How to get your husband to stop drinking. How to make your husband not drink. What should a woman do to get her husband to stop drinking?

Article reading time: 2 minutes

A drinking husband is a tragedy for many women. Some leave men suffering from alcohol addiction. Others resign themselves, give up. For the third, an alcoholic husband is a challenge, and they throw all their strength into saving their soulmate. But usually the fight ends in a complete fiasco.

So can you help your husband? Whether there is a effective methods to overcome alcoholism, to force a man to stop drinking alcohol? What doctors offer, what treats alcoholics ethnoscience? Full information- in our article.

Methods of dealing with alcoholism husband

There are many ways to get rid of alcoholism. But alcoholics go on drinking, wives go on suffering. In most cases, women perceive any remedy as a panacea. But only A complex approach is truly effective. A man does not just “tie up” with an addiction temporarily, but really becomes a teetotaler.

Support of loved ones

Understanding the wife, children, relatives for an alcoholic is critically important. Few can cope with alcohol addiction without the support of loved ones. The catch is that the patient and the environment interpret support in completely different ways. And everyone is often wrong. What can a wife and relatives do to help someone suffering from alcohol addiction?

The behavior of the environment depends on many factors, including the actions of the patient himself. Relatives of an alcoholic need:

  • Demonstrate that an alcohol addict can always count on support;
  • organize a pleasant non-alcoholic pastime;
  • involve in household chores;
  • delegate part of the responsibility;
  • create an atmosphere of need, importance.

You can not scold, criticize, humiliate, call names drinking man. Often wives begin to "educate" their husbands when they finally get out of drinking or decide to stop drinking. Excessive care and complete disregard are equally harmful, especially when a decision is made to be treated. Continued control, excessive demands, scandals can offset positive results.

Encoding through hypnosis in many cases is a "lifeline" that the wives of drinkers decide on. Sometimes addicts themselves decide to use this method, considering it the easiest and safest. Indeed, during a trance state (hypnotic sleep), it is sometimes possible to get rid of addiction even in one session. For achievement stable result And maximum effect 10 to 15 sessions are needed.

Hypnotic coding is not performed when:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • mental illness;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • infectious and viral diseases.

The result largely depends on the suggestibility of the patient and his focus on getting rid of alcohol addiction. Other methods are also used (“anchoring” according to NLP, auto-training, Ericksonian hypnosis, Gestalt therapy). This is not hypnosis in the classical sense, but due to the impact on the subconscious in a relaxed state, the desired effect is achieved.

Believing women, so that their husband does not drink, use various prayer practices. In Christianity, there are many prayers with the help of which women managed to return their husband to a sober lifestyle. It is wonderful if the addict himself agrees to read the prayers that heal from drunkenness. When he does not consider himself sick, a wife who prays for her husband is able to ask God for a miracle of his healing.

Among the most famous prayers from drunkenness - to the Matrona of Moscow. They also pray before the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice", the Most Holy Theotokos, Holy Trinity. You can pray to the saints John of Krondstadt, the martyr Boniface, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Moses Murin, Sergius of Radonezh.

The effectiveness of prayers in the fight against alcoholism is evidenced by the numerous reviews of wives who managed to save alcoholic husbands in this way. But this method is effective only for those who have a strong and sincere faith. Using prayer practices like a pill that is supposed to work simply does not make sense.

Folk remedies

Alcoholism is by no means a modern problem, so a lot of money has long history and have proven to be effective. The most commonly used herbal preparations, which not only reduce the desire to drink, but also cleanse the body of toxins, normalize the psychological state. You can either prepare the drugs yourself or use ready-made fees:

  • Tibetan collection - a herbal complex based on Tibetan herbs helps to cope with alcohol addiction in as soon as possible. Usually, in one and a half to two and a half weeks, there is a complete disappearance of the desire to drink.
  • AlcoTabu - this Japanese preparation contains an extract of a candy tree that grows in Japan. It prevents the development of alcohol dependence in people who abuse alcohol, relieves hangover symptoms, and improves mood.
  • A decoction of peony rhizomes - boil a teaspoon of dry chopped peony root in two glasses of boiling water for about 5 minutes. Drink half a glass a day.
  • Thyme tincture - pour 15 g of thyme herb into 0.5 l of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes in a water bath. This remedy is suitable for cases where the addict does not want or cannot give up alcohol. Before drinking alcoholic beverages, he needs to drink 50 ml of this tincture.

Alternative methods can also be used without the knowledge of the patient, if you select components that do not have bright taste characteristics. But do not forget that many of the plants cause allergic reactions. Some medicinal herbs have a pronounced sedative or diuretic effect.

When choosing a plant complex, be sure to consider the presence of certain diseases and contraindications in your husband!


Acupuncture has positive results, but only on condition that the acupuncture course is conducted by a competent specialist, and the patient really has the intention to get rid of alcohol addiction, is ready to work together with the doctor.

The impact on certain points with the help of special needles starts the process of cleansing and self-regulation of the body. The patient weaned from alcohol gradually, so the wives who expect a miracle and a one-time effect will be disappointed. But if the addict is set up for healing, then after a month and a half, the craving for alcohol may disappear completely (two or three sessions are needed weekly).

