Paper alien headdress. Photo report “Making costumes and attributes. The best children's books

On the nose of a New Year's party, Halloween or a children's costume party? Then you are faced with a difficult task - to prepare a beautiful and original costume for your child. You can choose a zombie and dead costume, but we offer you an interesting look that will not go unnoticed at any party - today you will learn several ways to make an alien costume with your own hands from improvised materials and things that are easy to find in any child's wardrobe. Fresh and new! Let's get started.

Costume variant No. 1

Perhaps the easiest way to make an alien costume at home. Before starting work, you need to prepare:

    Work uniform of the builder (it can be purchased at any special store);

    mosquito net;

    small springs;

  • plastic balls.

    If the building form is larger than you need, cut off the legs, sleeves, slightly sew in the elastic in the waistband.

    Let's start with the alien hat. You need to make two eyes and sew to the jumpsuit. For their manufacture, foam rubber is needed. Cut out a circle about 25 cm in size, pull it together with a thread so that you get a ball, and cover it with a mosquito net. Place the edge of the mesh in the middle, sew a plastic ball on top.

    Similarly, make another one and sew the eyes to the hood on opposite sides. The front of the hood, where the child's face will be, must also be sheathed with a mosquito net.

    Cut out two oval mesh pieces. Cut the back of the overalls from top to bottom so that the cuts are smaller than the cut out oval pieces. Sew the details into the cuts - these are the alien's wings.

    You can also sew a mesh fabric along the inside seam of the panties. So the child will be more comfortable if the holiday takes place in the warm season.

    To make the DIY alien costume even more effective, make two more foam rubber arms and cover them with mosquito net and material left over from the overalls. When the arms are ready, sew them on at the level of the side seams.

Congratulations, you have completed the task!

How to make an alien costume with your own hands: option 2

An excellent effect will be produced by a children's shiny alien costume made by oneself. If you know how to sew on a sewing machine, we recommend choosing this option. Cut out a jumpsuit for an alien costume, you can easily do it yourself, the photo of the pattern is presented below.

The alien costume for the boy will highlight the original headdress, which you can easily make with your own hands.

    Take a sheet of foil and apply to your face.

    With a little pressure, reflect on it the outlines of all facial features.

    Cut holes for the eyes, attach an elastic band to hold the foil mask on the face.

Alternatively, you can use large glasses and build a headdress from the rain.

We also offer a photo-instruction for making a hat.

How to make an alien costume: idea 3

If you do not have a lot of time, we recommend choosing this option. To implement this version of the costume, you just need to stock up on foil, it is better to prepare a couple of rolls. Dress your child in a dark turtleneck and leggings, and wrap foil over the top. All parts of the alien costume with your own hands can be made from improvised materials - from foil.

You can complement the outfit with a cardboard box by making holes for the neck and arms.

Or make a headdress with antennas.

And finally, the easiest option is to make an alien outfit from dark garbage bags! Cut out rectangular pieces and tape them together to make a sweater. Reflective stickers glued on top will look great. Complete the decoration with a spectacular headdress, and your child will be the "soul" of the party!

Reading time: 2 minutes

Aliens are no less popular heroes of stories about space, like the astronauts themselves. We offer to make masks of aliens with children - this will allow you to turn on the fantasy to the fullest, because today no one can guarantee that they know what the aliens look like. Only 2 minutes to read the article, and how much creativity and creativity!

Alien masks are made of felt, ties are made of colored satin ribbons. For glamor and decor - rhinestones and wire antennas.


Felt is easier to work with than regular fabric. Children can cut out the details of the mask according to the template, glue or sew them, giving the desired shape.

For a carnival or a costumed space festival, face masks made of soft fabric (fleece) are suitable. If you bend the bottom edge, a sleep mask will come out: in this one you will definitely have cosmic dreams.

Another bright and malleable material for making masks is foamiran. It is easily cut, glued, changes shape when heated.

Glue a cardboard template to the plastic carnival mask. Humanoids are so cute! The main thing is more eyes and bigger ears - mom will not be recognized.

Plain hoop and wool for felting. Here's what you need to look like a space beauty on holiday! It is convenient to roll eyes on foam balls, which are often used by florists and decorators.

You can turn into an alien with a hair hoop in a few minutes. Attach the "brushes" on the wire - and you're done!

Cardboard egg trays can be used to make big-eyed alien masks. And what? Aliens look like this...

Making paper and cardboard is easy. Draw a symmetrical template, make holes for the eyes and attach an elastic band. Moving eyes for toys will decorate the "face" of an alien from outer space.

Fasten a strip of paper with a paperclip according to the volume of your alien's head. Then turn on your imagination and decorate the mask in accordance with the latest space fashion trends.

It is not known in what regions you will be brought during a space journey and who you will meet on the way. It would be nice to be able to read other people's thoughts and understand the language of aliens. You can't do it without special equipment...

Do-it-yourself alien mask can be made from foam rubber. It's lightweight, fits well and looks great.

Masks of complex shape are best made using the papier-mâché technique. For the base, you can use foil, and then glue it with pieces of paper and paint.

The possibilities of this method of making masks are endless.

Needlewomen in space will not be bored. In such a hat, you will be accepted as one of your own.

We are waiting for your ideas and advice in the comments. Show what alien masks you have and don't forget Space Adventures on the site.

Hooray, our fabulous train is pulling up to the next station - carnival, and today we are talking about New Year's costumes for children, as well as carnival masks and other ways to transform into a festive evening.

Articles about New Year's costumes for children are already waiting at the Karnavalnaya station!

Selection #1:- fungus, shark, jellyfish, octopus, paper doll and other simple children's costumes for the New Year (and not only) can be done with your own hands!

The best children's books

And here are some more photo ideas about how you can use face painting at the New Year's carnival:

The simplest New Year's costumes for children: TOP-20

In our collection there is no division into carnival costumes for girls or boys, we do not single out the outfits of heroes of fairy tales or famous cartoons in a separate selection - rather, we have chosen those costumes that look bright, interesting and that you can repeat with your own hands.

1. Ladybug Costume

How to make a puffy skirt for this costume is easy to learn from the video in paragraph 4 (about the kitty costume). And the wings of a ladybug have the easiest shape to make - rounded. Of course, you will have to stock up on wire and patience, but what a bright result you will get!

2. Smurf costume

Here's how to make great smurf hat with your own hands (and no worse than in a fairy tale) - see the video (less than 3 minutes):

3. Mouse costume

Such a suit will look especially good on a little hostess. Don't forget the nose! This is the most fun part of the costume.

Mouse and ladybug costumesfrom here >>

4. Kitty costume

In this video you will find a detailed tutorial on how to make a New Year's cat costume. The skirt, depending on the color, can become the basis of a variety of carnival costumes:

5. Snow Queen Costume

How often the crown becomes the key to the whole costume - for the queen and the snowflake, the mistress of the copper mountain and the sun, the Christmas tree and the star... How to make a beautiful New Year's crown with your own hands? One of the very beautiful master classes is in the video (18 minutes).

If painstaking work for the sake of a very effective result does not scare you, if there is time and the opportunity to make a little bit every day (a few handmade “diamonds” at a time) - you can make a wonderful diadem crown, as in the video (12 minutes):

6. Elsa costume from the cartoon "Frozen"

A luxurious white braid can make any girl happy, which is probably why this cartoon carnival costume is so popular. Although, of course, this is not the only thing: cartoon characters are loved not only for their appearance. To live a holiday in the role of Elsa or the Snow Queen is unforgettable!

7. Tinker Bell Fairy Costume from Peter Pan

The summer outfit of the Tinker Bell Fairy is simple, and how wonderful it is to feel like a mobile summer heroine in the midst of winter! All three wonderful New Year's costumes (The Snow Queen, Elsa and the Tinker Bell Fairy) - from here >>

8. Peter Pan costume is the easiest option

9. Mermaid costume

10 Owl Costume

11. New Year's Rapunzel costume

How to make your own Rapunzel braid? For a detailed master class, see the video lasting 13 minutes:

13. Bob the Builder Costume

14. Astrologer costume

A stargazer needs a cone hat with a brim. A master class on making cardboard hats with your own hands will help you make it. We just attach a cone prepared in advance in size to the fields - and we have in our hands a blank of a stargazer's hat, it remains to decorate it!

15. Carnival costume "Ninja"

For those who make a "combat" New Year's costume (for example, a knight or a knight), a master class on making a sword, shield and armor out of cardboard may be useful:

16. Children's New Year's costume of the Lion (Lion Cub)

17. Pony Rainbow costume for the New Year

18. Dinosaur Costume (Lizard)

And here is a simple paper alternative to a tailored dinosaur (or dragon) costume, in which it is intuitively clear what to do and how to do it:

19. Carlson's suit

20. Masha's costume from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Simple children's New Year's costumes that can be repeated "based on" - a photo for inspiration!

If you want to make a carnival costume for a child on your own, first you need to “catch the idea”. Ideas for the holidays - they are everywhere: on the Internet, with friends, in the store. And in this little gallery:

Elena Shevtsova

I bring to your attention photos of costumes handmade. There is a ready-made presentation with patterns, but, unfortunately, I could not publish it, so if you are interested, write in messages.

1. Costume"Heroes"

2. Costume"Queen of Autumn"

3. Alien costume. Made from Energofol. on the front suit glued colored gears and a screen panel from an old gas meter

4. Suits"12 months". sewn raincoats: white - winter, green - spring, red - summer, yellow - autumn.

5. Costume"Scarecrow Garden". Made from old men's suit using bright patches. On the head is a hat, to the bottom of which a tow imitating hair is sewn.

6. Costume"Koschey". Black tights and a turtleneck are required. bones cut out of oilcloth and glued with double-sided tape.

7. Suit Primer. It is made of a wooden frame upholstered with plywood, on top of which a full-color print with the image of Zhukova's primer was glued.

8. Clowness Zabiyaka Arnoldovna

9. Attribute"Sled" to enter the music hall

10. Surprise bag-walker moment

11. Festive attribute"Spoon" for staging "Semolina"

12. surprise. Robbers against the hero. this is a comic game - the purpose of which is to snatch a hemp rope from the hands of a strong man-hero. the robbers fail to cope, since the rope is stretched through the sleeves of the hero-child and it turns out that they pull the rope not from the hands of the child, but from each other

13. Game: who will roll the snowball around the Christmas tree faster

14. Game: bag run

15. costume"Two cheerful geese"

16. Christmas wall decoration in the music room

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