How to wear a snood scarf is a universal option for all occasions. How to wear a scarf

Snood - a popular scarf has firmly and permanently become fashionable among young girls, women and even men. How and with what it is fashionable to wear this element of clothing, photos of stylish images in the article below.

Unusual fashionable scarf

Scarf snood is a closed canvas. Its ends are sewn together or it is initially knitted in a circle. During production, the canvas can be twisted and sewn in such a way that a greater decorative effect is obtained.

Snood has several important advantages as an additional fashionable element of clothing:

  • combined with a variety of clothes, warm, autumn / spring, light;
  • decorates and complements the image;
  • warms;
  • protects the neck and head from wind and precipitation;
  • Suitable for both women and men of all ages and builds.

What can be snood

Endless scarf can be:

  • dense or openwork;
  • long or short;
  • narrow or wide;
  • monophonic or multi-colored;
  • modest or extravagant.

According to the material of the snood there are:

Some choose double-sided snoods, for example, knitted on one side and fur on the other, or plain on one side and printed on the other. Snood, decorated with decorative elements: fringe, sequins or buttons, beads, is more difficult to fit into the image, but if you can successfully combine it with clothes, the image will turn out to be more colorful.

When choosing a snood, it is important to consider that a thinner scarf must be wider or longer, otherwise it will look too flat.

Snood, so that it fits many things, is selected like this. First, they audit the wardrobe, highlight the things with which the snood is supposed to be worn and think about what a universal accessory should be.

It is better to think about buying two or three snoods if things are diverse. Going to the store, it's a good idea to arm yourself with photos of your things in order to immediately figure out the combination in color and style.

How to choose a color

It is best to choose the color of the snood according to the color type so that it sets off the complexion, giving it a fresh and healthy look. Therefore, when trying on this moment, be sure to pay attention.

It is important to know:

Snood can be made in any of the possible colors, and the number of prints is completely uncountable. When combined with the rest of the clothes, the rule is taken into account: bright clothes - snood of calm shades, rather, plain than printed (depending on the bow), clothes of pastel or monochrome colors - bright snood.


  • colors that are exactly opposite each other of the same color saturation;
  • three colors side by side;
  • two close colors and one opposite;
  • three colors in a triangle, that is, located at an equal distance from each other;
  • colors located at the corners of a square inscribed in a circle.

How to wear long and short snood

Classic way

Narrow and long snood is suitable for creating various combinations with the formation of loops and knots. A short and wide snood is thrown around the neck, and it looks like a collar collar.

If the snood is both wide and long at the same time, then this opens up wide opportunities for creativity; with a short snood, such a large number of combinations will not work.

free way

If the snood is too long, then it can be put on by throwing it around the neck without forming several layers. Not only a very short snood will look good, but also moderately long - to the waist and even lower. The main thing is to choose a snood according to the style of the image. This option is suitable for tall long-legged girls. It is better if it is a bulky knit. The material should be straightened.

Snood, laid in two or three loops

This is the most popular option. Layers can be at the same level or at different levels. Moreover, you can fold the upper layers into one, and stretch the lower loop, adding volume, or lay out each loop on the chest in tiers. The more loops, the tighter the snood will fit to the neck, which is especially important on frosty days.

Looking at this photo, you can see one of the options for how to wear a snood.

Whipped layers add an elegant casual touch to your look.

Hooded scarf

With the help of a tube scarf, if necessary or when creating an appropriate image, you can warm your head. Even a short, but wide enough scarf is suitable for this. In this case, it is put on the head from behind by the upper edge and the folds are straightened.

How to wear a snood (photos will help you figure out the correctness of the actions) is short, it has been found out. If the snood is long and wide at the same time, then you can throw it over your head in the same way and form beautiful folds around your neck.

Step by step it will look like this:

The snood used as a hood should not be too voluminous, otherwise the head will appear disproportionately large.

Headband or turban

Not everyone knows that snood can be worn exclusively on the head, in the form of a headband. For this purpose, a light knitted snood is suitable, not very long, it can be twisted.

in the form of a loop

A scarf tied with a loop looks beautiful.

It is worn like this:

  1. Fold the scarf-pipe so that it looks like a regular scarf, only doubled.
  2. They throw it on the shoulders in this form, while the middle part is located on the back of the head.
  3. They put one loop into another and tighten the scarf around the neck.
  4. If desired, you can wrap the free end by inserting it from above into the hole between the neck and the scarf.


Both knitted and knitted snood can be pulled over the shoulders. In this case, it performs two functions: an accessory that complements the image with its print and color, and a boa that will warm you if it's cold. In this way, you can put on both a long and a short snood. The main thing is that it is long enough to be stretched across the width of the shoulders.

A long snood can be folded two or more times, lowered from one shoulder, or formed like a “collar” on the chest. Moreover, it is not necessary to lower all the layers on the shoulders. You can do this: put on a scarf, for example in two layers, on your shoulders and pull one layer over the bottom edge on one shoulder, and the other layer on the other shoulder.