Acupuncture has a number of other advantages: the general condition improves, headaches, convulsions disappear, sleep normalizes, physical manifestations of alcohol intoxication disappear. The procedure has contraindications ( mental illness, oncology, tuberculosis, fever bodies). Do not perform acupuncture and in a state of extreme intoxication.


Drug coding is the introduction of drugs into the patient's body, disgusting to alcohol. Even minimal doses of alcohol under the influence of these drugs provoke extremely unpleasant sensations.

For coding, medicines based on disulfiram, a substance that is incompatible with alcohol, are used. Enter the drug:

  • intramuscular injections;
  • intravenous injections;
  • intramuscular administration of the gel;
  • sewing in capsules.

Among the disadvantages of encoding is absolute sobriety at the time of the procedure. Any manifestations of withdrawal symptoms are contraindications. The second disadvantage is the limited duration. Some alcohol addicts continue to drink alcohol even under the code, putting their lives at risk.

For the treatment of alcoholism, narcologists prescribe a complex of medications of multidirectional action. The choice of specific drugs is based on the stage of alcohol dependence, general condition, the desire of the alcoholic to end the addiction. For treatment without the knowledge of the patient, wives often use drops from alcoholism:

  • Alcobarrier - natural remedy reducing the desire to drink alcohol. Eliminates symptoms even with prolonged drinking, psycho-emotional state levels out.
  • Lavital is a plant-based dietary supplement used to reduce cravings for alcohol and relieve withdrawal symptoms. Contains extracts of St. John's wort, milk thistle, oregano and other medicinal herbs.
  • Colme - in addition to the symptoms of intoxication, the drug causes a feeling of anxiety, fear. Long-term use contributes to the development of a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages.
  • Teturam is one of the most popular drugs for the treatment of alcoholism ( affordable price plus high efficiency). The tool blocks the breakdown of alcohol, as a result of which there is no euphoria from taking alcoholic beverages and many negative symptoms occur (vomiting, severe headaches, heart palpitations).
  • Esperal - the action of this drug is similar to Teturam. With a similar mechanism, the remedy acts more gently, so the risk of complications is lower.
  • Proproten 100 is a drug that affects the feeling of pleasure. Improves mood, reduces anxiety. The concentration of immunocomplexes in the body increases, due to which the craving for alcohol gradually disappears.

The big advantage is the lack of taste and smell, so that drops can be added discreetly. These drugs reduce the desire to drink and even cause an aversion to alcohol. The use of alcohol drops during the period of action causes a number of negative reactions: nausea, vomiting, headache, tachycardia, sensations of heat or chills.

Apply drops twice a day, with an interval of 12 hours. It is desirable to add them to warm food, drinks. For the formation of persistent disgust, a sufficiently long course of administration is required - at least three months.

Also, for treatment without knowledge, pills for alcoholism are used:

Their action is similar to preparations in the form of drops, but due to the taste characteristics, mixing becomes more complicated. Therefore, the tablet form is more suitable for those who agreed to treatment or decided to get rid of alcohol addiction on their own.

All drugs for alcoholism have restrictions for admission and contraindications. If the husband is sick diabetes, has hepatic or kidney failure, any disease of cardio-vascular system, suffers from epilepsy, the use of anti-alcohol drugs is strictly prohibited!

Do not use drugs for the treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient, without first consulting with a narcologist! This is fraught with serious complications, even death!

Psychological help

Women living with alcoholics make many mistakes, and one of the biggest is ignoring professional help for yourself personally. The wives of drinkers usually think that they are all right, and the problem lies solely in the husband's drunkenness. In fact, in many cases, a woman needs help no less, and maybe more than her drinking husband.

The wives of alcoholics quickly develop alcohol codependency. This is manifested in the total involvement in the problem of her husband's alcoholism and, in parallel, ignoring own interests. Some of the most common signs of codependency include:

  • thoughts about the drinking partner predominate in the mind;
  • loss of control over one's own feelings;
  • growth of hatred and aggression;
  • increased tolerance for emotional pain;
  • feeling of guilt, shame;
  • low self-esteem;
  • depressive states.

Codependent women, even if they break off marriage with an alcoholic husband, subsequently re-enter into destructive relationship. First of all, it is necessary to save yourself, and not a drinking husband, that without a professional psychological help difficult. In addition to individual consultations, group programs (12 steps, Al-Anon) are effective.

Taboo on alcohol! Do not store alcoholic beverages in the house, refuse to drink alcohol. The tactic “it’s better to let him drink at home, as long as he doesn’t go anywhere” is a dead end. If the husband does not feel well after drinking, offer Alcobarrier drops - this will help the body remove toxins faster, improve the psychological state.

Stop controlling! Most wives whose husbands abuse alcohol try their best to available means control them. Endless calls to a man who was late at work, checking his pockets, searching for a hidden bottle are just some of the ways to control. Just stop doing it anyway!

Don't be a victim! Many women do not want to admit that the position of the victim is very comfortable. You can explain all the bad things by the drunkenness of your husband and receive pity, support, and sympathy from others in the form of bonuses. Paradoxically, this is precisely what motivates victim wives to stay with alcoholics, even if the situation is simply intolerable.

The whole focus is on yourself! The wives of alcoholics are completely obsessed with the drunkenness of their husband, they forget about their own needs. Time to think about your own needs. get busy appearance, communicate more with friends, look for new hobbies. Switch the focus of attention from a drinking husband to your life, make it more interesting, richer.

Video: why my husband drinks

The video is intended for relatives of alcohol addicts who are trying to save their husband, son, father from drunkenness. But it is useful to listen to advice for those who, having problems with alcohol, are looking for a way out of addiction.

What can I do to get my husband to stop drinking forever?

How hard it is to see a loved one who is constantly "under a degree" and "does not dry out" Beloved husband, son - strangers. The drunk lives in his own world. Can strike when drunk. Money leaves home - for booze. It is difficult for an alcoholic to make money - in the morning he has a hangover, he is not up to work. Well, spit on dismissal, hangover - the main meaning of life. I didn’t drink in the morning, the day was wasted. He lives to drink!

To list all the situations of alcoholism is unrealistic. Consequences: lack of money, illness and in the very worst case- death. Stop drinking - read the conspiracies. Did your husband or son drink? Sobriety them new image life. It's time to take action. You have a strong weapon against drunkenness - a conspiracy. Use your arsenal to stop trouble.

A conspiracy or rite from fullness is simple and.

If you want to quit smoking or wish to.

Rite of 13 days

Are 13 days too few or too many? If it costs so much to wait for the husband to stop drinking, then it’s worth to be patient. Suddenly this is the beginning of a new, happy life.

Get his favorite alcoholic drink. Let's make a conspiracy on his "signature drink". Therefore, we will treat our husband to them. For his and your good. Let him drink. Before buying booze, go to Orthodox church. In the cathedral, buy 12 candles. Here is what you need to observe in the temple:

  • Do not lean against the icons;
  • Don't be baptized;
  • Pay no attention to prayers.

When you leave the temple, turn around and say these words:

“As it is cold for a living person in the cold, so it will become bad for my husband from drinking! Amen".

Go home. When you get home, close your room. All this is necessary to be away from human eyes. Then light the candles. Place bottles of "nectar" for your husband near the table. Clear your thoughts. You are fully concentrating on a sober husband to run the program. Imagine how he will look sober, happy with you. your happy life without drunkenness. A family without sprees, drinking bouts and hangovers.

Draw all these pictures in your head. You sincerely wish your spouse and yourself happiness. We begin to whisper special words that will fill the bottles with the energy of disgust. They need to be repeated many times. Here's what to say:

“As a candle burns and melts, so does the drinker weep. I won’t send my husband to hell, but rather I’ll send a lapel on him. Let him stir up from the throat, everything inside twists mercilessly. There will be vomiting, hostility, and fear on the potion. I send the lapel to a booze - to a noisy party. Gradually, he will stop drinking, he will not ask for more to drink. All the bottles that are worth are not ordered to drink more! Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

We blow out the candles, we take the cinders into the trash. The husband will not suspect anything, because you will give him the charmed alcohol. Let be treated. You will have to wait at least 13 days for the results. If after 13 days there are no results, then repeat the ritual. Be sure to wait for the full moon.

The moon cures alcoholism

Not everyone has magical abilities. If a person has zero talents in magic, then they cannot be developed. In order to make the next conspiracy, you do not need to be a psychic or have incredible abilities. If you have a desire to help your husband or another relative, then use this conspiracy. Use spells to change your life for the better.

To apply this plot, you must be absolutely sober. Otherwise, nothing will happen. Wine couples will reduce the work to "no". Waiting for the moon to go down. When the long-awaited time comes, in the evening we put a glass of water on the windowsill.

Repeat this method from time to time and do not forget to clean yourself

Water must be spring or well. Live. Putting down the glass, say 3 times:

“As soon as this water gets inside, the drunkenness will instantly go away, And the addiction will completely disappear and will not come back. Amen".

We leave the glass until morning on the windowsill. In the morning the water is ready for use. Feel free to add water to the drinks of a sick relative. Tea, coffee, juice, or other non-alcoholic drinks will do. It is strictly forbidden to add alcohol to alcohol.

Remember that the contents of the glass must be drunk completely and without residue. The action of the conspiracy will begin to change your husband or relative. He was drinking and suddenly stopped. The person will think that this is his victory. Let him think. Don't tell him your little secret.

Let the patient be convinced that he himself has stopped drinking. You will need support and understanding. Take care of him. To look at the world with "sober eyes" at first will be unusual. There will be no daily fog. It is in your power to be near and morally support your husband during this period. The taste of victory will be on his lips. So the husband will have an incentive to live. New, once forgotten, values ​​will come: family, children, wife. There will be aspiration in life. For a former patient, the world will sparkle with new colors. The conspiracy worked.

Conspiracy on a broom

A broom is a cleaner in the house of everything dirty and unclean. He protects the house from everything bad. The pernicious habit of drinking can fall under the hurricane force of a broom. The power of a conspiracy on a broom.

