For my husband to stop drinking vodka. Is it worth it to live with a drinking man. True Faith Therapy

What to do if the spouse drinks heavily, and it is impossible to drive him away from alcohol in the usual ways? Desired result can be reached without his knowledge - alcohol will forever remove white magic. A conspiracy so that the husband does not drink can be read at home - it is free and easy to do. Salt heals the sick white towel, water and other traditional means.

We will tell you how to correctly speak artifacts, whisper prayers for drunkenness and drive away evil spirits. The pain will not return to your home, but this requires following our recommendations. Get ready to record.

When conducting conspiracies against the drunkenness of a husband, a number of features must be taken into account. The successful outcome of a conspiracy from drunkenness is influenced by the phases of the moon, days of the week and general organizational issues. You should pay attention to:

  • male and women's days(drinking men need to be spoken on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday);
  • the lunar phase (it is better to treat drunkenness on a full moon);
  • faith in the result (for a husband to stop drinking, do not doubt a favorable outcome).

Most effective prayers and rituals are done in secret, in back rooms and under cover of darkness. It will be better for the husband if he continues to remain in ignorance. For outsiders, everything will look as if a man stopped drinking out of the blue.

Ritual with a photo

Among the conspiracies so that husbands do not drink, rituals with photographs occupy a special place. The moon should be waning, and magic is happening in the pre-sunset time. Procedure:

  1. Get some holy water, three wax candles and a photograph of the patient.
  2. Light the candles and place them on the table in a row.
  3. Sprinkle the photograph of your husband with holy water.
  4. Say a conspiracy from alcoholism (three times).
  5. Hide the photo in a secluded place.

This ritual will begin to benefit quickly. Within a couple of months, you will find that your spouse has stopped drinking. Spell text:

“Help, Lord, get rid of the dependence of God's servant (husband's name), who began to take alcohol. I want to wean my husband off vodka, return him to his family. If he wants to drink, then only water from the well. Amen".

White cemetery ritual

If a man has been drinking alcohol for a long time, ordinary conspiracies and prayers do not help him. You will have to conduct a powerful cemetery ritual and speak the bottle of an addict. Throw away any fears - this rite applies to whites magical practices. Procedure:

  1. Get a bottle of your spouse's favorite alcohol.
  2. Hide the bottle in your bag and go to the churchyard.
  3. Wait until the funeral procession overtakes you.
  4. Cast a spell.
  5. Leave the churchyard (you can’t turn around, you can’t communicate with passers-by either).

At home, you need to return the bottle to its usual place and wait until the husband drinks from it. It is impossible to offer vodka, a man himself must reach for a glass. Magic will begin to work after the first use of charmed alcohol. Ritual text:

“The deceased dead man does not know how to roam the earth, he does not bother the living with his appearance. The dead man will not pour vodka for himself, he will not bring it to his mouth. I want to make sure that my beloved (the name is called) stops using hops. Amen".

water ritual

Ordinary water, fortified with prayers, can become an effective weapon against the green serpent. Just keep in mind: you need to use spring (or well) water. By whispering conspiracy words into the liquid, you can save your husband from drunkenness. Drink the faithful magic water, add it to tea, coffee and other drinks. Spell text:

“Jesus did not know alcohol, the Mother of God did not drink alcohol forever. The apostles also saved themselves from drinking. Will you drink cold spring water turn away from the bottle. As I say, so be it. Amen".

We enchant soap

  • a drinking husband should regularly wash his hands with a made artifact;
  • soap must be completely used;
  • if the patient continues to drink alcohol, the ritual is repeated.

Spell text: “You are no longer destined to drink, God's servant (name of your spouse). I conjure, I speak, I exorcise drunken fumes, I return you to life. As you wash your hands, you will forget your addiction. If a lousy thought appears, you will drive it away, you will hate the cup with all your heart. Amen".

13 days

How to do powerful conspiracy in 13 days, tells famous healer Vanga. Buy your husband his favorite alcoholic product, speak the liquid and drink the missus. Before buying a drink, go to Orthodox Church. Here is what needs to be done there:

  1. Buy a set of candles (12 pieces).
  2. You can’t be baptized, lean against images, listen to prayers.
  3. Leaving the church, say a conspiracy.
  4. At home, close yourself in a back room, hide yourself from prying eyes.
  5. Having cleared your thoughts, put the charmed drink in front of you.
  6. Concentrate on the image of a sober husband.
  7. Say the second part of the plot.
  8. Give your husband some enchanted "nectar" to drink.
  9. Enjoy the results after 13 days.
  10. If nothing happened, repeat the ritual actions.

