How to choose the right place for the Swedish wall. Children's walls are fun and useful. Size matters

When buying furniture for a baby, remember that you are laying the foundation for the harmonious development of the child. As you know, children are constantly exploring the world around them, starting with toys and furniture. This should be taken into account when arranging the space for the child. Furniture should bring joy and benefit to the child, be comfortable and safe, and it is advised to choose it together with the child.

What to look for when buying children's furniture?

  1. Size (Pay attention to compact and multifunctional sets, folding complexes and bunk beds.),
  2. Design (the right decision is to choose furniture together with the participation of the child, then it will bring him joy, and the child will grow in harmony),
  3. Color (bright colors are interesting for children, but some of them are not suitable for a long stay surrounded by such furniture),
  4. Separation of space (division into play and work areas, which it is advisable not to combine, so the child will learn to order and discipline),
  5. Functionality (think about what tasks such a purchase will solve),
  6. Perspective (remember that the child grows quickly, and it is better to purchase furniture that takes this into account)

Why do we need children's walls?

With their help, you can make the most of a small space, which most often is a nursery. Look at the photos of furniture in our catalog and find the best option for yourself.
No need to invent anything when experienced designers have already taken care of it for you. The set contains various pieces of furniture. A convenient option would be to purchase a set with a bed, since in this case the interior design will be preserved, and it is usually cheaper to purchase furniture in a set than separately. In addition, today they try to make such furniture multifunctional, combining the advantages of various interior items. You can order any furniture as a set, the catalog of our online store includes: chairs, beds, sofas, tables, chests of drawers, etc.
People who value comfort and free space will prefer the choice of a kit. Others will want to assemble a set of elements, or purchase headsets gradually, in parts. We advise you to familiarize yourself with our catalog, photos in good quality will help with this.
We present the most popular models of Russian and foreign manufacturers today, which are distinguished by an acceptable price and proven quality.

By nature, children are very mobile. It is quite difficult for them to sit still for a long time. However, the modern education system, which includes early development, forces children to spend a lot of time at a desk or table. Of course, intellectual development is very important. However, physical development is also of great importance. The child should be able to splash out the energy that has accumulated in him during the day. That is why, when arranging a children's room, you need to make sure that it has a sports corner.

About the benefits of children's sports complexes

Children's sports complexes are not just entertainment. They contribute to the full physical development of the child, by training the vestibular apparatus and all muscle groups. All this helps to strengthen the immune system, the development of children's motor skills and coordination of movements. Moreover, sports loads help to avoid the development of diseases such as scoliosis and flat feet.

Observations of specialists have shown that a child who does not go to the gym, but who does regular exercises at home, has a stronger psyche and is easier to endure a variety of stressful situations. That is why, if it is possible to install a children's sports wall, then it cannot be neglected. It is better to refuse a sofa or a rack for toys. However, refusing a sports corner would be extremely unreasonable.

About species

Even those parents who do not plan to make a great athlete out of their child should create a corner for outdoor games for their child. Then the child will not climb furniture and window sills like a monkey. Accordingly, his outdoor games will become safer.

Modern sports complexes are different in design, and their convenient design can fit into any interior. Of course, the cost of a finished set directly depends on the number of items, the material of manufacture and other important factors. Parents should choose a sports wall taking into account their financial capabilities and requirements for sports equipment. However, Swedish sports walls are the most popular among many varieties.

Children's sports walls are distinguished by several important parameters. Let's consider them in more detail.

What are they made of

For home and outdoor use, sports complexes are used, which are made of metal and wood. Individual elements can be made of high-strength plastic.

Wooden complexes are distinguished by a high degree of environmental friendliness. They fit perfectly into the design of children's rooms, and the crossbars are pleasant to the touch, but more importantly, they do not slip. At the same time, sports complexes made of wood do not have a long service life, and they are also not very durable. Over time, the connections of the horizontal bars may loosen, and the parts themselves may crack.

It is worth adding here that the strength of wood depends on the type of wood. So, a sports corner made of beech will withstand more loads than one made of pine.

