New Year's party at home in style. Scenario of a home or friendly party "Unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!"

So you will spend it, ”says folk omen Perhaps that is why representatives of all age categories, without exception, strive to organize this holiday as cheerfully as possible.

A whole bowl of Olivier, a mountain of tangerines, pickles, a pretty drunk company today, few people can delight. Turning a banal drink into a cultural event is not difficult, you just need to take the organization of the celebration seriously. The easiest way is to order a professional presenter. For a certain amount, he will hold an event according to a pre-agreed scenario. And it doesn't matter where it will take place new Year party: at home, with friends, or it will be a corporate party. Of course, the experience of a professional in organizing celebrations is of some importance. But this does not mean at all that this option is the only possible one. A little effort - and anyone can be in the role of toastmaster. Moreover, practice shows that it is no worse, and sometimes much better, because your own creation is always more fun and unforgettable.

It all starts with a script

The key to a successful holiday is good mood, it is important to direct it to right direction. New Year's party, the scenario of which you will come up with yourself, is impossible better fit to bring creative ideas to life.

It will allow you to demonstrate your organizational skills, take into account the habits, interests and tastes of the guests. As a result, the holiday will be exactly the way you wanted it to be. A sea of ​​pleasant and warm impressions is guaranteed.

So, if the choice fell on self-scripting new year event, certain rules must be followed.

First of all, it takes into account age category participants in the celebration. For kids there should be a children's program, for adults - an adult one. However, the term "adult" implies different generations. The company, especially if it is a corporate New Year's party, may involve young people, people middle age, representatives of noble gray hairs. It is very important to try to write the script in such a way that everyone has fun and is comfortable. The beginning of the holiday should be solemn and decent, since stiff colleagues are unlikely to be delighted with indecent contests, especially if they belong to the category of light drinkers. As a rule, such a contingent rarely stays until the end of the event, leaving it closer to the middle. Therefore, it is recommended to plan the most desperate games and contests for the second part of the celebration.

You should definitely take into account the age criterion, choosing the musical accompaniment of the holiday. Along with "pop" there must certainly be compositions, pleasant to people senior age. That New Year's party will be ideal, the scenario of which will not deprive any of its participants of the attention, and for this it is desirable to learn more about the tastes and preferences of each.

Contests: several variations on a theme

Despite the fact that a New Year's party for adults is being organized, the presence of reincarnation using costumes is simply necessary.

If funds for the event are limited, even an ordinary roll may be suitable. toilet paper. With its help, two teams create a snowman in a timed competition. The team whose snowman will be made faster and more believable will win.

A New Year's party in a club may include contests with drinking for a while drinks through several tubes inserted one into the other.

Interesting and guessing contest in an unusual way. As a rule, the beautiful half of humanity is invited to take part in it. An object is placed on a chair. Sitting on it, the lady must determine what it is.

The contest of driving a ball into an impromptu gate with a bottle of liquor tied to a belt will be successful, especially if the guests are already tipsy.

A more outspoken contest is lifting a rubber ball between a pair of contestants from knees to chin.

New Year Party Ideas

Winning Enough New Year's a party dedicated to a specific theme. There are just an unlimited number of options here, it all depends on the imagination and the desire to have fun.

fairy tale magic

For example, a New Year's party is popular and in demand, the ideas of which suggest a fabulous interpretation. The choice of fairy tales is huge, the main thing is that the story should be interesting to everyone present. Of course, the scenario of the event is written on the basis of the storyline of the chosen fairy tale, contests, costumes of participants are selected in the same way, the premises are decorated.

Film, film, film

An analogue of a fairy-tale theme will be a New Year's party in the style of a movie. There is also a limitless field for imagination. Film comedies, children's films, melodramas, science fiction ... It is quite acceptable to have an artistic assortment from the plots of several films.

As an option, self-shooting of a picture is good, with a script, casting, costumes, etc. It is desirable that the selected film be well known to all participants.

Carnival intrigue

Classics at all times remains an unshakable basis, suggesting a wide variety of thematic interpretations. Have the right to exist and costumed carnivals with an indispensable attribute - a mask. Their varieties can also be an unlimited number. Among the most popular are "Hussar New Year", "Carnival in Venice", "Viennese masquerade ball", "Ball of the Middle Ages". The theme determines the form of clothing, but the mask must necessarily hide the faces of the participants until the end of the party. Only at the end of the event, everyone will reveal the secret of their mask by removing it.