The rite is carried out secretly so that it brings positive results. You go to the forest and collect a broom there. You don't have to go far any will do forest. It is necessary to collect a broom from trees that belong to masculine. Here are some trees you can assemble a broom from: oak, maple, ash and others. It will be good if you add some herbs. Herbs are also masculine.

Branches of oak, ash, maple

When you get home, sweep all the corners. Then you can sweep the whole house. Remember that you are alone in the house. No husband, no children. Even cats and dogs. Read these words of the conspiracy while sweeping:

“Herbs are ants, trees are green, strong and fragrant. From now on you will not see the golden sun and do not drink raindrops, do not rustle the leaves. In the damp land you will live forever, but the servant of God (the name of the faithful) should not drink intoxicating wine! Forever and ever! Amen".

Sweep the floor thoroughly. We take a broom and garbage, go to the yard. We will bury our garbage with a broom in the pit behind the house. Choose a place away from the house and not on the side of the porch. The rite is completed, and it will come into force when the broom begins to rot. Then your husband will stop drinking.

Features of the rites

Like all rituals in magic, conspiracies from drunkenness have their own characteristics. Here's what to do:

  • Perform rituals in certain days. Suitable for the treatment of men: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. To heal a woman, conduct conspiracies, and choose: Wednesday, Friday or Saturday;
  • Conspiracies are most powerful on the full moon or on the waning moon. The moon is waning and alcoholism with it;
  • To cure a person and make him stop drinking, you need to believe in the power of conspiracies. Making and reading conspiracies without faith is a waste of energy and precious time.

Observe these simple rules to get your husband or relative to stop drinking.

faith healing

There are cases when one reading of conspiracies and holding magical rites is not enough. Deeply running cases where all methods have been tried and tried. People drink from generation to generation. Great-grandfather drank, grandfather drinks, and the grandson has already become addicted to addiction. This already looks like generic drunkenness - a sign of a generic curse. What to do in the most severe cases?

Icon Mother of God"Inexhaustible Cup"

The icon of the Mother of God, which is called the "Inexhaustible Chalice", can help in the most neglected types of drunkenness. Reading prayers, akathists can support in such situations. The path is long and thorny. If you are not indifferent to the fate of your loved ones and yourself, then you can defeat the disease of drunkenness with the help of a miraculous icon and prayers.

One drunkard was already so drunk that his legs were paralyzed. He ignored it and continued to drink. Until a godly old man appeared to him in a dream. The elder told him to go to Serpukhov. There is the face of the Virgin - "Inexhaustible Chalice". You will come there and serve a prayer service in front of the icon and you will be healthy. The peasant did not listen to the old man for the first time. Only the third time he decided on a long journey.

He crawled there, he served a prayer service and received the health of body and soul. From that day he stopped drinking and was grateful to the Mother of God for healing.

Get yourself an icon, and may the Mother of God heal you and your family from this vile habit.

All the rituals and conspiracies people have been collecting since time immemorial. He carefully keeps them, passes them on to his descendants. Alcoholism has killed more than one family. Drunkenness has long been a scourge on our land and, having managed to defeat it in one family, we can defeat it everywhere.

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Hello. I do not have the opportunity to collect spring and even more well water. How to be? Would store-bought water work, like baby water from pharmacies, or just plain water?

No, you need to pick up another ritual.

How can I find out if I have damage

Elena, the simplest thing is to roll out an egg.

If a sick Tatar, how to pronounce a conspiracy, where it is written "God's servant / name /". And will the conspiracy work if the phrase about wine is replaced with the word "vodka". Or is it not important and the conspiracy will work anyway?

Galia, read the plot as it is written, do not change the words.

Good and good.
In conspiracies and spells, it is often found.

We do not use the “not” particle when we make wishes and set attitudes. This does not apply to rituals.

My friend drinks, turned to a clairvoyant, she said that it was for life, since on genetic level. Tell me how to be, and all the same, your conspiracies will help? Thanks in advance.

Elena, such cases happen. And if a woman needs it, then yes - she spends a colossal amount of time and effort to maintain a man in a sober state. That is, such rituals will become part of your life. You decide.

RITE OF 13 DAYS, is it possible to replace the words “husband” with “dad” here?

Is it possible to heal yourself with conspiracies?

Sasha, of course you can.

Hello, I would like not to drink myself, I don’t drink heavily, I don’t get drunk to death, but I need every day a glass of wine, two, or a bottle of wine, it depends on whether I have to work or I have a day off. I’m tired of my addiction, please help what can be done.

“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Lord! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with addiction to drinking wine, and just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who ask, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Once, God-wise father, the city beat your vineyard, but you, giving thanks God, he ordered the few remaining clusters to be put in the winepress and to call the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric. And God, who fulfills the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. O saint of God! As, by your prayer, wine was multiplied for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessedly, reduce it where it harms, deliver from the addiction to it those who indulge in the shameful passion of drinking wine, the servants of God (names), heal them from a serious illness, free from the demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them the weak strength and strength to successfully endure this temptation, return them to a healthy, sober life, direct them to the path of labor, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, God's servant Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their pernicious desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, establish their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their spiritual addiction, entailing excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they were established in piety, were rewarded with a shameless peaceful death, and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory, they worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Father without beginning and with His Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen".
Unless, of course, you will read a prayer. Limit gatherings in companies with alcohol, more water or green tea.

