Ideas for events in the office. We organize a New Year's corporate party in the office Office corporate party

Many people believe that a good corporate holiday is possible only in a cafe or a nightclub, at a country recreation center, a ship, or somewhere far away in nature. But the Mosevent Full Cycle Laboratory is ready to prove that a corporate party in the office can also be interesting, exciting, and most importantly, fulfill a number of business tasks, such as motivating employees and rallying them into a team. How is this possible?

What can we offer you?

We are sure that even in such a limited area and not prepared by default for recreation as your workroom, you can choose from a variety of event formats:

  • Entertainment programs. A festive treat with a mini-buffet or a la carte snacks, a solemn presentation of gifts, a photo zone and master classes, and if there is a sufficient room, a small concert with live music and karaoke is even possible - such a small corporate party in the office will be held at a decent level with us.

  • All kinds of games. Interactive quests within the office building, story games with the aim of shooting a video clip or TV show about the company, intellectual championships in the Brain Ring or “What? Where? When?" and similar gaming events effectively unlock the potential of your employees and teach them how to work together.

  • Creative representations. Our practice shows that holding a corporate party in the office with the involvement of the employees themselves arouses their keen interest and resonates, allowing them to reveal people from an unexpected side for colleagues. Therefore, such elements of the holiday as KVN, talent contests and skits will complement the program, making it more interesting.
  • Any other formats. The Mosevent Full Cycle Lab is open to suggestions. Masquerade on the theme of the cult film? Competitions in ping-pong or billiards, popular board games and Mafia, etc.? Invitation to your office of famous artists and stars? Nothing is impossible for us, we promise.

What do you gain with Mosevent?

Only at first glance it may seem that organizing an office holiday is quite easy. But in fact, it can take a lot of effort and time. Therefore, it is important that the support of our company has a number of advantages:

  • Serious experience. Mosevent Full Cycle Laboratory has hosted more than one corporate event in the office. After all, the NTS group of companies has been known on the market since 2005 and during this time has accumulated a solid store of knowledge and skills that can guarantee the successful implementation of any project.
  • Comprehensive service. We take care of the entire process, accompanying your program from start to finish. Our specialists will write a detailed scenario of the holiday, select hosts and animators, decorate the office space and equip it with the necessary equipment, provide food, photo / video shooting, reports and resolve other issues on the spot.

  • Individual approach. Mosevent eliminates boilerplate solutions. With us, you will always find an original product adapted specifically for your company. Due to this, you will get a truly unique and positive corporate organization in your office - do not doubt it.
  • Favorable prices. We try to make cooperation with us economically attractive for your company. To do this, we minimize all costs, find ways to simplify production processes and carefully select partners. Therefore, our price is affordable and completely transparent to you.

We are confident that after considering all these factors, you will make the right choice. Together with the Mosevent Full Cycle Laboratory, your company will be able to hold a successful corporate party from all points of view in its office!

It was creative and left the best memories for all guests, you should take care of the format of its holding.

We bring to your attention stylish and unusual ideas for unforgettable corporate parties for every taste.

1 // office party

A corporate event that takes place in the format of social networks. It features performances by animators in capes with logos of popular apps, installation fences for writing messages, wall newspapers with the ability to place photos with comments on them.

With the help of special guns, the foam show can be held both indoors and outdoors.

If the company employs young and energetic employees, they are guaranteed delight and pleasure!

3 // In the format of the Eurovision Song Contest

Best suited for a team that has "singing talents". Each of the participants performs, after which the "jury" evaluates the performance and determines the winner.

The main condition is not to be afraid from head to toe to be in paints of all colors, with which, according to Indian tradition, participants sprinkle each other, while pouring water.

5 // In body art style

To create fantasy images of guests, face painting is applied to their faces during the evening, and a professional photographer and cameraman capture the created beauty on camera.

6 // Mafia game

An entertainment for a corporate holiday that has already become traditional, which allows you to show intuition and psychological qualities of participants.

Employees are divided into several teams and take part in a test of intelligence and decision-making speed, answering interesting questions.

A musical game to recognize a famous hit by the first notes of its fragment. The team that guesses the song the fastest wins.

