that is present in the modeling gel. They provide reliable adhesion of the varnish layer to the surface of the nail plate. Once applying gel polish on your nails, you get a perfect coating for a long time that does not lose its shine, does not form chips and has shades for any, even the most demanding, taste. How often you have to update your manicure will depend largely on you.

How long should you keep

Subject to all the rules, the manufacturers of this product guarantee its perfect appearance within 14 days after application. Some companies, such as CND, OPI and Gelish, claim that the formulas they have developed do not lose their attractiveness within 3 weeks. Lovers of a beautiful manicure, having tried to do it with an experienced master in the salon, are happy to confirm that such a coating can remain flawless even longer. There are factors that determine the degree of durability of gel polish. Some of them are related to the professionalism of the manicurist and the use of special equipment that allows the varnish to dry faster.

Reviews of women who used high-quality gel polish indicate that a particularly resistant coating can be preserved without deformation for longer than 2 weeks, but here a problem arises: the nails grow during this time and a strip of the nail plate without varnish becomes visible, which creates the impression of sloppiness . You can contrive and extend the life of the nail design by painting over the white crescent with matching varnish. But you can give your nails a rest for 1-2 weeks, after which you can please yourself with a new, not yet boring shade.

Women are often interested in whether there is a difference in the durability of a manicure on the hands and feet. In fact, gel polish on the legs lasts longer than 2-3 weeks, because it is less exposed to aggressive substances (for example, cleaning agents and solvents), less mechanically injured. However, you should ask yourself if you really need to keep nail polish on your nails for a whole month.

Not only can a color you once like get bored; prolonged presence of nail polish impedes the flow of natural metabolic processes in them and leads to depletion and fragility of the nail plates, to the loss of their natural healthy appearance.

Why doesn't it hold

Many reasons affect the durability of a manicure, a third of which is related to the individual characteristics of the nails, a third to the quality of the procedure performed, and the last third to how you treat your hands.

Nail health

No matter how good a professionally selected gel polish is, you need to understand that it contains many chemical compounds that are unfriendly to the nail plate. On depleted, damaged or diseased nails, such a manicure will not hold. Therefore, you should not worry about this, but take all measures to strengthen the nails.

In the pharmacy you can find effective vitamin and mineral complexes, which contain silicon and biotin, which improve the structure and appearance of the nail plates.

Supporters of the natural healing of the body in their diet should include more healthy foods that are sources of calcium, vitamins A and E, polyunsaturated acids. These are our old friends - dairy products (especially cottage cheese), linseed and olive oils, seeds, nuts, oatmeal, millet, chickpeas, beans, seafood.

Sometimes women, saving money or time, keep gel polish longer than the recommended 14 days, after which the polish has to be removed “by force”, and this injures the nail plate. The longer the gel polish remains on the nails, the stronger it fuses with them, and standard nail polish removal procedures will be powerless. Many clients are dissatisfied with the fact that the master literally rips off the coating from the nail plates, but it is not his fault, but the one who overexposed the gel polish.

Manicure quality

If the gel polish is applied incorrectly, then it will not last long. When carrying out this cosmetic procedure, a number of mistakes should be avoided. So, the coating will be deformed if:

  • the nail plate was poorly cleaned;
  • a wet manicure was done;
  • the gloss was not removed from the nail plate, and she herself was not treated with a dehydrator;
  • foundation was applied too thin;
  • the coating layers were not sufficiently exposed to the lamp;
  • instead of three thin layers, the master applied one thick one;
  • the materials used (primer, base, gel polish) turned out to be incompatible, since they were produced by different manufacturers;
  • an old product was used, approaching the end of its expiration date; in this case, the varnish is applied too thickly, and a microscopic cavity forms between it and the nail, which leads to peeling of the coating;
  • the master forgot to treat the ends of the nail plates with a transparent coating, which will make them smooth and complete, saving them from bumps and chips.

After manicure

You should try to save a professionally made manicure, so cleaning and washing dishes should be done only with durable rubber gloves. You should not acquaint freshly painted nails with solvents, cleaners and other aggressive liquids. No one wants to see chips, cracks and stains appear on a beautiful expensive manicure, so that it loses its luster and fails its owner in a business or festive situation.

At first, it is better to wait a little with cosmetic procedures that require prolonged contact of nails with water.

Within 24 hours after applying the gel polish, the polymerization process, which is responsible for the adhesion strength of the coating to the surface of the nail, should be completed. Since the nail plate is a living matter, it is able to absorb and retain moisture, which changes the size of the nail. Dried gel polish is not flexible enough to stretch or shrink with the base.

When all the processes in the gel polish are completed, it will painlessly endure external influences, as was laid down in the technology of its production.

Since we already know that gel polish can lead to depletion of the nail plate, let's take care of our nails and hands after beauty. A daily hand massage with a nourishing cream will benefit both the skin and nails, helping to nourish them and improve blood circulation in the hands. Nails will love the cuticle cream with lanolin, which must be rubbed daily into the base of the nail plate.

Now there are many materials on the market that have proven themselves both among professionals and among clients. A high-quality gel polish should have all the advantages expected from professional nail services. The choice of a particular brand depends both on the taste and needs of the consumer, and on the financial component. Among the popular brands are the products of Lacomchir and LAQ.

lacomchir produces high-quality professional materials that are characterized by rich color, durability up to 2-3 weeks, uniform application and easy removal. The products of this company are gaining popularity due to a pleasant price-quality ratio, a wide range of colors (more than 160 bright shades), and convenience for home use. The proposed materials do not harm the nail plate and do not cause allergic reactions.

British company products LAQ is positioned as a unique combination of durability, saturation of shades, economy and the absence of harmful components (for example, toluene) in the composition of the varnish. At the same time, the company guarantees instant drying of the coating on natural nails, which makes their products in demand primarily by home manicure masters.

How to paint

First stage preparation for the procedure is quite traditional. Need to gently push back cuticles, remove excess skin, clean the surface of the nail plate from traces of dirt and grease. If the nail is exfoliated, it must be carefully trimmed with a nail file. In this case, it is necessary to avoid wet manicure, since the absorbed moisture will later lead to the appearance of blisters on the surface of the varnish coating.

At the second stage, a special primer is applied, which serves as a more reliable adhesion of the varnish to the surface of the nail. The primer is safe for the nail plate and acts as a kind of primer that strengthens weak nails. It is also used to treat the end of the nail plate.

The third stage requires special patience, since now you need to apply several layers and allow each to dry. First, the master thinly applies a base gel that provides a strong bond between the keratin that makes up the nails and the synthetic gel. It also prevents the coloring pigment from penetrating into the deeper layers of the nail plate. Gel polish is applied over the base in two or three thin layers, very carefully, bypassing the side ridges and cuticles. The last layer applied is a special finishing gel. When it dries completely, the upper dispersion layer is removed with a special tool, which gives the manicure a salon-like shine and moisturizes the nail plate.

After application, each layer must dry completely. For this procedure, ultraviolet or LED lamps are used. Under the influence of light rays, the gel polish adheres firmly to the previous layer due to the polymerization process.

How long the material will dry depends on the type and power of the lamp.

Professionals use special equipment that must match the brand of decorative coating. Most often used:

  • UV lamps with a power of 36 W, which dry the coating in 40 seconds, however, due to their dimensions, such equipment is more suitable for beauty salons;
  • nine-watt UV lamps, which are slower, 1.5 to 3 minutes, but less bulky and good for home use;
  • LED lamps - more economical than ultraviolet, but no less effective.

The first 2 layers of gel polish should be dried for at least 2-3 minutes under nine-watt UV lamps (40 seconds under LED or UV lamps at 36 W), the last, third layer - one and a half minutes (under a UV lamp at 9 W) or 40 sec. under LED or powerful UV lamps.

