Olive oil for the face. Olive Oil: Superfood Benefit or Wallet Damage? What is healing, how to choose and apply

The olive is the national tree of Greece. The ancient Greeks valued olive oil so much that the product was considered a solid gift, they were paid for goods and services. And she could only afford to use the “golden” liquid for cosmetic purposes. Modern fashionistas are more fortunate: olive oil is widespread and affordable. And if you know how to use this tool in personal care, you can save a lot by reducing the number of other cosmetic tubes. About how to use olive oil for the face and whether the product is suitable for your skin - in our material.

Oliva comes from the Mediterranean. And the main producers of vegetable oil from the fruits of this tree today are Spain, Italy, Greece, Syria and the Moroccan kingdom.

Elixir of Sophia Loren and Cleopatra's favorite remedy

The healing properties of the olive product were described by the "father of medicine", the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. And the soap and cream on this basis was used by the great Egyptian queen Cleopatra.

The modern Italian diva Sophia Loren assures in her interviews that she regularly uses the “golden” component in her care and nutrition. And the result, as they say, is obvious. The actress is 81 years old, and many “thirties” envy her skin.

Olive liquid is not very popular in Slavic culinary traditions. But recently, it is her nutritionists who recommend using it instead of the sunflower product that is familiar to us.

Studies show that the olive is able to prevent the appearance of malignant neoplasms - it reduces the risk of oncology by almost 50%. It is recommended for heart patients, hypertensive patients and diabetics. It is used to normalize the work of the digestive organs, kidneys. The "juice" of olives is rubbed with back pain.

Beauty ingredients in the product

Olive oil is a frequent component of various cosmetic series. In the beauty industry, it is used to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin.

According to reviews, olive oil is ideal for the face when you need to get rid of the first wrinkles. With regular use, the product also moisturizes well, evens out the color, nourishes, and creates a velvet effect. The useful properties of the product for good appearance and good health are determined by the composition. In particular, a set of fats and important unsaturated fatty acids.

  • Oleic acid. The olive product is saturated with oleic acid necessary for the human body. This substance is one of the components of a healthy metabolism. The benefit is that it stimulates the production of collagen, increases the elasticity of the skin, relieves irritation. Oleic acid is used in the treatment of cellulite. Helps other essential ingredients to penetrate and stay in the skin.
  • Linoleic acid. Olive oil is also relevant in cosmetology for the face, since it contains linoleic acid. It normalizes the water balance, due to which the problem of moisture is solved. Plus, this substance protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Palmitic acid. It is needed to activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Therefore, a face mask with olive oil for wrinkles really gives a result.
  • Stearic acid. Strengthens the protective capabilities of the layers of the epidermis, has a wound healing effect.
  • Linoleic acid. It has an anti-inflammatory role. The substance is used even in the treatment of eczema. Therefore, it is good to use olive oil for acne face.

Also in the olive "juice" contains polyphenols and carotenoids, which are recognized as the most powerful natural antioxidants. Chlorophyll acts as an antiseptic and has an anti-aging effect. A tablespoon of the “golden” product contains almost 10% of the daily value of the key “beauty vitamin” E. The product also contains vitamins D, A and K.

Who suits and who can harm

Olive oil is literally a panacea for dry skin. Moreover, you can improve both the face and hands. The product is also suitable for constant care of combination skin.

Girls with problem skin can also use olive, but a special approach is needed here. First, when creating mixtures based on olive oil at home, enriching components should be correctly selected. Such masks may contain low-fat dairy products, lemon, fruit juices.

The course of "olive therapy" in this case should not last longer than three weeks. Then the break is about one and a half months. With more intensive use of olive mixtures, pores may become clogged, there is a risk of a negative effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Can olive oil be used instead of face cream for oily skin types? Definitely not.

How to use

To care for overdried skin, olive oil is often used in its pure form, slightly heated in a bowl of warm water. Apply with a simple cotton pad. Olive replaces many daily care products. For example, cream, lip balm or make-up remover cream.

By the way, girls with dry skin can apply the product under the eyes and even leave it overnight. But in the case of combination and normal skin types, it is still better to remove olive oil before going to bed and do not keep it longer than 20 minutes. In this case, it is better to wash off the product with warm boiled water, to which lemon juice is added.

Having uncorked the product, it must be used for a maximum of six months, since the useful properties are lost further. Close the lid tightly, keep the oil in a dark cabinet and do not heat treat.

Do not add olive oil to store-bought beauty products. Especially in a cream, otherwise harm to the skin is inevitable. Substances contained in the olive may not be compatible with the components of commercial products. Another risk is an overdose of oil and fat components. As a result, the face may become covered with acne, redden.

Top 10 Best Recipes

Olive oil can be supplemented with other "good" ingredients. Then you get masks for solving various problems or even a face cream with olive oil. The most popular recipes will be discussed below.

With banana pulp for peeling

  1. In a bowl, crush the pulp of a banana with a fork. Quantity - a tablespoon.
  2. Withstand 20 minutes.

Preventive nutrition with kiwi or apple

  1. In a bowl, crush the kiwi pulp with a fork or grate an apple. Quantity - a tablespoon.
  2. Combine with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  3. Withstand 20 minutes.
  4. Remove with boiled water with lemon juice or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply your daily cream.

Moisturizing vegetable "cocktail".

  1. Grate the pulp of a fresh cucumber. Quantity - a teaspoon.
  2. Grate the pulp of fresh zucchini. Quantity - a teaspoon.
  3. Combine with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  4. Withstand 20 minutes.
  5. Remove with boiled water with lemon juice or herbal decoction.
  6. Apply your daily cream.

Mix with cottage cheese for intensive moisturizing

  1. In a bowl, crush homemade cottage cheese with a fork. Quantity - a tablespoon.
  2. Withstand 20 minutes.
  3. Apply your daily cream.

Anti-aging option with honey and egg

  1. Whisk the yolk of one egg in a bowl.
  2. Combine with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  3. Combine with a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Withstand 20 minutes.
  5. Remove with warm boiled water or herbal decoction.
  6. Apply your daily cream.

Simple Cleansing Scrub

  1. Grind oatmeal using a coffee grinder. The required amount of flour is a tablespoon.
  2. Combine with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  3. Apply the resulting paste to the skin with massaging movements.
  4. Withstand 20 minutes.
  5. Remove with warm boiled water or herbal decoction.
  6. Apply daily cream.

Recipe for inflamed, oily skin

  1. Grate a fresh cabbage leaf. The required amount is two tablespoons.
  2. Combine with two tablespoons of warmed olive oil.
  3. Withstand 10-15 minutes.
  4. Remove with chilled boiled water or herbal decoction.

Rubbing against wrinkles

  1. Combine a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  2. Using a cotton pad, wipe the face with the mixture several times a day, allowing it to be absorbed.

Cream with beeswax for dryness and early aging

  1. Combine 50 g of beeswax and about 150 ml of olive oil.
  2. Apply at night or as a make-up base.
  3. Do not rinse.

Three-day natural cream with collagen, herbs and sour cream

  1. Make an herbal decoction of chamomile and nettle. Quantity - a teaspoon of herbs and ¼ cup boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, strain with gauze. The resulting broth is divided into two parts.
  2. Using a grater, grate the flesh of a fresh green apple.
  3. Mix applesauce with one of the parts of the herbal decoction, strain again.
  4. Add pharmacy collagen. Quantity - 4 g.
  5. Combine with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  6. Combine with a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream.
  7. Apply at night.
  8. Shelf life is three days.
  9. In the morning, wipe your face with the remaining decoction of chamomile and nettle.

When choosing olive oil, pay attention to the date of manufacture: the product has a shelf life of about 12 months. The liquid must be in a dark container. It is better to take unrefined oil without additives with an acidity of up to 0.8%. The preferred production technology is cold pressing. The average cost of a half-liter bottle is 400 rubles.

If you like olive oil face masks, then you can think about enhancing the effect by eating the product. But keep in mind that it is high-calorie and is contraindicated in cholecystitis.


It is a vegetable oil obtained by processing olives. Depending on the pressing method, it can melt at temperatures between +5 and +15°C. Its taste is bitter, the color is found both pale and rich yellow. The product consists of 98% fatty acids.

It is one of the main ones in Spain, Italy, Greece, and it is these countries that are leading in terms of its production volume. In Eastern Europe, until the end of the 19th century, olive oil was divided into two varieties: the highest was called Provencal, and the lowest was wood.

The calorie content of the product per 100 g is 898 kcal, of which:

  • Fats - 99.8 g;
  • Water - 0.2 g.
100 g contains only one vitamin - alpha-tocopherol (E), and its amount does not exceed 12.1 mg. Of the macronutrients, there is only phosphorus, which is only 2 mg per 100 g. Trace elements are represented by iron, in its composition no more than 0.4 mg. It also contains some sterols (100 mg).

