The norms and rules of decency for men and women are the basis for conducting secular conversation and behavior in society. Rules of etiquette for a modern woman: how to behave in society

In the modern world, not knowing the rules of etiquette means spitting against the wind, putting yourself in an uncomfortable position. Unfortunately, many perceive the observance of certain norms and rules of communication as something shameful, considering this a sign of highbrow aesthetes who are very far from real life. However, these people forget that rude and tactless behavior can cause the same reaction in response.

In fact, the basics of etiquette are quite simple. This is a culture of speech, elementary politeness, a neat appearance and the ability to manage one's emotions. Both apply to both men and women.

  1. If you say the phrase: "I invite you" means you pay. Another wording: "Let's go to a restaurant" - in this case, everyone pays for himself, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, she can agree.
  2. Never do not come to visit without a call. If you are visited unannounced, you can afford to be in a dressing gown and curlers. One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!”. If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."
  3. Don't ask a girl out on a date and, even more so, to communicate like that with her.
  4. Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. In doing so, you show how important the communication device is in your life and how much you are not interested in annoying chatter going on nearby. At any moment, you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again check the feed on Instagram, answer an important call or get distracted to find out what fifteen new levels have come to Angry Birds.
  5. Man never does not carry a women's bag. And he takes a woman's coat only to carry it to the locker room.
  6. Shoes should always be clean.
  7. If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to you person, should say hello and you.
  8. Many people think that you can only eat with chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Unlike women, men can eat sushi with their hands.
  9. Do not talk on the phone. If you're in need of a heart-to-heart conversation, it's best to meet with a friend face to face.
  10. If you have been insulted, you should not respond with similar rudeness, and, moreover, raise your voice to the person who insulted you. Don't get down up to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.
  11. On the street the man should go to the left of the lady. On the right, only military personnel can go, who must be ready to perform a military salute.
  12. Drivers should remember that in cold blood splashing passers-by with mud is blatant incivility.
  13. A woman may keep her hat and gloves on indoors, but no hat and mittens.
  14. Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of the medicine, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor.
  15. Arriving at the cinema, theater, to a concert, you should go to your seats only facing those seated. The man goes first.
  16. The man enters the restaurant always first, the main reason - on this basis, the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the institution, and who will pay. In the case of the arrival of a large company - enters first and pays the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came. But if a porter meets visitors at the entrance, then the man must let the first woman through. Then he finds empty seats.
  17. Never you should not touch a woman without her desire, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her hand above the elbow, except when you help her get into or out of a vehicle, or cross the street.
  18. If someone calls you impolitely (for example: "Hey, you!"), do not respond to this call. However, there is no need to lecture, educate others during a short meeting. It is better to teach an etiquette lesson by your own example.
  19. Golden Rule when using perfume - moderation. If by the evening you smell your perfume, know that everyone else has already suffocated.
  20. A well-mannered man will never allow himself to fail to show his due respect for a woman.
  21. In the presence of a woman, a man smokes only with her permission.
  22. Whoever you are - a director, an academician, an elderly woman or a schoolboy - entering the room, say hello first.
  23. Keep correspondence confidential. Parents should not read letters intended for their children. Spouses should do the same with each other. Anyone who rummages through the pockets of loved ones in search of notes or letters is doing extremely ugly.
  24. Don't try to keep up with fashion. It is better to look not fashionable, but good, than bad.
  25. If after an apology you are forgiven, you should not return to the offensive question again and ask for forgiveness again, just do not repeat such mistakes.
  26. Laughing too loudly, talking too loudly, intently looking at people is offensive.
  27. Don't forget to thank your loved ones people, relatives and friends. Their good deeds and willingness to offer their help is not an obligation, but an expression of feelings worthy of gratitude.

