Army holidays are memorable dates for the Russian Federation. Warrior Calendar: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Enter the date of conscription in the field below and the calculator will automatically calculate important dates for a conscript soldier
Call date:

100 days home

What are the counters

DMB timer is a truly important service for every soldier. It allows you to calculate the amount of time left until demobilization, helps you keep track of important dates and communicate with those who are also on guard of order. The calculation takes place:

  • In days or months;
  • in hours (minutes and seconds);
  • in percentages.

DMB timers come in several forms. This:

  • Electronic;
  • applications;
  • homemade, handmade;
  • certain sites;
  • computer program;
  • demobilization calendar online.

Reference! The easiest way is to use the timer on our website. Simply enter the date of the call and find out when the soldier will have all the important events

Designations in the demobilization counter

The table above lists the names of the events, but a more detailed description of each is provided below:

  1. Equator. It is not difficult to guess that the equator is half the service. On this day, the soldier realizes that exactly the same amount of time is left to serve.
  2. 100 days to home. It is even easier to guess here, since everything is indicated in the title. After 100 days, the soldier will ride the train home (here it is important to understand that this date does not take into account the duration of the trip home)
  3. North. It is difficult to say why the date is called exactly when the serviceman has 50 days left before demobilization.
  4. Space - 10 days before demobilization.
  5. 0 means that tomorrow the long-awaited demobilization.

Who needs an online counter

Such a counter can be used by both soldiers and their friends and relatives. Anyone who wants to enter the start date of the service and find out all the important dates during the service. There are no restrictions.

Most often, the online counter is used by female soldiers who are waiting for their servicemen to go home. Some people use do-it-yourself timers, i.e. you can cross out dates on a cardboard or plain sheet.

Home Encyclopedia Warrior Calendar

July 2

An international flight distance record was set on the seaplane MP-1 designed by D.P. Grigorovich - 2416 km. A non-stop flight from Sevastopol to Arkhangelsk was made by a crew consisting of P.D. Osipenko, M.M. Raskova, V. Lomako. All pilots were awarded the Orders of Lenin.

The White Sea-Baltic Canal, 227 km long, was opened for navigation, through which the escort of ships from the Baltic to the White Sea for the emerging Northern military flotilla began.

During the First World War 1914-1918. The cruisers of the Baltic Fleet "Bogatyr" and "Oleg" set fire to the German mine layer "Albatross" with artillery fire. In this battle, radio interception data were successfully used to guide Russian ships to the enemy.

By order of the military governor of the Primorsky region, Rear Admiral P.V. Kazakevich, the Manchurian military transport (captain-lieutenant A.K. Shefner) entered the Golden Horn Bay. The military post of Vladivostok was founded. A month later, the crew of the corvette "Griden" (lieutenant N. Erenskiöld) erected the first buildings on the shore, made measurements and an inventory of the bay.

The invasion of Russian Finland by a 38,000-strong Swedish army under the command of King Gustav III began the Russian-Swedish war of 1788-1790, during which the Swedes sought to return the territories that had ceded to Russia under previous treaties. As a result of defeats at sea and the unfavorable situation inside the country, on August 14, 1790, the Swedish king was forced to sign the Treaty of Verel, which confirmed Russian territorial acquisitions in Finland.

Military service is one of the most worthy and responsible activities. The modern Russian army continues the domestic tradition of recognizing the merits of servicemen. Honoring professional army holidays.

Army holidays celebrated in the Russian Federation

One of the following military holidays may be marked in the military calendar:


January 14- Day of creation of pipeline troops. On this day in 1952, a directive was approved to create a battalion for pumping combustible fuel. This is how specialized pipeline troops appeared. In modern Russia, such troops are included in the Central Directorate of Fuel and Fuel. Foreign army units do not have such battalions.The pipeline troops are armed with pipelines, equipment responsible for pipe installation, and special vehicles. The task of the troops is to continuously provide and transfer fuel over long distances.


18th of Febuary— Day of food and clothing service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day. In 1922, this date had a slightly different character and was named as Red Army Day. In 1995, the President of Russia (Yeltsin) approved a new name - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The holiday is an official non-working (weekend) day. Congratulations can be received not only by men, but also by women - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military personnel.


March 27- Day of the National Guard Troops. One of the newest holidays of modern military service. Approved by Presidential Decree and imputed from 01/16/207 in order to increase the prestige of military personnel. This holiday was previously called the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. These troops were reorganized into the National Guard Troops, but the holiday remained. The main task of the military personnel who are part of the National Guard troops is the fight against terrorism, maintaining order in the state, protecting citizens during mass events, protecting state facilities and participating in defense.

Even under Ivan the Terrible, there were "troops of the national guard", called oprichny. The servants were personally devoted to the king and maintained order in the state. Similar functions were performed by: Cossack units, gendarmes, garrison regiments.


April 8- Day of employees of the military commissariat. The holiday began its existence in 1918, from the moment the military registration and enlistment offices were created. The tasks of the employees of the military commissariat are: organization of conscription and registration of ordinary soldiers and reserve officers, maintenance of military records and records of armed equipment and vehicles.

second Sunday in April- Day of the Air Defense Forces


May 7- Day of creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Day of the Signalman and Specialist of the Radio Engineering Service of the Navy

May 28- Day of the border troops. This day is celebrated by border guards serving, regular officers and veterans. Russia borders on 18 countries along the entire length of its territory. The main functions of the border troops include:

  • protection of state borders (land, sea, continental shelf, air borders);
  • combating organized crime;
  • prohibition of illegal migration;
  • fight against illicit arms trafficking.


June 20- Day of the employee of the mine and torpedo service of the Navy. This day became a holiday for the first time in 1996. Mines and torpedoes form the basis of the armament of the Coastal Defense Forces. This service protects the bases of the Navy forces. Russian submarines are equipped with torpedoes.


Last Sunday in July- Day of the Navy of the Russian Federation. Since 2006, according to the Decree of the President of Russia (V. Putin), they began to celebrate Navy Day on the last Sunday of the month of July. The memorable day is celebrated not only by the employees of these troops, but also by the military, ensuring the combat readiness of ships, employees of naval organizations, veterans of the Second World War. The task of the Russian Navy is to protect its own shipping and borders.

The Russian Navy includes: naval aviation, underwater and surface detachments, coast guard troops, marines, ships and military vessels.


August 2- Day of the Airborne Troops. The Airborne Forces are the elite of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Troops cover large areas through airborne landings. They perform tasks of disrupting military work behind enemy lines, capturing ground points, destroying enemy resources and communications, covering selected directions, open flanks, and destroying enemy groups that have penetrated the territory of the Russian Federation. The Airborne Forces take part in anti-terrorist operations, and also act as peacekeepers.


September 2- Day of the Russian Guard. This day was established by the Decree of the President of Russia in 2000 (as a tribute to 300 years of existence of the Russian guard). The first Russian guard was created under Peter I. In 1918, the guard was disbanded, but with the start of the Second World War it was created again. The composition of the Russian guard:

  • 28 Red Banner Guards Missile Division;
  • Taman Guards Motor Rifle Division;
  • Tank Guards Kantemirovskaya Division;
  • Motorized Rifle Guards Sevastopol Brigade;
  • Guards units of the Navy, Ground Forces and Air Force.

The modern Russian guard is equated with special services and is designed to ensure the safety of citizens.


October 1- Day of the Ground Forces. Ground forces are designed to conduct combat operations on land. They play a decisive role in military battles. These troops have a large number of military personnel in their arsenal, and also include: troops of radiation, biological and chemical protection, tank, motorized rifle, missile and engineering troops, military units and signal troops. They obey the orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

October 8- Day of the commander of a surface, underwater and air ship of the Russian Navy


the 13th of November- Day of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection of Russia

15th of November- All-Russian conscript day. This day has been celebrated since 1992 in order to enhance the prestige of military service. At the age of 18 to 27, a man must be called up for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The call is carried out from 01.04 to 15.07 and from 01.10 to 31.12. conscription military service lasts 1 calendar year.


December 17- Day of Strategic Missile Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. These troops were created on 12/17/1959. They are the main strategic nuclear power of Russia, and also maintain combat readiness. Troops include: missile armies and military units, including cosmodromes, training grounds, research institutes and stations, higher military educational institutions, central bases.

Many army holidays established by federal law of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ "On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia."