What not to say to women of different zodiac signs. What not to say to a girl or woman

Astrology is an interesting thing. Someone believes that it works, and the stars, indeed, tell us how to behave correctly.

Well, someone just reads the features of different zodiac signs with a smile.

Astrologers say that, knowing some of the nuances in a person’s character, you can avoid many mistakes in communicating with him.

What not to say to women

1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Avoid the word "NO".

Never say no to an Aries woman, especially in response to her requests or invitations.

The Aries woman is very active, she likes to compete and seek adventure. If you refuse her by saying no, she will think that you are too weak for her.

And if you're already in a relationship, Aries may wonder if you're the right match for her.

Another unpleasant phrase for the hearing of Aries: "I'd rather sit on the sidelines."

You should not say something like that in the presence of your beloved Aries woman. So you will lose a lot of points in her eyes.

2. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Avoid phrases related to the topic of appetite and food.

What happens if you say to your Taurus friend: "Are you going to eat it all?" or "Are you still hungry?"

Most likely, she will not like such questions, and she will add this item to the list of complaints that have accumulated against you.

Never bring up the topic of appetite and food, even if your Taurus woman is thin like a model.

How, when and how much she eats concerns only her alone. And she definitely does not need comments from outsiders on this matter.

Taurus really gets pleasure and enjoyment from food. And with such stupid questions, you will only annoy her.

3. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Avoid the phrase: "Don't get me wrong."

When you are dealing with a Gemini, you must be careful what you say. Geminis are excellent communication specialists and masters of beautiful words.

They take great care to use the right words and phrases at the right time.

Never say such phrases with Gemini women: "Don't get me wrong."

The Gemini will just do everything exactly the opposite and misunderstand your phrase.

4. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Avoid the phrase: "Are you in a bad mood?" or “Do you have critical days?”

Cancer women are very emotional. In most cases, this is very good, as they are compassionate and able to empathize with others.

But this sensitivity has a downside: they can deeply react and take to heart even what you considered absolutely harmless.

One of the worst things you can say is, "Are you on a critical day?" or “Are you always so gloomy?”

When you say such things to a Cancer Woman, you can get unexpected aggression in response, into which her emotionality is transformed. Do not annoy her with such tactlessness.

5. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Avoid the phrase: “What are you wearing?”

The Leo woman loves the show and always looks dazzling. She is proud of her appearance. And he has every right to do so.

After all, every time she enters the room, all eyes are on her. But it's not just about good looks. The Leo woman is still a high level of intelligence, a good sense of humor and, of course, unbridled passion and fire.

She has no problems with low self-esteem. She considers herself the best.

Therefore, giving even the slightest hint to the Leo woman that something is wrong in her image, you will inflict a mortal insult on her.

She will perceive such a remark as an insult and belittlement of her taste.

Control your remarks about the Leo woman, otherwise you will have to control her very sharp claws.

6. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Avoid the phrase: "You ask too many questions."

Virgos are intelligent, diligent and smart. They like to explore and solve unsolvable puzzles, as well as solve problems, especially of an intellectual nature.

Therefore, never say to Virgo something like: "You ask a lot of questions."

She will take this as an insult and will simply find someone else to talk to and discuss any topic with.

In addition, Virgo may think that you do not have such a sharp mind if you are not interested in questions about this or that subject of conversation.

7. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Avoid the phrase: "Calm down!"

It is very easy to get along with a Libra woman.

They strive for harmony and peace, therefore they avoid shocks and emotional unrest in every possible way. You should not call on the Libra woman to calm down.

Most likely, she was very calm until the moment when you did not utter this phrase.

Now her blood is seething, and she is all stirred up with indignation. When someone calls her to calmness, the only desire is to grab the offender by the throat.

Thus, a completely harmless phrase (as it seems to you) guarantees a completely opposite reaction from Libra.

But you did not expect such a reaction.

8. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Avoid the phrase: "Your girlfriend really looks gorgeous."

The Scorpio woman is sexy, passionate, and strong, and she knows how hot she is.

However, she will be offended if she hears compliments about another woman, even if it was not your intention to provoke her.

Never say such words in the presence of a Scorpio woman: "You're right, your girlfriend looks gorgeous today."

You can say that her friend is cute, funny or even cool, but never comment on her appearance, even if your Scorpio woman did it herself.

It is quite possible that by praising another woman in your presence, she just wanted to see your reaction and gave you a kind of test.

This is a test and you will fail anyway. If you lie, you will fail the test; if you tell the truth, you will also fail.