This will form a loop around the neck. In fact, the scarf will look like a figure eight - the smaller loop will wrap around the neck, the larger one will wrap around the shoulders, and the cross will cover the chest area. A brooch pinned to the chest will look beautiful, you can also fix several folds with it, collecting them for texture.


To put on a snood like a vest, you need to fold the loop over the belt so that the free edge is in front. It is crossed with a figure eight and put on a noose around the neck. Then the loops should be straightened, a torsion is formed on the back in the upper part, which must be carefully laid out. If desired, this image is supplemented with a strap.

How the vest will look like and snood of medium length, but very wide, if you put it on the neck and shoulders, and dissolve the lower edge along the back, in front of this a loop will form approximately at the level of the belt (depending on the length of the snood). If you don’t like the option, then you can always remove the snood and try a new method.

Snood with a jacket

Not too bulky options are suitable for the jacket: knitted or knitted. The methods of tying are similar to those described above: on the head or on the neck in several turns. The jacket can be any: sports, quilted, leather. The more voluminous the jacket, the more voluminous the snood should be. If the style is sporty, then you can safely choose a snood with a pattern.

Snood with a coat

How to wear a snood, the photo will tell you some good options with a coat, it’s not difficult to decide.

It is important to select an accessory by volume and length, depending on the desired way of wearing:

  1. A short one can be worn over the collar and put on a coat over it.
  2. A long voluminous accessory can be worn with any collar option.
  3. A narrow or thin scarf should be wound under the hood, and if the coat does not have a hood, then a wide snood will replace it.

From the materials you should choose knitwear or knitting, you can get fur snood.

However, a fur scarf is only suitable if the coat does not have fur trim. Different textures will look inharmonious. In general, with a combination of a snood and a coat, the image will turn out to be feminine and laid-back.

With down jacket

The down jacket is designed for cold weather, therefore, the snood chosen for it by a companion must be warm, for example, from pure wool or with the inclusion of wool.

With a fur coat

You can pick up a snood made of wool, cashmere for a fur coat. Snoods with a knitted texture are well suited. But a fur scarf with a fur coat, on the contrary, should not be combined. The color of the accessory will depend on the color of the fur coat: if it is a natural shade, then calm colors are perfect, for example, beige, brown, olive, milky.

Since it is difficult to find a hat that would ideally fit a fur product, it will be replaced by a snood, worn in the form of a hood.

With a sheepskin coat

Sheepskin coats often have a muted color, such as beige, brown, golden. For clothes of this type and colors, snood of a bright shade is perfect. If the sheepskin coat is bright in color, you should take into account the compatibility of colors or choose a snood of the same shade, but a few tones lighter or darker.

With light things

How to wear a snood, a photo will help you figure out the case with outerwear. But such a scarf will be in perfect harmony with a turtleneck. In this case, it plays the role of a warming accessory or performs a decorative function. It is recommended to wear a knitted snood in the form of a vest; it will also decorate the neck. A thin knitted scarf will complement the ensemble with its color and prints.

Which snood to choose for a dress depends on whether it is warm or light. It is recommended to choose a knitted snood of a suitable shade for a warm dress. An openwork option is suitable for a light one. A shirt, a T-shirt, a T-shirt are also combined with a snood. But the accessory in this case should be light, even airy and serve as a decorative element.

What accessories to combine snood with

How to wear snood (photo can be seen below) with other accessories, experienced fashionistas suggest. Snood goes well with brooches. It can be placed in the center of the accessory or on the side, you can fasten several layers together so that they do not fall apart. There are models with a kind of strap and a button, which allows you to fix several loops.

Such an element looks especially good in combination with a knitted snood. Will look good earrings. In color and style, they should be combined with snood. It is important to ensure that long earrings do not cling to the scarf. In style, snood is complemented with leggings or mitts. They must be combined with snood in material and texture.

How to make a snood with your own hands

If you have a sewing machine, you can quickly sew a knitted snood, and it is created not only from new matter, but also from an old turtleneck, for example. Even a knitted endless scarf can be made without knowing how to knit.

For this you need:

  1. Rip open an old knitted sweater or skirt;
  2. Carefully cut into a number of pieces;
  3. Overcast the edges so that the fabric does not bloom;
  4. Sew long sides on a typewriter first, folding them face to face with each other;
  5. Then they sew one of the short sides and part of the second side, leaving a hole for eversion;
  6. Having turned the scarf inside out, sew up the hole and sew both ends together.

It is even easier to sew a snood from an ordinary scarf or stole - you just need to stitch both ends.

Snood for fat girls

Knitted snood is suitable for full girls, but it should not be with large patterns.. It is believed that such an accessory visually slims, shifting attention from figure flaws. However, the scarf can visually shorten the neck. To avoid this, you should place it closer to the neck, and leave the free loop at the bottom.

A wide long scarf made of thin knitwear will look even more advantageous.

In order for the snud to add the necessary notes to the image, it should be able to choose and wear it. The tips listed above will help you choose a snood for any wardrobe. A huge number of options for tying, textures, shades, make an endless scarf an accessory that completes the image, makes it whole, complete. How to tie it correctly, you can always figure it out from the photo.