A conspiracy so that the husband does not drink - we read at home

A fatal addiction to alcohol is a misfortune that can affect every family. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the head of the family becomes the slave of alcoholism. The drunkenness of a husband and father causes a lot of suffering to his wife and children, often turns into a nightmare and even tragedy, because a man in an alcoholic frenzy often does not give an account of his actions.

Some wives, who did not want to put up with the painful dependence of their husband, leave the drunkard, and the most patient and loving try to help him with everything. possible ways. Often, conspiracies from drunkenness become a salvation for women whose husbands have given their heads to alcohol.

Features of conspiracies so that the husband does not drink, and the criteria for their effectiveness

Conspiracies so that the husband does not drink, which have been used since ancient times, helped save many families. None of the rituals from the husband's alcoholism guarantees a 100% result, but if effective, they are able to lead the family course along the former - calm and measured - life. In any case, the wife of an alcoholic to the last should not lose faith in a favorable outcome. magical influence because it is faith that sometimes works miracles. In general, the effectiveness of any rite will be reduced to zero if the performer does not believe in the power of magic.

In order for the husband’s drunkenness conspiracy to work properly, certain requirements provided to the performer herself. A woman who decides to cure her husband of alcoholism with magical rite, must itself be completely sober, and it is better not to drink alcohol at all. If the wife herself is accustomed to kissing the bottle, alas, even the most strong conspiracy so that the husband does not drink will be useless, or will lead to the opposite result.

The key to a positive outcome is the right time to pronounce the conspiracy. Ideally, this is the phase of the waning moon or the full moon, the male day of the week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). A woman should not tell anyone about the use of magical influence, even her alcoholic husband herself.

The principle of the conspiracy from binge, aimed at eradicating alcohol addiction, lies in influencing the subconscious of the drunkard without his knowledge. A conspiracy, like any prayer, helps build protection on energy level and, thus, causes an aversion to alcohol, gradually relieves a person from an insurmountable craving for alcohol before.

So that the husband does not drink: conspiracies, time-tested and practice

Conspiracy from drunkenness of her husband on a new towel

On the day of the full moon, the wife must buy a new towel. At the same time, you cannot bargain and take change (it is advisable to give money to the seller without change). At night, the performer must stand at open window- so to see full moon, and, holding a towel in your hands, utter an emotional conspiracy:

“I speak with effective and powerful words a new, beautiful and clean towel! How to wipe your hands with this magical towel my beloved husband, God's servant (husband's name), and will enter a new and happy life. Without harmful cravings for alcohol and other bad addictions. He will enter a bright life with dreams and pure intentions. My words are good and righteous, and therefore they will come true. Amen!"

The charmed towel in the coming days should be given to the husband when he has washed his hands. It is necessary that a man wipe his hands with this towel, but only once. After that, the wife should tie the towel with a strong knot and say:

“It will only be as it is said, and nothing else!”

A woman tied a knotted towel should be hidden in a secret place so that no one will see it and no one will ever find it.

A conspiracy against binge and that the husband obeyed only his wife

On any day of the waning moon, at midnight, wine is spoken, which the alcoholic spouse must subsequently drink. The words are read three times:

“Do not rise to the dead from the coffin, do not drink green wine, do not go intoxicated through the yards. So is God's servant (husband's name) do not drink wine in the morning, afternoon or night. Amen!"

So that the husband does not drink - a conspiracy in the cemetery

On the waning moon, on the 19th lunar day, in the morning, the wife should take a bottle of liquor, which her husband prefers the most, and go with her to the cemetery. Standing near the cemetery gates, you need to wait for the first funeral procession of the day to pass by. At this time, the woman says a conspiracy:

“Just as the deceased cannot be among living people, so my husband, God's servant (husband's name) , no more drunk in your mouth! Amen!"

Then you need to go home and put the bottle in a conspicuous place so that it will certainly catch the eye of your spouse and he reaches out to her. You can’t offer him a drink, you can’t scold him that day for drunkenness either.

The action of the conspiracy begins after the first sip taken by the husband. Regular repetition of the plot for every 19th lunar day forever help to wrest her husband from the clutches of addiction.

A conspiracy of a loving wife so that her husband does not drink

A mandatory requirement for the application of this conspiracy is true love wife to her husband, the desire to help him, coming from the very heart. It is best to pronounce the plot outside the city, in the village or in the country.

Exactly at noon, a woman should go out into the courtyard, first read the prayer “Our Father”:

and then the plot itself:

“I go out onto a pine porch, into a wide yard. I look at long way and the sun is clear. You are a distant road, take the illness of my beloved husband! And that illness is not easy and very terrible. It's not easy to get rid of her! You lead that nasty ailment - fierce drunkenness - on a long journey. Take her away from my beloved husband. Make him the same as the father of the family. Amen!"

The conspiracy of the spouse must be spoken three times, and then - cross herself and go into the house.

