Olga Buzova divorces her husband or not. "I'm in a hurry to go home, where Nastya is waiting for me with dinner." Dmitry Tarasov gave the first interview after the divorce from Buzova and spoke about new love. Find yourself in creativity

The Russians had just recovered from the news of how they faced a new scourge. The well-known TV presenter and Lokomotiv midfielder claim the title of "divorce of the year" within the CIS countries. The upcoming divorce of Tarasov and Buzova caused a wave of discussion among fans and haters of the couple.

Let's restore the chronology of events.

Love story

Roman Buzova and Tarasov began not without public discussion. For Dmitry, the marriage with the ex-participant of "House-2" was the second. With his first wife, former gymnast Oksana Ponomarenko, he divorced after meeting his future second wife.

Dmitry and Olga met in a restaurant. Buzova's accusations that she allegedly took her husband away from the family were not long in coming. But the football player made an official statement: the divorce had been brewing for a long time, and the prerequisites for it arose long before he met Olga. In general, relations with the ex-wife are tense. Angelina Tarasov communicates little with his daughter from his first marriage.

Buzova and Tarasov regularly participate in photo shoots

Buzova and Tarasov registered their marriage in 2012.


Coverage of personal life occupies a certain niche in the history of relations between Buzova and Tarasov. Olga - very. The TV presenter regularly published photos with her lover, creating her own hashtags. #my And #gibberish.

It was the lack of fresh joint pictures that aroused suspicion among the couple's fans. Moreover, on his page on the social network, who underwent nose surgery, he thanked his mother for caring, but did not say a word about his wife:

“Thank you mommy and everyone who supported me.”

The last joint photo was posted by Olga on October 10th. The poem quoted by Buzova on November 1 also causes concern. In the photo, she is dressed in a white flying dress, and the comment says about pain, betrayal and broken promises.

About the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov say their posts on Instagram


The first indirect confirmation of the upcoming divorce of Buzova and Tarasov was the comment of Dmitry himself. To questions from journalists:

“Olya loves to comment on everything, so call her. And I will comment on it right after it.

Olga has so far refrained from commenting, unlike her friends. So, she herself got into the media tapes because of her husband, a photo of Buzova with the caption:

"If you have a heart, if you have something to do besides washing the bones, leave it alone, everything is fine."

Another colleague at Dom-2, in addition to words of support, spoke about his version of the reasons for the gap:

“Maybe their relationship has lost its freshness to some extent. At one time they wrote that Dimka could cheat on her - well, it's a young thing. In general, he is a rather rude and ill-mannered person.

The last joint photos of Buzova and Tarasov

The Federation Council is even connected to the proceedings in the relations of the domestic star couple. Concerned fans sent a petition to the senator with a request to reason with Buzova and Tarasov. To this the politician replied succinctly:

“I think that Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov will sort it out themselves. Let's not disturb them. I want them to save their families."

Reasons for the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov

The fact of the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov has not been confirmed, but it is known for certain that something is wrong in the family. In addition, on November 2, Olga was published without a wedding ring. The media and ardent fans tirelessly put forward new versions of discord.

1. Absence of children

It was the possible reluctance of 30-year-old Olga Buzova at this stage in her life to have children that the media dubbed the first reason for divorce. Until now, this version has not been confirmed by anyone. And earlier the media reported about Olga.

2. Adultery

Such an assumption was put forward at least by Rustam Solntsev. The fact of infidelity is also not confirmed, but deserves attention as one of the most common causes of divorce. A number of media outlets report that Tarasov allegedly cheated on his wife during frequent business trips.

3. Incompatibility

According to Olga's former lover, with whom she sparkled on the screen for three years as a participant in the television project, the problem lies in the choice of " a few rude men».

“Olya is drawn to those in order to remain airy herself. She doesn't like to make decisions. She loves it when someone opens doors for her, and she solemnly enters them.

But then, according to Roman, at some point a man just gets tired, he gets bored».

4. PR

Not so long ago, Olga Buzova presented her autobiographical book The Price of Happiness. In it, she talks about the difficulties she had to face on the way to overwhelming success. It also touches on the history of relations with the spouse.

Buzova's book "The Price of Happiness"

But even if the divorce of Tarasov and Buzova is black PR, the couple's fans are unlikely to be disappointed with the preservation of the family.

House-2". While Olga complained that Tarasov began to live with a new chosen one - 23-year-old model Anastasia Kostenko. The other day they gave the first joint interview about their relationship, where they said that they live happily and are already planning a wedding and children.

According to Dmitry, he almost did not worry after a divorce from Olga Buzova, because "I decided everything for myself."

I am a very reserved person. I can endure, weigh, think for a long time, but if I explode, then irrevocably. Love has passed, the tomatoes withered. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it does not happen that only one. In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I first saw each other in a circle of mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. We didn't talk much, we crossed eyes a couple of times. I found out from my friends who this girl was.


