How to celebrate Valentine's Day and what to give your loved ones this holiday. More people - more joyful emotions. Ideas for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is on the nose and many are tormented by the question "". Are you one of them? Didn't have time to prepare in advance? Work, important meetings! Guessed? Don't despair, join me - let's think together

By the way, I'm in the same situation as you! There are only a few days left, and I'm not ready at all. In general, in my opinion, on any holiday you should give or fulfill the dream of the hero of the occasion, but on February 14 everything is much more complicated. So, turn on the fantasy, remember all the romantic chips, places, objects and paint them.

Breakfast in bed for lovers

The first thing that comes to mind is breakfast in bed. And it's clear why it comes first! Not because it's banal. It's just that breakfast is almost the first thing we do. And the originality of this will depend on the contents of the morning tray, which you will politely present to your soulmate.

If you don’t know how to cook at all, then scrambled eggs are just for you (in the evening check for eggs in the refrigerator ). Valentine's Day scrambled eggs, of course, should be in the shape of a heart. You can buy several forms in advance and fry them in them, or you can simply cut them out with a knife after cooking:

But don't give me just scrambled eggs! Sandwiches rush to your aid. Everything is simple here too. Sandwich from any components. The main thing is fresh crispy bread and greens crushed in the shape of a heart:

As an idea, you can cut hearts out of circles of the most delicious doctor's sausage (use cookie cutters). I'm not attaching a photo - this is an improvisation!

On a morning tray for a loved one, cookies or buns in the shape of the same heart will look good (shops and culinary sites will help you):

I almost forgot - sweet jam or jam for buns!

And of course coffee / tea, which can be served in new mugs with symbols of love:

And ... serve coffee with cream and foam in these mugs, and crush the heart shape with chocolate on top (applies to coffee in ordinary mugs):

If you are a culinary specialist and love (know how) to cook, preparing an unusual breakfast with the symbolism of love will not be difficult or imaginative for you. By the way, check out the article "".

Something to remind you of how you feel all day

After a wonderful breakfast of lovers follows ... Mmm ... Erm ... let's skip it. I think you can manage without me

But then, after breakfast, most likely everyone will go about their business (not everyone can take a day off). It is very good to give a loved one a thing that will remind you of you and love all day long. Lots of options. It could be anything! Let's consider several options.

valentine- the most common thing on Valentine's Day. It will be better and more original if you make it yourself. Don't worry that a heart will be unevenly cut out somewhere! The main thing is your efforts and desire to show feelings!

Postcard- great little present. Your subject of adoration will be able to put it on the table and remember you all day long. It is also better to make a postcard for Valentine's Day with your own hands. If it doesn’t work out with your own hands, make it on a computer and print it out. In this way, you can choose any picture for a postcard and write any words. In my opinion - very convenient! recently done good selection"" - look through, maybe ideas will appear.

Keychain- a small red heart. Most likely, such gifts will remind you of you for the next few years.

helium balloon- one of my favorite gifts (in the sense of things that I like to give). Presenting a helium balloon to your beloved before going to work (8.00 ... 9.00 in the morning) is a real art. Haven't figured out how? A few tips: order a balloon with delivery in the morning, buy a can of helium (I haven’t seen it, but it seems there are such on sale).

I wrote only three options. In fact, there may be thousands of them. Turn on your fantasy!

romantic evening invitation

Yes, romantic evening- a must-have event on Valentine's Day :). But you have to be prepared for it. About the choice of location and scenario - we'll talk later. In the middle of the day you have to invite. And some of my crazy ideas - how to do it.

Call on the phone? Come on... it's boring! Let's bring a little magic and unforgettable :).

Invitation bouquet. One option is to send gorgeous bouquet favorite colors with a small card with your proposal.

Walkie-talkie. Surprised? The option is really good. We prepare two walkie-talkies in advance (sold in all toy stores). We put one in a pocket - a friend in a box, a box in beautiful paper and in a bow. We deliver the box to our beloved in the office personally and put it under the door or on the table (I think you can handle it here). Beloved takes the box, immediately opens it ... and there .. Walkie-talkie. (just imagine her face :)). At this moment, you begin to give her signals: “Acceptance, reception! How do you hear it?" And invite her on a date.

