Pregnancy when the belly grows. When does the belly start to grow during pregnancy? Negative experience from a previous pregnancy

Pregnancy, and especially when the belly begins to grow, is that time in a woman's life when a complete restructuring takes place in the body. She feels, she feels differently, she cares more about her health, she is in constant expectation of a miracle.

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After a small life was born and the first symptoms began to appear, all processes change, the woman begins to feel previously unknown feelings, worries about every little thing. She is looking forward to the first outlines of the child, especially if he is long-awaited. This is quite natural and understandable.

Pregnant women are especially interested at what period of pregnancy the belly begins to grow noticeably. The answer to this question can be completely different. The body of each person is purely individual, so all processes also occur differently. In fact, the uterus grows, and everything else grows in turn due to its size. It can grow due to an increase in body fat. And then, when the pregnancy will be visible, it already depends on various factors, such as the physique of the expectant mother, the number of children and others.

The baby has not yet been born, but already feels love

If we count by weeks, then, according to the norm, the uterus intensively increases in size starting from the 16th week (4-5 months). After this time, it is already clearly visible that the woman is in position. In order to diagnose pathologies of fetal development in time, it is imperative to know at how many weeks and how the stomach begins to noticeably grow. This information is extremely important because it can be used to detect serious pathologies such as oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, delayed child development, various pathological processes.

The value of physique on the growth of the uterus

The physique has a great influence on the growth of the uterus in pregnant women. For example, you can immediately see the difference when the belly begins to grow strongly during pregnancy in thin people, sports girls and complete.

In fact, if a woman is actively involved in sports, has a thin body, if she has well-developed abdominal muscles, then pregnancy will be visible earlier and stronger than in fat girls. There were even cases when it was not visible at all until childbirth, but such cases are very rare.

There are also other factors that affect the growth of the uterus, and, accordingly, at what time does a woman's stomach begin to grow.

  • Heredity - most likely, your situation will proceed in almost the same way as your relatives (find out at what week of pregnancy and how the belly of your mother, grandmother began to grow);
  • Power mode - if future mom eats tightly, there have been cases when the stomach began to be seen earlier, but this is due to a sharp increase in body fat;
  • The position of the child in the womb - if it is located closer to the spine, pregnancy is less noticeable, if to the uterus - then vice versa;
  • Quantity amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) - the more of them, the larger the size;
  • The size of the fetus - if it is large, then accordingly, and everything will be larger and more noticeable;

Does the number of children matter?

When a woman carries one child inside, then, of course, her stomach will be smaller than if she is expecting two children. With twins, the size is already changing from week 11, the doctor immediately sees that the woman is expecting two fetuses.

Around the 28th week, the uterus of a pregnant woman with two babies becomes the size of a woman in a prenatal state. The most important thing is to monitor your health and keep track of how many weeks your stomach has grown, undergo all examinations, be sure to follow the recommendations of specialists.

A wonderful feeling to carry a baby under the heart

Differences between first and subsequent pregnancies

There is an opinion that when the belly of pregnant women begins to grow noticeably during the first pregnancy, the woman does not notice its growth for a longer time. The muscles are not yet stretched, the uterus is also, so the increase will take a long time.

But everything is very individual, often the third pregnancy is very similar to the previous one. But when the tummy begins to increase during the second pregnancy, everything happens faster, but not much different.

Timeline of belly growth

To be calm about the health and condition of the baby, you need to carefully monitor how the stomach changes over time. The table shows the growth rates of the abdomen.

Month (week)belly sizeWhat happens to the fetus
2 month (6-7 weeks)Does not increaseFruit size is 2-4 mm
End 2 start 3 months (weeks 8-10)Does not increase22 mm
3 month (12 week)Does not increaseFruit size 6 cm. fertilized egg completely occupies the uterus
4 month (16-17 weeks)Size 6 cm12 cm
5 month (20 week)Size 20-21 cm26 cm
6 month (24 weeks)Size 30 cm30 cm
7 month (28 week)35 cm36 cm
8 month (32 weeks)40-42 cm41 cm
9 month (36 weeks)45-47 cm47-54 cm

In the second trimester

Since the size of the uterus is fully consistent with the weeks, you can easily calculate the size norm when the belly normally begins to grow in pregnant women. If abnormalities are found, be sure to consult a doctor, he will prescribe an ultrasound and other examinations in order to identify the problem. Most often, expectant mothers themselves dramatize, exaggerate, not knowing the actual norm.

