The best marriage proposal. How to make an original marriage proposal

When you enter the elevator, press all the buttons. The cabin will stop on each floor, and your sweetheart will read one word from the marriage proposal. (Yes, the words will have to be pre-printed and pasted on the walls.) When you get to the top floor, all she has to do is say yes.

A win-win way to win the heart of someone who is crazy about pets. The main thing is to carefully clarify in advance whether the girl is ready to take care of the pet. If so, give her a kitten or puppy that has a small postcard or medallion with your offer on its collar.

Well, or attach a message to a birdcage or aquarium.

3. Host a movie screening

Rent a small cinema or projector room in a time cafe, or invite a girl to watch a movie at your place. Instead, show a video that you made from joint videos or photos. Your proposal will be in the credits.

4. Connect your drone

Date her in the park or any other open-air place. When the girl arrives, send her with a ring and a note.

This method is suitable for a lover of intellectual fun. Just make sure that your short message is on the board at the end of the game. Even if you have to break the rules a little.

6. Find a bottle with a note

Take an old bottle, put a ring and a note with a confession in it and hide it on the banks of a river, lake or sea. Invite your beloved to a picnic by the water, "accidentally" find a bottle and give it to the girl. It might not be easy for her to open the find. But the content is worth the effort.

7. Rent a billboard

Let your or her photo with an offer be pasted on a large billboard that a girl passes by every day.

8. Invite her to the photo booth

When you make faces, laugh and take a photo, suddenly take out the ring. The historical moment will be captured in the picture.

9. Make a website

Create a page with your photos and videos and send it a link. When the girl scrolls to the end, she will see a marriage proposal. All she has to do is click on the "Yes" button.

10. Print your offer on a T-shirt

At the right moment, take off your sweatshirt and display the message on your chest or back.

Buy the same book as the one your sweetheart is currently reading. Cut out the box from the pages and place the ring inside.

12. Bring a girl to where you first met

Do not say in advance where you are going. Let it be a surprise. When you get there, propose to the girl.

13. Order or bake a cake

A win-win way to propose a hand and heart to a sweet lover. A beautiful cake, on which important words are written, will surely be the most delicious in her life. So order. Better yet, make your own.

14. Propose on your birthday

Give her a big beautiful box. Inside the girl will see another one, then another and another. In the end, your beloved will get to the coveted ring. It will be the main gift.

15. Put together a themed playlist

Make a selection of songs that your girlfriend likes. When she reaches the last track, she will hear your offer.

Write your proposal with a marker on the bottom of the white mug. When the girl finishes her coffee, she will see the inscription and probably will not be able to refuse. If the coffee was delicious, of course.

17. Organize a picnic

Buy flowers, food and wine and ask your friends to help with the surprise. Bring the girl when everything is ready, and say the cherished words. Just let it happen in private. Friends are better to thank later.

18. Gift origami

Make a paper crane, butterfly or rose. Give the gift to the girl and invite her to unfold the paper. Inside the girl will find a marriage proposal.

Think over the necessary route, invite the girl for a walk and record your movements on the maps in your smartphone. When you get to the last point, show her the map. There will be key words.

20. Act out a scene from her favorite movie.

What girl does not dream of being in the place of the heroine of her beloved? Recreate one of the most poignant scenes (for example, order a white limousine like in Pretty Woman) and propose at the end.

21. Print a suggestion on bottles

For this, bottles of cola, juice, wine and even ketchup are suitable. Stick labels on them with the right words, put them in the fridge in the correct order, and then ask the girl to bring something tasty.

22. Come up with a quest

Build a route from places that mean something to both of you and guide her along the route by sending hint messages. When the girl is at the last point, she will meet you, and you will say the main words.

23. Bake fortune cookies

If she likes sweets, then this is a win-win method. Prepare small cookies, and put notes with your message inside. When you meet, invite her to find out what awaits her next.

24. Take a trip

When you find yourself where she has long dreamed of visiting, propose. Just think ahead and book a table at a restaurant nearby to celebrate an important event with a romantic dinner.