If the head of the family drinks frequently, it is like a time bomb, because relatives cannot know in advance whether he is in a good mood, or one should prepare for a scandal with breaking dishes. It is the drunkenness of husbands that poisons the lives of many wives and harms the psyche of children with early age. In such families, murders often occur on the basis of domestic scandals, and misfortune comes to the house. How can I get my husband to stop drinking?

There are different ways and techniques that can save a man from addiction. The effectiveness of treatment depends on many factors: the nature of the person, his social environment, etc. So what should be done to make the husband stop drinking?

At first, we will not talk about running alcoholism, but about the beginning of dependence on this addiction. In this case, the spouse should help restore her husband's good self-esteem. After all, he didn't always drink. Before that, he was kind and considerate.

Among successful men Those who have mutual understanding and love at home do not meet alcoholics.

After all, alcoholism occurs most often due to dissatisfaction with one's own life.

It is with the help of alcohol that people try to drown out some problems.

If a woman does not know how to convince her husband to stop drinking, she should try to cure her husband at home. First, it is worth starting to behave differently and fight the desire to drink alcohol in a good way. When a husband returns home, he knows in advance that dissatisfied faces, accusations and reproaches await him, or even worse - complete disregard.

You need to meet your husband affectionately and with a smile. This will confuse the spouse, and he will feel guilty. He realizes that his alcoholism upsets loved ones and spoils relationships in the family, intimidates children.

If the husband likes to drink beer often, but does not suffer from chronic alcoholism, close relatives will help get rid of this habit. The people to whom a wife can always turn for help are her parents. This method gives good results, because a man will not upset his own mother or lose authority in the eyes of his father.

It is necessary that parents visit the family as often as possible. The husband will not appear drunk in front of relatives, so he will drink beer less often. Parents should be invited to visit without his knowledge. The husband should know that the parents can come any day.

In addition to parents, it is necessary to involve the husband's non-drinking friends in the fight against alcoholism. As you know, friends play a significant role in the life of every person. And no one wants to hear their condemnation in his address.

At the same time, a woman must also behave correctly in front of guests. You can not expose your husband in a bad light in front of friends. Do not swear at a man, joke about alcohol and comment on it funny behavior. A woman should remember that she is trying to restore peace to the family, and not punish her husband.

Before you force a person to stop drinking, you should isolate him from bad company. There are several options for how to do this. For example, talk to your husband about life. Very often, a simple conversation helps, and women do not have to take more serious measures.

It should be explained to him that communication with a certain company will not lead to anything good, while the words must be supported by arguments. It is important to use the facts from the lives of these people as evidence that alcoholism has not yet helped a single person.

If an agreement did not work out, and the husband still drinks with the same friends, the woman can use her cunning. For example, to make her husband jealous of one of these friends. Jealousy will make him dislike these people.

If the husband drinks constantly

Some men drink every day. And the saddest thing about this habit is the misunderstanding that they simply can't stop drinking anymore and become alcoholics. A man tries to make himself and his wife think that this is just a way to relax after a day's work.

But in reality, such relaxation is called alcoholism. Men usually don't believe it. So, a woman should try to change his favorite bottle of beer for some other habit. And this should be done as soon as possible. Otherwise, overcome alcohol syndrome it will be hard enough.

If the husband does not suffer from chronic alcoholism, that is, alcohol has not yet become a permanent habit, you can replace it with a walk, playing with children, or any other activity. But here it is important to understand that even a pleasant thing for a husband will be a burden. Because he is used to being in his comfort zone, in which only he and alcohol exist.

As a rule, children have a good influence on men. Let the child ask his father to walk with him every day or play some game. Joy in the eyes of children will make the spouse put the glass aside, even if at least until the next evening he will not drink vodka. This is already a result.

If we talk about neglected chronic alcoholism, then there is only one option - to go for treatment to a drug treatment clinic. Specialists, after talking with the patient, will make a conclusion and prescribe a course of appropriate treatment. For example, they will offer to code an alcoholic. Coding has both its advantages and some disadvantages.

It all depends on the severity of the disease and the nature of the patient. Many are afraid of dying after drinking a glass and long years do not drink alcohol. But there are also men who will drink no matter what.

There is another option - to go to healers, who often help to treat alcoholism with folk remedies better than in any highly qualified clinic.

The meaning of their work lies, of course, not in magic, but in the fact that healers know the compositions medicinal herbs that are incompatible with alcohol. A mixture of alcohol and some plants creates such processes in the body of a man, after which you don’t have to think about how to convince a person to stop drinking. He himself will not want to look in the direction of alcohol anymore.

If the husband suffers from drinking

Drinking is such a state when a person wants to feel the earth staggering under his feet, and it is impossible to get rid of this desire. Very often, a woman tries to save her husband from the influence of hard drinking, but a man falls into a whirlpool that draws him in every morning, as soon as he decides to get drunk after yesterday. And so it is repeated every day.

What should a wife do if her husband is drunk? First, never buy alcohol for him. Even if it leads to conflict situation. In this case, you can leave home to avoid a scandal, but you should not buy. At first it may seem that this the only way avoid another scandal. The main thing to remember is that if the husband drinks, the wife only indulges his illness by buying a new bottle.

