Quiz: Are you ready for a serious relationship?

Sometimes it can be hard to know if you're ready for the real ones serious relationship. It's even harder if you've recently broken up with someone or are just starting to date. You need to make sure you're really ready before getting into a serious romantic relationship.


Part 1

Explore your feelings

    Consider your motives. If you're a teenager, you may never have wanted a "real" relationship, and suddenly it turns out that everyone around you has a couple, and you feel like you should have one too. If this sounds like you, slow down. Remember that relationships are not a competition. Real feelings and real people are part of a romantic relationship, so don't jump into relationships just because all your friends have them.

    Know what the relationship requires. Teenagers and young adults are getting ready for relationships in different periods life, depending on maturity. In order for you to have a healthy romantic relationship, you need to recognize that you have to be willing to give. Healthy romantic relationships include some of the same elements that are found in other relationships (such as friendships, family relationships, and so on). However, in a romantic relationship, it's easy to get carried away with your partner and begin to neglect your friends or necessary activities. Consider the following key components of a healthy relationship:

    • Comfortable expression of thoughts, feelings, opinions or dreams
    • Mindfulness of thoughts, feelings and opinions of your partner
    • Respect for each other
    • Showing Support
    • Absence of violence
    • Ability to resolve conflicts
    • Trust in each other
    • The ability to comfort each other
    • Ability to rely on each other
    • Direct and open communication
    • Fostering friends and other interests in the partner
    • Honesty about past relationships or sexual activity
    • Participation in sexual activity own will
  1. Think about whether you like the company of this person. It may seem obvious, but of course, you don't have to start a relationship with someone you don't enjoy spending time with. As a rule, when couples are “in love”, they want to be together for days and nights, and they are afraid of parting. Although your symptoms of falling in love may not be as strong, you should still look forward to meeting and spending time with this person.

    Decide if you want to deepen your sexual relationship. To understand whether you should start a relationship, you need to determine how much you care about this person. Perhaps you have sexual contact with a person, but you don’t know if you want to leave everything as it is or still become a couple.

    Ask yourself if you are ready to date only this person. Another way to know if you're ready for a serious relationship is your commitment to just one person. You like the person you're dating so much that you can't imagine him with another person or someone making him laugh his ass off. The desire for exclusivity is often the main indicator of the beginning of a romantic relationship.

    Learn how to accept or present rejection in an adult way. At the beginning of a relationship, the last thing you think about is ending it. However, when you meet a person, especially in adolescence, you must be prepared for the possibility of rejection. Your girlfriend, for example, may find another sympathy, or you yourself may lose interest in the relationship. Are you good at responding to rejection? And what about your initiative to end the relationship, can you inoffensively, but firmly explain yourself to the person?

How to understand how serious the intentions of your young man are in relation to your joint future. Test from site "site"

There comes a point when any woman starts asking herself questions

In any relationship, there is a line when you have to either move on or decide what to do with it all. Romantic relationship of course they are beautiful, but everything beautiful must have a corresponding beautiful culmination. But what if your young man does not even think about bringing your relationship to a happy climax in the form of a marriage proposal? How to understand how serious his intentions are and how he really treats you. After all, it will be very painful to find out later that you were just a screen to decorate certain period his life.

Sign system

There is a certain system of signs that speaks of the desires and subconscious intentions of a person. Even if your young man is not an expert in paying attention and expressing his feelings, carefully following his actions and words, you can easily understand what the end of your love story will be.

An easy test for recognizing the presence of serious intentions

There is not a difficult test, thanks to which you can calculate how seriously he plans for your joint future. Draw two columns "YES" and "NO" on paper. After answering the question, put on the mark in the appropriate column.

Test questions:

  1. Does he listen carefully to your plans for the future, even if they are not related to him?
  2. Does he take an interest in your work?
  3. Is he interested in your financial situation, does he offer financial assistance in difficult times?
  4. Does he ask you about the affairs of your family, even if he does not personally know its members?
  5. Does he remember the names of your parents, brothers and sisters, close relatives and friends from your stories?
  6. Does he tell enough about his life?
  7. Does he share his problems, experiences, plans?
  8. Do you know what you are fond of, are you interested in it at least in words?
  9. Do you know his friends?
  10. Did he invite you to meet your parents?
  11. Do you know his parents?
  12. Did he show a desire to get to know your family members and parents.
  13. Does he know your parents?
  14. Did he tell you about his future home, where he would like to live in the future?
  15. Does he love children?
  16. Does he try to improve his financial situation and stabilize his life?
  17. Does he give up habits that you don't like?
  18. Walking past the windows of furniture or home design stores, does it ask you what exactly you liked?
  19. Indirectly hinted or directly, did he ask about the wedding of your dreams?
  20. Whether he agrees to accompany you at the weddings of your friends and relatives or whether he invites you as an escort when going to the weddings and celebrations of his relatives and friends.

The main answer is "YES"!

The main answer to all these questions is "YES". And the more marks you find at the end of the test in the “YES” column, the more confident that he has a very serious intentions. You just need to be patient and wait a bit. Maybe he's preparing himself before he makes the most important proposal of his life. Maybe he's waiting for the right moment. Do not spoil the magic of that day with your experiences. He will definitely come.

What if there are more "NO" answers?

If more than half of the answers are “NO”, then you should think about whether it is worth spending your time on this person.

After all, he can have anything in his plans, but obviously not a joint future with you ... Or, he is still very far from the idea of ​​​​marriage. But do you have the patience to wait until he grows up to this? You decide.

This may be the cause of the confusion in family life for those who managed to go to the registry office, or problems in finding a partner for those who just want to get married. How do you know if you're ready for a serious relationship? Pass the proposed test, which was developed by psychologist Natalya Lanskaya, director of the Institute for Two, and is intended not only for women, but also for men. Read the questions carefully and give your answers carefully. For each answer, give the appropriate score from 1 to 5.

Test questions:
1 I have high hopes for this relationship
2 We spend enough time together and enough time apart.
3 My partner tries to understand my point of view, even when he disagrees with me.
4 Marriage vows really mean a lot to me.
5 Our views on life are very similar.
6 My family and friends think that my partner is right for me.
7 There is nothing fundamental that I would like to change in my partner.

8 I am sure that this time I will not make the mistakes that I did in previous relationships.
9 We agreed on whether we want children.
10 I often think fondly of my partner when we are not together.
11 I don't rush him to formalize the relationship.
12 I am satisfied with the frequency and variety of our sexual life.
13 My partner often puts our relationship ahead of other things.
14 Of all the novels I've had, this one is the best.
15 I am sure that my partner is as dear as he is to me.
16 I don't care how my partner handles money.
17 I am satisfied with the way my partner shows his feelings for me.
18 I have no serious concerns about my relationship with my partner.
19 I have great respect for my partner and know that I can trust him completely.
20 We are good at overcoming disagreements.
21 It will be easy for me to be faithful to my partner.
22 We do not have major conflicts that could threaten our future.
23 We recognize the importance of discussing our feelings and can do so without hesitation.
24 We are good at balancing work with the rest of our lives.
25 Together we will overcome any crisis that life brings us.
Test results:
Give yourself points for your answers
1 - totally agree / agree
2 - agree / agree
3 - difficult to answer
4 - disagree / disagree
5 - Completely disagree/disagree.
Now calculate the total. A low overall score indicates high level compatibility, readiness for mutual obligations. High scores in answers to questions 4, 15 and 19 may indicate areas that need special attention.
If you typed 25-60 points You have thought well about the reality of your relationship, you know where problems may arise, and you are ready to overcome difficulties and worries together. This is a good start.
If you succeed in the end 61-85 points At the bottom of your relationship lies some uncertainty. Pay attention to the questions that were answered high scores– think about how you can work together to avoid the problems lurking in these areas.
You - 86-125 points This result shows that you seem to be dissatisfied with many aspects of your relationship. Think with your partner about ways to correct these shortcomings. A visit to a relationship counselor may help to reflect on the situation.

It is likely that in an effort to spin new novel in this way you hope to get rid of loneliness or solve some other life problem. Relationships for you are not the end goal, but only an intermediate stage on the way to something more. Any normal woman it rightly seems that salvation lies in love, moreover, that tender affection is necessary part our lives, without which the overall puzzle will not work. In other words, love for most of us is nothing more than an application, a means, but by no means an independent unit. True, there is one circumstance - before you get something, you need to work hard on it.

I think everyone knows this feeling: total loneliness. At this moment, it seems that you are ready to give everything, if only someone would appear in your life who will solve all your problems with one wave of your hand. We imagine our chosen one in every detail: handsome, smart, rich, and many, many other criteria that are as beautiful as they are abstract. But are you ready for real relationship, With real man, and not the prince on the cover, about whom you know nothing, except perhaps the approximate state of the bank account? So, here are five signs that you are still not prepared for a fateful meeting.

You are NOT happy

If you are unhappy alone, you will not be happy in a relationship either. It would be a mistake to think that the world will sparkle with new colors as soon as you start dating someone. This scheme does not work. Relationships are just things that complement your happiness. You cannot enter them "empty", because the other person with whom you have decided on a short or long term connect his life, also wants to get some emotions from you, and believe me, this is by no means despondency.