Anastasia admitted that she was not aware of Dmitry's relationship. He wrote to her on Instagram, and they began to chat. The second meeting took place on January 1 - Tarasov called her to karaoke. “We sang, we rested,” after which Tarasov escorted the model home and left.

I immediately warned that you can’t buy me with gifts. The most valuable thing is attention. Dima knows how to look after: he gives flowers, takes him to restaurants and cinema. My aunt lives in Moscow, who always warned: “Be careful. In the capital, men are spoiled." I avoided communication with the representatives of the stronger sex, I lived with my sister. But Dima turned out to be different - caring and homely. And when I saw his reverent attitude towards children, I realized - this is my man!


According to Anastasia, nevertheless she several times tried to end the relationship with Dmitry. The girl was worried about his past: two divorces, a child from his first marriage. However, the athlete still managed to win the trust of Kostenko. When the relationship of the couple ceased to be a secret, a flurry of criticism fell upon Anastasia. Many called the model a homemaker. “They accused me of getting into the pants of a married man,” she says. But after a while, Anastasia calmed down and gave Tarasov a promise that she would no longer visit anti-fan sites, read comments and react emotionally.


The couple moved in three months after they met. Dmitry says that it was “hard to lure Anastasia into an apartment” and she explains this by the fact that she never lived with men on the same territory and was afraid that their relationship would be eaten by everyday life. Now everything is fine with the couple: Nastya is waiting for her beloved from training, cooks for him and brings comfort to the house. The football player admits: every time he hurries home.

- One of the last favorite dishes from Nastya is called Cinnabon. These are very tasty and soft cinnamon buns. I love them. Usually the baby does everything I ask - the first, second, third ... Soup should be a must. I'm in a hurry to go home from training, because Nastenka is waiting for me there with a delicious lunch. I am a happy man.


The couple is already thinking about getting married and wants to have many children. Anastasia admits that she plans to give birth, but not in the next year for sure. A month ago, Tarasov bought his own house, where they moved with Kostenko. Like Nastya and Dmitry's mother. “She somehow immediately liked her,” he admits, “for my mother, the main thing is that I be happy, fed, smile and not go to restaurants.”


Buzova and Tarasov news today: Olga Buzova divorces Tarasov? Tarasov broke up with Buzova?

Passions around the separation of Olga and Dmitry are heating up more and more in the discussion supposedly the upcoming divorce of a famous married couple.

Buzova herself still does not comment on rumors of a divorce from her husband, and Tarasov does not at all want to talk on such a sensitive topic, waiting until his wife speaks out.

Olga Buzova and Tarasov broke up - Possible reasons for the breakup

After a 4-year family life, the famous TV presenter Olga Buzova and the athlete (football player) Dmitry Tarasov, unfortunately for many fans, really broke up? What caused the breakup?

Facts suggesting the separation of Buzova and Tarasov:

  • Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov took off their wedding rings.
  • * Tarasov appeared in society (and in the last photo) without a wedding band. In principle, Dima sometimes took off his engagement ring even in the most cloudless periods of family life. For example, while on vacation or while exercising in the gym.

    * Buzova published a video on the network, which shows the disappearance of a wedding ring from the ring finger. Perhaps this is an answer to Dmitry, or maybe the reason is that Olga signed the video “We are filming a movie” and this was done for the sake of the role.

  • Olga Buzova stopped posting joint photos on the network with her husband, although she used to do it with enviable regularity.
  • Buzova's usual radiant smile disappeared somewhere.
  • The couple was last seen together at a concert three weeks ago.
  • Olga Buzova was not next to Dmitry Tarasov when he was admitted to the hospital.
  • Mom was next to him.

  • D. Tarasov was not present at the presentation of the award for the best Russian Instagram to Olga Buzova.
  • Perhaps he was in the hospital?

  • Buzova's Instagram post about angels.
  • Despair, pain, sadness, regret could be seen from the lines of the verse...

There are a lot of opinions expressed in Internet research about the reasons for the breakup of relations:

  • Tarasov was always ill-mannered, rude and prone to treason.
  • According to the former participant of "Dom-2" Rustam Solntsev.

  • Relations have lost their freshness and it is possible that Dima could start cheating on Ole.
  • Again, from the words of Rustam Solntsev, as well as from comments on the social network Instagram.

  • Buzova has accumulated claims and resentments, because in a couple Olga loves her husband more than he loves her.
  • When his wife was in the hospital, Dmitry hung out in clubs.

  • Tarasov does not work for half a year after a serious operation, and Olga is constantly at work.
  • It is not easy to maintain an exemplary marriage when you and your husband see each other, figuratively speaking, once every five years, or at least a month.

  • Buzova and Tarasov have been married for 4 years, but the couple still has no children.
  • And Dmitry has a daughter from his first marriage, with whom he maintains a relationship.