Metal sports corners are considered the most durable and durable. They are able to withstand significant loads. At the same time, bare metal slides strongly, so it is often covered with plastic.

Let us consider in more detail the differences between wooden and metal sports complexes. So, wood complexes are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. High degree of environmental friendliness.
  2. The aesthetic beauty of natural wood. Any wooden object in the room gives the interior more comfort.
  3. Increased safety - the tree does not slip. This has already been mentioned above.
  4. Often sports walls can be equipped with swings, ladders, a bench and even a basketball hoop.

The fact that wooden walls are short-lived has already been written above. From active children's games, they can become covered with cracks, which will quickly become unusable, as the structure becomes too shaky. It should be noted that sports walls made of beech can withstand up to one hundred and twenty kilograms of weight, and pine models can withstand up to eighty kilograms.

The fact that metal walls are more durable and reliable has already been mentioned above. It is because of these qualities that many parents prefer metal sports equipment. In most cases, metal walls can be attached to the ceiling, floor or wall. The quality and type of the sports complex depends on the method of fastening. It is important that the surface to which the wall will be attached is not sheathed with plasterboard.

What are the forms

The simplest sports complex that can fit even in the smallest room is the wall, better known as the Swedish one. In principle, it can be used for various exercises, but the functionality of such a complex is limited to the limit. Therefore, for more serious studies, it is better to give preference to complex models:

  1. In the shape of the letter G, having a high horizontal bar on top, to which you can attach rings, a rope ladder and other sports equipment.
  2. In the shape of the letter T, when there are retractable parts on both sides. Such a complex will require more free space, but it is more functional. On one side, for example, you can hang a swing.
  3. In the shape of the letter P. Such sports complexes are characterized by increased functionality. They are ideal for those cases when there is more than one child in the house.
  4. Models that have an unusual shape can be equipped with more than one ladder, slide, and various hanging elements. Such complexes can be small, and can be quite large. Such complexes allow you to create a large playground for active games in the children's room.

About installation

Naturally, a child who plays sports needs to ensure complete safety. Therefore, special protective mats should be used to cover the floor surface under and around the platform.

Naturally, you need to carefully secure the complex itself with shells so that the young athlete does not fall and is not injured during the game. There are three ways to install a sports wall:

  1. By attaching it to the wall surface using elements such as anchors or bolts. In this case, the wall must be solid and very strong, preferably load-bearing. Attaching a sports complex to a plasterboard partition is prohibited.
  2. By spreading between the surface of the floor and ceiling. The latter in this case must be rigid. It will not work to rest the structure against the surface of a stretch or suspended ceiling.
  3. Another method is combined, that is, the sports complex is fixed by surprise and additionally fixed on the wall surface. Of course, this method is the most reliable.

It is important to take into account that when choosing a fastening of a sports complex in a spacer, you should first measure the height of the ceiling. Then it will be possible to choose a model with suitable parameters. The most compact models are located along the wall. At the same time, there should be enough free space around them. Then, when performing exercises, the child will not touch the surrounding objects.

Also, do not install a sports complex next to a doorway. Especially if the door opens towards the projectile. A good option is to install a sports complex on the balcony if it is insulated and protected.

Nuances of choice

A sports complex should be bought with a future perspective. In other words, it must withstand not only the weight of a child, but also the weight of an adult. In the selection process, attention should be paid to the crossbars. If they are metal, they must be covered with a special material that prevents slipping.

Also, when buying a complex, it is necessary to check the quality of the suspended elements. It is important that all ropes and ropes are made from organic cotton. In addition, all fasteners must also be available.

It is worth noting that it is not necessary to buy the whole complex at once. You can buy the basic elements, supplementing them in the future with various ropes and other shells, if necessary.

Video. How to choose a children's sports complex

Which Swedish walls are better, wooden or iron?

When choosing between a metal and wooden Swedish wall, you, first of all, choose the appearance. In terms of reliability, safety and characteristics, there is no difference between wooden and iron Swedish walls.

What fastening of the Swedish wall is more reliable in the thrust or to the wall?

Wall-mounted DSCs are suitable for most modern apartments. The main and only requirement for the walls, they must be strong concrete or brick. Walls should not crumble and be hollow.