Article formatting: Oksana Grivina

Video on how to wear a snood scarf

Models of snoods and how to wear them:

Snood is a very popular type of scarf at the present time. Today you will learn how to wear snood, we offer you different ways with photos, beautiful bows and with different wardrobe items.

What is a snood and how to wear it?

Let's start with the fact that this is a beautiful and practical thing. For autumn, spring and winter, it is desirable to have a couple of these scarves in different colors, they look amazing with any outerwear!

They are very different, but more often they are made from stretchy and elastic fabrics - from knitwear, knitted models are very common, there are even fur ones.

In fact, a snood is a ring. It is put on the neck from above, laying around in one turn if it is small and in two turns if it is medium. Long snoods can be stacked in three or more rings.

What styles are suitable for snood? For anyone! Casual looks with snoods will look best, they are perfect for bows in a youth or elegant style. From clothes, it can be really very different options: coats and short coats, fur coats, raincoats, parkas and much more.

The only thing worth remembering is that if outerwear is made of fur, then snood is worn under it - you should not wear anything on the fur, as this will ruin it, so we don’t put anything on top of the fur coat.

How To Wear a Snood Scarf With a Coat

What he looks best with is a coat. They complement each other so perfectly that on the catwalk these two wardrobe items have long been following together.

There are a lot of coat models, but for all of them there is a snood. For an elegant style, an openwork version is suitable, for youth - coarse knitting, but the classics will be appropriate with.

How to wear them together? In addition to youth and casual looks, it is better to wear snood around the neck, and not on the head. Combinations of contrasting colors will look beautiful, or use pastel scarves that would set off the colors of outerwear.

It is best to lay the snood in two loops - it looks quite stylish and practical, if the snood is long and thin, then try three loops. Models are short, but wide look great in the form of a collar, this model is worth choosing when it comes to short coats and short coats.

Volumetric snoods are wonderfully suited to classic straight and fitted coat models, pay attention to the fact that such styles as cocoon and oversized require a very subtle approach to choosing a snood and voluminous models should not be chosen here.

How to wear a snood on your head

This thing can easily be used as a headdress. This way of wearing is convenient because one accessory can act as a scarf and a kind of hat. For these purposes, it is best to use a knitted model. Knitted snood is also suitable if it stretches well at the same time.

There are two ways to wear a snood on your head:

  • Only on the head, where the snood acts as some kind of analogue of the hood.
  • On the neck and head, where the snood looks more like a bonnet.

Both options are beautiful and quite comfortable, but if in the second case you need to choose a stretchy and long snood, then in the second case a small soft option will look better.

Snood like a hood. Keep it in the form of a ring - you don’t need to fold anything and nowhere, and put it on your head in front, as you put on a regular snood, but instead of lowering it around your neck and shoulders, leave the snood with one ring on your head and collect the other under your chin.

You can also use an extremely large but thin snood by folding it into several rings and using it in a similar way.

Classic way to wear. This is the most famous and popular way - everyone wears snood like that! If you have ever had this stylish scarf, you have probably already tried this option. Use a long and wide snood, fold it into a figure eight and put one figure eight ring around your neck. Just pull the second ring over your head like a hood and straighten it.

With down jacket

A down jacket is a very common top option for the winter. It's warm and practical, and the snood will be a great addition to this outfit.

For a down jacket, you can pick up a lot of models, almost anything will do: knitted, knitted, openwork downy. Unusual options with fur or fringe trim look very nice. Fur snood will also be an excellent choice.

For fur snoods, as well as for short models with a rigid shape, it is better to choose a down jacket with a classic stand-up collar. If the down jacket has a hood, then use only those snoods that are elastic and can be laid in several rings.

Contrasting options look beautiful, where a bright accessory complements the top of the base color. If you have a red or yellow down jacket, then you should stop at the pastel colors of the snood or the basic version, a good choice is white, beige.

There are not so many specific ways to wear - fold the snood either into a figure eight or a ring and put it on your neck in several turns. Create a beautiful drapery, form folds of any size.


Any clothing with a hood makes it difficult to wear snoods and tube scarves, especially for voluminous hoods, such as down jackets.

Any coats, jackets and parkas with hoods also "have the right" to their snood. It would be a mistake to choose too short models, but otherwise there are no special requirements for this, it is important that you are just warm and comfortable.

The image where the top and snood are used will in any case become everyday, because if you want to complement the bow in an elegant style with such an accessory, then it is best to choose a classic scarf.

How to wear them together? There are two options that differ in whether you put on a scarf over the hood or let it out. In any case, when trying to combine these two details, the first question that will arise will be - where to put the hood?

The most interesting ways to wear snood and hood:

  • Over the hood. The hood is pressed to the back and the snood is laid on top, trying to fold it as compactly as possible.
  • Hood out. Snood is laid around the neck in any way that suits you and the hood is straightened out.
  • Snood can be put on the neck and head with a figure eight, and put on clothes with a hood on top.
  • The hood can be lifted up and put on the snood in the usual way around the neck and shoulders.

With a park

The parka is a very common outerwear for winter and autumn. Now this piece of clothing is in fashion and is a success, both in youth and in everyday style. There is another style for which both the park and the snood are authentic and are one hundred percent combined with each other - this is military.

For parkas, it is better to choose a long or medium knitted snood of medium width. It can be worn both under and over outerwear. It is better not to choose bright models if it is not a bright classic (for example, blue, red) and the color of the scarf should match the color of the parka. For military style, choose a military shade - khaki, olive, gray, black.

To make the image look beautiful, with a raised hood, placing a snood on the shoulders around the neck. Form rings of different sizes, make the folds deliberately careless - it looks very stylish.

Also, a snood can be worn over a lowered hood, releasing it between the rings of the scarf. Also, if the snood is small, it can be worn under the parka, unbuttoning it from above.

How to knit snood with knitting needles


Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

How to properly wear a snood, how interesting it is to tie it, what to wear with - all fashionistas often ask these and other questions. And although this unusual scarf is considered a universal thing, you still need to be able to wear it. And now we will teach you how to do it right.

What is snood and how it happens

In simple terms, a snood is a scarf that has neither end nor beginning. That is, it is round in shape, which, you see, is convenient in every sense. There can be many options for tying a snud, and here everything is limited only by your imagination. But more on that later. Now we will talk about the varieties of this model and its main advantages.

Hat and snood as bright accents of the image

Benefits of snud

  • Snood is a scarf for any season and is found in both winter, demi-season, and summer versions.
  • This scarf goes with everything from a classic coat to a tracksuit.
  • You can tie a snood in absolutely any way.
  • It can also replace a hat and be worn as a full-fledged headdress.
  • Snood is suitable for women of any appearance and complexion.
  • With this scarf, you can adjust facial features and hide imperfections.
  • This thing is practical and helps to create a stylish look in any situation.
  • How to wear a scarf-snood, everyone decides for himself. There are no hard and fast rules here. And some models are quite suitable even for men.

Important! Every time you put on a snood and apply the next tying technique, you can be sure that you will look in a new way.

Varieties of snood

  • Knitted. Of course, any knitted scarf for winter is just a godsend. But snood is the best of the best for every woman, because it was created specifically to protect the beautiful half of humanity from the cold and make life as comfortable as possible. A woolen scarf-collar can be created both with the help of thick knitting, and from thin elegant. And what to choose is a matter of taste. The practicality of the product is not lost from this.

Interesting large-knit snood

  • Knitted. Great choice for the off season. In 2018, knitwear turned out to be very popular and became the basis of the wardrobe of many fashionistas. And snood took a special place among them, because it is so easy to combine it with even leather, even with woolen, even with fur clothes. It also provides excellent wind protection.

Reversible knitted snoods look elegant

  • Light natural fabrics. For example, linen and cotton are a great summer solution for every girl. With such a scarf, you will definitely not be hot, because the natural material allows the skin to breathe. And this unusual model goes well with dresses, sundresses, jeans, tops and fluffy skirts.

Cotton accessory

Important! For especially sophisticated fashionistas, fashion designers have come up with fur and silk snoods. Of course, these things can be attributed to luxury items, but they allow you to create a truly chic and rich bow.

How to wear snood? The most original ideas

Well, the time has come to find out the answer to the most important question: how to properly wear a scarf-snood. And to understand everything in more detail, pay attention to the photo from our review.

Snood, which, due to the lightning, easily transforms into a long scarf

A long accessory can be picked up with a leather strap

Hang around your neck. What could be easier? And here it doesn’t matter what diameter the scarf collar you liked. Even the longest model can be placed around the neck without any extra twists, and it will look right. And for short girls, there is also a small bonus. So, a long snood hanging on your chest will visually increase your height. Perhaps the only negative of this image will be that a loosely hanging scarf will cling to everything and make it difficult for you to move around the city.

Important! When choosing a snood, pay special attention to what color it is. After all, not all shades can be combined with your individual color type of face. Moreover, you need to consider that black will certainly make you look a little older, and red will emphasize imperfections on the face (for example, redness, or blackheads).

Snood as a hood. Many girls therefore choose this scarf model, because if necessary it can be easily put on the head. So, if you decide to imitate a hood with a snood, then remember one rule - you need to put it on with the seam forward. That is, throw a scarf collar around your neck, twist it on your chest and throw the resulting loop on the top of your head. You can do this at any time. The main thing is to keep you warm and comfortable.

Fitted snood collar. Usually this short and wide model is chosen by sophisticated and romantic young ladies who like everything in their image to be concise and without frills. The snood collar fits snugly around the neck and looks great with outerwear without a collar. Take a look at the photo below.

Scarf wrapped around the neck. If the snood is very long, then it can be worn in two turns, or even three. In fact, this version of socks is the most fashionable at present. By creating a kind of voluminous composition on the neck, the girls end up with a very touching and feminine image that emphasizes their fragility. At the same time, the layers can also be arranged in different ways. For example, at one level. Or by stretching the bottom and reducing the top row.

