If men do not take root in your house. If men do not take root in your house: Natalya Stepanova read a book online, read for free If the masculine gender does not take root in the house

My wife just loves to constantly change something in the apartment. I treat this with patience and understanding. First, this is her apartment. Secondly, if a woman is forbidden something, the consequences will be even more unenviable than in the case of her uncontrolled actions. Thirdly, I, like any other not very economic man, always choose the latter between repairs and vacations, and this is not the best way to keep the house in order. True, my patience and understanding begin to turn into a deficit when I have to personally participate in all large and small restructurings. Of course, without a hammer and nails in my hands (bribes are smooth from me here), but with a credit card, a willingness to listen, discuss and at the same time not send each other to hell on the first visit to the wallpaper store.
This is all easy to say, of course. A man is a capricious creature, and Barbie's house, as the embodiment of ideal order, scares us no less than a bohemian den that smells of dogs and used tea bags. We would like something in the middle, but it is this “something” that does not fit in with the idea of ​​girls about the interior for living together.
“Wow, this is fantastic, I finally figured out how to place a breakfast bar in our small kitchen!” “I have come up with a concept. I want the kitchen to look like a cozy cafe in Provence.” “We will make a small fountain in the apartment, the designer-psychologist suggested this to us.” I heard all this from various girls who, with the tenacity of the hounds, rushed for the interior of their dreams. The sparkle in their eyes ruled out doubts and objections, so their thoughts that the bar counter looks best in a bar, that cafes in Provence are primarily landscapes and aromas that are different from those that surround a dwelling on the Third Ring Road, and that people who position themselves as a designer-psychologist should not be allowed into the house, I left it to myself. Some of the solutions listed above did settle in apartments, but for some reason some husbands and boyfriends moved out of there.
Say, all this reminds of senile grumbling? Not excluded. Therefore, in order to justify the girls who have set a course for an ideal interior, I note that they have to act in unenviable conditions. A casual and relaxed design apartment is easy to afford in a tidy country where you want to spend more time on the street. This does not apply to us, and even a short march from work to home by car immediately makes us want to isolate ourselves from the environment with warm floors, soft light and luxury sofas.
Another source of evil is domestic magazines with interiors. Even on good paper, they are so-so, but more often than not, fellow citizens draw ideas about excellent repairs from housewife TV guides, where our stars pose in their houses and apartments. And there we see Anastasia Volochkova in the midst of plush madness, Larisa Dolina on the floor, where something like a coat of arms with her initials is laid out, Lada Dance in the boudoir, on the wall of which a view of the fountains of Peterhof is painted, and the hostess seems to be like an empress. It may well seem to impressionable persons that if such aunts, with their money and creative streak, do this, then all this is fashionable and correct. But this is some bullshit! For some reason, it seems to me that one of the reasons for the very confusing personal life of many star ladies is that there is simply no place for men in their apartments. And we really need this place. Just like cats. And you need very little of it. We want to sit where no one will do it but us. We want to have a toothbrush and a razor at arm's length, even if these items do not fit into the design of the bathroom, and we would be very grateful if our disks (knick-knack collections, bicycles, ties - underline) acquire inviolable status.
If my wife reads this, she will call me a designer-psychologist.

Would look at me meekly with love longing,

I would be for him the star of Bethlehem,

More beautiful than beauty, sweeter than cuteness.

He would take care of me

How a miser saves the last penny.

He would look into my eyes

How people look at images.

I would spoil and love, would not scold me and would not beat me.

I speak God's servant (name)

From thoughts of evil and dashing.

Let him love me like a gypsy horse

Mother - her child,

A mare her stallion, a sheep her lambs,

The guy is a girl's chest.

Servant of God (name), forget all women except me.

I give you clean water, I give you food in hunger,

I am a clear light to you, and from now on you have no one.

For now, forever and forever.

Lapel words from men

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I'm starting to swear words.


How do you rotate the sun and the moon

Mother earth and water jet,

So you turn God's servant (name) away from me.

Let him forget me

Let him stay away from me

He did not approach the house, did not take my hands.

Oh you, father Spiridon-solstice,

Do not let me (man's name) on the threshold.

How do you, father, control the Sun and the Moon,

So send, turn the young man away from me,

God's servant (name).

My key is in the river, the castle is hidden in the sand,

Word, stick to the word,

Servant of God (name), turn away from me (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If men do not take root in your house

From a letter: "Dear Natalya Ivanovna! Ten days ago I turned 55 years old. For my birthday, my friend gave me your books. And in these ten days I read them from cover to cover. The books shocked me with the simplicity of the word. I understood absolutely everything, although I had never read anything like this before. It was as if I reconsidered my life, there were so many similarities in it with examples from your books. I wanted to tell you about my woman's misfortune, and perhaps in your next book I will see advice on how to help in my situation, and if not to me, then to unfortunate women like me. The fact is that men do not take root in my house. No matter how much I get along with a man, he will live for a month - and run away from my house. Believe me, they don’t even call anymore, they run like a leper. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I have a large apartment in which there is absolutely everything in order to live comfortably and happily. I’m not scandalous, I don’t have any repulsive flaws. I watch carefully and dress well.In my youth, they said about me that I was beautiful, but neither then nor now I have and never had a permanent man. If you knew how hard it is to come to an empty apartment! I am at retirement age and do not dream of marriage, but how can I help women like me? My mother told me that when she was young, she was also very beautiful. People stopped and followed her with their eyes. She was liable for military service, and at work the general drew attention to her. He literally pursued her and eventually forced her into cohabitation. From their relationship, she became pregnant with me, and the general decided to leave his wife to marry my mother. Once a woman came to her and introduced herself as the wife of a general. She did not beg her mother and did not ask for anything, she simply said: “Do not hurt your happiness: it will not last long. Now you left me without a husband, but then neither you nor your child will ever have a couple. she took care of it so well that she did not regret the diamond necklace. Both you and your child will never know family life! " So saying, the woman left. All her words came true. My father soon died of a heart attack in my mother's bed. She didn't even have time to dial the ambulance. They lived in marriage for exactly a month. He never held me, his daughter, in his arms. His first wife attended his funeral. She quietly whispered to her mother: "Well, you see, my words come true." My mother never remarried. And I already wrote to you about myself: for more than a month I have never met anyone. And this is the longest time. Basically, the next day, the men disappeared as if in a fog. What to do like me?

A conspiracy from centuries

If a woman does not take root in men, then I advise her to reprimand herself from the century. Do it like this: buy a new mirror in a wooden frame. Go to the full moon with this mirror to the crossroads. Stand so that if you look at yourself in the mirror, then in the mirror you would see the full moon over your right shoulder. Looking in the mirror at the moon, say this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There is a dark stormy river in the city of Amatael,

That turbulent dark river has yellow banks.

To this stormy river all the waters,

All streams flow

They grow together with a stormy river, merge.

So, as to that river,

Men flocked to me

They grew together with my house, with my yard and body,

To me, God's servant (name),

Forever and ever stuck.

Not a single stream leaves the turbulent dark river.

So would never from me

Servants of God (name), the men did not leave,

And how my legs are strong and tight

On this earth

To be just as tight and strong

Grooms came to me

God's servant (name).

Mother Moon, as I look at you in the mirror,

So that the grooms would look and admire

On me.

Looked did not look enough, looked did not look enough.

Under the crown next to put and one never

Have not left.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dry for the prodigal husband

After sweating in bed during sexual intercourse, wipe it with your undershirt and say:

As I, the servant of God (name), cannot live without an undershirt, without my sweat, so that the servant of God (name) could not live and be without me, servants of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

Get your husband back from a lovebird

I wouldn’t forgive myself, but I feel sorry for the children, they need a father. While your husband usually comes home from work, go outside, stand near your house, look in the direction your husband usually comes from work with, and read 12 times.

Stream with stream runs, mountain with mountain

does not converge, the forest grows together with the forest,

color sticks together with color, the grass flutters.

I’ll pick a color from that grass, I’ll put it on my chest,

I will go to the valley, along my husband's path.

All 4 sides in my turn, on all 4 sides

I will command: "As mountain and mountain do not converge, the shore

they don’t get close to the shore, so it would be a slave (name)

I didn’t get along with my lovebird, I didn’t get along,

did not get close. Would go to me and to my children.


How to get your husband back

From a letter: “Hello, dear Natalya Ivanovna. I know and understand that those who are very ill turn to you. So I dared to ask you for tips on how to get my husband back.

Out of stupidity, or rather, out of desperation, I often kicked him out, and now that he left me, I just go crazy.

We lived with him for 26 years. My Nikolai took me, divorced with his daughter Irina. She was then only five years old. He adopted her and treated her very well, even pampered her, as one pampers her beloved daughter.

