Male householders in women's clothing in a project by photographer Jon Uriarte. Men in women's clothing: a new trend on the verge of a foul

Today, gender roles are very blurred. More and more men stay "on the farm" or go on parental leave, and women with great pleasure build a career and earn more than their spouses. Photographer Jon Uriarte decided to explore this factor, and at the same time create a collection where men would be depicted against the backdrop of a home environment in the clothes of their girlfriends. The idea turned out to be so successful that after a few weeks, young people began to call the photographer with an offer to take part in a unique photo experiment.

The collection itself is regarded in two ways. On the one hand, men in women's clothing look ridiculous, which once again underlines the unnatural distribution of roles in some families. On the other hand, a huge number of pictures makes you think about a radical restructuring in society. After all, if so many young people are ready to give up their careers for the sake of housekeeping, then the world really has changed.

Someone, in response to this trend, assures that the government should carry out special work on the restructuring of the psyche of men so that they return to their old roles. And others assure that you need to get used to such a phenomenon and take male housewives for granted, and not as a misunderstanding. The only ones who perceive the blurring of gender roles in society with a bang are. Indeed, in this scenario, they see their fathers much more often than the children of previous generations.

Peace and only peace. Especially if you are too thin mentally organized in relation to "non-traditional" fashionable and not only values! I want to tell you about a new trend, which every self-respecting fashionist must know about. To follow it or not is another question, but he who is warned is armed.

Remember the other day I was talking about? This is just one of the facets of a global process that moves in modern fashion at the speed of an avalanche.

The erasing of gender boundaries is manifested as in the popularity of "boyfriend style", when girls wear jeans, sweatshirts, shirts or men's shoes. So it is in the opposite fashion phenomenon, which is not yet very common in Russia: when young people borrow things from the women's wardrobe - leggings, skirts, dresses and even high-heeled shoes.

By the way, can this trend be called new? Quite relative, because fashion tends to repeat itself. Let me remind those who have forgotten or did not know - historically, skirts and high-heeled shoes were exclusively male attributes. It is enough to look, for example, at the French Renaissance costumes or at the national Scottish costume, the obligatory element of which is the kilt:

Well, why are modern men worse? Apparently, for a couple of centuries, they (with the exception of the Scots, who continue to wear a kilt) pretty much missed things that have become feminine. And this phenomenon has nothing to do with transvestism. Because women's things are worn today not only by transvestites and other non-traditionally minded citizens, but also by quite “correctly” oriented men who are simply progressive fashionists.

But in fairness, I note that the pioneers of this fashion movement were, of course, “non-traditional” fashionistas. A few years ago, their first attempts to dress in women looked like an incredibly daring outrageous. But people who move in fashionable or bohemian circles are forgiven a lot. They were simply perceived as aliens.

One of the most prominent representatives of the movement - American fashion figure Alexander Jenkins, known to everyone as Miss J, is a mentor and judge on the reality show America's Next Top Model. Not every model can boast of such a figure and gait, like that of Jay, so this person is incredibly harmonious in female images.

Moreover, all his women's clothes are not stage costumes or just a tribute to the chosen image of a fashion freak. Alexander really dresses like this not only as part of the show, but also in everyday life:

American designer Marc Jacobs He also loves to wear women's clothes. In his wardrobe there are many designer items from women's collections. Not only does he wear Scottish kilts, but he can't resist ladies' pencil skirts, dresses and tunics:

And even in our country, which is not the most tolerant towards such people, there are lovers of dressing in the “girl friend style”. Meet the unusually colorful character of fashionable Moscow - stylist Maxim Poniatovsky.

This 20-year-old fashion hooligan masterfully mixes pieces from the ladies' and men's wardrobe, and in dresses looks no worse than some of the more experienced socialites. Yes, and the ability to wear extravagant accessories such as kokoshniks and breathtaking hats can only be learned from him. It is no coincidence that among his clients are many show business stars.

But I promised you to prove that women's clothing is loved not only by outrageous fashionistas, but also by the most ordinary "earthly" men, quite "traditional". The best example of this is fashion blogger Michael Spookshaw.