The only disadvantage of wall mounts is that you need to drill the walls.

The Swedish wall with fastening in the spacer can be installed anywhere in the apartment, provided that the ceilings and floors have sufficient strength to withstand the load. DSC with fastening in the spacer cannot be installed in rooms with suspended and false ceilings.

The great advantage of this type of fastening is its versatility. You do not need to drill holes in the wall, you can rearrange the DSC to any part of the room.

Both wall and spacer mounts must be periodically checked and, if necessary, tightened.

As for safety, both types of fastening are equally safe, subject to the rules of operation.

At what age do you need a Swedish wall?

There are practically no age restrictions for classes on the Swedish wall.

Sports complexes are made for people of all ages.

For children from 1 year old there are special sports corners where parents can actively engage in them. The entire structure of these DSCs (the distance between the ladders, the thickness of the crossbars, etc.) is designed taking into account the physiological characteristics of a small child. As a rule, children's corners for kids are equipped with slides, swings, rings ... In fact, you are buying a children's playground.

For older children, the choice of DSC and sports equipment is more extensive. DSC for children from 3-4 years old, as a rule, are able to withstand more serious loads. High-quality Swedish walls must withstand a weight of at least 100 kg. Therefore, they can serve as a sports simulator for all family members.

But if your child plans to play sports professionally, it is recommended to choose Swedish walls with a greater load.

As you may have guessed, there are practically no age restrictions for practicing on the Swedish wall.

Do you need a Swedish wall at home, will the child work on it?

This question can be unambiguously answered. If you have a child, it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl, and there are no medical contraindications, a Swedish wall in the house is a must. Children need a Swedish wall at all stages of development. Classes on DSC will strengthen the body as a whole, strengthen the spine, muscular system, skeletal system, improve stretching. The Swedish wall is simply necessary for teenagers who spend a lot of time at their desks and computers. As for whether the child will be engaged, a lot depends on you. For small children, classes at the DSC will be interesting in the form of a game, children love to climb and jump, especially when friends come to them. Older children can be involved in the process by their example, none of the family members will interfere with physical exercise. Well, if your child is fond of sports, then it is quite obvious that you cannot do without a Swedish wall.

Do you need a sports mat for the Swedish wall?

The gymnastic mat protects against injury and softens the blows during jumps and falls from the DSC. Until adolescence, a gymnastic mat simply needs to be laid under the Swedish wall during games and activities for children.

How to choose a gymnastic mat for DSC?

There is nothing complicated here, you need to follow a simple rule. Around the DSC, if it is not close to the wall, or in front, if it is close to the wall, there must be a safety zone with a radius of 1 meter. For a classic Swedish wall with hanging options (gymnastic rings, rope, rope ladder...) you need a gymnastic mat 1.5 - 2 meters long and 1 meter wide. If there are no hanging options, you can save money and purchase a 1x1 meter mat. Do not neglect the safety of the child and save on a gymnastic mat.

Which gymnastic mat to buy, folding or non-folding or several small ones?

The very presence of a mat on the floor during classes is important, and what it will be is an individual matter. Folding mats are more functional than non-folding mats, they can be easily folded and removed, and they can also be used as play equipment for a child's room. If you take several small awkward mats, this may not be very convenient, because in the course of classes or games, they will move apart on the floor.

What does a children's home sports complex consist of?
The sports complex may include a variety of options that can be included with the purchased DSC, or separately. It all depends on your imagination.
Swedish wall - classical Swedish is a gymnastic apparatus in the form of a ladder. In most cases, the Swedish wall serves as the basis for the sports complex, on which other options are subsequently attached.
Horizontal bar- the most popular option in home sports complexes. The horizontal bar is a wooden crossbar on two racks. Depending on their design, horizontal bars can be fixed at a certain height, or, as the child grows, they can be adjusted in height. Often the horizontal bar serves as the basis for hanging options (rings, rope, rope ladder, trapeze, swing, basketball pear ...).

Gymnastic rings- perhaps the most popular and favorite sports equipment for children. Children love to hang and swing on the rings. The rings are attached to the horizontal bar, or to special DSC mounts.
Rope-ladder- a very popular gymnastic equipment loved by children. You can not only climb on a rope ladder, but also swing like on a swing. Climbing and rope ladder exercises contribute to physical development, training of the vestibular apparatus, training of your baby's dexterity. Climbing a rope ladder is much more difficult than climbing a Swedish wall, so this sports equipment will be interesting for children from 2 to 2.5 years old.
Trapeze- horizontal crossbar on two ropes. On the trapezoid you can hang, swing, pull up. Also, the trapezoid can be adjusted in height, which makes it a universal sports equipment.
bungee- horizontal crossbar on a rope. Just like a trapezoid, it can be used for rocking, pull-ups and swings.
Rope- not everyone can climb the rope. This sports equipment will be relevant for children from 5 years old.
Swing- all children, without exception, love swings. The swing is great and fun.
Mesh or rope manhole- one of the most favorite options for children. The rope network is stretched between two crossbars and serves as an excellent game and sports simulator for children. You won't have to force the kids to climb the ropeway, especially if a group of kids gather around the DSC. You will have to make considerable efforts to tear the children away from him)))
Punching bag- Contrary to popular belief that a punching bag is interesting only for boys, this is a delusion. Punching a punching bag for girls is no less exciting. But first of all, this sports simulator, classes on which bring no small benefit to the developing child's body.
bars- the bars are attached to the Swedish wall and will be relevant for teenagers.
basketball hoop- games with a basketball hoop are exciting and train accuracy and agility. The child will love the basketball hoop at home.
Board for the press- sports equipment is designed to strengthen the muscles of the press, relevant for teenagers.
ruhokhod- ladder located horizontally with respect to the floor. On it you can hang, climb, attach mounted options.
Back trainer- one of the most useful options for all family members. One way or another, most people experience problems with the spine. For modern teenagers who spend a huge amount of time at the computer and at the desk, a back simulator is a must.
This is far from all, there are still climbing walls, hammocks, balance beams and other options.

For more than two centuries, such a sports equipment as the Swedish wall has been used for a variety of gymnastics. It can be found in every school, but now many parents equip their own housing with such a design. The advantages of the equipment are obvious: the Swedish wall for children in the apartment is compact and at the same time allows for a significant variety of types of gymnastic exercises. And all this regardless of the weather conditions outside the window.

Types of Swedish walls and installation conditions

Swedish walls for children are made up to 2-2.5 m high, so they can be mounted in any apartment. You should not try to make such equipment yourself: despite the apparent simplicity, high-strength types of wood, in particular larch or beech, are used for the manufacture of wall elements, which eliminates the possibility of injury to a young athlete in the event of a sudden breakdown of the crossbars. The ergonomics of the horizontal bar placement also strictly takes into account age-related features: the last of them always protrudes above the others, which is more convenient for hanging and a number of other physical exercises.

Swedish wall mounting options

1. Ceiling - used in the case of low ceilings, as well as suspended structures made of plasterboard or Armstrong panels.

2. Wall-mounted - used when there is sufficient free space near the wall in the room, as well as when stretch ceilings are equipped in it.

3. Floor - implemented with low ceilings, used for loads not exceeding 60 kg.

In any case, special attention is paid to the safety of children, so the supporting elements of the structure must be equipped with elastic and durable overlays made of highly resistant rubber or polyurethane.

Features of choosing a Swedish wall for children in an apartment

Due to the anthropological features of the child's body, the distance between the crossbars and their width should be less than for adults: usually the age is indicated in the installation instructions for the product. Particularly valuable are the designs in which the crossbars have rubberized bushings that facilitate gripping and prevent accidental slipping of the child's hands during class.

A separate topic is the aesthetic solution of the children's Swedish wall. Usually it is bright, with elements of fantasy decor, where characters from your favorite cartoons, fairy tales, and so on can be depicted.

Wall bars for children in an apartment are available in both simple and advanced configurations. In the latter case, parents can also acquire a rope, horizontal bar or bars, resulting in a full-fledged gymnastic corner at home. Naturally, this is possible only if there is free space in the apartment.