Harmony in relationships appears when you feel comfortable and alone. In other words: you are self-sufficient, you have friends, a job that suits you, hobbies, hobbies, and you will not hang on the neck of your chosen one with a dead weight. Worst position things that you can imagine - a fanatical expectation. Firstly, women obsessed with finding a second half, as a rule, only repel men. And secondly, if someone still dares to have an affair with you, it will not be as cloudless as you imagined in your dreams. Why? Everything is very simple. Because a man, most likely, will not live up to your expectations. In the end, he does not know that you need it exclusively as a source of happiness. As a result: disappointment, resentment empty place and as a result - a quick parting.

Every relationship you live in the same scenario

If the same story repeats itself from time to time, the separation occurs according to the same scenario, the relationship does not stick, then it's time to sort yourself out. Standard situation: many girls now and then manage to start relationships with “bad boys”. Initially, you are firmly convinced that the problem is in total bad luck, in an unsuccessful generation of men - in short, in anything, but not in you. The secret is simple and disappointing: it's about you, and if you really want to change, you should start with yourself.

Alas, as a rule, our life is not devoid of pain and disappointment, and the only thing we can do for ourselves is to try to use negative experience to your advantage. While you are accumulating resentment for the whole world in your soul, you are worried about another unsuccessful romantic story you keep treading water. Mistakes are there to learn from them.

You still haven't forgotten your ex

Here is perhaps one of the most global problems all the beautiful half of humanity: residual feelings for the former. This state of affairs can provoke several problems at once: firstly, unconsciously, you can start relationships just for the sake of distraction, without experiencing true feelings. Secondly, "without letting go" of the previous relationship, you, again unconsciously, will look for a man who looks like your ex. What is the problem? The fact that you broke up with the same previous one, and probably because of the shortcomings that you are now fanatically looking for in a new lover.

Before embarking on a new adventure, say goodbye to previous relationships. Make sure that it's really all over: address this question to yourself. Sometimes it takes a long time to say goodbye to the past. It hurts, emotions overwhelm you, memories torment you, but the end is the end, you should not try to grab onto the elusive shadow of happiness. It's time to start over!

You build walls around you instead of tearing them down

You can't find yourself the right man, if you lock yourself in four walls, both literally and figuratively. As you know, like attracts like - so if you are emotionally closed from the whole world, then most likely life will throw you the same "plugged" people. Agree, if two people do not plan to reveal themselves to you, most likely nothing will come of this relationship.

Without a doubt, after your heart is broken, it is unbearably difficult to trust someone again, but at the same time, this is the only way to a new deep emotional attachment. Being open is not the same as being naive, but don't let yourself become an iron lady. The person who is next to you must be sure that you can rely on.

you don't love yourself

If you find that you are ready to give up your interests, principles and beliefs in order to become like someone else likes, then it's time to finally focus on yourself.

Yes, indeed, most people tend to demonstrate their the best sides, but notice - they flaunt their own, not fictional virtues. If you, without hesitation, are ready to give up being yourself in order to please a man, then you will have to put aside dreams of romantic love and get serious about yourself. If you don't love yourself, no one else can love you either. Self love always comes first.

Wearing a mask is not the best best idea. Why? The problem is that sooner or later your true nature will show itself in all its glory. You just can't pretend forever. Of course, sometimes it works - for example, you can portray yourself as a self-confident beauty, men, as a rule, are attracted to such, but ... why don't you become a self-confident beauty?

If you are not confident in yourself, you will never be able to relax in a relationship. Do you really think that he really loves you if you don't love yourself? It will always seem to you that you are not good enough for him, not too smart, not as slim as other women, it will definitely seem to you one day that your lover looks at others, beautiful and smart, with much more interest than at you. But fears, as you know, are material.

If all (or several) of the listed items are about you, the verdict is disappointing: you are not ready for a new relationship. There is truth and good news- all this will be fixed. Your task is simple: work on yourself in order to approach new love strong, confident, inspired and happy.

Why do some women have no end to fans, while others have been waiting for theirs for years the only man, and he never appears in their lives?

The answer to this question is simple: it all depends on relationship readiness. And it is determined not only by how your personal life but also psychological.

You can be married, but meet someone and understand that this is your destiny, and everything that happened before was a mistake. And you can be free, but never mature for true love.

Are you ready for love and relationships, will show an interesting psychological test, compiled for women by psychologists.