Here is a set of fatty saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-6 fatty acids - 12 g;
  • Palmitic - 12.9 g;
  • Stearic - 2.5 g;
  • Arachinoic - 0.85 g;
  • Palmitoleic - 1.55 g;
  • Oleic (omega-9) - 64.9 g;
  • Gadoleic (omega-9) - 0.5 g;
  • Linoleic - 12 g.
According to the method of processing the fruit, there are several varieties of olive oil used for the face. In cosmetology, a product labeled as Extra virgin (natural) is relevant. It is obtained by cold pressing, without filtration and heat treatment. This allows you to keep the composition in its original form. This product is the most expensive.

There is also refined oil of the so-called second extraction, which is heated during the cooking process. And the last type is pomace, obtained from the remains of olives.

Benefits of olive oil for face

Due to the fact that the product contains a lot of different acids, it has antiseptic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. Oil is no less effective as a bleaching, moisturizing, rejuvenating agent. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used regularly either alone or in combination with other ingredients.

The benefits of olive oil for the skin of the face are manifested in the following action:

  1. Cleanses. This effect is achieved due to the deep penetration of the composition into the pores, the delicate removal of dead particles and various contaminants. It gives freshness and purity, improves the functioning of the sweat glands and thus allows you to get rid of oily sheen.
  2. Moisturizes. Since 98% of the product consists of fats, it quickly softens and nourishes the skin, fights dryness and flaking, replenishes the lack of moisture in the tissues. As a result, the dermis looks fresher and healthier.
  3. Improves color. The face ceases to be pale, a natural blush and silkiness appear, a beautiful shine.
  4. Protects from UV rays. The tool neutralizes their negative impact, softens and restores the dermis. With its help, sunburn is much faster.
  5. Accelerates regeneration. The oil helps to restore the skin after acne and acne, wounds, and various dermatological diseases. Thanks to him, the scars soften and become less noticeable.
  6. Normalizes blood circulation. This has a positive effect on the complexion and smoothness of the skin, which as a result beautifully “glows” and is updated much faster.
  7. Prevents premature aging. The presence of antioxidants in the form of fatty acids helps fight free radicals and toxins that negatively affect the face. Due to its use, bags under the eyes are smoothed out, crow's feet pass, nasolabial folds become less noticeable.

Note! Olive oil is great for both normal and problem skin.

Contraindications to the use of olive oil for facial skin

Unlike many other oils, this cannot be forbidden in principle to anyone. It is gentle and hypoallergenic, never irritates the skin.

To make the effect of its use as complete as possible, the composition is not recommended to be heated. Such a warning is due to the fact that during the heat treatment it loses almost half of its useful substances. Its content in the composition must be at least 60%, otherwise there will be no special result.

The following contraindications should be highlighted:

  • Individual intolerance. It is very rare, but still possible. Therefore, before using the oil, they must first lubricate the elbow to exclude an allergic reaction.
  • Too oily skin. With such a problem, olive oil should not be used in its pure form, as it can aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is combined with other ingredients - oatmeal, lemon juice, green tea, etc.
  • Increased sebum production. In this case, olive oil can be used, but not more than 1-2 times a week, and only as part of masks.
  • Long-term use. With regular care, an oil film forms on the skin, which can disrupt the water-fat balance. This often leads to acne and rashes.
When using olive oil for the face, it is better not to combine it with any ready-made creams or masks, since this way its effectiveness becomes lower.

Olive oil face mask recipes

Whatever is chosen, the skin must first be well cleansed and steamed, this will improve the results. It is necessary to prepare the compositions on the day of their use; it is not recommended to do this in advance. You can combine several components at once, but combining more than five does not make any sense. This may require both vegetable and animal ingredients.

Olive oil for moisturizing the face at home

This option should be looked at by owners of problematic, dry skin. Your task is to moisturize it and stop peeling. To cope with this goal, masks based on olive oil and cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream and oatmeal will help. It also goes well with the pulp of parsley and cucumber. The main thing is not to use drying ingredients, which include honey, lemon juice, etc.

Here are some masks you can prepare:

  1. With berries and fruits. First of all, grind currants and white grapes (1 tablespoon each), peeled pear (1 pc.) And half a ripe banana in a blender. When you get a homogeneous gruel, add a little olive oil (15 ml) to it. Stir the prepared mass well and, using a spoon, apply on the face. Do not wash it off until 15 minutes have passed.
  2. With vegetables. First, peel the cucumber (1 pc.), Grate it on the smallest grater, then do the same with potatoes, which will also need 1 pc. Now mix the two ingredients, fill them with the main ingredient (3 tablespoons) and, after you have crushed the mass well, apply the product on a cleansed and dry face. Leave it on for about 10 minutes.
  3. With oils. You will need an extract from mint, olive and coconut in proportions of 1:7:2. Now moisten a piece of gauze in this composition and lubricate the skin. Then let the product soak in, and rinse off what remains.
  4. With vitamins. You will need alpha tocopherol (E) and retinol (A) in an oily solution. Add them 10 ml each to the main ingredient (25 ml), shake the container with the composition well and rub it into the skin with your fingers or a cloth. After 20 minutes, remove what has not been absorbed.