What to wear during pregnancy?

When a woman is in a position, she often begins to feel insecure due to drastic changes his appearance. The increase in the waist, the total body weight makes itself felt when the expectant mother begins to no longer fit into her things that she wore before pregnancy.

In fact, choosing good option attire, you can easily compose good image, which will only emphasize your beauty. Many do not know where you can get special clothes. It is sold in any specialized clothing stores for pregnant women.

Particularly acute is the question of home clothes, because you want not to lose attractiveness for your husband, but at the same time dress comfortably, especially in winter. Knowing at what month of pregnancy the belly begins to grow intensively, you can correctly distribute the acquisitions new clothes. It is best to choose cotton fabrics so that the clothes are pleasant to the body, comfortable, cozy. A woman should feel as good as possible. To look beautiful at home, you can choose an attractive pajama set consisting of a tank top/T-shirt and shorts/pants with soft elastic.

Quite small, but already visible

First of all, knowing in what month the stomach will begin to grow and increase in size, you need to think about your comfort. No need to choose very tight-fitting clothes, especially in summer when it's hot. Clothing should be slightly loose to allow the skin to breathe. It should not constrain movements, and also squeeze the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe belt.

On early dates During pregnancy, a woman does not have the need to make changes to her wardrobe, because obvious changes have not yet occurred. But only at 4-5 months, when the stomach begins to grow, especially when multiple pregnancy, you need to think about new acquisitions. First, wear loose dresses, for sure every woman in her wardrobe will find baggy things that will be as comfortable as possible.

At 6 months pregnant, you can already plan a trip to the store. The first thing to change is underwear and shoes. Choose a bra without wires so that the skin is not squeezed, also with multi-level hooks. Since the breasts increase during pregnancy, it will be comfortable and universal option. Give preference to cotton. The shoes of the expectant mother should be low-speed or with a very low stable heel or platform, made of soft materials, not squeezing blood vessels.

Knowing which week the belly begins to grow rapidly, you can pick up sweaters or T-shirts, blouses in time, depending on what season is outside. In the cold season, it is better to choose sweaters made of natural wool, cashmere, so that the fabric fits to the body and does not create discomfort. It is undesirable to choose sweaters with a neck, sometimes it can be inconvenient.

Important water procedures

Dresses should be chosen spacious. But if planned celebratory event, you can give preference to a one-color tight-fitting dress below or just above the knees. It is best to combine it with a large accessory (earrings, necklace).

Pants, jeans, overalls are best to choose in a special store for pregnant women, they are sewn with elastic band, which allows the stomach to fit freely.

The belly of a pregnant woman, when it begins to grow strongly, can interfere with wearing pantyhose. In this case, it is better to choose special models in which the waist area is especially elastic. They are also sold in any clothing store for expectant mothers, where underwear is also available. IN winter time years, it is imperative to warm up and not neglect tights so that the lower back is insulated and closed.

During the period of bearing a baby, the forms of the expectant mother are rounded and this is quite natural. When does the belly appear in pregnant women and how much strong influence does height, weight of a woman and some other anatomical features affect the size of the abdomen?

At what time does the belly appear in pregnant women and can it be considered a pathology too rounded shapes? Expectant mothers want to know about this in advance. It is important for someone that nothing is noticeable until a certain moment, while someone, on the contrary, wants to feel like a lady "in position" as soon as possible.

At what week does the belly appear in pregnant women, if the child is the first? Uniform standards in this case does not exist. It depends on many factors, among which are:

Anatomical features of a woman, her complexion;

The condition of the abdominal muscles;


Features of attachment of the placenta to the wall of the uterus.

Gynecologists assure that the uterus begins to go beyond abdominal cavity only at 12 weeks. Until this time, the stomach practically does not increase if the muscles on its front wall are strong enough. Women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, as a rule, have very neat tummies during the first and second trimesters of gestation.

If the abdominal muscles are weak or stretched during previous pregnancies, interesting position"becomes noticeable much earlier. That is why it is worth taking into account the fact whether the child is the first, or the woman has already managed to experience the joy of motherhood. With a multiple pregnancy, the belly also increases at a much faster pace than with a singleton, but in the early stages the difference is not so strongly noticeable, as in later ones.

Very big problems during pregnancy delivers a disease such as diastasis. In this case, the abdominal muscles diverge a little and already at a very early date a characteristic roundness appears in the waist area. It is necessary to solve the problem after childbirth and often doctors suggest surgical intervention. With diagnosed diastasis, they usually limit physical activity during pregnancy and recommend wearing a special wide belt.