I am very sensitive to the rules of good taste. How to pass a plate. Do not shout from one room to another. Do not open a closed door without knocking. Let the lady go ahead. The purpose of all these countless simple rules is to make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with our parents - this is stupid. I am careful about my manners. It's not some kind of abstraction. It is a language of mutual respect that everyone understands.

American actor Jack Nicholson

Someone said a long time ago that there is no friendship between a man and a woman. A very simple conclusion follows from this: even if friendly relations are maintained between them, some subtext of flirting is always present. You shouldn't be afraid of this. It is only necessary to separate understatement and hints from simple communication, if it is not expected that they will soon move to a qualitatively new round. Well, if you really want to go...
At a minimum, the girl's behavior should not cause irritation and be pleasant in any situation.

Etiquette of communication with a guy

Of course, you need to start with the simplest. The girl must look good. This does not mean at all that she should be wearing expensive clothes, cosmetics, perfume. Everything can be very simple, but neatly and tastefully selected. Of great importance is well-groomed hands and feet, a hairstyle suitable for the general image.
It is equally important to observe the same harmony in behavior. Active gestures and facial expressions, a loud voice and inducing laughter cause rejection and will not help lead to continued meetings.

Modern emancipation should not completely hide from the eyes (and other senses) of a man that a girl needs his guardianship and care. To demonstrate this, trivial tricks from the rules of etiquette that have developed over many centuries are perfect.

  1. Approaching a chair near the table before dinner, you need to look back at it. This is enough for the man to help sit up.
  2. When overcoming any obstacle, a man can (and should) give a hand, otherwise he may be ashamed to offer his hand first and find himself in an ambiguous position (did not help).
  3. If a girl accidentally witnessed a meeting of her companion with acquaintances, one should not strive to take an active part in the conversation, a kind greeting and discreet attention are enough.

Etiquette of behavior with a guy

When communicating with a man, you should demonstrate to him an interest in him. The girl should not "to keep the conversation" incessantly talking. A more favorable impression will be formed about her if, by asking leading questions, she provides an opportunity to speak to her interlocutor. This simplifies further communication and is a good example in the etiquette of behavior with a young man.

  • If a girl is invited to a restaurant and offered to choose a treat of her own taste, she should choose something from the average price range: the cheapest dish will demonstrate that she is shy, the most expensive - her faux pas (suddenly her companion has a limited budget). You should not run every 15 minutes to "powder your nose" and chat on the phone.
  • Traveling in a car requires certain skills. If a girl is with a stranger, you have to wait until he opens the door in front of her (it's great if even an old friend does not forget about it). So she will not be mistaken with the place where she has to go. Sitting in the car, you need to gently lower yourself onto the edge of the chair, and then move the legs inward. When exiting, it is also better to first, slightly turning, put your feet on the ground, and then stand up.

What kind of behavior do girls like guys

Finally, how to behave with a guy who liked and likes, with whom the girl is not averse to continue acquaintance?
First of all, the girl sets the distance. If she allows herself or a guy to violate her, then sympathy has arisen. This can be clearly demonstrated by random light touches ("talking" looks have not been canceled).

On an intuitive level, if a man sees a girl constantly touching her hair, wrists, he understands that he has come to his heart.

Many people forget about such seemingly common truths, and then they are surprised for a long time that a man who really liked at the first meeting, and with whom the girl would not mind getting to know better, suddenly disappeared. Do not alienate someone who can become your only one with petty negligence and adhere to etiquette not only for acquaintance and rapprochement, but also in everyday life.

Etiquette must be observed even in friendship
(Japanese proverb)

For some reason, many teenagers, and even adults, believe that the rules of etiquette are for bores and highbrow aesthetes.

But none of them think that etiquette makes you a well-mannered, pleasant person and rewards you with characteristics that sometimes we all lack.

In order for you to feel confident and appropriate for the situation, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with a few rules that you can use every day and at the same time not stand out as a "black sheep" at all.

Just by starting to follow these rules, you have a unique opportunity to be not only cute and beautiful, but also well-mannered!