When it comes time to ask one of the most important questions in your life, you should be sure that you will receive a positive answer. Of course, every man is nervous before such a delicate moment - this is quite natural. We offer 17 original ways to propose in such a way that you hear the coveted “yes” in response.

Use a pet

If you trust your tailed friend enough to hand over the ring, then by all means use it. In addition, you can give your soulmate a cute kitten or puppy by attaching the main attribute of the engagement to the collar. Well, who can say "no" in such a situation?

Christmas lights to help you

Are the winter holidays coming up? This is the perfect moment. Volunteer to decorate the house and use the garlands to propose. Let your partner see a shining inscription with a cherished question. She will definitely answer yes.

Handy materials are good too.

If you are family people and live together, use magnetic letters by putting a phrase with a marriage proposal on the refrigerator. Glow in the dark stars are also suitable, from which you can mold words by sticking them on the ceiling. Just imagine: your girlfriend turns off the light, goes to bed, and above her head ... She will definitely be touched.

Those romantic cups

Make a gift to your future bride: write your important question at the bottom of the mug. Just imagine the expression on the girl’s face after she finishes her drink and sees your “Will you marry me?”.


Buy a ring for an upcoming event. The color and design of it should depend only on the preferences of your girl. If you are used to deciding everything together and have been buying gifts for each other for a long time, ask directly about her desires. If it should be a real surprise, you will have to rely only on your ingenuity.

In this case, you should not start casual conversations about from time to time. Girls in such matters are extremely quick-witted. Take a closer look at the jewelry she wears. To their shape, color and size. It can be modest and elegant products. Or, on the contrary, bright and massive. Whether she prefers white gold or yellow. If a girl likes to wear silver, buy her a piece of white gold. To find out the ring size of your chosen one, take one of them with you to the store.

Decide on the place where you will make a marriage proposal. It can be either a house, a cozy restaurant, or a beautiful corner of nature. The main thing is that no one can interfere with you there.

When proposing, start by saying that you would like her to be your wife. Explain to her why you decided to connect your future life with her. Of course, it's good if it is a declaration of love or words about how dear she is to you. And only then ask the chosen one if she agrees to this. Do not start a sentence with the phrase "Do you want to get married?".

If the girl said "yes" to your proposal, notify the parents. Better yet, ask her parents for their hand. For them, this is also a rather serious and significant moment in life.

When proposing to marry, focus primarily on your own intuition, and not on friends and acquaintances. After all, in matters of love you know much better than others. Remember that the main thing in this matter is the sincerity of feelings.


  • How to make an offer
  • well-formed sentence

Serious relationships between a woman and a man often end in a wedding, but desire alone is not enough for a girl to agree to marry - you need to competently and beautifully propose to her. Many men find it difficult and embarrassed when the time comes to ask girl the right question, and naturally, they are interested in how to make an offer correctly, and what mistakes should be avoided.


If your relationship has been going on for a long time, surely the girl from time to time thinks about living together with you. Try discussing your future family life with her - tell her how you imagine her and ask what the girl expects from her. Agree that you both want to live together.

Try to make the proposal itself memorable - ask for a hand when she does not expect it, so that your offer comes as a surprise to her. To make the proposal more romantic, you can give as a sign of seriousness of your intentions, having previously found out her jewelry preferences and what size she wears.

If you have a good relationship with the girl's parents, ask them for her hand in marriage - this traditional engagement method will be pleasant and girl, and her parents, who will undoubtedly imbue you with respect. In addition, you can get down on one knee, asking for the girl's hand - this romantic gesture will be remembered by her for a long time.

Bring ingenuity and originality to your proposal. Besides, girl it will be nice if you justify your desire on it

Everyone who has been truly in love knows the feeling of agonizing expectation, when feelings ask to come out, and touching, tender words want to be uttered. A person in love has a rapid heartbeat, he often does all sorts of stupid things, does not control himself. A marriage proposal is a serious step that requires great courage and determination. Often this step follows a declaration of love or occurs already when the feelings of both partners have been tested by time. Few people dare to run to the registry office a week after they met, even if the feelings are incredibly strong. Most likely, in this case, people are driven by passion, not love. Real feelings are always confirmed by time. How to make an original marriage proposal that will be remembered for a lifetime? This article will tell about this.

