Who will get the billions of the famous healer Juna? Who inherited from the Juna

The famous Juna, who died on June 8, left a large legacy: a mansion on the Arbat, a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, jewelry, paintings ... StarHit found out who will get it all.

Juna has no direct heirs. The only son of the healer, Vakhtang, died in 2001 in a car accident. Her friend, Colonel General Valery Kamshilov, Chief of the General Staff of the Union of Cossack Troops in Russia and Abroad, suggests that Vakhtang could have had children. He told StarHit that a wreath with the inscription “From the grandson” appeared on Juna’s grave, but so far no one has announced.

At the moment, 11 nephews claim the inheritance, sisters and brothers of the healer have died. “These are foster relatives,” says Valery Kamshilov. “They have yet to prove their kinship with Juna. She told me that she lived in a foster family and was there like Cinderella, constantly working. Therefore, she did not love her relatives very much. Her nephews can only rely on her jewelry and paintings, including a painting by Titian depicting Diana. Its cost, according to a preliminary examination, is several million dollars.

“The first thing that relatives should do is to open an inheritance case with a notary,” comments lawyer Sergei Zhorin. - After six months, the notary contacts them, and they formalize the ownership. Relatives can decide everything peacefully, for example, sell and divide the money. If someone is dissatisfied, then in this case all questions through the court.

As for the mansion on the Arbat, Juna owned only the last, fourth floor there, which she herself built on. There are four apartments. Previously, the son of Juna Vakho was the heir to the living space in the house, but after his death, she transferred the apartments to the ownership of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, which she created. Among the founders are 18 people, they plan to fulfill the will of the healer: to open a museum and a gallery of her paintings in the mansion.

“Juna dreamed about it,” continues Kamshilov. - True, one floor is not enough, since it is the last. Ideally, it would be a museum on the first floor, and a gallery on the last floor. True, we do not know how the city administration will react, because no one pays rent for the house - about 500 thousand rubles - now. I think they wait up to forty days, and then it will become clear.

In addition, Juna owned a three-room apartment in the house next door. But she will not get her nephews either. “At the moment, the owner is the son of a friend of Juna, a former chairman of the Assyrian fund,” Valery Vasilyevich explains. “In five months, he will inherit.”

Juna's close friend, Chief of the General Staff of the Union of Cossack Troops in Russia and Abroad, Colonel-General of the Cossack Troops Valery Kamshilov told KP what her relatives talked about on the first day after the death of the healer.

Last night we set the table on the first floor of her mansion, - Valery Vasilyevich told KP. - And they began to discuss family matters. Relatives insisted that the funeral be held on June 12, on the 5th day after Juna's death. And on the same day - the funeral service, which they want to hold in the Assyrian church next to the Avtozavodskaya metro station. Juna was related to this temple - she gave her jewels for its construction. But she accepted the Orthodox faith (the Assyrians profess Nestorianism - a special branch of Christianity - ed.). In my opinion, she should have been buried in an Orthodox church ... But it is even more important to have a worthy farewell to her. She is still an outstanding person, how many people she helped, how many she put on their feet ... We discussed these peaceful topics with her nieces. And after our meeting late in the evening, one of the guards of the mansion called me and said that Lily's niece was going to change the locks, saying that she was afraid that someone might enter the house. So quickly change locks and keys?

- Perhaps Lily is afraid that strangers will come ...

How can you change the locks in a house that doesn't belong to you! I believe that it is necessary to seal the mansion until all the heirs who can confirm the blood relationship are announced. Juna's mother, a Kuban Cossack, died very early. She was raised by her father's family, in which her half-brother Vladimir grew up - he has already died. Remained nephews and even distant relatives. New heirs may also appear, which I have no doubt ...

- But the only son of Juna Vakho died 14 years ago ...

Vakhtang may have children, grandchildren of Juna. He was a prominent guy, liked by women. I'm sure there will be those who will pretend to be her grandchildren. By the way, after the death of Vakhtang, Juna really wanted grandchildren and began to look for a surrogate mother for Vakho's child. Before his death, he handed over his genetic material to a special data bank. Vakhtang also had a fiancee. But the girl's father was against modern medical manipulations, although Juna insisted at one time. I managed to dissuade her, after all, the birth of a child from frozen spermatozoa is not a charitable deed.

- What inheritance of Juna are we talking about?

She lived in a mansion in Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane in the Arbat area, about 1200 square meters, if you take into account the basement. As far as I know, her property had one floor, the one she built on. For the rest of the area - three floors and a basement, she paid 500 thousand rubles a month in rent. She also had an apartment next door.

Did Juna leave a will?

To my knowledge, there is no will. The only thing she wanted was for her art gallery to appear in this mansion. Now Juna's paintings cost from 300 thousand to half a million rubles. Now, I think even more trembling. But the main thing that she owned was a magical gift, on the basis of which she released the Juna biocorrector, by the way, the device is patented. In recent years, Juna stopped communicating with relatives, did not accept anyone except her patients, whom she treated for free. That is why I propose to seal the mansion for six months, until all the heirs are announced and it becomes clear which of them are legitimate and which are mythical.


Juna's nephew: We don't need anything. Let all her fortune go to charity

Juna was the last of the large Assyrian Sardis family. George, Vladimir, Alexei, Emma and Andrei - her brothers and sister have long since passed away. 10 nephews are the only closest people who stayed with the famous healer. Four of them still live in the Kuban village of Urmia, raise cattle and raise children. The rest moved to the capital (details)


The legacy of the first psychic of the USSR: “Juna wanted a museum in her mansion on the Arbat”

Perhaps Juna's closest friend from the day she arrived in Moscow was Valery Kamshilov. Now he is the chief of the General Staff of the Union of Cossack troops in Russia and abroad, Colonel-General of the Cossack troops.


Five most famous myths about Juna Davitashvili

Ironically, the approach of an era of social upheaval can be easily predicted, focusing on the growth in the number of predictors themselves. When a social cataclysm is brewing in a country, people's faith in rational knowledge drops sharply and an unhealthy interest in the occult and mysticism arises. So, before the revolution of 1917, seances came into fashion, and the elder Grigory Rasputin became the attending physician of the royal family. On the eve of the collapse of the USSR, psychics became the masters of minds (details)


In memory of Juna


Our columnist mourns the death of a famous healer

Great Juna died. Greatest. At the age of 65. Tormented by the death of her beloved son, her heart, soul and body could not stand life. But she will live forever in our hearts. (details)

Tested on myself: how I was treated by Juna and ended up in the hospital

Our correspondent recalls his first meeting with a famous healer

In general, to be honest, I did not expect Juna to die. Such women, in my opinion, live for a long, long time, and then disappear somewhere. Those who were with me in 2009 know my story of going to her for an interview. (details)


Juna's nephew: She so wanted to come to her native farm! Did not make it!

A museum of paintings and things of a healer will open in the Kuban

In the tiny village of Urmia, in the Kurganinsky district of the Kuban, everyone knows the name of Juna. It was here, almost 66 years ago, that the famous healer was born. Here she graduated from high school and, having waited for adulthood, left for the capital. She stayed there. Forever. Juna Davitashvili died in Moscow, just a month before her birthday. (details)


Juna fell into a coma after carotid surgery

Perhaps Juna's closest friend from the day she arrived in Moscow was Valery Kamshilov. Now he is the chief of the General Staff of the Union of Cossack troops in Russia and abroad, Colonel-General of the Cossack troops

We have known her for thirty years, ”recalls Valery Vasilyevich. - Since the time when she had just arrived in Moscow. She was given an apartment on Semenovskaya. And I also lived in the area. We met. By that time, Juna was already a celebrity (details)

The famous Juna, exactly a year after her death, had a daughter. She, like numerous distant relatives, lays claim to the healer's legacy shrouded in mystery.

President of the Academy of Alternative Sciences Valery Kamshilov claims that he has a device that supposedly emits Juna waves. She lived and hosted in a mansion on the Arbat, which she rented entirely from the city.

Juna could live on the third floor, but she was comfortable in a small room next to the medical office, where the healer saw patients. Slept on the couch. I watched TV, preferring Indian cinema. The arrangement of things in this room has not changed since the day of her death.

Juna was a rich man, but she died in poverty. From a huge state, only memories remained. She spent a lot on friends, arranging receptions. She made indiscreet gifts. She handed out money just like that, out of generosity.

“Crowds followed her. Everyone wanted to achieve something through her. Nobody wanted to give her something. Everyone was taken away from her,” recalls singer Soso Pavliashvili.

When the healer fell ill, there was no money even for treatment. Suddenly, countless friends disappeared as well. Only Olga and Alexander Ter-Ayrapetyan remained at the bedside of the dying Juna.

“I saw relatives once when Juna was lying down, she felt bad. And we persuaded Juna to go to the hospital. One of the relatives appeared, did not let us do it. Juna said the following phrase: “They are all waiting, when I die, so that "- said Olga Ter-Ayrapetyan, a friend of Juna.

13 nephews entered the house on the Arbat after Juna's coffin. Non-blood relatives: the healer was brought up in a foster family, but all with claims to the inheritance.

"Gold, diamonds, fur coats. You saw 150 hangers below. They are all empty, collectible dresses. They went to relatives, nephews," said Valery Kamshilov, president of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences.

But fur coats and dresses are a trifle compared to an apartment on the Arbat. 100 square meters. The market value is about a hundred million. Juna bequeathed it to the son of her friend William. The nephews decided to sue. where Juna lived and treated. The Academy of Alternative Sciences, which she created a quarter of a century ago, manages the house on a leasehold basis until 2018. Now there is a museum and an art gallery - Juna wrote and sculpted a lot. They also want to make money on this.

“An announcement appeared on the door: treatment with Juna’s paintings. Any disease can be cured. For 500 rubles, patients can cure oncological diseases by touching a painting,” said Mikhail Paltsev, general director of the medical center.

The director of a private medical center, Mikhail Paltsev, has his own views. He sent a letter to the city authorities, in which he asks to terminate the lease agreement with the Academy of Alternative Sciences and transfer the building to him. For today the followers of Juna have dispersed. And for several months they have not paid rent, owing the city 1.5 million rubles.

Recently, the husband and daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko finally resolved the issue with the inheritance of the actress. "Antenna" found out whether disputes were settled in other eminent families.

What they shared: a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, a land plot and a house in the Moscow region, two cars: an Audi 4 and a Volvo (a gift from her husband to Lyudmila Gurchenko on her 75th birthday), personal belongings.

In fact, the division of real estate as such took place in September 2011, six months after the departure of Lyudmila Markovna, when her husband Sergei Senin and daughter Maria Koroleva received certificates of inheritance in their hands, explains Senin's lawyer Yulia Kaigorodova. - Another thing is that the property was divided on paper, which turned out to be extremely inconvenient for both parties (since the actress did not leave a will, the property was divided according to the law in appropriate shares. - Approx. "Antennas"). Maria Borisovna was entitled to a ¼ share in a three-room apartment on Patriarch's Ponds (where the actress lived with her husband for the last ten years. - Approx. "Antennas") and ½ share of a summer house in the Moscow region. For some time, there was an oral agreement between Senin and the Queen on the procedure for using real estate. So, the husband gave the daughter of the actress the keys to the cottage, and he continued to use the apartment. In June 2015, the parties met and officially entered into an exchange agreement: Sergei Mikhailovich exchanged his half of the dacha from Maria Borisovna for a share in the apartment. Since the share in the apartment is more expensive than the share in the dacha, the amount of the surcharge was determined, part of which has already been transferred to Maria Koroleva. Two cars, which no one used after the departure of the actress, were sold by the heirs.