Professional lamps significantly speed up the drying process, and if all deadlines are met, your fresh varnish will not be afraid of contact with any objects.

Wear rules

The secret to caring for gel polished nails is to respect yourself and the work done by the master. To keep the beauty of nails, you need to follow a few extremely simple rules:

  • fresh manicure can not be wetted after applying gel polish 2-3 hours; at this time, molecular bonds continue to form between the keratin of the nails and the components of the gel coating;
  • even the most durable nail coating does not withstand mechanical damage and exposure to solvents, so cleaning and repairs are done only with rubber gloves;
  • nails, especially after gel polish treatment and drying, require moisturizing and nourishment, therefore, every day we delight them with a cream with lanolin;
  • don't forget about ourselves take complex vitamins with minerals, we lean on foods rich in calcium, silicon, biotin.

It is important to understand not only how to properly handle a glitter gel coat, but also how it should be removed. High-quality gel polishes are distinguished, among other things, by their ease of removal, but you need to know when to stop and not overdo the polish. After 3 weeks, it will be more difficult to remove it than a week earlier. Proper removal of the gel coating is important precisely because nails are easy to ruin, and the next visit to the salon will be postponed until better times, until the nail plate is strengthened.

To remove gel polish, you will need special tools, preferably from the same manufacturer as your polish. It is better if they do not contain acetone, which dries out the nail plate, because during the application of varnish, the nails were already exposed to aggressive chemicals.

So, we take 5 lumps of cotton wool, moisten them abundantly with gel polish remover, put the lump on the nail plate, wrap each finger with foil and leave everything in this position for 15 minutes. It is also important here not to overexpose the liquid for longer than the recommended time. We remove the foil, remove the cotton wool, and the remnants of the varnish, without any extra effort, clean off with an orange stick. After this procedure, hands should be thoroughly washed in warm water, washing off the remaining product.

The final touch is the use of a nourishing cream, preferably with lanolin. It should be carefully rubbed into the base of the nail plate, and then spread over the skin of the hands. It's not a bad idea to use a special cuticle oil, which is equally good for nails.

To maintain the health of nails, they need to be allowed to rest after a manicure, especially with the use of gel polish, which often adversely affects the condition of the nail plate. For a while, you can abandon the nail design or use regular varnish. During these "holidays" it is useful for hands to do restorative baths with sea salt, not forgetting about nourishing and moisturizing creams and protecting nails from household cleaners.

The process of removing gel polish is described in the video below.

What to do if the varnish peeled off at the tips

It happens that with all the efforts, the designer coating of the nails gives slack and chips appear, the varnish begins to wear off at the tips. Nail service in the salon is an expensive procedure, and doing a manicure again is really a shame. Inventive fashionistas know how to deal with this disaster. If the gel coating is a little peeled off, you can stick glitter on the tips, which will be both economical and original. An attempt to independently paint over the deformed places with a varnish of a suitable tone is not always justified, since it does not improve either the appearance or the condition of the nails in the end.

Manicure is an integral part of the female image. Some representatives of the fair sex prefer to increase their nails, while others advocate natural beauty. You can't tell which one is right. The nails of one and the other women require constant care and coverage. Quite often, the weaker sex has a question about how to cover the varnish so that it lasts a long time. This is what will be discussed in this article. Find out what nail polish options are available. You will also understand how to cover the varnish correctly.

Preliminary processing

Manicure is an important part of nail care. Several times a year, the surface of the native nail plate must be filed and polished. This item can be skipped for those persons who increase their nails.

It is also necessary to properly handle the cuticle. Removal of excess skin can be dry and wet. Choose the option that you like best.

Lacquer application

The coating of nails can be different: ordinary varnish, acrylic or gel. In order for the color to last for a long time and not chip off, it is necessary to use a special base. You need to select it depending on what type of varnish you use.