To immerse yourself in the world of economic strategies, you will need a giant copy of the famous board game. In an enlarged format, some details will look very realistic.

10 // Trick Secrets

First, the magician demonstrates tricks to the audience for half an hour, inviting the audience as assistants.

During the next part of the program, he reveals the secrets to the audience and teaches some numbers.

11 // Interactive science show

In the company of "mad scientists" it will also be interesting for adults to look at chemical experiments and tricks, as well as to participate in scientific experiments themselves.

12 // Sixth Sense Game

Amusing props are used for entertainment, and players during the game need to use their 5 senses along with the sixth - intuition.

13 // Costume photo session

With the help of a dresser with props (costumes, wigs, accessories), colleagues are reincarnated into new images, in which the photographer captures them against the backdrop of the corresponding interior. And the captured photos can be placed on office calendars.

14 // With cartoonist

If employees are not devoid of a sense of humor, you can invite a cartoonist. A cheerful mood and a funny gift in the form of a self-portrait are provided for everyone.

15 // Dance Marathon

An experienced teacher of one of the types of dance is invited to the corporate party, who teaches those present his basic movements. And then all the guests, to the sound of music, demonstrate their skills to each other.

16 // Culinary duel

Two in one - both entertainment and treats for the holiday. Under the guidance of the chef, guests will prepare delicious dishes and have plenty of fun.

17 // Wine tasting

The invited sommelier will teach you how to properly use wine accessories and choose glasses for various types of wine, as well as share stories from the life of winemakers.

18 // Creative workshop

A great opportunity to have a good time and gain new knowledge at the same time. For women's groups, carving, decoupage, scrapbooking are suitable, for men - drum training, a master class on making cocktails, etc.

19 // Movie quiz

Movie buffs will love this one. They will be asked to recall interesting facts about domestic and world cinema, quotes and soundtracks from famous films.

20 // Olympic style

Skiing and sledding, snowboarding, team biathlon, winter football are the components of the corporate party, which is held by especially "hot" and sports teams. Instead of standard outdoor banquet tables, "warming stations" are installed for them.

21 // Promenade Theater

This type of acting performance, in which the viewer both observes the ongoing action and is freely involved in the interactive process as one of the characters.

With the help of professional decorators, an office space or a room specially rented for a corporate party is styled as a communal apartment, a pioneer camp, etc. The dress code is set according to the theme of the past.

23 // Joke Auction

During it, serious “for sale” lots wrapped in wrapping paper alternate with comic ones. The participant who offers the highest price for the mysterious item buys it and shows it to the curious public.

24 // With animals

The trend of inviting animal trainers to corporate parties has been gaining popularity in recent years. The spectacular culmination of the New Year's event will be the appearance of the symbol of the coming year.

25 // Eco-corporate

Natural food and drinks on the tables, natural materials in the decoration of the hall, guests' clothing style a la "rustic chic" - all these are elements of one of the latest holiday trends.

26 // Wellness-corporate

The trendy idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle can also be implemented in a corporate celebration. For example, you can organize a trip to a Turkish hammam or a Finnish bath, where you can enjoy the taste of herbal teas and healthy food in between sessions.

27 // ATV

Those wishing to feel the excitement of speed and adrenaline rush can be recommended to turn the ignition key, squeeze the gas pedal and go on a trip through the meadows, fields or forests. Vehicle rental services are offered by various quad clubs.

28 // Hot air balloon

Air flights for companies of colleagues are usually arranged at dawn or at sunset, when the sky around strikes the eyes of ballooning participants with unusual colors. At the end of the flight, everyone is given a commemorative certificate of participation in such a euphoric event.

29 // Exotic corporate party

Such a corporate party is good to hold on the shore of a reservoir or near a pool, surrounded by real or artificial palm trees and invited people in bathing or beach suits.

If the venue is an indoor venue, an alternative to sunbathing can be the use of tanning lamps.

30 // Musical

You can order a musical with the participation of employees from holiday companies. With the help of professional stage directors, a dynamic and spectacular dance and singing show will be presented to the attention of the audience.

