Birthday party for a 2 year old. Photo ideas for decorating a children's birthday: how to make a holiday unforgettable

I started thinking about how to celebrate the first birthday of a child, what contests and games to hold on this day, how to decorate a room, how to write a script for the first children's birthday to make this holiday sincere, I started in 3 weeks.

Streamer "Happy Birthday!"

The first thing I started doing was stretching “Happy Birthday!”. I chose 13 photos, one for each letter. I tried to have my daughter photographed there at different times of the year - both in a snow maiden's hat for the New Year and in a panama hat in the hot summer in the sandbox. I added photos with grandmothers and with us parents, as I considered it right for the child to be surrounded by a family. I found a universal stretching template on the website "White Ships".

Even without knowledge of Photoshop, I quickly learned how to insert photos into frames and “layers” according to the training video sent by Olga, mother of two children and author of the stretch. Then, I printed the flags on photo paper on a home printer, 2 flags per A4 format. Got 7 sheets. I cut it out along the contour and made holes for the satin ribbon with a hole punch. Then I fastened everything with a ribbon and fixed the distance between the flags with knots, according to a convenient scheme. And decorated everything on the wall with decorative needles.

Birthday script for 2 years. Surprises and games

1. Showed grandparents a surprise - pappuri from home videos of daughter's fragments

It starts from two months of the baby, when a baby swimming instructor came to our guests and dived her daughter in the bathroom and showed us lightweight dynamic gymnastics for babies. My dad and I were in shock, but already at 5 months we just “spun” our daughter in this way).

The film turned out to be very touching - bursting laughter, the first step, in the pool, for the first time down the hill, cooking, making a postcard, planting seeds. While editing the film, my daughter enthusiastically looked at herself as a two-month-old baby and smiled soooo much! Once again I am convinced that such films carry a huge charge of positive emotions. You can order from me a similar video collage of photos and videos.

2. Compiled a congratulatory telegram

The guests called adjectives, and we wrote them down in the empty spaces in the telegram. It turned out fun.
_______ Ulyanochka! Congratulations on your second ______ birthday! During this year, from _______ and _____ baby, you turned into __________ and _________ princess! We wish you to remain the most ___ daughter for your ____ mom and your ____ dad. May they continue to ____ love you and _____ educate you. And your _____ grandmother Lena and _____ grandmother Florida continue to ______ take part in bombarding you with toys, clothes and goodies. And may your ____ great-grandfather Gena and ___ great-grandmother Nina always ______ pamper you. May your birthday be the most ______ holiday of the year for you. In general, grow up, Ulyanochka, _________ and ________! We kiss and hug. Your _________ guests.

3. Conducted a contest “What do you think?”

Since a child at 2 years old is just starting to speak and he says everything is very funny, I invited the guests to guess a number of Ulyana's words. And the guests had to guess what they mean. For example: poppy (milk), tyap-tyap (shoes), avava (dog), kabka (kolobok), nanny (socks), nyama (fruit puree) and gaba gaba (??? we don’t know the translation of this word ourselves), etc.

4. Grandmothers took an oath during a toast “for grandmothers”

Our mothers read loudly and with expression one quatrain each, and at the end they shouted in unison “I swear!”
I swear to be an exemplary grandfather-grandmother! Shopping march for milk, for baby porridge, I swear to do it without a miss. I swear to get up late at night and rock his cradle. And if necessary - quickly change the diaper at any time. I swear to him to wash diapers and iron undershirts. I swear to read and fairy tales, when he wants - to play hide and seek. To carry out the child's lessons so that he studies for five. I swear to supply money later, so that I don’t ask my mom and dad. I swear then to save some money for his car. In general, from the first day to put him on his neck! And if I break my oath, I get tired, maybe I'm afraid, - Then I won't drink brandy for a century and don't eat pineapples! Do not ride in a Lexus car, do not go out in a mink coat. Do not travel the world and do not have a villa on the sea! Don't sunbathe in Miami! I swear to keep my oath! All together: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Ulyana handed her masterpieces to the grandmothers.

And I - solemnly diploma and diploma.

5. Have fun playing the game "Detectives"

What is the birthday boy's zodiac sign? What time did Ulyana go? What time did the last tooth come out? Birthday growth? Favorite song of our birthday? Favorite food? Favorite fairy tale? Birthday weight at 2 years old?
Here it was important not to ask a question to the masses, but to ask a specific guest.

6. Played "I can"

I made a list of skills and abilities that Ulyana has and does not have in advance (for example, she knows how to walk, eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, clap her hands, use a potty, show body parts, turn pages in a book, etc.). And the guests had to guess what the birthday girl can and cannot do.
I already know all the letters! (Yes)
I can easily count up to 10! (No)
I like to read fairy tales, (yes)
And ride a bike. (No)
I can build towers (yeah)
And argue loudly with everyone. (Yes)
I go to school in the morning. (no)
I can easily sit on the potty. (Yes)
I paint like an artist (yeah)
Yes, and the ball is not difficult to play. (Yes)
I can sing songs! (Yes)
Sit on the Internet! (No)
I'm not too lazy to go to the pool, (yeah)
And I sleep at lunch every day! (Yes)
I love to sculpt! (Yes)
I love my mom, dad and grannies so much! (Yes)

7. We checked the vigilance of the guests with “Riddles - Changelings”

1. The bunny went out for a walk,
The paws of the hare are exactly ... (not five, but four)
2. I have a dog
She already has tails ... (not 6, but 1)
3. There is a funny sign:
It snowed - meet ... (not summer, but winter)
4. Blizzard howls like a drill,
It’s standing in the yard ... (not April, but February)
5. Birthday on the nose,
We baked ... (not sausage, but a cake)
6. At Irinka and Oksanka
There are three-wheelers ... (not a sled, but a bicycle)
There were more than 6 guests and someone did not get the riddle. It was necessary to pick up more riddles so that everyone participated.
Everyone really liked it, and each guest made a mistake with the answer, speaking in rhyme, and not in meaning).