It is necessary to apply the base only on the dry surface of the nail, which has been previously treated with a degreasing agent. Wait for the complete drying of this coating and only then apply varnish.

Top Coat

After the base and varnish are completely dry, it is necessary to complete the design and cover the nails with a top coat. So, how to cover the varnish to last longer? There are several fastening options. You need to choose a top coat based on what type of varnish was used to create the design.

Option one: regular clear varnish

How to coat standard use nail polish? The most popular option for completing such a manicure is a simple transparent varnish. Any one can be covered with this tool. If you use special products that need to be dried, then you should first let your nails dry. Otherwise, you can just mess up the created color. If the manicure is created using conventional coatings, then they also need to be dried in the fresh air.

It is necessary to apply a simple transparent varnish in one even layer. Let the final coat dry thoroughly. Such a top coat will allow the color to be more saturated and bright. Also, a manicure will last longer than without a coating. Clear varnish dries for at least five minutes, especially if it is applied to a thick layer of the nail coating. Try not to do anything during this time. Otherwise, if the top cover is accidentally damaged, it may deteriorate and

Option Two: Finishing Gel

How to cover Of course, with a special finishing agent. It should be noted that such a fixative can only be used when using gel polish or acrylic. When applied to an even layer of a standard decorative nail product, the finish gel simply does not “grab”. If you manage to dry such a manicure, then most likely it will not last more than two days.

Applied over gel polish, it allows the manicure to last for a long time. The reviews of women using this tool are positive: the design is not erased, the coating does not chip off, the manicure lasts more than one month. At the same time, ladies do not limit themselves to homework.

It is necessary to apply the finishing gel only after the base coat has dried. Drying must be carried out in a special lamp. Apply the finishing gel with a special brush on the nail surface and place your hand in the lamp. Each nail must be kept in the apparatus for at least three minutes. After that, make sure that the gel is completely dry. Treat the nail with a degreaser.

Option three: acrylic coating

How to cover acrylic nail polish? Of course, with a special suitable tool. It is worth noting that when using acrylic materials, it is worth choosing one manufacturer. In this case, the varnish will last a long time and look spectacular.

Acrylic coating is applied to the lamp-cured varnish. It can be of two types: liquid acrylic and modeling tool. Many masters of the nail service prefer to use the second version of the acrylic material. In order to cover the nail, you need to take a material the size of a small pea and carefully distribute it over the nail plate. After that, the hand is placed in a drying lamp. It is worth noting that working with this material is quite difficult. That is why, when choosing this coating, you should trust a professional.

At home, you can use liquid acrylic. At first glance, this tool resembles a regular finishing gel. However, when dried, the coating becomes "strong glass". This tool is ideal for creating brilliant designs, as it makes nails even more radiant and creates an aquarium effect.

Option Four: Quick Dryer

How to cover nail polish (regular)? Quite often, women use special solutions for quick drying. These products are similar in appearance to ordinary clear varnish, but their consistency is more watery. The quick drying agent can be applied to the coating that is not yet dry. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the procedure very carefully and use a soft brush for this. Otherwise, you can damage the created coating and ruin the manicure.

If you choose this option, then you should give preference to a coating with a brilliant sheen. At the same time, you can not only quickly dry your nails, but also get a great shine. A quick drying agent can be purchased at any cosmetic store.

Option five: nail oil

How to cover the varnish to improve the nail plate? In this case, a special healing oil is suitable.

Surely all women know that varnish can have a negative impact on the health of nails. Often there are situations when the nails simply turn yellow or lose their usual shape. This may be due to poor quality coating. In order to improve and restore the nail plate, it is necessary to use a special oil.

When the varnish is completely dry, take a soft brush and cover each nail with it. After that, you need to wait about ten minutes and only then proceed to your business. The oil has the ability to penetrate the nail coating and act on the nail. At the same time, remember that you can not apply this product before varnish. Otherwise, the coating may not lie as you would like. You can buy this remedy at any pharmacy chain or store specializing in nail service.