Magazines, newspapers. February 14 should bring her favorite magazine? Be smart! We go in advance to a friend or acquaintance who owns photoshop. Please make a page in the format of a magazine, insert a picture with luxurious flowers and write an invitation. We buy a magazine, put (sew in) your blank there and put (toss, bring, replace) a magazine. Stupid? I like this

I don't post all ideas. There must be something kept secret. Turn your head, gentlemen!

romantic dinner

That's where they got to him. plan romantic dinner for Valentine's Day is worth in advance!

Choice of location. Oh, very important! Focus. Do you want an unforgettable day? Then no cafes, saunas and restaurants (although if this is a dream, then why not). But I'm not going there on February 14th. First of all - everything is busy ... The same couples will sit everywhere ... Boring. Need something original. You need a place where your partner has never been. A place that is either oh-so-very chic and quirky or doesn't quite match up with dining.

I know this place in my city. On the main street of the city there are 5-storey houses. There are turrets in the neighborhoods, round so ... cute ... There are 10 of them in the whole city. Usually, the entrance to them is from an apartment on the 5th floor. Hmm.. it's hard to get there. But, it's worth it. We are looking for the owner of a similar apartment, we agree and arrange dinner in a funky cozy place (just you and her) with gorgeous view to the city. Please note that the availability of the place makes a lot of sense. The more impregnable the better

Dare! Think about what are the original places in your city. Circus, dolphinarium, factory chocolates

End of the evening on Valentine's Day

Do you really think that I will throw ideas here? No! Be independent

Lucky day St. Valentine! If you have or will have good ideas, I will be glad to read them in the comments.

I have revealed my ideas to you, your beloved will read them. How can I spend Valentine's Day :)?

It would seem that quite recently European countries has become a tradition to celebrate Valentine's Day, and has already received the widest recognition and fame, and its second name - "Valentine's Day" - is just as popular as that associated with the name of the famous saint. In our country, perhaps only the younger generation celebrates this holiday with joy and enthusiasm, while older Russians reserve romance until March 8 and Defender of the Fatherland Day. And absolutely in vain! There is so little space in our life for touching and exciting moments that one more day as an occasion to celebrate the triumph of love and romance does not hurt at all!

How to celebrate Valentine's Day? We are sure that many couples already have their little ones. family traditions, rituals and it's wonderful. And what about those lovers whose experience joint communication still not very long? You and your chosen one treat just them and puzzle over how to do everything the best way? Everything is very simple: you need to read our page and choose the tips that you like best. Then you just have to bring some personal details, call on your imagination and ... stock up on a photo or video camera - it's so nice to remember romantic moments in years to come!

The very first spring holiday

Yes, yes, this is the most real holiday spring! And even if there is snow on the street in some places, it still becomes clear every day that the hours of winter are numbered. The length of the day is getting longer, the sun is warming more and more, and a romantic mood is simply palpably in the air. Everything is imbued with a premonition of the awakening of nature, the air itself becomes simply filled with a love mood. And how can one not succumb to the general positive wave and start preparing for the celebration of Valentine's Day?

Since this holiday is international, thoughts involuntarily come up: how is it celebrated in other countries, and is it celebrated at all? Of course they do, and how! Moreover, the traditions are so different and often bizarre that you should definitely get acquainted with them!

  • The French, as real connoisseurs of love, consider this concept to be comprehensive, therefore they congratulate not only their beloved, but also all other loved ones - relatives, friends. The traditional gift on this day is jewelry. Well, a very good tradition! By the way, it is the French who are credited with the custom of exchanging valentine cards, on which short declarations of love are written.
  • The Italians also call Valentine's Day Sweet Day, because here traditional gifts serve all kinds of sweets.
  • The British, famous adherents of centuries-old traditions, do not deviate from this on Valentine's Day either - like many centuries ago, on this day they hand their betrothed cards in the form of hearts, and the girls guess the name of the future groom, looking out the window. Doesn't this remind you of anything?

