How much cow's milk can be given to children. Dairy products in the diet of a child up to a year

In many families, for a number of reasons, children are bottle-fed from birth. Parents gradually introduce ordinary store-bought milk into the diet, replacing milk formulas with it. Is it harmful and at what age should a child be given this product from the store?

Store-bought packaged milk contains much less vitamins and microelements than a high-quality adapted milk formula that fully meets the needs of the baby. It lacks important enzymes. They are destroyed during processing. A store-bought product may not turn sour for weeks at room temperature. It is difficult to get tasty yogurt or cottage cheese from it.

Milk from the store is sterilized at high temperatures. It may contain an antibiotic that enters the diet of cows through imported feed, and we get it from the cow in the finished product. Many types of long-term storage milk contain preservatives that are allergic not only for a child, but also for an adult. Sometimes soda is added to the milk powder during the manufacturing process to extend the shelf life. All this does not add to the usefulness of the store product.

Unlike store-bought milk, milk formulas for children contain the necessary trace elements and vitamins. They have a stable composition and milk protein mixtures do not cause allergic reactions in babies.

An unambiguous conclusion suggests itself: formula milk in a child's diet is much more useful than a store-bought product.

For many mothers, the question of at what age it is still possible to introduce regular milk into the diet of children remains relevant.

Children's age from three years old is ideal for appearing on the menu of store-bought milk

The introduction of new products into the daily diet of children should not harm the digestive system of a growing organism. Pediatricians recommend adhering to a specific scheme by which to give milk to a child.

If the baby is breastfed, then from the age of one you can try to introduce special baby food into the menu - milk and lactic acid products intended for the appropriate childhood. It is listed on the packaging. As a rule, they are sold in small volumes up to half a liter. Baby milk does not need to be boiled. The diet of a one-year-old baby includes a glass of milk, provided that it is well tolerated and there are no adverse reactions.

However, many mothers transfer babies who are bottle-fed to a store-bought product much earlier. In the absence of allergic reactions and malfunctions in digestion, it is diluted and gradually added to cereals for children from 9-11 months. Moms evaluate the reaction of the child's body to such an "adult" product. If a child has various disorders or allergies, then pediatricians strongly advise to refuse this new complementary food for about six months. It is advisable in this situation to get qualified advice from an experienced pediatrician.

What store-bought milk is better to give to a child?

Gradually introducing store-bought milk into the diet of a child after three years, it should be remembered that it is better to use ultra-pasteurized milk for baby food. It is safe and retains all vitamins and minerals.

Fat-free foods are recommended for older children. American nutritionists have proven that kids who regularly consume them are prone to obesity. In America, skim milk is given up until the child is five years old.

For babies after three years, the fat content of dairy products can be 3-3.2%. Drinking a glass of milk a day, the child receives almost half (approximately 40%) of the daily calcium requirement for normal growth and development.

We also read:

  • When can (and is it possible) to give cow's milk to an infant -
  • Is it possible to give kefir to children up to a year. Recipes for making kefir for kids at home -
  • Goat milk for newborns -

Elena Malysheva about the dangers of milk

Health experts recommend breastfeeding only for the first six months of an infant's life and continued breastfeeding up to two years of age with appropriate supplementary feeding, with an emphasis on iron-rich foods.

Breastfeeding is important for nutrition, immune protection, growth and development of babies from one to three years old. Even after the introduction of complementary foods, the main source of nutrition for an infant up to a year is formula or mother's milk. What do doctors say about cow's milk?

Age to give your baby cow's milk

A common question that parents ask is, at what age can a child be given regular milk? Even when a child is growing rapidly, cow's milk is not recommended until the age of 12 months.

Exists a number of reasons why you should not give whole cow's milk to babies under 1 year old.

  1. The digestive tract of babies is not yet ready to easily and completely digest cow's milk, like breast milk or formula. Cow's milk has a high concentration of protein and minerals that strain the still immature kidneys of a child.
  2. For children under one year old, excessive consumption of dairy products can increase the risk of iron deficiency anemia. Milk interferes with the proper absorption of iron, and iron cannot be reduced or removed from a child's diet.
  3. Cow's milk for children under one year of age is also not recommended because it can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system, causing blood in the stool.
  4. Cow's milk contains three times more sodium than human milk.

However, when the baby is ready to digest whole milk, it can supplement a balanced diet that includes grains, vegetables, fruits, and meats.

Why should a child drink cow's milk?

Milk is rich in calcium, which strengthens teeth and bones and helps regulate blood clotting.

It is also one of the few sources of vitamin D without which calcium cannot be absorbed in the body. The vitamin also plays a critical role in bone growth.

Milk provides the body with protein for growth, and carbohydrates give your baby the energy he needs all day long.

If an infant receives adequate amounts of calcium initially, there is evidence that the infant will be less likely to develop hypertension, stroke, colon cancer, and hip fractures in adulthood and old age.

After the introduction of cow's milk, it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding the baby. Experts recommend continuing breastfeeding in the second year of a child's life.

How much milk should a child drink?

A child after 1 year can get enough calcium and vitamin D by drinking 1 or 1.5 glasses of cow's milk or the equivalent amount of other dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir). At the age of 2 years, the child should receive 400 ml of milk or other milk-based products daily.

Do not offer your child more than 800 ml of milk per day. If the baby is still thirsty, offer water.

What is the difference between baby milk and adult milk?

Dairy products that are produced for children are adapted to the child's digestive tract.

Baby milk must meet several requirements.

  1. The highest quality. Baby milk is made from high quality cow's milk from cows that are completely healthy and live in ecologically clean areas.
  2. Control of sanitary and hygienic conditions. Baby milk is prepared in special workshops, separate from the production of adult milk
  3. Microbiological control. Close attention is paid to the control of microbiological data. The number of bacteria in a certain volume of milk is strictly regulated.
  4. Fat control. The boundaries of the percentage of fat content for children under the age of three are 2.5-3.5%.
  5. Acidity control. There are special requirements for acidity limits for fermented milk products for children. The acidity of children's products should be no higher than 100 degrees Turner.
  6. UHT. Milk is specially treated with ultra-high temperatures (125-138 ºС) for 2-4 seconds in order to preserve the maximum benefit. After that, it cools down quickly. Thus, all pathogenic organisms are destroyed, useful components are simultaneously preserved.
  7. Package. The final product is packed in a Tetra Pak aseptic box, which prevents the re-entry of harmful bacteria inside after packaging. In this package, the dairy product remains fresh and safe for several months.