Here is Michael with his wife and daughter - so that you have no doubt what conservative family values ​​​​he adheres to:

As you can see, he is wearing a skirt. And in general, his entire wardrobe consists exclusively of ladies' clothes - simply because they seem to him more attractive and comfortable. This man even wears lingerie - also, as he says, solely for reasons of comfort. As a man of rather impressive dimensions, he even has something like a female breast, so this man is not shy about admitting that he wears a bra - so that open dresses and sundresses fit better. On my blog Spookshaw wants to show that gender stereotypes do not exist, the main thing is to have the courage to be yourself and not be afraid to create your own style, even one that is different from the generally accepted one:

Well, how do you like this cutie? I know, I know, some readers reproach me for my tender love for stylish freaks. And they say that in ordinary life, their favorite fashion tricks are of little use. I agree with the last argument - after all, an office clerk is unlikely to be able to come to work in a woman's dress. But feminized in the new season, men's fashion offers many alternatives to dresses and skirts. Look at these not-so-brutal images of fashionable men by designer Alessandro Michele at the Gucci fashion show. Models are dressed in the most delicate silk blouses with bows and frills, colorful suits, and even lace turtlenecks:

Whether we like it or not, men's fashion is becoming feminized, becoming softer, more feminine and sexy. Do you like it? Are you ready to share your wardrobe with your man?


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Comments: 29


    Marina, I like that you write on such topics "on the verge". Very interesting, thanks! Although unfortunately there will certainly be a lot of negativity - get ready.

    20.05.2015 / 08:39

    It's just a bomb, a firework of emotions from horror to tenderness. Of all this selection, Miss J is more pleasant, but only because I already managed to watch him at the TMPA show. The rest are just ... I would not want to meet them live, and even more so I will never share my skirt with a man, I want more brutality, where is she

    20.05.2015 / 11:06


    Michael Spookshaw has cute bows that are quite suitable for full girls, although, it seems to me, he is cunning about the convenience of women's clothing, otherwise why so many girls and women prefer jeans with sneakers

    20.05.2015 / 11:59


    I really like to wear something from the so-called feminine. For example panties with lace, tights and leggings, tunics and skirts. At home, I always wear a tunic and leggings. Much has already been written about this, but I will repeat here - most of the items of clothing by women are taken from men.

    08.01.2016 / 11:41


    The psyche and sexuality of a man is very unstable. First, tights, panties, then a nightgown, it’s more convenient. Then depil, cream, a little bit of cosmetics, manicure, pedicure (he wears tights, you need to keep your heels in order). Let's try to put a dress on him, a skirt, let him wear it at home. And just like that, they lost a man. And then vote, how does he want to be a woman? So you yourself brought it to this, showed him how interesting women's life is. That is what happened to me. The wife played out. It started with women's panties, then tights, stockings. naturally full depil (hairy legs in pantyhose are just awful), pedicure, manicure (at first without varnish). then nightgowns, at home in a dressing gown, house slippers with heels. Further, my wardrobe was supplemented with bras, then dresses, skirts, etc. They sometimes began to walk like two girls, it greatly excited her. In sex, I almost ceased to be a man and performed only a female role. my breasts and buttocks began to grow (later I found out that she mixed hormones with me). and in the end, a year ago, she found herself a real macho and left me saying that she was no longer interested in a woman. Now I'm like an abandoned toy. With a female breast of the second size, a feminine figure, a non-working member (I got complete impotence from hormones). Nice summary!

    23.10.2016 / 19:57


    I am a 55l male transvestite for a very long time I have been wearing all women's coats and this is mine, I will never order anything masculine, I was only born to be a woman and wear everything only women's and let them say what they want about this, it doesn't matter to me I'm comfortable in sex I love everything I'm looking for women of this couples of any age up to 75 years of any sex orientation (I suck, lick, fuck and let fuck, I play a male and female role, but in any case, I should only be in everything female) and much more, this is all along the way I live Voronezh tel (89518673680) I really look forward to not be shy Olga

    22.02.2017 / 14:00


    Of course, the topic of wearing women's clothing by men is very extensive. Everyone has their own reasons. But mostly it's a sexual fetish. And probably the most common fetish is women's tights. Making women's legs so attractive and sexy. Yes, I myself belong to this category. I will only add that dressing and wearing women's nylon tights is very exciting!

