Which glasses are right for me. The choice of glasses by color: standard colors and options for brave girls. Glasses for round faces

If you are thinking about how to choose sunglasses according to the shape of your face for women, we will tell you and help you choose the best option.

Initially, you need to decide what type of face you are the owner of, and then go shopping in search of the perfect sunglasses!

The selection of your wardrobe will also be important - after all, the neckline of a blouse, for example, can stretch a round face or shorten an elongated one, so here you also need to carefully select blouses or fashionable dresses.

Further, when choosing glasses, you also need to take into account some nuances, for example:
A girl with small facial features just needs to choose glasses that are not large in size.
For those who have full lips, a large frame is just right.
If you have straight bangs - your ideal frame with raised corners.
A thin frame will decorate a graceful face, while a large one will make it even more massive.
If a lady has a large nose, there is simply a need for a frame that has a low jumper.
If you want to preserve your individuality - choose glasses no higher than the eyebrow line, in extreme cases (which is also a good option) - at the level of the eyebrows.

Face shapes

Stylists tell us that there are only a few of the brightest face shapes, the rest are derivatives of them. The most fertile shape, as found out by stylists, is an oval face; almost any frames go with it. Signs: soft outlines, slightly longer than wide, cheekbones - slightly prominent, in appearance - an inverted egg. If you have such a shape - you are very lucky! Feel free to go to the store and choose only according to the movement of the soul, your style and clothing preferences. But, advice: it is better to avoid maximalism, too small products, as well as very large ones, can break the proportions.
This is Liv Tyler's face type, and Charlize Theron has the same beautiful oval.

A round face is clearly understandable - with a round chin, smooth contours and no straight lines at all. It needs to be as close as possible to the desired oval, for this, choose frames that lengthen the face. Rectangular shapes are perfect, sharp corners are shown as much as possible. Dark frames are good, visually lengthening the face, and are shown more narrow than wide frames. Frames with raised edges, butterfly glasses, and products with delicate thin temples are perfect. The round face of Cameron Diaz and the wonderful charming Emmy Stone.

Triangle - the owners of this type have a powerful chin, a narrow forehead, they are shown a model that accentuates the upper part of the face. Aviators, half frames are their option.

Square face - no smooth lines, the cheekbones are the same width as the forehead, the chin is wide, the hairline is at the same level. Spectacle frames are designed to soften the contour of the face, and give it a feminine softness. Therefore, round, oval, necessarily somewhat large are perfect. Drop-shaped glasses will also be good, rimless glasses are perfect.
Celebrities that have this type of face are Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock.

Rectangle - similar to the square shape of the face, longer than wide, has clear boundaries. The frames shown here are large, slightly rounded, “aviators” will be good. Small glasses are not recommended.

The elongated or pear-shaped shape is characterized by an elongated length, a rounded chin, a high forehead and a certain angularity of the lines. The task is to visually shorten the face and give it softness. Wide large frames are shown here, square glasses will be good, oval and rectangular glasses are also shown, bright frames will be good. You need to avoid glasses without rims, small and narrow.

Perfectly matched glasses will not fall off and put pressure behind the ears. If in doubt about the choice, leave the glasses that you like on your face for 6-10 minutes. You will feel how they sit and whether it will be comfortable to wear them.

If you want to choose high-quality glasses, go to the company store. By all means, branded glasses must be issued with a certificate that indicates the degree of protection against UV rays, a case and a special care cloth are attached.
Polycarbonate lenses provide better A and B protection than glass lenses.
Lenses that are too dark do not necessarily provide better protection from the sun's intense rays. If they are just colored but don't have the protective properties of cheap ones, the effect of the sun can be even more negative than without glasses at all.
Remember, a cap or headband with a visor is half the battle in eye protection.
Glasses should also be worn in winter, because they protect the eyes and prevent wrinkles.