8. Have fun playing the game "Fairy Assorted"

Who will be the first to guess which fairy tale the phrase belongs to.
Are you warm, girl, are you warm, beautiful? (“Frost”) Well, eat, now you can sleep ... (“Thumbelina”) I’ll sit on a stump - eat a pie ... (“Masha and the Bear”) A goat will come back, knock on the door and sing ... (“The Wolf and the Seven Kids” ) I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather ... (“Gingerbread Man”) Grandmother, and grandmother, why do you have such big ears? ("Little Red Riding Hood") I'm a little mouse. And who are you? (“Teremok”) Eat my wild apple - I’ll say (“Swan Geese”) The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. ("Ryaba Hen") Do not drink, brother, you will become a calf! ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka") Who was sitting on my chair and broke it? ("Three Bears")

9. At the end of the evening I prepared a poem

Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They can not be earned, this is not a reward,
God gives them by grace to adults.
Children, oddly enough, are also a test.
Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.
Children are frequent rises at night,
Children are nipples, colic, pots.
Children are disputes in matters of upbringing,
Mom's prayers, dad's posts.
Children are dads often not at home,
Children are mother at home all day.
Children are often a narrow circle of acquaintances,
Own plans are moving into the shadows.
Children - it's like life started all over again:
First smiles, first steps
First successes, first failures.
Children are experience, children are us!

I really liked the birthday with the script, as the initiator and the guests. It is important to print out your text in advance and put it in a separate folder in a prominent place.

In the next article, I will tell you how to make a video from family archive photos yourself. In the meantime, you can see my work and order a film from photos and videos as a gift.

I would be glad if our birthday script for 2 years is useful to you.
And also I will be grateful for your feedback in the comments.


Of course, grandmothers, and grandfathers, and uncles, and aunts, and godparents, and just friends of the parents will come to the birthday. Everyone will give gifts, drink to the health of the birthday girl and try the birthday cake.
But ... you have to come up with something specifically for Mashuli?
Initially, my husband and I had this idea: download images of your favorite cartoon characters on the Internet - Dasha the Traveler and her friends, print them on a printer in mashulin height, stick them on foam sheets, cut them out and put them on stands. "Something the birthday girl will be surprised when she discovers in the morning that her favorite fairy-tale characters have come to congratulate her!" - we thought and hurried to bring this idea to life. And then one day, during my daughter's daytime sleep, I printed out the poster figures and glued them to the foam. And now, when I almost finished cutting Dasha, my daughter enters the room and sees how I am working on a surprise. She did not react to the figurine, and when I asked: "Who is this?" - she answered indifferently: - "Lalya", - and went on to go about our business. We abandoned the idea with cartoon characters and began to think about other options for congratulations.
As always, I read and read numerous collections dedicated to children's birthdays. The articles by Irina Mikhailova helped me a lot Timokha's birthday. Part 2, Olga Zolochevskaya Cheerful menu for a children's birthday, Kasparova Yulia Cheerful Birthday, published on the website Thank you girls for sharing your exclusive parenting experience!
An article by Irina Mikhailova inspired me to organize a children's party. I thought for a long time and conjured over the cultural program of the event, and my husband, on the contrary, urged me not to load the kids with contests and round dances, but to give them the opportunity to play by themselves. I stood my ground - there will be competitions and tasks. But shortly before the birthday, we began to attend an early development group, and only there I was finally convinced that I would hardly be able to introduce one and a half to two year old babies to the general action - everyone would still do their own thing. But I still decided to show the puppet show.
From a piece of foam, I cut out a large screen, pasted over it with wallpaper, and decorated it with stickers and a shiny marker on top. From the wooden slats, the husband knocked down the corners and glued them to the screen with double-sided tape. They sewed bright curtains, which I pinned on the back with safety pins. We had grandfather and grandmother finger puppets. The rest of the roles were played by soft toys of animals, we have a myriad of them (finally we found a worthy use for plush animals) :-).
The holiday was scheduled for 11 am on Thursday 17 November. In advance, we sent out invitation cards to the "fun party" to our guests: Andryushenka (1 year 7 months), Misha (1 year 10 months), Fedya (2 years 5 months), Sandra (1 year 10 months).
On the night before the birthday, we decorated the rooms with congratulatory garlands, funny paper clown figures, puffed up and hung a lot of balloons.


In the morning Masha woke up, found her favorite balloons everywhere and forced them all to be removed and handed over to her personally. The word of the birthday girl is the law, we removed the balloons for her. Before we had time to wash, dress up, have a hearty breakfast, it was time to receive guests. Everyone came on time - beautiful, smart, with flowers and wonderful gifts! An hour the kids got used to, got acquainted with the new environment, opened gifts, played with new toys.
Then, in order to designate Maria as a birthday girl, we took out a birthday cake with a musical firework candle, everyone gathered around the table, the mothers sang Gena the crocodile song, the kids clapped their hands, and Masha made a wish and blew out the candle.
From children's treats, I also prepared a forest clearing with bear sandwiches, mushrooms and a lone hare, as well as a lake with boats and fish. From sweet - three-layer jelly and a children's cake.
The children quickly finished the treat and went to the children's room to continue playing. They had at their disposal a rocking horse, a tent house, a developing musical table with a steam locomotive and animals, a little mermaid blowing soap bubbles, a radio-controlled bug, a large plastic slide, building blocks and many other entertaining toys.
After some time, I invited the children to the hall, where we played two fairy tales in the puppet theater - "Ryaba the Hen" and "Kolobok". They also played the game "As the animals say" and "Where are our arms / legs / ears, etc."
The conclusion of the holiday was a provocative children's disco and playing musical instruments - a metallophone, a drum, a mini-synthesizer, etc.
Mashula really liked the holiday, and our guests, I hope, too. Masha gave everyone small souvenirs to remember her birthday.


