Dolphin from corks from plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic bottle caps

Many people get real pleasure by making something from materials that, in principle, are not intended for this. Everything is involved: worn-out car tires, old clothes, wooden and plastic containers, unused crockery and cutlery, metal cans, buttons, toothpicks, and so on. Thanks to creativity and unbridled imagination, real masterpieces, practical and aesthetically attractive products are created from recycled materials. This article will talk about how you can use plastic bottle caps.

Children's crafts

Children are extraordinary dreamers, able to discern an interesting toy in the most unremarkable object. Lids are a good material to play with. They are bright, round, they are comfortable to hold in your hand. You can build houses from traffic jams, transport them in the back of a car, replace missing parts in the game with them. And you can also create real voluminous toys from the covers and make funny pictures and applications.


Take several lids of the same size. Any color is chosen. A small hole is made in the center of each cork. The lids are strung on a fishing line, which is fixed on one side so that the structure does not fall apart. On the other hand, they string and fasten a hollow ball, which will be the head. Eyes and a forked tongue, cut out of colored paper, are glued onto it. The snake is ready.


You will need: black cork, chenille wire of the same color, silicone glue. The wire is cut into pieces of suitable length for the paws. Then each segment is folded into a hook at one end and glued with a fold to the sides of the lid. You can stick eyes on the cork.

Many different toys will turn out if you paint corks with appropriate patterns that imitate the color of insects or animals.

When it comes to apps, the options are endless. Corks are glued to a base of thick paper or cardboard in accordance with the plan. They are available both singly and in groups. Corks are added with suitable parts made of paper, plasticine or other materials of applied art. The result is an original picture that amuses children and adults.

Cork original mosaic

To make such a composite canvas, you need a large number of corks (preferably one size for the clarity of the pattern), a lot of patience and time. There are several ways to create a mosaic, directly dependent on the mounting surface.

On a wooden plane

It can be a wall of a wooden house or a plywood sheet. First, a sketch of the future image is applied to the base, after which the corks are nailed to the base according to the plan. It is better to nail the covers with the outer side outward, so the image looks more aesthetically pleasing. In addition, if necessary, the mosaic can be easily washed.

On concrete or brick surface

The manufacturing technology is the same as when working with a wooden base. Only instead of nails they use a special adhesive sold in hardware stores. The work is carried out gradually, in small parts, giving the created canvas time to harden.

As a standalone subject

In this case, the covers are simply fastened together in accordance with the idea with the help of special glue. The structure is located both horizontally and vertically, maintaining stability due to its own weight at the support points. However, such mosaics are rarely large.

Mosaic made from plastic bottle caps is a very interesting method of decorating unsightly surfaces, which, at low cost, allows you to turn, for example, an ordinary country house into a painted house.

Cork massage mat

Along with the decorating function, this product has a therapeutic and health-improving purpose. A few dozen caps, turned upside down, form an excellent back massager that has an analgesic and relaxing effect. To make it, you need plastic plugs, a strong fishing line, an awl or other item for drilling holes.

Four holes are made on each cover with a cross. The corks are first laid out according to the intended pattern, and the dimensions of the future rug are adjusted. Then they are successively fixed in rows with fishing line to each other horizontally and vertically. The ends of the fishing line are soldered or tied into knots for the strength of the craft. Covers choose any colors and sizes, but always new. Unused material is safer, no nicks or cracks.

DIY garden path

Another interesting way to use plastic lids. A track made in this way has several advantages.

First, it is quite durable. The area laid out from the lids can withstand a great weight, equal to the weight of an adult or a flowerpot.

Secondly, such a track, made using the right technology, will last more than one year.

Thirdly, it looks beautiful not only in terms of color, but also in terms of styling. Such a decorative element will add originality and uniqueness to the garden. The path is easy to clean from debris and earth.

The disadvantages include the fact that in frosty weather the surface becomes slippery. This is inconvenient, especially if the track has to be used frequently. In addition, its creation requires a large number of covers, which leads to considerable costs.

In addition to corks, cement, sand and building glue are needed. Of these substances, the composition is kneaded, which will be the foundation of the future track. First mark the location and dimensions of the track. They dig a trench 7-10 cm deep, along the edges of which a wooden formwork is installed. Small crushed stone or gravel is poured at the bottom.

A pre-mixed solution is distributed on top, on which the lids are laid according to the selected pattern. Plugs are sunk to the same depth flush with the general level of the earth. This must be done quickly and accurately. Then the resulting path is allowed to completely harden, after which it is cleaned and the formwork is removed. A beautiful addition to the work done will be a border that will complete the garden path.