The first part of the conspiracy: “It is cold for living in severe frost. From the drunk my husband is bad at heart. You drink more, it gets worse. Amen".

Second part: “The candle melts and burns, the drinker (husband's name) cries. I won’t send my beloved to hell, but I’ll twist the addiction with a lapel. Dislike for the potion will begin, you will vomit from one type of alcohol. You don’t want to be in noisy companies, you will sit at home, take care of your wife and children. Empty bottles are standing, God's servant (name) is not ordered to drink. Amen".

Dead man's ropes

  1. Find out the name of the deceased.
  2. Get a pot of spring water.
  3. Rinse the dead man's ropes in this water.
  4. Whisper the plot on the pan.
  5. Try to give your husband a drink of this liquid.

The last point is rather complicated, since alcoholics are skeptical about magic. Keep the ritual secret, resort to little tricks. You can treat your husband to tea from enchanted water or cook a delicious soup. Spell text:

“Just as a dead man (name) cannot drink vodka, so you refuse alcohol. As God's servant (your husband's name) reaches for a glass, he will feel bad. It will make you feel sick from vodka and wine, you will want to drink spring water. Amen".

Charmed towel

Applying room (household) magic, you can use any means at hand. One of the most powerful artifacts is the towel. Ritual progress:

  1. Wait full moon Buy a brand new towel from the store.
  2. Cast a spell.
  3. Make sure that the alcoholic wipes himself with a charmed towel.
  4. Tie the magic item in a knot and hide it away (no one else should wipe themselves with it).
  5. The knot cannot be untied.

When the spouse refuses alcohol, take a magic item and go to the nearest cemetery. Bury a towel next to the grave of a dead person whose name is the same as your spouse's. Go home without turning around and without engaging in dialogue with other people. Spell text:

“I bought a beautiful and clean towel, I want to dissuade an evil attack, heal God's servant (name). When you dry your hands with this towel, new life you will start. Harmful addictions will go away, the forces of light will drive away evil, they will not give you offense. May your thoughts be pure, alcohol leave the body, health and strength return. From now on, you will not turn off the righteous path, you will not raise a glass to your mouth. As I say, so be it. Amen".

Rite with a broom

A broom is a symbol of cleanliness and order in the house, which sweeps away addictions and evil machinations of ill-wishers. With the help of this artifact, you can cure a drinking husband, the main thing is to believe in the end result. The ceremony is held in the strictest confidence, and you need to prepare for it in advance. Procedure:

  1. Go to the forest.
  2. Collect branches of "male" trees (ash, oak, maple).
  3. Tie a broom by adding sprigs of "male" herbs to it.
  4. Return home and sweep the trash in the corners.
  5. Say a conspiracy.
  6. Bury your trash in your yard by digging a small hole for it.
  7. In the same hole should be a broom.
  8. When the buried artifact rots, the spouse will refuse alcohol.

Spell text: “Green trees, grass-ants, you are fragrant and strong. You will no longer see the sun, you will not be nourished by the rain. Your leaves will not rustle, the flowers will not bloom. So my husband (the name is called) will stop drinking forever, he will not return to a dashing habit. Amen".

Our advice, with your help, will help your husband stop drinking alcohol without his consent. He may not even know that he stopped drinking thanks to your efforts! Use our sections to study and put them into practice.

Ways and conspiracies at home without his consent

Rituals for a Husband to Stop Drinking Beer

Drugs for alcoholism

Remember that you must carefully read the instructions that come with each medicine. Do not buy medicines without expert advice!