1. Do not put the phone on the table at a party, restaurant, cafe and at a meeting with friends. You came to talk with certain people, forget about the VKontakte feed, Instagram and the thirteenth level of your favorite game for these few hours.

Enjoy live communication with those with whom you came. Forget about the means of communication and try to ignore the desire to fiddle with the phone. Thus, you can offend friends or interlocutor.

2. Don't give your bag to a young man. A man can carry a heavy backpack or package, shopping bags, or, in extreme cases, you yourself :). Don't let him carry a lady's handbag, even if her own hands come off.

3. Keep your shoes clean. Keep a pack of wet wipes in your bag and wipe down your shoes if they get dirty. Whenever leaving the house, make sure your shoes, boots or boots are clean.

4. Late to the cinema or theater? Make your way to your seats in the center of the hall only facing those who are sitting.

5. Never use a lot of perfume. It may seem to you that the smell of your favorite perfume does not come from you, but believe me - the crowd around you can simply suffocate if you go too far with the dose :).

6. Greet your elders first. When entering a room, always greet older people first. If you meet a man, he should say hello first. Are you going with your boyfriend, and your girlfriend with hers - to a meeting? Then girls greet each other first, boys second, and only after that, you greet your friend's boyfriend.

7. Don't eat on public transport. Of course, we are not talking about stealthily bitten chocolate or candy. Hot dogs, sandwiches, glasses of water or bottles of beer are all prohibited, as you can stain others or irritate them with the smell.
8. Correcting makeup, hair, manicure is possible only in the ladies' room. No nail filing at the table, much less wiping mascara with a napkin. To do this, toilets were invented in all places.

9. A man enters a cafe or restaurant first. The only exception is the situation when the doorman meets you and opens the door. Then the first lady enters.
10. Get in the car right. We open the door, sit down on the seat and pull both legs simultaneously into the salon. We also leave - standing with both feet on the asphalt.

11. Always say "thank you" and "sorry".

12. Eat carefully, do not champ, do not pick your teeth.

13. Do not sniff your nose and do not wipe it with your sleeve. Use a napkin or handkerchief for this and do it better in the toilet.

14. DO NOT be late. Worst case scenario, 15 minutes. And don't forget to warn your friends about the delay.

15. Cover your mouth when you sneeze, yawn and cough. No one cares what's inside you!

16. Do not dry the umbrella open.

17. The bag cannot be placed on the table..You can put a small clutch on a table in a cafe, but a large bag can only be hung on the back of a chair or attached to the floor.

18. A man enters the elevator first, and then he comes out- who is closest to the doors from it.

19. Sit behind the driver in a taxi.

20. Do not use jargon in your speech. Also - it would be ideal not to use a mat, foreign words like "OK" and other "incomprehensibility".

I hope my little tips will help you become a little better!! Have an etiquette question? Ask it on the site

State Educational Institution of the Moscow Region for orphans and children left behind

without parental care "Transfiguration"


"Etiquette for Girls"

Prepared by:


Zhuravleva E.I.