Fancy curtains

Creative people create unique things using any available material for this. The use of such crafts in everyday life is not only pleasing to the eye, but also brings certain benefits. A great example is curtains made from plastic bottle caps.

To make a product, you will need: caps in the right amount by color, fishing line, awl. They take the covers, lay them out in the intended order or draw a diagram. Then two rows are strung at the same time. The length of the fishing line is chosen such that when bending in the middle, two segments are obtained equal to the height of the doorway. On these two ends of one fishing line, separated by a fold, rows of corks are strung. A knot is made at the bend point of the fishing line for ease of use. The ends of the fishing line are also fixed with knots after the completion of the rows.

Thus, all subsequent rows are made in accordance with the selected pattern and size. When the curtains are ready, they are fixed on the doorway. The place of attachment is the knots tied on the folds of the fishing line. First, the fixing points of the curtain on the door frame are marked. Fasteners are not completely driven into these points with nails, the fishing line is hung in “knots” and the nail is driven all the way. Such fastening will securely fix the curtains.

Roof curtains are used to decorate country houses or outbuildings. They can be supplemented with appropriate tiebacks or placed as a continuous curtain. This technique is convenient in an outdoor shower, where an opaque, waterproof canvas is required. In a room decorated with curtains made of plastic covers, there are several more details made using the same technique. These can be floor mats of the same color scheme or with a repeating pattern, hot pads, interior items pasted over with lids, etc.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that corks from plastic bottles are a multifunctional material that is pleasant, easy and interesting to work with for children and adults.

In contact with

Plastic bottles are waste material, crafts from which you will not surprise anyone. But, whether it's the caps from these same bottles! Usually we send them to the landfill without thinking, but in vain! Making original crafts from plastic bottle caps is both easy and interesting. And most importantly - no costs. Well, except maybe glue or screws.

At first glance, it may seem that no large-scale products from plastic corks can be made, since there is nowhere to take them. But this opinion is wrong! If you set out to collect a lot of caps, connect friends and acquaintances, then in a month it will be possible to fill the bag with them.

What can be done with plastic corks? Anything from simple fridge magnets to large prints, rugs and wall art.

Simple and creative!

Do you want to decorate your refrigerator with an unusual magnet?

We will need:

  • caps;
  • small magnets;
  • glue;
  • markers.

We degrease the plastic cover, glue a magnet inside, and draw a funny face on its front side. You can make the eyes more “alive” by gluing special decorative elements with a moving bead in a plastic shell. That's all!

It's just as easy to make a stand for a guest name plate. To do this, attach five small ones in a circle to one large cap, and place the craft on a stand using a wire twisted in a spiral and attached to the “core” of the flower.

plastic fantasy

Greater skill requires drawings or a mosaic of plastic bottle caps, which can be either an independent craft or an element of decor. Due to the strength of this material, you can safely decorate the yard, because plastic is not afraid of rain, frost, or snow. The technology remains the same: the caps are fastened together with glue (BF-2, BF-4).

Unusual pictures from plastic bottle caps can be made by turning them over with a rim on the front side. In this case, it is better to fasten them with small screws, screwing the cork to the surface in the center.

For more complex drawings, it is worth making a markup on a primed plywood sheet in advance, and then draw the desired figure with acrylic paints. After the paint has dried, start gluing the corks with a glue gun.

Make the butterfly's head out of foam rubber, and screws can become eyes. Ready!

Plastic bottles are a familiar material, crafts from which you will not surprise anyone. Another thing is the lids, which, due to their ignorance, are thrown away by many along with the bottles. But you can make so many useful and interesting crafts from them, including mosaics, fridge magnets, wall panels and massage mats!

Plastic cork magnets

You will need:

  • Covers;
  • Small magnets;
  • Glue or double-sided tape;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Markers.


  1. Degrease the plastic cover with medical alcohol, glue a magnet inside. Draw a funny face on the front side.
  2. If you glue special decorative elements with a moving bead in a plastic shell to the lid, the eyes in the image will turn out to be more alive.

Mosaic from plastic corks: manufacturing rules

Mosaics made of plastic corks require more skill, which can be either an independent craft or an element of decor. Due to the strength of the material, you can decorate the country yard or the facade of the house with the product.

