If there is no parchment paper for baking. What can replace parchment paper for baking. What is baking parchment

Hello! Today, let's look at ways to use baking paper in everyday life and cooking. After all, we are all well aware that paper is used to a much greater extent than just a lining for a baking sheet when baking buns, muffins and other products.

Of course, cooking is good, but you also need to understand culinary subjects!

  1. This paper can be used in the manufacture of products from thin dough, for example, to roll out rolls and use it to transfer them to a baking sheet so as not to violate the integrity of the products. Yes, and the baking process later is also better to use the same paper, as it will not allow fragile products to stick to the baking sheet.
  2. It can perfectly replace the special dishes for the microwave while heating food.
  3. Having cut a beautiful pattern on it, we will get an excellent stencil for decorating cakes and other delicacies. Also, in order to decorate your own hand-made delicacies, you can wrap the paper in a bag, leaving a small hole at the bottom, fill it with thick cream and, in fact, replace a special confectionery syringe - squeezing the cream out of our bag like from a tube.
  4. During the freezing of products, you can also wrap them in baking paper, protecting them from freezing and simplifying your life in the future, as this will make it easy to separate the products from each other, that is, replace a whole bunch of expensive freezer bags with inexpensive paper.

The nuances of using baking paper

You can talk for a long time about the options for how to use baking paper, but there are also nuances that you need to know for its correct use: in order to avoid sticking to the product, soaking it or destroying it, the surface of the paper used must be generously greased with oil or fat before laying on a baking sheet .

Please note that the above unpleasant moments do not occur with any baking paper, but only with some of its thinner types, for example, this applies to types of baking paper that looks like tracing paper.

That is, if you use other types of baking paper, unpleasant moments can also be avoided. Of the types of baking paper I know, the most practical are parchment coated with a layer of silicone and silicone paper, both of these types of paper are specially made for reusable use.

Sometimes it happens that there is no baking paper at hand, but right now it is needed. And what can it be replaced with and what can be used for baking?

  1. If smeared with oil, you can use plain, not thick note paper, fax paper.
  2. Sleeve for baking.
  3. Silicone non-stick mat specially made for baking.
  4. Special non-stick mixture. It can also be made independently: after mixing thoroughly, and then whipping, half a glass of flour, ghee and vegetable oil. This mixture will turn white and should double in size after beating.
  5. Special silicone molds.

But we must remember that although humanity is constantly evolving, and something new is constantly appearing, it is often difficult to do without some things that are familiar to us in everyday life! So, a zealous housewife should always have at least a little bit of the most ordinary baking paper at home.

Thank you for your attention! See other recipes in the relevant sections of my site!

What can replace parchment paper? Every self-respecting housewife loves to bake culinary masterpieces in the oven.

She spoils her family with goodies from the miracle oven. Dishes cooked in the oven are tasty and healthy - they retain a maximum of useful taste.

Cooking a truly masterpiece dish in the oven is not always possible. You need to know a couple of secrets that are used in the process. One of these is parchment paper. This is a mandatory attribute of the modern hostess.

It will not be difficult to purchase such paper in a store and use it for its intended purpose. Only sometimes it happens that the aid was not in the stash. How to proceed in such a case?

What can replace parchment paper in baking? Parchment paper has a specific purpose - to prevent scorching, burning and sticking of baked goods to the baking sheet.. It's kind of like a protective barrier.

In addition, with its use, the baking sheet remains clean and does not require careful personal care. In the culinary industry, parchment paper appeared not so long ago. Before that, they resorted to the help of various improvised means.

Now let's talk about the various options for replacing parchment paper. We will also name false methods that will only spoil baking.

1) Option number one is to not use any intermediate attribute. It is not necessary to cover the baking sheet with something.

His can be lubricated or margarine. This option is not suitable for all baking.

Pies, cakes, cookies, casseroles with such an oil layer on a baking sheet will acquire a rich taste. In addition to the butter, breadcrumbs or semolina are sprinkled on top.

In very extreme cases, regular flour can be used. Only she has the ability to burn.

This option (butter + crackers / semolina) is undesirable for meringues, cakes and macaroons. These items will stick to the pan.

2) Instead of parchment paper you can use sewing vellum. This is a special thin paper for sketching. It fully justifies its use. Just be sure to take high-quality, because there are many fakes.

A fake version will not only spoil the culinary masterpiece, but can also be harmful to health. A small drawback of tracing paper is its thinness. Baking that is too wet can corrode the paper.

3) A good substitute for parchment paper is bag of flour. It is made from edible parchment paper, which is excellent for baking. Any concerns about using such an attribute?

Lubricate it with butter for the first time. It will not be superfluous to play it safe. Bags and bags for store baking are made from similar paper. Therefore, their use is justified.

4) Exists special absorbent paper. It is able to absorb all excess moisture, does not sag, does not burn, does not require any lubrication, heats up quickly.

In addition to all this, it can be used up to five times and even store the finished dish in it and serve it on the table.

5) Many housewives take a regular sheet of A4 office paper instead of parchment paper. Before use, it is thoroughly soaked with vegetable oil or smeared with butter.

The proposed option is considered erroneous. Because the cake burns evenly. In addition, it also dries to the leaf.

If there is absolutely nothing to replace parchment paper, then you can resort to the indicated method.

Only suitable for quick baking. The result is completely unpredictable. Be prepared for the fact that the entire contents of the pan will go to the trash can.

6) In addition to household improvised means, there are specialized baking attributes as an alternative to parchment paper. The leadership here is silicone mat. This option is to some extent even better than paper.

It is thin, elastic, heat resistant. In addition, the silicone mat is reusable. Spend once and use for a long time.

7) Today it is becoming more and more popular silicone coated paper. It is an order of magnitude better than parchment and can be used several times (no more than eight).

8) Foil works as a substitute for parchment. In this case, it is necessary to control the baking process to the utmost. Often baking on the foil burns. Therefore, constant control - turning over, changing position - is necessary.

9) In a very extreme case, you can resort to using a baking bag. This option is well suited to the worst.

Since the quality of baking is not controlled in any way and the final result is not guaranteed. The only thing this attribute does is prevent the food from burning.

What absolutely can not replace parchment paper

There are a number of alternatives to parchment paper that should absolutely not be used:

1) Newspaper. Even our grandmothers were armed with this attribute during baking. It was well smeared with oil and lined the bottom of the container. Remember: newspaper is not allowed!

It is unhygienic and unhealthy. The newspaper catches fire easily, and the letters are printed with ink that is made from harmful substances.

2) Sheet of paper. In a clean, unoiled form, it will ignite and cause an accident.

3) Plastic bag. It melts under the influence of temperature, stinks and releases toxic substances. Its use is dangerous!

4) Vegetable oil in its purest form. The oiled baking sheet will burn. The dish will acquire an inedible aftertaste and a burnt aroma.

There are plenty of options offered. You choose. Remember the main thing: before using any of the attributes, try it in a demo version. This will ensure the safety and suitability of the product.

Delicious culinary delights!

What can replace baking parchment paper when baking various culinary dishes in the oven? Can baking paper be substituted for silicone bakeware?

What can replace baking paper

Baking parchment paper from experienced hostesses is always at hand and is bought immediately as the old roll is already running out. It’s new from what to do if you have never used baking paper before, and then the oven appeared and the desire to bake some deliciousness appeared, and the recipe clearly states that you need parchment paper for baking so that the dough does not stick to the mold during cooking in the oven or opposed? Of course, you can try replacing parchment paper with other similar kitchen utensils.

What can replace baking paper when baking:

  • Sleeve for baking in the oven Ideal as a substitute for baking paper.
  • Personally, I have not used it, but on the Internet they write that you can use clean fax paper or tracing paper for these purposes, the sheets of which should be well oiled before laying the dough on them - grease with oil.
  • You can use special silicone non-stick oven baking mat.
  • You can use plain paper instead of baking paper. silicone molds and molds, thanks to which the dough does not stick when cooking in the oven.
  • Regular baking sheet you can grease it well with oil, and then sprinkle semolina, flour or even the most ordinary breadcrumbs on top of it, which you can also cook at home yourself by twisting the bread dried in the oven through a meat grinder. Nothing will stick to a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with such ingredients - it has been tested by the years of our family for three generations.
  • Foil for baking. Somehow I ran out of parchment paper for baking, and the cookie dough was already ready, I had to use regular baking foil. The cookies turned out, but stuck to the foil. Later, information was found on the Internet that when replacing parchment with foil, the latter must be well oiled (oiled).

Thanks to parchment paper, products do not burn, remain nutritious and tasty, because it does not allow loss of juice and contact with the baking sheet. But if there was no paper in the house, our advice will help.

Other parchment This is a thick paper that is used to pack food and household items. Use is not the best idea, because it may contain impurities that are unsafe for humans. However, if it does go into action, you will have to additionally coat it with fat.

Tracing paper for sewing is able to protect the dough from burning, but for this the hostess will have to attend to her oiling.

Plain paper. We are talking about clean, white, without inscriptions and printing ink, sheets intended for office equipment. If such paper is thoroughly - until transparent - soaked on both sides with fat, then it is quite capable of playing the role of parchment, especially when something not too sophisticated and capricious is supposed to be baked.

Flour bag. Flour is very often sold in bags made from baking parchment. Therefore, you can pour the product and use the package to bake the dough on a baking sheet.

Before trusting them with your future culinary masterpiece, it is advisable to make sure that the parchment paper alternative you choose will not let you down. It is necessary to preheat the oven to the required temperature and send the paper there for a few minutes. If nothing happens to her, you can use her for your plans further.

The silicone mat does not need even a minimal amount of fat, since nothing sticks to it. One solid convenience, except for the only nuance: while the substrate is hot, you can’t cut pastries.

Silicone coated paper is sold in sheets, rolls, and the sheet can be used several times - from 4 to 8.

Or maybe not invent anything? Is it necessary to lay something between the dough and the surface? There are two "culinary schools" in this matter. Representatives of the first argue that lubricating a mold or a baking sheet with anything - vegetable, butter or margarine - does not make sense and is even harmful. They will not protect pastries from burning, but they are able to accumulate and thereby significantly spoil its smell and taste.

Representatives of the second point of view are sure that nothing will happen to the product if we do without “intermediaries”. True, they make a reservation: if for casseroles, pies, etc., just a greased baking sheet or form is quite suitable, then some confectionery products (for example, meringue) will surely burn on them. Therefore, in a number of cases, one cannot do without an interlayer.

It is good to sprinkle the oiled surface with breadcrumbs, semolina (ideally if it is durum wheat groats) or, worse, ordinary flour.