Olive oil for wrinkles

Naturally, this remedy will not cope with deep skin folds, but it is quite capable of smoothing out mild mimic and age wrinkles. To do this, you can wipe the problem areas 2-3 times a week with a gauze cut moistened with the composition, after which you should wash your face. It will be no less effective to prepare a mask with the main ingredient and additional ones - cereals, dairy products, berries and vegetables.

We have selected the best recipes for you:

  • With cottage cheese. It needs to be fat and homemade. It (about 50 g) is well rubbed with a spoon, mixed with apple gruel prepared from 1-2 fruits, and olive oil (25 ml). The composition is shaken and with a brush, with gentle movements, applied to the prepared face. Wash it off no earlier than 15 minutes later.
  • With oatmeal. It would be best to use flakes, which will take about 30 g. They must be poured with olive oil (30 ml) and grape seed juice (2 tablespoons), ceiling, insist for about an hour and used as intended. The product is applied along the massage lines, without affecting the eyes, lips and nose. Allow at least 15 minutes to pass before washing off.
  • With curdled milk. Take 15 g of it and carefully pour it into the crumbs of rye bread (2-3 thin slices without a crust). Next, well ceiling them and leave until completely limp. When this happens, add olive oil (15 ml) to the mass, stir it and lubricate the face with a brush. You can wash your face after 20 minutes.
  • With sour cream. Add to it (30 ml) green tea without tea leaves (2 tablespoons) and olive oil (no more than 20 ml). Then stir the mass as thoroughly as possible and spread it over the surface with your fingers. Leave it to absorb for 20 minutes, after which all that remains, rinse with plain warm water with a few drops of lemon juice.
  • With salt. It is desirable that it be marine (10 g). It must be dissolved in oil (15 ml) and mixed with liquid honey (2 tsp). Then, with a silicone brush, apply the composition to the entire facial area and let it absorb for 15 minutes. After this time has passed, remove the remnants of the product and lubricate the treated areas with a soothing cream.
If the skin is problematic - with acne, redness, age spots, pores, then the composition can be washed off with a decoction of chamomile. It is prepared from 120 g of this herb and 1 liter of water.

Olive oil on the face at night for toning and nourishing

In the fight against aging, olive oil for the face demonstrates itself perfectly together with cosmetic clay, oatmeal, cornstarch, orange juice and grape seed extract. Products based on them smooth wrinkles, soothe the skin, eliminate redness and inflammation. It is necessary to use such compositions 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Of all the recipes, the following are worthy of special attention:

  1. With flour. Best of all, if it is oatmeal, you need 0.5 tbsp. l. This ingredient is mixed with oil (30 ml), rubbed to a homogeneous slurry and applied to the face. Leave the mass for 20 minutes, then wash off with chamomile decoction and soothe the skin with a moisturizer. This option is suitable for both normal and combination skin.
  2. With white clay. It needs only 2 tsp, it combines with the main ingredient to a thick slurry. After that, the skin is lubricated with a mass, leaving it until it begins to harden. Then the face is moistened with water and the product is removed. At the end, the skin is moisturized with cream.
  3. With cornstarch. First, pour grape seed extract (1 tbsp) into olive oil (2 tablespoons). Then dissolve starch (60 g) in this composition to make a thick slurry. After that, dip the brush into it and walk it over the face, applying the mask in a thin layer. Usually it is left for 15 minutes, and then removed with water.
  4. With orange juice. It (15 ml) is mixed in equal proportions with olive oil. Then kiwi pulp (1 pc.) is added here, the mass is well crushed with a fork and spread on the skin. They remove it after 10 minutes.
  5. With extract from grape seeds. It will need only 1 tbsp. l. This ingredient is supplemented with banana pulp (1 pc.). Next, the mass is whipped with a blender and mixed with olive oil (25 ml). Before use, it is once again well pounded and then applied to the face. For the remedy to work, it is kept on the face for about 20 minutes.
How to use olive oil for face - look at the video:

If you do not have the time or desire to prepare masks, then there is no doubt whether it is possible to smear your face with olive oil. This is an excellent tool in any form, both in pure form and as part of some compositions. Thanks to him, your skin will get a truly healthy look and sparkle with new colors!

