What to take from food on a long journey? Traveling by car with a child - tips and our personal experience

This is the end of our family's longest journey. Novosibirsk-Baikal-Novosibirsk. Five thousand kilometers. Successfully.

The idea was born 3 years ago. At first I was going to undertake a grandiose journey to the most that neither is the edge - Vladivostok. 6000 km one way.
I immediately started looking for fellow travelers. I found two: on the Nissan Sunny of the 90s and on the Grant. Dubious company, of course :)
Fortunately, my wife got pregnant last winter, and we limited ourselves to Khakassia. And for a year I thought it over, appreciated the fantastic nature of such an enterprise and decided that Baikal would be enough for now.
To be honest, I'm not one of those travelers who, in six months, begin to build a detailed route, describing every minute, determining each stopping point.
I will burn out in this case and generally do not want to go anywhere. Therefore, I prepared in the most general terms: I read about Irkutsk, Baikal, and the surrounding area. History, legends, myths. What is there interesting to look at, how to drive approximately and approximate timing of the trip.
It suddenly turned out that my colleague was also going to Baikal. We synchronized vacations, desires and aspirations. Departure was scheduled for June 27th.
Yulia and I doubted to the last. A week before the holiday, we were not yet sure that we would go - the girl was only eight months old.
One way or another, the journey took place.
The story is divided into five parts:
With a child on a long journey
Problems on the road
Glorious sea - sacred Baikal
Today about the first two.
Between Novosibirsk and Irkutsk - not such a long distance - the total mileage was about 5000 km - for some it only goes so much in one direction. But this is the farthest road trip for my family so far. Therefore, they prepared for it thoroughly.
Bought good tires Nokian Nordman SX.
So far, it hasn’t let me down in any way, it’s not oak, it doesn’t slip on the water.
Racks replaced and spacers installed.
The car rose a good two centimeters. At least once this rescued us in the sands of Olkhon.
We glued a grid on the radiator grille.
I don't know how well she helped, but at every stop we shook out a small jar of carrion from her. The grid is the most common - from flies on the windows. They glued it on with adhesive tape, but it was a really bad idea - the grid was regularly peeled off. Next time I'll come up with a different mounting scheme.