  1. Take some dry birch firewood and sprinkle it liberally with sugar. Light it up in a minute. Put out the fire. Make your spouse breathe sugar-birch smoke. Repeat if the first time this remedy did not help your husband to give up alcohol.
  2. Make a thyme tincture and add it directly to your vodka bottle. The recipe for the tincture is as follows: pour three tablespoons of this herb into a glass, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave for several hours.
  3. Red pepper tincture is also effective means that cures people alcohol addiction. Take half a liter of sixty percent alcohol. Add a tablespoon of pepper powder to it. After a few weeks, quietly add four drops of this folk remedy to alcohol.
  4. Try a pumpkin tincture recipe that will give your husband a strong gag reflex. Peel one and a half cups of pumpkin seeds. Pass it through a coffee grinder and fill it with vodka. After eight days, add a tablespoon of miracle tincture to bottles of alcohol.
  5. Prepare a medicinal syrup of yarrow and tansy. Add three tablespoons of the flowers of these plants to one liter of water. Put the mixture on the fire and have time to remove it before it boils. Put in any dark place. Repeat the cooking procedure after five hours. Carefully strain the resulting product. Add six tablespoons of sugar and three tablespoons of honey. Stir and boil for exactly eight minutes. Add twenty-five milliliters of syrup to your spouse in compote or tea.
  6. Let your husband try dung mushrooms. Fry the young mushrooms and boldly put them on the table, politely offering a snack. If the spouse does not refuse, then after another sip of alcohol, he will feel wild nausea and vomiting.
  7. Prepare decoctions that can be secretly added to any alcohol. One of the decoctions is oatmeal. Pour three tablespoons of bearberry leaves into a glass of water. Boil.

Arrange your spouse non-alcoholic romantic evenings, pleasant leisure, amazing surprises. Do this when you see him sober. Let him see how wonderful life is without vodka and beer!

Many women are interested in what to do so that their husband does not drink. This topic often appears in the feeds of women's forums, as well as on various sites. Alcoholism is a terrible disease. And it needs to be fought. Sometimes even a small amount of alcohol consumption is a serious harmful addiction, which needs special attention. What advice and recommendations can be given to a woman to defeat her husband's alcoholism? Is there salvation?

We are looking for a reason

What to do for a husband Most often, alcoholism is defensive reaction organism. The thing is that constant stress, failures at work or in bed, scandals at home, as well as just other experiences - all this can lead to the emergence of harmful addictions.

What can I do to prevent my husband from drinking alcohol? The first step is to find out what is the reason this phenomenon. It's best to normalize emotional background, try to provide a pleasant and light atmosphere in the house. Then, it is likely that a person will be able to calm down, relax, and also forget about alcohol. Less nerves, more care, affection, love and tranquility.

medical intervention

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? In fact, if you can’t understand the reasons for the addiction, you need to turn to specialists. A simple addiction to alcohol is recommended to stop immediately. After all, if you bring the matter to alcoholism, you will not be able to solve the problem on your own.

You need to take the man to the doctor and encode. The so-called torpedo is a success. This good way coding for alcoholics. Although there are no guarantees that a person will be able to get rid of addiction. As the doctors themselves say, until a man wants to stop drinking alcohol and cure alcoholism, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem.

The main nuance is that alcohol-dependent people do not recognize their condition. Therefore, you have to constantly think about how to make a person not drink. The issue is usually resolved different methods if neither the search for the cause nor the appeal to the doctors helps.


What can be done so that the husband does not drink? If the addiction under study has just begun to be observed, the wife must definitely talk with her soulmate. Without emotions, tantrums and screams. Moreover, it is desirable to select the time so that the husband is in a sober state. One rule should be understood: it is useless to talk on important topics with a drunk or drunk.

You can try to find a replacement for alcohol. Food often helps. Not the most efficient, but quite an interesting approach to solving the problem. It is relevant when the husband himself does not mind getting rid of a bad habit. Instead of alcohol, it is recommended to consume some food or snacks. It is likely that this will help.

Shock therapy

What can I do to make my husband stop drinking forever? The next option sometimes helps, and very well. Psychologists claim that in some situations it is possible to apply the so-called This method is not effective for inveterate alcoholics. But it's good enough for beginners.

When the husband is Once again drink, you need to set up some kind of shocking situation. One that would be instructive. Each has its own methods of influence. Therefore, you will have to choose the method of shock therapy yourself.

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? It is also proposed as a sobering and shocking effect to offer to live separately. You need to talk about this when the spouse is not drunk. It is recommended to "go to the mother with the children" and let the husband think about his behavior. Sincerely loving person take the situation as a shock. This will serve as an incentive to give up alcohol.


The situation under study seriously worries women. In the fight against alcoholism of a husband, many are ready to agree to any measures. Up to the people. Some indicate that various conspiracies help them. It is necessary to read them over a sleeping husband. Or, in general, somehow take the spouse to the witch grandmother, who will heal him.

In fact, there is no efficiency in this method. Conspiracies are more of a myth. Or hope for those who believe in conspiracies, evil eye and corruption. Trying to cure alcoholism in a husband by this method should not be.


