Beautiful quotes about pregnant women. There is a miracle, you need to believe in it. The best selection of statuses and aphorisms about miracles

You know, there is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman. In the eyes - happiness. In the heart is love. There is a blush on the cheeks. And inside - a small life.

He made her a position she couldn't refuse.

I want happiness. Such a small happiness. With tiny arms and legs. And with his eyes.

Under the moon and the sun, troubles will pass by, bypassing our house with you. We'll watch the sparks by the fireplace. You will become a mother, and I will become a father.

Happiness is when your weight increases not from extra calories, but from the fact that your little miracle lives inside you.

Pregnancy for a woman is God's providence, pregnancy for a man is a test of the sincerity of feelings.

The most incredible extreme feeling is waiting for the result of a pregnancy test!

And today, I was kicked and bounced all night. What an interesting feeling it is when someone lives inside you.

Deciding to give birth to a child means agreeing that from now on and forever your heart will run separately from you.

Where to buy happiness? - Happiness cannot be bought, it can be born.

The best hairstyle is clean hair, the best makeup is healthy sleep, the best figure is pregnancy.

Nine months give new life to at least three lives at once.

"Leonid S. Sukhorukov"

The day when there will be three of us will be the happiest day of my life.

The woman is unique! Only two hearts can beat in it.

I know one thing, that happiness grows in my stomach. It is the most expensive thing that can be.

I thought that my head was spinning from love, but it turned out - from pregnancy.

God gave me an unspeakable miracle - I will become wiser, I will be a mother. Your heart beats like a butterfly in me - wake up, smile, and it will smile. It will not betray, it will be a joy, a particle of me, a golden starfall.

With my taste preferences, I'm generally afraid to get pregnant. Perhaps I would like wool or machine oil. Or capture Bulgaria.

The first pregnancy is for the wedding. The second is for money. The third - they wanted a girl. The fourth, fifth and subsequent - let them run, it's a pity or something.

Not all men understand the value of human life, which was just born in a woman, they don’t cherish it like a crystal vessel with clean water, they don’t understand that this is a gift from God, for which the Lord will ask them ... will certainly ask.

Pregnancy is the result of a bodily celebration with all the consequences flowing into it.

"Igor Subbotin"

What a strange bliss - to realize that there, inside, perfection grows and ripens, our angel, the fruit of our love.

There are now two hearts inside of me ... I have nowhere to go from happiness ... and I don’t want to go ... I will enjoy it!

Nothing can be better than holding a piece of yourself.

Let's make money! Let's conquer love! Let's achieve success! Happiness ... And happiness - we will give birth!

At 9 in the morning, a pregnancy test showed that my wife was pregnant, and at 10 we had already quarreled, arguing which institute for the child to enter.

Love is when you carry his child under your heart, and when he comes home from work, he gently hugs you and kisses your tummy.

Why don't you want to sleep
Spinning around all night?
I love you son...
Or maybe a daughter?

Truly happy is the girl who carries under her heart a child conceived from a beloved man.

It's so great to wake up in the morning with peace in your soul, with love in your heart, with light music in your head and with a tiny life inside.

Daddy, are you awake? The baby is talking to you. I'm right here, in the dark, in my mother's stomach. I have your nose and eyes, I feel your caresses, my laughter will soon flow, crying, or rather, but not from grief. And while I'm growing up, you protect your mother. I already love you all. Wait, I will come to you soon!

How good it is to know that another heart is beating inside you, from your beloved little man.

The best cargo in the world is a baby in the belly!

Do you know what it's like to put your hand on the belly of a pregnant girl... It's like touching the universe... To the future small world... It's wonderful! It's incomparable to anything... It's like touching the universe... Touching the beautiful... To the unknown...

He turned my head so much that I was sick for 9 months ...

I'm so funny... My navel is upright... I walk slowly and I'm afraid to go to the hospital... It's so interesting - is she or he there, now I'm not alone, I'm 2 in 1...

If you are pregnant, this is temporary. If you are not pregnant - this is also temporary.

Statuses about pregnancy - Pregnancy is a unique time in a woman's life that is worth living with a royal scale!

Bunny, you know what I thought ... And come on, if we have a girl, then we'll call Ksyusha, and if it's a boy, then Vlad. - WHAT? - I completely forgot to tell you! In short, I took a pregnancy test yesterday ...

A cat is a love drug, and a tummy grows from it. There, a little man, such a paw, will open his eyes and say "PAPA"!

The most powerful adrenaline rush is not a roller coaster, but waiting for the result of a pregnancy test !!!

God gave me an unspeakable miracle - I will become wiser, I will be a mother. Your heart beats like a butterfly in me - wake up, smile, and it will smile. It will not betray, it will be a joy, a particle of me, a golden starfall.

What a strange bliss to realize that there, inside, perfection grows and ripens, my angel, the fruit of my love.

You know, there is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman ... In the eyes - happiness ... In the heart - love ... On the cheeks - a blush ... And inside - a small life ...

A pregnancy test is like children's tights: if there are 2 stripes, it means ASS!

Darling, tell me 3 great words that forever connect loved ones? - Honey, I'm pregnant!

You know, according to the results of one test, it turns out that you have to live with me all your life! - What's the test? - Pregnancy...

On the seventh month of happiness!

Sex and pregnancy are like ice cream and a sore throat.

Only a pregnant man can be more capricious than a pregnant woman.

A man is never space. And a pregnant woman in the second half of pregnancy, at least, is a closed space for another human being.

The best hairstyle is clean hair, the best makeup is healthy sleep, the best figure is pregnancy.

Under the moon and sun, troubles will pass by, our house with you, passing by. We'll watch the sparks by the fireplace. You will become a mother, and I will become a father ...

Many girls want to marry only for love, but marry only for pregnancy.

Best pregnancy statuses on! The most beautiful moment in a woman's life can be considered the moment when she finds out that she is pregnant. And if the child is long-awaited, then the joy is doubled. This well-known phrase “You will have a child” turns the minds of both women and her men. Some of the superstitions hide their interesting position, but there are those, and they are the majority, who gladly tell everyone close about it. Just choose beautiful statuses about pregnancy and post it on your VKontakte or Odnoklassniki page. Very often, pregnancy is perceived as a heavy burden, both literally and figuratively. Some trips to the doctor are worth it! And these problems with weight, unstable hormonal levels, swelling, heaviness in the legs, frequent mood swings. And there are legends about the taste preferences of expectant mothers. Tears for any reason! But real men endure all the whims of a pregnant wife. What can you do, such is nature! If your beloved wife is pregnant, post cool pregnancy statuses on your social media page! Be patient, it's only for nine months!

Interesting quotes about pregnancy with a second child!

Deciding to have a second child today is not easy. Not every family is ready for new moral and material expenses. They can be understood. And there are such mothers and fathers for whom the appearance of a second and even third baby is a great happiness. Children should always be welcome, especially if you've been waiting for a second child for so long. Statuses about pregnancy with a second child are interesting quotes for future parents about new opportunities and achievements in their loving family. You and your husband came to see a doctor, today you will know exactly the gender of your child. You are in anticipation, of course, you already have two beautiful sons, now you definitely should have a daughter. Mom's helper, dad's beauty, grandmother's clever, grandfather's baby. And now the moment of truth! Girl, baby, baby! Go to and choose statuses about pregnancy as a girl, let all your relatives and friends know that dreams come true!

Statuses about pregnancy by a son from a beloved man!

Future parents are often asked a tricky question: “Who do you want more, a boy or a girl?” And we have to get out - we don't care if it's a boy, next time we'll go for a girl, the child's health is more important, the girl is fine too. But everyone knows that if the first child in the family, then for most men it should be a boy. For a mother, the gender of the baby is often not important; for her, the health of the child is a priority in the first place. And what difference does it make who is born. The main thing is that this child is from a beloved man! If you and your husband know for sure that you will have a boy, statuses about pregnancy with a son are for you. Go to and choose the most touching quotes about pregnancy as a boy.

Pregnancy for a woman is God's providence, pregnancy for a man is a test of the sincerity of feelings...

There is a big difference between getting pregnant and getting pregnant!

A man is never space. And a pregnant woman in the second half of pregnancy, at least, is a closed space for another human being.

Truly happy is the girl who carries under her heart a child conceived by a man.

Make it a rule to terminate the pregnancy even in the period.

Nothing spoils a woman like a man.

Classic Pregnancy Quotes

A real family begins with the birth of a child...

Unfortunately, reproductive physiology is such that contact is necessary.

When she comes out, pinch her nose, and I will blow into her mouth, the child will jump out of her.

Ultimate Classic Pregnancy Quotes

Before you get pregnant, you have to get married so that someone has to have sex with you!

And today, I was kicked and bounced all night... What an interesting feeling it is when someone lives inside you :)

I am pregnant! - I don't remember us... - You were drunk! I don't remember ever getting so drunk!

Nowadays, only ... another pregnant woman can give way to a pregnant woman on a bus.

Children are flowers of life. How I want this bouquet...

The only bright spot was a cheerful poster in pink tones and the inscription on top: "Pregnancy is the natural state of a woman." It turns out that until now I have been in the unnatural?!

It's so great to wake up in the morning with peace in your soul, with love in your heart, with light music in your head and with a tiny life inside...

The first pregnancy is for the wedding. The second is for money. The third - wanted. The fourth, fifth and subsequent - let them run, it's a pity or something.

Pregnancy is a virus that men carry, but only women get sick.

With my taste preferences, I'm generally afraid to get pregnant. Perhaps I would like wool or machine oil. Or capture Bulgaria.

No, Thomas. I'm not pregnant. - God bless! With your ears and my face, our children are not to be envied.

Happy Classic Pregnancy Quotes

It’s even curious what it’s like to find out that you will soon become a father? Did Tom pee in his pants out of fear or was he just confused?

When we quarreled with your dad (and we quarreled mainly because it seemed to me that he did not correctly solve my whimsical charades, which means - oh, horror! - does not love me), he ran out to take a sip of air, choking from an acute shortage words. And I clasped you with my hands over the ball of your stomach and lamented that, well, they don’t understand us, they don’t love us, and we were left alone, but we won’t leave each other, never, and always understand without further ado ... Your dad would come back, put a flowering cherry plum sprig in front of us, and say his meek "Forgive me."

When I grow up and learn, I will write a movie about real childbirth. About how things really happen here. Very famous actors will be filmed there, this is important. Everyone should know what it is to give birth to a person. Maybe if we knew more about this side of a complex human life, if we didn’t consider it only a female attraction, then there would be fewer wars?

The most powerful adrenaline rush is not a roller coaster, but waiting for the result of a pregnancy test!

A child is a message from God, made with love.

When a woman is about to give birth, nature does something with her, surrounds her with some kind of aura, gives her a special attraction...

Luxurious Classic Pregnancy Quotes

Once I crossed the threshold of motherhood, I suddenly became public property, the animated equivalent of a public park. That cutesy expression "You're eating for two now, honey" perfectly conveys the fact that even your dinner is no longer your business. Indeed, when the land of the free has mastered the methods of coercion, the expression "You now eat for us" implies that two hundred and something million sticking their noses around will object if you want to eat a donut with jam, rather than a full meal of organic products and vegetables, including all five major food groups.

Girls who wrote "Hooray, I'm not pregnant" in the toilet with blood?

Pregnant women have a special energy, they radiate heat.

They say that in order for a man to feel what pregnancy is, he needs to tie 1.5 kg of cereal to each leg, give a sleeping pill, diuretic and tie something like a stomach to his belt, and send him to work!

Do you want to be the father of my child? - What? - Just give me cum.

Andrei was affectionate with her, called her a little blood, at first they didn’t think about the kids, they just lived next to each other, enjoying their closeness, and nothing more. A child could even interfere with this happiness. But then, somehow, gradually, stealthily, just because there was a danger of violating the eternal order of family majesty, anxiety arose from somewhere, something that at first was avoided and feared, now they began to guard - will it or will it not? Months passed, nothing changed, and then the expectation grew into impatience, then into fear.

If you have ever seen the eyes of a happy pregnant woman, then you will agree with me that no diamonds can compare with the beautiful sparkle of these eyes!

Why must one become ugly in order to produce a new being?

In general, pregnant women are usually treated as feeble-minded. Like, a normal person will not reach such an absurd state.

Humorous Classic Pregnancy Quotes

He moved, the child moved! - Oh my God! - No, wait... No, it's the elastic band on the shorts is torn.

Emilien, I'm in a position! - But how? - The wind blew. I forgot to close the window.

The little daughter came to her father and asked the baby: "Two strips - good?" Dad got sick.

And I had no idea that the contemplation of a pregnant woman is so calming - as soon as I go into the subway car, all the sitting guys fall asleep ...

Yeah .. pregnancy is such a thing: either she is affectionate and loving, then ... - Cruel, vengeful and castrating? - Well, I wanted to say "capricious" ... - Well, everything is still ahead.

You are a sailor, I am a sailor. You are a fisherman, I am a fisherman. You are on land, I am at sea, how did you get pregnant?

The girl decided to inform her husband about the pregnancy in an original way - she renamed her name on her husband's phone to the name "Stork", and in the morning, when her husband left for work, she sent him an SMS: "I have already left ... I will be back in about 8 months. .. Wait ")))

I am pregnant. - Are you pregnant with a baby? - How long have you been sniffing these markers? Of course, a child!

Ultrasound showed that they will have ... WEDDING!

The whole time I was pregnant with Kevin, I struggled with the very idea of ​​Kevin, with the belief that I had demoted myself, gone from driver to car, from landlady to home.

Now everyone is getting married “on a whim”, but I don’t want it like that ... But I want my beloved to marry me, not because she is pregnant, but because she loves me and cannot live without me for a second ...

My girl has a bun in the oven, and I guess you know who the damn baker is.