They took 2 CB stations from a colleague to listen to truckers.
All the time in front of the track I remember the video "America goes down the mountain without brakes."
I'll tell you, brothers, this radio is a very controversial subject - it seems to exist, but, it seems, not. We dismantled all the mats without problems, but among them was lost helpful information. The quality is very mediocre - SNR is very low.
For four days of the road, we have extracted only useful information about where you can swim along the road. Well, and so some disputes between truckers, advertising, someone was selling diesel, somewhere they talked about accidents. Nothing extremely useful, and thank God.
There were children in both cars, so the issue of using a walkie-talkie is even more difficult - after all, mats through the word.
If the station is temporary, then the feeder will have to be brought into the salon through the doors, and at the same time, during rain, water can mercilessly pour inside through this cable.
But a much more useful acquisition is portable radios.
I bought a Midland GXT-900 kit. On the track it was easy irreplaceable thing. It works for a couple of kilometers (although if there is a truck between us, the quality deteriorates sharply).
It's great to help each other when overtaking, to discuss some buildings or events along the way, to agree on a stop, on the speed of movement, to warn of danger. And yes, it's just to mess around. For the first couple of hours, we generally indulged like small children - this is our first walkie-talkie.
Why did you choose this one? Good equipment: two well-tailored walkie-talkies, a wired headset (she decides on the track and with a sleeping child), a charger from 220 and from the cigarette lighter, a clip for attaching to a belt.
The radio is certified to work in Russia - a power limit of 0.01 W is met. The secret is that this is the Low mode, but by default the radio operates in the High mode - 5 W - this way the receiving range of 20 km is achieved with ideal conditions. That is, thanks to this mode, the radio can be carried to Russia, but it works at a much higher power.
Channels 69 is more than enough. Although we generally chatted all the way on the first channel - someone else interrupted our conversation four times, but we never switched to another channel.
Batteries are removable and can be replaced with 3 AA batteries.
There is only one minus - the docking station does not show that the batteries are charged - the red indicators are on all the time - if you overdo it on charging, the capacity will begin to degrade.
In general, everything is said much better than me already here.
More from midges special remedy for windshield and headlights. It came in very handy.
Fuse set. Not useful.
Tubeless tire repair kit. It didn't work, thank God.
Bring 6 liters of water for your daughter and wash hands/dishes.
Flask about 4-5 liters - drinking. It is lined with foam and can keep the temperature for a while.
A flask of 1 liter of water in the cabin to drink on the way. I have a hard time accepting plastic bottles.
We are not picky people and collect water from the tap. But you should always have one vessel with tested water with you. Somewhere in the village we drew water from a pump, you know, one that is inside a one and a half story building made of black timber. So she smelled of mud and swamp - it was terrible to drink it.
On the way back, we took more than 10 liters of water from Baikal into a flask and into a bottle.
Just in case, we took with us (our car): a tent, two sleeping bags, an air mattress, a set of dishes for six people.
In the second car, we additionally took a set of saucepans and a gas burner.
This time we had a civilized rest - in houses and hotels, so wild accessories (tents, etc.) were not needed. Although on the way back we rode along the Krasnoyarsk lakes and rivers, and there the tent was the best escape from the sun and rain, and the mattress was a long-distance ship.
Dishes and gas were used several times, but they might not have been used. Total half of the trunk of optional things.
I bought a 500 watt car inverter.
I thought maybe there to recharge something or watch videos while lying on the beach. Didn't use it.
Although the thing is certainly useful - already at home I spent three hours in the car, recharging my phone and laptop.
The road is unpredictable, road cafes are even more unpredictable. Therefore, with a whole first-aid kit of drugs - from the head, from the stomach, from wounds, etc.
A set of something like: mezim / gastal, smecta, imodium, Activated carbon, no-shpa, bipanten, paracetamol / panadol / nurofen, took. And, of course, standard things, like plasters, bandages, tourniquets, iodine / brilliant green.
Four days on the road and some free time on vacation - you need to do something. On the road, I pumped up audio books of various kinds and podcasts (several issues of Brandyatin and Runetology).
I sent many different books on lockpicking, science fiction, Eckhart Tolle, "The Passenger" by Jean Grange to the reading room.
On the tablet, I uploaded a video on breaking locks.
I took six puzzles with me.
With a child on a long journey
To my daughter special treatment. Though in life, even on a journey. (What a surprise, huh?)
Our age is quite simple for a long journey - 8 months: she has not yet weaned off the breast, but she has already begun to slowly consume human food inside. While still falling asleep in the car - no need to take a steam bath than to entertain her all the way. He doesn’t run around the streets, which means you don’t need to worry that he will get lost somewhere.
A car seat was purchased for the trip. Actually, it was bought, of course, not for this trip, but we chose a comfortable one for a long time long trips. Here, to my shame, I must admit that the child did not sit in the chair all the way - about half. When she woke up or vice versa before falling asleep, Samira began to act up and cry. Then the wife took her in her arms and fed or entertained. Naturally, the driver at the same time switched to a mode of increased attentiveness and accuracy and reduced speed.
After returning, he only goes to the chair. You need to be patient and convince your wife that the child should be in the chair, and "we will not go anywhere while she is in your arms."
In preparation for the trip, I, of course, read a lot, and how children endure the road. Those who traveled said that the children endured without problems. True, the smallest documented age of such a traveler - 10 months - ours was 8. Those who did not travel screamed hysterically that this was a mockery, and they would not risk it. I was surprised that among the commentators there were people who reasoned something like this:
hello everyone. we traveled far magadan-novorossiysk-magadan on highs children 3 and 7 years old to sit in armchairs is not real the middle row of seats was laid out constantly turned out to be a large sofa from entertainment dvd toys preferably bought along the way so more interesting coloring, paper dolls for girls, in moderation sweets, more crackers, drinking juice, water during the trip, everyone was satisfied and glad. non-standard situations.
I was worried that my daughter was riding in the arms of a strapped mother. And then the children climb on the car. It doesn't fit in my head, of course.
Table for passengers at the rear, which is hung on front seat to put the tablet there and turn on peppa pig, from which the daughter is simply a fan. Accordingly, the tablet was changed from a stupid iPad to an android acer.
On the way we made stops every 2-4 hours. If it was in nature, the child crawled on a rug or grass. Here it is better to take a few tights, so as not to particularly restrict movement. If we stopped in cafes, then my daughter climbed on us, on the seats, on the table with her hands, on the neighbors :)
With you, of course, diapers (at natural stops they took off so as not to spoil).
5-6 liters warm water(although under such conditions it becomes warm very quickly) in order to wash the child on the way.
Of course, all kinds of toys, books, which are still essentially toys.
To walk around Irkutsk, we took a stroller with us, although there is a suspicion that a sling would be enough, and this would save a lot of space in the trunk.
Our car was already tinted, but if not, I would have done so. Still, the sun does not burn out the eyes and the car heats up less.
Another useful app is Baby Monitor for your phone. Responds to sound and, when a certain threshold is reached, calls the specified number. You pick up the phone and listen - the car just passed, or the child woke up. Helps out in cases where the child fell asleep, but you need to stop and move away. Without fanaticism - not far and not for long. We also use it when the child sleeps on the bed at home, and we are in another room or on the street.
About Baikal. There is such a place there - Shamanka rock. According to popular beliefs, the god of Baikal, Burkhan, lived there in the rock in the gorge. Not far from it, tethering poles are installed. People generously tie colored ribbons on them. So they say that there is a very powerful energy here. Call it a point of power, a cursed place, an energy spot or whatever (I still don't really believe in it), but I still recommend that you beware of going there with children. We had two kids and both of them started to get nervous, act up there, my daughter burst into tears very much. If I were without a wife, I would, of course, go once more with my daughter in order to make a more representative selection. But he didn't tempt fate.
In general, the daughter withstood the road very well. Sometimes she cried and was capricious, but the reasons for this were different - not the road or unfamiliar places. On the way back, we visited relatives in Krasnoyarsk region, on the lakes, in Kemerovo to grandmothers.
During this time, the daughter saw as many new people as, perhaps, she had never met in her entire short life)
The result of a two-week trip and meeting relatives (I do not claim that this was an incentive, maybe everything just went on as usual):
Samira learned to stand on her feet for a few seconds
Then get up on your feet without help and without support.
Move along the bed, rearranging your legs.
Eat homemade food. She did not take cereals and purees at all, but she sucked on pieces of meat, cucumbers, apples, melons with great pleasure. Also lamb and chicken broth.
But after 2-3 years it will become difficult. We must use the time.
In September, perhaps, there will be another trip with a child.