By the way, it was the British who started the tradition at parties dedicated to Valentine's Day, putting notes with the names of girls in a hat or vase, and young people had to take them out one by one. Pairs that were formed as a result of this simple win-win lottery, whole year called each other "Valentin" and "Valentina" and thus got a chance to start a real relationship.

In addition to romantic sensual congratulations for your halves, in England on this day you can see and hear congratulations for your beloved pets. Isn't it just wonderful that this day of universal love, our little brothers are not forgotten and surrounded by care!

As you can see different nations celebrate this beautiful day in different ways. Something you can take on board!

Unusual ideas for a small holiday

Truly Russian holiday summer, and this is not soon, while Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so let's figure out together how we can celebrate it in an unusual, interesting, and most importantly - romantic way!

Girls, do not be shy on the eve of the holiday of all lovers to take the initiative to prepare in their fragile hands. It is well known that men are not very romantic natures, but many of them do not object to the presence of romance in their lives. The main thing is that someone organizes everything! These are what we're going to do now.

Picnic in nature

“Yes, what nature! It's February!" - you object, but this is the whole point: you can arrange a wonderful outing to the nearest park or square to drink hot tea or coffee in a snowy meadow (you can take it with you in a thermos), sitting comfortably together on a bench covered with warm blanket, and eat a couple of valentine cakes. A snowy evening spent together in a quiet and secluded place will be hard for you to forget. However, “evening” is a loud word, you should not linger in the cold for too long. Even though they say that real love warms, it is better to move the further celebration of Valentine's Day from a snow-covered public garden to where it is warmer!

glacial evening

It can be spent on a skating rink or an ice slide, where you can invite your friends who are happy in their love in advance. And let there be little intimate mood there, but funny jokes, hugs, tender looks and kisses - all the attributes of passionate feelings - will give this evening a romantic mood. You can continue the celebration in a cafe, with a cup of coffee or a glass of mulled wine, after which each couple can go home and end Valentine's Day in their own way.

Joint trip

Oh, it's a pity that wonderful holiday falls on a normal weekday, if it were a weekend ... However, what's stopping you from taking a couple of days off from work and giving yourself and your lover a little vacation? There are many options for doing it:

– a bus tour for two or three days to the nearest city, which is famous for some sights;

- country trip to a boarding house or hotel,

- a small trip abroad - to hot countries or, conversely, to snowy peaks, the choice is yours!

During a joint trip, you will have more opportunities to get to know each other better (for those who have recently met), or to add variety to your usual life (for couples with experience).

Romantic evening at home

And really, why rush somewhere, fly, run when you can calmly, in a cozy home environment prepare a gourmet dinner, set the table with candles, and talk about feelings at dinner? If you have been together for a long time, on Valentine's Day you can remember the most beautiful moments of your life, look at photos from thick albums or videos from your home archive.

For those couples whose feelings have just begun to acquire real outlines, Valentine's Day is best time say about it. And when to talk about it, if not at the time romantic dinner, over a glass good wine? According to statistics, a marriage proposal made on Valentine's Day is accepted by 99 percent out of a hundred!

You foresee that today they can do the most to you Best offer in your life? Then it is worth trying and preparing the house accordingly, so that, having seen the romantic interior and all the attributes of Valentine's Day, your beloved has nothing left to do but to get the treasured box with a ring out of his pocket!

1) The interior must have candles, and they may not necessarily be red or pink, that is, traditional "Valentine" colors. A romantic atmosphere can be created, for example, by Air Wick scented candles with the Multicolor system, which change color smoothly and very beautifully when burned.

2) Arrange flowers in vases and pots, it can be like traditional roses, of course, red and shades of pink, as well as ranunculus, which are very relevant today, which have very delicate and elegant inflorescences. Hyacinths, which also have a wonderful aroma, as well as pink hydrangea, will look great in your apartment. Spring mood and mood in a positive way will help you create tulips that can be placed throughout the apartment - they look great both on the table with a festive dinner and on the bedside table.

3) Prepare an unusual and gourmet dinner, during which you can invite your beloved to taste dishes with real aphrodisiacs, such as truffles or seafood. Serve something chocolate for dessert, because chocolate is also known as a powerful aphrodisiac.

4) Your clothes and makeup should be simply charming on this day, maximum sexuality and femininity! And if during the "official" part at the table you can afford to flash a luxurious evening dress, then the phase of the evening, turning into "bed" - the best occasion showcase sexy lingerie. By the way, a chic peignoir, consisting of solid pink lace, and a frank set, donated by friends for a “special” occasion, will also come in handy for this evening. Here it is, that very special case!

Still, this Valentine was a wonderful person, because everyone probably knows his story. Well, judge for yourself - he helped lovers get married when the medieval tyrant ruler forbade it, and he was a doctor, alleviating human suffering. His whole life is an example of kindness and mercy!

“If only such a Saint Valentine would appear in our days and unite the hearts of lovers when unforeseen obstacles arise in their path!” - once expressed such a dream young girl on the page of one social networks, and she was immediately supported by numerous friends, putting a lot of "likes".

But indeed, how often does it happen that a fragile young love develops against the stones of difficulties carefully planted by objecting relatives! Valentine's Day - great occasion give a chance to lovers to be together and, perhaps together, go through all the difficulties life together. Help them organize and spend this day alone, so that later, after many years, memories can only evoke happy smiles!

Video: cooking a romantic dinner with aphrodisiacs

If you are satisfied romantic evening for yourself and your companion, remember - no luxurious accessories and expensive wines will help make this evening unforgettable if you are not in the right romantic mood. A quivering, tender mood, a desire to make your loved one happy - and great holiday you are provided! Good luck!

Valentine's Day is the most romantic holiday, which is celebrated by all lovers of the Earth. And I want to celebrate it somehow especially in order to surprise my soulmate and to remember for a long time that unearthly atmosphere of joy, happiness, love.

Valentine's Day is Valentine's Day, a holiday loving hearts, it's love day. This holiday is eagerly awaited by those who love, love and those who are only looking for their love.

Valentine's Day - what is it?

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 and is dedicated to Saint Valentine, who was a priest, and secretly from the authorities, under cover of night, married loving friend friend of men and women.

According to legend, the Roman emperor Claudius II forbade men to marry and women to marry because he believed that family life distract men from the war. That only a man not burdened with a family is able to fight well with the enemy on the battlefield.

When the emperor learned that the priest Valentine secretly illuminates the marriages of loving hearts, he was captured and sentenced to death and put in prison. There he met with beautiful girl named Julia, she was the daughter of a prison warden, and Valentine fell in love with her.

Before the execution, he sent the girl a note with a declaration of love and signed "Your Valentine". Valentine was executed on February 14, and since then, notes with a declaration of love have been called valentines and celebrate this day as Valentine's Day.

The holiday of Valentine's Day came to Russia quite recently, but every year the ranks of those celebrating this day are replenished. Valentine's Day has become one of the favorite holidays among young people, but couples did not stand aside and gladly exchange valentines and give gifts to each other and congratulate on the Day of Love.

Traditions and symbols of the holiday

The main symbol of the holiday of Valentine's Day is Valentine - a card in the form of a scarlet heart, in which lovers write passionate declarations of love or dedicate heartfelt love poems to their loved ones. On this day, all lovers exchange valentines, confess their love.

satisfied romantic dates, give souvenirs in the form of hearts, flowers - preferably, red roses - a symbol of love, as well as sweets, soft toys.

In Denmark, it is customary to give white dried flowers to your beloved, and the French give jewelry to their loved ones. The Japanese prefer to give cosmetics, perfumes, sweets.

But every year more and more lovers present their halves with funny teddy bears and soft hearts with voice congratulations and a declaration of love.

On Valentine's Day in many countries of the world it is customary to arrange weddings.

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to congratulate not only our beloved ones, but also our loved ones, relatives, those whom we simply love - mom, dad, sister, brother, classmates, friends and girlfriends.

Where to celebrate Valentine's Day

How and where to celebrate Valentine's Day so that it will be remembered for a long time and leave many positive impressions. We offer you several simple options holding a holiday.

Celebrate Valentine's Day at public events

Events held in many cities dedicated to the Day all lovers, various competitions with prizes, discos, evenings, concerts, mass launches of lanterns in the form of hearts are arranged, and if you are satisfied with such events, then you can invite your soulmate to celebrate the holiday there.