Very often, parents and guests puzzle over what to give a two-year-old baby. We, in my opinion, this year had wonderful gifts that made my daughter very happy.

radio controlled bug
Fun mobile game with sound and light effects.
control panel (13x5 cm);
The kid controls the bug with the remote control. 3 arrow buttons on the remote control and a soft antenna:
Forward movement.
Left turn;
Right turn.
The kid presses the buttons on the remote control, and the bug tries to "get away" from him. But it was not there. The kid overtakes the bug, and the game continues again.

Cubes with a surprise
12 multi-colored plastic cubes (3 each yellow, green, orange and blue) with pictures and 12 volume inserts for them. On 2 faces of each cube there are stickers with African animals. By folding the cubes, the child gets 2 cute pictures. On the 3rd face of the cube - a three-dimensional image of familiar objects and animals. 4 face - an insert for a cube with a funny sticker. The child selects the liners for the cubes by color and shape. The 5th and 6th sides of the dice are solid (yellow, green, orange, blue) and are used to sort the dice by color.

Interactive Fluffy Kitten
Charming blue-eyed kitten, gray and white. Bring a bottle to your mouth and he will smack.

The book "1351 English words for children and adults"
Lee Ann Bortolussi is a great edition with colorful pictures illustrating English words with transcription and translation.

LEGO "Princess Bedroom"- I think this is the beginning of a wonderful collection

Sorter house with doors and keys- everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.
Multi-colored animals live in the house. But getting into your room is not so easy - you need to choose the right key to the door. It is easy for a child to carry the house from place to place for a convenient handle. The game introduces color and shape, the concept of three-dimensional figures is given. Children learn to generalize and classify.

Musical piano with animals- the first musical instrument of the baby, introduces him to various animals. Each of them has a distinctive electronic voice. The kid can play with colored keys, he can compose musical compositions. Develops logical thinking, ear for music, motor skills.

Plastic slide-carrot
Now, even in severe frost, no one will deprive us of our favorite pastime.

All children love to hide, build their own houses and play there. In such a house you can install doll furniture, settle your favorite dolls.

Doll furniture
Now the dolls have their own personal bed.


birthday cake

We make cream: whip 300 g of cream into a steep foam, add a pinch of vanillin, 200 g of sugar and 2 packs of cottage cheese.

We cut 1 kg of bananas into thin slices.

In 300 g of warm milk, add 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Wet the biscuit cookies in warm milk and put them on a tray with a 4x4 square. Put a layer of banana slices and curd cream on top. We make 4-5 layers and leave it to soak for 2 hours.

Cream the top and edges of the cake

Sprinkle the edges with confectionery confetti, decorate the side and the middle of the cake with cream using a pastry syringe.

Additionally, we decorate the top with rhinestones for the cake, insert candles.

Forest clearing and lake with ships

We cut thinly bread, tongue, fish.
Lubricate the bread with butter, put fish or boiled tongue, meat or cheese on top. We apply a stencil. With a thin sharp knife, we cut out figures (fish, bear cubs, boats, etc.) according to the stencil. From oil, ketchup or caviar we make eyes, nose, mouth.

We cook jelly for a blue cake (you can take a colorless one and paint it with food paint (you can use paint for Easter eggs - jelly, in fact, not for food, but for beauty). Pour the jelly into a transparent plate and let it harden.
Lay the fish on top. We make boats: the base is bread in the shape of boats, the sail is cheese cut out in a triangle, the flag is a piece of tomato. We fix everything with a toothpick or canape stick.

Forest clearing with bears, mushrooms and a lone hare.

Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate. On top of the leaves we lay out bear sandwiches from beef tongue. From boiled potatoes and tomato halves we make mushrooms, the hats of which we decorate with mayonnaise.
We make a hare: we take a whole egg, closer to the narrow part we make shallow notches. From the cheese, cut out the ears and insert into the notches. We do the same for the ponytail. From caviar we make eyes.

Layered jelly

Soak a pack of gelatin in a glass of water and leave to swell for 40 minutes.

We cook compote from fresh or frozen fruits, add sugar, given that gelatin “eats” sugar, so we make it sweeter. Compote should be yellow (for example, from apricots), red (for example, from cherries) and white (for example, from milk). Combine hot compote with swollen gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. Let's cool down.

If many parents do not celebrate the first birthday because of the child's small age and his incomprehensible behavior, then the second birthday is worth it to call guests and arrange a small feast. Despite the fact that the child will not yet be able to take part in competitions, he, as a person, is aware of his importance, and will also feel the atmosphere of warmth and care for him.

In the morning, when the child is still sleeping, it is necessary to decorate his room or corner. In advance, you need to purchase balloons and tie them around the room to furniture. Attach the brightest and most beautiful (preferably in the form of animals or other interesting shapes) to the place where the child can get it. It is also worth making sure that the rope at the balloon is long, so that if the balloon rises to the ceiling, your treasure can get it.

You can also wake up the baby in an unusual way. Gently taking the child in your arms, sing a song:
Who is sleeping on the pillow here?
Who sleeps so sweetly in the crib?
Whose little heels are there?
Who's sweetie woke up?
Who stretched so cute?
Who scratches their eyes?
And who is two today?
And who does mom love so much?
And who is the best in the world?
Whose birthday is today!
Get congratulations!

But the very room where the feast will take place is better to decorate with the child. Bright garlands, serpentine, greeting cards. You can make a poster with the image of a child in the most important moments of his life - he stood up, smiled, a tooth came out, etc.

It is better to invite guests at the moment when the child has already slept for lunch, so as not to disturb his daily routine.

When guests arrive, the first thing that can attract the attention of the baby and give him pleasure is a scene from the puppet theater. To do this, you can prepare a screen or simply cover the ironing board with a blanket. The mother can act as the leader, and at this time let the child be held on her lap by the grandmother or grandfather. Close relatives will lead the toy animals.

Scene - puppet show "2 years - a great date!". On the example of the name Masha (if desired, you can insert both the name of the boy and the girl). Be sure to take care of the toys in advance, if they are not there - make it yourself or buy it.

Leading (simultaneously plays the role of the Sun):
Mashuta has a birthday
Accept congratulations!
The sun rises early
Looks - the hare is coming.
Where are you in a hurry, Oblique?
And where do you run barefoot?

I'm in a hurry for the holiday
I'm afraid to be late!
They called me to Mashenka
Dance in a beautiful hall!
To be strong and dexterous -
I'll give Masha a carrot!

The presenter at this time takes a bunny and a carrot and presents gifts to the birthday girl (birthday boy).

Who is meowing outside the window?
Oh, yes, the Cat is walking towards us!

Cat :
Meow - meow, I'm a cat!
I bring you boots as a gift!
So that for many, many years,
Masha would go around the whole world!

The presenter gives a cat and boots (alternative - socks) to the birthday man.

Oh, look, miracles -
Lisa is coming to us!

Fox :
I am a fox - a cheat
I will give Masha a new thing,
To be a beauty
And grew up healthy!

The host passes the fox and clothes (suits, dresses, panties) to the birthday man.

Who is coming to us?
Well, Mishka, gentlemen!

Bear :
Clubfoot, strong Mishka,
I will give Mashutka a book!
Let him read and browse!
Let the drawings study!

The presenter presents gifts from Mishka to the birthday man.

Barbos is still coming to us!
What did the dog bring us?

I am a cheerful dog Barbos!
I brought you fun!
I want to dance now
Masha, come on, quickly dance!

The child's favorite music is turned on, the guests dance along with the hero of the occasion.

After dancing, you can proceed to the feast. It is worth preparing not only salads for guests, but also something special for the baby, something that he especially loves and eats with pleasure. During the feast, you can hold funny contests.

Competition "Mom's love"
They say you can't fool a mother's heart. Of course, she recognizes her treasure in any photo. But will the guests be able to choose the birthday person from the stacks of photos?

Competition "Guests are like scales"
The birthday boy is passed from hand to hand and his approximate weight is called. Who will be closest in value, he gets a comic prize.

Competition "Gourmets"
Baby food jars (apple, plum, meat or other puree) are labeled with paper labels so that the composition of the puree is not visible. Guests try a spoonful and determine what the food is made of. At the end of the competition, sticky labels are torn off and the winner is revealed.

Nipple Flight Contest
Purchase several baby nipples in advance. Participants are selected, stand at the marked line and spit the pacifier as far as possible. Let the baby join the adults. Surely, this competition will make the birthday boy have a lot of fun.

Competition "Prophecy"
In a beautifully designed bottle, guests write their idea of ​​a baby in 10 years. The task of parents is to save the bottle. At the appointed time - the next birthday, open the messages and check whether the prophecy has come true!
And the most important thing in every children's holiday is attention to the child. Let the guests do not forget to kiss, hug and congratulate the baby, because this is his holiday!

If you decide to celebrate the holiday at home, then birthday decor will play an important role. After all, guests, as soon as they enter the house, will plunge into the magical atmosphere that you are quite capable of creating with your own hands. Guests and the birthday boy will immediately understand that today's birthday is a wonderful, fun holiday, where a lot of interesting things await everyone. It will not be difficult for you to make a room for a holiday unusual with the help of special decor. At your disposal are all kinds of decorations with which you can transform the room and create a festive decoration in any style. Feel free to involve your child in decorating a children's holiday - children will be happy to help you choose details for decorating a room, a table, create decor for a holiday with your own hands, buy a cake, balls, garlands.

Festive birthday decor is an important part of the holiday for your little one. We will give you ideas and help you choose interior design options.

The most indispensable and popular accessory for a birthday is balloons. Made of latex or foil, with or without helium, luminous, with patterns, all colors of the rainbow - the choice is yours!

A child's birthday is an occasion to decorate a room with their whole garlands. The design of a children's birthday can be done in the style of a child's favorite fairy tale or cartoon, choosing the right colors with drawings on the balloons.

For example, decor ideas for a girl’s first birthday will include decoration with balloons in the most delicate shades, a boy’s birthday in a pirate style will complement the decor of blue and black balloons, and for a party with Fixies it will be enough to stock up on products with portraits of the main characters.

You can decorate a room by attaching balloons to a wall with a ceiling, arrange a flower bed or a cloudy sky out of them, they are perfect for decorating a children's table, and in addition to decorative elements, they can be used as accessories for contests and comic tasks. It will not be difficult to decorate a child's birthday with balloons, because the choice is huge, you just have to decide on colors, sizes and textures.

The design of a children's birthday can be supplemented with an original design called a "surprise ball".

This is a large ball up to one and a half meters in size, suspended from the ceiling, which contains:

  • candies;
  • confetti;
  • serpentine;
  • rose petals;
  • small balls;
  • small toys;
  • magical predictions;
  • lottery tickets;
  • and whatever your imagination tells you.

The ball can be made independently or bought from specialists in decorating a children's holiday. This construction bursts at the end of the party and showers the guests with prepared surprises. You can burst the ball yourself with a sharp stick or by installing a fuse with batteries in it. Despite the apparent complexity, it is quite possible to do such a miracle with your own hands, having studied the video master class.

If there are very young children at the celebration, remember that they should not be afraid of the loud bang when the surprise balloon bursts. Perhaps they should be taken out of the room for a while, where everything will happen.

Ball figures

An interesting decor will turn out if you decorate the room with figures from balls. You can buy ready-made masterpieces or, by calling on creative ingenuity, make decorations from balloons.

Here are some voluminous products you can use to decorate the holiday:

  • dolls;
  • animals;
  • letters;
  • trees;
  • flowers and whole bouquets;
  • wall and ceiling compositions from balls;
  • arches;
  • fountains;
  • Garlands.

Given the fashion trends in children's birthday decor, you can decorate the wall with a flower meadow of flowers, replace the ceiling with clouds, arrange cartoon characters that are cute for you and the children around the room.

Compositions for the ceiling, large-sized bouquets for festive decoration will require balloons to be filled with helium in order for the decor to be literally on top. You can decorate the room with ordinary balls using adhesive tape, fixing them in the shape you need.

walking figures

Festive birthday decor can be decorated with walking figures made of foil balloons. With the help of this invention, almost real fairy tale characters will appear on your holiday. The figures are filled with helium and secured with a small weight.

With the help of these balloons you can take a photo with Mickey Mouse, The Little Mermaid, Batman, Cinderella and any other character from your child's childhood dream.

paper decorations

From paper birthday decor, fashion trends dictate the use of such decorations as:

  • accordion balls;
  • honeycomb balls;
  • paper pompoms;
  • pompoms-brushes;
  • bulk stars.

Accordion balloons are large pieces of ribbed paper that fold out easily and turn into a ball with folds on the surface. Several balloons can serve as the main birthday decor.

An LED is sometimes placed in such balls, which gently illuminates them from the inside. Honeycomb balls are similar to accordions, but their surface consists of many honeycombs, reminiscent of bees.

From the finest paper, pom-pom balls are made, resembling huge peony flowers in shape - with the same fluffy-torn petals.

You can decorate the edge of the festive table, chairs, edges of curtains with paper tassels, or create a whole composition by decorating tree branches with tassels.

Paper decorations will perfectly support the style, as well as the colors of the children's holiday.

Fairy lights

Garlands are a great way to create DIY decor for a kids birthday party. These products can be made from anything: from yarn and thread, from fabric, from colored paper and cardboard, from small toys, from flowers, and simply from everything that your imagination tells you.

Paper garlands are cut out in the form of flags, hearts, stars, flowers, animal silhouettes. An interesting design will be obtained from corrugated paper: details in the form of fans, bows, flowers are cut out of it. For textile garlands, unnecessary scraps of fabric are quite suitable: they will make tassels, ribbons, bows, and round patches sewn together with filler stuffed with filler will make rag snowballs.

The yarn is perfect for creating fluffy multi-colored pompoms. Garlands in the form of paper and fabric ribbons that decorate the ceiling or walls look great. They are able to completely transform the room, and change its color scheme.

Origami garlands will wonderfully fit into the festive decor. As a pendant, the most ordinary hanger is perfect, to which you tie ropes with birds or flowers.

In addition to homemade products, you can decorate the room with garlands with congratulatory slogans. Birthday decor may well combine hand-made decorations and store-bought decorations.

More decor ideas

It would be a great idea to decorate the wall with the so-called "wall newspaper" - a drawing paper on which guests can write and draw their wishes and congratulations to the birthday man. You can use a large piece of wallpaper for this.

The wall can be decorated with a photo collage of the most interesting moments in your baby's life.
Pay attention to the design of the chairs and table. Chairs can be dressed up in fabric skirts, decorated with ribbons tied in a bow, and lush frills can be sewn to the tablecloth.

Use a number in decorating the room - the number of years of the hero of the occasion. It can be glued to the stand, and the figure itself can be made from:

  • application paper;
  • balloons;
  • colors;
  • New Year's tinsel;
  • ribbons;
  • pompoms.

It turns out the original picture, or a large postcard.

A non-standard garland will turn out from sweets, marshmallows or marshmallows strung on a string.
Paper pinwheels, arranged, for example, on a festive table, will perfectly fit into the decor of a child's birthday.
Ordinary balloons can be laid out around the perimeter of the room, packed in transparent paper or a veil and tied with ribbons on both sides - you get bright fake caramels.

Guest accessories

You can make your party brighter and more fun by providing guests with popular holiday attributes. Is your princess one year old?

Give your guests decorations in the form of small crowns that are attached to the head with hairpins.

Make a holiday for your son in the style of gangsters? At your service are fake mustaches on a stick, black mini-hats attached to the chin with an elastic band and paper bow ties. Or maybe mice, bunnies and kittens came to the child’s birthday? Don't forget to decorate your guests with headbands.

To create a carnival mood, for a holiday in this style, it is enough to distribute various masks to everyone. Photos from this children's birthday will be the most original and funny.

On the birthday of a child, the following festive attributes will be very appropriate:

  • caps;
  • forges;
  • whistles;
  • beep tongues;
  • confetti;
  • serpentine;
  • crackers.

Thematic sets

When there is no time left to prepare the holiday and it is no longer possible to complete the birthday decor, ready-made thematic sets will come to the rescue.

The main advantage of this product is that you buy a ready-made solution for the holiday, you just have to provide food and a good mood. The sets are arranged according to the color scheme and adhere to a specific holiday scenario.

The price range is quite large and depends on the amount of content. Most often, the standard set includes:

  • caps, crowns, hats;
  • streamers on the wall with a congratulatory inscription;
  • Balloons;
  • games;
  • decorations for food (flags for canapés, cupcake skirts, stylish straws for drinks);
  • drink labels.

What would a child's birthday be without a festive treat! The easiest, most convenient and safest way is to set the table with paper and plastic utensils, because they will not break and hurt no one if the children get naughty and arrange a small festive mayhem.

At the same time, it is unbreakable dishes that are presented in stores in a huge assortment and you can buy plates and glasses in your child's favorite colors and with the image of the most popular cartoon and movie characters. Another plus: you do not have to do the washing up, just stock up on a large trash bag.

Include in your holiday table decor:

  • paper cups and plates;
  • forks, spoons, plastic knives;
  • bright tablecloth;
  • napkins;
  • coasters for cakes, canapes, sandwiches;
  • plastic flower vases;
  • cocktail tubes for drinks;
  • cake candles.

It makes sense to use a disposable tablecloth with a bright and colorful pattern for the table, because such decor will hide the stains that appear from spilled drinks. Few children can be seated for food for a long time, so portioned small dishes are suitable for the festive table, such as:

  • canape;
  • sandwiches;
  • tartlets;
  • cakes;
  • candies;
  • mini pizza;
  • meat and fruit skewers;
  • meat and vegetable cuts for a salad bar;
  • fruit cutting;

If, nevertheless, gatherings at the table are expected, it would be useful to place cards with the names of the guests in front of each seat. You can tie the cutlery with a ribbon on which the name of the guest will be written.

Gifts for guests

The birthday will become even more interesting if the children-guests of the birthday boy receive small gifts at the celebration. You can put a few chocolates, miniature cakes in boxes for sweet surprises, or give each guest a small soft toy.

You can give girls beautiful hair clips, and boys - flashlights. If your child already knows how to make crafts with his own hands, he can come up with and prepare souvenirs with your help or on his own. It's a good idea to give guests room decorations, like balloons. This can be done at the end of the holiday, when saying goodbye to the guests. A small souvenir will definitely extend the feeling of the holiday to all participants of the children's birthday party. You can send photos from the children's party to everyone who was your guest, because it's easy to do, and everyone will have the best impressions.

Joint preparation and decoration of the holiday can become a good family tradition. Let all relatives participate - after all, joint work brings together. Turn on your imagination, take a good mood with you, attract the children themselves - the heroes of the occasion, and you will definitely succeed!

Child's birthday - 2 years. Scenarios, games and ideas

Two years is the time when children play side by side, but not together. They still do not really need to communicate with their peers. Favorite "I myself!" and my!" can significantly spoil the atmosphere of the holiday. Therefore, it is advisable to invite a minimum of guests who are well known to the baby, no more than 5-6 people. It is reasonable to divide the birthday itself into two parts (even better 2 days) - separately for children and for adults.

The duration of the activity with children is 2 or 3 hours , no more. During this time, you will have enough time to play a dozen small prizes, sing in chorus familiar songs from cartoons, musical fairy tales (or popular "adult" songs - whatever you like). You can also dance - who knows how. Outdoor games are required, as well as blowing out a candle on a birthday cake. It is better to lower the feast - no one will sit decorously.

Kids 2-3 years old, as a rule, already run well, walk, know how to handle a ball, cubes, play cars and dolls, can repeat simple phrases after adults and dance with them.

The most famous round dance is, of course, "Loaf" during which children can get to know each other. Everyone join hands and walk in a circle with the words:

How about ... name day
We baked a loaf:
Here is such a height! (children raise their hands as high as possible)
Here is such a bottom! (children lower their hands as low as possible)
That's the width! (children run as wide as possible)
Here's a dinner! (children converge to the center)

Caravan, caravan,
Whoever you want, choose! (and then the birthday boy sings)
Of course I love everyone
Well and (says name) -
Most! (The child whose name was called goes into the circle and everything starts over.)

If the children liked it, then you can play loaf in honor of each of the little guests. There are other round dances that kids really like.

For example, "Three Merry Brothers":

Three cheerful brothers walked around the yard (go around in circles),
Three funny brothers started a game (stop),
Made heads nick-nick-nick (nodding head),
Dexterous fingers - chik-chik-chik (depict scissors with fingers),
Clapped hands - clap-clap-clap (clap),
They stomp with their feet - top-top-top (stomp).

“The king walked through the forest” is a very popular cheerful round dance.

Children hold hands, forming a circle. In the center of the circle is the “king” (boy, dad, grandfather), in his hands he holds the “crown”. Children begin to dance with the words:

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess, princess. (The king chooses a princess and puts a crown on her head)
Let's jump with you, jump, jump, (everyone jumps)
Legs kick, kick, kick, (jumping legs)
Let's clap, clap, clap, (clap hands)
We stomp our feet, we stomp, we stomp, (stomp feet)
Let's shake our heads, (shaking their heads)
Let's start first! (girl returns to her seat)

The children dance again, and the "king" chooses a new "princess".

The Big Carousel is best played when there are many children.

Children hold hands and walk in a circle, depicting a carousel, accelerating, and then slowing down.

Most likely, children will not want to give each other hands at first, and they need to be gradually taught this.

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two
Here the game is over.

In fact, the active part of the holiday does not end there, of course.

Invite the children to play simple games.

Funny transformations.

To begin with, the host invites you to imagine yourself as different animals - bunnies, frogs, cats ...

Then you can ask to depict objects - a tree, a table, a teapot ...

More complex images - a blowing wind, an unwinding ball, a blossoming flower...

The game is very fun, the children are actively involved, they themselves come up with transformations.

"Accurate shooter".

Who will be able to hit the ball into the bucket (basket, basin, box) more times? A ping-pong ball in a three-liter jar?


Children stand in a circle and run after each other. The leader says what to do (goose step, jump, crawl, somersault or crawl under the table).


Each child is given two album sheets. You need to cross the “swamp”, moving along the landscape sheets: stand on one of them, and put the second one in front of you, then step forward, shift the freed sheet forward, go to it, and so on.

"Bowling alley".

Knock down skittles (plastic water bottles). Or, if available, use children's toy skittles.

"Obstacle Course"

Reach the finish line, overcoming various obstacles - climb into the “mink” under a chair, walk along a narrow path, i.e. along a long scarf, jump over a river, which can represent a blue flap, etc.


The host alternately says the words “nose”, “floor” or “ceiling”, and at the same time points his finger incorrectly: for example, with the word “ceiling”, he points to his nose. that is, the driver deliberately confuses the children, and the children must show the named object correctly.


On command "ear!" you need to grab your ear, and at the command “nose!” - by the nose. The leader performs the movements incorrectly, provoking mistakes.

"Arm walker" and "foot jumper".

Cut along a long piece of wallpaper (or you can use a large roll of paper). On one half there will be a “hand walker” - stick multi-colored palms, and, in the middle, a flower, and on the other half of the “leg jumper” - stick multi-colored footprints, and, in the middle, a berry. Children take turns walking first one distance and then another. At the same time, you need to move along the “hand walk” on your hands (mom or dad holds the legs), and in the middle you need to smell the flower (i.e., “pull out”). You need to jump along the “leg jumper”, and crouch in the middle to “pick and eat a berry”.