Tags: What, to take, with, with, on, a long, road, on, a car, with, a child

traveling by car with a 3 month old baby

Dear moms, we need your experience!
We are going with my husband and child to another city by car. The baby is almost 3 months old. The road will take 7-8 hours, no more. What is the best way to travel with a child? In a car seat? Is it possible to stay in a semi-sitting position for so long? Or is it better in a cradle like this http://i3.cdiscount.com/imagesok/medias/10/154263.jpg? Who traveled by car with a child at this age, share your experience: what to take with you (we have CB - I give the mixture once at night, we will go during the day), what to be prepared for, how your child endured the road, in general, I look forward to your advice !

Tips on how to prepare for a trip with a small child, the pros and cons of what to bring on the road. Infographic "First...

What to take with you on the road - Irishka

Dec 20, 2012 - 7 tips to take on the road when you travel with...thinking that you can go on a long trip with it...Who neglects to use child seat for your child in the car, ...

Organize baby feeding it’s not easy outside the house: mom will have to adapt to road conditions and the absence of many necessary familiar things that are always at hand at home.

On the road sometimes it is not possible to boil water at the right time, quickly and efficiently heat up baby food, sterilize the bottles after each feeding. In addition, many products cannot be taken with you due to the lack of a refrigerator - except when the family has a cooler bag.

That is why mom should think over the “travel kitchen” before the trip and draw up an approximate menu for children.

planning traveling with a child, it is better to choose a mode of transport that will minimize travel time. In this sense, traveling by plane is the most preferable option.

But regardless of the means of transportation (train, plane or car), the mother must in advance:

  • think about what products to take to feed the baby on the road;
  • calculate the number of bottle feedings coming along the way, if he is on artificial feeding;
  • prepare enough drinking water if the baby is fed formula milk or is already eating complementary foods.

When breastfeeding

If the baby is still sucking mother's milk, then, as a rule, there are no problems with the organization of feeding on the road. A woman can attach a baby to her breast in almost any vehicle at the first request of the baby.

So that the baby does not have problems with digestion or allergies, a nursing mother should eat as usual during the trip and not experiment with food, trying new delicacies, and even more so, do not eat exotic fruits and specific dishes of national cuisine.

With artificial feeding

For baby feeding on the road, who is bottle-fed, you may need:

  • bottles for the mixture (they should be taken according to the number of feedings);
  • water bottles, drinking bowl or cup;
  • bottle brushes;
  • bottle sterilizer, cold sterilization tablets;
  • bottle warmer;
  • thermos with hot boiled water (for dilution of dry milk formula);
  • bottled children's drinking water.

mother of a child who is on artificial feeding, you will have to dilute the milk mixture on the road repeatedly.