When we got married, we had nothing, we started living from scratch. I then left everything to my first husband, and my Kolya grew up in a large, poor family. In addition to the main work, we also worked with him for housing: he is a janitor, and I am a watchman.

We worked out the apartment, but we didn’t quit our part-time job, as we were building a dacha. Of course, we were very tired, but we needed money, because then we had a joint child.

At first we lived together, but over time everything began to change. The husband lost interest in work. He did not want to do anything either in the country or at home. Said:

- I worked eight hours - and that's enough: I'm not a slave and not a horse.

But after all, I have been working all my life, and I try to do even more than he does. I have not only two jobs and a dacha, but also housework.

I was silent for some time, and when I began to reprimand him, then we began to have scandals. At one time I told him out of anger:

“Find yourself a woman and go away, leave me alone.

He did not leave, but the attitude changed dramatically. It seems that we lived as one family, but already as strangers. He stopped sleeping with me. He looked at me with blank, angry eyes. But still, I hoped that somehow everything would work out.

I tried to talk heart to heart with him, but he rested and answered my words:

- What kind of love are you talking about, if you just chase me like a dog, and I also earned this housing, for twenty years I raked someone else's shit with a broom.

Girls, hello everyone. It just got interesting. I saw the program "The Battle of Psychics", the plot was about a woman who cannot build her personal life in any way, all the men leave, and everything is fine, but as soon as they start living in her apartment, all the men leave after a while, there are frequent quarrels, etc. etc. And they said that a man hanged himself in this apartment and he kicks everyone out of there, so men cannot live there, and all the sounds, rustles, etc., are this man. And then I thought, in our grandmother's house, families are also breaking up. My grandfather died early, he was hit by a bus, my dad says that even only cats lived in their house, cats died, even cats do not take root. My grandmother once said that a relative died here, burned down from alcohol. And so I wondered if this could happen. I thought about it because:

1. Mom and dad got married and lived in a rented apartment, everything was fine when my sister was born, it became hard for them with an apartment, and they came to live with their parents, in this house, while mom had a decree, dad began to drink constantly, with mom they began to constantly quarrel and one day he didn’t return home, then he just came packed his things and said that he had gone to another, mom sobbed, with a small child in her arms, then dad returned, they began to live, but everyone quarreled, dad drank, nothing good at all, then I was born here in this house, dad doted on me, that kept me, and then again they were on the verge of a divorce, and they were given an apartment, mom says how they moved, a lot of things have changed, dad stopped drinking, they began to quietly settle down in an apartment, furnish it, etc., and everything worked out for them, and then my mother suggested that my father disperse, when she was already on her feet, she tells him: after all, you have been eager to leave for so many years, come on, I don’t hold you, I can handle it . Dad didn’t leave, he repented, and still repents, he says he was a fool, he doesn’t understand how he could behave like that, that he didn’t recognize himself at all. My parents live together now, and everything is fine with them, but my mother still remembers her life in this house as Hell.

2. In 1999, my sister got married while the pregnant woman lived in this house, my husband drank with friends, then she gave birth to a son, they lived with us for the first year, everything was fine with them, my husband did not drink at all, and then they asked me to go live here to this house to live separately, they repaired the house, put it in order, drilled water for them, they all moved here, and now, over time, the sister’s husband also starts drinking, quarrels, fights begin, he completely degrades, after 10 years, they parted, her husband completely drank himself, now he is homeless in the garbage dumps, he got hit by a train, they collected his hand in pieces, now he is disabled. During all this time they had more than one kitten, but not a single cat took root, and when they stopped by, their girlfriend gave them a rich kitty, and when they moved to us, the kitty was in demolition, gave birth, left a red cat, Zhorzhik was very beautiful , just an awesome cat, they lived with us, so he grew up before our eyes, when they moved back, then over time Zhorzhik disappeared, then they left more cats, not one took root.

3. So my husband and I settled in, although I really didn’t want to, maybe I felt something, but decided to live, still my house is good. My husband, who had practically never drank before, over time began to drink more and more often, before the break he drank every day, I used to constantly feel someone's presence, it really feels like someone is here, although I never I didn’t believe it, but I woke up at night, I could just wake up in the middle of the night from the cold on my hands, or from the fact that it seemed to me that someone had stroked my hand, woke up, and the hair on my arms was standing and moving, or you were cooking and suddenly the feeling that someone was standing behind and suddenly stroked my head and the hair on my head was moving, or a shadow would flash, at some point I was very scared, especially when someone called me by name, my husband didn’t feel anything much, he reassured me , and then he began to say that the feeling that we were not living here alone, and the constant steps and knocks in the attic at night, did not let him sleep. We began to swear more often, there was a period we were forced to take care of my husband’s grandmother and lived with her for several months, everything was fine with us, my husband stopped drinking, he went here, took care of the house and garden, we bought a plot and started building a house, because that the husband made a large order in a month without prejudice to other work, but then they returned home again and after some time everything was new again, again alcohol, quarrels, the husband began to degrade, in the end we parted. and now he does not drink at all, he is changing again. By the way, when we stopped by, on the third day a cat ran into our basement, in winter, the cat ran, we fed her there at first, she didn’t go out, and then they still caught her and brought her into the house, so she lived with us, but before By the time we parted, she disappeared somewhere. During all this time, we also tried to get a cat, and we bought thoroughbreds and took very beautiful ones, but not one took root, and the cats lived quietly.

And so I thought, maybe it’s not for nothing that everything is so, maybe something really exists. I’ll say right away I don’t want to shift responsibility to anything or anyone, it’s their own fault, but can this be? I never really believed in this, although I believe in God, but still I thought, maybe this really exists and the house may not accept it.

Dear Mrs. Oh, I have carefully studied the energy of your apartment and I think I can "diagnose" your problem. Your apartment is very beautiful, clean, bright, with beautiful furniture and well-groomed flowers, I liked it. Shades of pink in furniture, carpets, and interiors speak of your great desire to attract love to your home and start a family. However, I believe that your apartment is purely "feminine" - there is no "masculine" principle in it at all.

First you need to remove your fluffy pink carpet from the salon. Get a black chair with a footrest and install it in the center of the cabin opposite the TV. Move the coffee table to the armchair on the right side. Take pink crystals from this beautiful dish on the coffee table and fill it with nuts and cookies, and place a couple of cans of beer next to it (beer is a very strong male talisman). Scatter men's magazines and newspapers such as "Sport", "Cars", "Playboy" around the chair on the floor. And by the way, check that the TV channels SPORT, HISTORY, DISCOVERY work properly.

Try unplugging your DVD, unplug the antenna from the vid, jam the drive in your stereo, unscrew a few light bulbs in your light fixtures, unplug your washing machine, flip a couple of switches on your gas stove, smash a light bulb in your refrigerator. All this will symbolize that you are a Weak woman and need urgent male support. Take a candlestick with a pink candle from a small table in the laundry room and place the screwdrivers there. This will be a symbol that all faults in the house are under control and are in the process of being corrected.

This beautiful rose quartz turtle will have to be removed from the salon dining table. Instead, create a talisman - the composition "Man in the house." Car keys + house keys + work keys + beeper + cell phone + MP3 player + PDA + wallet + sun glasses - this talisman will now always be in the center of your home. The talisman "case for papers" can be placed nearby on a chair.

Unfortunately, this beautiful reproduction of V. GOGA "Sunflowers" will also have to be removed from the wall in the salon. Instead, I recommend you a picture of a red racing car. And the longer the picture, the better. By chance, turning away from the TV, your Man will delight his gaze with this red miracle. Two Chinese pink vases, standing on both sides of the front door, are replaced with dumbbells 2 and 3 kg, respectively. Your Man will need them every Monday when he starts a "new life".

Give all your flowerpots with pink geraniums to your neighbor. Instead, arrange small flowerpots with cacti throughout the apartment. This will symbolize small squabbles and petty quarrels, without which no "happy" couple can do. For "hurricanes" and "tsunamis" (for example, when trying to pull your Man from a black chair), put several pairs of men's slippers in a shoe box. They fly beautifully through the air and do not break when they land on the floor, unlike the expensive pink service I saw in your cupboard.

We pass into the bedroom. Here you must remember the three main male feng shui mascots: T-shirts, underpants and socks. They should be in sufficient quantity and casually scattered around the bedroom here and there. For example, the best place for socks is the floor. Remember, no socks on the floor - no man in the house. It is advisable to hang a picture of a naked swing couple in tantric poses on the wall in the bedroom. This will help your man get excited sometimes, and you can enjoy it. Therefore, do not forget to put multi-colored condoms (a very strong male talisman) in the bedside tables.

Bathroom. Your creams will have to be taken off the shelves. Instead, buy cream before, during, after, and instead of shaving; men's lotions, sprays, deodorants, moisturizing oils, colognes and, of course, anti-baldness and anti-dandruff.

Toilet. A basket with magazines and newspapers that did not fit in the salon, an ashtray and a calendar with naked beauties on the door. This will give your Man the motivation to occasionally move from the black chair to the toilet. Sometimes it is recommended to put a couple of cigarette butts in the toilet and never flush them.

The most important symbol for attracting male energy into the house is the refrigerator. Put all these dietary yogurts, fruits, vegetables, juices on the bottom shelf. The top shelf - cans of beer of various shades and sizes. The second shelf - meat and fish of different varieties. On the third shelf will be a variety of pickles. Put a couple of bottles of vodka in the freezer - Johnnie Walker Red Label Whiskey in the bar.

We decorate the desktop for your Man in the form of a layer cake. The first layer is catalogs, brochures, instructions for using various equipment. The second layer is documents, business letters, old faxes, receipts. Sprinkle all this with pencils, pens, paper clips, old batteries. In the middle of the "cake" carefully place the soldering iron, dust the whole composition with dust - and the workplace is ready.

It is not even necessary to explain that without a computer, the Internet, e-mail and ICQ, there is no chance to get a man. The computer is the most powerful male talisman. And be sure to make sure that the Avtomir Internet magazine is always on the computer screen

My wife just loves to constantly change something in the apartment. I treat this with patience and understanding. First, this is her apartment. Secondly, if a woman is forbidden something, the consequences will be even more unenviable than in the case of her uncontrolled actions. Thirdly, I, like any other not very economic man, always choose the latter between repairs and vacations, and this is not the best way to keep the house in order. True, my patience and understanding begin to turn into a deficit when I have to personally participate in all large and small restructurings. Of course, without a hammer and nails in my hands (bribes are smooth from me here), but with a credit card, a willingness to listen, discuss and at the same time not send each other to hell on the first visit to the wallpaper store.
This is all easy to say, of course. A man is a capricious creature, and the Barbie house, as the embodiment of ideal order, scares us no less than a bohemian den that smells of dogs and used tea bags. We would like something in the middle, but it is this “something” that does not fit in with the idea of ​​girls about the interior for living together.
“Wow, this is fantastic, I finally figured out how to place a breakfast bar in our small kitchen!” “I have come up with a concept. I want the kitchen to look like a cozy cafe in Provence.” “We will make a small fountain in the apartment, the designer-psychologist suggested this to us.” I heard all this from various girls who, with the tenacity of the hounds, rushed for the interior of their dreams. The sparkle in their eyes ruled out doubts and objections, so their thoughts that the bar counter looks best in a bar, that cafes in Provence are primarily landscapes and aromas that are different from those that surround a dwelling on the Third Ring Road, and that people who position themselves as a designer-psychologist should not be allowed into the house, I left it to myself. Some of the solutions listed above did settle in apartments, but for some reason some husbands and boyfriends moved out of there.
Say, all this reminds of senile grumbling? Not excluded. Therefore, in order to justify the girls who have set a course for an ideal interior, I note that they have to act in unenviable conditions. A casual and relaxed design apartment is easy to afford in a tidy country where you want to spend more time on the street. This does not apply to us, and even a short march from work to home by car immediately makes us want to isolate ourselves from the environment with warm floors, soft light and luxury sofas.
Another source of evil is domestic magazines with interiors. Even on good paper, they are so-so, but more often than not, fellow citizens draw ideas about excellent repairs from housewife TV guides, where our stars pose in their houses and apartments. And there we see Anastasia Volochkova in the midst of plush madness, Larisa Dolina on the floor, where something like a coat of arms with her initials is laid out, Lada Dance in the boudoir, on the wall of which a view of the fountains of Peterhof is painted, and the hostess seems to be like an empress. It may well seem to impressionable persons that if such aunts, with their money and creative streak, do this, then all this is fashionable and correct. But this is some bullshit! For some reason, it seems to me that one of the reasons for the very confusing personal life of many star ladies is that there is simply no place for men in their apartments. And we really need this place. Just like cats. And you need very little of it. We want to sit where no one will do it but us. We want to have a toothbrush and a razor at arm's length, even if these items do not fit into the design of the bathroom, and we would be very grateful if our disks (collections of knick-knacks, bicycles, ties - underline) acquire inviolable status.
If my wife reads this, she will call me a designer-psychologist.