Celebrate love day at home

If it’s cold outside or you don’t want to go anywhere, then most suitable option for you is the celebration of Valentine's Day at home. After all, you can arrange at home unforgettable holiday. Have a romantic candlelight dinner with champagne and heart-shaped dishes.
The room can be decorated with symbols of love - hearts, red roses, angels, a pair of swans. Pick some nice music good poetry about love or a movie.

Celebrate Valentine's Day in a cafe

Another option to celebrate the holiday is to go to a cafe. To do this, choose in advance a small, cozy cafe with a romantic atmosphere, with pleasant music, with a beautifully decorated hall and friendly staff. Pre-book a table with candles and order dishes that your soul mate likes. Order a song for your beloved (beloved), congratulate you on the holiday with beautiful poems.

Celebrate Valentine's Day outdoors

It is unforgettable to celebrate the day of February 14 in nature. To do this, you just need to leave noisy city and go out of town, wander through the snow-covered forest, go sledding down the hills. And you can organize a trip to the sports base, go skiing or snowboarding, recharge your batteries and get some fresh air.

Celebrate the day of love with sports

It’s not bad to spend the day of all the Lovers on the skating rink, you can take your beloved to bowling, a water park, jump together on a trampoline, swim in the pool. If you don't like leisure, you can go to the sauna, or to hockey or other sports events. The main thing is that you two will spend this day.

Excursion to the romantic places of the city

Each city has its own romantic places, these are all kinds of gazebos, benches for lovers, parks and squares, bridges, embankments and just Beautiful places. You can wander around the city at night or go to the outskirts of the city, admire starry sky if the weather permits. Take a walk around the zoo, you can go to the museum. It all depends on your imagination.

Romantic trip on Valentine's Day

The most unforgettable experience will be a romantic trip to another city or another country. If funds allow you, you can organize a trip for your loved ones to any city in the world, and in the midst of February frosts find yourself in warm exotic countries.

Celebrate the holidays with friends and family

Just because your heart is free doesn't mean Valentine's Day isn't for you. It is wonderful and unforgettable to celebrate the day of love with your friends and girlfriends, together with classmates.

You can arrange a themed disco or an evening at school, college, someone's home or country house. Prepare a script for the celebration in advance, organize funny contests(the most romantic or the most cool verse February 13, or at most original confession in love and other contests), as well as organize love mail. You can choose a soul mate for this evening. To do this, you need to draw different hearts, cut them in half. Distribute one part of the hearts to the boys, the other to the girls. Then find your soul mate and be inseparable all evening.

It does not matter where you will celebrate Valentine's Day, at home or in distant countries, the main thing is that love lives in your heart and that it lasts forever! We wish you mutual love and happiness!

On the eve of Valentine's Day, many lovers are thinking about where to spend the holiday so that it will be remembered for its uniqueness. After all, it is so difficult, with all the numerous options, to choose something special to captivate your soulmate in the same way, to interest you with its unusualness and at the same time fulfill your cherished dream!
Consider the 14 most best ideas for a pleasant pastime.

You can spend Valentine's Day at home

Lovers of warmth and comfort can offer the option of celebrating at home. Decorate your home with a variety of garlands, pictures, hearts and figurines. Of course, on Valentine's Day you need to add candles, and for lovers of special romance, rose petals. Easy delicious dinner for two, a gentle melody, subdued light - all this will create a special atmosphere. No less interesting will be spending time near the fireplace, as it will add warmth and fire to your embrace. View joint video will also add a spicy touch to this mysterious evening. Clothes and gifts also need to be approached individually, depending on your relationship and interests, so that they only embellish your meeting.

Cafe or restaurant?

The next option is a celebration in a cafe or restaurant. To embellish the evening, you can choose something non-standard. For example, go to a sushi bar and learn (together) to eat with Japanese chopsticks. If one of the couple likes to sing, you can choose an institution where there is karaoke or live music. For more sophisticated couples, individual restaurant rooms are suitable, where you can order a musician with a violin, guitar or saxophone. It all depends on imagination and finances. If there is no time to prepare everything in advance, then using the Internet it is possible to order gift Certificate for a shared dinner.
No less vivid memories can leave the most ordinary walk through the streets of your city. When choosing a place for a date, preference, of course, should be given to illuminated, unusual and beautiful streets, avenues or squares. Walking slowly, holding hands, under interesting conversation you can look into a small cafe to have a cake with coffee. Find a place to run air lantern, which in many countries is launched by lovers in the name of tender feelings and fidelity. You can also run into any store and buy souvenirs to look at them to remember each other.

Various entertainment places

Art lovers can consider options such as theater, exhibition or vernissage. There will be an opportunity not only to be together, but also to listen to an interesting opera, discuss new paintings or see something unusual that you have not seen before.

Of course, do not forget about a movie or a concert of your favorite artist or group, where there is always the opportunity to be alone in a large hall holding hands or singing your favorite hit together. In the first case, it is better to choose a light, romantic film so that it leaves positive emotions after viewing and inspires tenderness. In the second case, mutual interests must be taken into account so as not to leave a feeling of dissatisfaction or inattention in your other half.

The next option would be a joint trip to the sauna or spa. By choosing such places, you can not only have a good rest, but also spend time with benefit for yourself. After all, a flavored steam room and a swimming pool in the sauna, beauty services in the salon will bring real pleasure to both.

A modern take on Valentine's Day

A very fashionable option today is, of course, joint photo session. Dressing up in various outfits, filming a mini-movie about your first meeting and the development of subsequent relationships will be happy for both parties, because they will be the main characters. True professionals will help make the action exciting and unforgettable, come up with an interesting plot or make real events in a beautiful interpretation. The main thing is that the result will remain not only in memory, but also in photographs.

For lovers of fun and vibrant life, such an option as visiting party or night club. Noisy fun, popular music, unusual cocktails and various fun contests will harmonize well with the close embrace of a couple in love. This is one option where several couples can go together to have more fun and of course gossip about your relationship. The most important thing is to be next to each other, get high to the sound of music, participate in entertainment program and then the evening will be unforgettable.

Horse riding is for lovers of extreme sports. The dream of every person, probably, is to ride these wonderful animals at least once. Riding beautiful horses together will be an interesting option for a declaration of love on Valentine's Day. The grace and inner strength of this animal will involuntarily be transmitted to a couple in love, and a sense of security next to its steadfast companion will give unforgettable memories any girl.

One of interesting options there will be a joint visit or viewing football match or other sports games. Of course, it is clear that few girls prefer this option. But believe me, if you give your young man or a man has two tickets for such an action, or invite him to a sports bar, and even go with him, surrendering to the emotions that he experiences, you will receive true pleasure and gratitude from your companion. The ideal option there will be a shared passion for matches or games.

Suitable for those who like to have fun and fool around water park or ice rink. Here it is already an amateur, who prefers what - cold ice or warm splashes of water. By choosing this option, you can get a lot positive emotions, a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood. The active part of the holiday can smoothly alternate with joint tea drinking, nice conversations and tender kisses. After all, nothing is scary if you hold hands together and resist any elements. And the surrounding fun is unlikely to give rise to a bad mood.

One of the interesting options would be to visit a trial pair dance classes. Valentine's Day brings some kind of mysterious atmosphere when you want to do something that you have never done before and it will be doubly valuable when you do it together. Even if one of the couple does not know how to dance, in such a lesson you can just try, because you will have reliable protection and support nearby. The most interesting thing is that after such accidents, for many, dancing becomes some kind of outlet where you can relax and dissolve in each other's arms, feeling only your partner and music.

Going to the bowling alley will add variety to your relationship. This option is suitable for both newly formed couples and spouses who celebrate this day with their children. In such clubs, you can have a good rest, have fun together, work out or compete in bowling. The simplicity of bowling rules allows even the most inexperienced, even small children, to play it. An evening spent together will leave an unforgettable impression.

One of the most memorable is romantic trip for the holiday of St. Valentine. To make yourself and your soulmate a small vacation to any country in the world - this will be the ultimate dream of any couple. Where exactly to go depends only on desires, hobbies and finances. Someone will be satisfied with rest within the country, and someone needs abroad. In such travels, only mood, mutual understanding and love are important. After all, it doesn’t matter where the lovers will hold each other in a tender embrace - kissing at the height of the Eiffel Tower in romantic Paris, a gondola ride in fabulous Venice or meeting the sunset on a mountain in passionate Barcelona - the main thing is the unforgettable feeling of unity that will accompany at such moments.

Another important fact is how exactly the gift will be presented on Valentine's Day. One great option would be a gift certificate received in advance or during a date. After all, something presented in an envelope, or alternatively, you can send it by e-mail, will be a small surprise for the second half, which will cause a big explosion of joy.
And the most important thing is, of course, the mood that you will jointly set for this day. After all, no holiday can replace a strong reliable hug, passionate kiss and loving sparkle in the eyes.

In contact with

let's come up with a few ideas together unusual ideas for the celebration of Valentine's Day. habitual, standard options holding Valentine's Day in noisy companies or together in an apartment has already become boring to many. The soul demands new impressions! They will surely be remembered by those couples in love who are not afraid to get unforgettable feelings, fun, joy, excitement. And romance.

... only books and films slightly reproduce those distant times with carriages. But no one will stop you from taking a ride in an old carriage drawn by trotters on Valentine's Day.

"Let's go, beauty, ride!"

Alas, the days of knights and beautiful ladies have sunk into oblivion. In our age of speeds less and less romantic places free from cars. Do you remember how a knight on a lathered horse caught up with a carriage that carried away his beloved? And the beauty looked out of the window and coquettishly waved her handkerchief ...

"Honey, listen to me"

Have you ever serenaded your sweetheart while standing under a balcony? Maybe let's try? With the condition, of course, that the sweetheart lives no higher than the third floor, otherwise she may not hear you.

Of course, this option will be good if you sing well. If not, you can invite a professional singer or a singing friend to serenade you as a duet. Also, you can write an ardent love message and try to throw it on the balcony. There's a lot of room for imagination here.

"I will ride the bike for a long time"

And how do you react to romantic walk on bicycles?

Having rolled enough, you can choose a beautiful clearing and arrange a romantic halt with light wine and a snack. Isn't that romantic on Valentine's Day? True, in regions covered with snow, you can replace bicycles with snowmobiles, ride ATVs.

"I want to kiss the sand you walked on"

Just imagine how romantic a declaration of love by the sea on Valentine's Day is? Heart strewn with rose petals. Sea. And you two. Do you think your beloved will be able to forget such moments?

"Let's go to the island. From this winter and snow"

And what if you give your beloved an island? Let not forever. Let only this holiday, Valentine's Day, the island will be yours. On this island you can spend the whole day away from the bustle of the city. You will feel like Robinsons on the most mysterious island - the island of love.

And when you get hungry, you can enjoy the most romantic dinner. Dinner for two. In stillness and silence.

“Agree at least to paradise in a hut, if someone occupied the tower with the palace”

It has long been believed that with a sweetheart - paradise and in a hut. You can try to agree with the saying or refute it by spending Valentine's Day in a hut. Or in a tent, well, where can you get a real hut? Romantics go! When else will you be able to enjoy such a celebration of Valentine's Day?

"Two broken hearts intertwined in a passionate dance"

What if you give your loved one flamenco on Valentine's Day? Passionate, fiery, sensual dance, covering with a flurry of emotions, experiences.

True, they say that real flamenco can only be seen in Spain, but it doesn’t matter, right? In Madrid, there is a real "temple of flamenco" - the restaurant Corral de la Moreria. The most famous artists perform flamenco there. The passion and fire of an unsurpassed dance will certainly hit the heart of a beloved much stronger than the arrows of Cupid.

"Skyscrapers, skyscrapers, and I'm so small"

How wonderful to celebrate Valentine's Day on the roof of a skyscraper! Now in many megacities there is such an opportunity - to see your hometown from a bird's eye view. Just make sure to dress warmly on this day. Of course, in no case should you drink champagne, so as not to fall from the observation deck. And it's worth taking sweets and a camera with you. You can enjoy the unique views standing above the city next to your beloved, appreciate the scale of the metropolis and feel like its ruler.