Do you like her friends? You have no right to this, because your eyes should look only at her alone.

9. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Avoid the phrase: "That's what your mom says."

Sagittarius women madly love and appreciate freedom and are amazing inexhaustible optimists. They live happy lives.

But as soon as you say something like: “You talk the same as your mother,” and the cheerful Sagittarius immediately becomes gloomy.

A man should remember that comparing most women with their mothers, especially in a negative way, is not the best thing to do.

Moreover, you should not compare if you are not too aware of what kind of relationship your girlfriend has with her mother, and what difficulties and problems exist between them.

But it will be even worse if you tell her that she reminds you of your own mother. Believe me, no one wants to be like someone's elderly mother.

10. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Avoid the phrase: "You look very tired."

Capricorns are hardworking and tend to focus on building a solid foundation for their future and the future of their family.

They work too much and often forget about vacations. As a rule, these are reliable ambitious women who you can always rely on.

If you tell her that she looks tired, it may make her angry. Do not remind her that she already knows, because she works very hard for the benefit of her loved ones.

Suppose you want to correct your mistake for calling her tired and invite her to have lunch together.

Another fatal mistake might be to ask a Capricorn woman if she can pay the check this time.

As soon as she suspects that your financial affairs are not going well, she is unlikely to want to have anything in common with you.

11. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Avoid the phrase: "My ex also loved this actor."

The Aquarius woman is a special and in many ways unique representative of the weaker sex.

She is different from women of other zodiac constellations. She is very tolerant of other people's weaknesses, quirks and idiosyncrasies.

However, some things can throw an Aquarius off balance.

One of the surest ways to turn an Aquarius woman away from you is to tell her something like: "My ex also loved this actor."

Avoid comparing her to any other woman. She likes to feel unique and unique, and you should point that out to her, not bring up your ex in any context.

12. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Avoid the phrase: "You're crazy."

The Pisces woman is compassionate, kind and creative.

She cannot pass by, seeing someone's pain, and will do everything possible not to hurt others. She will give you a chance even if you don't deserve it.

Never say a phrase like "You're crazy" in front of her! It might offend her. Having interrupted the conversation, she will immediately feel the meaninglessness of everything said and will not want to continue the conversation further.

Why fight with a girl when you can have sex with her? Do you want to hear the words “What did you say?” When the girl put her hands on her hips, her eyes burn with the fire of a ferocious fury, and now there will never be sex? If you like a girl and have an eye for her, then you should not say these phrases under threat of being shot.

Smart people do not cut the truth-womb, but control their words. Some ordinary words can make a girl mad, although you didn’t mean anything bad. It’s not worth it for nothing to upset your girlfriend and make her worried.

What not to say to a girl? What words would make her a ferocious fury with her eyes on fire and her hands on her hips? And now there will be no sex for ages.

1. Calm down

This mistake is very common among men. Trying to extinguish the conflict, we kindle it more. The word "calm down" is a challenge and an attempt to put out the fire with gasoline. Don't use this or similar words.

2. You are beautiful without makeup

When a girl spent two hours in the bathroom putting on makeup, it’s not worth saying that she’s better off without makeup. She tried to impress you, but you said she didn't succeed. You can't say that to a girl.

3. You smell bad

Criticism of her toilet water or the smell of cosmetics can end badly. Don't say her products smell bad and don't use the word "stink". Better to say that the smell gives a little headache.

4. Your hair is everywhere

We like long hair on girls. We love it when they shave their private parts. But then why reproach her with hair in an apartment or shower? This will be a cause for quarrel. You can't say that to a girl.

5. You have a lot of clothes

Girls love their clothes, shoes, cosmetics and other feminine pleasures. Don't blame her for this. Women must be women. She, for the most part, tries for you.

6. You were late

Do not remind the girl that she was five minutes late. A reminder of the time when the delay is significant is appropriate. Do not criticize her for petty feminine tricks and weaknesses. She must have been trying to look perfect in front of you.

7. You're not perfect

Criticism that she took away the blanket, took up most of the bed, drooled or snored is inappropriate. We cannot control ourselves in a dream. A girl cannot be perfect in any conditions. She can slurp when eating, look bad, slow down and be not up to par. You can't tell a girl that she's untidy and not perfect. Be tactful and wise.

8. You're bad in bed

Do not criticize her inability to kiss, passivity in bed and lack of professionalism in sex. Don't mention the word "log". Teach a girl and help reveal sexuality.