On the road

Food fusion for kids. First, the usual baby mix it is necessary to take not only on the road, but also with the expectation of the entire rest. Upon arrival, it may turn out that the stores in the new place will not have exactly the mixture to which the child is accustomed - and it is not recommended to transfer it to another during this period. Why? Because infant formula differ in composition, and a child’s body that is not adapted to the new recipe may react with indigestion: colic, constipation.

Baby bottles. Secondly, you need to calculate how many times the baby will eat on the road, and prepare the same number of sterilized bottles, since washing and sterilizing them for reuse is likely to be problematic.

You can also take prepackaged dry milk mixture in special portion containers. When lunch time comes, mom needs to pour a portion of the mixture into a sterile bottle, dilute hot water from a thermos and refrigerate.

water for mixture? Thirdly, you need to take a thermos with boiled water or special bottled baby water to dilute the mixture.

Convenient to use on the road liquid ready-to-drink milk formulas. In this case, the mother only has to open the package, pour the food into the bottle and heat it to the desired temperature.

If the baby before the trip received dry milk mixture, there is no need to urgently change its nutrition and transfer it to a liquid ready for use. This may cause problems on the part digestive system baby - diarrhea, regurgitation, etc.

To warm up, you can use a bottle warmer or a container of hot water, which is also recommended to take with you on the road from home. You need to immerse the bottle in it for a while.

Before giving ready baby formula, it must be cooled to room temperature. Keep cooked food no more than 1 hour. If the baby has not eaten during this time, the unused mixture should be poured out and a new one should be diluted.

After each baby feeding It is advisable to rinse the used bottle with hot water. To thoroughly remove the remnants of the milk mixture from the walls of the bottle, you will need a special brush, which you need to take with you on vacation.

baby for food

Baby puree. If the child has already begun to receive complementary foods in the form of vegetable puree, porridge or meat, then it is better to use food from jars with ready-made baby food of industrial production during the trip, as they are very convenient.

A jar of mashed potatoes should be warmed up in a container of hot water - that's lunch for the baby and ready. On the road, it is better to take small jars, as to store and reuse half-eaten leftovers puree it is forbidden.

It is better for the baby to offer products already familiar to him. If mom cooked at home cauliflower puree, on the road it is better to take jars with ready meals also from cauliflower. However, the taste of the factory puree, as a rule, is somewhat different from the taste of the same dish prepared by the mother at home on her own. Therefore, before the trip, it is advisable to give the child for testing exactly the jar that the mother is going to take with her. on the road to determine in advance - like puree baby or not, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Before and during the journey it is not recommended to introduce new food products into the child's menu. They can cause allergies or disorders in the baby. gastrointestinal tract (increased gas formation in the intestines, constipation, diarrhea, etc.).

Jars with baby food can be stored between 0 and 25°C, but it is still advisable to keep unopened jars in a cool place during travel.

Baby cereals. If the child is already receiving lure in the form of porridge, then mom can cook it on the road: it’s not difficult at all - dry instant cereals are suitable for baby food(they are called instant). The right amount dry product from the pack should be poured into a plate and diluted with warm water from a thermos. If the child has never eaten porridge before, it is better to postpone this acquaintance until the return. from travel.

What to drink a child. Juices on the road it is desirable to replace the usual children's drinking water from a bottle. Without suitable conditions for storage, open juices spoil quickly, which means the risk of food poisoning.

Snacks: Hard fruits - apples, pears, unripe bananas. They should be taken on the road already washed and given to the child whole or cut into large pieces. Cut fruit can be put in plastic containers.

Cookies, dryers and crackers - provided that the baby has already received them before the trip and he has teeth. If the mother is worried that the child may choke, it is advisable to take a convenient device on the road - a nibbler. It is a mesh where you can put vegetables and fruits, and is equipped with a handle for which the baby holds it. The mesh prevents large pieces from getting into the baby's mouth, and he will not choke.

Dangerous products:

  • cottage cheese products: they quickly deteriorate in heat;
  • soft berries, vegetables, fruits (tomatoes, peaches, apricots, etc.): they crumple easily, the peel is damaged and microbes get on the surface, which is fraught with food poisoning at the baby.

What kind of transport

Travel by car. Before traveling by car, it is better to refuse a rich breakfast or lunch. Children often get sick in this mode of transport, and a large number of the food eaten will take a long time to digest in the stomach of the crumbs, which can provoke vomiting.

Can't feed kids in catering points (roadside cafes and restaurants). Even seemingly harmless catering products can cause an upset stomach in a baby, thereby overshadowing the rest.

Before the trip with a child in a car, you can purchase special travel bottle warmers: they work from a standard 12 V car electric cigarette lighter. Some of these devices are designed only to warm up a bottle of formula, but there are models designed also to warm jars of mashed potatoes.

It is convenient to take on the road a device that can also warm up a bottle of mixture, and sterilize it - a special heater-sterilizer. It also runs on the car's cigarette lighter and is completely safe to use.

For car travel a thermal bag is also useful, which is used for short-term preservation of bottles with milk formula or complementary foods in a cooled or heated state. A bottle with already diluted milk formula can be stored in a thermal bag for no more than 2-4 hours.

Train travel. Titanium water (boiler) cannot be used on the train to prepare infant formula. After feeding, you can only wash the bottle with this water, which then needs to be sterilized. Titanium water is not boiled, but simply hot, which means the child is at risk of gastrointestinal disorders in the form of diarrhea and abdominal pain.

It is undesirable to buy water for the baby at stations in plastic bottles as it may be of dubious quality. It is better to take special bottled water for drinking from home with you in advance.

Air travel. It is not recommended to feed the baby 40 minutes before takeoff and landing. In young children, the vestibular apparatus is still imperfect, and therefore, children often begin to feel sick when taking off. Abundant undigested food in the stomach can only exacerbate the load on children's body and cause nausea or vomiting.

organized at airports mother and child rooms where you can feed your baby while waiting to board the flight. Here, as a rule, there are all the conditions to calmly attach the baby to the chest, dilute the milk mixture or warm up the mashed potatoes, and also feed the older baby without haste.

Not recommended feed the baby food that is offered on the plane, even if it is included in a special children's menu. Eating unfamiliar food can provoke allergies, intestinal upset and other digestive problems in a small passenger.

Jars with baby food And drinking water for the baby should be kept at hand, in hand luggage, so that they can be easily obtained in the cabin or at the airport in case of a flight delay.

There is dry air-conditioned air in the cabin of the aircraft, so babies need to drink more often than usual, and if the baby is on breastfeeding, then it is recommended to offer him breasts more often.

So that during takeoff and landing the baby does not have ears blocked, it is worth giving him a breast or a bottle of water at the very beginning of takeoff and when landing. During sucking, the openings of the auditory tubes connecting the middle ear cavity and the pharynx open, which allows you to equalize the pressure and relieve the baby from discomfort in the ears.

The trip will not turn into a difficult test for parents, but will be enjoyable and exciting for the whole family only if it is planned in advance.

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Summer - wonderful time travel! Although today people go on vacation with the whole family, not only in the summer.

Suitcase mood, far-reaching plans and anticipation of new experiences - it's great. But apart from joyful emotions many parents are preoccupied with thoughts on how to properly organize a trip with children. After all, a lot needs to be considered. For example, it is important to think about what food to take your child on the road. If the journey is long (at least 2-3 hours), the baby will definitely have to be fed on the way. Roadside cafes, train and plane food are not suitable for a child's stomach. But starving on the road is not good for a growing organism.

What food to take the child on the road?

The question of what food to take a child on the road is of interest to parents of children. different ages. Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous universal answer here. However, if the products are distributed according to age norms, you can get valuable information on this topic.

  • On the road for a child, you can not take perishable foods: milk, dairy products, meat, fish.
  • Children's food in sealed vacuum packaging is suitable for such purposes, but subject to the temperature regime recommended for storing this food.
  • Hot food wrapped in foil, of course, keeps for some time acceptable temperature regime. But there is no guarantee that the product will remain fresh when stored under these conditions.
  • Fruits and vegetables must be taken on the road only fresh, washed. Great to have a bottle with you. clean water to refresh the purity of the fruit.
  • You can take bakery products on the road for a child. But it is strictly forbidden to take pies with perishable fillings: meat, eggs, potatoes, rice, etc. It is better to take cookies and buns without filling. It is desirable that all pastries be well packaged.
  • Fruit, berry and vegetable drinks cannot be transported without a special refrigerator. It is better to take mineral or ordinary drinking water with you for your child.
  • Infant formula should be taken undiluted. It is better to take a dry product and a thermos of hot water with you.

Of course, the tastes of all children are different and parents look at the composition of the diet in their own way. Add to all this the age limits and it will be very difficult to answer the question: what kind of food to take a child on the road.


Apples- You should definitely take your child on the road. They perfectly satisfy hunger and are able to muffle thirst. Apples keep for a long time. They do not need to be refrigerated.

Bananas- you can take, but unripe fruits are suitable for this purpose. They don't need to be cut or peeled. It is better to transport in the cold or away from direct sunlight.

Pears- you can take pears with you, but only hard varieties. A juicy pear is inconvenient to eat on the road, and it quickly deteriorates.

Berries and fruits with a soft juicy structure are not recommended to be taken on the road.


cucumbers- you can take the child on the road. They do not need to be cut and peeled, so they will retain freshness longer.

Tomatoes- you can take it with you, but be careful. If you offer a tomato to a child, then it is worth consuming it in the first 2 hours of the trip.

Potato- boiled potatoes are suitable for eating in the first 2 hours of the journey. Further, it is not safe to give this product to a child.

Meat, eggs, sausage, cheese

All these products can be taken on the road only on condition that everything is eaten within the next 1-2 hours from the start of the trip.

Sausage. At the same time, it is important to take into account that boiled sausage loses its freshness after 30 minutes of being out of the refrigerator. It is better to take smoked sausages with you, and even better raw smoked sausages, they can easily withstand the day.

Eggs must be shipped in a shell. The product must be hard boiled.

Cheese. On the road, it is better to choose hard cheeses.

Before a long journey, the question arises: “what to take with you from food?”. To avoid discomfort and unforeseen situations, you should think about it in advance, and having decided to write a list so as not to forget anything.

Food for the road if you are traveling by train

On a long journey by train, car and bus, you need to take fresh food that is not perishable, you need to be especially careful not only in summer. After all, it is often hotter in the train in winter than in summer.

Store all products separately and pack them well.

List of such products:

  • Smoked sausage;
  • Vegetables;
  • Bread;
  • boiled eggs;
  • Cookie;
  • Fruits;
  • Vacuum packed food.
  • Salt, sugar.

(do not consider "liquid dishes": soups, stews, mashed potatoes).

You can take bread with you (cutting it in advance, this is inconvenient on a train and your neighbors are unlikely to like crumbs everywhere), smoked sausage - a favorite product of most travelers (also pre-prepared for consumption) or vacuum ham, potatoes (baked in their skins - it does not spoil for a long time).

Potato Recipe:

Thoroughly wash the potatoes (medium size), cut into 4 longitudinal parts, why put on a baking sheet (after laying baking paper), salt and sprinkle with Provence herbs (or other spices to your taste), add a tablespoon sunflower oil. Then mix everything well and put in the oven.

In summer, everything is conducive to giving preference to vegetables and fruits and it is better to wash and dry them in advance, and arrange them in separate bags.

Do not take with you on a train journey:

  • Sweet sparkling water;
  • Juices;
  • Bananas;
  • Cheese (even if it does not go bad, it will become soft and unpleasant in taste);

Why you shouldn't take sweet water? It does not quench thirst, and the opportunity to get to the restroom is not always there. You can't go wrong with plain water and tea.

Do not take salads and dishes seasoned with mayonnaise, this is a perishable product.

What food to take on the road by car

On the one hand, it may seem that it is more comfortable to eat in the car, there are no prying eyes, neighbors who sometimes confuse, but on the other hand, there is no place for eating in the car.

It is more convenient and safer to travel by car with a thermal bag (or a travel refrigerator) - it maintains the temperature of food, but does not cool it. In the summer, it is possible to cool the water in advance and it will remain cool in the travel refrigerator.

Take with you on a trip by car:

  • Flour, including sausages in the dough (you will find the recipe below);
  • Fruit (washed in advance);
  • Potato;
  • Cereals;
  • Smoked sausages;
  • Bread sliced;
  • water;
  • Tea and coffee in a thermo mug;
  • It is also possible to grab the soup in a thermos;
  • Vegetables.

Recipe for sausages in dough

There is an extremely simple and quick recipe This delicacy will appeal even to those who are not friends with cooking. They are perfect for traveling both in summer and winter - in any season, and on two-day trips.

Buy ready dough- puff yeast (it is in the form of square plates) and sausages.

Such a dough, as a rule, is frozen, you need to leave it for 15 minutes, then roll it out with a rolling pin (layer height 0.5-1 cm) and cut into rectangles. Then just wrap the sausage in it, put it on a baking sheet and grease with yolk.

Send to the oven for 15 - 20 minutes.

Such sausages in the dough remain tasty even when cold.

Before the road, be sure to cool the product, wrap it in foil and put it in a thermal bag.

It is better to wash vegetables and fruits before the trip (cut, if necessary).

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Taking food on a bus trip

What food is not suitable for long-distance bus travel? You should not take greasy food, buns on the road (they crumble a lot - this is inconvenient and do not forget about the presence of neighbors who will also not be happy with the extra garbage). Do not take salty, spicy and sweet foods, such foods cause thirst, and on a bus trip this is an unnecessary inconvenience.

Take with you on your bus trip:

  • Fresh vegetables, cut in advance;
  • Bread;
  • Not a sweet cookie;
  • Fruits;
  • Water.

In the summer, you can make a fresh vegetable salad by putting it in a disposable container, it will not spoil and satisfy your hunger.

What food to prepare for the trip for the child?

If you are on a train

The question of what to take with you from food becomes more serious if children are traveling with you. In this case, it is worth considering the diet more carefully.

In no case do not take on the road for a child:

  • Porridge with milk - if this dish is fundamentally important, take porridge fast food. Better than poisoning;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Boiled meat.

What to take?

  • Boiled or baked potatoes (not mashed);
  • Vegetables;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Apples;
  • Cookie;
  • water;
  • Juice (better store - stored longer).

If your child loves meat and cannot do without it, cook 1-2 grilled patties, for example, so that he eats it at one (nearest) meal.

If you are driving

How is the food situation if you are traveling with children?

If you have a “travel refrigerator” at your disposal, you can take a child’s usual diet, along the way you can always stop by a roadside cafe and ask to warm up food in the microwave.

Do not forget! Refrigerate or freeze all food before travel to prevent spoilage.

When traveling by car, things are easier than when traveling by train, with regards to shopping. There are many shops and gas stations along the road. But carefully monitor the shelf life of the goods.

Proper nutrition on a long journey

For those who follow their figure and health, it is important to adhere to a certain menu.

Rises important question- what to cook on the road:

salad recipe

It is very simple, and you need to try so that it deteriorates on the road.

Tear lettuce leaves (number by eye, but don't be stingy) with your hands into a container, chop a lot of greens (any you like), then cut the cucumber into quarters and radishes. Sprinkle everything with sesame seeds and season with a teaspoon olive oil. Salad ready!

cut separately fresh cucumber, it can be consumed for dinner with chicken.

A possible breakfast option is a slice of whole grain bread with fresh vegetables or cheese.

All products must be stored separately.

Food that you should not take on the road in any case

What food is contraindicated on the road? Everything is obvious:

  • Forget everything related to fish better at home, since even if the temperature standards are observed, the “life” of this product is not long;
  • Milk (and it is better to protect yourself from fermented milk products) - the reason is the same, not long term storage and the consequences of poisoning with milk or cottage cheese are severe.
  • Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries and other similar dishes are very fatty and hard to digest, which definitely causes discomfort.
  • Snacks and instant noodles. Regular nuts don't count.

What medicines to take with you on a trip

There is always a chance that the digestive system will fail at the most inopportune moment, even if you ate only fresh foods.

In such a case, it is worth putting in your bag "saving funds", such as:

  • And activated charcoal (everyone's favorite and reliable);
  • Smecta;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterofuril (with frequent stools);
  • Loperamide (for loose stools);
  • Regidron (with dehydration);
  • No-shpa;
  • Mezim.

In the summer, be sure to take long journey alcohol wipes, they will come in handy on a trip on a train, and on a car, and on a bus.

Undoubtedly, eating on the road is a kind of stress, but it is possible to make this process safer and more comfortable. Approach the preparation of your diet for the journey with special trepidation and compliance with all the rules, then, most likely, the journey will go smoothly. Products should be fresh and it is better not to take semi-finished products with you, but cook everything yourself. And in case of an emergency, do not forget to take medicine with you on a long journey.

Happy road!

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When you are going on the road, whether the trip takes several hours or a couple of days, it is important to think in advance what you will have to eat. Of course, if you are driving a roadside service can save you, but it may not be everywhere. And if you are already traveling by train or bus, then on such a trip you should definitely stock up on food or a snack.

What to take with you on the road? Some useful tips, what you can cook or take with you to make your trip as comfortable, safe and useful as possible (that is, chips, snacks and other pleasures of the stomach do not interest you).

  • Food should not take up much space. Of course, if you are driving, then you are your own boss and you can take containers or lunch boxes with your favorite food. But other times it's just inconvenient. But disposable vacuum packaging with products cut into them is a great option.
  • Food should not spoil quickly - avoid things that quickly melt, spoil and crumble, such as dairy products, raw sausages, sandwiches with mayonnaise and various sauces.
  • None strong odors- this item applies to cheeses, sausages and other pungent-smelling foods. Believe me, after a couple of hours of riding a bus or train, the smells of food will fill the air, so be careful when choosing products.