You can be anything: correct, protesting, modest, loud, obedient, rebel, smart, hooligan, dandelion girl or scandal girl; you can listen to any kind of music and follow any principles you like; You can even set rules for yourself and break them yourself. But in any case, it does not hurt to have an idea of ​​what rudeness, bad manners and bad manners are. And not because the world has gone mad. But because it is becoming fashionable to observe etiquette.
1. Hello!
You can greet in different ways: a kiss, a handshake or just kind words. The main thing is that the greeting should be “heard” only by the person to whom it is directly addressed, and not by everyone around. Therefore, avoid deliberately loud greetings, long hugs and hot kisses.
With a verbal greeting, the boys greet us first, and we are charged first of all to greet older people. If on the street, walking with a boyfriend, you met a girlfriend who walks her friend, then first you greet your girlfriend, then your young men - with each other, and only after that you should say “hello” to the boys.
A long pause at a meeting looks very awkward. Do not be afraid to say hello first and follow the aphorism in such situations: the one who is better brought up is the first to say hello.
2. Street etiquette
In ancient times, when men carried a sword on the left, a tradition developed: the young lady goes to the right of the knight. Then another rule appeared - a man should go where it is more dangerous (for example, from the side of the roadway). Modern etiquette says: a girl walks on the right on formal occasions, but in ordinary life you don’t have to bother. Shamelessly loading a boyfriend with heavy bags is normal, but in no case should you give him a handbag.
Eating ice cream on the street is not a sin, only for this you need to step aside, it’s even better to sit on a bench in the park (by the way, it’s much more convenient). But entering public transport with food, bitten hot dogs and open bottles is extremely indecent. By the way, in Singapore, until recently, even chewing gum was banned on the street.
If you open an umbrella, make sure that it does not hurt other people. According to etiquette in rainy weather, a young man holds an umbrella over a girl's head if they are the same height or slightly taller than her. If the difference in height is great, each carries his own umbrella. Or a young man goes without an umbrella :) If after rain you enter the room, put a cover on the umbrella, yes
and in general try to keep the umbrella closer to you, so as not to wet someone.
3. By clothes
The main requirement for clothing is its cleanliness. It’s not bad, of course, to make sure that the clothes correspond to the place, time, and nature of the event.
In case of doubt, it is always better to choose a slightly more conservative option.
You can put yourself in order only at home or in the "room for girls." Combing your hair, brushing your nails, straightening your clothes in public places, at the table, on the street is not comme il faut. Well, unless you just tint your lips.
4. In da house
They are waiting for you at exactly the appointed time, the kettle puffs on the stove, the sandwiches are getting cold on the table. Despite the fact that it is generally accepted that the “right” guests are always a little late, this is strictly prohibited by the rules of etiquette. Having greeted the guests, you should not arrange a thorough study of whether there is a lot of dust on the piano and whether the dried ficus has been watered for a long time. Girls with manners should not stare at everything;)
Do not often look at the clock while visiting. If it is necessary to leave before the other guests begin to disperse, do it unnoticed by the rest, after apologizing to the hosts.
Think carefully beforehand. The main rule is that guests are invited to the table no later than half an hour after the start of the party, even if not everyone has gathered yet. Keep in mind that even in spite of severe bouts of hunger, it is impolite for the hostess to pounce on food and eat everything first. The guests must eat first.
5 Your entertainment
Being late is stupid, because if this happens, a well-mannered young lady will have to sit on the first empty seats that come across, even if you have the most expensive tickets in your pocket. Remind that before entering the hall you need to turn off your mobile phone, we hope not? It is also forbidden to laugh out loud, throw popcorn, rustle chocolate wrappers and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the protagonist for the whole room.
A young man should always enter a restaurant, cafe and other similar establishments first, and you should follow him. Sitting at the table, he should hand you the menu and offer you to choose first. Then he looks at the menu himself and orders the waiter for both of you.
Start eating when the order is brought to everyone. Only if those waiting in the wings themselves offer you to start eating, you can start chewing before others.
Blowing on food, sniffing it, smacking it, and also laying out your elbows on the table is not welcome. The biggest mistake, worse than picking your teeth with a fork, is eating with a knife. A tablespoon is not sent to the mouth as a whole. To painlessly eat the remnants of the soup, you need to tilt the edge of the plate not towards yourself, but away from you. If you find yourself in an awkward situation, accidentally spilled or dropped something (who doesn’t happen to you), don’t rush to immediately correct your oversight. Wipe the tablecloth only with a napkin, while the crumbs do not brush off the floor, but collect them in a napkin. If pieces of food or drops accidentally fall on your clothes, remove them discreetly.
In a restaurant, many are confused by the abundance of appliances. Do you remember the reaction of the character Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman? In fact, a very simple basic principle applies here: always start with the appliances that are closest to the plate, and for each subsequent dish, use the appliance that lies closest. When the cutlery lies horizontally above the plate, they are for dessert. It’s easier with glasses - the waiter himself pours where you need it. Take them from right to left as they are only on one side of the table. No need to warm your hands on the glasses, tightly wrap both hands around a cup of coffee, tea, and it is customary to hold glasses of champagne and wine by the leg. Will you ask why? And so that the drink does not lose the ideal temperature faster than necessary. When finished eating, put the knife and fork in parallel. During the break, the knife and fork are placed crosswise. In cafes, a used tea bag is usually put aside on a saucer. And when stirring sugar with a spoon, do not touch the edges of the cup so that there is no sound.
If after dinner you decided to refresh your already light girlish breath with chewing gum, then know that before throwing away the annoying lump, it is better to pack it in a piece of paper napkin or paper. And do not try to stick gum under the table, under the chair, under the bench, and also throw it into the ashtray.
The bill is usually paid by the person who invited. The waiter will bring the bill to the person who ordered. The invoice is submitted so that the amount is not visible. If you pay by celebrating, for example, a holiday with friends, there is no need to demonstrate how much was spent on them. When invited, avoid two extremes: ordering the most expensive dishes and being overly modest.
6. Hard gestures
Imagine what happens if you wave your arms while walking, fussily adjust something in your clothes or hair, often pull up your sleeves to look at your watch, constantly take something out of bags and pockets and put it back? Not beauty.
7. You are in the stadium
So, he succeeded. I mean drag you to a football match. Of course, it is your direct duty to cheer on your favorite team or player, but it’s not worth it to scream heart-rendingly, shout insults at the playing teams and any of the fans (from a squabble to a brawl). If possible, do not jump up from your seat during the critical moments of the game, so as not to interfere with those who are sitting behind. Each game, competition is a kind of art, and real connoisseurs gather to watch them. Are you one of them?
8. You and shopping
The seller is the face of the store. Say hello when entering a small shop (this is not necessary in a supermarket).
If you plan to become a regular customer of a small shop, such as a bakery in your home, it is appropriate to get acquainted. Be friendly, but not pushy. It would be good to outline in advance what and how much you need (with a large list, it is best to make a list), so as not to take time from other buyers and the seller. You can only address the seller as "you", regardless of her or his age. The appeal “girl” to an elderly woman seller looks ridiculous and tactless (they can be regarded as a mockery, didn’t you mean that?). You don't have to shop just because you went to the store, you don't have to feel embarrassed if nothing you tried on didn't fit. But still, you shouldn’t spend hours trying on, chasing the seller back and forth and forcing you to bring one thing or another, no matter how cool it may be. Refusing to purchase, say "thank you" to the seller for their attention.


Etiquette is a set of rules of good manners. There are a lot of them. But those who make a career, want to succeed, and who have to deal with elites, need to study them especially carefully.

Etiquette helps people to behave correctly in any situation and society, without causing other people any inconvenience. Refined manners, correct speech, stylish image - all this plays an important role.

There are several types of etiquette:

  • the ability to present oneself: a properly selected wardrobe, well-groomed appearance, elegant gestures, posture, posture;
  • speech form: manners and culture of speech and communication;
  • table etiquette: table manners, knowledge of serving rules, the ability to eat;
  • behavior in any public place;
  • business etiquette: negotiations and relationships with superiors and colleagues.

Good manners for women

First of all, a girl or woman should look good. She should have a neat and well-groomed appearance, clean clothes and shoes, a properly selected bag and accessories.

Of the basic rules, you need to highlight the following:

  • Spirits must be used wisely. A strong smell of deodorant or even elite perfume is considered bad manners.
  • In choosing jewelry and accessories, it is better to show moderation. A large amount of jewelry or jewelry looks too catchy.
  • You can preen only at home or in a specially designated room for this, but in no case in public places. In society, you can only quickly look at your reflection in a small mirror and tint your lips.
  • A lap bag is not the best choice. So they sit at the station. It is better to put a purse or a small handbag on the table.

A woman should always behave like a real lady, avoiding offensive remarks, inappropriate flirting and other liberties.

List of etiquette rules for men

A man should also look elegant, be neatly combed and adhere to the following rules:

  • Skip the companion forward when entering the room.
  • Don't put your elbows on the table.
  • Sitting down at a table, first move the chair to the lady, and then to yourself.
  • Do not leave your companion alone.
  • Do not smoke in front of a girl without her permission.
  • In the room, in the presence of a girl, take off your hat.
  • When exiting the bus or car, give the lady a hand.

A gentleman must not carry a women's bag, and he can only bring women's outerwear to the dressing room. On the street, a man should walk to the left of his companion.

Without the consent of the girl, the gentleman has no right to take her hand or arm.

Etiquette for children

The upbringing of children should be based on etiquette, because they will have to live in society. It is difficult for children to learn all the rules, but although the most important of them they should know:

Behavior at the table:

  • sit at the table only by invitation;
  • eat with your mouth closed without speaking;
  • get up from the table only with the permission of an adult.

Speech etiquette:

  • always say hello and goodbye;
  • express gratitude and respect;
  • do not interfere in the conversation of older people, do not interrupt them.

Guest etiquette:

  • invite guests in advance;
  • do not go to people without an invitation;
  • visit only in a good mood;
  • stay away for no more than 2 - 3 hours, so as not to annoy people.

Having learned these simple rules from childhood, the child will adhere to them in the future.

conversational etiquette

The culture of communication among many young people is considered an outdated concept, and completely in vain. After all, it is speech etiquette that helps to achieve authority and gain the trust of others. The list of these rules is quite long:

  • When entering a room, you should always say hello first. This rule applies to everyone, regardless of age and status - schoolchildren, pensioners, directors or ordinary employees.
  • At the meeting, the first person to greet is a man - a woman, a junior - a senior, a latecomer - a waiting one, an employee of a junior rank - the boss.
  • When greeting older people by position or age, be sure to stand up or rise. Giving a hand while sitting is a sign of bad taste.
  • A man should always introduce himself to a woman first. You can not leave people to themselves and oblige them to give their names themselves.
  • After meeting, it is desirable to shake hands. It is impolite to give only the tips of your fingers.
  • Interrupting an interlocutor is very bad. But you can and should express your interest in the subject of conversation.
  • The rules of small talk allow you to talk about anything you want, but without going into details and avoiding controversy.
  • It is necessary to monitor the pace and timbre of your voice: it should be natural, but not tense.

Polite verbal forms and a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor help to create a favorable impression of yourself.

Telephone rules

You also need to know how to talk on the phone. Without seeing the interlocutor, you can say a lot of offensive and unnecessary things to him. But private telephone conversations are one thing, and occupational calls are quite another.

Main rules:

  • Do not pick up the phone after the first call, only after the second or third. For the saved seconds, you need to mentally prepare for a telephone conversation, postponing your business. In addition, if a company representative picks up the phone immediately after the first call, the client gets the impression that the employees have nothing to do and they just get bored at the place of work. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. If you pick up the phone later, the client may become nervous and lose patience.
  • First, be sure to introduce yourself, name your company, ask about the name of the interlocutor and whether he has time for a short conversation. After that, it is desirable to immediately proceed to the main question.
  • It is necessary to monitor the intonation and speed of speech. The voice should be clear, low, even and confident. It would be nice to match the pace of the person on the other end of the line.
  • Do not forget about polite phrases: “thank you”, “be kind”, “if you don’t mind”.
  • It is prohibited to use the speakerphone unnecessarily. The person on the other end of the line immediately catches the difference in sound and begins to worry that someone is eavesdropping on him. It may also be evidence that a company representative is engaged in extraneous (more significant cases) and part-time answers calls.
  • When talking on the phone, you can not smoke, drink and eat (chew gum). Although this is not visible, but all this is reflected in the speech and looks terrifying.
  • After using the hold function, be sure to thank the person for waiting. It is not worth keeping the interlocutor on hold for longer than a minute, it is better to say that after clarifying the necessary information, they will call him back.
  • At the end, be sure to say goodbye and thank the interlocutor for taking the time to talk. There is no need to apologize for wasting time.

Aggressive and demanding customers should be dealt with calmly, but decisively and confidently.

Good manners and business etiquette

If all employees adhere to business etiquette, a favorable atmosphere is created in the enterprise or firm, in which there is no place for conflicts.

  • You should never be late for meetings and business negotiations.
  • Company secrets and data confidentiality must be kept at all times.
  • During a business conversation, you should not stare at the face of the interlocutor or lean over him. Also, when communicating, tilting the head to the side is not allowed.
  • A business card should be served only with the right hand (even for left-handed people). The recipient of the business card should not hide it in the back pocket of his trousers or wrinkle it with his fingers.
  • Do not violate the boundaries of personal space and get too close to a person. The latter feels at the same time considerable discomfort. The minimum distance between interlocutors corresponds to the size of an outstretched arm. A person can only let relatives closer to him.
  • A guest arriving on business should be seated on the right hand side of the host.
  • You need to watch your speech. A particularly unfavorable impression is produced by slang words, errors in stress and the use of words in the wrong meaning.
  • For a compliment, you should always thank briefly and simply, without showing false modesty.
  • You always need to follow the position of the body and gestures. It is unacceptable to talk with legs wide apart, with hands thrust into pockets, stooping and gesticulating strongly.

Business etiquette is the rules without which it will not be possible to achieve success in business. They always try to adhere to them, even if instability reigns around both in politics and in the economy.

How to behave at the table

At the table, you also need to behave culturally. This applies to both family holidays and dinner parties in a restaurant, cafe or at a party.

Good manners at the table:

  • Never, ever, chew food with your mouth open. It looks terrible. Also, do not talk and laugh with the remnants of food in your mouth. This is not only ugly - you can choke on it.
  • Before you put a side dish, salad or appetizer from a common dish on your own plate, you must first offer them to those sitting next to you. They put food on themselves last.
  • In no case should you put your phone or smartphone on the table near you. This shows a person in a negative light: he is not interested in what is happening, he is constantly distracted by incoming messages and calls.

The table must be properly set, and all appliances laid out in their places.

Many people believe that at home you can behave freely and cheekily. But this is wrong, because parents and children, grandparents, sisters and brothers should show special courtesy and goodwill towards each other. In order for family relationships to be strong and sincere, you need to rejoice at the successes of loved ones, give thanks, support in all endeavors, speak kind words more often and find compromises.

The older generation must be treated with respect.

Parents also should not insult their children, use offensive language and read their personal correspondence.

Appearance according to etiquette

The ability to dress beautifully is an art that not everyone has mastered. It is the appearance that most influences the first impression.

  • Bright and colorful things are very striking. In a business style, they are not appropriate, they can only be worn in an informal setting.
  • Clothing should never be vulgar, especially for women. A short miniskirt combined with a deep neckline is the top of disgrace. Only one of the indicated elements can be present in the image.
  • All attire must be elegant. This means that all materials, styles and colors must be chosen with taste.
  • You need to dress in such a way as to emphasize the dignity of your figure and hide the flaws.

There are a lot of subtleties and nuances. If possible, you need to consult with an experienced stylist or tailor who will tell you which things fit well, which ones do not, what clothes are appropriate in a given situation.

A truly educated person behaves impeccably everywhere: both in society and at home. Since we live in a society, everyone should learn this.