Is it okay to give skimmed cow's milk to a one year old baby?

Children of this age need a high fat content in milk to maintain normal weight and optimal absorption of vitamins A, D. When the child is 2 years old, you can switch him to skim milk if there is a good increase in height and weight.

Exceptions are possible. Your child's doctor may recommend low-fat (2 percent) milk after 1 year if the child is overweight or obese or has a genetic predisposition to obesity, high cholesterol, or cardiovascular disease.

What to do when a child refuses to drink whole cow's milk?

Some babies drink cow's milk right away, but others refuse it because cow's milk has a different texture, taste, and even temperature than mother's milk.

If this applies to your baby, try mixing cow's milk with breast milk or formula first. Try one part milk to three parts breast milk or formula. Then slowly shift the ratio until he drinks 100% cow's milk.

But there are other ways to include cow's milk in your child's diet. For example:

  • add milk to porridge;
  • offer your child yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding or milkshakes as a snack;
  • make soup with milk instead of water.

Allergy to cow's milk

If a child drank a mixture based on cow's milk, then he will tolerate regular cow's milk without any problems. Even infants who are exclusively breastfed in their first year can drink cow's milk without problems, as they have been exposed to the cow's milk protein in their mother's milk, unless she has avoided all dairy products.

If an infant has been drinking a hypoallergenic formula on the advice of a doctor, consult a specialist before introducing cow's milk. Your doctor may suggest starting with a soy drink that is fortified with vitamin D and calcium.

But a true allergy to cow's milk protein is relatively rare. Only 2-3% of children are diagnosed with an allergic reaction. The good news is that children usually outgrow the disease by age 2.

Differences between cow's milk protein allergy and lactase deficiency

Allergy is an immune response, while lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder. But their symptoms are similar - diarrhea, abdominal pain after drinking milk.

If a child develops a dry, itchy rash or itchy and swollen face and lips when they consume a dairy product, or if they have symptoms such as hives, swollen, watery eyes, they may be allergic to cow's milk proteins.

Chronic nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, and difficulty or wheezing can be signs that an allergy is affecting a child's respiratory system. When your child has any of these signs, talk to your doctor.

Take your child to the doctor or hospital immediately If:

  • the baby is very pale or weak;
  • most of the skin is affected by urticaria;
  • swelling develops in the head or neck;
  • there is bloody diarrhea.

The child may have a life-threatening allergic reaction.

If your baby is allergic to cow's milk, you must be careful. Avoid foods such as cottage cheese, condensed milk, ice cream, yogurt, butter, milk chocolate, and milk powder. By law, all allergens are listed on food labels. In this case, “milk” will be indicated on the package as part of the composition.

Pay special attention to the choice of a dairy product for your child. Do not experiment on his health. Give him the right, balanced diet. And the child will grow up healthy and energetic.

I think all mothers have heard about the benefits of milk. On the next visit to our pediatrician, I ask the doctor: “Tell me, please, is it possible for a child to give milk already”? "What do you eat"? she asked. Listed. In response: “OK, you can start slowly.”

Isn't it time for me to try the snow-white treat!

When to start

At this point, my child was already 9.5 months old, and we got a few teeth. As I found out later, many doctors categorically deny the possibility of feeding a child up to a year with goat or cow's milk. They justify their position by the fact that this product contains proteins and fats in much larger quantities (3 times) than in mother's breasts or adapted mixtures. In addition, the protein contained in the product produced by the cow or goat can provoke an allergy. Yes, there is certainly some truth in their words, but there is no question of any plaques that form in the tummy of a young toddler. These are all fables.

Milk at an early age can cause the most unpleasant consequences.

Strong arguments in favor of the late introduction of complementary foods with milk of animal origin.

Complementary feeding with cow's milk up to a year threatens:

  • An increased amount of allergenic proteins and sodium can lead to allergies;

Skin rashes and itching are the costs of an allergic reaction.

  • May cause dehydration;
  • The level of casein is very high - the digestion of this protein is extremely difficult for a small tummy (a dense, almost indigestible clot forms in the stomach);
  • A huge amount of sodium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium adversely affect the urinary system of a young organism. The baby's kidneys are trying to process this crazy amount of trace elements, experiencing enormous overloads;
  • With regular use of the product up to 6 months of age, internal gastric bleeding is possible;

Moms and dads, be careful! There is no need to rush with dairy products.

  • Zinc, iodine, copper, vitamins E and C, iron are contained in cow's milk in insufficient quantities for a growing child's body. Taurine, cystine and folic acid are generally absent. A deficiency of these minerals can lead to the development of rather severe pathologies;
  • It is categorically contraindicated for children of the first year of life, in whom relatives with diabetes were observed in the family (because of the possibility of developing this terrible disease).

Complementary feeding with goat's milk up to a year is fraught with:

  • The toxic effect of the product on the body due to the content of specific acids in the first;
  • Kidney problems for the same reason as when drinking cow's milk;

Violation of the internal organs of a weak child's body is quite likely.

  • The fat content of the product is several times higher than the norm. Consequence - problems with digestion due to the immaturity of the stomach and intestines;
  • The low content of vitamins D and A, folic acid, iron, the disproportionate ratio of calcium and phosphorus do not contribute to the correct and full-fledged muscular, functional and mental development of the crumbs. The lack of these substances can provoke some serious diseases;

I can't get used to this milk.

  • Intestinal bleeding without damage to the integrity of blood vessels (occurs with anemia or poor blood clotting);
  • The content of casein is an order of magnitude higher than in cow's (however, it is absorbed better than the first);
  • Loss of valuable qualities of the product (if diluted with water to a state acceptable for use).

Oddly enough, but the most similar in composition and useful properties to human is donkey, yes, donkey milk.

At the time of grandmothers

But how did our mothers feed their children using animal milk? - many will be outraged. In those days, medicine was not so developed, and experts could only guess about the causes of many diseases. Now science has filled most of the gaps in its knowledge and invites us to use already verified information for our benefit.

Grandmothers always have sweets for their beloved granddaughters.

About how to start full-fledged complementary foods and at what age

So at what age should you give milk? From 9 months, you can start complementary foods for those babies who are on artificial nutrition. This rule applies to both cow and goat products. The baby can eat porridge cooked in milk. Doctors, nevertheless, insist on nutrition for up to a year with mixtures.

For greater safety, do not delete infant formula from the crumbs menu for as long as possible.

Starting from the age of one, a child who is breastfed can receive a full-fledged cow or goat product, but in a diluted state. Useful l the treat must be boiled and diluted for the first feeding in a ratio of 1: 3, where 3 is the amount of water. We introduce into complementary foods, starting from 1 teaspoon, in which it should turn out: 1 part of milk and 3 parts of boiled water. If there is no response, increase the dose. After about 2.5 - 3 weeks, the amount of product consumed by the baby will be about 100 milliliters. The fat content of milk should not be less than 3, but not more than 4%, since it must be diluted. Gradually reduce the presence of water in the liquid to a minimum, and completely remove it.

In order for a child to grow up healthy, his menu must be present

Only meat contains vitamins and microelements necessary for normal growth.

Fish is no less useful, however, this product should be introduced into complementary foods very carefully, because. it is a strong allergen. How to introduce fish into complementary foods is described here.

Where to begin

The introduction of complementary foods is better to start with a goat. There are more benefits in it (it helps in the fight against dysbacteriosis and colds, improves immunity (taurine component). The goat product is more easily absorbed by the intestines of an infant because it lacks agglutin, proteins are lighter, and fatty acid molecules are smaller in size than in cow, therefore, such food is easier to digest.Allergic manifestations are possible, but to a lesser extent than when using a cow product.However, the baby may reject this healthy dish because of its unpleasant smell.Forcibly feed the baby is not worth it, it is better to wait a little time and try later or mixed with already familiar food.

Barsik and I demand supplements!

After goat milk, you can try cow's milk. If the baby's age has already approached two years, then he can be offered dairy products with a low fat content (1-2%) or completely fat-free (if the child consumes dairy products in large quantities). The daily intake of this valuable product by the crumbs is ideally 0.5-0.7 liters per day. It is better to alternate cow and goat milk because the ratio of nutrients in these two products is different. For example, a cow's product contains a large amount of phosphorus, which goat's milk cannot boast of. In unlimited quantities, a baby can drink this healthy liquid from the age of three.

Boiling necessary

Raw dairy products are generally not recommended for children. The fact is that cattle and medium-sized cattle are carriers of a terrible disease called brucellosis. This disease can lead a person to disability. The spinal cord is most commonly affected. Only when you are sure that everything is in order with the animal (this can only be if you take care of the cow or goat yourself), you can give the child unboiled milk, and then in small volumes.

The country's most famous pediatrician says

Dr. Komarovsky is not a supporter of the early introduction of dairy products into the diet of babies, but he is not an ardent opponent either:

“When to introduce milk to a child is a personal matter for each of the parents, but I want to say that one cannot be absolutely sure about our products, unless, of course, we independently monitor the whole process, which is possible only when running our own natural household. In my opinion, a quality adapted mix has many more advantages:

  • The composition includes all the trace elements and vitamins necessary for a baby;
  • The composition itself is stable, not undergoing changes;
  • Milk protein is processed in a special way, which reduces the possibility of allergic reactions;
  • Preparing the mixture is much easier, more convenient and faster.”

Moms for and moms against

“The eldest daughter at 7.5 months began to have terrible rashes - a reaction to cow's milk. Only the feet and hands remained clean. The rest of the skin is a solid purple mess. Saved by a goat. Until the age of two, she only drank it. After 5, she seems to have outgrown, but, having already matured, she doesn’t really like milk. I soak a cookie in boiled and diluted milk for the younger one. So far there has been no response."

“My son has been bottle-fed since birth, it just so happened. I got used to mixtures for a long time, but at the age of 1 year and 3 months he was impatient to refuse the mixture flatly. Tried to give him baby milk from the store (special series). So, with big eyes and wild pleasure, he drank a whole glass and began to demand more. Now he is already 2 years old. In milk, as they say, there is no soul! Well, after that, how not to give it to children under three years old ”?

“We will be one and a half years old in two weeks. We are still eating the Nutrilon mixture. She tried to give her son goat's milk to drink - she didn't want to, she gave cow's - she turns away and pushes the mug away with her hand. It doesn't really bother me. I think that the mixture is more useful, because everything is specially balanced there.

"Horror! Goat or cow milk is only possible after 2 years! It does not resemble breastfeeding in any way! Therefore, gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, etc. come out by the age of 5-6 in children. This milk was bred and given for a long time. Then there was simply nothing else. Why give it now? There are dry specially adapted mixes! I don’t scold any of the mothers, but think about it!”

“I think all this nastiness about milk was invented by the manufacturers of mixtures. After all, it is unlikely that anyone will take their expensive powders if there is real milk. I have been cooking porridge for my son in diluted cow's milk since 5 months. From 8 - start on the whole. Everything is great with us."

Kefir has a huge benefit to the young intestine. This fermented milk product is rich in beneficial bacteria that normalize the functioning of the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Best for baby food

homemade kefir

If your baby has problems with digestion, she suffers from constipation, we recommend preparing her a compote of prunes. How to cook compote read in this article.

In order to calm the child, it is not necessary to resort to drugs, it is enough to give him a herculean decoction. More information about the beneficial properties of hercules flakes is described on this page

Let's summarize

  1. Complete feeding with milk can be carried out from the age of one;
  2. The goat product is easier for the stomach to digest;
  3. Milk at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods must be diluted;
  4. Complementary foods start with milk porridges;
  5. We give a fatty product up to 2 years;
  6. Be sure to boil the milk;
  7. From the age of 3, you can drink milk without restrictions.