As a rule, after a few days of continuous drinking, a man gradually returns to normal life. After some period of time, the husband again goes into a binge. And everything starts again. It may even seem to a woman that it is unrealistic to force her husband to stop drinking.

In this case, a common method of treatment for hard drinking will help - a drug treatment clinic. Only specialists know when to stop hospitalization. And in this situation, the wife should be very serious. She should not react to her husband's words, especially to his assurances that alcohol was left behind for him.

An alcoholic husband knows how to talk his wife into leaving the medical establishment. He will use a variety of tricks. But the final decision must be made by the specialists of the clinic. Since only a doctor knows how much to treat alcoholism and binges. The family needs to come to terms with the fact that treatment will take a long time. In some cases, the patient may take up to 5 months to get rid of this habit.

If the husband drinks and does not work

There are families in which a woman lives with a man who not only drinks, but also does not work. And the thought of what to do and how to save a man from alcoholism haunts her. How to make him stop drinking and find a job?

The main thing is not to look for excuses for your husband. Because they simply don't exist. No matter how life develops, not a single problem has anything to do with alcoholism. There are many people in the world who are deprived of life, and from birth (disabled or orphans). However, they find the strength in themselves to take their rightful place in life. A person, having no arms and legs, manages to master a computer, work as a translator. And blind people learn and become first-class massage therapists.

Against the background of these worthy people, a husband who does not work and drinks looks at least pathetic. Therefore, a woman should not look for excuses for him. In this situation, only one thing will help - in any way you need to persuade your husband to be treated. You can involve everyone: friends, children, parents, neighbors, even his ex love or an old teacher. The wife is obliged to call for help anyone who can influence her husband's decision to be treated and obtain his consent. The main thing that cannot be done is to remain silent and hide this problem.

It is important to remember that there is less and less time left, and a person suffering from alcoholism may soon completely degrade. If a husband does not listen to his wife, there must be a person who wants to help, to whom he will treat more attentively.

In this situation, everything depends only on the wife. She decides whether her children will have good father, and she herself has a normal husband, with whom it is not a shame to go through life. There is no need to be afraid to do everything in order to cure your husband.

A woman should not engage in self-deception. If her husband has problems with alcohol today, in the future nothing will get better by itself, but it will become even worse. Therefore, it is important not to waste time and fight. After all, alcoholism itself will never let a man go if his wife sits idly by. Therefore, it is important for a woman to be patient and save her beloved spouse from this terrible disease.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

Our advice, with your help, will help your husband stop drinking alcohol without his consent. He may not even know that he stopped drinking thanks to your efforts! Use our sections to study and put them into practice.

Ways and conspiracies at home without his consent

Rituals for a Husband to Stop Drinking Beer

Drugs for alcoholism

Remember that you must carefully read the instructions that come with each medicine. Do not buy medicines without expert advice!

  1. Take some dry birch firewood and sprinkle it liberally with sugar. Light it up in a minute. Put out the fire. Make your spouse breathe sugar-birch smoke. Repeat if the first time this remedy did not help your husband to give up alcohol.
  2. Make a thyme tincture and add it directly to your vodka bottle. The recipe for the tincture is as follows: pour three tablespoons of this herb into a glass, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave for several hours.
  3. Red pepper tincture is also effective means, which treats people from alcohol addiction. Take half a liter of sixty percent alcohol. Add a tablespoon of pepper powder to it. After a few weeks, quietly add four drops of this folk remedy to alcohol.
  4. Try a pumpkin tincture recipe that will give your husband a strong gag reflex. Peel one and a half cups of pumpkin seeds. Pass it through a coffee grinder and fill it with vodka. After eight days, add a tablespoon of miracle tincture to bottles of alcohol.
  5. Prepare a medicinal syrup of yarrow and tansy. Add three tablespoons of the flowers of these plants to one liter of water. Put the mixture on the fire and have time to remove it before it boils. Put in any dark place. Repeat the cooking procedure after five hours. Carefully strain the resulting product. Add six tablespoons of sugar and three tablespoons of honey. Stir and boil for exactly eight minutes. Add twenty-five milliliters of syrup to your spouse in compote or tea.
  6. Let your husband try dung mushrooms. Fry the young mushrooms and boldly put them on the table, politely offering a snack. If the spouse does not refuse, then after another sip of alcohol, he will feel wild nausea and vomiting.
  7. Prepare decoctions that can be secretly added to any alcohol. One of the decoctions is oatmeal. Pour three tablespoons of bearberry leaves into a glass of water. Boil.

Arrange your spouse non-alcoholic romantic evenings, pleasant leisure, amazing surprises. Do this when you see him sober. Let him see how wonderful life is without vodka and beer!

How can you make a guy stop drinking? Many of the girls, future brides and wives, are faced with such a question and with such a problem. Alas, in our time the problem of alcohol abuse among the population, and especially among its young part, has acquired terrifying proportions. A huge number of young people acquire the habit of alcohol from a very early age. young age. And their loved ones - mothers, girlfriends, wives become co-dependent to their addiction. And then the question arises: “What to do? How to help your dear and beloved person? This is where the peculiarity of the psychological approach to this problem arises.