The use of wigs, natural costumes will complicate the task of guessing faces, it will also add solidity, solemnity, pathos to the event. The ideal option will be holding such holidays in a restaurant, the design of which is most consistent with the chosen theme. Light buffet snacks, expensive wine, elegant glasses will only emphasize wealth, luxury, style.

The heat of the tropics

New Year's Eve party at home close circle friends allows you to choose more relaxed options for the event. Especially if the living space is suitable for the implementation of extravagant ideas. Bold enough will be a New Year's party in bathing suits. They can be made purely from tinsel or rain, or be decorated with them. The perfect place the event will be a room with a swimming pool. However, do not despair if this is not possible.

The atmosphere of the hot tropics will be created by appropriate attributes: palm trees dressed up with toys, fishing tackle, sun loungers, beach umbrellas, flowers, themed posters. The main thing is to keep the rhythm. Hawaiian tunes are the perfect musical accompaniment to the party. There is no need to organize a traditional feast. Improvisation of a beach party involves the use of light snacks, colorful cocktails. Contests should be just as light and dynamic.

Older participants will be pleased to plunge into the atmosphere of post-Soviet history. So a retro New Year's party will come in handy for them. By the way, learning more about the legendary era can be interesting for young people as well. The main thing is to correctly place the accents and adequately present the details. A special milestone in history is associated with a plate of “fur coats”, Russian salad, tangerines, a bottle of sparkling “Soviet Champagne”, compote, sausage, pickles. The absence of the "Blue Light" can compensate for its independent reproduction.

As alternatives you can consider the ideas of a retro holiday in the conditions of the Soviet pioneer camp. The New Year's party "in a communal apartment" is played out in an original way. The "Komsomol" meeting of the New Year looks worthy. Of course, it is important to support the chosen theme with appropriate musical accompaniment.

National theme party

Each nation has its own special celebration of the New Year. Eastern countries, Russia, the states of Europe have their own traditions, customs, mores. Creativity and imagination will be the basis for a successful event.

Suppose a New Year's Eve party organized in Japanese style, will be not only bright, colorful, but also educational, as it will provide an opportunity to learn more about the Land of the Rising Sun. The kimonos and make-up of the participants will look original. For greater reliability, you will need to order food in a Japanese restaurant and have fun eating it with chopsticks.

A traditional samovar, bagels, pies with a variety of fillings, vodka and pickles are a good option for organizing a Russian-style festive table. Kokoshnik, sundress, beads will look nice. Bloomers, embroidered shirts, wreaths will help to reproduce the meeting of the Ukrainian

There is a belief: “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it.” Therefore, every time I want something interesting, creative, devoid of the dullness of everyday work. Themed parties for the New Year 2019 will help to break away to the fullest. There are many ideas on how to have fun. Below are the most interesting idea for 2019.

Important Points

First of all, you should be careful and study average age present. You understand, older people will not be able to participate in too active activities, and at the same time, fun should be fun, not boring listening to old records. Important are the ideas and style of conducting a holiday. Not every adult will like free jokes in the style of "youth youth" - wet T-shirts, dousing with juices, yogurt. They may simply be inappropriate. As soon as a program adapted to any age is created, the evening will become unique and enjoyable for everyone.

Hats, Thompson submachine guns, feather boas, clusters of pearl beads, boots, cigars, elite alcohol, gambling- the evening will be truly unforgettable. You can plunge headlong into the retro atmosphere of the 20s and 30s in America.

Dress code for sophisticated ladies:

  • fitted short dresses to the knees;
  • pearl beads below the belt;
  • feather bandage;
  • fishnet stockings;
  • fur boa;
  • medium heel shoes.

Dress code for real gangsters:

  • borsalino hat;
  • elegant suit;
  • cufflinks;
  • tie or neckerchief;
  • striped shirt;
  • patent leather shoes;
  • submachine gun;
  • cigar.

Basic decor colors: black, white, red, gold, silver. The room where the celebration will take place can be decorated in the style of a casino. Main attributes: cards, roulette, poker chips. It is good that each participant comes up with a cool nickname. For example, "Pretty Mary", "Big Jim". Alcoholic drinks it is also necessary to designate by "nicknames": milk, mineral water, apple juice. The event will take place during Prohibition, when alcohol was banned. However, for adventurers and adventurers, who were gangsters, the law is not written.

This idea is great option to celebrate New Year's Eve in a big way. Original masks will bring notes of mystery, romance, awaken fantasy. When will she roam, if not at the very magical night in a year? To create the atmosphere of the Middle Ages will help:

  • wigs,
  • carnival costumes,
  • feathers,
  • gems.

Be sure to arrange a competition for the most best suit, select the King and Queen of the evening. Crystal glasses with champagne and wine, gourmet dishes are the essential attributes of the holiday.

These ideas will require preparation and costs for rent / purchase of costumes, the creation of an appropriate entourage. It is more budgetary to have a Soviet-style party. It is enough to dress simpler, make sausage cuts, Olivier salad, sandwiches with sprats, buy Soviet Champagne, tangerines, watch New Year's Light. However, all this is trite and overly insipid. But everyone has the right to choose how to relax.

Perhaps someone is tired of parties with snow. For some people, winter days are a real stress. They love the sun, the heat, the sound of guitars. Then turn your attention to a holiday in the style of Latinos or caribou. Thus, lovers of the summer heat will be compensated for the desire to go on vacation in 2019 below the equator. Clockwork and rhythmic disco-style music will cheer up everyone, because all residents of the northern latitudes want to escape from the winter cold. And dress Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in luxurious beachwear, and instead of a red bag, let the gifts be in a palm basket. Another scenario - variety concert. Everyone who celebrates the New Year 2019 should prepare musical number. Fortunately, karaoke is an affordable thing and everyone can learn, even if weak vocals. Believe me, there is no person who would not dream of singing some hit in front of the audience. Everyone thought about it, and from childhood.


Another interesting and little-studied idea for a New Year's Eve 2019 themed party is a Hollywood movie. Choose a genre that will appeal to everyone without exception. For example, the legendary picture of the Christmas bell or Santa Claus will captivate all guests into the festive circle. Nostalgic notes of old and beloved films will make vacationers smile, regardless of age. As gifts, you can give out Oscar figurines or Grammy awards. Of course, there must be something more significant in the envelope than the first place among colleagues. For example, a bonus or an incentive surprise. But this is not the end of Hollywood. Small miniature productions performed by those present will be real fun. Be sure that the pre-thought-out ideas of mini-performances will delight the guests, and each of them will be prepared with special zeal. Who among us did not want to become a screen star?

Fantastic New Year 2019

The little-studied topic of the New Year's Eve is fantastic. Creating alien costumes is not difficult. The main thing is that the colors are blue, purple, green. And as served dishes, something very original and unusual is used. The advantage of such a scenario is that few people are familiar with the innovation of cooking and will appreciate the achievements of modern chefs.

Any corporate evening does not do without exquisite dishes. But often they are ordered in some restaurant or cafe. Do not forget that even modern women, and even men, strive to show off their culinary abilities. For many, this is an important topic. Arrange festive table from dishes prepared by the participants of the theme party. And it doesn't matter what the team members will cook: a dessert or a main course. The main thing is to appreciate the efforts of a person and present an encouraging award. Let the presentation of culinary delights be accompanied by the script of a famous film. With such a tempting idea, New Year 2019 will be really fun and unforgettable! Only positive emotions and impressions will remain in your soul.

Many company employees in their youth and youth visited their favorite discos of the 90s, where the first acquaintances took place, the first feelings were born. A feeling of nostalgia is felt by each of them, watching the performance of the idols of those years on television. Indeed, the stage was then on top. Gentle and rhythmic sounds of music added a charge of energy and cheerfulness. Let them remember the days of youth and let the guests plunge into the past, where they were full of hope for a carefree future. Well, if you manage to invite any popular and beloved singer, then the theme party will make a splash for the New Year 2019. Be sure to use the idea we proposed, unless, of course, your company is against it.

IN Lately in funds mass media the theme of dudes is exaggerated. What it is? Remember the musical evenings of the 60s, 70s. The authorities forbade young people to look "loud", "catchy", but some still managed to dress up in wide pants- flare, the girls erected "Towers of Babel" on their heads. So, in order, so to speak, to be transported back to those forgotten times, you can take this idea as a basis and put port wine, canned food, beloved by young people in those years, on the festive table. A corporate party where guests gather in a “forbidden” style will be doomed to success. Flared skirts, platforms, varnished bangs, bright and colorful shirts will create an atmosphere of a real holiday. In order not to be mistaken with costumes for a theme party, look at footage from famous movies. Not only women's, but also men's hairstyles will cause a nostalgic smile and delight those present on the New Year 2019.

New Year's Eve Reggae Party

New Year - right time to bring something new into your life. This holiday gives us a wonderful opportunity to change our lives for the better, to realize cherished dreams. This means that it must be held according to a special scenario - original and fun, especially if a party is organized at the enterprise.

What theme would be better to choose for a corporate party for 2019 New Year? We will suggest some ideas. You can hold a themed New Year's corporate party in the style of "Casino", disco party, cinema serpentine, military, in a pirate or vampire style.

How to choose a theme for a New Year's corporate party

Recently, parties in retro style or "Back to the USSR" have been especially popular. Decorate the hall in the style of the 1930s or 1980s. You can recreate the atmosphere of a pioneer camp or the Blue Light.

Use old photographs, things of the Soviet era to decorate the room. This can be a gramophone or equipment for gramophone records, a cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorder, abacus, pioneer attributes, decanters with faceted glasses, etc.

Funny quizzes, games and contests, beloved by all karaoke will help create a festive mood.
Invite guests to take part in the Guess the Melody contest and name old songs by listening to the first few notes.

Then a competition will begin, the participants of which need to determine which song from which Soviet movie sounded. Then - remember more catchphrases from old films. You can hold a quiz with questions about the Soviet past, competitions, who will tie a pioneer tie faster, who will fold the Rubik's cube faster, etc.

What theme is more suitable for a corporate party for the New Year 2019?

IN winter time many of us want to return the summer and go to hot countries. Apparently that's why they're so popular. Hawaiian parties. By this holiday, you will have to decorate not a Christmas tree, but a palm tree or other tropical plant.

Hawaiian Santa Claus in a cap, shorts and flip-flops, Hawaiian Snow Maiden in a summer dress with bright beads and the hostess of the upcoming 2019 - Yellow Dog - will invite guests to go to the beach to have fun.

You should not set a magnificent table for such a party with a lot of hearty dishes - it is better to arrange a buffet with light seafood snacks and exotic cocktails.

Organize Interesting games and contests for guests. For example, the game "Limbo", the participants of which need to go under the rope (stick) and not fall. After each pass, the height of the rope is changed to a lower one. And Hawaiian dances will complete the holiday.

How to make a theme New Year's corporate party did your colleagues like it? You can gather colleagues on the eve of this celebration in informal setting. Share your suggestions with them and listen to their ideas. Conduct a survey among employees of the enterprise, offering a choice of several topics.

Perhaps your colleagues will express a desire to hold a thematic corporate party for the New Year in oriental style? East is fairy tale, mystery and incendiary dances. A genie in a dressing gown and a turban and Princess Budur in a bright oriental dress can act as the hosts.

Ask guests to come to the celebration in appropriate costumes, dressed up as sultans, janissaries, harem concubines, etc. You can decorate the room where the celebration will take place in this style, or you can hold a New Year's corporate party in an oriental restaurant or cafe with an appropriate interior.

Arrange a competition of ornate compliments in oriental style among colleagues; Act out with your staff the story of Aladdin and the Forty Thieves or another Scheherazade tale.

What else can be a themed New Year's corporate party in 2019?

What else can you choose a theme for a New Year's corporate party? Let's give a few more ideas. It could be a holiday to mark the end of the world cruise, vampire ball, space travel.

Thematic New Year's corporate party in gypsy style will allow guests to indulge in unbridled fun. Costumes for such a holiday will be easy to make yourself. To do this, it is enough to take clothes of bright colors - long skirts, colorful scarves - and add a few massive, eye-catching accessories: beads, earrings, bracelets.

To the clink of glasses, the beloved romances “Black Eyes” and “Shaggy Bumblebee” will sound. Don't forget about incendiary gypsy dances, card divination and beautiful romantic toasts!

What other style can go corporate celebration New 2019? You can organize an Egyptian, Cuban, Italian party - it all depends on your preferences.

Having decided what topic your New Year's corporate party will be devoted to, clearly plan in what way the celebration will take place, so that each of your colleagues will be interested in such an evening.

Take stock of the past year and celebrate the best employees possible in the atmosphere new year holiday Oscar style. It's worth renting a big one for him banqueting hall, necessary element interior decoration which is the red carpet. Men should come to the celebration in suits or tailcoats, women in evening dresses.

An excellent option would be an invitation to a party of some star, albeit a local scale. Also invite professional photographers and organize video shooting of memorable moments of the celebration.

To the sounds solemn music the heads of the enterprise will reward distinguished employees by presenting them with statuettes of laureates in various categories, for example, “ Best Worker HR Department”, “Best Young Employee”, “Team Soul”, etc. Such a holiday will give each guest the opportunity to feel like a star and enjoy the atmosphere of chic.

Or maybe you decide to spend the New Year corporate party in an informal setting… at the skating rink? The Ice Festival will be honored with the presence of the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus, The Snow Queen, Kai with Gerda and other characters of fairy tales.

Masquerade costumes can be sewn by yourself or found in specialized rental shops. Conduct master classes in professional figure skating, arrange a disco on skates. Such an evening promises to be very active, which means that no one will have time to get bored.

So, in what style the New Year's corporate party 2019 will be held, it's up to you. In an informal setting, employees become more sociable, stress is relieved, and the level of trust and mutual understanding grows.

This great occasion how to relax, chat with friends and have fun. Show a little imagination and diligence - and your colleagues will remember the holiday for a long time.

What theme party choose on New Year?

New Year this is one of the most wonderful and most anticipated holidays. On this holiday, I want to believe in a fairy tale and the fulfillment of desires. We are constantly decorating and preparing in every possible way, buying gifts and being in a great mood.

But that's not the problem, if you constantly celebrate the New Year in the same way, some effect of surprise disappears, and the expectation of a miracle goes away. Of course, we have a solution for this task for you!

Let's create our own fairy tale. Let's meet New Year at a theme party. So, holiday will pass fun and will be remembered by everyone, plus you will have a large number of original photographs. Yes, and organizing the holiday itself will be much more interesting.

What theme party to choose for the New Year?

New Year in gangster style– what could be better. Handsome men in strict suits and, of course, in a hat, and no less beautiful girls in dresses of a direct form and various wonderful accessories in style Chicago 30s. You can completely and completely plunge into the atmosphere of that time: decorate the room, choose the right menu, costume and, of course, contests. And with all these questions, the article Gangster Style Party will help you.

A party in the style of the Wild West will give you the opportunity to plunge into cowboy world and beautiful ladies. After all, we often dreamed about this in childhood, and now we have every opportunity to make it happen. On such a holiday, you can appear as a great Indian, or even as Indiana Jones! Well, you will find help in organizing a New Year's party in this style in our article.

Wanted to go to Spain for the New Year, but for some reason the trip was not successful? No problem. Let's organize spanish party at your home. The Spaniards are very emotional people, so emotions at this party are provided to everyone. Can be made for New Years unusual dishes from Spanish cuisine, decorate the room in their style, pick up matching outfit and make a real bullfighting! And believe me, it's not difficult at all.

Now let's try to dive into atmosphere of the 90s . In addition, we do not need to move to any other country. Most likely, the majority still remembers the times of the USSR, and for those who did not find these times, this will be an even more interesting undertaking. IN this case you don’t have to bother with food, everything is very similar to the standard menu of the New Year. Soviet champagne, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat and the like ...

What could be brighter and more interesting than a dandy-style party for the New Year? You obviously will not regret if your choice falls on this topic. Bright costumes men, wonderful dresses for girls, eye-catching jewelry, a large number of dances - all this awaits you on New Year's Eve. Immerse yourself in the days of your parents and light up to the fullest!

For fans of the game "Mafia", you can organize a party in the appropriate style. Although it is not necessary to associate this party with the game. This topic has its own history and its own characteristics. Find out more about her and you won't regret it! Put on your masks mysterious Mafia , organize various mafia contests and good mood in winter holiday you are guaranteed!

This is where childhood dreams come true. After all, everyone in childhood had their favorite superhero. Now you can try on the costume of your hero yourself. Act like him, talk like him. It will be fun. You can come up with a common mission to save the world. And when the world is saved, continue to celebrate the New Year. Choose your favorite role. Maybe it will be a formidable and strong Hulk, or a fast and agile Spider Man, or Woman - Cat, there are actually a lot of options!

Favorite book and movie of many adults now. But what if you have already grown up and the film, its characters and the book do not cease to please? We urgently need to organize a Harry Potter themed party. Plunge into the atmosphere of magic and magic, make yourself magic wand, to visit Hogwarts school ! In this universe there is a very large variety of characters and all with their own characters and habits. Try to play the role of this wonderful creation that you like!