Furniture and decorations

As for the things that belonged to Lyudmila Markovna ... - continues Yulia Kaigorodova. - There was no conflict between the parties, except for the only situation related to breaking into the apartment (in February 2014, Maria Koroleva with a television group came to Lyudmila Gurchenko’s house without warning, when the actress’s husband refused to let in uninvited guests, they broke down the door and continued to shoot reportage - Note "Antennas"). I am convinced that the act did not come from Maria Borisovna. Just nearby were unscrupulous people who provoked a scandal for the sake of the plot. A little later, Maria Borisovna and Sergei Mikhailovich met, in the presence of lawyers, discussed the details for several hours and agreed on everything. After that, Maria Koroleva, at the invitation of Sergei Senin, came to her mother's apartment to discuss what kind of things she would like to own.

It is important to note that the legacy of the actress is not as large in terms of money as a rich imagination draws. I even heard such a fantastic version: allegedly, among the pieces of furniture at Lyudmila Gurchenko’s house, there was a Napoleon ottoman, this is taking into account the fact that there is not a single ottoman in the apartment in principle. There are some pretty antique pieces of furniture, but these aren't the kind of antiques that cost a fortune. The furniture in the dacha, though not old, but from the point of view of history, is dear to the fact that it was the property of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Together with the house, she inherited the daughter of the actress. As for jewelry, Lyudmila Markovna wore mainly jewelry chosen with wonderful taste, expensive, but still jewelry. The most valuable earrings with diamonds were handed over to Maria Borisovna for use along with bijouterie, accessories, garments, and fur coats.

Name and awards

Maria Koroleva received a service from her famous grandfather Boris Pilnyak, a trophy mirror brought by her second grandfather, Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko, in 1945 from Germany, albums with her childhood photographs, and so on. Separately, the question arose about the awards of Lyudmila Markovna and her father. Their heirs decided to leave in common ownership. The rest of the things that are in the apartment were handed over to Sergei Senin. He is now creating a museum. The parties also agreed that they have the right to use the name of the actress without agreement with each other.

Perhaps the necessary papers would have been signed earlier. But, according to the lawyer, since it was a surcharge for an apartment, Lyudmila Gurchenko's husband took time to collect the necessary amount.

We are glad that we have reached the finish line, - Koroleva's lawyer Araz Mirzabekyan confirmed to Antenna. - Documents on real estate are now at the stage of state registration. There are no heir disputes.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov, actor

Photo Persona Stars

Inheritance: a house on Rublyovka, two cars, apartments on Komsomolsky and Olympiysky prospects, bank accounts, copyright and related rights.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov died in April 2012. A month before the death of the actor, his wife Irina committed suicide. The couple had no children, as well as direct heirs. In addition, Porokhovshchikov did not leave a will.

By court decision, everything was received by Shalva Barabadze Jr., Porokhovshchikov’s half-brother by father, says lawyer Sergei Zhorin. - Although Alexander Shalvovich saw him only once, we crossed paths in the subway. Formally done according to the letter of the law. But in fact ... Relatives along the line of Porokhovshchikov's mother - Alla Dmitrieva and her daughter Natalya, who cared for him all their lives, did not receive anything. They come after Barabadze in order of heirs. The latter promised that they would share the inheritance with Dmitrieva and distribute everything fairly. But it has remained at the level of words. Alla, of course, was upset, but did not enter into litigation.

Relatives and friends of Porokhovshchikov know that the real father was not Barabadze at all, but Shota Shonidze. This was what his mother told him before he died. There is also documentary evidence of paternity, albeit indirect: signed photographs, interviews with Alexander Shalvovich. So the children of Shonidze could also claim the property. However, to confirm the relationship, it was necessary to exhume the body and do a DNA test. But they did not take this controversial step.