Important! If your outerwear has a discreet and muted color, then it is quite possible to choose a bright snood for it. But, so that it is not one eye-catching spot, complete your look with a handbag, gloves or matching tights.

Scarf collar on the shoulders. This is the trend of 2019, which all fashionistas are already willingly resorting to. A voluminous knitted or knitted snood will look especially good here. The main thing is that the model is wide enough and long. And the principle of wearing here is simple - pull the bottom edge of the round scarf over your shoulders. And that's it, your next original bow is ready. For coquette girls, if the length of the scarf allows, it is quite possible to lower one edge and expose the shoulder. This snood is perfect for tight-fitting turtlenecks or open-top dresses. As for the color, it’s good if the snood is the same shade as your main clothes, or, on the contrary, contrasts with it.

It looks interesting wide knitted snood with elongated loops, coupled with a sweater

Snood vest. Of course, this option assumes that you have a really wide and long round scarf. If everything is in order with this, then just put it on yourself, straighten it and fold the lower part onto your back. Thus, your hands will turn out to be worn in impromptu sleeves, and your back and lower back will be completely closed. This method of putting on a snood is quite suitable for a child to school.

How to wear a snood in the form of a vest

Kapor. The fashion for this headdress is back. But, in order not to buy it this winter, you can very well create a hood from an ordinary snood. To do this, you need to put a scarf collar on your shoulders, make two loops and put one on your head so that it fits snugly enough to the top of your head. And yet, unlike the hood, the seam in this case should be located behind, at the back of the head.

Important! The largest snood models reach a length of two meters and a width of forty centimeters. Needless to say, anything can be made from them.

Knitted snood trimmed with fur

As you can see, it is very easy to put on a snood around your neck correctly and beautifully. And you don't have to be a fashion designer to do it. It is enough just to show a little imagination, and a stylish, original image is definitely provided to you.

Snood, this season, is considered the most fashionable type of scarf. Another name for this accessory is like a scarf without beginning or end, that is, the edges of the product are interconnected. Yes, and he deservedly received the name, because there are so many options for its use that they have no number.

A snood scarf is a universal accessory that is suitable for all seasons, with any clothes and for any type. Snood on the head, put on by people of all ages, both women and men. How to wear a snood, what form it comes in, what it is made of, what to wear and how to combine, we will tell in our article.

Scarves - snoods

What are snood scarves

A scarf that has neither beginning nor end can be:

  • narrow and wide;
  • Light and heavy;
  • Big and small;
  • Knitted and sewn;
  • Volumetric and flat;
  • Extravagant and modest;
  • Female and male.

And now, let's deal with this in order, let's start with how to choose outerwear and snood.

Features of the formation of an ensemble with snud

Scarves-snoods, depending on the material from which they are made, are conventionally divided into: winter (warm); demi-season (light version) and summer (light and airy) accessories.

Choose a scarf collar for the season:

winter snood

For the winter season, endless scarves are taken voluminous and warm. Yarn for knitting is mainly 100% wool or fur (natural, artificial). In the last season, combined snoods made of woolen yarn with fur trim came into fashion.

A warm accessory suitable for any winter outerwear.

Knitted winter voluminous scarf

Fur fashionable scarf

Combined snood

Spring-autumn snood

For a demi-season accessory, choose lightweight yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic), cashmere and thickened knitwear. In the warm period, when you can not wear a hat, snood is used as a scarf.

Scarves look great with jackets, coats, raincoats and parkas.

Snood from knitwear

Summer snood

On summer evenings, it is cool, then a light snood comes to the rescue. It can be knitted from cotton or linen thread, also snood around the neck, sewn from light fabrics, such as chiffon or silk. But, more still, summer snoods serve as a decorative decoration and a trendy addition to the image.

They wear summer scarves with dresses, sundresses, blouses and tops.

Summer light snood

Chooses a snood scarf by color:

  • Since a snood scarf worn on the head or neck has close proximity to the face, when choosing the color of the accessory, this must be taken into account and taken seriously.
  • To begin with, you need to know that a well-chosen color of the product will favorably emphasize all the beauty of its owner. Otherwise, an incorrectly chosen color scheme will play a cruel joke. It can deprive the face of freshness and tenderness, and in return highlight pallor or redness on the skin. To prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention to the color type and tone of the clothing details with which the accessory will be combined.
  • Light-skinned blondes are recommended bed tones: gray-blue, lavender, mint, peach, blue, pink. Contraindicated: dusty gray and beige tones.
  • Brunettes are given a larger selection of colors. Almost all shades and colors suit them, but you should pay attention to the colors of gemstones: emerald garnet, sapphire, turquoise, red, lingonberry and black.
  • Red-haired beauties elegantly emphasize their image: green, purple, terracotta, purple, sapphire, khaki and chocolate colors.

fashion bow

With a down jacket with a hood and without

According to statistics, it is known that in almost every women's wardrobe there is a down jacket (jacket, coat) and a scarf collar. Because, it is a convenient and practical thing that will help out at any moment.