According to doctors, to increase antioxidants in the blood, reduce the level of bad cholesterol, it is enough to eat 2 tbsp. natural olive oil per day. It's no secret that antioxidants are extremely necessary for the human body.

They prevent the harmful activity of free radicals that destroy the cells of the body. The oil also normalizes metabolic processes, lowers cholesterol levels, being an excellent prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases.

Let's talk today about the nutritional benefits that it gives, find out how olive oil is useful, how to use it in cooking, try to make delicious sauces and dressings for various dishes from the oil.

What are the health benefits of olive oil?

The benefits of using this product have been confirmed by numerous studies. It has been scientifically proven that its composition contains a large amount of very valuable vitamin E. It contributes to a better absorption of vitamins A, K. Therefore, with the regular use of a small amount of oil, a general rejuvenation of the body occurs.

Scientists have long found that the fruits, the bones of the olive tree contain unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol. Therefore, it is useful to use olive oil even for those suffering from indigestion, diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder.

Olive oil is an excellent skin stabilizer. Regular use of a small amount of the product, replacing it with mayonnaise, ketchup, will make you slimmer, younger, more beautiful, give a feeling of lightness, give you a great mood.

Taking 1 tbsp. l. olive oil on an empty stomach, helps get rid of peptic ulcer. Also for these purposes, season them with salads, cereals, add to main dishes.

It also recently turned out that it contains oleic acid, which is necessary for women to prevent cancer.

Residents of many European countries and the Caucasus have long understood that olive oil is only good in nutrition. This is also why there are so many centenarians.

How to use olive oil in nutrition?

To begin with, substitute olive oil for other oils that you use to cook various dishes. For example, add it to vegetable, mashed potatoes, porridge, instead of creamy.

Although the products fried on it will retain vitamins, they will remain much more useful, since the components of olive oil are less prone to decay when heated. But do not use it for frying, it is best to use it fresh.

Also, the Greek salad, which is very popular among Russians, is best seasoned with unrefined olive oil. When using another oil, the taste from the combination of tomatoes and feta cheese spoils.

Try making a flavorful salad dressing. Cut ripe juicy lemons (2 pcs.) into slices, salt, leave for 20 minutes until the juice appears. Then put them in a clean glass jar, pour in olive oil, close the lid tightly.

Then put the jar in the refrigerator for about 3-4 weeks. Shake vigorously periodically. You get a sauce similar to mayonnaise, but much healthier. It can be used to season fish dishes, salads, etc.

If you are going on a picnic, want to fry meat on a grill, take this meat dressing with you. It should also be prepared in advance, and then stored and used as needed: Pour oil into a clean, dry jar, add a slice of lemon with skin, 2 bay leaves, a few grains of cloves, a pinch of black peppercorns.

Also remove the jar for 3-4 weeks, shaking the sauce occasionally. Lubricate the pieces of meat with this dressing before frying, it will be very tasty!

For filling meat dishes, steaks, try to cook such a spicy sauce. It will give familiar dishes novelty, pleasant aroma and unusualness. To do this, finely chop a few fresh leaves of marjoram, salvia, add a sprig of rosemary, a couple.

You can put a few juniper berries, salt and pepper to taste. Also let it brew, and then water the food during cooking.

If you add mint to the dressing, you get a very interesting taste that can be used to prepare Mediterranean dishes. Cut 4-5 fresh sprigs of mint, a few green onion feathers. Put everything in a jar, add crushed peas (2 each) of black and green pepper. Also insist, like the other dressings described.

For pasta, rice, and your other favorite dishes, make an olive oil garlic sauce. Pass 3 fresh garlic cloves through the garlic maker. Put them in a jar, add a sprig of marjoram, a few basil leaves, you can add a pod of red pepper if you like "pepper food". Also, insist everything for 3-4 weeks, then use it as a dressing.

Now you know a lot about olive oil, the nutritional benefits of it are on the face! In addition, its use is not limited to salad dressing. Prepare delicious, unusual dressings for your favorite dishes from it, take it as a medicine for 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach and it will undoubtedly bring invaluable benefits to your health. Be healthy!

Many women are constantly in the process of losing excess weight. To do this, they use various diets and strict food restrictions. However, these manipulations are far from always effective and worth it. Indeed, in most cases, it is enough to simply review your own diet. Some nutritionists recommend using olive oil for weight loss. This method has gained the greatest popularity in Greece, since this product is of particular value there.