During manufacture, the covers are fastened together using a special adhesive for gluing polyethylene BF-2 or BF-4. For more complex drawings, it is worth making a markup on a primed plywood sheet in advance, and then draw the desired figure with acrylic paints. When the paint is dry, you can start gluing the corks with a glue gun. To make a mosaic of corks, you will need a large amount of material of different colors and some drawing skills.

If you decide to make a mosaic on the surface of the wall, the technology for its implementation is somewhat different. First you need to select a pattern or pattern that will be applied to the surface of the wall. After selecting the surface, it must be marked. When marking, set marks at the level of the height and width of the pattern. It is also necessary to divide the proposed wall into equal squares - this will help control the shape of the pattern and pattern. Additionally, you can mark the colors of the corks that will be fixed in the marked squares.

After marking, you can begin to place traffic jams. You can nail corks to the wall with the front or inside. If you decide to attach the plugs face down, you will find it difficult to clean the wall surface, as debris and dust will collect in the plugs. Fastening with the inside is convenient because after work you can mask the seams of the mosaic with a cement-sand mortar.

If the wall on which you plan to lay out the mosaic is concrete or brick, it is recommended to use special fastening compounds. The surface of the wall is plastered simultaneously with the application of covers. At the end of the mosaic, wait until it dries, then you can eliminate the shortcomings. On wooden structures, nailing is considered the best method of attachment. You can use self-tapping screws or ordinary nails.

How to make a rug out of plastic bottle caps?

You can make a massage mat out of corks quite quickly. The finished product looks beautiful, especially if you use multi-colored lids. You can get a lot of benefits from a massage mat made of lids. First, it is wonderfully relaxing. Secondly, doctors advise walking on such rugs every day for about 10-15 minutes. This improves health.

The effect of a massage mat made of covers is explained by the fact that there are a large number of sensitive nerve endings on the feet, which are responsible for various organs and systems of the body. During the massage, the whole body is charged.

You will need:

  • Caps from plastic bottles;
  • Awl;
  • Thick and strong line.


  1. There should be approximately 10 to 15 lids on each side of the hexagonal mat. To correctly calculate their number, you need to multiply the number of covers on the 1st side by the number of sides and subtract the number of covers that are repeated.
  2. When you have collected the required number of parts, pierce six holes in each cover with an awl. All extreme are going to 1 strong fishing line. Then, the covers must be braided with a piece of fishing line so that they hold tightly. Thus, collect the blanks in a hexagon, securing with a fishing line.
  3. To make the massage mat beautiful, use multi-colored covers and lay out a certain pattern. It can be designed in advance, and then only proceed with the assembly.

Crafts from corks from plastic bottles: photo

Those who are fond of creativity always come up with something unusual, interesting that can decorate at least a small piece of the world around. After all, there are so many things that are simply thrown away, polluting nature, but could become material for creativity.

Well, for example, what can be done from lids from all kinds of cans and bottles? It turns out that very, very much is not only interesting and funny, but also useful.

Caps and caps

Plastic is a versatile material that can have a variety of properties. But the one from which food packaging is made is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, food components, has a variety of colors and shades. In addition, everything that will be made from plastic caps will become practically free, because you just need to accumulate the required number of caps by asking friends and acquaintances for help.

Mounting and mounting methods

Plastic is also convenient because elements from it can be fixed in different ways - glue or liquid nails, wire or self-tapping screws, cord and soldering iron. Before assembling crafts from covers into one whole, you need to think about the assembly method. If glue and a glue gun are the best options, then the covers will need to be degreased, otherwise the craft will simply fall apart.

For this work, you can use any solvent at hand. During the pre-treatment of material for creativity, one should not forget about safety measures, because all solvents are volatile harmful substances.

Beautiful house

Many craftsmen try to make their home beautiful not only inside, but also outside. And to make the house elegant? Of course, beautiful panels on the outer walls. Most often, houses are decorated with ornaments, laying them out of covers that are the same size but different in color.

To make the pattern beautiful and neat, you must first make a sketch on paper. You can use ordinary graph paper for drawing with cells of 1 millimeter around the perimeter, marking the points with colored pencils. The lids are fixed with the flat side outward using nails or self-tapping screws. In the same way, you can decorate the fence around the site.

Cover curtain

And what else can you make from covers with your own hands to decorate the house? For a summer cottage, for example, you can make a curtain on the door, which will become the highlight of the summer house. First, measure the height of the doorway and its width, then calculate the number of elements. For the curtain, plastic covers are collected, washed and dried if necessary. Since the curtain will be attached with a cord, there is no need to degrease the material.

For work you will need:

  • covers in the amount of 180-200 pieces (for a standard doorway and a curtain a few centimeters above the threshold);
  • cord - 30-35 ropes in the height of the curtain plus 5 centimeters for fastening each, it turns out 4-4.5 meters;
  • the rail is slightly longer than the length of the doorway;
  • small cloves or self-tapping screws for attaching the cords to the rail, if the rail is metal, then you will have to tie the cords on it with knots;
  • scheme for the curtain (if there is a desire to make it according to the drawing).

The lids are assembled on a string in turn. In each of them, it is necessary to make two holes with an awl or a nail heated on fire so that the cord runs in the middle. The bottom cap is fastened with a knot or a decorative element - beads, buttons or something similar. All subsequent elements of one curtain thread rely on it.

Each assembled cord is attached to the rail in the order that corresponds to the diagram. You can immediately attach the finished curtain elements from plastic covers to the lintel - on nails or self-tapping screws. But the rail can be removed for the winter, and in the spring the country house can be decorated again with a curtain of plastic covers.

Beautiful garden path

Leaving a beautifully decorated house, you want to walk along a beautiful path. Let's take a look at what can be done from covers for your site? Of course, the garden path. The covers do not need to be washed and degreased, they are randomly or in accordance with the scheme simply recessed flat side up on a garden path made of a mixture of sand and cement. You can, of course, use ordinary clay, but such a path will last until the first heavy rain - it will simply wash away.

Summer kitchen chair

We continue to decorate the garden plot. What can be done from lids so that it is not only beautiful, but also functional? You can arrange a table and chairs for the summer terrace. Basically, this method is used to decorate household items that have lost their appearance. In this case, the covers are attached to the base, and then the space between them must be filled with special substances - mastic, epoxy, putty.

But you can take the base of an old chair, even a folding one, collect the required number of lids from plastic containers, draw up a diagram of their placement. Then each cover should be pulled over the wire. This will form the seat. Of course, the metal wire must be strong enough to support the weight of the human body. You can use not it, but a strong nylon cord. Covers are mounted on it using 4 holes - they will be, as it were, intersections of cells formed by stretched cords.

Plot decor

Plastic covers, bright and colorful, will serve as a good basis for creating all kinds of decorative elements in the open air. They can be voluminous when assembled into a three-dimensional structure, or they can be attached to some kind of base for a flat decoration. What can be done from covers to decorate the space around the house or in the city yard?

For example, you can construct a tower. Covers are assembled using a construction stapler. For reliability, they are glued with the same epoxy. It will probably be impossible to climb on such structures, but they will perfectly decorate the site.

Supply for dishes

How to make a stand for dishes from lids - a teapot, a cup? Very simple. First you need to decide what size stand you need, calculate the number of covers needed for this. Moreover, they can be fixed in rows, or you can get a "honeycomb" pattern. Next, you need to arrange the elements according to the diagram, previously drawn on paper. It is more convenient to fasten the covers with a construction gun. The teeth of the brackets inside the covers must be bent so as not to get hurt about them.

Planter for flowers and basket

If the lids from plastic containers are fastened not with ribs, but flat with respect to each other, then they can be used to assemble voluminous objects that hold their shape well - a planter for a flower pot, a decorative bucket for garbage or a basket for toys or linen. First, the bottom is laid out - the covers are attached to the sides with a wire or a stapler. It is not very reasonable to use glue, since plastic elements can crumble during operation.

When the bottom of the desired size is ready, the lids are placed on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern, reinforced with glue and a stapler or passing a long, strong wire into pre-prepared holes in the center of the lids. Such an element of decor will become a real highlight of the house.

mosaic panel

Lids can decorate not only a garden house. In cities, craftsmen also know how to use these elements. What can be done with lids? For example, decorate a balcony railing with a colored ornament. To do this, the size of the fence is measured, a diagram of a pattern or pattern is built on it, covers are assembled, and then a mosaic panel is laid out using wire or glue. To make a kitchen apron from covers, you need to know that they should be fixed in a binder base - on plaster or plaster, followed by grouting and coating with a protective material such as varnish or acrylic.

Fridge magnets and more

Crafts from caps can be an educational activity that is interesting for children. Lids are safe even for babies, because they are made of food-grade plastic, have a rounded shape, but at the same time they can be large enough so that a child cannot swallow them. Many fun crafts from this junk material can be made for and with children. For example, fridge magnets. As a magnetic element, it is best to use a special cloth - it is thin, easily cut with scissors, with ordinary glue it can be fixed on a plastic cover.

The magnet is glued on the outside, a children's drawing or small photographs are placed inside. The alphabet on the lids with magnets will keep the child busy learning the alphabet while mom cooks. You can make wonderful stamps out of plastic covers if you buy them in needlework stores or cut out stencils of various figures or letters from felt yourself. Such crafts will be cute in and of themselves, and will be useful to the child for creative work.


And how many toys can be created using this wonderful material! Here's how to make a robot out of caps? It turns out it's not difficult at all. You need to prepare 25 colored caps for drinks and a long cord. First, the legs are assembled: four covers are placed one on top of the other, fastened with a cord in the center. The hand is assembled with the edge of the lid turned upside down, and then three pieces are placed one on top of the other, fastened in the center with a rope. Now the body - we put two covers with ribs, we place one flat one between them.

You need two such structures - a pelvis and shoulders, between them one lid is installed with an edge, and the upper part "sits" on it, covering almost half. All parts are assembled together with cords, fastening knots are hidden under the covers turned upside down. However, this is the most primitive design of the robot, because a huge number of such toys can be made using additional elements - plastic boxes, chocolate egg packaging, mosaics.

As it turned out, plastic bottle caps are an excellent material for creativity. They are bright, different colors, safe for children, easy to assemble with the help of improvised devices. And what wonderful things!

If your child loves soda, do not rush to get rid of plastic corks, because you can make a lot of interesting DIY crafts out of them. We have selected for you some original ideas that every schoolchild or kindergartener will appreciate. Here you will find both very simple crafts and something that you will have to tinker with a little. Be that as it may, any of these master classes can be turned into an exciting game with children.

For all these crafts, it is best to use the simplest bright corks from plastic bottles. If you decide to do something big, turn to your friends - nowadays, in almost every family they often drink mineral water or lemonade, so it will not be difficult to collect this goodness. By the way, "hunting" for plastic corks can also be an exciting game.

Choose, be inspired, create!


We will need:

  • bright traffic jams;
  • cardboard;
  • markers.

Just cut out circles from cardboard equal to the diameter of the cork. We write numbers or letters on cardboard. You can also write multiple syllables or whole words to form sentences.

Cardboard does not have to be glued. So you can easily replace it in the learning process. Such a development in the form of a game should please the child, and it may be interesting for him to collect plastic corks.

flower applique

Strictly speaking, this is not really an application. Rather, it is a big picture. But it is performed precisely in the application technique.

We will need:

  • 18-20 traffic jams;
  • plastic bottle;
  • straws;
  • bright colors;
  • cardboard;
  • plasticine;
  • glue.

The plastic bottle needs to be painted in bright colors. Acrylic paints work best for this. Cut a hole for the bottle in the center of the cardboard. We insert it inside and fasten it with a wire or thread.

We make stems from plastic straws (we attach them to glue). Corks are laid in the form of flowers.

If the child is small, you can use not glue, but plasticine. Also, with the help of plasticine, you can add bright three-dimensional colors to our panels. If some details are missing in the picture, draw them.

Bulk flower

This craft made of plastic corks can be a good gift from a child for a grandmother, sister or mother. Assembling the structure is quite simple, and the result will be very nice.

We will need:

  • 8 traffic jams;
  • large lid;
  • wooden skewer;
  • Super glue;
  • acrylic paint.

Make holes in one cork and cap. Glue the corks together as it is done in the photo.

To make a ladybug or any other bug, paint the body with acrylic paint. If you do not have it, you can take nail polish. Wings, if necessary, are cut out of paper.

If your child likes this craft, you can make a whole “flower garden” with your own hands.


You will need a lot of traffic jams for this craft, but very little effort. This bright beautiful butterfly folds up in just a few minutes. Children love these crafts.

We will need:

  • large cardboard;
  • watercolor;
  • plasticine;
  • traffic jams;
  • beads.

Draw a large butterfly on a sheet of cardboard. She needs to paint over her wings and body. Then, on each plastic cork from the side of the bottom, we attach a small piece of plasticine or drip a little superglue. We place a cork on the drawing.

So you need to fill all the free space. We lay out the body of the craft first, and then fill in the gaps. This kind of mosaic can be an excellent educational game.


This is more of a craft not with children, but for children. We will make a rug with our own hands, on which it is very useful to walk barefoot.