  • Buzova disappeared from the list of the football player's friends on the social network, and he completely closed his page.
  • Tarasov asked Buzova to pack his things and leave his apartment.
  • Some sources claim that Olga Buzova found a new home and started collecting her personal belongings.

  • The reason for the divorce could be the size of Olga Buzova's breasts.
  • With a hint that the new girl Dmitry Tarasov has big breasts.

What Dmitry Tarasov responded to reports of a breakup with Olga Buzova

Footballer Dmitry Tarasov did not confirm the breakup with Olga Buzova

In principle, the conclusions about the breakup were drawn from monitoring social networks, and none of the spouses directly reported the breakup.

Media journalists, when contacting the 29-year-old footballer, were denied comment on this issue. Dmitry Tarasov offered to turn to his wife, saying: “Call Olya - she loves to comment on everything ... And if you need to write something scandalous, write whatever you want ... "

But on his Instagram page, Dmitry Tarasov not so long ago posted a photo of himself in a hospital bed (after surgery to restore his nose). And he signed: “Thanks to mommy and everyone who supported me.” And about his wife - either just not a word, or referred to "everyone."

Olga Buzova spoke about the pain of betrayal - Star of the TV show Buzova Instagram

Olga Buzova posted, with a caption in poetic form: "You know, angels get tired one day ... From someone's lies, betrayal and pain ..."

Buzova in a wedding dress - Buzova's verse

You know... Angels get tired one day:
From someone's lies, betrayal and pain,
From the promises you make
You don't have the will to hold back.

From petty humiliating insults,
From bitter tears that hide behind a smile
From long waiting in silence
Which torments with terrible torture.

They suddenly realize that they are not needed.
He did not wait for them, to whom they were sent.
And the wings that are wounded, sick -
They substituted in vain in trouble.

Everything is in vain - like a death sentence.
And with wings folded, the angel disappears.
And only then, you will understand that you are alone.
No more angel. Nobody is covering.

Olga Buzova first shared her emotions after breaking up with her husband

One of the last posts of the TV personality Olga only slightly hints at her inner state. Having veiled her real emotions with verses, Buzova on Instagram makes it clear that she can hardly manage to maintain the image of a positive, cheerful and cheerful girl that everyone is so used to.

Olya looks, as always, stunning. She published a magnificent picture in a chic expensive fur coat, signing: “And even if you want to howl, you grit your teeth, smiling proudly ... Say: I lived, I live and I will live. I will be happy, and I have no doubt!

Fans immediately reacted to this confession of Olga, writing a lot of comments with words of support.

Olga Buzova and Tarasov are getting divorced 2016 news today - Appeal to Mizulina Elena Borisovna

After the shocking news about Tarasov and Buzova, the Internet community began to save at all costs a public family, which, in their opinion, has every chance for a future life. They decided to connect Senator Elena Mizulina to such an important issue, asking her to become a reconciling link in the relationship of the star spouses. The corresponding petition was published on one of the sites in the internet. In the text of the petition, Elena Mizulina appears as a State Duma deputy, although since January 2015 she has not been one and has been working in the Federation Council.

The author of the petition, Vanessa Pirogova, pointed out that Olya and Dima for fans for fans have always been a vivid example of an ideal relationship, mutual love and family values. She also made a written request to have a conversation with Tarasov and Buzova and find out what happened to them in order to resuscitate the marriage.

Anna Buzova can hardly restrain herself from speaking out about her sister's divorce

Anna Buzova, co-owner of the Bijoux Room brand, sister of 30-year-old TNT star Olga Buzova, tries not to respond to “gossip and speculation”. On her Instagram, she wrote that she was holding back with her last strength so as not to tell the whole truth.

Anna Buzova on November 1 wrote a post on her blog dedicated to her older sister. Anya signed the joint photo: “There is so much dirt in the Insta-world that not everyone can bear”

This is karma: Tarasov's ex-wife spoke about his breakup with Olga Buzova

Oksana Tarasova (Ponomarenko) - Tarasov's first wife published a post on Instagram, which everyone took as a dedication to the separation of the Buzova-Tarasov couple.

True, Oksana soon deleted the ambiguous message.

Oksana and Dmitry have a daughter, Angelina, who was born in 2009. When the girl was two years old, Tarasov left the family. In 2012, he married TV presenter Olya Buzova.

Tale of tarabuziki: Why Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov were envied by the whole country

Why Tarabuziki?

Tara– Tarasov

Booz– Buzova

June 26, 2012 - Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova became a happy married couple after the solemn pathos of the union in the Griboedovsky registry office.

Buzova and Tarasov met when Dima was still married to ex-gymnast Oksana Ponomarenko. From his first marriage, the football player has a daughter with whom he has an excellent relationship. However, this did not prevent Tarasov from falling head over heels in love ...

