There was a win-win lottery for children. Win-win comic lottery for schoolchildren. Lottery Prizes

Every child simply adores the New Year, puts his great children's hopes on this holiday. And, moreover, preparing for it, the children begin literally after the next meeting: they are already thinking about what is in the future. Therefore, children's blocks must also be present in the celebration scenario, otherwise the kids will be very disappointed. A win-win New Year's lottery for children is a great occasion for fun. Everyone dreams of receiving more gifts, even if they are of a souvenir nature. By the way, so that parents do not get bored, we cooked for them.

Rules of the New Year's drawing of tickets

The algorithm for how the children's New Year's lottery is conducted is very simple.

  • For a children's lottery, of course, you can organize a drum, but you can get by with a hat, as circus artists did.
  • Place papers with a description of the prizes in the cells from under shoe covers or chocolate eggs (capsules from Kinder surprises), then the intrigue will stretch, because they still need to be opened. Mix everything in a hat.
  • For greater importance, you can appoint someone who will pull out the future prize, and blindfold him. Then after three or four quatrains the child should be changed. Or each child will pull out his "ticket" himself.
  • Get out one plastic container and read out poems about the prize.

Funny poems for children's lottery

Girls love boys too
Adults love, even too much
Guess this word
Well, of course, candy!

Get a friend soon
Surprise your friends
And neighbor Mishka,
You are a beautiful book!

For the world to be the brightest
Like batteries
We give gifts in the New Year:
Various stickers!

Artist we have friends
Big he is a very master,
I congratulate him with all my heart
And I'll give you a marker!

How can we surprise you
What is it to give?
To always have a hairstyle,
Keep a beautiful comb!

You can take it on the road
It tastes very great!
But please be careful:
Don't chew the lollipop!

Congratulations friends
Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you happiness
And I give pencils!

How little sunshine!
We wish you warm days!
We give you a flashlight at the same time,
To make life seem more fun!

To be always cheerful
At home and, of course, at school,
Do not swear, do not shout -
Gotta get the ball!

Children are scary sweet
And Andryushka and Nastena ...
Everyone will be very happy
Get baby chocolate!

There is one gift
And she is called a pen.
She will suit everyone, everything, everything,
And writes clearly, without problems!

Happy New Year
And I give you a present
beautiful doll,
For you to be happy.

You behaved well
Studied excellently
You deserve a gift
And I got a car!

You studied for five all year,
A gift must be received!
A great prize is waiting for you
Chocolate Kinder Surprise

You are sad alone
Don't you know why?
So that you do not get bored once,
Accept these puzzles as a gift!

Do you like to eat chocolate
Fragrant marmalade?
Well, you can't stop loving
Sweets, baby!

If you are big sweet
We give a brush with sweet paste!
Teach a friend from the cradle
Your teeth are in order!

We haven't forgotten about you
Don't look at the ceiling
So that the keys are in place,
Get your keychain now!

I understand - you like to jump,
You have a lot of strength
You will jump on a rope
What will they give you!

Such decoration
Suitable for a girl.
Hairpin appointment
She always finds.

Do you think it's too early to talk about preparations for the New Year? Not at all! Let's prepare and create a good mood for ourselves and loved ones! You are most likely already choosing gifts for family and friends, go shopping in search of an irresistible dress or costume for the New Year's party.

Have you thought about holiday entertainment? If not, then my article will help you! So that the feast does not turn into boring TV gatherings, I suggest that you take on the role of the organizer and presenter in order to hold a wonderful win-win lottery! Believe me, this kind of entertainment is enjoyed exclusively by everyone: both children and adults! Everyone is actively participating and having fun! It always goes with a bang! and everyone is happy because: there are no losers, everyone will receive a surprise gift!


1. Make tickets out of colored cardboard, let there be 50 of them (of course, you can make less, at your discretion). On the back of the tickets, write the numbers (1, 2,3,4, etc.). Under each number there will be a surprise gift.

2. Make a festive box, decorate it beautifully in a New Year's way (snowflakes, stars, circles, etc. - it all depends on your imagination; you can use your child in the preparation of the box-box!). If it is not possible to do it yourself, you can use a ready-made one (decorate it with a beautiful bow on top). Put all the tickets there, mix.

3. Buy inexpensive prizes in advance (the list is given below in brackets). Put the surprises in a separate beautiful box or Santa Claus bag.