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Just a few years ago, goat's or cow's milk was one of the staple foods for young children, almost from birth. Today, the opinion of experts on this matter has changed, and the time when a child can be given milk has undergone significant changes. Modern pediatricians urge to postpone the introduction of dairy products into the diet of a newborn, preferring breastfeeding or special adapted mixtures. Despite the high nutritional value, milk leads to a number of physiological conditions that are unfavorable for the developing organism. On the other hand, innovative research has shown that giving your baby the right drink in the first weeks of life can strengthen your baby's resistance to allergens in the future.

When can you start giving milk to your baby?

In accordance with the data provided by medicine today, pure goat and cow's milk is highly recommended not to give a child under 1 year old. Many important factors are cited to support this approach.

  • The product contains a huge amount of minerals that create discomfort for such a weak and unadapted organism. First of all, it is dangerous because the kidneys are heavily overloaded, processing a complex component.
  • The composition of animal milk is markedly different from the female counterpart. In particular, it is very high in protein and sodium. When these indicators go off scale, the risk of developing such an unpleasant condition as an allergy increases.
  • The product has too much casein and a minimum of carbohydrates. The level of iodine, zinc, vitamins E and C is too low for the normal development of the child's body.
  • For the proper functioning of the brain, the child needs fatty acids, there are too few of them in cow's milk.
  • A low level of iron in the product can provoke the development of iron deficiency anemia in a newborn, since there will be no necessary basis for the active reproduction of red blood cells.
  • Giving milk to an infant every day (especially under 6 months of age) can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Amino acids such as cystine and taurine, folic acid take part in the development of the baby. In milk, these substances are not at all, which will necessarily negatively affect the child.

Families with a history of insulin-dependent diabetes should be treated with extreme caution when introducing cow's milk into the baby's diet. Early use of the product can lead to diabetes in the future.

What types of milk can be given to a small child?

Many parents are concerned not only when a child can be given milk, but also what types of product are considered optimal for the child's body. Given the variety of modern products, it is really not always easy to decide on this.

  • First you need to determine the level of fat content of the drink. Many mothers prefer to give their baby skimmed (low-fat) milk. This is the most wrong approach - the baby does not receive the necessary nutrients and is not able to develop normally. The ideal option is a whole product, the fat level of which is about 3-4%. You can also buy pasteurized milk, as fresh as possible, with a short shelf life.
  • Goat milk occupies a special place in the group of dairy products. The drink has a high nutritional value, a significant amount of vitamins and minerals. It significantly strengthens the immune system and is used as a means to recover from illness. Experts say that it is goat's milk that should be used as an additional product when feeding children. According to parents, the drink is less likely than its cow counterpart to cause allergies in babies. Parents should pay attention to the label when they buy goat's milk - it should indicate the content of folic acid. In its absence, it will be necessary to diversify the child's diet with fish, meat, legumes and cereal products.
  • lactose product. A healthy drink that can be purchased ready-made or prepared by yourself. An enzyme is simply added to a regular drink, which facilitates the process of assimilation of the product by the intestines.
  • Yogurt. Great milk substitute. It is better to give it to a child from a year old. The product saturates the intestines with beneficial bacteria that stimulate the digestion process. At the same time, the risk of developing allergies is minimal. Yogurt can be consumed even by those children who are allergic to goat or cow's milk. The product can be used both in its pure form and as a basis for the preparation of children's sauces, puddings and creams.
  • There are sweet surrogates of dairy products on the market that are made from a vegetable base. They are not suitable for younger children, they can be given to a child as a dessert when he is at least 7-8 years old.

It is impossible to completely refuse dairy products. After a year, milk is introduced into the diet of children without fail, because it is a source of calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary to strengthen bones, teeth, hair and nails.

What is the right way to give milk to a baby?

Before giving your baby a healthy drink, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the product.

The introduction of milk into the diet is based on the observance of a number of rules.

  1. A child up to a year is given only formula milk or breast milk. You can try goat's milk, but you need to start with a diluted drink. For starters, it is recommended to use 1 part milk to 4 parts boiled water. In the absence of allergic manifestations and the refusal of the baby, you can gradually increase the volume of the nutrient base.
  2. Skimmed and skimmed milk should be excluded from the diet.
  3. At the age of 1 to 2 years, whole milk is the best option.
  4. When children are 2 years old, a low-fat product is introduced if necessary.
  5. The daily norm of a drink at the age of 1-2 years is 700 ml. Over time, the indicator increases depending on the individual characteristics of the child and his attitude to dairy products. If the baby constantly consumes foods such as yogurt or kefir, the amount of milk can be reduced.
  6. It is necessary to consult with a specialist and understand what manifestation is characteristic of an allergy to dairy products. In the event of the appearance of such symptoms, milk will have to be abandoned or a replacement found.
  7. If a child is very fond of a milk drink and is able to drink up to 1.5 liters per day, it is allowed to give him a diluted goat or low-fat drink, even if he is under two years old.

Dairy products should be included in the diet with minimal portions. When the baby’s body gets used to it, you can give the ingredient in larger quantities, using it both in its pure form and as part of “complex” dishes.

With the question of what kind of milk and when to introduce into the baby's diet, it is better to contact a pediatrician or gastroenterologist. The specialist will analyze the child's condition and recommend the optimal time for the safe introduction of the product.

Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy ....

From the old song that sounded in the Soviet cartoon, everyone knows that milk is the most valuable product that is useful for the child's body.

However, not everyone knows that the use of milk by children has some nuances that should be taken into account and the answer to the question "Can cow's milk be given to children?" not at all unambiguous.

Is it possible to cow's milk for children under one year old?

When it comes time to transfer the child to complementary foods, some mothers begin to think about whether cow's milk is possible for children and whether it is worth starting to feed the baby with it. But this decision is definitely wrong: milk has several disadvantages that make it unsuitable for consumption by too young children:

1. Lack of iron. It is practically absent in milk, and if it is introduced as a complete complementary food, anemia may develop in the baby's body. In addition, casein (a protein found in excess in milk) can be destructive to a child's intestinal tract, leading to ulcers and constant internal bleeding, which can also cause anemia.

2. Overabundance of minerals. Magnesium, chlorine, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium contained in milk - a big load on the kidneys. The baby's body is not yet adapted to withstand such volumes.

3. Lack of carbohydrates, iodine, copper, zinc, vitamins E and C, which can cause developmental abnormalities.

4. Lack of immunity cells, which are contained in human milk and contribute to the formation of the child's immune system.

In addition, milk is a strong allergen - a rash, itching, redness may appear, which will cause inconvenience to both the child and the mother.

That is why the answer to the question of whether cow's milk is possible for children under one year old is negative. It is forbidden. We are talking about real homemade cow's milk. On it you can cook porridge for a baby up to a year old, add it to tea, but it’s too early to give pure milk to drink. There are adapted versions of baby milk, the manufacturers of which vouch that they will not harm children.

Is it okay to give cow's milk to babies at all?

However, despite the fact that milk can be detrimental to an infant, it is not advisable to exclude it from a child's diet. The baby's body is simply not developed enough - as soon as the child grows up a little, and drinking milk for him will gain undoubted advantages:

1. High content of minerals. If the baby's body is not able to cope with it, then the body of an older child will perfectly absorb everything and use it for rapid growth.

2. High nutritional value. Milk is fat and high in calories - if you drink it a little, for example, in the morning, it can be an excellent source of energy.

In addition, milk helps with heartburn, warm milk with honey is great for colds or when going to bed. In general, this is the richest product, which, due to the high content of potassium and calcium, is recommended for children and helps them grow quickly.

The answer to the question of whether cow's milk is possible for children is generally positive: it is not only possible, but also necessary.

Under what conditions can cow's milk be given to children?

Just putting a glass of milk in front of a child - any, the first one that comes across - is a bad strategy. In order for milk to benefit, and not harm, you need to follow a few simple tips:

1. Milk must be boiled before drinking. Many unpleasant diseases (including such terrible ones as encephalitis and anthrax) can be transmitted through the milk of cattle. Boiling kills them.

2. You can not introduce milk into the diet abruptly. The first time you are going to give milk to a child, you can not offer him more than a teaspoon. If a child is allergic to lactose (which may not appear before), a large amount of cow's milk will not immediately benefit him - a rash, itching, redness, up to swelling of the larynx may appear. If after the first spoon there are allergic symptoms, the introduction of milk should be canceled altogether. If everything is fine, the next day you can give the child two tablespoons.

3. Undiluted milk should not be given the first time. A high concentration can be fatal even for a child without allergies. Therefore, for the first time, milk should be diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:2, and only after a few weeks, when the child's body gets used to it, reduce the amount of water to 1:1.

4. Shelf life is very important. The longer the milk sits, the greater the chance that it will be unusable. Therefore, you should always check the expiration date on the package.

In addition, the answer to the question “Can cow's milk be given to children if it is from the market” is negative - the origin of such milk can be of any kind, and no one can guarantee that the cow from which it was taken was healthy.

What can replace cow's milk?

If a child has an allergy, this does not mean that you need to completely deprive him of minerals, protein and fats. This means that you should look for other sources that are no less nutritious and tasty than cow's milk:

1. Goat milk. It causes allergies much less often and is easier to digest, but it is completely devoid of folic acid, which is vital for the child's body. To make up for this shortcoming, goat's milk intake should be combined with fish or legumes.

2. Lactose. If you introduce lactose into cow's milk, it will decompose complex proteins into simple components, doing part of the work of the baby's body and making it easier for him. You can buy the supplement at the pharmacy, prepare lactose milk at home.

3. Soy milk. Despite the plant origin, it is able to satisfy the needs of the body. Less fat than cow's, but much easier to digest and does not cause allergies.

4. Coconut and almond milk. In fact, it is just a mixture of ground nuts, water and sugar. Despite the fact that nuts contain a huge amount of nutrients, specific fats and proteins cannot be obtained from them. For the body of an adult, such milk is an excellent source of nutrients, but they are not enough for a child. However, if you build a diet, calculating all the nutrients, coconut and almond milk can find a place in it.

It is important to remember that the answer to the question "Can cow's milk be given to children?" never had the phrase "powdered milk". Despite the consonance of the name and similar taste, it is devoid of most of the nutrients and cannot be a substitute.

But it is great for baking and sweets.

Drink milk children! The well-known children's song misses an important point: how much, when and what. For clarification, we turned to a specialist: Oleg Gennadyevich Shadrin, chief freelance pediatric gastroenterologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

At what age can cow's milk be given to children?

According to the norms for the introduction of complementary foods, which are approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, according to Order No. 149 "Protocol of clinical examination of a child from 0 to 3 years", the introduction of milk and dairy products can be started from 8 months. Many baby dairy products are recommended from 8 months.

I also recommend introducing drinking milk into the child's diet from this age. But we are talking exclusively about a product adapted for the child's body - specialized children's milk. These products are made from raw materials of the highest quality, which are selected from specially certified raw materials areas intended only for the production of baby food. Increased control is accompanied by the process of production of these products in separate specialized workshops, more stringent requirements are imposed on the safety of packaging, and before leaving the factory, the product is subject to more thorough examination.

How much milk do babies need to meet their calcium needs? (at different ages).

Drinking 200 ml of milk, a baby of 3-6 years old receives almost half (40%), and a schoolchild under 10 years old - 1/3 (34%) of the required daily calcium intake. Calcium and phosphorus (also found in milk) are extremely important for the child, due to their participation in the formation of the skeleton, teeth and nervous system. Such a concentration of calcium and phosphorus, as in milk, is not found in any other product. In addition, milk contains almost all water- and fat-soluble vitamins.

A child aged 1 to 1.5 years should consume milk and sour-milk products in the amount of 450-500 ml, while milk in the composition of milk porridges is from 100 to 150 ml.