We will need:

  • at least 100 traffic jams;
  • dense fabric;
  • awl;
  • screeds.

In each cork you need to make a hole with an awl. The fabric base for the rug should be prepared in advance. It is best to choose a dense material and flash it in two layers.

Lay out corks in the form of flowers or create any other pattern. Attach them to a fishing line or with special ties. To make the back of the rug look beautiful, you can add another layer of fabric.

You can make such a “lawn” with flowers out of plastic corks or something else. Whatever you choose, walking on such a rug will still be useful. Yes, maybe not very pleasant, but it's fun.

Picture from the box

Perhaps this is one of the most interesting DIY plastic cork crafts. We advise you to make it for some family holiday, as it can be a great colorful gift.

We will need:

  • a large flat box (for example, from an LCD TV or monitor);
  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Super glue;
  • plastic plugs of different sizes;
  • acrylic paints, gouache, watercolor;
  • markers;
  • family photos.

Draw a picture on the surface of the box with a simple pencil. It can be trees, a road, a house, flowers or something else. We need to make large parts of the drawing - we will add small details later.

We cut out the largest parts of the application from cardboard or paper. We stick them on PVA. Next, add planes, boats, a lawn or any other small details. We cut them out of cardboard (you can take corrugated). We dilute the craft with plastic stoppers. From them we make all the voluminous round parts that we can think of.

Corks with a large enough diameter can be used as photo frames. Insert photos with family faces - it will turn out very interesting. In this way, you can even make a family tree. And you can make a big house and "settle" in each window of a family member.

If you don't want to mess around with photos, replace them with pictures of your child's favorite cartoon characters. Collecting such crafts can be very exciting, and not only children, but also adults like it.


It will not be difficult to make such a toy with your own hands, and almost every child will like to play with it. By the way, it is not at all necessary to make an octopus. You can easily turn it into a spider or just a funny little man - it depends on the number of tentacles (well, or legs).

We will need:

  • 8-10 plugs per tentacle;
  • fabric rope;
  • detergent or conditioner lid;
  • awl;
  • wire;
  • eye blanks.

Two holes must be made on each cork. Do it yourself, but entrust the child to collect them on a string. Tie a knot at the end of each rope.

Gather all the details together and connect them together with a knot. Wrap the knot with wire.

You can fix our plastic cork tentacles with glue. Or take two plugs, make a hole in one and insert them into each other.

If you do not have blanks for the eyes, you can simply draw a face with a marker or glue beads.

By the way, you can make your octopus very long tentacles if you have enough plugs. Children usually like it when they reach a meter behind the toy.


Laying out a mosaic for children is very useful. To make this process even more fun, you can use bright corks from plastic bottles.

We will need:

  • many bright traffic jams;
  • thick cardboard;
  • glue or plasticine.

Lay out a large piece of cardboard on the table. Color it if the child wants it. Pour paste or PVA glue into plastic cups. Dip the brush and attach the plugs by folding some shapes (you can draw them in advance).

If you want to make a "reusable" mosaic, then use plasticine. A small ball is enough (we attach it to the smooth part of the lid).

By the way, then this mosaic can be turned into an interesting game. Take large heavy beads and tie them to a thread (1-1.2 meters long) to a pencil or pen to make something like a fishing rod. Now let the child move away from the laid out mosaic and try to throw the bead into one of the plastic plugs. This game helps to develop mindfulness, accuracy and dexterity.


If you have begun to teach your child to tell the time, a plastic cork craft in the form of a clock can be a good helper.

We will need:

  • 12 plugs;
  • cardboard;
  • plastic bed;
  • coupler;
  • large plastic lid.

As a basis, you can take a plastic cover from chocolate paste - it will be convenient. Place 12 corks around it. You can take white or bright - as you like.

We make numbers from cardboard or paper. A permanent marker will also work. In the central part we place two parts of the spoon, make a hole and collect them with a coupler. All designs are attached to ordinary superglue.

With this craft, you can train with your child in determining the time at any time convenient for you.

Volumetric animals

Plastic corks can be the basis for very cute crafts or postcards. Try to make funny little animals that will be interesting to play with.

We will need:

  • felt or foamiran;
  • Super glue;
  • any decor;
  • glue.

Here the manufacturing technique is very simple. It is best to use ready-made stencils, or any other animals.

Just transfer the image to foamiran or felt. Make several blanks, cut them out of the selected material. Coat the edges of the cork with a very thin layer of superglue. Press it as close as possible to the material.

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