4. You will need an assistant (sister, girlfriend or your child dressed as Santa Claus) who will present gifts (and you will run a lottery, announcing, in poetic form, that you are under a certain ticket number).

5. Tickets you can sell (for 5 - 20 rubles) or just hand out to guests.

Win-win lottery:

1. So that the anecdote is not forgotten -

Write it down in a notepad.


2. Here is a present for you:

The sharpener will be - just right!


3. Everyone will be happy to eat

Very tasty chocolate!


4. Here are the stickers you will receive,

Stick it in your diary!

(Christmas stickers)

5. Moisturize your skin with cream,

Dazzle everyone with beauty!

(Moisturizing face cream)

6. Postcard "Happy Holidays!" accept,

Sign her friend!

(New Year card)

7. Draw a better cloud

Here's a little blue pen for you!

8. Now your surprise will get -

This is a miracle pencil!


9. Not to look your neighbor in the mouth

Here's a delicious sandwich for you!


10. You, my friend, do not be bored,

Get Ceylon Tea!

(Ceylon tea)

11. To decorate a cute bang -

Get you a hairpin!


12. Here is a love card,

Only give it to a sweet (cute) one!

(A postcard with declarations of love, inscriptions: “I love”, “miss”, “you are dearer to me than everyone”, etc.)

13. The skin of the lips should be smooth,

Get some candy!

(hygienic lipstick)

14. Get it, my friend, quickly

Real super glue!

(Small super glue or glue stick)

15. And this prize has helped more than once

Put on shoes and boots!

(shovel for shoes)

16. Get a notepad,

Everything that matters - write it down!


17. Horoscope will help you

Plan for the coming year!


Note: I always buy individual horoscopes on small postcards for all guests (relatives). You need to know in advance who was born under what sign of the zodiac. To the one who got the prize in the lottery - give the horoscope now, and give the rest later, during the evening.

18. And you - a sharpener, dear friend,

Maybe it will come in handy!


19. Well, and you, a pack of chewing gum!

Good luck awaits you in the coming year!

(Chewing gum)

20. Will bring to life your positive

Scented condom!

(flavored condom)

21. It will be the best hairstyle,

Get, my friend, a comb!


22. Draw a cartoon on a friend,

A pencil will help!


23. Balloon from Carlson -

Let the mood be joyful!


24. Shower and soul gel,

Wash yourself in the bathroom - do not rush!

(Small bottle of shower gel)

25. You do not need a brush and a piggy bank,

You need a good sharpener!

(Pencil sharpener)

26. On your table, I saw a bunch (clerical mess),

Here's another pen for you!

27. Marker - he is most needed,

Success in creativity awaits you!

(Marker of any color)

28. Body cream just for you,

By the summer - it will be just right!

(Body cream)

29. Red rubber band for ... (name),

Not for Zinochka!


30. And you - stickers here,

Shut your neighbor's mouth! (joke)


31. "Pepsi - light" a jar for you,

Drink and keep your posture!

(Bank "Pepsi - light")

32. Feel the taste of raspberries

Chupa-Chups will help you!

("Chupa Chups" with raspberry flavor)

33. Better than any candy there

Only a bag of seeds!

(bag of seeds)

34. We do not feel sorry for gifts,

Get a lighter!


35. In the mirror, my friend, look -

Be proud of your beauty!

(Pocket mirror)

36. These threads will help you

Sew the pocket right!

37. Would you like a cool car?

Alas! You only got chewing gum!

38. Wanted a gold ring?

There is only an egg on your ticket!

(Chocolate egg Kinder Surprise)

39. Always so that work goes well

Put the symbol of the year on the table!

(A figurine of a bunny or a cat)

40. Will be the best mood -

You get cookies!


41. If you don’t have a sweet life,

Grab some candy soon!


42. To be clean, beautiful

Get this soap!

43. Do not be angry with us, my friend,

Take the matchbox!


44. That's really a miracle, it's such a miracle!

Won a bottle of beer!

(bottle of beer)

45. Do not try to be angry with us!

A magnet in the household will also fit!

(Fridge magnet)

46. ​​Please get a keychain,

It needs to be attached to the keys!

47. Accept this gift as an honor,

Let me bring you some vodka!

(a glass of vodka)

Note: if the prize went to a child, then you need to pour a glass of juice and say “Let me bring you juice!”

(A glass of juice)

48. You got the best prize:

New Year's Kinder Surprise!

("Kinder Surprise" chocolate egg)

49. So that there is peace and kindness in the family,

Amulet to you - a cat figurine!

(Figure of the symbol of the year - Cat)

50. Dear friend, do not be bored,

Get a calendar!

(Pocket calendar for 2011).

I wish you a great New Year with friends and family!!! Good mood, smiles, happiness and fabulous gifts!!!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!!!

1. Your win is still ahead, but for now, look at others. (Take an additional ticket).
2. For your affectionate eyes, a souvenir - read (Tales).
3. Even the old man Koschei himself swept the dust from his ears. (Cotton bud).
4. Here is a ticket, so a ticket, don’t rummage in the rooms, consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Paper handkerchiefs).
5. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you forgot your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen).
6. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will ride me on it. (Toy car).
7. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, torn to pieces to the point of pain, we give in return (Package) - there is nothing else!
8. Lucky for you, this ball will stop a baby from crying. (Balloon).
9. Yes, your lucky ticket, here you go (Pencil).
10. So that the cap does not blow away with the wind, here's a gift for you (Clip).
11. Oh, what a fine fellow you are, get it (Lollipop - Chupa-Chups).
12. And this decoration is just a feast for the eyes. (Beads made of paper clips or donuts).
13. And you get a ticket gives a portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
14. That's the prize, that's the deal: Hug the neighbor on the left!
15. Lucky for you: Kiss the neighbor on the right!
16. The yacht fell on this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
17. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope)
18. Your ticket will give a means to erase unnecessary thoughts. (Eraser).
19. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (little candle)
20. You are desperately lucky - get (Sandwich).
21. This book is not more important, only you are a writer in it. (Notebook).
22. Dear comrade, get (Candy), just don’t eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.
23. This prize went to you to gnaw at in the evenings. (Nuts, seeds).
24. If you want a new hairstyle - get it, my friend, (Comb).
25. Well, and you have a sweet gift - you got (Chocolate).
26. What gets stuck between the teeth, this thing will always get. (Toothpick).
27. No need to worry - you (A bag of marmalade), it's delicious, hurry up, marmalade is good!
28. So that your studies go smoothly, you get (Notebook). You solve problems in it and write more accurately!
29. If you want to be strong, like a genie, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
30. So that you can’t count your friends, you need to eat a ton of onions. Well, we'll have to start! And you won't get sick. (Onion).
31. This gift for a princess, only a real one, everything is serious, not pretend - we give you (Peas).
32. Do you love potatoes? We will give you some. Chew, chew - do not yawn and treat your neighbors. (bag of chips).
33. One hundred diseases will be healed by this miracle - phytoncide, staphylococcus will run away if you eat (Garlic).
34. A hen ran past and lost her testicle, but the testicle is not simple - it’s chocolate. (Chocolate egg).
35. You are just a dock in your studies - get it (Juice bag).
36. The sun, air and water are our best friends! And so that you don’t get sunstroke on a walk, put on a panama hat and take a calm walk! (Hat from the newspaper).
37. This ticket gives you a flight, a large plane takes off into the sky. (Paper airplane).
38. To make life sweet, it's time to sweeten it! You got (Refined), everyone would be happy with him.
39. Coloring the world with different colors will help you (Paints). Quickly take a brush in your hands and draw 40. Get together honest people and get up in (Round dance)! You got to start, get up and sing a song

These lottery tickets can be used simply as a lottery and as a raffle for small gifts and prizes. At school, students will be pleased with small surprise gifts, and even laugh heartily.

Win-win New Year's lottery for the New Year
1. Mascara or tanner - shoe polish, shoe polish.
2. Souvenir "Drink and know the measure" - a thimble.
3. You got a trifle - get a cutter.
4. French cosmetics - colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
5. Pet - a toy mouse.
6. Napkins for ... - toilet paper.
7. A device for giving your head a "brilliant" shape - a machine.
8. Metalwork decoration - paper clips.
9. Individual ceramic plate - disposable plate
10. Dressing table - mirror.
11. Indian carpet - handkerchief.
12. Crystal vase - glass (disposable).
13. Wall painting machine - brush.
14. The device necessary in case of an accident - a pin.
15. Natural hair wig - washcloth.
16. Automatic latch for fastening hair - clothespin.
17. Pleasure for the whole night. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby nipple. (dummy)
18. A means for finding rubles is a penny.
19. If you have to get a bruise - hurry to get a souvenir nickel.
20. You want to be a comrade with large gifts, but you managed to win two envelopes with stamps.
21. Pull your hand - get the head of the bow.
22. You worried a lot, but there is no loss. Beets fell on your ticket to make vinaigrette.
23. Happiness fell into your hands - you got potatoes.
24. There is no better win than a plastic bag.
25. Newspapers should be read in order to know the whole world perfectly.
26. We have provided you with hooks, but catch pike yourself.
27. Do not be angry with us, my friend, you only need boxes of matches.
28. You and your companion will not disappear anywhere, you will not come home hungry from any guests - a spoon.
29. I know you love to write letters, then get this notebook.
30. No one has been so lucky yet! You have won a set of one thousand metal objects (staples for a stapler).
31. Get the key to the apartment, but buy the apartment yourself!
32. We give you this ticket - so that they travel around the whole world.
33. Sexual partner sharpener (pencil).
34. Having received this gift, think a little
Maybe you forgot your friends, write a letter to them, baby (Pen)
35. Antique hanger (Nail).
36. Dear comrade, get some candy
Just do not eat yourself - treat a neighbor.
37. Lucky for you, kiss the neighbor on the right.

You get tickets
And know your fate.
What the New Year will give - the Lottery will hint.
1. Your happiness, multiplying,
The year promises to be easy.
And so as a gift
We give you a balloon.
2. May you have fun -
Like early January.
And turn into a smile
Every day of the calendar.
3. You are now an important guest,
Here's a handful of tangerines for you.
4. Let spring bloom all year round
Soap "Fa" will help in this.
(Soap "Fa")
5. You are a business person -
With a smart, painful, head.
Good for New Years
You have a notepad for notes.
6. Everyone wants to imitate you.
Indeed, there are reasons for this.
Stay cheerful
Vitamins will help you.
7. All you need -
Realize your dream.
There will be a new car
In the coming year.
(Toy car)
8. Master you have some fun!
Anything can happen on a holiday.
Tomorrow will be good for you
Toilet paper.
(toilet paper roll)
9. New Year promises you
Fulfill any whim.
And today falls out
Kinder - your first surprise!
(Kinder Surprise)
10. So lucky, lucky -
Everyone for a look.
After all, with a pacifier in the New Year
An addition awaits you.
11. Don't let the cold scare you.
Your feet don't get cold.
Heart breaks into pieces
I will give you socks.
12. Luck will smile on you
And in the coming New Year
Only with gaskets from Olweis
Dryness and comfort await you.
(Sanitary napkin)
13. Silence, peace, comfort
Prefer all ailments.
Suddenly you want to hide from everyone:
The mask is very helpful.
(Carnival mask)
14. Happy New Year, congratulations,
Quietly the snow is falling.
Let your eyes shine
Like a sparkler.
(Bengal candle)
15. You never know
Will turn into dreams.
And culinary talents
Suddenly you will open yourself.
(Book of recipes)
16. Health, like champagne,
Let it pour over the edge.
Only from laughter and joy
Wipe your tears with a handkerchief.
17. You can't be lazy on New Year's Eve
True truth says:
"You'll need a hammer
State to knock together.
(Toy hammer)
18. What awaits you tomorrow - I don’t know
But I'll make you happy.
Get it today
Kisses to all guests.
(Kiss guests)
19. Maybe you will become famous
Or a singer, an honest actor ...
For haute couture
Need the best manicure.
(Varnish or nail file)
20. Don't be sad, don't be bored
Have a fun holiday!
Don't be sad, don't be sad
Crispy chips loudly.
(Pack of chips)
21. Do you believe in good omens? -
Letters were sent to friends in an envelope.
(Postal envelope)
22. Accurate to one hundred percent
I won't claim
But in the next year, it looks like
You will count money.
23. Smiles await you for a whole year,
In the meantime, one postcard.
24. For whom is the salary more important,
And to whom - love for yourself.
Lipstick on your lips
Will enchant us twice.
(hygienic lipstick)
25. Accept scarlet heart,
Appreciate everything good.
There is no need to think much here -
You will be rewarded with love!
(Soft toy)
26. Your heart is singing, your soul is getting younger
And the sparkle of your eyes will not outshine the tinsel.
(Thread of tinsel)
27. Blizzards whispered to me
And the old women under the window:
You will be in the summer by the sea
Sunbathe under the southern sun.
(beach mat)
28. You start repairs -
It's not a problem.
Help complete on time
tool and time.
(paint brush)
29. The year will give you tender meetings,
Magic candles will come in handy.
30. Finishing the lottery,
I finally say
Be white and fluffy
Just an angel from heaven.
1. On a ticket, you accidentally got this tea.
2. So that your face and your sock are clean, a piece of fragrant soap gets on the ticket.
3. Whether you are a smoker or a non-smoker, you have come across a suitable prize, and we present you without a dispute, we urgently pack "Belomor".
4. Boy, you are an al-maiden, it's time for you to get married, on a ticket as you wish, let me give you a rattle in advance.
5. So that you write off with love, you got envelopes that without stamps, do not defame, you will buy them at the post office.
6. Excuse us that the deficit is closed in this bundle, then go into the corner and quietly unfold - (condoms).
7. Should be happy in abundance from the lottery you now. Three wonderful postcards are prolotted for you.
8. You should not be upset, you have new luck: you got mustard, tasty, dining room.
9. Your win is quite rare, you got a spruce branch; she will make you, no doubt, participate in gardening.
10. Get an air balloon, fly into space to the stars.
11 You surprise quite rare 2 paper napkins.
12 Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook: write poetry.
13 lottery is not at a loss, winning a spool of thread.
14 We give out without documents: you got this tape.
15 You look fine: and clothes, and hairstyle, and as a reward, the winnings of the comb did not fall on you in vain.
16 To always be beautiful, hurry up to get the cream.
17 And in frosts, and in snowstorms, you need matches in everyday life.
18 Do not get sick, be strong, we give you pills.
19 To become a hero in the New Year, a bay leaf will help you.
20 You read about all the news in the world in the newspaper.
21 Here's a little brooch for you - smile at least a little.
22 You listen to advice: fruit is the best diet.
23 You will remember, friends, this sheet of the calendar (the number of a significant event).
24 Oh, you have to be happy to get peas.
25 You got the candy, come visit us.
26 Turned out to be very clever, get a glass of vodka.
27 You will need our gift stocking to use.
28 We pour out wine for you to drink to the dregs.
29 Do not be sad, hurry to receive your gift. If you want to dance, dance, and then the glass is yours.
30 To look younger, to captivate everyone with a smile, this good gain must only be applied (TOOTHPASE).
31 And here is the glorified, fragrant, delicious, melted cheese.
32 If you have to get a bruise, hurry to attach a souvenir nickel.
33 You worried a lot, but there is no loss. Beets fell on your ticket to make vinaigrette.
34 Your winnings are like manna from heaven - you got a piece of bread.
35 We give you this ticket to travel around the world.
36 We have provided you with hooks, but you yourself will catch the golden fish.
37 You got the main prize, get and share (bottle of wine).
38 You and such a companion will not disappear anywhere, you will not come home hungry from any guests (spoon).
39 If senile sclerosis suddenly overcomes you, tie all four corners of the handkerchief.
40 It's a marvel - so marvelous to win a bottle of beer
41. So that your wallet is not empty, here's your winnings - cabbage.
42. New Year does not let you sit - card in hand and Forward! (a map of Europe)

Win-win lottery:

1. So that the anecdote is not forgotten -
Write it down in a notepad.

2. Here is a present for you:
The sharpener will be - just right!

3. Everyone will be happy to eat
Very tasty chocolate!

4. Here are the stickers you will receive,
Stick it in your diary!
(Christmas stickers)

5. Moisturize your skin with cream,
Dazzle everyone with beauty!
(Moisturizing face cream)

6. Postcard "Happy Holidays!" accept,
Sign her friend!
(New Year card)

7. Draw a better cloud
Here's a little blue pen for you!

8. Now your surprise will get -
This is a miracle pencil!

9. Not to look your neighbor in the mouth
Here's a delicious sandwich for you!

10. You, my friend, do not be bored,
Get Ceylon Tea!
(Ceylon tea)

11. To decorate a cute bang -
Get you a hairpin!

12. Here is a love card,
Only give it to a sweet (cute) one!
(A postcard with declarations of love, inscriptions: “I love”, “miss”, “you are dearer to me than everyone”, etc.)

13. The skin of the lips should be smooth,
Get some candy!
(hygienic lipstick)

14. Get it, my friend, quickly
Real super glue!
(Small super glue or glue stick)

15. And this prize has helped more than once
Put on shoes and boots!
(shovel for shoes)

16. Get a notepad,
Everything that matters - write it down!

17. Horoscope will help you
Plan for the coming year!

18. And you - a sharpener, dear friend,
Maybe it will come in handy!

19. Well, and you, chewing gum pack!
Good luck awaits you in the coming year!
(Chewing gum)

20. Will bring to life your positive
Scented condom!
(flavored condom)

21. It will be the best hairstyle,
Get, my friend, a comb!

22. Draw a cartoon on a friend,
A pencil will help!

23. Balloon from Carlson -
Let the mood be joyful!

24. Shower and soul gel,
Wash yourself in the bathroom - do not rush!
(Small bottle of shower gel)

25. You do not need a brush and a piggy bank,
You need a good sharpener!
(Pencil sharpener)

26. On your table, I saw a bunch (clerical mess),
Here's another one for you - a pen!

27. Marker - he is most needed,
Success in creativity awaits you!
(Marker of any color)

28. Body cream just for you,
By the summer - it will be just right!
(Body cream)

29. Red rubber band for ... (name),
Not for Zinochka!

30. And here are the stickers for you,
Shut your neighbor's mouth! (joke)

31. "Pepsi - light" you a jar,
Drink and keep your posture!
(Can of Pepsi Light)

32. Feel the taste of raspberries
Chupa-Chups will help you!
("Chupa Chups" with raspberry flavor)

33. Better than any candy there
Only a bag of seeds!
(bag of seeds)

34. We do not feel sorry for gifts,
Get a lighter!

35. In the mirror, my friend, look -
Be proud of your beauty!
(Pocket mirror)

36. These threads will help you
Sew the pocket right!

37. Would you like a cool car?
Alas! You only got chewing gum!

38. Wanted a gold ring?
There is only an egg on your ticket!
(Chocolate egg Kinder Surprise)

39. Always so that work goes well
Put the symbol of the year on the table!
(Dragon figurine)

40. Will be the best mood -
You get cookies!

41. If you don’t have a sweet life,
Grab some candy soon!

42. To be clean, beautiful
Get this soap!

43. Do not be angry with us, my friend,
Take the matchbox!

44. That's really a miracle, it's such a miracle!
Won a bottle of beer!
(bottle of beer)

45. Do not try to be angry with us!
A magnet in the household will also fit!
(Fridge magnet)

46. ​​Please get a keychain,
It needs to be attached to the keys!

47. Accept this gift as an honor,
Let me bring you some vodka!
(a glass of vodka)

48. You got the best prize:
New Year's Kinder Surprise!
("Kinder Surprise" chocolate egg)

49. Dear friend, do not be bored,
Get a calendar!

1. It will be positive in life - get a condom
2. Let the suckers envy - you get perfume (perfume sampler)
3. Blow the pipes, beat the drum - Ivan gets a glass
4. Nothing is a pity for you - you get a washcloth
5. To keep your ears from getting wet - here's a shower cap for you
6. The orchestra plays ink - you get ink
7. Any winters are not terrible - you get vitamins
8. Here's a remedy for longing - new socks
9. So that you don’t lose your nerves in a crisis, we give you canned food
1. And big love awaits you And kisses all year round! (Set of dish sponges)
2. And you are "in the juice", in the prime of life! Among your friends you have no equal! (Juice bag)
3. And for dessert, we have a pill for you. (Vitamins)
4. And this decoration is just a feast for the eyes. (Beads from paper clips).
5. Eat bananas and coconuts And expect rewards from fate! (Banana)
6. (Notepad) - this is a trifle, but this is what you wanted.
7. Present this book to your future baby. (Children's book)
8. Household vacuum cleaner. (Broom).
9. Anything happens in life and it can even happen, if you wet your reputation somewhere, (clothespin) will help dry it out.
10. In life, you have to hope for the best, take Clay if it doesn’t stick in life. (Glue)
11. Get this tube as a gift to make every tooth shine in the sun! (Paste)
12. Pour into this glass And drink quietly. (Disposable cup)
13. You got this soap, so that you wash your hands cleaner. (Soap)
14. We give you (a notebook), there was something to write on.
15. A souvenir for your affectionate eyes - read: (fairy tales)
16. You are the best, you will make sure that a glass is for you, get drunk. (Glass of vodka)
17. You do not need to get excited, mustard will calm you down. (Mustard)
18. You (postcard) came across, so we were supposed to.
19. You are desperately lucky - get (a sandwich).
20. You would like a piano, but you got a calendar. (Calendar)
21. You got a flower - a rose, It does not wither from the frost. (Rose)
22. Your win is quite rare, You are happy, there is no doubt, You got not three candies, But three pieces of candy.
23. Your winnings are special, You will read about everything in the world in the newspaper. (Newspaper)
24. Your winnings are like manna from heaven, you got a piece of bread. (Slice of bread)
25. Do not be bored in the evenings - drink aromatic tea (tea).
26. A thing that does not go out of fashion. (Laces)
27. Perhaps you "lathered" to run away, But your lot is to continue the work! (Soap)
28. Here's a ticket, so a ticket, don't rummage in the numbers, Consider that there is no gain - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief)
29. Here's a lighter for you, use it, it's not a pity. (Matchbox).
30. You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will be great! (Coffee)
31. You won a spoon, Go eat a little. (Wooden spoon)
32. You won not a penny, but a real (line.)
33. You forget for a minute how much this joke costs. It is said in advance, expensive attention. (Kiss neighbor).

34. You will receive a rusty nail, I ask you not to be angry, After all, even the most rusty nail in the household will come in handy. (Nail)
35. You and your companion will never disappear, Of ​​any guests you will not come home hungry. (Spoon).
36. You are well "savvy" in your work And you will be held in high esteem by us all year long. (Horseshoe)
37. I give the win boldly, consume it in business. (Paper).
38. Your win is yet to come, but for now, look at others. (Additional number).
39. Yes, your lucky ticket, keep it up (pencil).
40. Even the old man Koschei himself swept the dust from his ears. (Brush).
41. We give you toothpaste, so that you are toothy. (Toothpaste)
42. We give you a piece of calico, you can marry again. (Handkerchief)
43. It's a matter of life, as they say, this thing can come in handy. (Cork).
4. For the heart awaits you delight - A big increase in salary! (Yogurt "Delight"
45. For good people, nothing is a pity, Get it as soon as possible, comrade, (rope).
46. ​​Dear comrade, get (candy), Just don’t eat yourself, treat your neighbor.
47. If there is a first-aid kit in the house, then a candle is also needed. (Candle)
48. If suddenly a child cries, you must calm him down, beckon him with a rattle and make him shut up. (Beanbag)
49. Success awaits you today, Get your nut. (Walnut)
50. For your sweet smile, presented to us now, We hand you this (button), let it please you.
51. Soccer ball substitute. (Old tin can).
52. Why should you have a wallet, put money in a bag. (Plastic bag)
53. Evil lottery fate, Clothespin only given to you. (Pin)
54. Imported hair dryer "Roventa" with a nozzle. (Comb)
55. Somehow not even cleverly, but now for you (carrot.)
56. When you go for a walk, so that your pants do not sleep, you must have a steel pin with you. (Pin)
57. Whoever gets a can of beer will live happily all year! (Beer)
58. Who is the happiest of all among us? Get this pelvis. (Taz)
59. Lottery - not snag, Here's a self-collected tablecloth. (Oilcloth)
60. A trifle, but nice. (A handful of small coins).
61. Well done for playing, Get two Ferraris. (Children's cars)
62. Do not get sick, be strong, we are giving you pills.
63. Do not be sad, dear friend, your souvenir is already here. (Icon).
64. Do not be sad, do not grieve, Get up, kiss your neighbor. (Kiss neighbor)
65. Don't be angry with us, my friend, Boxes will come in handy. (Matchbox)
66. You bought an unlucky ticket, present us with a fine of 50 rubles for diapers.
67. You don't have striped pants, But you have a cigarette. (Cigarettes)
68. I will not refuse (kefir) for any blessings of the world.
69. Come on, pretty little friend, get it (pie).
70. Oh, what a fine fellow you are, get a lollipop. (Chupa Chups)
71. Seal of a small business. (Eraser).
72. There is no typewriter, we offer this item. (Kernel)
73. Lucky for you: kiss the neighbor on the right!
74. While the boss is "removing shavings" from us, Calmly brew a mug of tea! (Mug)
75. Enjoy, my friend, a little - you (three sweets) got it.
76. Get your winnings quickly as a gift - (balloon.)
77. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will ride me with it. (Machine).
78. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you forgot your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen).
79. Get it, hurry up, you - a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook)
80. Will help you remember the subject of bygone childhood years. (Empty).
81. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is? Life will be joyful and bright! (Felt pens)
82. Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
83. Since you got a chocolate bar, You will not be bitter - it will be sweet! (Chocolate)
84. After a glass of snack It is very important. Here you have a paper napkin instead of a sleeve. (Paper napkin)
85. There is no more practical gain, Than a bag for garbage. (Trash bag)
86. We'll have to live, the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar)
87. Now you will have to buy a baby, so that there is someone to suck on a pacifier. (Pacifier)
88. This prize went to you to gnaw at in the evenings. (Nuts, bagels or crackers).
89. Accept this (button) and walk around the world with joy.
90. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope).
91. Reach out your hand. Get an onion head. (Onion)
92. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle)
93. Let the smile of the bride suddenly touch your eyes, and a good mood will not leave you anymore.
94. Since you are no longer at the desk, Cards will come in handy in life. (Card deck)
95. Something will not happen to you, This item will come in handy for you. (Condom)
96. With a dream of scarcity, run around the whole city, but you will rarely meet (paper napkin.)
97. Make a smart face, You won the egg. (Kinder Surprise)
98. Today you are not a hero of the day, a laurel crown does not shine for you, you better accept from us (Bay leaf bag.)
99. Vessel for drinking strong drinks. (Thimble).
100. Pet control agent. (Velcro for flies).
101. Antique hanger. (Nail).
102. Washing machine. (Soap in the soap dish).
103. Fate took a dues from you, for change - boxes of matches. (Matches)
104. Happiness fell into your hands, you got a big apple. (Apple)
105. Happiness fell into your hands. You got two potatoes. (Two potatoes)
106. Comrade, believe, hope and wait, your victory lies ahead.
107. Whoever receives this candle will have to travel the world! (Candle)
108. You are a tough nut, which means that you are expected to be successful! (peanut)
109. Don't drip on your neighbor, And win a napkin. (Napkin)
110. Don't be bored today, Get Indian tea. (Pack of Indian tea)
111. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, torn to the point of pain, we give in return (package) - there is nothing else!
112. You will be beautiful to walk with your hair, Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo)
113. Wanted to win a flashlight. You only got the ball. (Balloon)
114. Although people say, As if vodka is poison. We give you a glass of poison as a reward. (glass of vodka)
115. Although your name is not Thekla, But you got beets. (Beet)
116. Although this cream is inedible, But the smell is simply incomparable! (coconut cream)
117. If you want to be rich, be rich. (Wallet).
118. If you want to be strong, like a genie, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
119. In order for the egg-cup to be full, you need (a lid).
120. To write down where the pay went, this pen will be very useful to you! (Pen)
121. To save you from the torment, We won a hand cream. (Hand cream)
122. In order not to eat you in the dining room, get a bay leaf. (Bag of bay leaf)
123. So that the cap does not blow away with the wind, here's a gift for you (paperclip).
124. In order to find out the income, a notepad will come in handy. (Notebook)
125. So that you could keep money, We give you a purse. (Wallet)
126. To keep your hair in order, you will need an oven mitt. (Scrunchy).
127. To look cool, we give you a limousine. (Children's car)
128. So that your teeth do not hurt, Brush them at least once a week. (Toothbrush)
129. For a very close shave The tool will come in handy. (Blade)
130. Open your mouth wider, a skein of papers for you. (Toilet paper)
131. This thing is necessary for lovers of intimacy. (Candle).
132. This book is not more important, Only you are a writer in it. (Notebook).
133. This ball will stop a baby from crying. (Balloon).
134. The yacht fell on this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).

This paperclip will help you to cling firmly to life.

In order not to eat you in the dining room, get a bay leaf.

We give you the best toy in the world - a rattle.

And not a nut, and not a screw - this is a medical bandage.

Fate took a dues from you, for change - boxes of matches.

In life, the best girlfriend is a whole reel of thread.

There is no better prize than a plastic bag.

You are very lucky - get a bar of soap.

We give you a balloon and a flashlight in a set for it.

To cook jam for the future, get sugar.

To keep the linen firmly, we give you a clothespin.

Success awaits you soon, get a nut from us.

What is this? Pencil! It is very difficult to believe in this: now it will be only yours.

Everyone is happy with such a gift - delicious, juicy grapes.

This gift is not accidental - we hand you a tram ticket.