Be kind to your friend. She'll do you a favour, too. Do not conflict and spoil relations over trifles. Be smarter and more thoughtful. You are already a grown man. It's time to take responsibility for the relationship. Calculate the steps ahead and be wise. Why fight with a girl when you can have sex with her?

Thousands of articles have been written about what words a woman is pleased to hear, and what phrases will help her win, but for some reason everyone is silent about what words she should never speak.

Bad about her male friends

A woman will immediately put you in the category of “unreliable” if you start scolding her male friends - especially if you don’t know them yet and have never seen them at all. You need to learn once and for all: even if there is something between them, with your stupid talk you expose yourself as a coward who is not ready for competition, and this for a woman is the equivalent of “unreliability”. Better sit and keep quiet when the conversation turns to one of her friends, and think more about how you look in her eyes, not them.

"I'll call Friday!"

If you're trying to sell something, this phrase is great for ending the conversation. But in no case should you say such a goodbye to a woman. Firstly, it deprives your relationship of spontaneity and makes you too predictable, and secondly, you do not leave her the opportunity to call you first: now she will have to sit and dejectedly wait for Friday, because otherwise she risks coming across as intrusive and overly impatient .

Hints of "next time"

When, on a first date, a woman mentions an activity she really enjoys or a place she loves to go to, men often jump at it as an opportunity to hint at their next date.

Let's say a girl praises Thai cuisine, and you immediately: “Oh, how cool, I also love Thai cuisine, let's go to a Thai restaurant sometime!” No and no! Stop! If already in the middle of the first date you say that you are ready to meet her again and again, she will immediately understand that you are in her pocket and the job is done.

“A woman needs a man who has to be conquered!”

Of course, it's great to find common interests and topics the first time and immediately plan various pleasant things that can be done together, but you do not need to immediately inform the woman about this. So you will be too easy a victory for her and will be no different from all the other men with whom she met and who immediately laid down their weapons at her feet.

"How many have you slept with?"

Is it really important for you to know this? And then, you again show yourself "unreliable", especially if you ask this question at the very beginning of the relationship. Of course, if she asks you about it first, you can ask her back, but starting such a conversation yourself means dooming yourself to failure.

“I called you yesterday, but you didn’t call back. What's happened?"

This is one of the most common mistakes men make when women don't call them back. It would seem like a stupid question, but it is completely unacceptable. For a very long time I tried to figure out how to behave when a woman does not call back or does not answer messages, but then I realized:

“We just need to pretend that nothing happened!”

If you reproach her for forgetting to call you back, then, firstly, you show that it worries you very much (and if you've known each other not so long ago, you shouldn't be too worried about it!), and secondly, you make her feel guilty, which in women is associated with the same notorious "unreliability".

"Do you like me?"

If you need to choose one single phrase that can once and for all deprive you of any attractiveness in the eyes of a woman, then here it is - this phrase. By asking such a question, you sign that you are terribly insecure. No need to ask, you just need to proceed from the fact that she likes you - and act with this conviction. No, really, how can you not like it ??

"What's the plan?"

Women like men who have a plan. If you call her and ask her on a date, be ready to offer your idea how to spend this evening. Do not outweigh the burden of planning on her shoulders, otherwise she will never believe that you are a cool guy who can always come up with something interesting.

About what a beautiful car / job / apartment you have

You know who brags about cars, apartments and good salaries in front of women? Well, to be honest, a lot of people. But women unite such men in one category - "those who have nothing more to tell about." No, seriously, ask any attractive woman and she will confirm my words. Of course, some women can be impressed with an apartment and an expensive car, but even your material well-being will please them much more if you do not start ringing about him on the first date.

"Can I ask you out on a date?"

Women like male leaders who are in control and confident in themselves and their actions. Never ask a woman for permission to invite - just invite her and that's it. It is enough to say: “We need to meet again. Let me write down your number?

"May I kiss you?"

Any woman will tell you this: a man should never ask for permission to kiss under any circumstances. This question goes against EVERYTHING a woman looks for in a man. With the same success, you can tell her, for example, that you are still a boy. Of course, if she is polite enough, she will answer the question about the kiss with “Yes”, but trust me, the indicator of your interest in her eyes will flash the word “NO!”

Do you want to increase your level so that girls in your bed are an order of magnitude better and more beautiful than they are now? At the training "RMES-Basic" you will learn how.