Irina's brother, Vladimir, did not get involved in the battle, although the apartment on Frunzenskaya was bought by their parents. But since the wife passed away before Porokhovshchikov, all her property passed to him, and after his death - to Barabadze.

The Barabadze family, in turn, took this matter seriously. They even wanted to sell Porokhovshchikov's house on the Arbat - a mansion that his great-grandfather built. But they soon realized that this was impossible, since the building belongs to the city. Alexander Shalvovich simply rented it in the mid-90s for 49 years, invested money in it, restored it. Now this house looks different than during the life of the actor: the windows are broken, the walls are dilapidated, and the homeless have settled inside. To prevent the final looting of the mansion, the Department of Property put metal bars on the windows.

The lease agreement was drawn up for a non-profit organization, which consisted of only two people: Irina and Alexander Shalvovich. In accordance with the law, membership is not inherited, and the organization ceased to exist after the death of the spouses. However, the lease agreement has not yet been terminated. Moreover, it was prolonged by an unknown person, allegedly a representative of the same non-profit organization. I would love to know who he is and for what purpose this is done.

Juna Davitashvili, healer

Photo PhotoXPress.ru

Legacy: a floor in a mansion in Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane in the Arbat area, an apartment in the next entrance, about 500 paintings, jewelry, two gold crowns, each weighing 3 kg and worth $100,000 each, as well as Juna medical devices.

The famous healer died a month ago, she did not leave a will, so the question of her inheritance remains open. Juna had no direct heirs - half-brothers and sisters died many years ago, the only son Vakhtang died in a car accident on December 3, 2001. Since then, the healer has led a reclusive lifestyle. Of the relatives, Juna left thirteen nephews.

Let them prove which of them is closer. In fact, there is a dubious blood relationship there. After the death of her mother, little Juna was given to the family of her uncle, her father's half-brother, - Valery Kamshilov, a close friend of the healer, told Antenna. - There, as she said, she felt like Cinderella, her relatives did not really like it. But when she moved to Moscow, everyone immediately remembered her. She helped most of the relatives to move to the capital. But in recent years, they almost did not communicate. Juna held a grudge against her relatives. And her life was divided into two parts - before Vakho's death and after.

I won’t be surprised if Juna has a grandson or granddaughter. Vakhtang was a prominent lad. I also noticed that at the funeral, in the most prominent place, a wreath suddenly appeared with the inscription: "June from the grandson." I don't understand who it's from.

Some mistakenly assume that Juna owned the entire mansion (which is 1200 sq. M). In fact, she rented the first three floors - about 500 thousand rubles a month. She built the penthouse on the fourth floor herself, and it belonged to her son Vakhtang. However, after his death, the apartment was rewritten to the Juna International Academy of Alternative Sciences. They also expressed a desire to take her devices for further study. Juna dreamed that after her death, a public museum would be opened in the mansion. But let the relatives “saw” the apartment in the next entrance. Although I know that it has already been handed over to one of Juna's acquaintances, an Assyrian. Even during her lifetime, the healer issued an official power of attorney for him, for which she received an advance payment - several tens of thousands of dollars.

As for jewelry, her hands were always in rings, and she constantly changed them. At one time, Juna often traveled abroad. She brought diamonds and jewelry donated to her from there. She gave part of them for the construction of the Assyrian temple. I don't know how much the rest cost. Plus she has two crowns. She is the Queen of Assyria. One crown - hers, the second - son

Valery Zolotukhin, actor

Legacy: an apartment on Taganka and non-residential premises in Moscow.

The actor, who passed away in 2013, also did not leave a will. The inheritance was shared by his official wife Tamara, sons - from his first marriage, 46-year-old Denis and 10-year-old Ivan from actress Irina Lindt.