Olga repeatedly called her marriage a fairy tale in her statements, and for four years she publicly “revealed the secret of her family happiness.

A beautiful couple, smooth relationships, strong love ... Why not envy and rejoice?

There are also rumors that Buzova is “in an interesting position” and is expecting a baby, and her recent malaise is connected precisely with pregnancy. In the photos, fans saw the looming tummy.

And perhaps the topic of divorce is PR and the Buzova-Tarasov couple will reunite soon?

The date of the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov became known. Relatives and friends of the presenter gave an interview for the StarHit publication. Summed up four years of married life.

Olga Buzova

On December 30, an event will take place that readers and media representatives have been waiting for so long. On this day, the marriage of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov will be officially annulled. In that difficult period, when colleagues and relatives turned away from Olga, unexpectedly for everyone, her father and grandmother decided to support her. Tamara Semyonovna Buzova, as well as friends of the presenter, share today with the StarHit publication their memories of those “little things” that inevitably destroyed relations between the then newlyweds:

“Granddaughter is kind, gentle, vulnerable. Even at the wedding, I went up to Dima and asked: “Just don’t offend her. My husband and I lived together for 51 years - I wish you the same long family happiness! But, apparently, not fate. The husband was not at all interested in Olya's work, he could not find the right words when something did not work out, but she needed them so much. Olga, on the contrary, devoted herself to him. When Tarasov was injured, she was ready to go with him anywhere for treatment, to cancel everything, just to be there. She said: "Dima is good with me." The granddaughter said that Dima asked for children, this topic was raised. But Olya wanted to pursue a career. I advised to stop, build a house, give birth to a baby, and then continue to climb the career ladder. But she answered that she was not ready for children.

Relatives, of course, saw that in the family of celebrities the sky is far from cloudless. Fans considered them a happy couple and made optimistic predictions for many years to come. But time has passed, and with it the love of the young and carefree. Grandmother Tamara comforts her granddaughter that it will only get better, and Olga's father, Igor, is determined to talk to Tarasov like a man to a man:

“Igor is eager to leave Petersburg for Moscow. He wants to look Dima in the eyes, we are afraid that he will attack him with fists. Therefore, Olya asks him not to interfere. On November 26, Igor had a birthday - she sent flowers, sweets - she herself could not be because of work. Recently, the granddaughter has withdrawn into herself, has become less likely to call. She promised that everything would return to normal as soon as she signed the divorce application.

Regarding the division of property, Tamara Semenovna wisely asks Olga not to waste time on trifles and not to repeat Tarasov’s actions:

“I say: “Leave him everything! You'll earn more for yourself!" She's done well with us - she achieved everything herself. But Dima turned out to be mercantile, did not expect ... He gave gifts, and now he takes them. I also connected my mother to this whole story. ”
Olga Buzova with her grandmother.

The unpleasant story did not leave indifferent friends on both sides. It is quite understandable that everyone “cheered for their own goal”, in the language of football. Accordingly, the intensity of passions before the divorce was like in the stands between fans for different teams:

“The environment of Olya and Dima literally split into two camps. This especially affected the families of footballers. Because the girls, of course, took her side, sympathize, and the men defend Tarasov, believing that he is right. This affected Maria and Pavel Pogrkov, Alexander and Yulia Samedovs. Many, discussing at home the behavior of the main characters of the story, literally reached the scandal. Therefore, for the same Pogrks, the divorce of Dima and Olya is now on the list of prohibited topics - away from sin, ”says Yulia, a friend of Olga Buzova.
Rustam Solntsev recalls an unpleasant moment when, for no particular reason, Dmitry yelled at Olga and did not find the courage to admit that he was wrong:
“Somehow I witnessed their everyday conversation when I stopped by to shoot “House-2”. Dima came for his wife to take her to the event. Olya, of course, brought beauty, for a long time she picked up jewelry for the dress. Dima at some point could not stand it and began to shout at her, to rush. And all this with friends and acquaintances. Olya even had to apologize later for her husband’s behavior.”

According to another friend from Buzova, Andrey, quarrels were repeated quite often, and mostly for no reason:

“He always didn’t like something. Either unwashed dishes in the sink, or things scattered. It is clear that both are busy people, from morning to night at work - one on the set, the other on the football field. But Dima sometimes literally lost his temper, made a scandal out of the blue, despite the fact that he saw how tired his wife came.
Former happy spouses.
“They used to celebrate different anniversaries. For Buzova, this was an occasion to exchange intricate presents, to spend a romantic evening ... Once on a holiday, she could not get through to Dima. It turns out that after training, he decided to call on a friend, forgetting that his wife was waiting at home. Olya was upset. Tarasov, of course, rushed - but on the way he managed to buy only flowers. And there were so many such cases that I can’t remember everything. ”