The girl told how a diaper, a pacifier and baby clothes help to cope with life's problems. "An adult girl, but in diapers." Monologues of disgruntled grandmothers

Bedwetting (or nocturnal enuresis) is a problem that can affect people of any age. In some cases, a possible way to deal with its symptomatic manifestation may be to put on diapers (pampers) at night. Many children of primary school age and teenagers are extremely opposed to the use of diapers. Some of them feel like their parents treat them like babies. And in such situations, it is quite difficult for parents to convince the child to wear a diaper. This article will tell you about how you can encourage and motivate a child to use a diaper, which he is so shy about, so that nocturnal enuresis is no longer such a big problem.


Part 1

Effective communication

    Explain your decision. As a parent, you have the right to set your own rules for your child. But as he grows up, the child will become more and more interested in the reasons why you make decisions for him. Take the time to explain to your child why you chose to wear diapers.

    • Use words that your child understands when speaking. If you need to explain your decision medically, find a way for your child to explain it. For example, you can refer to him as follows: "You know that you have some difficulties in going to the toilet before bed? With the help of these diapers, we will try to solve this problem."
    • Emphasize that it is very important for a child of his age to get a good night's sleep, and diapers will allow him to sleep, as he will not have to wake up in the middle of the night because of a wet bed.
  1. Emphasize that the use of a diaper is for the benefit of the child and is not a punishment. Try telling your child something like this: "I understand that you don't want to wear diapers, but I'm worried that bedwetting is seriously disrupting your sleep. So you should try to temporarily solve this problem with diapers. Let's see what happens" .

    • Explain to your child that bedwetting affects people of all ages (including many adults), and some of them have to wear diapers for life.
    • While it's best for all of you to try to address the cause of bedwetting rather than just addressing its symptoms, there are times when diaper wear is indicated. Reassure your child that even in this situation, there is nothing wrong with wearing diapers. Diapers are the most effective remedy for such severe urinary incontinence as enuresis, which, moreover, provides a person with comfort and hygiene.
  2. Listen to the child's concerns. If the child is already old enough to staunchly resist wearing diapers, he will probably be able to give his own explanations for this. It is possible that the child is ashamed or shy. Perhaps certain diapers are causing him physical discomfort. Whatever the reason given, take it seriously.

    • A great way to show that you have heard your child's concerns is to paraphrase what they said. For example, you can address your child as follows: "I understand your concern that your older brother will make fun of you for diapers."
    • Follow the paraphrased sentence with a follow-up question. Try asking your child, "What can we do to make this situation less uncomfortable for you?"
  3. Be aware of the child's feelings. As you discuss diapering, you're likely to experience a range of different emotions. In such a situation, it is easy to get upset, angry and even embarrassed. Listen carefully to your child and try to let him know that you empathize with him.

    • If your child is shy, try to reassure them that this is a very common problem. Reassure him that his emotions are valid and understandable. Tell him something like this: "I understand how you feel. I, too, have experienced embarrassment more than once in my life."
    • It is very important to let the child understand that the diaper is not needed for punishment or humiliation.
    • Emphasize that the child or teen will only need to wear a diaper at night and the only people who will know about it will be family members.
  4. Offer your child support. There are several ways to give your child verbal support. Try to build a conversation with him around the problem, and not around the child himself. This will allow you to address the problem without forcing the child to become defensive.

    • An example of a child-oriented phrase would be this sentence: "You pout too often at night." She can make the child feel guilty. Instead, it is better to use a problem-oriented phrase, such as: "Night-wetting causes great discomfort and inconvenience to those who experience it." This phrase will support the child, showing that the problem does not fall only on his shoulders.
    • Try to support your child with phrases like this: "It's very good that you are ready to discuss this problem with me. I really appreciate that you are already such an adult and honest child with me."

    Part 2

    Make a plan of action
    1. Find out the cause of nocturnal enuresis. Bedwetting can be a problem if the child was previously able to stay dry all night and now has regressed. Many experts also agree that incontinence should be considered a problem when a child is five years old and still wets the bed more than twice a week. The first step in solving a problem should be to find out its causes. Make an appointment with your pediatrician to discuss your situation with him.

      Explore possible alternative causes. If the diagnostic results do not reveal the physiological causes of nocturnal enuresis, it will be necessary to pay attention to possible causes of the emotional plan. According to doctors, if the child has previously been consistently dry at night for six months or more, the problems may be the result of stress or anxiety. If you think your child is suffering from stress or anxiety, start looking into the specific cause of this phenomenon.

      • Consider whether there have been any drastic changes in the child's life recently. For example, have you moved? Has anyone close to you died? Did the child survive the divorce of his parents? Any of these situations can serve as a source of stress and anxiety.
      • Try to be honest with your child. You can ask him questions that will allow you to understand if there are any other possible causes of the problem that you do not yet know about. Try starting the conversation like this: "How are things at school? Something I haven't heard in a long time about how much you like your teachers." Then you can try to use the information received to find out if the child has emotional problems.
    2. Think about treatment options. Once the cause of bedwetting is identified, various treatment options can be considered. If the diagnosis is due to physiological causes, your doctor may suggest different treatment approaches. Ask him to tell you in detail about all the possible options.

      Consider introducing a reward system to encourage your child to use diapers at night. If your doctor agrees with you that using diapers is the best solution, consider setting up a temporary reward system to encourage your child to use diapers. From the very beginning, explain to your child that rewards are only a temporary measure until he gets used to using them.

      • Try to explain the situation to him like this: “We know that you are a little embarrassed about the current situation, and we understand how you feel, so we came up with the idea to make the process of wearing diapers more enjoyable. We want to introduce a reward system for him. By fulfilling your part of the obligation, you will not only receive encouragement, but also help yourself get used to diapers.
      • Ask your child to name three things they love very much. For example, he might name computer games, books, and toys (in that order). If the child uses diapers 20-24 nights in a row, he will receive a toy; if he sleeps in diapers for 25-29 nights, they will buy him a book; and if he lasts a whole month, he will get a computer game. The purpose of such a reward system is to allow the child to gradually get used to wearing diapers.
      • Verbal encouragement is also an important component of the reward system. In case of any regression, do not forget about words of support, encouragement and praise. If the child is old enough, give him one real end goal, not several temporary rewards: it will be long-term care for his health, comfort and hygiene. Refer to him like this: "We are really proud that you understand the need to wear diapers. We know this is not funny, but do not forget that many people of all ages wear diapers due to bedwetting. It is much more comfortable to use a diaper than waking up in the middle of the night in wet pajamas and a bed, right?"
    3. Teach your child how to handle diapers on their own. If the child is already large, it is important to teach him to take care of his own hygiene, as safely and independently as his age allows. It is necessary to teach the child to use diapers as early as possible, so that later he does not feel embarrassed and not ashamed of it. The child should be responsible for putting on and changing diapers, but only if he does not suffer from a mental or physical disability that prevents him from performing such tasks.

    Part 3

    Ask for help

      Discuss the problem with someone. Bedwetting is likely to be very frustrating for both you and your baby. You may need some help in finding the right ways to solve the problem. If you're having trouble getting your child to wear diapers, there may be someone who can help you have that difficult conversation with your child.

      • Think about whether you have a relative who has a great relationship with your child? If the child is very close to an aunt, uncle, or cousin, try bringing that person into an important conversation.
      • Talk to friends and relatives who also have children. If they have experienced similar issues, they may be able to provide you with some good personalized advice.
    1. Try joining an online (or real) support group for people with urinary incontinence. It can provide you with a good opportunity to discuss with people various topics related to incontinence, from wearing diapers to choosing among different brands of these hygiene products. Encourage your child to also talk to people in the support group and ask them about how they cope with the need to use protective equipment. If the child is still small enough, it would be wise to keep an eye on his communication on the network.

      • Try talking to a close friend you trust. Explain that you are going through a difficult period of problem solving with your child and need to talk it over with someone. Having someone who can listen to you will go a long way in defusing the stress of your situation.
    • When using reusable cloth diapers on a child, do not forget to wear waterproof (polyethylene) shorts over them.
    • Some people use both reusable and disposable diapers for incontinence. For example, reusable diapers with plastic underpants can be uncomfortable during hot seasons, when it would be wise to switch to disposable diapers.
    • Don't tell strangers about your children's bedwetting problems. This can confuse them, distrust you, and even make them stop listening to you.
    • It may be a good idea to use a diaper while traveling if the child is able to fall asleep sitting in a car seat or on an airplane and can urinate while doing so. Having a diaper on your child during the trip will also save you from anxious situations of urgent search for the toilet and allow the child himself to relax, as he will be able to go to the toilet in a diaper in case of emergency.
    • Use special creams and lotions to prevent diaper rash. You can also use baby powder, but some people prefer creams over powders because of the potential for ovarian and prostate cancer.

    Article Information

    This article was co-authored by Jennifer Boidy, RN . Jennifer Boydie is a Maryland Registered Nurse. She received her nursing degree from Carroll County Community College in 2012.

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As children, we all loved to jump on the couch, build pillow houses and run around the room, knocking everyone down. An adult person seems to be supposed to behave seriously and responsibly by status. But sometimes you really want to go back to childhood and rage.

American Heidi is 24 years old. She lives in Oregon and works for a trading company. But a few hours a week, the girl allows herself to relax and turn into a baby. She puts on diapers, overalls and a cap that are similar to those worn by small children. To complete the image, Heidi puts a pacifier in her mouth.

With the psyche of the American, everything is fine, she does not lag behind in mental development. The fact is that Heidi is part of a special subculture, whose representatives call themselves "adult lovers of baby diapers" or residents of "daddy's house."

At their meetings, they dress up like little children and behave accordingly. Just in this way, the girl and her friends take a break from everyday problems. Together they play with dolls and cars, read books, watch cartoons and children's films. Sometimes they run like crazy and do some crafts. True, Heidi admits that the diaper is not used for its intended purpose. For her, it's just a decorative element.

For a while, the girl did not advertise her return to childhood. But when I found supporters on the Internet, I decided to get to know them and join the new subculture. After that, she became bolder. Now she is not shy about posting photos of herself as a child on social networks. However, Heidi's parents still have no idea about her hobbies.

But the young American man knows about the hobby. They met several months ago. He is the brother of her best friend. They meet a little more, but the girl decided to immediately tell about her unusual hobby. Eric (that's the name of the guy) is normal about the strange hobby of his beloved.

He even likes it when Heidi calls him "Daddy". By the way, the American says that she does not use the image of a child for love games. In intimate matters, she behaves like an adult girl.

She calls her boyfriend "daddy". A young girl works as a sales manager and lives in Oregon, USA.

24-year-old Heidi during working hours is not much different from her colleagues. She works hard and always wears strict and restrained suits that emphasize her professionalism. But few people can believe that at home Heidi turns into a little girl who sucks a pacifier, puts on a diaper and sucks her thumb.

The fact is that Heidi is an adherent of the Daddy Dom / Little Girl subculture, the essence of which is that an adult behaves like a small child or baby.

For Heidi, these children's games do not have any sexual overtones. She says she enjoys living the life of a small child between the ages of one and three. She does this to take a break from everyday worries.

Heidi usually spends about an hour a day as a child. She plays baby games, braids her hair in cute pigtails, dresses in pink, baby clothes, wears a diaper (but does not use it for its intended purpose), plays with toys, babbles and moves around like a one-year-old baby.

Such leisure Heidi prefers since last year, when she learned about grown women who like to play with children's toys.

“I was led to this lifestyle by the belief that I was not alone. Since I was 18 years old, I loved to play with toys or dress like a child. I didn’t even know that there were people like me. I immediately felt the comfort that a whole group of people would love me and accept my hobby.

When I play the role of a baby, I put on a diaper, use baby lotions and powder, and I also have adult pacifiers. But I don't use a diaper as a toilet, it just makes me feel small.

I like to play with dolls or act out scenes with animal toys. I can jump around stupidly on the bed or lie quietly and suck on a pacifier. When I'm in the role of a child, I forget about any adult problem that I have at that moment.

I also attend regular meetings of adherents of this subculture. We all show up in kids clothes, watch cartoons or do some cute crafts. I always look forward to meeting my little friends," she said.

Heidi has a boyfriend and he allows you to call him dad when she is in the role of a child.

“Eric is my boyfriend, we met two months ago. He didn’t know anything about this subculture, so everything is new to him. But he doesn’t mind my hobby, and says that it’s very nice,” shared Heidi.

"I am often asked if this is my fetish and if I act like a child during sex. Of course not! This is a big delusion. For me, playing the role of a child is a state of mind thanks to which I can return to my childhood and just forget about all your adult chores," Heidi said.

The girl told how a diaper, pacifier and baby clothes help to cope with life's problems updated: May 10, 2019 by: Olya Kofanova

She doesn’t want to sit with the child, she fed him the wrong thing, gave him the wrong thing ... Do you think that we are the only ones who have complaints about grandmothers? They also have something to say.

Even the most loving and democratic grandmothers sometimes purse their lips and express dissatisfaction with the upbringing of their grandchildren. What exactly do they not like?

Olga Petrovna, 55 years old, granddaughter 3 years old

My son and daughter-in-law are very active. Before the birth of a child, they didn’t sit at home at all: you couldn’t find it on weekends, every vacation is a new country. I thought that with the birth of Alechka something would change, but no. In a year they dragged her to Goa, and even in winter, in February. It is not surprising that the child was constantly ill afterwards. A cough, a runny nose, an upset stomach. Turkey in the summer, then Greece. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I don't think it's right. She is still a baby, she likes a pool in the country, that an island in the ocean - there is no difference. The rest of the time, there is also some kind of activity - either slides, or parks, or some kind of educational circles. And they drive with a cough, and with snot. They don’t listen to me, and they treat me in their own way, they don’t give antibiotics. I don't understand this!

Elena Sergeevna, 64 years old, grandchildren 5 and 7 years old

The boys are good, but just terribly spoiled! They are allowed to do everything: interrupt their elders, be rude, argue, go to bed after midnight, eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner - they don’t want anything else, you see. Their mother calls it democratic education and the development of individual freedom. And I - just promiscuity. - I worked as a kindergarten teacher for more than thirty years and I know what grows out of such kids. And my mother rushes about with them, asking what they will eat, what T-shirt to buy, which circle to take. If they don't want to, let them leave. Some kind of nonsense: the elders should decide! She, you see, the psychologist advised so. I also don’t really trust psychologists, it’s just a fashion trend. But if the child has no problems, he does not need any psychologists.

Svetlana Petrovna, 66 years old, granddaughter 3 years old, grandson 9 years old

Young mothers are now very lazy, trying to make their lives easier. First of all, these diapers! Alina is an adult girl, and they still put her on a walk. Where does it fit? And until two, her mother stuffed her with adjustable cereals, mashed potatoes from jars. All purchased, all store bought. Too lazy to make homemade cottage cheese, too lazy to cook soup. The elder loves sushi, pizza, nuggets, sausages and other nonsense. For breakfast, instead of cereals, some stars with milk, which is stored for a year without a refrigerator! To me, this is not normal. Then the children will have gastritis or a stomach ulcer - they will remember my words. And, of course, a lot of cartoons and a computer - literally every day. And also, in secret, I don’t like these at all - Luka and Adeline. I prefer the classic.

Olga Vyacheslavovna, 53 years old, grandson 5 years old

My husband and I have one big complaint, not even a complaint, an insult - they don’t let me communicate with Mark. Not openly, of course, but there are always some excuses. Either the weather is bad, or there is no one to take it, or the child is not in the mood. To them, too, almost by appointment. Before sleep it is impossible, he will get overexcited, after sleep he is capricious. Or friends, or activities. In general, I see my grandson once a month. Of course, he weaned, contact is difficult to establish. Therefore, he does not want to visit, and does not always communicate when we come. I think we just did not please the daughter-in-law. I really want to openly talk and understand, but she laughs and says that I am inventing. I do not know what to do.