Padding around the form

It's no secret that all women without exception love to receive compliments from men. Unlike men who love with their eyes and fall in love with beauty, women love with their ears and fall in love with those guys who know how to say the right beautiful words at the right time. Therefore, if you want girls to like you, you must certainly know what you can and should say to a girl, and what, on the contrary, you should never say.

Of course, all women are different, have a different character, different life priorities and different levels of intelligence. But the words spoken by the man: “Beloved, you are my most beautiful, sweetest, smartest and irresistible - how glad I am that I met you!” - will make any woman's heart beat faster. Experienced heartthrobs are well aware of how women melt from compliments, and skillfully use it.

All the girls in the world have one common feature in common - they pay increased attention to their appearance and want to look perfect. Representatives of the weaker sex spend a lot of time and money on their beauty without any regret. And all for what? Of course, in order to please men! Just imagine what feats your girlfriend goes to in order to win your love and charm you: she tortures herself with all kinds of diets, regularly exposes herself to an execution called “epilation”, walks in high, uncomfortable stilettos, spends a lot of money on fashionable clothes. So do you really feel sorry for her affectionate words and compliments? In a word, in order for your girlfriend to adore you and believe that you love her, you must remember once and for all that the path to a woman's heart lies through compliments. Often praise the appearance of your girlfriend, her mind, her golden character - and her gratitude will know no bounds!

So, we figured out what to say to a girl. Now let's talk about what it is better for her not to say so as not to arouse her anger and resentment in her.

* Never criticize her appearance. Almost all girls have flaws in appearance, which, if desired, can be criticized. One bust is not enough, the other waist is not thin enough, and the third is decorated with youthful acne. But if you love your girlfriend, you will, of course, pretend that you don’t notice her shortcomings point-blank, but you see only advantages. Remember: for any girl there is nothing more offensive than hearing criticism of her appearance! She will never forgive you for this. In addition, a logical question arises: if you do not like the appearance of your girlfriend, then why are you dating her?

* Do not praise other women in front of her. None. Never. Even if you are impressed by the plump lips of Angelina Jolie, or if you are crazy about the bust of Pamela Anderson, keep it to yourself, or share your delights with your friends. If you don’t want your girlfriend to be mortally offended by you, or even worse, start to be jealous of all the beauties in a row, suggest to her that you are so fascinated by her that you don’t notice the charms of other women point-blank. And anyway, why would you tease your girlfriend and force her to unwittingly compare herself to glamorous beauties? Especially if the comparison may not be in her favor.

* Don't compliment her friends. She certainly won't survive this. Or then you will not survive the scandal that she will throw at you. And not because she is madly jealous, but because by praising her friends, you humiliate her pride, giving her girlfriends a reason to think that you don’t mind hitting on them. All girls are great owners, and they don’t want to share their “property” (that is, their men) with anyone!

* Don't tell her about your ex-girlfriends. If she suspects that you still miss your ex-girlfriend who left you, you will be unhappy.

* Never tell a girl that she is a bad housewife, whose hands grow from the wrong place. Such things are very sad to hear! Don't worry: when you marry her, she will certainly learn how to cook delicious borscht and iron shirts.

* Refrain from criticizing her mother. This is her mother for you - a nasty, boring, fat aunt. And for your girlfriend, she is a beloved mother! In addition, it is possible that her mother in the near future is destined to become your mother-in-law. And it’s better to be friends with mother-in-law!

Well, if it suddenly seems to you that your girlfriend is far from perfect, and you really want to criticize her for something, remember that you are not without flaws. Padding around the form

Want to know what not to say to your girlfriend if you value your relationship with her? Believe it or not, there are certain things that a guy should never, never, never ever say to his girlfriend.

If you are a champion of the "holy truth" and are ready to put principles above everything that surrounds you, then you can disagree with me. But if you value your relationship with a girl (especially at an early stage) and do not want to offend her so much that she will leave you, I advise you to read this article.

Everything is based on the difference in the type of thinking of men and women, and all the troubles are mainly due to this. Relationships that do not take this difference into account and take appropriate precautions can easily spiral out of control.

Men are more straightforward and reason, mainly based on formal logic and common sense, women are more emotional and “think with their hearts”. These differences are often laughed at, but unfortunately things get too serious when they cause relationship problems.

There are topics that guys should stay away from if they want to save their relationship with a girl. The inexorable desire of men to speak and express their opinion with or without reason, sometimes leads them into a “danger zone”, entering which usually ends with the phrase: “What are you? Offended?” But it’s too late…

"Yes! Offended!" But not because we are so touchy, but because you guys say hurtful things. Men and women have different personal values ​​and different attitudes towards them, and you do not take this into account.

Imagine that you like your girlfriend, but would like her to be a little thinner (no need to laugh, I know that this is a sore subject), and you calmly tell her, not seeing anything offensive in this, especially since she herself knows about it: “It would be nice for you to lose weight, otherwise something hangs a little here, sticks out here ... etc.” The question is why is she offended? I explain...

A man has a completely different attitude to his appearance - not like a woman. A man's own appearance is not indifferent, but not to such an extent. But the man has other weaknesses. How would you react if your girlfriend tells you: “It would be nice for you to increase potency, otherwise you somehow don’t succeed, maybe you need to quit smoking or something else ...”. Well, how? Nice?

But this can be said at a later stage of the relationship, when it comes to passionate kisses and bed, therefore, in the initial phase - the first meetings and dates, the man is protected by circumstances that give him the opportunity not to show potentially weak masculine qualities, and the woman is like in the palm of your hand from the first minutes of acquaintance, so it is easy to offend her.

Okay, enough examples, let's go directly to the etiquette of relations between a guy and a girl.

Relationship etiquette or what you should never tell your girlfriend.

We tend to repeat our mistakes and this saves us from destroying potentially good relationships with those we like. If you already had a bad experience, now is the chance to correct the situation. Quarrels and insults have never brought joy to anyone, so listen to my advice and do not tell your girlfriend the following:

  • Never call a girl fat, even if she is just your friend.
  • When your girlfriend asks how she looks, don't say, "You look amazing today." The key word here is TODAY, so you don’t need to pronounce it, everything else is please.
  • Girls love to shop and when she asks you to join don't tell her you'd rather spend this time with your friends.
  • When a beautiful and sexy girl walks past you, never comment on the appearance of another girl if at that moment your girl is next to you.
  • If your girlfriend has gained weight and you want to tell her about it, don't tell her to go on a diet. It can be done .
  • Don't start off by saying that my ex was much better than you if you don't want to wake up in an empty bed.
  • Girls love to experiment with their hair. If her hairstyle is not what you expected, refrain from comments like - something your hair looks weird.
  • What would you like for your birthday this year? Girls love surprises, so buy a gift and keep quiet like a partisan. Your preliminary question may ruin her holiday.
  • If she has withdrawn into herself and thought about something, there is no need to ask “what are you thinking about?” If in reality you are not very interested in it and you are not ready to listen to long explanations.
  • When your girlfriend invites her girlfriends over to hang out, try to keep your distance, don't flirt, don't be flirtatious, and avoid commenting on their amazing looks.
  • You are going to go somewhere (movie, party, dancing) and she puts on an outfit that you don't really like, don't tell her "are you really going to go in this?".
  • Are you sure you want to eat? This is equivalent to suggesting you go on a diet.
  • Don't say I love you if you don't actually feel it. Women take this very seriously and instantly spot insincerity.
  • If your girlfriend is very annoyed or upset, please do not reprimand her at this time and do not try to make jokes to defuse the situation.
  • Do not say that you are not going to get married or do not want to have children. Even if you really think so right now. Women want to hear the opposite of this.
  • Do not comment on the shortcomings of her appearance in a humiliating way. Avoid talking about removing facial hair or blackheads.
  • Your girlfriend loves her friend like a sister. If you don't like this girlfriend, don't tell your girlfriend - I don't like her.
  • You can't beat me at (cards, chess, checkers, video games). This applies to all types of competitions.
  • The anniversary of your acquaintance is approaching, and you ask - ... and what date is our anniversary?
  • And finally, and most importantly, don't say the other girl's name when you're making love.

Each person has his own shortcomings, but this is not a reason to be proud of them and not a reason to poke your nose at them when you see them. Unless, of course, you want to keep the relationship.

There are certain things you should never say to your girlfriend, and if you pay attention to these things, you will strengthen your relationship. Be attentive, kind and condescending, and then you will see how the girl is more and more drawn to you.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of a private individual, and not the recommendation of a specialist. I try to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I don’t physically have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also don’t have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires a huge amount of free time, and I have very little of it.

In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, do not try to use the comments for correspondence or chat, and do not expect me to advise in the comments.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many do), but then be prepared for the fact that I will ignore yours. This is not a matter of principle, but exclusively of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you want to receive qualified assistance, please contact me for advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

With respect and hope for understanding, Frederica