By the way, for winter it is better to choose glasses with polarized lenses, in the dark night time photochromic lenses are better.
Sunglasses are an important thing, they are not only a fashion accessory, but they are primarily designed to protect the eyes, and if not properly selected, they can harm your eyesight. When choosing glasses, be sure to pay attention so that you see them clearly and (necessarily!) Feel comfortable, otherwise your head will soon begin to spin, and unpleasant sensations will appear, and you will not understand what it is connected with.

Now you know exactly how to choose glasses, and you can safely go shopping.


A square face gives its owners a lot of trouble. Excessive massiveness of features, angularity, rigidity - is it possible to look attractive with such a characteristic? Without being able to change your external data, it makes sense to take care of the right choice of hairstyle and choose the right glasses for a square face shape that can correct proportions and soften hard lines.

Selection rules

The main rule to follow when choosing glasses for a square face is to avoid hard and massive features. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure that there are no sharp corners, geometric lines and angular shapes.

Oval and round glasses will look great. “Aviators” will also look good, which are able not only to visually correct the oval of the face, but also to lengthen the nose, and this, of course, will only have a positive effect on the overall impression of the facial features. The peculiarity of these glasses is that they focus on the middle part of the face, enlarging the eyes, softening the line of the cheekbones and chin.

Choosing dark glasses, you must be guided by the general rules described above. But here you can play on the choice of the color of the lenses, which can have any shades, even the most fantastic ones, from pink to purple. However, it is better to opt for dark glasses, as horses can visually reduce facial features.

Choosing a frame

When choosing a frame, you need to ensure that there are no square, triangular, diamond-shaped geometric lines that can only emphasize the squareness of the face.

It is best to take smooth, soft lines as a basis, which do not make the image heavier, but, on the contrary, soften the contours of the appearance. When choosing this accessory, it is important to ensure that all borders do not protrude beyond the face, otherwise excessive attention to the forms will be provided.

It is desirable that the frame be equipped with bright elements at the corners or in the upper area of ​​​​the accessory.

The cat-eye model, so common in our time, with slightly raised upper corners, will look great on a square face.

What can't be chosen

When choosing glasses for women with a square face, there is also a taboo, that is, information about which glasses to avoid when buying.

  • You can not opt ​​for options with a clearly marked geometric shape and square frames;
  • Narrow, miniature glasses will not work either;
  • An accessory with a frame wider than the face itself should be ignored;
  • It is important to ensure that the frames are not colorless, as in this case the glasses will simply merge with the face.
  • The use of multi-colored, elaborate frames is not allowed. They can only harm the image, and even if all other attributes are chosen laconically, the image can still be spoiled.
  • Women with a square face should refrain from using red lipstick. In the event that the glasses are destined to become the central element of the image, you do not need to pay too much attention to the lower zone.

The problem of choosing glasses is not an easy task for every girl.

Due to the great variety and not always competent advice, girls can make a mistake when choosing this accessory and make an unsuccessful choice.

Currently, glasses are a very stylish accessory that allows girls to stand out and emphasize the oval of their face. This article will help you understand which glasses are suitable for a square face type, so that they emphasize the harmony of the image and focus the attention of others on the merits of the face.

Many choose points by trial and error, without thinking that there are certain selection rules.

If you are looking for sunglasses, computer glasses, eyeglasses, to emphasize the image or any other, then the first thing you need to decide on is the type of face.

It is customary to distinguish several types of faces:

  • oval;
  • elongated;
  • round;
  • Diamond shape;
  • pear-shaped;
  • Face "heart";
  • square;
  • Rectangular.

Each form needs its own frame

To determine the type of face, you need to remove your hair and look at yourself in the mirror - it will be immediately clear what shape the face has. If it’s still not clear, then you can circle the contour of the face with lipstick on the mirror so that the shape is clearly visible.

Owners of a square head are often upset ahead of time that not a single glasses suit them. But that's not the case at all. First, let's figure out what features are characteristic of a square face.

Girls with a similar oval face have angular and massive features that you always want to smooth out in order to appear softer. Nature cannot be deceived, and various stylistic tricks are used to improve the image.

You can work with makeup and visually smooth out the proportions of the face, but this will not hide the wide forehead and wide lower jaw. In this case, it is necessary to play, so to speak, in contrast, and if you have a square type of face, then accessories must be rounded.

Rounded glasses soften the chin and round the oval of the face. After all, this accessory is not intended to attract attention, they should only favorably emphasize the dignity of their owner.


When we know that the representatives of a square face should wear rounded frames, it becomes easier. You only need to choose the right form:

  • With rounded frame;
  • Aviators;
  • butterflies;
  • With colored frame;
  • Rimless.

Among such a variety, you can choose the pair that suits the design.

Frame selection rules

When we have decided that we need a round one, it is worth thinking about which glasses to choose - in terms of color, style, design, glass color, etc. For many people, wearing this accessory is a vital necessity and you can turn simple eyeglasses not just into decoration, but make them an important attribute of the image.

For girls in this regard, there are some tips. You need to abandon clear geometric lines - you can’t wear any square, triangular, diamond-shaped ones - this will only harm your face.

Take smooth, soft lines as a basis - they do not make the image heavier, but rather soften the contours of the face. Borders should not go beyond the face - otherwise it will draw too much attention to its shape.

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You need to choose a frame with bright elements at the corners or at the top of the accessory. You can’t choose completely bright round ones - they will attract unnecessary looks to themselves, and at the same time to your face.

In all cases, the frame must be chosen only at the mirror and preferably with the help of relatives or salon employees.

How to choose glasses by color, shape and size

The ideal form, according to stylists, this season are "cat's eyes" - they will be perfectly appropriate for a square face. It is a shape that is elongated and raised at the edges, which allows you to smooth any type of face.

And lenses / glasses, here every girl should be guided by natural data and select them based on the color of her eyes, hair, skin tone.

In general, preference should be given to dark glasses or gradient lenses, as they will help visually reduce facial features.

Regarding the size, the only rule is that the frame must be in size. If it is larger, it is noticeable and it spoils the image. It should not hang out, but sit comfortably on the bridge of the nose. All glasses have the size written on the inside of the temple.

It is worth buying a suitable one once and next time you will not need to choose the size. In addition, a girl should have several pairs of this accessory in order to combine them with different outfits, and secondly, to wear them for various events.

What doesn't suit your face type?

Many girls can make mistakes when choosing their couple. It is worth noting that there are several "taboos" in their selection. Such an oval face is not suitable for such types of sunglasses as:

  • Square frame and clearly defined geometric shape;
  • Narrow, miniature and small glasses;
  • Glasses with frames that are wider than the face;
  • Multicolored, fancy frames.

Such frames will harm the image, and even if everything else (clothing, hairstyle, makeup, accessories) is chosen succinctly, they will spoil the image. One has only once to understand the principle of selecting this necessary accessory and the question of choosing it will be decided by itself.

It is a proven fact that glasses can correct the shape of the face no worse than cosmetics or a haircut. Not many people use this tool.

In the right hands and well-chosen, he will only play into the hands of his owner. But the main thing when choosing is to trust yourself, because a girl usually knows what she needs and what suits her.

Face types are different, and each girl, when choosing a frame, thinks about which one is right for her.

Many ladies suffer from blurry vision and are forced to correct it constantly or at certain points. In addition, in the summer, all girls try to protect their eyes from the scorching sun. To look good at the same time, you need to know some of the nuances of your appearance. We will try to figure out how to choose glasses according to the shape of the face and what should be taken into account.

Selection of glasses according to the shape of the face

Choosing the right glasses for the shape of your face is not an easy task. However, it is important to understand that this criterion is decisive, since it helps to take into account all the natural features of the appearance. So, buying glasses for an oval face shape, which is considered ideally proportional, is much easier than for owners of all other types. Meanwhile, this does not mean at all that girls with triangular or round faces will not be able to find an accessory for themselves.

When choosing lenses and their frames, it is correct to take into account not only the individual features of the appearance, but also all the components of the fashionable image that the fair sex has chosen. So, shoes, clothes, makeup, hairstyle and all accessories should be well combined with each other and make up a harmonious picture. Only in this case, the beauty will be able to feel confident and on others.

Glasses for a round face

Chubby girls, when drawing up their image, should try to stretch their face as much as possible and make it as close to an oval as possible. For this reason, the best shape of glasses for a round face is one in which the width prevails over the height. This option will help to visually balance the proportions and slightly narrow the cheekbones, giving the appearance grace.

In addition, a frame with right angles (square, rectangle) or an original triangular model is well suited. The “ ” option, in which the upper corners rise to the temples, can also look good, but only when the glasses are wide enough. In this case, the following instances will be an unsuccessful choice:

  • round frames;
  • too narrow lenses;
  • wide jumper;
  • low arches.

Glasses for a round face

It is very easy to answer the question of how to choose glasses according to the shape of the face in the case of an oval, since almost all models fit it. The oval has very harmonious proportions, and the main task when choosing a glass frame is not to spoil them. For this reason, girls with this type of appearance are advised to avoid too massive and miniature products.

The optimal shape of eyeglass frames for an oval face is a classic rectangular, oval or round if its upper part reaches the eyebrow line. Meanwhile, under such circumstances, other types are suitable, for example:

  • aviator glasses;
  • butterfly glasses;
  • "cat's eye".

Oval face glasses

Although the square, in which the cheekbones, jaw and forehead are the same width, looks harsh, choosing the right accessories will soften it. For girls who are wondering what shape of glasses is suitable for a square face, it is best to turn their attention to the following models:

  • large frames - oval or round;
  • drop glasses;
  • "cat's eye";
  • butterfly glasses;
  • aviator glasses;
  • rimless lenses;
  • bright frames of "flashy" shades;
  • options with original decor on the top edge, on the sides and on the temples.

Glasses for a square face

In the case of a triangle, the question of how to choose glasses according to the shape of the face becomes the most difficult. There are two different types of triangle - one of them has soft and rounded features, and the other has a powerful, rough chin and a forehead tapering towards the hairline. When thinking about what shape of glasses is suitable for a triangular face, it is necessary to take this feature into account. So, for the owners of the first type of appearance, when choosing any components of the image, it is important to divert attention from the upper part of the head, and the second - from the bottom.

Regardless of how the chin of a fashionista with a triangular face looks like, it is not advisable for her to consider the following models:

  • too large and massive gizmos;
  • "cat's eye";
  • butterfly glasses;
  • drop glasses;
  • wide jumper;
  • square products;
  • models with pointed edges;
  • original items with a "flashy" decor in the side;
  • bright shades;
  • high frames that cover the eyebrows.

When choosing other options, you will have to remember the recommendations on how to choose the right glasses for the shape of your face, and be sure to try on the product you like. As a rule, the owners of the "triangle" stop at products such as:

  • round glasses;
  • miniature accessories;
  • narrow jumper;
  • aviator glasses;
  • low-set temples;
  • options without a frame or with a decor at the bottom.

Glasses for a triangular face

The shape of women's glasses for a rectangular face should be rounded to smooth out the pronounced difference between length and width. Too narrow, rectangular and miniature accessories in this case do not fit categorically. In addition, you can consider various options and massive models that cover more than half of the face.

Glasses for a rectangular face shape

It is not at all difficult to choose glasses for a “heart” face shape, however, it should be borne in mind that girls with this type of appearance have protruding cheekbones that need to be visually reduced. In addition, the “heart” often has a wide forehead, so you can’t focus on it. In this regard, women's heart-shaped glasses should be rounded and have a low fit. Aviator glasses and butterfly glasses will also look good.

Glasses for a heart-shaped face

Glasses for a thin face

When thinking about how to choose the right glasses according to the shape of the face, it is necessary to take into account not only what geometric figure it represents, but also the level of completeness. If a girl is thin, her face is elongated, but this can be corrected with the help of elements of the image. In this case, the shape of the glasses according to the type of face should be round or triangular, and the lenses should be large and massive. "Cat's eye" and products with clear horizontal lines are also suitable. In addition, colored and decorated on the sides will help to visually expand the face.

Glasses for a thin face

Glasses shape for a full face

Pyshechki, on the contrary, should choose such gizmos that will visually make their features a little smaller. To achieve this goal and not emphasize the existing flaws, plus-size beauties should avoid the following models:

  • round glasses;
  • wide jumpers;
  • temples too low.

Similar recommendations apply when a girl wants to choose sunglasses for her face shape. In the case of dark or transparent lenses, it is better for overweight women to give preference to massive accessories made in the form of a square, rectangle or trapezoid. Some plump women fit fox glasses very well, however, all this is very individual and requires a mandatory fitting.

The color of the glass frame also plays an important role. So, for the fair sex with a large figure and the presence of such flaws in appearance as a second chin, it is recommended to wear only dark frames. At the same time, preference should be given not to the traditional black tone, but to the noble cherry, brown or chocolate color scheme. Deep blue and asphalt gray are also perfect for a large beautiful lady and make her face more elegant and feminine.

Glasses shape for a full face


When it comes to fashion accessories, you always want to find something unusual that will stand out from the crowd, emphasizing all the advantages and hiding the flaws. It's hard to imagine a spring-summer wardrobe without sunglasses. You should choose such an item not only based on your own preferences, but also in accordance with the features of appearance. It is not difficult to choose glasses for a triangular face shape.

How to determine the triangular face type

According to the inhabitants, it is with a triangular face that the most problems can arise. People with this type should be especially careful when choosing hairstyles and accessories. It is the correctly selected shape of glasses that can not only complement the image, but also visually correct the type of face.

But many find it difficult to determine the type of face. Although this is easy to do. It is enough to perform a few simple manipulations:

  • Visual definition consists in concentrating one's attention in front of a mirror only on the shape of the face.
  • Another way, more complex, involves precise mathematical calculations.

You can recognize the triangular type of face by a wide forehead combined with a narrow chin area. This shape is often referred to as "strawberry".

Another type of triangular face is represented by a narrow forehead and a wide jaw. E this type is considered the most problematic, as it looks especially heavy.

Triangular faces are often confused with heart-shaped faces. The second is actually a derivative of the first. The heart-shaped shape is very similar to the triangular shape, with a significant difference in the form of softer and rounded lines of the cheekbones and forehead. "Heart" is marked by cheekbones protruding forward, a refined chin, a massive forehead, which is even wider than that of a triangular shape.

For the first type - with a wide forehead and a narrow chin, glasses with a rectangular frame or rounded corners are preferable, but with approximately the same size upper and lower parts.

Choosing glasses for the face "heart"

The shape of "butterflies" should be avoided, as this type of glasses emphasizes the triangular face type. It is not recommended to wear glasses with a round frame, as this will not add to the attractiveness of the face.

If the area of ​​the lower jaw is noticeably more massive and wider than the forehead zone, then glasses should be chosen in which the upper part of the frame is more expressive, but the lower region may not be at all, or it is, but so thin and transparent that it is almost invisible.

In the choice of frames, you can not be limited. Wide, rectangular, rounded models are allowed. Such an accessory will draw the eye precisely to the upper region of the face, taking care of building a neat balance between the forehead and chin.

It is desirable to choose glasses glasses transparent. Butterfly shapes are also contraindicated for this type of face, even round frames should be avoided, such objects will only emphasize the angularity of the face and draw attention to problem areas.