Prepare in advance notes with tasks that your children will be able to do, for example: read a poem, jump around a chair like a bunny, etc. Such task notes can be put in balloons or wrapped in bright paper and made into a garland. The child must choose a piece of paper with the task himself, and, having completed it, receive a small prize - a calendar, a sticker, a carnival mask, etc. Prepare more of these little things so that there is enough for everyone.

"Beef Tricks".

Announce to the children that while they were playing, Govyadin came and popped the balloons and broke the flower pots in the next room. To have fun further, everything needs to be corrected.

For this game, draw balloons and vases with simple flowers in advance and cut each drawing into two or three parts. While the children are playing in the other room, lay out the papers, mixing them up.

"Jolly Fans"

Hand out tongues to the kids and offer to support the moms as they compete in tossing serpentine through the garlands of balloons and flags stretched out in the room.

Adults can also offer other games.

To begin with, let them pick up affectionate words for the birthday man, and then you can play "Talent Auction" - complete any task, receiving as a prize a photo (calendar with a photo, a magnet) of the hero of the occasion. Tasks can be:

  • name children's writers;
  • sing a fun children's song;
  • guess a children's fairy tale by a changeling (for example, "Square" - "Kolobok", "Sun King" - "Snow Queen", "Doghouse" - "Cat's House", etc.; you can remake any fairy tale, song, proverb) ;
  • make the birthday boy laugh.

Spend quiz with questions , one way or another related to your baby: weight at birth and per year, height, favorite food, when the tooth appeared, the name of the pediatrician, time of birth, the number of balls in the room, etc.

At the end of the holiday, when the children are already tired, it's time to show them a small puppet show . If you practice a little in advance, you can arrange shadow play .

To do this, you need to choose a light wall (or hang a white sheet) and highlight it with a table lamp so that shadows from your hands appear on it. The most primitive figures that everyone probably knows from childhood are a dog, a hare, an eagle and a man in a cap. Come up with some dialogues or songs for them, and the children will be completely delighted.

Try to stage some famous fairy tale, for example, "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok" or "Turnip". Moreover, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive set of ready-made theatrical toys - just “make up” ordinary dolls for fairy tale characters or make toys from old gloves.

You can also do simple paper finger puppets . For example, we draw a bunny, color it beautifully and cut it out. Glue a ring out of a narrow strip of paper so that you can put it on your finger, and glue the finished little animal to it.

In order for children to better perceive the fairy tale, it is much more important to create a fabulous atmosphere and a fabulous interior. Glue a teremok out of a cardboard box, lay out several plain patches on the floor in waves - here is the scene for you. The stage can also be a screen from an ordinary sheet in the doorway. And now we light a candle, which immediately gives the room a mysterious atmosphere, and the performance begins.

You can accompany the beginning of the tale with a ritual: sing a song

“Candle, candle, you burn, a fairy tale - come visit!
The eyes are closed. And now the eyes are opening, and the fairy tale begins!

After the performance is over, the children can blow out the candle themselves, and then play with the characters .


Character dolls: cockerel, cat, dog, boy, girl.

Pictures-decorations: the sun, a house with a window, a kennel and a cloud cut out of gray paper.

The performance takes place on the steps of a staircase, which can be replaced with cardboard boxes of various sizes. In total, five steps should be involved. A house is installed at the top of the stairs, a kennel at the bottom.


On a green hill stood a house with a window and a ladder, and near the house there was a kennel for a dog. Guys, can you count? (Children answer.) Fine! Let's count how many steps the ladder has: one, two, three, four, five. Yes, five steps!

The cockerel came (the host puts the cockerel on the first step of the ladder) , stood on the first step and sang. Do you know how a cockerel sings? (Children shout: "Ku-ka-re-ku"). Fine!

A cat jumped on the second step and mewed (the host puts the cat on the second step) . How does a cat meow? (Children meow.) So! Fine!

The dog sat on the third step (the host puts the dog on the third step) . The dog sits, looks at the cat, growls and barks. How does she growl and bark? (Children imitate the barking and growling of a dog.)

Sasha sat on the fourth step (the host puts the toy on the fourth step) and laughed merrily. How does Sasha laugh? (Children laugh.)

And Masha sat on the fifth step (a toy is placed) , sat down and sang: “We sat down on the ladder and sang a song.” And everyone sang along to her song. (The facilitator sings the phrase with the children several times.)

But then the wind blew and howled. How is the wind blowing? (Children imitate the sound of the wind.) The wind drove a cloud (a cloud is attached to the top of the ladder, above the house) and it started to rain. And how does it rain? That's right: cap, cap, cap.

The cockerel hid from the rain under the stairs. The cat jumped on the window. The dog hid in a kennel. Mashenka ran home. (The presenter moves the pictures along the way.) Only Sasha remained on the stairs. He liked to sit in the rain. But soon he got wet and ran home.

A cockerel came out from under the ladder and stood on the first step. The cat jumped down from the window and sat on the second step. The dog came out of the kennel and sat down on the third step. Mashenka sat down on the fourth step. Sasha came last. He dried his clothes. Sasha also sat on the ladder - on the top, fifth step.

And again they sang together and cheerfully: “We are sitting on the ladder, and we are singing a song.”

The children, together with the host, sing the phrase several times, then the music turns on and the host invites the guys to dance to enjoy the sun. Children dance as best they can; parents help them.

"Gingerbread Man" (performance game)

If the children are not very tired, try not just to show a puppet show, but to conduct an interactive game on the theme of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". To do this, divide all those present, including adults, into two teams, and invite them to go on a fabulous journey.

Start telling a fairy tale and, having reached the place where Kolobok meets a hare, spread your arms and say: “Where is the hare? There is no hare ... "And here is the first task:" Look for the hare! As a result, a toy hare can be found, for example, behind chairs or on a windowsill.

"...And a bear meets him..." Guests are invited to dress up one of the members of each team as a bear, using fur coats, fur hats, masks, cosmetics, etc.