At the age of 1.5 to 3 years, the child should receive milk and dairy products in the amount of 400-500 ml, and milk in the composition of milk porridges is already 150-200 ml.

But we are talking only about full-fledged, unboiled milk, which contains the whole complex of vitamins and minerals contained in it.

When milk is boiled, in which a significant part of the protein and vitamins is lost.

What kind of milk is better to give to children: homemade, store-bought (with what fat content), pasteurized, etc.?

For children under 3 years of age, only specialized baby food is recommended for daily use - milk and sour-milk products. At this age, transferring a child to general purpose dairy products is unacceptable.

And even more so, it is unacceptable to introduce homemade milk bought on the market into the child's diet. Such milk, due to the lack of timely processing, contains pathogenic microflora, which is why it poses a danger to the health of not only a child, but also an adult.

Speaking about the safety of milk, we mean only milk of industrial production. Any milk presented on store shelves undergoes heat treatment. Its goal is the complete or partial destruction of bacteria, extraneous microflora that develops in milk or enters it from the outside.

The most modern method of milk processing is ultra-pasteurization. A distinctive feature of ultra-pasteurized milk is aseptic carton packaging. During ultra-pasteurization, milk is heated to 135-137 ºС for 3-4 seconds and quickly cooled in absolutely sterile and sealed conditions.

As a result of processing, the extraneous microflora of raw milk (all microorganisms and heat-resistant enzymes) is destroyed, and most importantly, bacterial spores that lead to spoilage (souring) of the product, while the natural beneficial qualities of milk remain maximally preserved.

It is extremely important to consciously approach the choice of children's dairy products - pay attention to the type of packaging, as well as special instructions regarding the age at which they are recommended to be consumed.

Is vitamin-enriched milk healthier for children?

Enrichment of baby milk with vitamin premixes is a way to replenish the vitamin reserve of the child's body. After all, children get very little vitamins in their diet. Of course, if the child is allergic, then with caution you need to treat both enriched foods and vitamin complexes.

For making homemade yogurt or kefir for children, which milk is better to use?

For the production of fermented milk products for children under 3 years old, it is recommended to use specialized children's milk in aseptic cardboard packaging. These are “Children's health”, “Vitaminna abetka”, “Lasunya”, “Totosha”.

For children over 3 years of age, general purpose milk can be used, but it is also important to give preference to UHT milk.

Unfortunately, any other milk in terms of microbiology and acidity is not suitable for making homemade fermented milk products. By populating any other milk (except for ultra-pasteurized) with “beneficial bacteria”, we will end up with a product that is useless in terms of quality for a child. UHT milk does not contain any germs, harmful bacteria or their spores, unlike any other milk.

Is goat's milk better for babies than cow's?

As a product for young children, goat's milk has more cons than pros. This is due to the fact that goat milk casein is quite heavy for a growing organism. The disadvantages include the fact that goat's milk protein, compared to cow's milk, takes longer to digest in the baby's stomach. This, in turn, is an extra load not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on other organs of the baby.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine does not recommend children under 2 years of age to consume goat's milk, since with the early introduction of goat's milk into the child's diet, there is a risk of anemia. Of the advantages, it should be noted that goat milk fats are more easily absorbed and broken down. Also sometimes children with an allergy to cow's milk can be given goat's milk.

Can milk harm children (with lactase deficiency, etc.)?

Milk, of course, cannot harm a healthy child. In cases of intolerance to cow protein and lactase deficiency, milk should be excluded from consumption or, with a slight degree of severe deficiency, milk can be modified, i.e. give dairy products.

Is skimmed milk suitable for children?

Skimmed milk can be given to children only after 2 years. Up to two years, the fat content of milk should be 3.2% -3.5%

Can a cup of milk replace one meal for children (second dinner, first breakfast, afternoon tea)?

Maybe, provided that this is the first breakfast or afternoon snack, you can also combine milk with cookies.

Can cocoa reduce the benefits of milk for children?

Drinks with milk, such as cocoa and coffee, are undesirable for young children. they negatively affect the nervous system and the digestive system.

After breastfeeding ends, many mothers are wondering - what kind of milk to feed the baby next? Ordinary "store" or whole cow? Take milk marked "children's" or give preference to children's milk drinks? And does a baby older than a year need milk in principle?

Of course, milk is necessary for a child! According to pediatricians, dairy products are an obligatory and significant part of the diet of both young children and older children: preschoolers and schoolchildren. Such a content, necessary for the full development, nutrients, is not found in any other product.

What should be the most useful dairy product for a child?

Of course, you should choose from "children's" products, which take into account the physiology of the child, since the consumption of adult products by young children can lead to a number of digestive problems, and indeed health problems.

"Baby" milk is made from raw materials of the highest quality, and the requirements for production and quality control are much stricter than in the production of ordinary milk. Such milk is safe for children of any age. Dairy products prepared specifically for children should meet the nutritional needs of a growing body. However, this is where the problem lies.

Today it is not worth counting only on food: in the last 50 years, the content of macro- and microelements in milk, meat, fruits and vegetables has decreased significantly. This is due to the depletion of soils and modern farming methods.

Children are especially vulnerable to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Such a condition is the cause of mental and physical development disorders, frequent colds, and the occurrence of chronic diseases. Unfortunately, not all "children's" products take into account the child's increased need for micro-, macroelements and vitamins.

How to avoid deficiency of nutrients?

To help your baby grow healthy, pediatricians recommend choosing additionally fortified milk formulas. But technologists from the Dutch company FrieslandCampina have gone further than simply fortifying dairy products with nutrients. They differentiated milk formulas for children up to three years of age and older.

Unlike baby milk, specialized dairy products (for children over one year old) and (for children over 3 years old) contain a modern combination of important nutritional ingredients: complete high-quality protein, galactooligosaccharides, a balanced spectrum of fatty acids, nucleotides, probiotics, a full complex of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this combination, Friso Gold 3 and Friso Gold 4 milk drinks have a preventive effect on vitamin and mineral deficiencies, help the intestines and the maturation of the immune system.

With Friso Gold 3 and Friso Gold 4 milk drinks, parents do not have to worry about the balanced nutrition of their babies.

Comment on the article "What kind of milk to give a child older than a year? An important conversation"

Tell me, is it necessary to give formula milk to a child after a year? Before 1.1 I was on GW, so I don’t understand mixtures at all. What kind of milk to give a child older than a year? Important conversation. They differentiated milk formulas for children up to three years of age and older.


not necessary, but possible. Mine drinks the mixture and will drink at least until 4 years old, because:
1. he likes the taste
2. all the necessary vitamins / trace elements are added there, that is, at the output we have the same result if he drank regular milk + multivitamins.
What? Yes, I think they are all the same.

Are there special, adapted formulas for children after a year? A mixture for children after a year is no different in composition from baby milk. Tell me, is it necessary to give formula milk to a child after a year? Up to 1.1 I was on GW, so in mixtures in general ...


Well, by the age of one, a child usually already eats porridge, soup for lunch, cottage cheese for an afternoon snack, for example ... different purees. Therefore, it’s already easier here, if it’s so important to replace breast milk with something, and you don’t want store-bought, buy special milk drinks, there are a lot of them on the market, we drank friso for literally half a year, the same milk, I even cooked porridge on it

12/17/2013 8:23:22 PM, From UKgirl

I think the mixture is more adapted and useful for the child - sorry, even the difference in price says something ... Tell me, is it necessary to give formula to a child after a year? What kind of milk do your children drink. And after 1 year she gave regular organic cow's milk...


It all depends on the child and the conditions in which you live. My cousin lives in the village - so there she has already transferred the baby to milk for six months, and cow's - and nothing. True, they were already popping oranges at this age, and lard - chewing the skin ... So what if their cheeks are red later ... Somehow they don’t take a steam bath ...
But these conditions are clearly not for my life ... I think the mixture is more adapted and useful for the child - sorry, even the difference in price says something ... For myself, I found a way out in goat mixtures - there seem to be supporters here too .. Useful composition, non-allergenic, good for immunity .. And in our version, when after a year it was impossible to force to eat - only this saved .. We have Kabrita.
So everything is up to you.

In general, I don’t let my child drink regular milk, because I have allergies, my cheeks are red right away, and I have the same reaction to goat milk, I make cereals and omelettes on lactose-free milk, there is no allergy from it.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. What kind of milk to give a child older than a year? Important conversation. According to pediatricians, dairy products are mandatory and ...

Is the baby going to be given formula for the first time? Mixes are sold in almost any Baby of the second year - formula or milk? Nutrition of a child from 1 year to 2 years: 10 rules and the Dairy component of the diet of a child up to three years is of paramount importance for his ...


Humana LP (medical nutrition). Special blend for digestive problems. There are prebiotics (help digestion), easily digestible fats (will gain weight) and some other useful properties. It helped us, otherwise I already thought that we would remain 8 kg a year.

Try Humana 3 Folgemilch (following milk), good mix. There, in my opinion, some kind of taste - in general, up to 3 children can be given, but this is of course when the transition to whole milk is undesirable. Plus vitamins, minerals, prebiotics - usually a complete set, for health, immunity, chorus. digestion. In general, yes, marking 3 is your case.

What kind of milk to give a child older than a year? Important conversation. Unlike baby milk, the specialized dairy products Friso Gold 3 (for children over one year old) and Friso Gold 4 A, after a year, we switched to the mixture "Instant milk for children after a year with vitamins ...


Kefir and cottage cheese have already switched to Danone.
Well, I can’t monitor and buy children’s kefir all the time - there is a short expiration date, you can’t buy much, and in the evening, when I go home from work, there are often no children’s kefir in the store :(

And for now I give milk to Agusha, but apparently in the summer we will switch to regular ones - it is unlikely that there will be Agusha abroad :))

From the year they gave the most ordinary milk.

About the mixture after 1.5 years. Up to what age are children given formula? We were weaned at 1.5, the doctor said to give the mixture 2 times a day. After 1 year, my elder and I switched to milk (real, from the market, diluted in half with water) and kefir.


After 1 year, my elder and I switched to milk (real, from the market, diluted in half with water) and kefir. I don’t see the point in mixtures after 1 year.

I know a girl who, at the age of 6, still drinks milk from a bottle at night)) when she first saw it, she scraped her jaw off the floor for a long time. Her mother actually understands that this is not good, but she feels sorry for the child.
and even then, children at your age perceive all changes with hostility. A brightly colorful cup with color effects .. or with straws. Well, if the milk categorically does not want to do it 50 to 50 with a mixture, then use it in favor of milk (well, or kefir). you can always add fruits or berries, for example. Our child dearly fell in love with a cup, maybe you could walk around and "clink glasses" with everyone. And we secretly threw away the bottles and put them away, distracting the child with new mugs with favorite characters.
but wait until he comes up and asks for milk in a cup, it’s definitely not worth it)))) you won’t wait)))

I supplemented the child with a mixture in the morning, when there was no milk in the breast at all, after 3 months, 100g. Then she began to give in the evening, he did not How to supplement with a mixture ?. Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition ...

Mixture after a year. Agusha. Tell me, pliiz, when did your children stop drinking the mixture. I after a year on Agusha milk from 8 months. I went over and gave it to drink and made porridge on it. cow's milk is not yet Baby food: which milk formula to choose? How is the mixture chosen?

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. What kind of milk to give a child older than a year? Important conversation. And after a year we switched to the mixture "Instant milk for children ...


we switched to kefir. Those. at night I give instead of a mixture-kefir, a cat. give milk.
Morning porridge.
Happy vegetable puree with meat
in the evening - fruit, cottage cheese and 100 g of kefir.
At night, 200 g of kefir.
At the age of 1.5 years, the norm is up to 400 g of fermented milk products.

And after a year we switched to the mixture "Soluble milk for children after a year with vitamins and ...." Nestle company. We eat it in the morning, and welling at night

Cow's milk is considered a valuable product with a rich protein content. Milk protein is more complete for a balanced diet, easier to digest than fish or meat protein. And yet, cow's milk for children under one year is not recommended for a number of reasons.

Differences between cow's milk and breast milk

The composition and quality of cow's milk are not similar to mother's milk due to the lack of immunological factors in it, which are found in mother's milk. When the content of minerals and protein is increased, and the amount of carbohydrates, vitamins and fatty acids is reduced, this leads to serious disorders in the child's body. Cow's milk should not be given early due to possible allergies in infants. The product is a valuable source of nutrients for a growing child, but it is undesirable to introduce it into the diet during the first year of life.

To understand the similarities and differences in the composition of cow's and breast milk, a comparative table will help:

Factors Cow breast
immunological No There is
protein 5% 1%
taurine, cystine deficiency for brain development 34 times more
carnitine residual content 40 times more
orotic acid No There is
fats 4% 4%
fatty acid overabundance norm
linoleic acid deficiency for brain development norm
lipase No There is
lactose 3% 7%
sodium 30 6,5
potassium 49 14
chlorides 41 12
calcium 1750 350
phosphates 1050 150
iron not absorbed absorbed completely
vitamins not enough norm
water must be given extra You can only get by with your mother's milk

Harm of cow's milk

Despite the "official" age at which milk supplements are allowed, pediatricians do not advise giving this product until 3 years of age. It was then that the work of the gastrointestinal tract in the child is completely stabilized, and milk will be beneficial. Some mothers can boast that already from the age of six months they fed the baby with cow's milk, but this is due to the individual characteristics of the body. When to introduce cow's milk into the baby's diet, refusing breast milk, only a doctor can tell. Independent change in the child's diet is fraught with complications and danger.

  1. Compared to the mother, the cow is too "heavy" due to an overabundance of minerals and protein. Up to a year, the child's body does not work selectively and cannot distinguish the necessary minerals from the extra ones, so it removes everything with the kidneys. Valuable calcium also goes to the "exit" along with harmful phosphorus. This leads to an additional burden on the kidneys and the development of rickets.
  2. If complementary foods in the form of cow's milk are introduced at an early age or completely replace breast milk with it, the gastric mucosa of the baby may not be able to cope with the new product. As a result, the occurrence of internal bleeding, dangerous for the child.
  3. You can provoke the appearance of allergies, intolerance to lactose and milk protein.
  4. Before giving a “useful” product to newborns, you should think about possible anemia. Iron deficiency in cow's milk reduces the level of hemoglobin, and if you refuse breastfeeding and immediately replace it with cow's milk, anemia will lead to serious diseases.
  5. There is a risk of completely crowding out breastfeeding, so it is impossible to give cow's milk instead of breast milk.
  6. When a mother decides to replace her milk with cow's milk, she should prepare for the likely developmental delay of the child and frequent illnesses. Cow does not contain important immunoglobulins, which are rich in breast, so the protective reaction of the child's body will be at a low level.
  7. Mom's milk is always fresh and safe to drink, and cow's milk, if stored improperly, can cause poisoning.

When and what kind of milk is useful

Considering the question of at what age milk can be introduced into the diet, you should heed the advice of a pediatrician. Leading experts recommend starting a child's acquaintance with this product, starting from 8-9.5 months. Ideally, this should be cottage cheese, since the sour-milk version is the most suitable for digestion.

You can buy specialized products for babies in the store. During the production process, these cocktails are carefully controlled and are fully balanced. Some species are enriched with dietary fiber and vitamins that help improve digestion. And do not forget to include children's cottage cheese in the diet to normalize the intestinal microflora.

However, you can not buy milk with various additives and the content of preservatives, flavors and dangerous dyes. When "adult" milk is selected, it is important to become familiar with the way it has been processed. Options include:

  1. UHT
  2. pasteurization
  3. sterilization

In the latter version, milk is processed at a temperature of 100 C, so it is clear why it is no longer useful. Pasteurization implies a minimally gentle processing mode, but the shelf life is short, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture when buying.

Choosing the optimal fat content, you can stop at a product of 2.5-3.2%, since vitamins and calcium are almost not absorbed from completely skimmed milk, and fatter milk will cause intolerance and digestion problems.

How best to start introducing cow's milk

When the baby is formula-fed, from 9 months you can give complementary foods from milk, adding it to cereals. It is important to follow the sequence and accuracy when introducing a child to a new product for him:

  1. Milk is subject to mandatory boiling and dilution in a ratio of 1:3.
  2. You should start complementary foods with 1 teaspoon, observing the reaction of the crumbs.
  3. If there is no allergy or intolerance, the dose can be slightly increased.
  4. After 3 weeks, the amount of milk consumed is 100 g.
  5. The amount of water should be gradually reduced, and then completely removed.

It is forbidden to include a raw product in complementary foods! Cattle are considered carriers of brucellosis: once in the body, the virus infects the spinal cord. Even timely treatment will not protect against disability.

Natural fresh milk remains the best memory from childhood, so many parents are sure that it is possible and necessary to give a home-made product, they are in a hurry to introduce it into complementary foods. It should be remembered that the market option does not always pass certification, so no one is safe from the content of "surprises". Some private traders do not consider the disease of an animal an obstacle to milking and subsequent sale of the product.

Before the final decision, at what age to give the baby pure milk or introduce it into complementary foods, it is worth consulting with the attending pediatrician. Sometimes, behind the mother’s intention to transfer the baby from breastfeeding to artificial, there is a reluctance to follow a nursing diet. It is difficult to limit yourself on the menu if the rest of the household adheres to a more varied diet. Cow's milk in the first months of a baby's life will cause irreparable harm to the body, which the mother will later regret.

When it is not possible to establish lactation, a decision is made to transfer the baby to feeding with cow's milk due to lack of finances to purchase an adapted mixture. And mothers often succumb to the persuasion of relatives to save money. Grandmothers are sincerely perplexed why a daughter or daughter-in-law opposes this method of feeding, because in the past everyone did this. A few decades ago, the question did not arise at all, from what age to introduce milk into the children's diet - cow's milk was considered useful. And studies have not yet revealed the full danger of the product. Therefore, if the priority is the health and normal development of the crumbs, you can appeal to the older generation with this fact.