As for the anatomical features of the body structure, this factor also matters. In miniature and thin women, the belly becomes noticeable much earlier compared to tall and puffy young ladies. In this case, the length of the body is important. Ladies with a long torso have every chance of hiding pregnancy until 16-20 weeks.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles so that the stomach does not protrude too much is only necessary before pregnancy. Waiting for a baby sports loads should be excluded. You can maintain your posture with a special bandage, but it should not be too tight.

Many women claim that their belly became noticeable already at 4-5 weeks of gestation. In fact, the uterus at this time is slightly enlarged and it cannot go beyond the abdominal wall. Visual magnification the abdomen occurs due to a general weight gain, the appearance of puffiness, hormonal changes. Some women already a week after the delay of menstruation notice that they have recovered by 3-5 kilograms. If the abdominal muscles are weak, against the background of fluid retention in the body, the waist area may be rounded.

Gynecologists say that the place of attachment of the placenta is also important. If the "children's place" is located on the anterior uterine wall, the stomach will become noticeable much earlier. When the placenta attaches to back wall and is located high, pregnancy can be hidden longer. It is with the location" children's place"and a special structure pelvic floor gynecologists associate a phenomenon in which others do not know about the "interesting position" of the expectant mother until the birth itself. It may seem incredible, but there have been such cases in medical practice. But all these women were overweight.

There are certain norms for the growth of the abdomen, depending on the gestational age. The doctor at each appointment measures the circumference of the waist and makes exchange card relevant entries. If the growth of the abdomen occurs at an accelerated pace, multiple pregnancy can be suspected. When the belly grows slowly and there is no increase in waist circumference in 1-2 weeks, the doctor may suspect various pathologies. But this sign is only indirect, and answers to all questions can only be obtained during the passage of ultrasound diagnostics.

The protruding belly with the help of clothes can be both emphasized and hidden. For example, tight knitted dresses emphasize the waistline and it becomes clear to others that the woman is expecting a baby, already at the 2nd month of pregnancy. Flowing loose-fitting clothes will help to hide the tummy, and especially blouses gathered on a belt located just above the hip line.

At long gestation periods, it is worth considering other factors that can affect the size of the waist circumference. These include the amount of amniotic fluid.

The same woman can have completely different pregnancies. In medical practice, there are cases when the belly grows much more slowly with the second or third child than with the first. This is due to the successful attachment of the placenta in the uterus.

The abdomen becomes noticeable, as a rule, only at 12-16 weeks of pregnancy. But if the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are poorly developed, and the woman is fragile and short, roundness in the waist area appears much faster and already at the 2nd month of gestation, the “interesting position” is visible to others.

Probably such actual question: how long is the belly visible during pregnancy worries almost all expectant mothers. Someone wants to know when to think about buying clothes, and for someone it is important to be sure that others do not know about pregnancy, for example, at work. At what time will the mother's tummy be visible

After all, not everyone wants to inform colleagues. In addition, the mother herself needs to prepare psychologically for her external changes. One way or another, the question is really relevant for all expectant mothers. Earlier, our grandmothers said that the tummy becomes noticeable somewhere in the fifth month.

But this statement is not entirely correct, because the body of every woman is special. Today we will try to find out at what time it becomes clear that a woman is expecting a baby?

It is known that a pregnant girl comes to register somewhere from the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy. It is from this moment that doctors begin to monitor how the fetus develops. The attending physician is a gynecologist through certain time measures the belly of a pregnant woman. Of course, over time, this figure will change and increase.

What do experienced doctors say?

But many of you who read this article are naturally more interested in when the belly will be visible during pregnancy? Most doctors talk about a period of 16 weeks, that is, 4 months. But this figure should not be taken as very accurate.

After all, the size of the tummy can change under the influence various reasons, for example: how the amniotic fluid was distributed, on how the fetus is located in the uterus, on how satisfying and dense the meal was, how much fat is on the stomach.

Also, are there any digestive problems? this moment: bloating or others unpleasant symptoms, which also increase volumes.

You can see the tummy - be proud of it

It is worth emphasizing that if the stomach has grown too quickly, this is a reason for alertness and seeking medical attention. After all, such a symptom may indicate the danger of uterine tone. Also exactly fast growth abdomen causes stretch marks.