The rules are simple, but knowing them, you can make your life easier on trips.

Now let's figure out what you can take and what to cook on the road.

Good to know! If you are going on a trip to another country, study what products you can bring into the country so that it does not turn out that a malicious border guard will force you to throw away all the food.

What can you take with you on the road?

What does not require cooking, just go to the store:

1. Vegetables and fruits. What could be simpler - and you do not need to cook, and tasty, and healthy. At this point, the main thing is to take those products that do not deteriorate.

From fruits: apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, bananas.

From vegetables: cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes (when buying, choose strong and small fruits to eat one piece at a time).

If the road is long and you take with a margin for a couple of days, then it is better to take the whole thing. Salads and sliced ​​​​fruits should be eaten immediately, they quickly lose their “marketable” appearance.

2. Raw smoked sausages, salami and hard cheeses - cuts in vacuum packs are very convenient now. If you plan to take a piece or stick of sausage, it is better to wrap it in cloth or paper, even in hot weather the sausage will keep well.

3. Nuts, dried fruits or muesli in bars. A win-win travel of any length. Regarding nuts, it is better to take the unsalted version.

4. Vegetable and fruit chips. These are sold in the store, in fact, these are “dehydrated” pieces of fruits and vegetables without any additives. Or you can just grab dried apples, an excellent travel delicacy.

5. Children's vegetable or fruit purees. Its assortment is now huge, mashed potatoes are well stored on the road.

6. Drinking yoghurts - spoil quickly, but as an option for one of the first meals on the road, it is fine. The main thing is to eat / drink everything during the first 4-5 hours of the trip.

7. Instant porridge. They are suitable if during the trip there is access to boiling water.

8. Water is not food. Of course, but without it, the road is difficult. Preference should be given to ordinary water without gases and tastes.

More helpful tips can be found in the video:

What to cook on the road?

1. Eggs and meat. As without eggs and a piece of chicken, especially if the trip is expected to be long. Hard boil the eggs and wrap them in paper so they last longer. From meat, it is better to give preference to chicken baked in the oven. More convenient to wrap meat dish in foil, its surface reflects Sun rays and keep food for a longer period.

2. Frittata is an alternative to boiled eggs and fried chicken 🙂 But it is better not to store this dish for more than a day.

Frittata for the road - a simple recipe with a photo

For 8 pieces you will need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • grated cheese;
  • you can add salami, tomatoes, spinach, corn or green pea(all additives to your taste)
  • salt pepper

Put the oven to warm up to 180-200 degrees. In a large bowl, beat eggs, add sour cream and mix until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. You can bake either great shape for baking for 30-40 minutes (then the frittata then needs to be cut into pieces like a pie) or you can bake in a muffin pan. In this case, fill each mold with egg mass by 3/4 and bake in the oven for 20 minutes until cooked.

3. Homemade oatmeal cookies - natural and delicious. with photos and step by step description help you get ready for the road without any hassle.

4. Various sandwiches, and stuffed pita/tortillas. This is the most common dish option for any trip. Here your imagination can run wild, any fillings: meat, herbs, cheese and various sauces. Whatever your heart desires, the main thing is not to forget the rules of food on the road, described above. It is better to wrap sandwiches and pita bread in parchment paper.

5. Granola - sweet baked muesli. Allows you to quickly "recharge" on the road. You can buy these bars at the store, but you can also make your own.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 glass of hercules;
  • 3 tbsp oatmeal (you can make your own, grind cereals in a coffee grinder)
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp vanillin;
  • 2 tbsp coconut or sunflower oil;
  • 3 tbsp liquid honey
  • 1 cup of your favorite nuts (peanuts, unsalted unroasted almonds, cashews, etc.)
  • Peanuts need to be cut to a size that suits you. Mix in a separate bowl nuts, hercules, oat flour, salt, soda and vanillin.

Melt honey in a small saucepan, add butter. Everything is done on a slow fire. Pour this mass over the nut-oat mixture and mix well.

Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet and spread the oatmeal mixture on it, smoothing out to get a uniform flat layer.

Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, bake for about 20 minutes. Let cool and then cut into small pieces.

Granola can be stored in a regular container or paper bag.

As you can see, the range of food and products that you can take with you on the road is wide and you definitely won’t have to go hungry.

P.S. What do you take with you on the road/train/travel? Share your tips and recipes in the comments to the article.