Preparatory stage

Probably, men in love will agree that before making a marriage proposal to a girl, you should make sure that your feelings are mutual, and you understand each other well. Imagine how ridiculous your statement that you want to get married will look if there is not a sufficient degree of understanding with the girl or you do not know each other well. By rushing with an offer, you can ruin your relationship with this person forever. You may be mistaken for a frivolous gentleman who himself does not know what he wants. Here you need to act more subtle and delicate.

Before making a life-changing decision, try to find out how your feelings are mutual and whether you are suitable for each other. Perhaps someone will say that this is somewhat cynical in relation to the feelings that possess a person. However, it is better to make a decision on a “sober head”. Why exactly? Yes, because relying on emotions alone, you run the risk of remaining disappointed and offended by an “unfair” fate. It is better to spend some time and get to know the person better, then you will not have to suffer later.

In a candlelit restaurant

This is a classic option on how to make a marriage proposal beautifully. A young man who wants to become a groom should make sure that there is a free table in the restaurant (maybe pre-order it by phone). So you can feel confident and at least not worry about whether there will be a place for you. Trust me, you'll be worried! It is even better if the guy orders beautiful music for his girlfriend. Creating a romantic atmosphere relaxes, promotes the manifestation of feelings, the release of thoughts. Take your time. Order a good wine or champagne, choose a beautiful, gourmet dish. Let the girl relax, calm down after a busy day at work (if you took her to a restaurant after work in the evening). After a wonderful dinner, take her by the hand and propose. How to say? Accuracy and certainty are important in this matter, so the phrase: “I want to be with you always” cannot be regarded as an offer. You need to say specifically: “I want you to become my wife” - or carefully ask the question: “Will you become my wife?”

It is not necessary to give the ring at the very moment of the proposal. You can give it a little later. However, it would be better if the guy at the moment of pronouncing the cherished words holds a spectacular box with a ring in his hands. In this case, it will be more difficult for a girl to resist such a beautiful confession.


effective to do at a time when the girl is most tuned in to the positive. It could be a birthday or a holiday, such as March 8th. Moreover, a birthday compares favorably with other holidays in that it allows a girl to maintain an excellent mood for a long time, and a young man to come up with an offer at a convenient moment. After all, a birthday is an individual holiday, while others belong to everyone.

By proposing on your birthday, you will make your chosen one happy. To do this, you should carefully prepare: choose where you will go and how you will celebrate the holiday. Maybe you want to take the girl to some luxurious place and show her amazing places? Give her a surprise to make her happy. Then the marriage proposal will look like a natural continuation of your communication.


What could be more wonderful than spending time together or traveling? You are alone with your beloved: you can read poetry to her or sing praises. The proposal in this case will sound like a nice addition to the existing joys. It will be easier for you to propose when the girl is in a good mood, you are both relaxed and focused on each other.

If a guy made a marriage proposal, then he must be patient and wait for an answer. It should be borne in mind that the answer does not always sound instantly and does not always appear in the form of words. Never rush a girl to answer. If you start to bother her, she will really seriously think about whether to marry you.

Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, God himself ordered to confess his love and make a marriage proposal. It depends only on you how it will be: refined, special or hasty, nondescript. In order to give your conversation a romantic touch, you can try yourself as a poet and compose a beautiful verse.

A marriage proposal must be made at the right moment, and how to catch it, decide for yourself! Listen to your heart, it will not deceive. If your girlfriend has a great love for poetry, and you are not friends with the works of great poets, you can simply pick up something from the classics and read to her. She will appreciate it, rest assured.

At home

An option for those who, due to financial reasons, cannot spend money on a restaurant or cinema. If you really don't have much money, you can just go to the girl's house and propose to her. It is not at all necessary to give a ring or flowers if you cannot afford it at the moment. Come to your beloved and tell about your feelings. Perhaps they are mutual.

Bright and unusual

If you want your beloved to remember this moment for the rest of her life, then we make a marriage proposal with special enthusiasm. Approach the matter responsibly: an inscription on the pavement, burning candles near the house where the girl lives.

You can come up with various options, the main thing is that the ideas are outstanding. An original proposal of a hand and heart can be made by an envelope with a confession, setting off fireworks in honor of your beloved, arranging a serenade under her window. All these actions will cause a storm of delight, and she will not be able to refuse you!

How not to propose

Never make an offer in a hurry, as if in between times, as if you are late for something. Girls are very vulnerable creatures, and such an attitude towards themselves can offend them. You don’t want your beloved to think that you are a frivolous, irresponsible person, and you are making an offer out of boredom, right? It is also not necessary to demand an answer immediately and put pressure on the girl. Do not tell her that you love if you are drunk - the girl may not believe you. She needs to know and understand that you really love her. You should not defiantly fall on your knees in front of her and beg for reciprocity. By doing this, you will only put both her and yourself in an awkward position. If you are denied, have the courage to accept this fact. There is no need to throw a tantrum, look at the girl with pleading eyes and deliberately sob: this will not make her change her mind, but only cause a feeling of self-pity. You don't want to be pitied, do you? Then keep yourself with dignity, do not humiliate yourself, do not beg for attention. Such behavior will not add value to you.

So the more creative you are, the better. A marriage proposal can always be made beautifully, regardless of whether you have a lot of money or you are a poor student who barely makes ends meet. Just show a little imagination, put your feelings into the proposal.

A marriage proposal is one of the most important and romantic events in the life of people who love each other. The story of this romantic step towards a new happy life will be passed from mouth to mouth among relatives and friends, like a beautiful legend. Therefore, it is important to make the day of marriage proposal one of the happiest moments in the life of lovers.

A few tips for those who want to make a marriage proposal

  • It is important that the style of your marriage proposal fits the personality of your girlfriend. So, for example, if she is shy by nature and does not like excessive attention, then there is no need to arrange an offer in front of a large number of strangers. Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream of a proposal when there are only two of you, while others would like their family and friends to be present at such an important moment.
  • No matter how chic and expensive your proposal is, the most important thing is your sincerity in your intention to make her life happy. Keep it simple, but filled with true love.
  • Each sentence is unique in itself, but to make it more original, add a few unique details of your relationship to it.
  • It is best to write and rehearse in advance a short speech that you will say when you propose. It doesn't have to be pompous, you can just list the qualities you love about her and why you want her to be your wife.
  • If you want to propose outdoors, be sure to check the weather ahead of time and come up with an alternative just in case.
  • A marriage proposal is one of the most magnificent moments and it does not hurt to document it in order to remember everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, we recommend that you take a picture or video of your romantic confession.

How beautiful it is to propose a hand and heart in winter or autumn

Autumn leaves

If you and your loved one love to walk in the park or live in your own house, then the fall proposal with the help of leaves will suit you. To do this, you just need to choose a beautiful place and put the words of the marriage proposal there with the help of leaves.

Snowman comes to the rescue

A wonderful winter proposal can be made with the help of our old friend from childhood - a snow-white snowman. To do this, you will need to mold it in advance, so choose a snowy and frosty day so that the snowman does not melt. Be sure to dress him up in a stylish hat and colorful scarf. Also, you will need to prepare a beautiful sign with the inscription: “Will you marry me?”, Which will be held by a snowman.

Ice rink offer

A skating rink can become a very romantic place for declaring love for life. It is best to make an offer in the pre-holiday atmosphere of the New Year, when everything is beautifully decorated with colorful garlands. While riding, stop, hold your beloved's hands and tell her how much you love her. Then, get down on one knee, take out the ring and say the cherished words.

New Year's photo session

If you want your congratulations to look fabulous, then under the pretext of a winter romantic photo shoot, arrange a marriage proposal for her. Dress up in beautiful clothes to look great in photos of such a happy and significant moment. For the ring, choose an original Christmas-style box and place it on one of the branches of the Christmas tree. When she spots him and opens the box, get down on one knee and say you love him.

How to make an original proposal in spring or summer

A great option would be an offer in a greenhouse or botanical garden, when everything is in bloom and the atmosphere around is just great. Choose the most beautiful place in the garden, which you can beautifully decorate in advance with the permission of the administration. A good alternative would be a multi-colored flower field, where you offer your girlfriend your hand and heart.

If you and your sweetheart love to relax in nature, then arrange a romantic picnic for her, during which you will propose to her. Prepare a basket with her favorite food, prepare a bottle of champagne to celebrate later. Also take a soft and warm blanket that will be comfortable for you to sit on. An obligatory element, except for the ring, is a luxurious bouquet of flowers. You can decorate everything around with flags with letters that say "I love you" or your joint photos.

Romance under the moon

If your loved one likes romantic acts, then choose a beautiful place under the open sky, where you can look at the stars together. Then give her a bouquet of beautiful flowers and propose from the bottom of your heart, declaring your love for her.

If you live in a city where there is a beach, then it could be a great place to propose to your lovely sweetheart. The day before the proposal, write a romantic poem at the end of which you ask your girlfriend to become your wife. You can decorate a leaflet with recognition with rose petals. Put the leaflet in a beautiful bottle (it can be in the old style) and seal it with a cork (you can immediately write the date of a significant event on it so as not to forget later). Bury the bottle in the sand in advance or ask a friend to hide "your treasure" a few minutes before you arrive. In order not to confuse the place, you need to put some kind of identification mark near it (a large shell, for example). Then tell your beloved that you have a surprise for her and she needs to find a bottle for this. When she opens it, be prepared for a positive response.

You can have a luxurious picnic on the beach, decorating the place with rose petals, lit candles and lots of cute pillows. Or put a small table on the beach, and create a heart from burning candles around it. And the ring itself can be put not in an ordinary box, but in a beautiful opening shell.

Ideas for a marriage proposal in a public place

romantic meeting

Arrange with your loved one to meet in a crowded place with beautiful scenery. When she arrives, emerge from the crowd and go to meet her in a chic suit, in full dress, with a huge bouquet of magnificent flowers that she likes. Then, get down on one knee and tell her that she is the best person in the world for you, you want to spend your whole life with her and that she would honor you and become your wife.

If you do not want to make dates, then during a joint walk, pretend that you want to take a picture together, you can ask one of the passers-by (best of all, if it is a professional “disguised as an ordinary person” photographer hired by you in advance). So, you can capture a happy moment. Then, get down on one knee, open the ring box and ask to be your wife.

For a surprisingly great offer, you will need to find a musical group that will agree to help you. It's good if she plays in the park or some other picturesque place. When you get there, tell your girlfriend that you will leave for a minute, and let her listen to the musicians for now. Then, you quietly go up to the stage and sing her a romantic song about your feelings and at the end ask her to marry you.

For your proposal, you will need a street artist who paints portraits to order. Agree with him in advance that you will approach him with a girl and “spontaneously” decide to draw a joint portrait, and then he will draw a special picture, which will depict your couple and write the cherished phrase: “Will you become my wife?”.

An offer from the depths of the ocean

Arrange with the divers at the aquarium so that during their introduction, they take a waterproof poster (which you will give them in advance) and hold it closer to the glass. It will be inscribed with the most romantic phrase in all the land: "Will you marry me?".

Let the dolphins do everything for you

If there is no oceanarium in your city, then an original marriage proposal to a girl can be made in a dolphinarium. This is now a fairly popular service and the staff of the dolphinarium will be happy to meet you.

A great suggestion would be a romantic graffiti with the most important romantic confession in the world: "Will you be my wife?". In addition to a confession phrase, you can write some kind of romantic poem in order to express your positive feelings.

Choosing for you the ideas of a romantic declaration of love and marriage proposal, we tried to move away from a banal trip to a restaurant and presenting a ring, and we hope that we tried in vain. Be original and romantic, and most importantly, be sincere and we are sure that your girlfriend will definitely agree with you!