1. What will you focus on to impress classmates or classmates whom you haven’t seen for a long time?

  • a) Hair, manicure and make-up.
  • b) Handbag, clothes and shoes - they must be expensive and stylish.
  • c) Put on all the best at once: in the ears - diamonds, dress - almost like a wedding.

2. How do you dress when you go shopping or to work where there is no dress code required?

  • a) As best as possible and do not forget to make up.
  • b) You put on the first thing that comes to hand, jeans and a T-shirt, for example, you don’t remember about makeup.
  • c) Dress in something discreet and comfortable, but take a makeup bag with you just in case, and keep an emergency suit in the office.

3. What do you do to attract the attention of a handsome stranger whom you saw at a party or at a presentation?

  • a) Diligently avoid meeting his eyes, do not look in his direction.
  • b) Start a conversation with a stranger.
  • c) Exchanging glances with him and smiling at him, but no more than that.

4. What would you say in response to the compliment on duty?

  • a) Thank you very much! It's okay that the reason for praise is trifling, because you are still pleased.
  • b) Incredulously say: “Come on, you would have something to talk about!”
  • c) “I myself am delighted with this!” Let him see that you know your worth.

5. How do you feel in the presence of your young man's parents and in the company of his friends?

  • a) As if not at ease, but try not to show it.
  • b) Say: “Well, I have to go!” - and leave, because you do not digest them all.
  • c) Behave relaxed, enjoying communication and not caring at all that their arrival took you by surprise - in home clothes and without makeup.

6. How do you behave when you fly somewhere to the warm sea?

  • a) You hardly force yourself to undress on the beach, reassuring yourself that although it would not hurt you to lose weight, but your swimsuit is beautiful.
  • b) Stay out of the water longer to show others how this sexy bikini suits you.
  • c) dive straight into the water beach tunic and enjoy swimming without caring what others think of you.

7. How do you pass the time while waiting for a late courier with whom you have an appointment in a cafe?

  • a) Drink tea with a cake and look at the people sitting at the tables.
  • b) Stand at the entrance to the institution in order to immediately intercept the messenger with the documents.
  • c) Sit at the bar, talking with a stranger who happened to be nearby.

8. What will you answer young man who is trying to get to know you on the metro, but it's not clear yet whether the deputy likes him or not?

  • a) Don't bother me, I'm married.
  • b) I don't have anyone, but I haven't decided yet whether to give you a chance. Impress me!
  • c) My boyfriend is away yet, so we can chat.

9. While shopping with a partner, I ran into his ex-wife or a girl. Your actions?

  • a) Stand aside to let them talk.
  • b) Defiantly kiss your beloved and publicly announce that while he is communicating with the snake that broke his heart, you intend to look after yourself a ring for your anniversary.
  • c) Actively participate in the conversation.

Score according to the table

№ 1 2 1 0
№ 2 2 0 1
№ 3 0 2 1
№ 4 1 0 2
№ 5 1 0 2
№ 6 1 2 0
№ 7 1 0 2
№ 8 0 1 2
№ 9 0 2 1


You are too vulnerable, shy, and prone to fears, the main one. which - reach out to someone and be rejected. That's why you try to keep a low profile - away from the men you like. At least once in your life, try to take a step towards your love: after all, by refusing it, you severely deprive yourself of it. Even if the relationship doesn't work out in the end, you'll gain valuable experience that will help you build happiness next time.


You sing and chirp, attracting and endearing men with your pleasant appearance, softness, femininity and courtesy. It is important for you to surround them with attention and care, but men are not children, they can take care of themselves. A real man needs not a mother next to him, but a sexy, relaxed woman. So talk less and use body language more often for communication purposes - sometimes it is much more eloquent than word flows!


You are a woman without complexes, convinced of your irresistibility and your ability to conquer any man. It is great that you are confident in yourself, just do not forget about the moral boundaries that you should not go beyond. Avoid romantic adventures - look for your only one, and most importantly, learn to transform your sexual energy into creative energy.

How to trust a beloved man, having a negative experience of past relationships?

A man is a person, a person who is not your thing and property. Yes, can he come home late from work? Yes, he can talk to someone on the phone. Yes, he can have bikini-clad girlfriends on Odnoklassniki... And you either decide to suffer about this, or enjoy life and relationships with him.

Take part in the life of a loved one, be attentive to him, trust him, be a single whole - and then in return you will receive the same feelings.

However, trusting, you must choose those areas and such matters that do not affect the vital aspects of your life.

Today a man may want to move mountains for you, but not tomorrow. And, having once done good to you, a man is not obliged to do this for the rest of his life! Actually, just like you!