Since jackets and down coats are universal things, it means that they must fully satisfy the hostess. This means that the product must have a hood. But how to wear a snood with a down jacket with, we will tell in our article.

How to choose the right snood for a down jacket

  • When choosing a snood for a down jacket, first of all, take into account: the size, shape and volume of the hood. Secondly, do you plan to wear a snood scarf if the hood is unfastened (removed).
  • If the product is with an Alaska hood or a stand-up collar, voluminous and wide scarves should be selected under them. A narrow snood will perfectly harmonize with a wide voluminous hood or a turn-down collar on a down jacket.
  • After you have decided on the shape of the accessory, think about its color. The color of the scarf should succinctly fit into the created image and be its final point, and not be a separate detail or an awkward additional part.
  • So that, in the selection of a wardrobe, a glut of one color does not occur, and women have enough additional accessories (gloves, shoes, tights, a bag). To do this, you need to choose a third - neutral color, or duplicate the shade of any part of the down jacket (lining material, hood trim or fasteners).
  • Another important detail is the fur trim on the hood. Here, when choosing a snood, difficulties can arise, because the accessory must be equally in harmony with both the main color of the down jacket and the fur. In this case, kits come to the rescue, snood + hat, snood + hat + mintinki, which are made in the same color.

The combination of a down jacket with a scarf-collar

How to put on a snood with a hood

Here you can argue why teach the obvious, and this is understandable, but still take into account a few subtleties when putting on a collar on a hood:

  • If the hood is not very voluminous, and the collar of the down jacket fits snugly around the neck, then the scarf is wrapped from the outside.
  • When a down jacket has a spacious collar that completely exposes the neck and a rather loose hood, the scarf is chosen narrower to cover exposed areas of the body. In this case, the accessory is wound on the inside of the down jacket.
  • Snoods made of fabric, in the form of a wide strip, are wound around the neck several times.
  • Long and narrow scarves, worn loose. Throw a snood scarf around your neck, make a few turns, straighten it and lay it beautifully on your chest.
  • Volumetric knitted collars, put on over the hood.
  • Lightweight snood scarf, can freely replace the hood if it is unfastened or simply folded back.

Snood collar and down jacket with a hood

WITH coat

When, the question arises, are snood worn with a coat , the answer is obviously yes. And even more can be said, not only are they in harmony with each other, they are also complementary components. In the selection of this ensemble, there is only one rule - the correct selection of color and fabric of products.

Fashion snood

How to choose a snood under a coat

For a draped coat, a scarf, large knit or fur is perfect. The color of the accessory should be in harmony with the shoes or handbag.

In the latest collections, designers have presented trendy accessories, decorated with various decorative elements. And if, a coat of a classic cut, without any decoration and various additions, then cherries, rhinestones, pompoms and buttons on a scarf will perfectly complement the outfit and make it attractive and harmonious.

How to wear a snood with a coat

  • The easiest way to wear a collar scarf with a coat is to wrap it around your neck in two turns and leave it in a free state to lie on your chest. The method is also good because it is suitable for both coats with a collar and without it.
  • For a lightweight accessory, the “infinity” option is suitable. Twist the product in the middle in the form of a figure eight and throw it around the neck with a single putley. In the place where the fabric is crossed, fasten a large brooch. You can leave the snood to lie in a free state. You can straighten the material on your shoulders, and position the brooch at your discretion.
  • A snood scarf thrown over the neck can replace a headdress or a hood if one part of it is lifted up from the back.
  • An elongated version of the scarf is wrapped in several turns around the neck and the created design is moved to the shoulder.

Fashion trends of the season

With a fur coat and sheepskin coat

Nowadays, being in trend is not so difficult. Having a fur coat or a sheepskin coat in your wardrobe, while acquiring a snood collar, it will not be difficult to fit into the fashion trends of the season.

As a rule, knitted snoods are combined with a fur coat. Moreover, the longer the fur of a fur coat, the more voluminous the accessory should be. You should definitely not choose a fur collar for a fur coat, especially if it is made of a different material and does not match the color of the product.

A chic natural fur coat will perfectly highlight a scarf made of cashmere, stuffed with silk or knitted from Angora goat down. The colors of the fur coat and snood should not conflict with each other, therefore, for a concise completion of the image, the color of the accessory should be a soft, calm color.

If the fur coat has a hood, then you should not refuse the snood anyway. Here the accessory will play the role of a scarf if it is wound around the neck under the hood. Originally, in this case, an accessory with a fringe will look.

Snood collar with a fur coat

Fashionable snoods with a sheepskin coat

Choosing a good combination of sheepskin coat and snood is a rather difficult task. Because the sheepskin coat is made of leather with a rather complex structure, under which only carefully selected scarves are suitable. To avoid the image “I dress in second-hand clothes”, snoods are chosen in warm bed colors of coarse knitting. The ideal option would be - beige and light brown colors.