To avoid serious cosmetic problems, doctors recommend wearing a special prenatal bandage, which will save you from such trouble as stretch marks. In addition, it will reduce the load on the spine of a pregnant woman.

Why do pregnant women need regular measurement of the abdomen?

As we have already found out, too rapid growth of the abdomen may indicate the tone of the uterus, so the expectant mother needs to be careful. In addition, the gynecologist does not just write down the achieved indicators. After all, there are certain rules for each period.

Why do pregnant women need regular measurement of the abdomen?

And the doctor compares the results with those medical standards that are. This is what allows you to establish whether the period of pregnancy is normal. After all, the size of the tummy of the future mother can “tell” a lot to an experienced doctor who can diagnose and notice the problem in time.

Deviation from the norm may mean:

  • low-water or high-water pregnancy;
  • danger ectopic development fetus;
  • deviations in the development of the child;
  • the presence of infectious diseases in a pregnant woman;
  • preeclampsia or the onset of placental insufficiency;
  • multiple pregnancy.

So, it is very important to monitor the volume of the tummy of a pregnant woman. If the doctor sees any inconsistencies with the nomes, he should send the woman for an examination, it will just help to establish if there are any deviations or pathologies in the development of the baby.

If you want to know a more precise answer: at what month of pregnancy will the belly be visible? Then, in order to calculate the term, it is necessary to carefully study and take into account all the factors or reasons for the increase in the woman's belly.

  1. It is important to consider what kind of pregnancy? If we are talking about the first, then the tummy will be visible a little later. All due to the fact that the muscles are not stretched, so they seem to "resist" this process. During the second pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are more "prepared" for bearing a child, so a noticeable roundness will burn out noticeably earlier. There is no need to panic, because the rapid growth of the abdomen during the second pregnancy does not at all confirm the fact that there is a threat of uterine tone.
  1. Anatomical features of a pregnant woman. If a woman has narrow pelvis, then the tummy will appear faster, because the baby will have little space, which means that he will grow forward. If pelvic bones wide - the uterus initially grows to the sides, and then forward.

Why can the belly of a pregnant woman increase?
  1. How is the baby located and how much does mom have amniotic fluid? If the fetus is closer to the back of the uterus, then the tummy will be noticeable later in pregnancy. The amount of amniotic fluid also affects, if there are a lot of them, then the stomach will increase in size sooner.
  1. What is the heredity of a pregnant woman? It may seem rather strange, but heredity also plays a role. important role. Therefore, if you want, when your stomach becomes visible during pregnancy, ask your mother, relatives. The likelihood that the term will be the same is very high.
  2. The diet of the expectant mother and how much the woman recovered? During pregnancy, it is sometimes very difficult to control your appetite. Therefore, many girls gain a couple of extra kilos. This naturally also increases the size of their belly.
  3. What is the size of the child. If your baby is developing very quickly and actively, then the tummy will be noticeable earlier. Although the size of the abdomen is last dates It doesn't mean that the baby will be big.

In order not to worry once again about when the tummy will appear and whether the child is developing normally, we recommend that you visit your doctor regularly and take into account all the above factors. Remember that extra nerves will not do you any good. Therefore, we do not worry and adhere to all the prescriptions of our gynecologist. And remember that you must eat right and try not to eat a lot of junk food. After all overweight Mom's is also not very good for your baby.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for any woman who wants to become a mother. As soon as the pregnancy becomes known, the expectant mother, after a couple of weeks, looks in the mirror with the expectation of an increase in the tummy. But when is the time for the appearance of a visual indicator of pregnancy? It is very difficult to answer this question with a specific date, since growth begins for everyone in different time and at your own pace.

The main thing in the article

At what stage of pregnancy does the belly start to grow?

A sufficient increase in the pregnancy rate (tummy) to be noticeable, on average, occurs at 16 weeks from the conception of a child. But its size is influenced by many factors that are individual for each pregnant woman.

What affects the growth and size of the abdomen in a pregnant woman: important factors

  • Body type . If the girl is thin, then she will notice a small tummy a little earlier than the same pregnant woman, but with magnificent forms.
  • Firstborn or already experienced mom . For example, in first-borns, pregnancy is noticed earlier, since the tummy grows faster (pronounced), but in women who have already had the experience of bearing a child, visibility shifts by at least a couple of weeks. This is due to readiness and the experience transferred earlier by the body.
  • How many babies are in the stomach . Pregnancy with twins, or even more so with triplets, manifests itself in the form of a round belly earlier, since babies need twice or even three times more space than one.
  • Genetics . In small girls, pregnancy can become noticeable very early, and the growth of the indicator itself can be quite fast. This often happens when the child is large (as they say, “went” to dad or grandfather).
  • Water volume . With "polyhydramnios" the stomach increases faster, which means it is noticeable earlier. With "oligohydramnios", the size of the abdomen is determined by almost one volume of the fetus, and therefore it increases "to the beat" of the growth of the baby.
  • How much does a pregnant woman eat. Many women suffer from terrible toxicosis with the onset of pregnancy: they practically do not want to eat, therefore they do not quickly gain weight, which means that a pronounced tummy will appear earlier. While others do not deny themselves anything, therefore they quickly recover, and against the general background of the stomach, it may not be visible even in due time.

It is a mistake to think that you need to eat more. Regardless of the amount eaten by the mother, the child will take from the body exactly as much as he needs for normal growth and development. And everything that is eaten “on top” of what is supposed to be is deposited in the mother’s sides, which are very difficult to get rid of in the future.

The size of the fetus at different stages of pregnancy

Everyone understands that as the child grows, the stomach also increases. future mother, but this is not always proportional. For example, one woman may have the same size belly at 6 months of pregnancy as another - literally before childbirth. And the weight of the children may vary slightly. This is mainly due to the location of the child: one occupies all the space in the mother's abdominal cavity, the second frees him up due to more stretched skin belly.

When does the belly start to grow during the first pregnancy?

In primogeniture, an increase in the tummy can be seen already in the third month of pregnancy. After 4 months, it is already clearly visible in almost everyone. Such early appearance the tummy is explained by the unaccustomedness of the abdominal muscles to the growth of its cavity. They prevent growth as much as possible, elastically fitting the walls of the amniotic egg.

What week does the belly appear during the second pregnancy?

In subsequent pregnancies, the belly begins to appear after 4 months. The abdominal muscles have already been in a stretched position before, so they are more elastic and ready to be re-stretched. In addition, many women after childbirth have a small tummy, behind which it is very difficult to consider pregnancy until the 5th month.

Features of the growth of the tummy in pregnant boys and girls

Previously, when there was no ultrasound, the sex of the child was determined by the shape of the abdomen. Of course, this method was not 100% accurate, but in most cases the gender of the unborn child was guessed correctly.

How does the roundness of pregnancy depend on the sex of the baby inside?


In women who are expecting a boy, the belly usually becomes noticeable earlier than in expectant mothers who have to weave pigtails. This is due to the direction of growth of the baby. The tummy with the boy usually grows forward. It was observed that up to 6.5 months, standing behind, it is impossible to see that a woman is pregnant (there are all the outlines of the waist).


A pregnant girl quickly rounds, but the belly becomes clearly visible later than in women carrying a boy. What does it mean? The tummy with the girl first of all grows in the sides, the woman becomes slightly shapeless in the abdomen (the waist quickly disappears). The growth of the abdomen forward occurs after the maximum space is occupied on the sides.

This information is not supported by medical research. The people insist on its authenticity, which from generation to generation have observed many pregnancies with their growth of the tummy.

When does the belly start growing in a multiple pregnancy?

With a multiple pregnancy, the growth of the uterus accelerates by 2 times, that is, the increase occurs earlier by about 3-4 weeks than with a singleton. The belly, accordingly, also increases more rapidly - at the 12th week its growth is noticeable without clothes, and at the 15th it can no longer be hidden even under a down jacket.

Pregnancy by week: how the belly grows

Appears belly on average from 11 to 16 weeks of gestation. Then it gradually increases, this can be determined using a centimeter and a photo. A sharp increase in the abdomen is observed mainly on recent months pregnancy, when the fetus begins to gain weight faster and prepare for childbirth. A week before delivery, the abdomen drops as the baby enters the pelvis.

Photos of "pregnant tummies" at different times

On the picture different women during pregnancy, it is clearly seen that the size of the abdomen at the same time is completely different, and the beginning of its growth as well.

Doctors about the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

Gynecologists consider the growth of the abdomen to be normal, starting from 4 months, with an increase of 2-3 cm in volume per month. The appearance of the tummy is considered normal, starting from 12 to 16 weeks.

Report certain exact dates not even the most experienced gynecologist can. Women are all individual, different in body structure, each with its own gene pool, strong and weak points- all this together affects pregnancy and its manifestations in general.

Video: when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy

The growth of the abdomen during the bearing of a child is directly related to its development.