Many girlfriends and brides of drinking guys, especially if they live together, trying to get their boyfriend to give up alcohol, try in every possible way to control all his steps and prevent all his attempts to drink. The purpose of control is to force you to think and do as the codependent friend thinks. She wants to keep everything under control so that nothing happens without her knowledge, does not go by chance. A friend is trying to remake her boyfriend's whole life to her standard, since he is the right one. But such behavior is self-defeating. As a result, relationships with a loved one deteriorate, which leads him to depression. In addition, the lack of results from all their efforts leads the codependent to depression as well. Seeing her helplessness, the girl's emotions are activated heartache, fear, distrust of people who used to disguise themselves. Also, the outcome of control can be the collapse of hopes for the future, because attempts to control someone else's life, fear of losing control over what is happening, make her life dependent on ongoing events. And the girl no longer lives her own life, but is subordinate to the life of the “controller”.


Those who are faced with the problem of alcohol abuse by a guy, at first (and this happens very often) try to discourage him from a glass, resorting to various means of manipulation.
Manipulation is the same control that is carried out by more subtle and cunning methods. One goal is to reach desired result, V this case refusal to drink. This can be a challenge to feelings of guilt: “My heart hurts because of you”, blackmail “If you don’t quit, I’ll leave”, temptations “If you don’t drink, I will marry you”, and other traps and tricks. All this makes the guy obey someone else's will, but he perceives this as violence against himself.

The rescue

Or it would be more correct to say salvation. Because salvation is healing, and salvation is help in an acute situation, such as a hangover. A certain category of women sees in a drinking partner an object for care and salvation. They believe that they can force a person to stop drinking with their love, quivering affection and care. In doing so, they lay down their own lives on the altar of self-sacrifice, taking responsibility for the thoughts, feelings, desires of the drinking loved one, even their responsibility for themselves. But if it could help the problem! In their self-sacrifice, codependents completely forget about themselves, their lives and feelings. Saving the drinker, the girl only contributes to the fact that her boyfriend will continue to drink alcohol. Then she just gets mad at him. Such rescue attempts are almost never successful. This form of behavior is destructive, both for the drinker and for the codependent. Such concern renders the drinker helpless and incompetent. life situations, and allows the “rescuer” to always feel indispensable and necessary. A girl needs to be needed. This is the result of her low self-esteem. As a rule, she does not feel dearly loved and worthy of love, but in this situation she adheres to the conclusion: "If I am not loved, I will be needed." Very often, such women feel used and thrown out, which often happens.

Reasons for drinking alcohol

Today there are many young people suffering from alcoholism. But more often there are those who are only at the beginning of this process, so they can still be stopped. But for this it is worth finding out the reasons that make guys drink alcohol. There can be many reasons, but the most common are:

company at work Drink "a little bit" for the company at the birthday party in the office, or just drink so as not to offend anyone. Have a couple of beers with the guys after work. On the weekends, go to the sauna with friends (on a visit, to nature ...), which also involves the use of alcohol Depression The mood of despondency, apathy and hopelessness is more characteristic of men than women. Therefore, for many young people, it is alcohol that is the dope that can cheer them up. But the abuse of alcohol, its use in large quantities, in itself can cause depression. In addition, regular drinking provokes a negative attitude of relatives and others towards this phenomenon, which in itself also pushes for a glass. And it turns out a vicious circle.

What not to do

If you notice that your companion regularly consumes alcohol, then you need to find out the reason for this and talk heart to heart with him. But if he is under the influence of alcohol:

  • It is impossible to convict him of deception or lies, it is better to postpone the showdown until later;
  • Pick up the bottle and pour out its contents so that it does not reach “condition”;
  • Demonstrate your fear or weakness if he shows aggression. It is better to call the police, but not relatives or friends.

When he sobers up, you can't:

  • Arrange him tantrums or scandals;
  • "Saw" him and educate;
  • Complain about him to relatives and friends;
  • With tears to persuade to stop drinking;
  • Sneak in food to induce an aversion to alcohol.

What do we have to do?

  • When he is sober, talk to him and convince him to give up alcohol. If you are together long time remind him how it used to be before he drank. Many young people start drinking because there is nothing new and interesting going on in their lives. Try to change something together in life - spend more time together, get him interested in some kind of creativity or sports. Show him that there are many things around that are more interesting and exciting than drinking.
  • If a guy wants to stop drinking himself, support him in this. Go with him to the pool, to the court or just run around the park. Or go on a tour.
  • Try to find a hobby or interesting hobby. Many men like to make something, solder, repair around the house. If he is busy, then he will not have time to drink or think about it.
  • If a guy behaves inappropriately after drinking, take a video of him and show him the recording when he is sober. If there was any dignity left in him, he would not want to be seen like this again.
  • Have a serious talk with him - booze or you. If he does not want to lose you, then he will draw the necessary conclusions. If the scales outweigh the craving for alcohol, then leave without hesitation. Yes, it will be hard for you, but think about your future life if you dare to associate it with such a person. How long can you endure this? But no one will return the wasted years of life!

I sincerely wish you never had such a problem. But if this cup has not passed you, then try to do everything that depends on you, and let your joint happy life be the reward for your participation and patience.