The perfect combination of colors of a sheepskin coat and a scarf collar

How to wear a snood scarf on your head

In the early 90s, when a knitted accessory, in the form of a pipe, came into fashion, it was put on in one way and worn like a headdress. Over time, the product was modernized and turned from a pipe into a convenient and versatile accessory - a snood scarf. At present, this accessory has become so fashionable and in demand that they do not part with it either in winter or in summer. But not everyone knows how to wear a snood on your head.

As a headdress, they are mainly worn in the cold season. Therefore, we will talk about a scarf as an alternative to a hat and hood.

Warm options for clamps, has several varieties. They can be: straight, in the form of a ring and can be a kind of hood. All variants of the scarf can completely replace the hat and scarf.

If, in the selection of clothing options, when going outside, a scarf-collar is chosen, then the hat is no longer needed, the snood will replace it at any time. Mittens or gloves are selected under it, it is such a tandem that will give the image unity and beauty. A small remark, if the snood is knitted, then gloves or mittens should be knitted and preferably from the same type of yarn.

A tube scarf is well suited for outerwear that does not have a hood. With its help, volume is created in the neck area - it is stylish, fashionable and, most importantly, warm.

Large and voluminous warm snood, perfectly harmonizes with outerwear collars that cover the chest and throat. Otherwise, the open chest and neck give the impression of a complete lack of taste.

Snood scarf as a headdress

Examples of how to wear a snood scarf with a jacket

Knitted snood with a jacket

The jacket is not a pretentious thing. This does not mean that a woman looks worse in a jacket than in any other outerwear. On the contrary, it is this piece of clothing that gives more freedom to actions and the most vivid fantasies of its owner. With a jacket, you can wear snood scarves of different bright colors, fancy styles with interesting decorative additions.

How To Wear a Snood With a Jacket

With baggy and voluminous down jackets, accessories connected with large knitting look incomparable. And in the cold winter, bright colors will create the impression of a warm sun that brings joy to others.

Options for wearing a snood with a jacket

Can be worn in summer

Stylish snood for women, so versatile that in the summer, they can diversify their outfit. Put it on in the main, as a decorative addition. Around the neck, long thin snoods are not wound, but left in the form of a draped scarf.

How to wear a summer snood scarf

  • Also, a light summer scarf can be used as a cape on the shoulders to cover them from the scorching rays of the sun or hide from the cool evening breeze.
  • Jewelry is woven into light and airy fabrics and used as an ornament around the neck.
  • If you skillfully pick up jewelry, then a large amount of jewelry, then this option is perfect for the boho style.
  • In any case, with any configuration, you need to make sure that the jewelry, scarf and clothes are in harmony with each other, and do not look like separate, hastily thrown objects.

Summer snood as a decorative ornament

Men's fashion

Modern men, in order to look attractive and status, use fashion accessories, in one of the previous articles, we already told you about. The collar scarf was no exception and reliably took its place in the attire of the strong half of humanity.

At the beginning of the last century, a coat with a straight scarf became a classic in men's attire. Later, more sophisticated accessories began to come into fashion, for example, a large knitted snood. Today, you can meet a male representative in a snood on the street, and age criteria are not observed.

Basically, men wear scarves in the cold season. Set: snood scarf, jacket, jeans and boots, the most relevant and in demand among young people.

youth bow

To create a serious and business image, cashmere scarves are used. Moreover, the tones of the accessory are muted and darkened and are appropriate in any wardrobe configuration. For example, a raincoat, white shirt, cashmere snood, black trousers, caps and mittens. Or a dark jacket, under it a knitted jacket and a scarf to match the entire wardrobe.

The examples show that a snood scarf in a men's wardrobe is an excellent component for creating both business and everyday style. On teenagers and very young boys. There are sets with snoods in bright and rich colors.

Demi-season business style with snood

How to wear a snood scarf for a child

What to wear to a child in the cold season, so that he is comfortable, warm and stylish at the same time. And mom felt that she had the most fashionable baby in the whole world - an original and bright snood scarf or collar would be an excellent choice.

Baby in the set hat + snood

What are the advantages of children's snood:

  • First of all, parents will no longer have a question of how to tie a snood scarf so that it does not untie while playing on the street. The answer to the question is simple, it does not need to be tied, it is enough to put it on the neck and the child is guaranteed to always have a warm throat.
  • Almost all children's models have the same edges, which means that the baby will not have difficulties with putting on the accessory on his own.
  • Children's scarf-snood is valued for its versatility. They can be replaced with a hat, which is in a hurry, lost somewhere, and also wrap the throat, which will always be covered and protected from cold and wind.
  • And most importantly, your baby will be the most beautiful and extraordinary child on the street. The bright colors of the product and interesting design will distinguish the child from the crowd of children, because most of them are in ordinary scarves and hats bought in the children's world.

Variants of children's scarves-snoods

Demi-season set for a boy

Demi-season set for girls

In autumn, the snood scarf flashes again on the streets and in fashion blogs, an accessory without which it is impossible to imagine street fashion in the cold season. There are countless ways to wear a snood, as well as styles that a combination scarf goes with. What snuds are relevant this season? Read below.

A snood scarf is both a scarf and a hood, which is how its name can be literally translated from English. It has many advantages, as it is combined with almost all outerwear - from sports bombers and leather jackets to sheepskin coats and fur coats.

Snood can be part of a business wardrobe, or it can organically fit into sport-chic or glamour, because snoods are now made from different materials, including expensive furs, velvet fabric, tweed and genuine leather.

A few rules will help you choose a trendy snood that will complement any urban look:

  1. Attention to invoice. Leather and tweed, fur with fluffy pile, coarse knit, mohair and boucle - a pronounced texture will make any look stylish at once.
  2. Size matters. A giant snood in combination with tight-fitting clothes will help build a magazine look.
  3. Favorite color. You should not buy a scarf in acid-bright shades or pure colors from the rainbow palette, everything else is fine.
  4. Weather. Fashionable snood can be light, like a scarf, or warm, made of thick yarn - choose according to the weather.
  5. The devil is in the details. Lovers of decorative rhinestones, flowers and buttons will have to change their tastes, because minimalistic snood is in fashion.

Also, handmade snoods are in fashion: if you have the skill of knitting, sewing or weaving, you can make yourself a fashionable scarf yourself, the main thing is to take into account fashion trends and not get carried away with decor and bright threads.

So that the snood does not get out of the general style, pick it up after purchasing a coat or down jacket, otherwise it may not fit into the autumn-winter wardrobe.

Scarf snood with a coat photo how to wear

If you wear a coat in the fall, then a snood is the perfect thing for it, regardless of the style of this outerwear model. Classic straight cut, cocoon, robe, overzise - for any model you can choose a snood scarf that can be worn as a headdress or as a traditional scarf.

With the advent of snood, the problem of autumn-winter hats was solved for those women who do not like hats and hats, because a voluminous scarf of such a model can be worn like a hood, solving two tasks in one fell swoop - to warm the head and neck.

A fur snood will look good with a cocoon coat, playing the role of a boa, and a knitted snood with a fringe goes well with a coat. In order to balance the bow with an oversized coat, they pick up a long narrow snood that needs to be wrapped around the neck twice, along with wide-heeled ankle boots, you get an actual casual bow.

A playful A-line coat in the style of the 60s will be complemented by a snood wrapped several times around the neck, in combination with knee-high boots with thick heels and tight tights - a trendy bow with a touch of retro.

Snood in the form of a hood is worn with a straight midi coat, suede over the knee boots or classic knee-high boots.

Scarf snood with a fur coat photo how to wear

A long dark fur coat and a fluffy, white scarf worn like a scarf on the head are classics of the genre. The image of a Russian noblewoman or princess is relevant in a cold, frosty winter, and therefore it is necessary to exploit it while the style a la rus is still in fashion. If images from Russian fairy tales do not inspire you, then you can try on a light snood with a short fur coat and spectacular ankle boots.

Due to the texture, with a fur coat you can wear both a warm, knitted snood, and a light, cloth one. Unusual products from a combination of soft leather and other materials also go well with fur. The only snood that will look out of place with a fur coat is, of course, fur.

A long dark fur coat and a fluffy, white scarf worn like a scarf on the head are classics of the genre.

Scarf snood light photo how to wear

Fabric snoods not only insulate, but help create a fashionable look. Although in early autumn they are able to protect from the wind, which indicates the practicality of such a scarf model.

Fashionistas, devoid of prejudice, choose cloth snood with animal print - leopard, zebra, tiger, and for those who are more modest, there is a huge selection of scarves with all kinds of prints:

  • flowers;
  • stars;
  • peas;
  • logos.

Fashionable fabric snood is worn with:

  • denim jacket;
  • raincoat;
  • leather jacket or leather jacket;
  • bomber;
  • light coat;
  • park;
  • fur coat.

For example, a black snood with white stars will look better with a leather jacket than with a classic coat, and a plain scarf in dark green, blue or lilac will create an excellent tandem with a beige classic coat.

The density of the material and the color scheme will help determine the style of a particular snood. It is worth adding deliberately rough shoes, a leather backpack and round glasses to get the image of a modern rebel in the style of Kristen Stewart.

A denim jacket and a bright snood is another fashionable trick.

Scarf snood with a down jacket photo how to wear

When choosing a snood to combine it with a down jacket, you should adhere to the rule of contrast and do not buy accessories to match the outerwear. With a dark gray, blue or purple down jacket, a white, pastel pink or beige scarf will look good. Best of all for the company, a down jacket is suitable for a not too voluminous snood, which can be wrapped around the neck twice.

The material in this case is fundamental: yarn or knitwear. With textiles, and even more so with fur, a down jacket will look ridiculous. An exception should be made for mohair and boucle - these materials are well combined with the texture of a down jacket, but the scarf should be ultra-modern.

With a short down jacket, a large-knit voluminous snood will look very stylish, unlike a long down jacket, to which a narrower snood scarf should be selected.

Another relevant rule is that the shorter the down jacket, the more voluminous the snood scarf can be.