Option six: special fixer

How to cover the varnish to make it more durable? In this case, it is worth using a special fixing agent. Currently, there are many manufacturers of such preparations for nails. They all look like regular polish. Many of them have a certain shade (usually green or pink), which does not show up on the nails, but simply gives the applied color a brighter shade.

You need to apply such a tool after the varnish has completely dried. Use the supplied brush for this. Put a little liquid product on it and evenly cover the main varnish with a thin layer. The special fixative dries pretty quickly. Within five minutes, you can forget that you need to be careful.

Due to the special fixing property, this tool allows the main varnish to stay on the nails for up to two weeks. In this case, you do not have to avoid water and chemicals.

Alternative option

To the question of how to cover the varnish, many women would answer that nothing. As it turned out, many ladies are opponents of the final coating. They believe that the more layers on the nails, the faster the base color is chipped. That is why some women prefer to simply varnish their nails and dry it patiently.

There are also ladies who simply do not know about such miraculous products that help manicures last longer.


Now you know how and how to cover nail polish. Always pay attention to what kind of coating you are using. Remember that you can not fix plain nail polish with a finishing gel or acrylic product. Such a coating will quickly fall off.

Those women who prefer artificial (extended or false) nails can use absolutely any of the listed products. This is their advantage. If you do not know which coating to choose, contact a specialized salon. Experienced masters will tell you the most suitable option for varnishing.

Among all types of manicure, gel polishes are the most popular today. This service is widespread in almost every salon there is a master working on this technology. I must say that there are a lot of girls who want to cover their nails with gel polish. And this is not surprising, because this coating has high aesthetic properties, protects well from damage, suggests a variety of colors, patterns, and designs.

Gel polish can be called an ideal manicure, because with all its other advantages, it also keeps flawlessly on the nails for a long time. With such a manicure, you can safely swim, work and even clean the house - its appearance will not suffer, no chips or scratches will form. In order to damage the gel polish, a very serious impact is required. All this makes gel polish one of the leaders in modern nail service.

Of course, all the positive aspects of this type of manicure appear only if high-quality materials are used, and the correct application technology is strictly observed. In this article, we will tell you how to properly apply gel polish so that the manicure is flawless and durable. We will reveal for you the secrets of high-quality design and all the features of working with gel polish manicure products.

Gel polishes can be rated as the best tool for a long-lasting manicure. Having appeared relatively recently, they quickly won the love of women around the world and still remain at the peak of popularity. Means of this class have earned the respect of the masters. Gel polish manicure today is not only fashionable, but really one of the best, especially for brittle and thin nails. The most important advantages of this technology are:

  • Ease of application;
  • Ease of use;
  • Fast polymerization;
  • High durability;
  • Variety of colors;
  • Safety;
  • Hypoallergenic.

The period during which a manicure made with gel polish will be perfect is up to 20 days. The coating remains the same shiny, bright, no cracks or chips appear on it. No additional care is required. At the same time, the legs do not produce any fake impression. They slightly thicken, which makes the manicure more expressive and protects the nail plate. But as a result of the natural growth of nails, an untreated strip appears, which gradually increases. Because of this, the aesthetic properties are reduced.

However, situations are not uncommon when this ideal coating begins to exfoliate and grow cracks already in the first days after application. Such a manicure, of course, will not withstand 2-3 weeks of wear. This is due to violations of the technology made during the application of varnish. In order for the manicure to be resistant, you need to know how to properly apply gel polish at home in stages.

  • Form a free edge and degrease it. If there is a delamination of the plate, it must be leveled with a file for natural nails. It is advisable to perform a manicure with cuticle removal. Remember to degrease your nails after manicure and dry them completely. High-quality manicure significantly extends the life of the gel polish;
  • Remove the top layer of the plate. Arm yourself with a high abrasive buff and treat your nails with them so that the gloss is removed. If you skip this step, then the gel polish simply will not stick to the glossy surface of the nail and will chip off. After treatment, do not touch the nails with your hands. After treatment with a buff, the nails must be degreased again and treated with a dehydrator. Such preparation will make the nail the most suitable for gel polish. The adhesion of the nail and the product in this case will be maximum.
  • Apply the base. Nails are often not strong enough for gel polish. If the nail plate is very thin, then the product will not adhere well to it. Chips and cracks will appear. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to use a primer that provides reliable adhesion to the gel polish. Try to use only primers that do not contain methacrylic acid. They won't harm your nails. The primer in this case plays the role of a primer. It is important to carry out a complete treatment of the nail, including its end part. Otherwise, where the nail plate is not treated with a primer, the gel polish will begin to chip off.

After preparing the nails, you can proceed directly to the application of the base. This stage is the most difficult and responsible. Both the aesthetics and the durability of the final result depend on the quality of its implementation. The base gel is the basis of the entire manicure. It is necessary in order to form strong bonds at the molecular level between the substances of a natural nail and artificial materials. At the same time, the base prevents the penetration of paint into the nail.

The most important condition for a beautiful and durable manicure is the observance of the correct thickness of the layers of all products. The layer should be as thin as possible, but even. The base also needs to be distributed with the thinnest layer, rubbing movements from the free edge. Do not forget to process the end of the nail. Then the layer must be leveled with long and smooth movements of the brush along the entire nail in the direction of the free edge. It is important that the base does not get on the skin, side rollers.

After proper application, the nail must be dried under an ultraviolet lamp. One minute is enough. During this time, the base gel polymerizes. If you use an LED lamp, the polymerization time is reduced to 10 seconds. After the base has dried, you need to treat the nails with a narrow brush to even out the dispersion layer. If you skip this step, the color gel may start to roll towards the sides, pool in puddles, or lay unevenly.

Remember the important nuances of how to properly apply gel polish in stages at home:

  • Spread all products on the nail in a very thin layer. Failure to comply with this rule leads to such consequences as the appearance of chips, waves, air bubbles over the entire surface, etc.;
  • If you use pastel or bright shades, gel polish should be applied in two thin layers. Each layer is dried under an ultraviolet lamp for 120 seconds. If you use an LED lamp, then the curing time is reduced to 30 seconds per layer;
  • When you apply the first coat of dark gel polish, the color may be uneven. It's not scary. Don't add more polish. The color will even out when you apply the second coat. For dark colors, you can apply three layers of colored gel polish to achieve the perfect result. Layers should be extremely thin and even. In this case, you will achieve a much better result than if you apply two thicker layers, which can ripple;
  • Do not forget to process the end parts of the nails. Make sure that the varnish lays down as evenly and smoothly as possible.

In the question of how to properly apply gel polish at home, the final stage of the procedure is also important. It consists in applying a top coat, or top. It can be applied in a slightly thicker layer than the base or color. We must not forget about the processing of the end parts. It is important to dry the finish coat well.

If the top does not polymerize well enough, then along with the sticky layer you will remove all the shine of the gel. Therefore, it must be dried in an ultraviolet lamp for 120 seconds. If you use an LED lamp, the polymerization time is reduced to 30 seconds. Then, using a special tool, the dispersion layer is removed. The same remedy is necessary in order to prevent the natural nail plate from drying out. As a result, you should get a glossy smooth manicure that will last at least 20 days.

With proper skill and experience, the entire procedure for removing such a manicure takes no more than 20 minutes. First, an agent is applied to the gel that softens it. The longer the manicure was worn, the more time it takes to soften the gel polish. Increase the removal time if the nail was treated with a primer. When the gel polish softens well, it should come off like a film. To facilitate this process, you can use an orange stick.

Now you know how to properly apply gel polish so that it lasts a long time. These tips will help you work professionally with these tools and achieve a beautiful and durable manicure.