At the end of the tale, Kolobok dies in the mouth of a cunning fox, but in your interpretation, Kolobok can be saved. To do this, the guests help Kolobok "roll away" from the fox. As "Koloboks" - small balls that need to be rolled across the room, crawling on all fours and pushing the balls with their heads.

Kolobok is saved, which means there are no losers. Everyone gets sweet prizes and a great mood for the rest of the evening.

The culmination of the holiday can be a piñata (pinata).

This is a relatively new element of birthday celebration in our country, which is rapidly gaining popularity. A piñata (or piñata; the tradition originated in Mexico) is something like a large toy made of paper and hollow inside. The piñata is stuffed with candy and is usually hung from the ceiling, in a doorway, or from a tree.

Blindfolded children alternately try to hit it with a stick and thus knock out candy.

For younger children, piñatas are made with laces. They are not beaten, you just need to pull the laces, and sweets will fall - to the delight of the kids.

Abroad, piñatas in the form of all kinds of chests and barrels, donkeys and octopuses, comic book characters, watermelon slices, balls, rockets, etc. are very common, and you can buy them in stores. In our country, it is still problematic to purchase something similar, so you will have to make the piñata yourself. It's not difficult at all.

For example, piñata in the form of a star is done like this .

  1. Lay more newspapers on the table so as not to stain it with paste. Prepare some newspapers by cutting them into strips about 3-5 cm wide and 20 cm long. Mix 1.5 cups of water and 1 cup of flour in a saucepan. At the same time, water must be added to the flour gradually, rubbing it thoroughly so that there are no lumps. As a result, you should get a liquid paste.
  2. Inflate a round balloon to about 30 cm in diameter, and tie off the hole. Set the ball on the table, for example, on a liter enameled mug.
  3. Dip one strip of newspaper into the paste, then run it between the index and middle fingers of your other hand, skimming off excess glue. Place the strip on the surface of the balloon and smooth it down. Your task is to seal the entire surface of the ball with paper (like papier-mâché), leaving a small area free (7-8 cm in diameter) near the tied hole. The ball should now be dry.
    Important detail: if the piñata is intended for two-year-olds, along with the first layer of paper, you need to glue ribbons or laces, fixing about 10-15 cm on the ball, and leaving long (about 2 m) "tails" free - the children will pull on them on command, tearing the piñata .
  4. Repeat the procedure, pasting the ball with stripes (they should lie perpendicular to the first layer). Leave the ball to dry for 8-10 hours, turning it over from time to time so that the bottom part also dries up.
  5. When the second coat dries, apply another one if the piñata is meant for two-year-olds, and four more if it will be broken by older children. Still do not seal the free area near the tied hole.
  6. Pierce the balloon, remove it and make sure the inside is dry.
  7. Cut colored tissue paper into squares with a side of about 7-8 cm, and paste over the workpiece with them. If the paper is thin and the letters of the newspapers are translucent, paste over with a second layer. Set the piñata aside to dry.
  8. Now from the twine we will make a hanger for attaching the piñata. At the base (opposite the large hole), carefully check the small hole with a Phillips screwdriver or penknife. We make the same small hole in the center of the canning lid. We tie a 30-centimeter twine into a ring with a large strong knot. We push the twine into the hole in the lid and, putting our hand into the piñata, push the loop formed into the hole in the base of the piñata. Pull on the twine, pulling out the entire loose loop.

  9. Fill the piñata 2/3 full with candy and nuts (or whatever). Fill the remaining space with wads of colored paper.
  10. Cut out a large plastic bottle cap that is larger than the hole in the piñata and stick it inside. The paper wads should press the lid against the piñata, securing it from the inside. Cover the hole with colored paper.

  11. The main part of the piñata is ready, and you can start decorating it. Roll a standard sheet of paper into a cone, securing it with tape. In total, five such cones are needed. Carefully trim the base of the cones with scissors so they can stand on a flat surface.
  12. At the base of each cone, make even cuts 1.5 cm deep in increments of 1.5-2 cm. Bend the resulting petals outward.

  13. Lubricate the petals of one of the cones with PVA glue and glue it on the top of the piñata, next to the loop. Glue the remaining four cones so that together they all resemble a five-pointed star.
  14. But that's not all. Star-shaped piñatas look much more festive when adorned with a long fringe of colored tissue paper, foil or gift wrapping film. "Rays" are made like this. Cut five equal pieces of material at least 15 cm long and cut them lengthwise into 6 mm strips, but not all the way through. Glue with PVA glue or “rays” tape to the piñata cones.

  15. Take five meter pieces of colored gift wrapping ribbon, 5 cm wide. On one side of each ribbon, make a fringe, making 1 cm cuts in 1.5-3 mm increments. Wrap ribbon around the piñata cones, starting at the base, and secure the ends with glue or tape. Fluff the "rays" with your fingers.

    The piñata is ready.

Traditionally, the piñata is hung in a suitable place before the start of the holiday. so that children can see it, discuss it and share their impressions, anticipating the upcoming entertainment. But for now, the piñata is hanging high. Finally, all the guests gather in a circle around the pinata, one of the adults unties the cord and lowers it to the level of the child's head or slightly lower.

Next, the child is blindfolded, handed a stick, baseball bat or cane, and given two or three attempts to break the piñata. However, not everything is as simple as it seems: the adult holding the piñata raises it every now and then to prevent this from happening, or, on the contrary, lowers it almost to the floor. But at the same time, the piñata must always be within reach, that is, it cannot be raised to the ceiling.

Children alternately replace each other, excitement grows, and finally the target is hit! A rain of colorful sweets and nuts falls on the floor, and children rush to catch their prey with enthusiastic cries.

As for the piñata for two-year-olds, the kids simply tear it apart, pulling the ribbons at the same time.

It remains to be added that despite the fact that it takes several days and a certain amount of patience to make a piñata, the result is worth it: in the end, all the kids get an incredible portion of cheerful mood and pockets full of sweets. It is not for nothing that the piñata is an invariable attribute of most birthdays in many countries of the world.

See also: