Holiday father's day in kindergarten. The scenario of the holiday in kindergarten "my dad is the best." Competition "The Strongest"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type "Fairy Tale" p.g.t. Urengoy, Purovsky district

Pedagogical project

Contest " The best dad!

Balan Evgenia Nikolaevna,

music director

p.g.t. Urengoy


Target : psychological rapprochement between children and parents, the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance.

Tasks :

    using game, competitive forms to create conditions for rapprochement between pupils and parents;

    create a message for the formation in children of the correct and positive social status of the father in the family;

    to form and educate in children a correct understanding of the role of the family in the lives of children, pride and respect for parents;

    initial formation of harmonious gender relations.

Hall decoration:

On the central wall of the hall there is a poster "The best dad!" On the side wall there is a photo exhibition of dads, family photos; garlands, balloons, artificial flowers.Background music, including during breaks and before the start of the holiday, while participants and spectators gather and take their seats.

Slideshow: family vacation or family photos, dad at work.


Fabric 50x30 cm, threads, needles according to the number of participants, scissors, rope, two chairs, balls,

children's things, cubes.

Holiday progress:

Leading: Hello dear guests!

Outside the windows, blue evening thickens,

And you came to us to rest at this hour.

Let mommy's shoulders straighten,

Let jokes and laughter sound here with us.

Today, at the celebration in front of us, the best dads are taking an exam!

Only here, only for you, a festive program in which

you will hear songs, poems, music, plunge into the world of jokes, a sea of ​​games and competitions, and at the end of our program a surprise awaits you.

Leading: The most precious people for us are our parents. Moms and dads. They are always with us. They love us more than anyone in the world. It is impossible to say who is the most important person in the house. Everyone in the family loves, respects and values ​​each other equally: children, parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters.

Let's greet our parents.

Everyone gives a standing ovation.

Leading: So, the main character of our holiday is dad. Let's find out more about him.

(Showing a film where children's interviews about dads are recorded. These can be reviews, moms, kindergarten teachers).

Children, let's show once again how much you love your dads.

Children scream loudly, clap their hands, turn to their dads, blow a kiss.

And so, dear dads, these verses are dedicated to you.

Children read poetry.

1 child:

Guys! You don't know my dad?

Meet soon, today he is here.

He came to the holiday and shines all over.

He doesn't go to work today

But at home, dad has a lot of worries.

2 child:

I'll tell you without embellishment:

At home, dad is the highest class!

All week long

Looking forward to Saturday and Sunday.

3 child:

Here comes Sunday

And with dad we go for a walk.

It's great guys

Walk side by side with dad.

4 child :

Not because you are beautiful

Or rich

Ile are strong

What no one knows about you

Or knows half the country

Not because you are brave

If they throw the cry "To the gun!",

Chorus: We love you for being dads.

"Song about dad" is performed. sl. M. Tanich, music. V. Shainsky

Leading: And now let's test for dads - contests. Which of our dads is the strongest, dexterous and resourceful.

An independent jury is being created. He is elected by the jury members or a chairman is appointed, who manages the work of the jury: asks to raise the signs, sums up the number of points, gives explanations.

Each member of the jury has drafts - leaflets with the name of the competitions and plates with the number of points that they will raise after the end of the competition.

Each competition can be evaluated separately or in total, based on the number of participants.

Leading: Only 1 representative of the family can take part in the competitions: dad or grandfather. A contestant, with the permission of the chairman of the jury, can call for help from a grandfather, a child, and even a mother. 1 point is deducted for each assistant.

So, the jury members took their places, and we meet the most

brave, skillful, strong and smart, in general, the most wonderful dads - participants in our competition.

To the music of the pope, they go to the middle of the hall, they are assigned numbers.

Leading: Well, now everything is ready, let's start, and our first competition is called "Whose things"

Several children bring in and pile up the things of the children from the group (scarves, hats, jackets, etc.). Things need to be prepared in advance.

Option 1. Dads should take those things that belong to his child and put them on him.

Option 2. Things belonging to different family members are piled up: mom, children, dad himself, grandfather. The Pope must put things on those to whom they belong.

1 Competition "Whose things"

Leading: Let's give the floor to the jury. Let's listen to the first results (the jury announces the scores for the first competition)

Leading: In the next competition, we will test our dads for speed. The competition is called "Who is faster." Two large chairs are placed with their backs to each other at a short distance. On them lies a rope or rope. At a signal, dads sitting on a chair should quickly pull the rope towards themselves. The one with the rope in their hands wins.

2 Competition "Who is faster"

The jury announces the results of the second competition and the total score.

Leading: The next competition is "Balloon". Dads hit balloons with their heads. The main rule of the game is not to touch the ball with your hands. The one who holds the ball the longest wins.

3 Competition "Balloon"

Leading: While the jury is deliberating, you can rest a bit and listen to ditties.


We begin to sing ditties,
please don't laugh.
don't look at us like that -
we can be embarrassed!

daddy, daddy, daddy,
You know how much I love you!
You are funny and beautiful
The smartest, the strongest!

So that the children do not get sick,
Dressed up, ate deliciously,
You are rarely at home
You disappear at work.

And today is a beautiful day
Non-working, day off.
On dad's holiday, on dad's holiday
Relax, stay with me!

I eat porridge and sour cream.
I have strength!
Still I won't fight
Just don't come near me!

We dug in the garden
Worms found in the ground
So the girls were scared
That they are completely gone!

The mouse ran across the field
twisted her paw,
I'll grow up, get married
For the native folder!

I have two girlfriends
With trendy glasses
And daddy will bring me
Shoes with heels!

All ditties quailed,
yes, that's how good we are!
you clap more friendly,
we tried our best!

The jury announces the results of the third competition and the total score.

Leading: And now our dear dads, weknow how well you handle a hammer and other toolsmi. And now we'll see how youdeal with needles and thread.You need to sew on as much as possible during the time the children are singing the song.more buttons per piece of fabric. (A song is performed at the choice of the music director)

4 Competition "Skillful hands"

Leading: The next competition is called the “intellectual competition”.

Questions are asked in turn to each dad. 1 point is awarded for a correct answer. The dad with the most points wins.In this competition, there is an opportunity to score a lot of points, as you can answer for the opponent if he does not answer in 20 seconds!.The one with the most points wins.

1. What do wood and a rifle have in common?(Trunk.)

2. What is pocket artillery?(Grenade.)

3. Why not build a house? (Without corner.)

4. Where can you find dry stone?(In a river.)

5. Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain?(under wet)

6. What is the name of the beginning of the relay race and its end?(start and finish)

7. Who is called a fighter of the invisible front?(Scout)

8. About whom they say that he is mistaken once?(About the sapper.)

9. A turtle is crawling - a steel shirt. What it is?(Tank)

10. Not God, not a king, but you can't disobey. Who is this?(General.)

5 "Competition of intellectuals"

Leading: So, our competition is over, the jury is summing up, and we will listen to beautiful poems.

1 child : My dad is funny, but strict and honest.
It is interesting to read and play books with him.
And it's boring to go sledding without dad.
No one can laugh that loud.

2 child : My dad is a wizard, he is the best.
He instantly turns into what you ask for.
He can become a clown, a tiger, a giraffe.
But best of all he knows how to be a dad.

3 child : I will hug him and whisper softly:
- My daddy, I love you very much!
You are the most caring, most dear,
You are kind, you are the best and you are only mine!

4 child : You are strong and brave and the biggest
You scold - on business, and you praise - with soul!
You are the best friend you will always protect,
Where necessary - you will teach, you will forgive for a prank.
I'm walking by, holding hands!
I imitate you, I'm proud of you.

The jury announces the results of the fifth competition and the total score.

Leading: Well done! And our next competition is called "The most dexterous". On the floor in a circle, cubes are laid out one less than the number of players. Dads stand in a circle and start moving to the music. As soon as the music stops, you must quickly take the cube. Whoever lacks a dice is out of the game. The game continues until there is only one winner (the game is played to music).

6 Competition: "The most dexterous."

The jury announces the results of the sixth competition and the total score.

Leading: Next and final contest.

"Dance". Now cheerful music will sound, to which you should give us your charming dance. So, maestro of music. It sounds like an apple.

7 Competition: "Dance"

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results of all competitions, girls and boys will support their dads with a fun dance.

Dance with prams "Give Daddy"

Leading: Let's give the floor to our jury.

The jury sums up the competitions and announces the winner.

The presenter congratulates dads, presents the winners with medals made by children.

"Dad is my pride"

Letters are awarded to dads:

"The Smartest Dad"

"The funniest dad"

"The Most Resourceful Dad"

"The Fastest Dad"

"The Bravest Dad"

"The strongest dad", etc.

Leading: Yes, our dads are really the most, the most!

Well, our holiday is over.

At parting, we should wish:

Have fun from the heart, just like your little ones!

More often childhood to remember, to play with the kids.

And then you, without a doubt, will do without treatment.

Be happy, healthy

Ready for adventure!

So that every day and hour

They just made you happy!

Leading: I think everyone is already a little tired and hungry. What is a holiday without food? Our mothers prepared something delicious for us. Let's drink tea together.

Organized tea.

Kirochkina Natalya Valerievna - Educator MADOU Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 5 "Romashka", Ivanteevka, Moscow Region.

The date of receipt of the work for the competition is 07/07/2016.

Sports holiday for dads "Father's Day" (preparatory group)

Target: promotion of a healthy lifestyle among families of preschool children.

1. Draw the attention of pupils to the holiday.
2. Develop team spirit; bring families together for a common celebration;
3. Education of patriotism;
4. Improve motor skills and abilities.

Holiday motto:“We’ll have a great time - we live together with dad!”

Working with parents: we involve parents in the organization of the holiday and the design of the group. Weekend itinerary: "Alley of Heroes". Exhibition of drawings: "My dad is the Defender of the Fatherland." Making gift cards with pupils.

The course of the holiday
Children come in and stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Today is an unusual day in our kindergarten.
We invited your dads
to wish them Happy Father's Day!
We are celebrating a big holiday today,
We invite guests to our kindergarten.
Dad takes out his best suit,
He goes to his children for a holiday.

Popes come in to applause and make a lap of honor. Then they take their seats.

1 child.
Guys! You don't know my dad?
Meet soon, today he is here.
He came to the holiday and shines all over.
Our dads obviously
Very busy people
Disappear at work
Daily all year round.
He doesn't have to go to work today
But at home, dad has a lot of worries ...

2 child.
I'll tell you without embellishment -
At home, dad is the highest class.
All week long
Looking forward to Saturday and Sunday.
Here comes Sunday
And with dad we go for a walk.
How, that's great guys
Walk side by side with dad.

3 child.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
On his shoulder
Even a difficult one.
He's also a naughty
The mischievous and the prankster,
With him every day
Turns into a holiday.

The song "Papa" of music is performed. T. Kulinova.

Come on, dads, stand in a circle,
Get the ball in your hands.

Game "Pass the ball"

Let's continue the holiday
We will play the game
But in order to play, you need to solve the riddle.

Balls, what color did Piglet like?
. For whom is the ball the favorite mode of transport for the ant or for the mosquito?
. Who tried to convince the bees that he is a big cloud?

Volleyball game

2 teams of 6 people - the game is played 2 times. The rope is pulled, the children stand on both sides. The leader counts to ten, the children throw balloons to the territory of the opposite team. The host commands the stop game and counts the balls lying on the floor. Which side has more balls, that team lost.

Well done! Dear children, your grandfathers and fathers served in the army or navy. Our glorious warriors protect our country so that we can all live in peace under the peaceful sky of our Motherland. They are masculine and bold and you guys want to be just like them, of course. And now we will show you how strong, strong, dexterous you will grow to become a worthy replacement. And our dads and grandfathers will help us with this.

Contest "Crossing"
Participants are divided into two teams. Dads cross their arms and plant one child. Whoever sends more children, that team won.

Leading: And now let's rest, "Halt" is announced.

Girl. Winter blizzards whistle through the windows,
Girls want to congratulate boys.
Thank you for being so naughty
Cheerful, noisy, often funny.

Girl. We are with you behind a stone wall,
There are no problems or grievances behind her.
We want to stay the same
And only in computer wars to fight.

Leading. The second test for our men. In the army, in the service of the military, there is equipment, without which it would be very difficult to protect our Motherland, our peaceful life. What kind of military equipment helps to defend the Fatherland?

The teams are given split pictures depicting military equipment (airplane, helicopter, tank, ship, submarine), and children with adults must collect as many of them as possible.

Leading. I will make riddles, and you raise your hand if you have a picture with a clue.
Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight.
The man controls it.
What's happened? (Airplane.)

I take off without acceleration,
I remember the dragonfly.
Takes flight
Our Russian ... (helicopter).

I walk in an iron shell,
All lined with armor.
I shoot projectiles

I am very formidable in appearance ... (tank).
Under water iron whale
The whale does not sleep day and night.
Day and night underwater
Keeps my peace. (Submarine.)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars.
Our people built this
Interplanetary ... (rocket).

Competition "Ski track of Russia"
On one pair of skis, dad and child move to the landmark and back.

Contest "Kind words about dad"
Children say the word and put a match in the apple. At the end, each team presents its "hedgehog".

The game "Pull-pull"
Unbeknownst to the children, any of the dads is inserted into the sleeves of their outerwear with a rope and offered two teams a tug-of-war, while helping the weakest.

Competition: "Infantrymen" (They move to the counter: dad walks in big steps, the child crawls between dad's legs like a snake, run back)

And we continue talking about our dads.

4 child.
My dad is funny, but strict and honest.
It is interesting to read and play books with him.
And it's boring to go sledding without dad.
No one can laugh that loud.

5 child.
I will hug him and whisper softly:
My daddy, I love you very much!
You are the most caring, most dear,
You are kind, you are the best and you are only mine!

6 child.
You are strong and brave and the biggest
You scold - on business, and you praise - with soul!
You are the best friend you will always protect,
Where it is necessary - you will teach for a prank you will forgive.
I'm walking by, holding hands!
I imitate you, I'm proud of you.

7 child.
We are very similar - me and my dad,
I'm waiting for him to come home soon.
Let's revere together, we're sure
Books by Mikhalkov or Marshak.

8 child.
I want to imitate my dad in everything,
Even keep a spoon at the table,
With dad we play, joke and sing,
Double the fun if we're together.

And now our competition will be held under the slogan “Real Man” (children's stories, dads recognize themselves).
Further mini-competitions are held in pairs.

1 mini-competition: “Papa-owner” (Dad runs, wakes up the child, puts on a coat, a hat and together they run to kindergarten)

2 mini-competition: “A real man must be strong” (Dad puts the child on his shoulders and crouches with him)

3 mini-competition: "A real man should be able to cook" (In the same plates poured: ascorbic acid, flour, salt, soda, powdered sugar, starch. Task: taste and name correctly)

4 mini-competition: “A real man must be dexterous” (Rule: whoever quickly twists the cord around himself to the middle. An adult with the help of his hands, a child - circling around himself)

6 mini-competition: “A real man must have skillful hands” (Dad assembles a meat grinder, the child tightens the nuts)

7 mini-competition: “What should a real man do in his life?” (Plant a tree, build a house, raise a child - “Build a house”: according to the scheme, a house is built from a builder)

And now we will ask our dads
Become boys
And a merry dance now
Here we dance.
The holiday is coming to an end
It's very sad to part.
In a circle, guys, all stand up,
Farewell dance begin.

Dance with dads (in a circle)

Presenter: And so our holiday came to an end. Dear dads and grandfathers! So that you smile today, your children have tried for you! And on this wonderful holiday, they have prepared gifts for you.
Treat with a drink "Vitamin" for all participants.

Children give gifts to dads and grandfathers.

Leading: - Hello our guests. Today we have gathered here to celebrate a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

(sounds like a beautiful tune)

When ice lies on the river and the blizzard rushes into the distance.

February brings a wonderful holiday to us.

The holiday of all soldiers, defenders, fighters will come.

Everyone will be happy to congratulate both grandfathers and fathers.

me for my dad Kirill Z

I don't regret anything

We are best friends with him.

Where is he and I.

You are strong and brave Sonya B

And the biggest

Scold on business and praise with soul.

I'm walking nearby, Denis R

I'm holding my hand

I imitate you

I'm proud of you!

My grandfather dear Nastya B

We are all proud of you

And I'll tell you a secret

There is no better grandfather in the world

I will always try

Look up to you in everything

Daddy-daddy! Katya K

How I love you!

How happy I am when together

We are going for a walk!

Or do something

Or just talking.

And what a pity you again

Let go to work!

The song "We are soldiers - brave guys"

Dance "Dance with me my friend"

Presenter: How good are the kids

We danced from the heart!

And now we are looking forward to another performance. Meet the smallest participants of our festive concert.

Dance "Engine - bug" (first junior group)

Leading: We have a strong army! Brave soldiers in the army! When our kids grow up, they will also go to serve in the army. And now they're just preschoolers.

Dance "Sailors"

Leading: Every citizen of Russia has a sacred duty - to protect his native state, to ensure peace and tranquility for his compatriots with all his might. Therefore, he also has the honorable right to be called the Defender of the Fatherland. Always, at all times, the Russian army enjoyed well-deserved respect and glory.

Arthur G.:

We walk confidently

Like at a parade

We want to be resilient

Not for fun.

Sasha C.:

We exercise day and night

Ready to engage

Big balls to catch

And exercise while running.

Vanya E.:

Aty-baty, wider step,

Hey, keep your balance.

Soon in the native army

There will be replenishment!

Song "We walk like soldiers"

Dance "Soldiers"

Well done! Everyone sang, walked and danced like real soldiers, defenders of our Motherland. And now look, a real captain is coming to us.
The song “Captain Smile” by I. Dunaevsky sounds, a child comes out in a captain's cap.
Captain (Artem P.)
I am a brave sea captain
I'm not afraid of a big hurricane.
I'm not afraid of any storm
Sailors! Get up all behind me!

Timur B.: We guys love the sea.
Over the seas and over the waves
In combat we go on patrol -
“Today here - and tomorrow there! »
The captain will order strictly -

Let the cars run!

Hello blue road!
Our ship is sailing.
Capless and vest,
And on the anchor ribbons,
Large buckle on belt
The sailor is not given in vain!

Vanya P.

Our banner flies over the ships,

And behind the stern - an azure wave.

We will grow up and become sailors,

We will protect you, country!

Song "Sailors" (preparatory group)

Dance "Sailors" (middle group)

Contest "Pass the ball"
Pass the ball between the landmarks and throw it into the goal. Who is first.

Leading: And now, while our children are preparing for the next issue, I invite dads to answer questions.

Competition "Intellectual" (parents)
1. The outcome of the battle in our favor ( victory )
2. What a soldier thinks and what he eats from ( bowler)
3. Big naval chief ( admiral)
4. Warship ( cruiser)
5. Combat land vehicle ( tank)
6. Sea cook (cook)
7. For her, and "to die is not at all scary ..." ( homeland)
8. "It's hard to study..."(easy in combat)
9. What are the military ranks (private, foreman, sergeant, corporal, warrant officer, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, general)
10. Name the types of small arms. (pistol, rifle, machine gun, machine gun, flamethrower, grenade launcher, musket, mortar)
11. What is another name for a pilot?(Pilot.)
12. A soldier on a combat post? (
13. Sea robbers? ( pirates)
14. Teenager learning to sail? ( cabin boy )

Leading . Indeed, not only adult sailors are serving on the ship, but also teenagers who are just learning to sail. This is yoongi. Meet them.

Dance "Salazhata"

Leading: Today we congratulate not only the military, but also our beloved dads, because they are the strongest, smartest, most caring.

Evelyn D.

Dad's holiday - the main holiday:

All boys and men.

And so today

We want to congratulate them.

Vika Petrova:

I want to congratulate dad

Let the salary rise

So that you do not work in vain.

Vika Pichinkina:

Better than a man's dad
Not to be found in the whole world!
He can hammer nails
And rinse the clothes.

Sonya M.

Dad has a job! Dad cares!

And he has no time to play with us.

And we love him! And we are waiting for him!

But if our dad takes the day off,

How cool with him, he's so groovy!

Dasha F.

And my dad is the best
Loves all my friends
He will cook semolina porridge for us,
Will not wash the dishes.

Sonya G.
Dear daddies,
Our beauties
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you all the best.

Song "About Dad"

Early in the morning the sun will wake up the house,

Wash fun with dad we go.

We'll do the exercises, we're in a hurry for breakfast.

And the kitten Murzik Hello, we say.


My dad is the strongest, handsome and big.

He's very, very smart, he's tall.

And there is no more reliable friend I have friends.

It's good that we have a friendly family.

My daddy knows a lot,

And of course share knowledge with me.

Days fly by together, no time to be bored,

Dad helps me know everything in the world.


If I just load it - it's here, like here,

There is a route to the zoo or to the cinema.

Can play ball or hockey,

Immediately mu call all my friends to the game.


There will be sparks in his eyes,

If I laugh out loud in his arms.

I will hug him tightly, whisper in his ear,

That I really, really, really love daddy

I love daddy, I love daddy.

Zagorodnov Rodion

Today is dad's day, I congratulate him!
And on Defender's Day, I wish him
With me, as with a man, to be considered,
And sometimes get back a little obey.
After all, I, of course, will be a general
And I will not forget my father's courage.

Ksyusha Ch.

Goibov Artur

I want to be like my dad.
I want to be like a dad in everything.
How is he to wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.

Be strong, smart, don't be lazy
And do everything like him - for five!
And don't forget to get married!
And ... take our mother as a wife.

Azyrkina Nastya Al.

One two three four five -
Let's congratulate dad
Defender's Day has arrived!
Wishes - just a flurry:
ONCE - do not know the diseases of the eyelids,
To flaunt health.
TWO - work without alarms,
And for THREE - salaries on time.
For FOUR - bright days,
Good, devoted friends;
Never lose them...
Yours to flourish!
And on FIVE - great love,
Happy Defender's Day, hero!!!

Anfisa S.

I know that my dad used to be too
He was a very good and brave soldier.
I love dad, and he will certainly
I want to congratulate you on this military holiday ...

Now I'll climb up on a chair,
And I will sing a song to him loudly.
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the success of the child.
Song about father and daughter

Leading: All soldiers are in time:
And serve and rest.
Ladies are invited to dance.
Come out to dance.

Dance "Vasya - cornflower"

Leading. How proudly the words sound: "Defender of the Fatherland"! Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready to defend our Motherland and us at any moment. Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and courageous.

Misha S.

In our army the country
Dad is protective.
On the border he's at war
They won't let us into our house.

Sergei P.
Grow big soon
I myself, like a father, will become.
That's when I'm with him
I'll be at the border.

Dima F.
I really, really dream
Hurry to become a soldier
To my own mother
And defend Russia!
I will put on my boots
And a soldier's cap
Goodbye, mom and dad
I am a brave soldier!

The song "Don't be afraid, mom!"


On a February day, a frosty day
Everyone celebrates the holiday.
Girls on this glorious day
The boys are congratulated.

Let's now congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts, we wish them to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember the high rank of men.

Masha K:
May luck be with you
Only you are friends with us,
Help us in everything
Protect us from others!
Ksyusha I:
In general, lovely boys,
We'll let you in on a secret:
Better than you in the world
Nobody, of course!


Together: We are girly girls

We have a lot of fun

We are ditties about boys

We will definitely sing.

Ksyusha Ya.: All boys in our group

They love to excel

Who draws, who sings

Someone is having fun!

Masha K.: Ch to be strong and smart
And the girls like it
Every boy in our group
He does sports.

Nastya P.: We congratulate the boys

And we wish that they

And they didn't forget about us

They defended it the best they could.

Ksyusha Ya.: And our boys are very

They love to run and play.

And promise to learn

On 4 and on 5!

Masha K.: Today we wish

Treasure friendship from childhood!

Protect our borders

Honestly serve the motherland!

Together: We sang all ditties,

And made a little noise

You clap, friends,

After all, we tried not in vain!

Leading: Soldiers and commanders of the Russian Army protect our peaceful life. You can't call their service easy. You have to be strong so as not to get tired, courageous so as not to be afraid, and skillful in order to handle weapons without mistakes. And you also need to love your homeland - Russia.

Poem about motherland

Natakhin Vanya

There is no more beautiful edge in the world

There is no homeland brighter in the world!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

What can be dearer to the heart?

Who was your equal?

Anyone has been defeated!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

We are in sorrow and happiness - with you!

Russia! Like a blue bird

We protect and honor you

And if they violate the border,

We will protect you with our breasts!

And if we were suddenly asked:

"And what is the country dear to you?"

- Yes, because for all of us Russia,

Like a mother, alone!

Dance "Flag"

Leading: On this wonderful February day, we once again sincerely congratulate you, our dear defenders, on the Day of the Russian Army. Thank you very much for the peaceful sky, for the bright sun, for our peace and confidence.

Leading . Let the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the formidable guns be silent

And machine guns do not scribble

So that people live, cities!

Peace is always needed on earth!

The song "Song of the World" is performed

1. We live on the same earth,

And for everyone, it is home.

So beautiful land in flowers

With a bird of peace in the clouds.


So let's all be friends

And give each other love.

Oceans and forests.

So let's make a circle.

Let's smile at each other.

And then the earth will flourish.

For you and me.

2. Let's draw our house in flowers,

Mountain slopes in rivers and meadows.

Summer rain and radiant heat,

And our blooming globe of the earth.

3. There will be a rainbow over the earth

And lift us all with him.

And we'll see you and me

How beautiful is our land.

Entertainment with the participation of dads, dedicated to the holiday "Mother's Day" in the preparatory group for school.

This entertainment will be interesting for educators, primary school teachers, parents, children. The main goal of this event is to involve dads in the life of their children, groups, kindergarten. Teach games that they can use on weekends at home, in nature, when guests with children come.
Attributes: Yogurt according to the number of participating children, balls, balloons, pieces of fabric of different sizes and colors, cones - landmarks, hoops, cards with numbers, letters of the alphabet, music center.
Presenter: Family is the most precious thing any person has. His family is his strength.
Children read the poem "Family"
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family!
(M. Langer)
Children sing a song about family.
Leading: But, but there comes a moment when dads stay at home alone with their children. Dad needs to do everything, gather his daughter for kindergarten, send his son to school, cook dinner and many other household chores. We have found such dads who are ready to demonstrate all their ability to manage household chores. But first, I want to introduce you to my co-host Sonya.
Let our mothers rest
Today dads will replace them
Let it be for a little, a little
Let them use their skills
Let them show what they can
Daughter will be dressed, son will be fed
And they will play and sing, poems will tell
Will we help?
Outside the windows, the evening quietly sneaks
But you found time to come to us for an hour
Let mothers sit down now comfortably
After all, jokes and laughter here sound only for you
Today our dads will prove to everyone in the world
What are they capable of when their beloved children are nearby.
Presenter: We will start our evening with small video stories of children “My dad is like that”
Let's look at dads through the eyes of children. There is a saying: "The mouth of a baby speaks the truth." So let's hear what the kids have to say about their dads. (video)
Questions that were asked to the children
1. Mom has a lot to do before the holiday, so the guests will come, and mom needs to have time to cook a festive dinner, create a beautiful hairstyle, you Tayusha help her as best you can, but what does your dad do? (children's answers)
2. You and your mother came home from the kindergarten, your mother has a birthday today, you Glebushka gave your mother your beautiful drawing, which you prepared in the kindergarten, congratulated your mother, kissed you tenderly, you and your mother prepared a festive dinner and are waiting for your father from work. And then the doorbell rings, you open it, dad is standing on the threshold, and what will happen next?
3. You, Dianochka, conscientiously went to kindergarten all week, and now they are the long-awaited weekend. It's beautiful, warm weather outside. Dad is lying on the couch watching football. You go up to dad and ask: “Daddy, let's go for a walk?” What answer do you think dad will give you?
Presenter: Dads tensed a little, but in vain, the children told only all the best about you, since our dads are the most wonderful, kind, attentive. And now it's time to get acquainted with the participants of our competition. These are the dads who will compete for the title of "Best Dad"
Presenter: Guys, do you think dads were ever little like you? Did you go to kindergarten? (children's answers).
Was when dad
small like me
He launched boats
Swim along the stream.
(M. Plyatskovsky)
Presenter: And now dads will tell one of the funniest, or saddest, but most importantly, the most memorable stories from your childhood, when you were the same age as your children are now.
Presenter: How many interesting things we learned about our dads, let's sing a song for them about how much we love them all.
Song: "About Dad"
Presenter: In all competitions, as a rule, there is a jury, but our jury today is mothers who will applaud your success.
Competition: "Best Outfit"
Today you have to take the child to kindergarten, but mom ran away to work and didn’t leave clothes for the child, you need to get to the kindergarten on time, and you have to dress the child in what you find at hand. (Dads are offered a choice of different colored pieces of fabric, clothespins, as well as clothes from a corner of mummers). You must design clothes for your child.
Presenter: So, dear dads, daughters and sons, you beautifully and most importantly smartly dressed in kindergarten, but the child says that I won’t go to kindergarten until we eat. You have to quickly, tasty feed your "sun".
Competition "I can do everything"

They say that you can not do several things at once, but this is not about our dads. Dad should feed the child with yogurt with one hand, read a poem and hit the ball with the other hand, so at the same time you will do morning exercises.

Leading: And now dads will rest a little.
I propose the next competition for the audience "With a song through life."
A fragment of a children's song from a cartoon or from a distant childhood of your mother sounds, you must remember the name or a few words from this song and sing or name it. For the correct answer you get a chip, the one with the most chips wins.
It's great to know
Sow bread and sing a song
Throw a haystack, chop wood
Weed the bed clean.
Make a table or a bed
The house is well maintained.
(N. Palaguta)
Presenter: They dressed the children, fed them, took them to kindergarten, did morning exercises, and now you can go to work. You know how to work perfectly, and in this you are helped by dexterity, courage, quick reaction, quick wits. I will approach each of you in turn and say the beginning of any proverb. You must finish the proverb quickly or the turn will pass to someone else.
Competition: "Literary".
For example: The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
1) Life to live………not a field to go
2) That bird is stupid, ... ... which its nest is not cute
3) Whoever burns himself in milk, ... .. blows on the water.
4) Without difficulty ... you can’t even pull the fish out of the pond.
5) The whole family is together ... ..and the soul is in place
6) Better a tit in the hands ... .. than a crane in the sky.
7) Meet by clothes ... .. see off by mind
8) Away is good ...... but at home it's better.
And some more brainstorming:
1. The log was sawn into 3 parts. How many cuts were made? (Two).
2. How many nuts are in the empty glass? (Not at all).
3. How many sides does a trapezoid have? (Four).
4. How many crocodiles swim in the Black Sea? (No one).
5. Mom knitted three scarves and five mittens for the children. How many mittens does she have left to knit? (five).
6. February has come. Eight daisies blossomed, and then three more. How many flowers have bloomed? (No one).
Presenter: In a healthy body - a healthy mind and a smart head (Sports competitions)
Children are given cards from 1 to 10.
Dads alphabet from "R" to "C"
- Now, to the music, you will perform different movements (march, dance, run), and when the music ends, you need to stand in order.
Relay "Dad, me and the ball."

Participants stand in pairs - parent and child. Each pair (in turn) takes a balloon and, holding it with their heads, runs to the finish line and back, passes the balloon to the next pair.

Relay "Clothespin"
The first one runs to the landmark, runs around it, returns, takes the next player and runs around the landmark with him and returns, they take the next one, etc. while all players must hold on tightly to each other.

Relay "Eye of the Needle"
The relay is about getting the couples to the finish line by passing the hoop over themselves, i.e. the couple putting the hoop on themselves, jumping out of it, putting it on again, etc.

After a dynamic pause, you should work mentally.
Presenter: You are not just our dads, but you are the dads of future first graders. This is a very big responsibility and not only your children should be ready for school, but you too. And we will conduct a small test of your readiness:
A child is ready for school when:

Motivational readiness is
1. when the child wants to go to school:
2. since he will be a student, and receive "five";
3. will buy a new briefcase, uniform, school supplies.

The overall goal of education in a modern school is:

A) labor and polytechnic education;
b) mental education;
c) versatile and harmonious development of personality.

Disciplined child:

A) always and everywhere follows the rules of conduct;
b) does not fight and is not late;
c) follow the rules of conduct at school.

.Dance "Why" performed by children

Literary quiz for parents (moms can help if needed)
1. "Who will remember?" the word that Aibolit repeated when he went to Africa? (“Limpopo”).
2. There are sockets with sweets, jam and sugar on the tray. You need to choose what the Fly-Tsokotuha treated the butterfly to? (Jam)
3. You need to remember who put out the sea in the fairy tale "Confusion" (butterfly).
4. Pictures with images of various animals. You need to find those of them who are mentioned in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians" (cat, bear, donkey, dog, hare, hedgehog). The task is carried out at speed.
5. “In the box is an object with which the evil stepmother tried to destroy the beautiful princess. What is this object and what kind of fairy tale is it? (Apple. "The Tale of the Dead Princess...")
6. Count the heroes in the fairy tale "Turnip" (6), "Masha and the Bear" (4), "Gingerbread Man" (7), "Ryaba Hen" (4)

Presenter: Well. our evening ends. In parting, we want to wish:
Dads, play with your children
Have fun, get busy
You will always be healthy
And cheerful and cheerful
And great mood
You will always be full.
In a beautiful name Man
Gathered courage and become
Ability to think and dream
Being inspired for no reason.
Know how to love, know how to give.
We wish you health and good luck.
May joy and dreams be near.
And let of all male moral qualities
The strongest is kindness.
(M. Severnaya)
Dance: "Colorful game." All parents.

Family Representation Contest

The teams confer and give a brief description of their families (profession, number of family members, hobbies). For each team, a business card with the name of the team is made. (Eagles, Hawks, Lions, Tigers…). You can come up with a motto for each team, a slogan.

Competition "The Strongest"

Who pulls up on the horizontal bar more times: each team member pulls up as many times as he can. The total number of pull-ups for the entire team is displayed. The score is kept with chalk on the pavement. The points are awarded by the educators themselves or by a specially created jury.

Competition "The most successful angler"

The contestants need to use a fishing rod to catch fish from a bucket or basin of water. (Fisherman toy game) A bandage will be put on in front of the father-child. The child will have to voice (to the left, to the right, straight ahead) to help dad to reach the pond. When the dads reach the pond, they take off the bandage and fish from the lake with a fishing rod. All this takes 5-10 minutes of time. Whose team will reach the “lake” faster and catch more fish, that one will win.

Competition "Race on cars"

A hoop is put on the child and the father, the child is given a steering wheel, the father holds the hoop and they must run to the base and back. So the father must transport his entire family.

Competition of intellectuals

1. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

2. What is pocket artillery? (Grenade.)

3. Why not build a house? (No corner.)

4. Where can you find dry stone? (In a river.)

5. Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

6. What is the name of the beginning of the relay race and its end? (start and finish)

7. Who is called a fighter of the invisible front? (Scout)

8. About whom they say that he is mistaken once? (About the sapper.)

9. A turtle is crawling - a steel shirt. What it is? (Tank)

10. Not God, not a king, but you can't disobey. Who is this? (General.)

Competition "Agile footballer"

Pins are placed on the field, participants need to move the ball across the field without knocking down a single pin. Control the ball with your feet.

Contest "Collect a house"

At the command of the host, the children carry a designer from a common box for building a house, each member of the children's family can take only one part per run. From these details they must build a house. The speed of execution, originality and completeness of the building are evaluated.

Competition "Tug of war"

Whose team will pull the rope from the two competing teams, that will remain the winner.

Competition "Smart and fast"

The chair contest is a common children's game where the chairs are placed in a circle and there is one more player than there are chairs. The players move in the same direction around the chairs to the music, and when the music stops, they sit on the nearest chair. Whoever does not have enough chairs is eliminated from the game, taking away one chair. The game continues until the quickest of the remaining two players sits on the last chair.

Competition "Mysterious"

four wheeled beast
In our garage now.
Dust swirls from the wheels -
Ours is driving ... (car)

What is a silk ribbon
Is it worn under the collar?
Dad says hello to everyone
Having slightly corrected the fashionable ... (tie)

We'll dial dad's number
Let's put the phone to your ear.
He will quickly connect with dad -
Our mobile ... (phone)

He has a big buckle
Well, he himself is thin, poor thing.
Dad wears all day
Hard leather ... (belt)

Who are all these riddles that we have solved together? Of course, about our beloved dads!

Competition "Skillful hands"

Now we will see how you deal with needles and threads. You need to sew as many buttons on a piece of fabric as possible while the children are singing the song. (A song is performed at the choice of the music director)

Competition: "The most dexterous"

On the floor in a circle, cubes are laid out one less than the number of players. Dads stand in a circle and start moving to the music. As soon as the music stops, you must quickly take the cube. Whoever lacks a dice is out of the game. The game continues until there is only one winner (the game is played to music).

Competition "Dance"

Now cheerful music will sound, to which you should give us your charming dance. So, maestro of music. It sounds like an apple.

After the competitions, it will be great to give medals made by children to the winners-dads.

"Dad is my pride"

Letters are awarded to dads:

"The Smartest Dad"

"The funniest dad"

"The Most Resourceful Dad"

"The Fastest Dad"

"The Bravest Dad"

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