Such a party will look very stylish, and photos from such a holiday will not leave you indifferent. Remember the times when there was only black and white cinema and various cinematic masterpieces appeared before the audience in only two colors? So on such a holiday, you will need something similar so that only black and white harmonize around! Read more about this party, most likely it will not leave you indifferent.

You don't have to worry about costumes. The party is especially suitable if you are celebrating the New Year. women's team. Bright and cheerful photos are provided to you. Dive into your carefree childhood , and try to choose the most beautiful pajamas for this holiday, because the New Year is also a kind of children's holiday, and the Pajama Party will help make it doubly childish and carefree!

A party is perfect, for example, for medical students. In this case, the design of the room and costumes will not cause worries, and if you live in a hostel, then it will be easy to draw a parallel to the hospital ward. But we are sure that in addition to people who are somehow connected with medical activities, this type of New Year celebration is suitable for any company, because each of us has ever dreamed of being in the shoes of some famous surgeon , or maybe he wanted to become a patient of a pretty nurse!

As practice shows, holiday, held in an unusual and not ordinary style, has more bright and memorable moments! To date, there are a huge number of themed parties, so you will definitely have plenty to choose from!

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Fairy tales are a truly festive and multifaceted theme. Invite guests to choose their favorite characters and come in matching costumes. Snow Maidens, Little Red Riding Hoods, Ivanushki the Fools, Aladdins - for one night your home will turn into a fantasy world in which the characters of the most different stories. Do not forget that a theme party is not only unusual outfits: think about food, music, decor, contests and other important details.

Spend new year's eve in a nostalgic atmosphere, wearing dresses and costumes from the times of the USSR, turning on the Blue Light, decorating the apartment with paper flags, and the Christmas tree - Soviet toys. Arrange salads and other dishes in old dishes, put glass swans and other retro trinkets on the table. Prepare an interesting themed quiz for your guests. Do not forget about the playlist with songs of the Soviet era. If possible, organize karaoke!

After Valery Todorovsky's film Stilyagi was released, there was a surge of interest in the Soviet youth subculture, which has not subsided to this day. Throwing a hipster party is bright, fun, and not too difficult. Men should look for bright ties, jackets and shirts, ladies - dresses with puffy colorful skirts. great attention hair and make-up needs to be taken care of. We offer to decorate the apartment with old vinyl records, but as musical accompaniment choose jazz. In preparation for the evening, practice dancing boogie-woogie and jitterbug.

Another one most popular topic for parties - "The Great Gatsby". Isn't it magical to be transported to 1920s America for one evening and have fun like never before? It will be especially interesting for girls to prepare for such a New Year. Bright dresses with beads, feathers and others decorative elements, unusual hats, massive jewelry - get ready to shine!

If you don’t want to be limited to a particular movie, invite guests to transform into their favorite movie characters. Charlie Chaplin, James Bond, Harry Potter, Jean Grey, Princess Leia - as in the case of fairy tales, you will find a crazy mix of universes and a lot of fun! The soundtrack for the evening can be film music, and one of the entertainment - thematic "Crocodile".

The theme of travel is an endless source of ideas. Let each guest choose one country or another and reflect national theme in your suit. Someone can wrap himself in a sheet and represent Greece, someone can show up in a pareo and a Hawaiian wreath. Cook recommend traditional dishes different countries- pizza, khachapuri, sushi, dumplings, Yorkshire pudding. So that you do not stick around in the kitchen all day, invite guests to bring a dish from the country they represent.

Spend the New Year under the sign of a Persian fairy tale! Wear appropriate costumes, provide suitable music and of course don't forget the food. Give preference to Arabic cuisine and serve kebab as the main dish, and it is better if it is made from lamb. As a dessert, all kinds of oriental sweets are ideal.

If you're going to spend all New Year's Eve at home, why not dress up in soft, warm, comfortable flannel pajamas and encourage others to do the same? Board games, console, holiday movies - add these items to your entertainment list. Give up chic table with porcelain services and a snow-white tablecloth. Better lay pillows on the floor, spread a blanket and have a picnic! This is not standard, but do not forget: on New Year's Eve, you do not owe anything to anyone, just make sure that everyone is happy. Festive mood- not in napkins with snowmen, but in a sincere atmosphere.