But what to do so that the husband does not drink? A more mundane version of "conspiracies" is hypnosis. The thing is that you can try not to encode a person, but to hypnotize him. Set your brain to reject alcohol.

Efficiency this method not confirmed, but many claim that hypnosis really helped. It should be noted that this kind of approach helps a lot if the spouse is easily suggestible. But for people whose suggestion is not too pronounced, hypnotists and psychologists may not help. There are no guarantees, but alternative solution this option should be considered.


What can be done so that the husband does not drink? Often the answer is disappointing: nothing. As already mentioned, you need to first find out what is the reason this behavior. If stress is to blame, or just a person has "slipped in the wrong direction," then the situation can be corrected.

But it should be taken into account genetic predisposition to alcoholism. The thing is that craving for alcoholic beverages can be inherited. Even after a generation. Therefore, do not be surprised if the husband grew up in a family where someone abused alcohol, and now he is following in the same footsteps.

In this situation, there are no effective methods. You can encode your husband, but over time, alcoholism will still make itself felt. It will manifest itself either quickly or after decades. But it will not be possible to completely forget about the problem. Therefore, it remains either to come to terms with the situation, or to turn to a psychologist for help and get a divorce. The exception is cases in which the husband himself wants to get rid of the addiction. Here you will have to use hypnosis, various medications, and medical help.


And it also happens that husbands begin to drink, as they say, "for the company." For example, with colleagues or friends. At the same time, without them, a person does not feel the desire to drink alcohol at all.

How to solve a similar problem? Protect the husband from the company in which he drinks. It's best to talk to your spouse about it. It is recommended to simply change the circle of communication. For example, make friends with "teetotalers".


Now it’s clear how to make the husband not drink. In fact, there is no single solution to this problem. It is difficult to force a person to give up such a serious addiction. Almost impossible.

It has already been said: until a man wants to, he will not stop drinking. It is advisable to conduct explanatory conversations at the first signs of alcohol abuse. But without tantrums and quarrels. You need to direct your husband, point out to him the danger of his actions. Only then will it be possible to defeat the craving for alcoholic beverages.

The question of how to get a person to stop drinking worries everyone whose loved ones are addicted to alcohol. There are many methods that allow you to make sure that a person does not drink. However, according to the statements of experts in this field, it is almost impossible to do anything so that the husband does not drink without his consent. It's better not to try to treat drinking man without his knowledge, tk. this is generally ineffectual and, in addition, illegal.

The right approach is one of the most important points

If a person drinks, you must, first of all, try to restore his former self-esteem. In order for the husband to stop drinking, it is necessary to remind him that he used to be completely different, since they agreed to marry him. It is necessary to try to return the joy to life to a person, to remind that there are other pleasant things besides alcoholic beverages. Almost never men with a good income, strong family and respect from others do not become alcoholics.

If people drink excessively, then they tend to be unhappy with something in their lives. And it is with the help of alcoholic beverages that they try to suppress the existing problems.

If you don't know why your husband drinks so much, try to find out why. The fight against harmful cravings for alcohol must be carried out carefully. Walking home after another drinking bout, your spouse is already tuned in to a familiar reaction: a displeased facial expression, lectures and reproaches. Or complete disregard. A woman who behaves like this is understandable. However, if she wants to do something so that a person does not drink, she needs to approach the solution of the problem from the other side.

It is necessary to try to meet a person with a sincere smile and good mood. It is very difficult to do this, but it is possible. A woman should try to act as if she does not notice that her husband has been drinking vodka or other alcoholic beverages.

As a result, the person will be discouraged by such a reaction and feel guilty. And this is the main goal. If a person has not yet lost the remnants of conscience and has not degraded against the background of alcohol addiction, he realizes that he has best wife, which even treats his drunken antics calmly, and he, in turn, poisons her life with his behavior, scares children and does other bad things.

Seek help from loved ones

No one wants to bring family dramas to anyone's view, but once again thinking about what to do to make their husband give up drinking, many wives turn to their parents. If the vodka has not killed the remnants of conscience in the drinker, he is unlikely to want to lose respect in the eyes of his father or upset his mother. As a rule, parental authority is highly valued even among drinkers.

Ask your parents and your husband's parents to come to your house more often. This may provide positive influence on a drinker who has not lost the remnants of conscience. He will be embarrassed that his parents will see him drunk, and will drink less often. Be sure to warn your spouse about the arrival of guests in advance, but do not name the exact day. Knowing that they can come at any moment, a man will drink less often.

In addition, you can call on your husband's friends for help. If they have been friends for a long time, then they probably know how to make their friend give up his bad habit.

Friends have great importance for almost every person, and it is unlikely that your husband will want to be condemned by them.

However, in no case do not call drinking friends! Especially those with whom your husband regularly gets drunk.

In the presence of guests, do not expose your husband in a bad light, do not start mocking and condemning conversations about his addiction.

Isolate your husband from alcoholic friends

It is very important that a person cut off all contact with those with whom he regularly drinks vodka and other strong drinks. This is not easy to do. At first, you can try to calmly talk with your husband. You need to try to convey to him that such a company has a bad effect on him, be sure to back up such statements with weighty statements. Think about it, maybe someone from his closest drinking environment has already lost his family or job due to alcoholism. Be sure to use these facts.

If with the help of conversations it was not possible to solve anything, you can take more drastic measures. For example, you can try to make your husband jealous of one of his drunken friends. However, you need to be very careful, because. able alcohol intoxication against the backdrop of jealousy, many husbands inflict severe physical injury on their wives. It is not necessary to openly flirt with strangers. Try, for example, to speak flatteringly about one of them. The first time usually nothing happens, so you need to regularly conduct such "sessions" so that the husband gradually develops dislike for his drinking environment.

How to behave when the husband is drunk?

Binge drinking is a state loved by so many alcoholics. And every wife, whose husband also loves the feeling of the earth shaking under his feet, should know what to do so that he gets tired of such a state as soon as possible.

Often, it is not possible to forcibly bring a person out of a binge. He does not agree to stop drinking until he has consumed all of his "norm". Having drunk in the evening, in the morning a person wants to get drunk. The first glass, the second, - and now he is drunk again. The next day, events unfold in the same way. And so on until a person gets bored or health problems appear.

First of all, never buy alcohol for drinking husband. He can scream, make scandals, drive his family out of the house - all this can be endured. But you can't buy alcohol. It may seem that by buying another bottle, you can calm the raging alcoholic and avoid scandal. But such behavior only indulges his disease.

The best option in such situations is to seek help from a good narcologist. He will analyze the existing problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is very important that the person himself agrees to such treatment, because. no one will forcibly start treatment and keep a person in the clinic against his will.

Do pills help with alcoholism?

As a rule, doctors treat with the help of special tablets. Their action is based on the fact that the patient develops an aversion to alcohol and a fear of drinking it. As long as a person does not drink, he does not feel any changes. But after the slightest dose of alcohol, the active substance reacts with it, as a result of which the person's well-being deteriorates sharply. Treatment with such drugs can be carried out only with the consent of the patient and under the strict supervision of doctors. Secretly mixing a person with various drops, tablets, etc., you risk causing very serious damage to his health, even death.

For greater effectiveness, such drugs are sewn under the skin. On average, the filing period is 1-5 years. Aversion to alcohol will be maintained throughout the duration of the drug.

Start using pills and other drugs disgusting to alcohol, it is possible only after a preliminary examination and as prescribed by a doctor.

If a person does not agree to treatment in the clinic and taking pills, you can persuade him to use home recipes. Usually, alcoholics are more tolerant of natural-based remedies, not regarding them as something dangerous that can harm their health, etc.

Homemade recipes for alcoholism

Folk remedies are not capable of harming a person. Exceptions are people with individual intolerance to recipe ingredients. It is important not to exceed the dosage, because. this may cause side effects.

At the heart of one of the most popular and available recipes lies a peony. It reduces the harmful craving for alcohol. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of dry peony rhizomes, pour them with a couple of glasses of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. The decoction is taken three times a day before meals, half a glass.

Another popular folk remedy for the treatment of alcohol addiction is the bay leaf. The tincture is very easy to prepare. Take 250 ml of vodka, 2 leaves of noble laurel and 1 root. Infused for 2 weeks. A glass of this tincture causes a long-term aversion to alcoholic beverages in a person.

You can use effective herbal collection. For its preparation, 20 grams of yarrow, St. John's wort and wormwood, 10 grams of angelica and cumin, 5 grams of juniper and 15 grams of mint are taken. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and brewed in a teapot. Taken three times a day, 1 glass. The course of treatment is 10 days. After a five-day break is made, and the course is repeated. Birch firewood can save you from alcoholism. They need to be sprinkled with sugar, kindled, put out, let the alcoholic breathe in smoke, and then drink a glass of vodka. Many then develop a long-term aversion to alcoholic beverages.

Thanks for the feedback

When a man starts to drink the main task women help him give up alcohol. The first step is to determine the cause of alcoholism, which will help a psychologist and a narcologist. After establishing the cause, treatment is required. Traditional treatment alcoholism is carried out only with the consent of the patient himself. If a man refuses to admit his problem, you can help him quietly with the help of traditional medicine.

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A Few Rules

In a house where there is an alcoholic, everyone must live according to certain rules to help a man quit bad habit. Such rules are developed for each family individually. It is important not to stop adhering to them throughout the course of treatment for alcohol dependence, even if it passes without the knowledge of the patient. The main rules include:

  1. 1. All family members should understand that a man is heavily dependent on alcoholic beverages, treat this with understanding and not indulge the patient.
  2. 2. No one should forgive the patient another drunkenness. It is not necessary to roll up scandals about this, it is enough to calmly shame an alcoholic.
  3. 3. All other family members must give up alcohol in any quantity. Do not even use alcohol-based medicines.
  4. 4. If the treatment is secret from the patient, then all family members should keep confidentiality.
  5. 5. All conversations and clarification of relations with an alcoholic should be carried out in a calm tone. Do not raise your voice, shout, make excessive noise.

    Such simple rules help achieve quick results during treatment. Therapy with folk remedies or conspiracies has great power only when certain conditions Therefore, all family members need to be more tolerant and help the man cope with the disease together.

    How to manipulate a woman

    Folk remedies

    Applying traditional medicine for the treatment of alcoholism at home, you must be extremely careful. It is better to get a preliminary consultation with a narcologist. Folk remedies are good not only for their proven effectiveness, but also because they can be given to an alcoholic without his knowledge.

    When using various teas and decoctions, it should be remembered that each medicinal herb has contraindications and can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

    The main folk remedy for alcohol addiction is wormwood. It can be added to teas, used as a seasoning for salads. During the treatment, dried grass and the root of the plant are used. Add medicinal plant should be taken in small doses, as in case of an overdose, there may be:

    • intoxication;
    • hypertension;
    • tachycardia;
    • kidney failure.

    Quickly and for a long time causes disgust for strong drinks mushroom koprinus. Its use is safe for health. After collecting vegetable raw materials, it is dried in a frying pan and ground into powder. 1 teaspoon of powder is poured hot water and add 2-3 drops three times a day to food or drinks. You can use a medicinal plant, even if the guy drinks beer every day. Beer alcoholism is much harder than regular alcoholism. With the regular use of this drink, it is almost impossible to convince a man of addiction, so treatment with the help of the koprinus mushroom will come to the rescue.


    The monastic collection has a proven effect in the fight against alcoholism. It contains all the necessary plant components that help not only to weaken the craving for alcohol, but also to restore the body, remove ethanol decay products from it. You can drink this drink instead of regular tea. You can also brew the collection for the whole family so that the husband does not guess.

    Any secret treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The appointment will have to go to the wife or children who take responsibility for secret therapy. It is important to ask the patient about his well-being, to control emotional condition and record all changes in a special diary. Keep a diary during treatment blood pressure, since with the refusal of alcohol, hypertension can develop.


    Women who have lost all hope of making their husband stop drinking resort to magic and witchcraft. Apply magical ways can be taken with tablets or folk remedies. Alcoholics usually speak in secret. You can do this on your own, if you have confidence in your abilities, or with the help of knowledgeable people.

    Conspiracies are made on objects, for example, from photographs or on household items that a man uses. At proper conduct magic ritual effect from complex treatment will become noticeable quickly enough, and the whole family will live a normal life.

    You can carry out such a ritual at home so that the spouse stops drinking forever:

    • take a glass of water;
    • put a church candle in front of him;
    • read the words of the conspiracy;
    • give your husband water to drink.
    • "Water is holy, a candle is strong. Just as water can never be reconciled with fire, so my husband cannot make friends with alcohol. Water will get inside my husband, the fire will flood inside, and the addiction will disappear. The candle will go out - the disease will be dispelled by smoke. Amen."

    A man should be given water to drink before going to bed and in the morning he will wake up a healthy person.