Olive oil for weight loss: benefits

It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. And fatty acids of plant origin contribute to the activation of metabolic processes in the body. Of course, it will not work to quickly lose the hated kilograms by simply adding this oil to the main dishes. It is necessary to introduce some elementary restrictions, for example, reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, stop smoking, do not drink soda, do not eat semi-finished products and other harmful products. In Greece, women have been using olives for weight loss since ancient times. Moreover, not only the figure improves, but also the state of the body, including the work of the heart muscle and nervous system. In addition, experts say that this product is a wonderful prophylactic against the development of cancerous tumors. With its regular use, nails and hair are significantly strengthened.

How to take olive oil for weight loss?

First of all, you should consult a doctor before the procedure. A preliminary examination by a specialist is necessary, since in the presence of gastritis or other problems with the stomach, especially at the stage of exacerbation, the proposed program cannot be used. Of course, a person receives the maximum amount of useful substances from the use of the product in its pure form. However, it is also allowed to add to salads as a dressing, to sauces for meat and fish. So, now every morning before breakfast you need to drink a teaspoon of olive oil, after a week the dose can be increased to the volume of a tablespoon. According to studies, up to five kilograms can be destroyed in just a month. The main difference between this method and debilitating diets is the fact that the lost weight will not return immediately after returning to the previous lifestyle. Olive oil for weight loss in our country is used extremely rarely, as women are in no hurry to use folk remedies, preferring specialized preparations or fasting. However, the oil is a natural product, which means that there will be no harm to health. The principle of operation of the method is based on the properties of the olive to dull the feeling of hunger, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed.

Olive oil for weight loss: reviews

Most women notice the appearance of results already in the first week of taking the oil. You should responsibly approach the choice of product. A qualitative result can be obtained only in the case of purchasing unrefined cold-pressed olive oil.

People who have a natural diet in their daily diet have good health and do not age for a long time. This conclusion was made by scientists after analyzing the incidence of Europeans. After all, it was not in vain that our ancestors extolled the gift of God, which is the main ingredient in the elixir of eternal youth. How to use this product in cosmetology, how it is useful and to whom it can harm - we will talk about all this later in the article.

If you want to have firm and elastic skin, do not buy ready-made cosmetic products, among the components of which there is olive oil.
Often, manufacturers add low-quality, low-grade oils to their products, which are at best intended for lubricating machines. Of course, such an ingredient will not bring any benefit.

Did you know? Today, Spain, Italy and Greece are the largest producers of olives on the world market.

In order for the body to be velvety and healthy, you need to mix a few drops of olive oil into creams, lotions and shampoos yourself. This will protect the skin from the effects of negative environmental factors, as well as saturate it with useful substances and help retain moisture.

The secret of this unique product lies in its rich composition, which is 70% easily digestible monounsaturated. In addition, among the nutrients in the composition of olive oil, tocopherol () occupies a significant proportion.

It is a powerful antioxidant that has an amazing range of beneficial qualities. Not a single biochemical process in the body occurs without the participation of this substance.
Other constituent vitamins also play a significant role: as well as the moisturizing substance squapen, and. Together, all these components retain water, which does not allow the skin to fade, and cleanse it of free radicals, which contribute to the rapid appearance of wrinkles.

Did you know? The medicinal properties of olive oil were highly valued by Hippocrates. Also, the tool was held in high esteem by the athletes of the Hellenistic world, who rubbed it before every important exit.

Scientists from different periods investigated the phenomenal qualities of olive oil. Recent scientific experiments have shown that half a millionth of one gram of this liquid is enough to increase the lifespan of cells in the human body by 20%.

Many adherents of natural, organic body care products refer to quality olive oil as “liquid gold”. And all because it:

  • has a softening effect;
  • tones;
  • moisturizes;
  • is an excellent antiseptic;
  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • cleanses the skin and protects it from external pollution;
  • protects from exposure to sunlight and pigmentation.

Cosmetologists recommend morning and evening to lubricate the face, neck and décolleté with a small amount of olive oil. For the procedure, you need to moisten a cotton swab in warm water and drop olive "gold" on it. But it is worth taking only a natural cold-pressed product.

Important! Always look for the English word cold on the label, which means cold processing of berries. If during the extraction process they are heated to a temperature above 27 ° C, the composition and, accordingly, the quality of the oil will deteriorate.

This simple method is an excellent prevention of facial wrinkles and crow's feet. It is important to wipe the skin in the direction of the massage lines. Experts say that the procedure allows you to gently cleanse and at the same time nourish the face with important trace elements. In addition, it does not destroy the natural water-lipid layer. The evening procedure does not require sequential washing, especially when it comes to aging and dry skin.

Until the age of thirty, oil can be used instead of cream. It should also be applied to the skin around the eyes. But for older women, this remedy will not be enough to keep the skin in good shape. Lifting and nutritional products will already be needed. Therefore, in the anti-aging program, olive oil plays only a supporting role.
To maintain the oval of the face, many experts recommend oil massages, which increase blood flow, have a smoothing and firming effect. As a rule, the first procedure should be done by a professional, and in the future it will not hurt to master a few elementary self-massage techniques yourself.

Important! When buying, choose an extra virgin product with a fresh production date. It is also important that the manufacturing assets listed on the label match the location of the spill.

Sometimes on the forums, girls ask questions about the causes of skin peeling. In the comments, they often associate this unpleasant phenomenon with the use of various vegetable oils, including olive oil: “at first everything was fine, and then scales appeared on the forehead.”

Experts believe that high-quality oils are in no way involved in the exfoliation of epidermal particles. The main reasons for this are:

  • lack of moisture;
  • poor nutrition, which entails a deficiency of one or another vitamin in the body;
  • washing with soap;
  • improperly selected facial skin care creams;
  • rough wiping of the face after washing;
  • hereditary dry skin that requires special care;
  • allergic reaction.

On the contrary, cosmetologists advise using olive oil to eliminate peeling on the face and body. To do this, you need to use it correctly.

Important! Olive oil should be stored in a place protected from light. It is desirable that it be in a dark glass bottle. It is recommended to use the liquid for 9 months. Therefore, give preference to small containers.

Ideally, skin care should be:

  1. To prevent the body, drink the required amount of water daily. It is calculated by dividing your weight by 30. The resulting number will be the required liters. To evenly saturate the body with fluid, divide this value by five doses.
  2. Make sure that in your daily diet there are a lot of vegetables, fruits, seafood. Eat a minimum of flour products and sweets.
  3. Consider the ability of the food you eat to alkalize and oxidize the body. For healthy skin, acid-base balance is of particular importance. In the menu of a healthy person, 80% should be alkaline foods rich in vitamins and minerals and 20% - oxidizing.
  4. Give up the habit of washing with soap. To remove makeup, use special products, and also wipe your face with soft lotions, gel, milk.
  5. Never rub your skin with a towel. To avoid the feeling of dryness, you need to gently blot the washed body with a soft cloth;
  6. After washing, always lubricate the skin with olive oil in its pure form (dropping a few drops on a damp cotton wool) or tonic with the addition of oil.
  7. Then immediately apply a moisturizer. When choosing it, consider your skin type. Please note that products containing alcohol and lanolin are categorically contraindicated for dry epidermis.
  8. If you use protective seasonal creams, then always apply them half an hour before going outside.

Important! To prevent the liquid from oxidizing after opening, the bottle must be twisted until it stops.

Along with these care rules, experts advise at least once a week to deeply cleanse the face of external pollution. You can do this with the help of scrubs, which are also recommended to add a few drops of olive oil to moisturize the skin.

Application recipes

In order for self-care to be as effective as possible, it is not necessary to use luxury cosmetics. For you, we have selected exclusive recipes for all occasions.

This procedure allows you to relieve fatigue and stress. In addition, it contributes to the wide opening of the pores. At this point, all the nutrients from olive oil penetrate through them into the skin. It also tightens and tones the epidermis.
For a bath, it is enough to use 3-5 tablespoons of oil. If desired, you can add juice from several or to the water. Such a cocktail as a bonus will cheer you up and cleanse the epidermis of toxins.

As a rule, olive oil is the base component. If desired, other ingredients are added to it. it is characteristic that such a liquid is very versatile - it can be safely used to massage any part of the body.

Intense movements on the skin warm up, provoking the absorption and rapid absorption of the contained antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is important to put a bottle of massage oil in a water bath for a few minutes before the session.

If the procedure is done with the aim of relieving stress and relaxation, experts advise mixing olive and lavender oils in a ratio of 20 ml to 3 drops, respectively.
To stimulate intellectual activity, it is recommended to replace pepper lavender. But to increase sexual activity, you need a tandem of olives, patchouli, ylang-ylang and.

But if you do not have a wide selection of oils in your home arsenal, then you can easily get by with one base. After all, it is not for nothing that most massage therapists use pure olive oil.

Did you know? The fact went down in history when in 1981, as a result of technical intoxication, which scammers sold under the guise of olive oil, more than 700 inhabitants of Spain died. According to the police, about 40 percent of all high-quality products are counterfeit.

In order for the nail plates not to exfoliate and be strong, you need to generously grease your hands with olives at night and put on cotton gloves. In the morning, the product is washed off with warm water, after which the skin is treated with a moisturizer. It is advisable to do the procedure at least once a week.
If your nails break badly, prepare a mask with one tablespoon of olive oil and two to three drops of iodine. After stirring, the mixture should be placed in a water bath for several minutes. After that, it is rubbed into the nails. Usually the mask is applied at night, which provides the maximum effect. Only hands need to be hidden in cotton gloves.

For dry and chapped hands

Ugly flaky hands will be saved by the same mask as we did for nails. Also, oil wraps, which are done before bedtime, will come to the rescue.

Many consider a mixture of olive oil and honey in a 3:1 ratio to be the most effective remedy. Before the procedure, the mixture is slightly heated for a couple and only then the gauze is impregnated with it. Then the hands are wrapped with a bandage, after which it is fixed with waxed paper and gloves. If the hands are not very weathered, a one-time procedure is quite enough to correct the situation. And in more advanced cases, twice a week is recommended.

Did you know?Olive trees can live up to 600 years.

For the neckline

A nourishing olive oil mask will provide you with a wrinkle-free swan neck. It must be done for a month at least three times a week.

To prepare the product, you need to steam two tablespoons of liquid. It is better to pour it into a glass. After cleansing the skin, apply this mask on the body and cover with a napkin or terry towel. After 30 minutes, wash off the residue with warm water.

You can soften the skin on the feet, as well as get rid of corns, by mixing tablespoons of the "golden liquid" with one teaspoon of honey and the juice of one large aloe leaf. The tool has a wound healing effect, therefore it is recommended for heel spurs.
After preparation, the product is applied overnight on clean and steamed legs and cotton socks are put on. For the best result, the medicine needs to be slightly warmed up in a water bath.

Alternatively, a recipe of equal parts olive oil and powdered flowers helps a lot. This ointment requires seven days of infusion after mixing the ingredients in a dark and warm place. It is also applied before going to bed, after which socks are put on.

Did you know? In Greece, to this day, the social status of a person is determined by the number of olive trees in his yard. And it is not surprising, because even in the Holy Scriptures this plant was repeatedly mentioned as a symbol of grace, mercy. And subsequently, for centuries, people extolled its fruits above gold.

Despite the fact that this product has long been considered one of the most valuable fruits in the abundance of the world, scientists warn consumers about its potential harm. First of all, excessive consumption of oil can lead to undesirable results.

Also, with extreme caution, it should be treated by people who are diagnosed with gallbladder disease. Inflammatory processes in this organ and developing cholecystitis will worsen when olive oil enters the body.
Strict adherence to dosages is also important in dietary therapy, as well as in weight loss. It is very important to consult with a qualified specialist and conduct a complete examination of your body.

Classical dietary treatment calls for no more than two tablespoons of liquid per day. Please note that this serving contains 300 kilocalories (100 grams of product - 900 kcal).

Doctors say that any oil after heat treatment loses its beneficial qualities and has a devastating effect on the human digestive tract. Therefore, to maximize the benefits of olives, make salads from their oil. After all, only in its raw form, this fat has a whole set of unique healing properties.
In addition, you can harm yourself with a fake product. Therefore, when buying oil, carefully study the label, the reputation of the manufacturer and beware of counterfeit.

To help you get the most out of olive oil, we've put together a selection of tips for choosing a natural, quality product.

Good olive oil:

  • must be produced by cold pressing;
  • does not contain preservatives and other impurities;
  • it is labeled with the inscription virgin, which means natural in translation (in addition to this variety, the words refined (purified) or pomace (oilcake) can be found on the label);
  • never marked with the word mix, as it denotes a mixture of different varieties of olives and is considered low-grade;
  • cannot be stored for a long time. It must be consumed at least 5-6 months after opening (when buying, pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date);
  • has low pH values ​​(within 0.8);
  • produced and bottled in one place (on the packaging, this is evidenced by the inscriptions IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta), DOP (Denominazione d "Origine Protetta);
  • it can be of a different color (this factor depends on the plant variety and the degree of fruit ripening);
  • sold in a glass container.

If the oil is not natural, then, of course, you should not hope for recovery and quick rejuvenation. Such a product is detrimental to your health and budget. Follow our advice and do not be disappointed in your purchases.