    08.03.2017 / 23:18


    And I've had a craving for women's clothing since childhood. I love women, family, children, business. And I wear women's clothes when I'm alone. Good for relieving stress. In general, this is a strange feeling, a feeling of a woman's soul ... it helps me build relationships with women, as in the famous film "What Women Want". Interestingly, in the middle of the last century, women won the right to wear trousers. In this century, men are winning the right to skirts😉

    It should be noted cases when the wearing of women's clothing by a representative of the stronger sex is not an out of the ordinary fact. These include those options when a wardrobe item intended for can rather be attributed to the "unisex" style. Loose jeans and oversized t-shirts may not look 100% feminine.

    Seeing a young man in such clothes, others may not even guess that he bought them in the women's clothing department.

    It happens that on guys with a non-standard figure, clothes with a female pattern fit better. So they prefer to try on wardrobe itemsif they look almost like men's. An overestimated waistline, somewhat wide hips for a man, narrow shoulders - all these features of the physique can push a young man to shop in the department next to the men's.

    There are men who choose women's clothes because they are more form-fitting. This is, of course, not about dresses and skirts, but about T-shirts, suits and shirts. Some metrosexuals find the clothes too brutal. Therefore, they are looking for versatile clothing that emphasizes the figure more in the women's department.

    It is also considered normal if a man wears compression underwear - stockings, stockings and tights from therapeutic knitwear. Some diseases, such as varicose veins, require special care and professional underwear, which is traditionally considered feminine.

    Women's scarves, hats and glasses can look defiant on a young man. However, if the rest of his wardrobe is all masculine, wearing feminine accessories is allowed. Such additions are resorted to by creative personalities of the stronger sex, as well as the already mentioned metrosexuals.

    It happens that guys buy some items of women's jewelry, for example, bright watches with a silicone strap or bracelets in ethnic style.


    There are men who dress in frankly feminine outfits: dresses, skirts, blouses and shoes on. In addition to such wardrobe items, they can get manicures and makeup and wear a women's wig. Such behavior in society can be considered abnormal. Sometimes transvestites are called perverts and even recorded as mentally unhealthy individuals.

    Some young people get turned on by wearing women's underwear: panties, a bra, and stockings or pantyhose. In this form, they can walk at home, and sometimes they leave women's underwear under men's clothes and go out into the street. It cannot be unequivocally called a perversion, although some members of society will say so.

    A women's shirt is one of the most versatile wardrobe items. Such a thing will become the basis for dozens of stylistic combinations. A women's shirt will never go out of fashion, so you can safely choose a high-quality, expensive item that will last you for many years.

    You will need

    • - accessories.


    Buy a classic shirt from thin, but rather dense fabric. For a basic wardrobe, it is advisable to purchase a shirt in a pastel shade (milky, white, dusty rose, pale blue), which most suits your skin color. Her sleeves should reach the base of the wrist, and the bottom should cover the waistband of her trousers. The shirt should not be too tight: there should be 2-3 cm of space between the fabric and the body.

    For the office version, a tucked-in shirt is better. Pair it with discreet yet elegant accessories. You can emphasize the waistline with a narrow belt. If you unbutton the top buttons of your shirt, then it is better to tie a thin scarf around your neck. A thread falling below the chest is appropriate even in a business style. Not bad refresh the image and the original brooch. Try to use only one accessory or decoration.

    A women's shirt is excellent with almost any item of clothing: skirts, skirts, sundresses, vests, jackets. However, when combining, pay attention to the color scheme and texture of fabrics. If the shirt is made of printed fabric, then it is better to choose a plain thing for it. A bright thing with prints, embroidery, intricate drapery or fancy trim does not require accessories. However, wearing a one-color skirt with her or create the necessary balance.

    To go to a cafe or to

    You will need

    • To achieve similarity with a woman, a man will help:
    • - underwear;
    • - cloth;
    • - shoes;
    • - wig;
    • - cosmetics;
    • - bijouterie


    Nowadays, a man's purchase of tights and stockings, as well as women's underwear, no longer surprises anyone. The maximum that your purchase can cause is a friendly smile of the seller. Choose what you like and buy with confidence, just prepare yourself for answers to typical questions, for example, what size is your girl. Of course, if you are embarrassed to say that you personally need stockings and a bra.

    If you don't want your dress-up experiments to go public, order your dress-up supplies (wig, dress, shoes or boots) from online retailers or online auction sites like e-bay. There is a risk that the product will arrive in the wrong size, but it can be replaced. Another drawback is the delivery time, which sometimes lasts up to one and a half months.

    When ordering a dress and shoes in an online store, specify which size scale the seller focuses on. Compare Russian sizes with the sizes accepted in European countries. As for China, where most often clothes and shoes come from, they sew things in accordance with European standards.

    When all the packages have been received and you are satisfied with your new outfits, take care of your makeup. You will need: foundation, thick foundation, powder, foundation sponges, correctors, blush, shadows, mascara, eyeliners, eyebrows, lips, lipstick and mascara. Try not to save if you want to achieve a stunning result. Travesty artists use special make-up. You won't need it at home. And you can, without being ashamed, buy cosmetics in specialized stores. When purchasing a product, look at the expiration date.

    Allocate a few hours to the ritual of reincarnation, turn off the phone, tune in to a meeting with the beautiful.

    First of all, shave as cleanly as possible. Let irritated skin rest. Start with the design of the eyes, apply shadows, make eyeliner. Makeup base must be applied before eye shadow is applied. Many makeup artists advise using foundation as a base for shadows, which will make them brighter and more saturated.

    The next step is dressing up. Changing clothes precedes applying foundation to the face, since there is a possibility of smearing them with a new dress.

    Finish the eyes, paint the eyelashes with mascara. If a little smeared, carefully remove the mascara from the face with a cream. Shape your eyebrows, if they are not thick, with an eyebrow pencil. Thick eyebrows are best pre-glued with a special plaster or painted over with a tonal pencil, and then re-topped.

    Start applying foundation. Let her soak.

    The foundation is spread over the face and driven into the skin. Your task is to close the pores with a cream, to even out the face. Of course, the face will resemble a mask, but the alternative to the translucent blue from the bristles is much worse.

    Lips. Apply a little foundation on them to paint over the contour, and then circle with a lip pencil, increasing or vice versa decreasing. Powder and apply blush.

    What do men hate about women's clothing?

    When buying clothes, how often do you consult with men? Do you know what clothes men find seductive and what, on the contrary, they hate? Today we will find out what men think about women's fashion and how they really want to see us...

    The British, as the main lovers of ratings and sociological research, conducted their own survey of the stronger sex and found out which women's clothing especially annoys men. As it turned out, there are indeed a lot of things on the list that should be avoided.

    Men don't like shapeless wide leg pants because, in their opinion, they disfigure the proportions of the female body, but at the same time they don't like leggings, because they are too tight and show more than necessary.

    Also, the stronger sex does not like overalls, because the girls in them look like workers, fringe on clothes and men's suits on girls.

    The most disgusting shoes, according to men, are ugg boots because of their shapelessness and gladiator sandals with many straps, because after wearing the straps leave marks on the skin. The list of unwanted accessories includes headbands, headbands and massive butterfly sunglasses, without which we cannot live any summer.

    Do you think this list is fair, or are British men just picking on women's clothing? What items in your wardrobe are you willing to give up to please a man? Leave your opinion in the comments and read on what our men think.

    Men about women's clothing: anti-trends

    And now let's give the floor to our men: what kind of women's clothing irritates them? We read carefully and make a list of male anti-trends.

    Sergey, 31 years old:“I don’t like it when girls with a good figure wear loose-fitting clothes that hide everything behind incomprehensible pieces of fabric. Number one on my list is probably horrible dresses that make girls look like they're pregnant. Why they wear such dresses on dates, I don’t understand, to be honest.”

    Grigory, 24 years old:“I don’t like it when girls wear rubber shoes. I think that shoes should always be of high quality and stylish, while they can be expensive and not very expensive, but rubber shoes always look strange, whether it be boots, ballet flats or some kind of sandals.

    Dmitry, 25 years old:“It seems to me that not all girls are military style. I remember how my friend once put on a military cap with a white T-shirt and became very similar to Fidel Castro. It made me laugh a lot, and she even got offended a little.

    Alexey, 29 years old:“It annoys me when girls wear t-shirts with idiotic slogans. It seems to me that these t-shirts should be worn by younger schoolgirls, not adult girls. And these provocative inscriptions like “I am sexy”, “Look here” or “I am a princess” irritate me terribly. It’s better to leave them for statuses on social networks. I don't think there's anything better than a plain white T-shirt."

    Sergey, 22 years old:“I don’t like it when my girlfriend wears these stupid little handbags without handles and straps (clutches - Approx. ed.), Because she constantly strives to leave them somewhere - on a table in a cafe, in a club, on an armchair. And this bag looks, to be honest, like a folded leather bag in your hands.

    Andrey, 34 years old:“I don't like it when girls wear over-the-knee boots with a short skirt. It seems to me that this style looks vulgar, I associate it with the Combination group and cherry nines from the 90s.

    Igor, 26 years old:“I don’t understand why girls like oxfords so much. I don't think these boots fit either men or women. I still don’t like it when girls wear transparent clothes and platform shoes and stilettos, like strippers.”

    Pavel, 28 years old:“I don’t like girls who dress in office style. I also don't like it when girls wear chunky knit sweaters, baggy jeans, and stupid patterned tights."

    What do British men like about women's clothing?

    From criticism, let's move on to pleasant moments and find out what women's clothing men find sexy and how to dress to please them.

    Of course, all men are different, and their tastes are also different, but still common features can be found. Let's return to the same British studies. They showed that men's opinions about women's clothing can sometimes be diametrically opposed: some consider short skirts and high heels to be beautiful, while others, on the contrary, call them defiant and vote for dresses of medium length and low heels.

    One thing is true: men like clothes that emphasize the beauty of the female body. The strong half of humanity cannot resist tight-fitting sheath dresses and tight jeans. Men consider it sexy when a girl exposes only a small part of the body - for example, shoulders, shoulder blades or décolleté. British men like backless dresses, V-neck jumpers and blouses with a few top buttons open. By the way, many men focus on the waist - they like it when clothes emphasize the waist. Surprisingly, few of the men surveyed listed a miniskirt as one of their preferences.

    What do Russian men like about women's clothing?

    And here is what our men like in women's clothing:

    Andrey, 34 years old:“I like it when clothes are designed in the same color scheme and in the same style. It is better if at the same time the clothes are not bright, but noble muted shades - gray, beige, emerald. At the same time, I love girls in alcoholic T-shirts and girls in coats with French-style hats.”

    Kirill, 37 years old:“I like girls dressed, first of all, with fantasy. It scares me a little when a girl wears only things from the latest collections or from expensive stores, this instills uncertainty, but the combination of expensive things and the mass market really always looks interesting and makes you want to get to know each other. Still, of course, shoes are very important, I pay attention to them first of all.

    Anton, 27 years old:“I like the same things that all men like: evening dresses, high heels and a minimum of cosmetics. In sneakers and jeans, girls can always go to the grocery store, but still dresses suit them the most.”

    Artem, 34 years old:"I like it when a girl is dressed like she has paid the least amount of attention to her appearance."

    What useful advice have you learned from men? Is it worth changing your style and wardrobe at all to please the stronger sex? We are very interested in your opinion! Have your say in the comments!