“Everyone thinks that Valery Sergeevich was very rich, but this is greatly inflated,” says Irina Lindt. - We left the apartment in which he lived with Tamara Vladimirovna (Zolotukhin provided his son Denis with housing during his lifetime). And the room in Mitin, in which we lived, was left to Vanya. We are talking about one room from the non-residential fund, which I also had to buy out. When Valery Sergeevich died, it was sold at auction. There is no real estate abroad and in Altai. There was a small amount in the accounts, which was divided, and a creative heritage. The copyright holders are Tamara Vladimirovna, Denis and Ivan.

Lyudmila Zykina, singer

Photo archive "Antennas"

What they share: a car, shares and securities, a three-room apartment on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, jewelry worth more than $4 million.

The singer passed away six years ago, and litigation over her property is still ongoing. Despite four marriages, Zykina had no children. The inheritance went to her nephews, the offspring of her half-brother Alexander, who died in 2001.

- Initially, there were four contenders: Sergey, Ekaterina and Georgy Zykins, as well as Tatyana Patrusheva, - says lawyer Yevgeny Balelin. - But the latter could not prove her relationship. The property of the singer has already been sold.

But with the famous collection of Zykina's jewelry, the situation is more confusing. After the artist's death, some of them were found at the dacha of Lyudmila Georgievna's assistant Tatyana Svinkova. They were confiscated and attached to the materials of the criminal case. At the moment, the fate of the collection is unknown, although the case has not been closed, the investigation has only been suspended. And Ekaterina Zykina filed a lawsuit against her brother.

“Investigators valued the jewelry at more than $4 million, and Ekaterina demands that she be reimbursed for part of it - about 90 million rubles,” Balelin clarifies. She suggests that her brother sold the jewels, perhaps at auctions. In addition, in 2013, the woman gave her brother 15 million rubles - her share from the sale of the apartment, to the memory fund that he created. After that, Sergei ceased relations with his sister, and the fund - its existence. Georgy Zykin is involved in the process as a third party. The meeting is scheduled for the end of July.

Roman Trachtenberg, showman and TV presenter

Photo Artur Tagirov

What they share: two apartments in Moscow, an apartment in St. Petersburg, Lexus LS460, Suzuki Sx4 and Subaru Tribeca cars.

Roman passed away on November 20, 2009. He was 41 years old. Back in 2005, he signed off all the property to his son Lev-David - his child from his first, civil marriage with Elena Romanova. When Trachtenberg died, his legal wife Vera Moroz found out about this document and challenged it in court. Other relatives soon joined. As a result, the proceedings lasted five years, and the parents Lev and Tatyana Gorbunov, the son Lev-David (his interests were represented by his mother Elena Romanova) and the widow Vera Moroz were recognized as heirs.

We were allocated 25% each in three apartments: one in St. Petersburg and two in Moscow, the rest does not concern me and my wife, - the father of the showman Lev Gorbunov tells Antenna. - But we can't get there: there are no keys. I heard that other owners have already merged Roman's apartment on Komendantsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg with a neighboring three-room apartment.

For a moment, I thought the nightmare was about to end. Lev David's lawyer suggested an option: my wife and I would be given one apartment in Moscow along with furniture and one memorabilia, and all the rest of the property would become the property of our grandson. We gladly agreed. But, alas, the matter did not go further than the proposal.

In addition, Elena Romanova, the mother of Lev David, had to pay all legal costs, which is 170 thousand rubles. My wife and I still have not received a penny and do not even have a single thing in memory of our son.

But Roma also had an official wife. Vera owes us 500,000 rubles in court. But we didn't expect anything from her. As long as I live, I will fight to the end.

Mikhail Evdokimov, humorist, politician

Photo PhotoXPress.ru

What they shared: a house on Rublyovka, an apartment on Begovaya, a garage box, a car, non-residential premises, apartments on the Arbat, land and two houses in Altai.

After the death in 2005 of the humorist and governor of the Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov, it turned out that he lived in three families. In addition to his legal wife Galina and eldest daughter Anna, for 17 years he had a common-law wife, Nadezhda Zharkova, who gave birth to his daughter Anastasia. And in recent years, model Inna Belova with her son Daniel (the boy was born in 2005). Inna did not take part in the division of the inheritance. Perhaps partly because Evdokimov did not give his son his last name. And Nadezhda Zharkova defended the interests of her daughter and sued Galina Evdokimova for six years. She wanted to get a part of what was recorded only on Mikhail - a little more than a million dollars. Nadezhda told Antenna: “If Galina Nikolaevna had acted wisely and had resolved the issue of inheritance in 2006, as I suggested, then there would have been no courts. But she wanted us to give up everything.” In the end, the official and civil wives signed a settlement agreement, according to which the illegitimate daughter Nastya got a house on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. For the past four years, Nadezhda has been slowly repairing it.

Mikhail's mansion in his native village of Verkh-Obsky is now officially owned by his widow Galina Nikolaevna, says Yevgeny Zalesov, fellow countryman of Evdokimov. - She comes here occasionally. For example, at the evening in memory of Mikhail, at festivals dedicated to him. True, this year she lived here with her daughter Anna and grandson Misha for several months. Galina Evdokimova, according to her will, got another house in Belokurikha. But it is unfinished - without windows, without doors, completely unsuitable for life. While it stands in this form, whether it will be completed, I do not know.

How else was the inheritance divided?

Iya Savvina (1936−2011)

Legacy: two apartments in the center of Moscow and a house in the Kostroma region.

Among the heirs is the son of actress Sergei, who suffers from Down syndrome and is under the tutelage of her second husband, actor Anatoly Vasiliev.

The case went through all the instances, they did it according to the law, there are no problems, - Anatoly Isaakovich answered the question of Antenna.

Alexander Abdulov (1953−2008)

Legacy: a dacha in Vnukovo, an apartment in Moscow on Gilyarovsky Street, a house in Valdai and several cars.

The applicants for the property were Abdulov's widow Yulia Miloslavskaya (in 2007 she gave birth to the actor's daughter Zhenya) and mother Lyudmila Krainova. All property went to the widow of the actor. After some time, Lyudmila Alekseevna received money from her share of the inheritance from Yulia and, together with her eldest son Robert and his wife Albina, left for her homeland in the village of Konokhovo, Ivanovo Region. A few years ago, Robert died, and now Albina is taking care of the 94-year-old mother of the actor.

Vladislav Galkin (1971−2010)

Legacy: a five-room apartment in the center of Moscow acquired shortly before leaving, a foreign car and money.

All this went to his wife, actress Daria Mikhailova. At the time of his death, Vlad no longer lived with his wife, but had not officially divorced yet.

Vladislav's mother, screenwriter Elena Demidova, and his adoptive father, actor Boris Galkin, received nothing. As the press reported, Daria did not share with her husband's parents, citing the fact that she needed to put her daughter, born in a previous marriage to actor Maxim Sukhanov, on her feet. According to Vlad's friends, Daria sold the apartment inherited from her husband.

Mikhail Kozakov (1934−2011)

Legacy: one-room apartment in the center of Moscow and manuscripts.

As Kozakov's last wife Nadezhda Sedova said in an interview (Mikhail divorced her shortly before his death), the actor made a will five times. However, he left everything to Zoya, the youngest daughter (from Anna Yampolskaya). According to relatives, the actor loved this daughter especially much, because she reminded him of his mother. Yampolskaya now lives with her family in Israel. In one of the interviews, she announced her intention to sell the apartment and send money to the education of her children - Zoya and Mikhail.

Lyubov Polishchuk (1949−2006)

Legacy: apartment in the center of Moscow.

The actress is survived by her mother, husband, artist Sergei Tsigal, and two children: actor Alexei Makarov, from a previous marriage, and Marietta Tsigal-Polishchuk. An apartment in the center of Moscow has become a bone of contention.