31 // Shooting a movie

With the assistance of the coordinators of the film process, colleagues create their favorite film, the editing and premiere of which take place on the day of the corporate party. The result of the shooting becomes an unexpected surprise not only for the audience, but also for the participants in the story.

32 // Corporate Disco

The team is divided into 3 teams, each of which, for several rounds, together represents different musical eras: the 50s (dudes), 60-70s (hippies) and 80-90s (disco). A charge of good mood from beautiful music will go to everyone!

33 // "Like Guinness"

5-6 active and passive zones are placed on the site to set professional records. Thematic records of the company are thought out in advance, which will be broken at the corporate party by its participants.

For these and many other corporate ideas, welcome to the agency " »!

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So December has come - the busiest month of the year: submitting reports, meeting colleagues from all regional enterprises / divisions of the company, exchanging congratulations with partner companies, buying numerous gifts, searching for holiday clothes. Such an alluring and festive aroma of pine needles and tangerines is felt everywhere, the streets are decorated with multi-colored garlands, there are shiny tinsel on the windows, shops are overflowing with Christmas tree decorations for every taste and color, and the heart beats restlessly in the chest, it is warm and cozy in the soul, something is in the air. that is good and mysterious. The most magical holiday is approaching - the New Year!

Of all the corporate holidays, the New Year is the most anticipated. Pleasant New Year's fuss, anticipation of a magical holiday, the completion of what has been started, the fulfillment of desires. As a rule, New Year's corporate parties are held on a large scale. Preparation for the New Year begins in advance - 2-3 months, or even six months, regardless of whether we are talking about a large or small company. Many companies turn to event agencies for help who organize a turnkey corporate event: find and design a restaurant, cafe or bar, provide musical accompaniment, invite animators, artists, photographers, determine the concept of the upcoming celebration, design and print invitations. Such an organization of a corporate party is especially relevant for large holding companies: when numerous employees come from different regional branches, the official part (congratulations from the management, awards, thanks) is usually quite long, and the holiday itself is an occasion to get acquainted and meet all employees who are far from each other. friend for a year.

It is also common that you book a restaurant or cafe yourself, and then either you yourself or your chosen agency for organizing holidays are responsible for the content of the corporate party.

But if you realized it too late, because you thought for a long time and carefully chose, and as a result, the banquet hall you needed (in terms of area and rental cost) was not available, then you will have to organize a New Year celebration in the office. And this is not so bad, because the standard holiday repeated every year in a removable banquet hall has become boring for almost everyone. New Year's Eve in the office is another holiday format that has many benefits. There is a long-known rule for everyone: the most effective event is the one that is “do it yourself”. The same can be said about the organization of the New Year's holiday in the company's office.

It's not so bad to get away from the banquet-official atmosphere and stay to celebrate the holiday in a more homely and simple atmosphere - in the office, where we spend most of our time and which becomes a real second home for us. In such an environment employees feel comfortable and relaxed, because most of them are probably tired of the annual New Year's officialdom. And if at the same time a separate day is not allocated for the corporate New Year and the celebration takes place right after work, there is even less hassle and worries: no need to run home to change clothes, do festive makeup, evening styling, no need to puzzle over who to leave the children with, take a spouse or not ... In addition, in this case, employees will have much less their own cash costs for a New Year's corporate party, which is often an important factor.

At first glance, the organization of the New Year in the office may seem like a difficult and sometimes overwhelming task, but it is not. As a rule, if the company is small, the personnel director or office manager is responsible for organizing any holiday. Very often, these employees already have experience in organizing such events, so it will not be difficult for them to arrange a holiday.

So, the decision is made: office! There is one or two weeks for preparation, and during this time it is necessary to write a script, think over a program, decide on a budget (which, ideally, management should not be stingy), the number of guests, and a menu. In this case, the main items of expenditure include the organization of a buffet table in the office, the encouragement of distinguished employees, and the invitation of artists.

Let's discuss the main components of an office New Year's Eve party.

New Year's program

Usually the holiday includes official and entertainment parts (New Year's program and, of course, dancing). The ratio of these parts should be a total of 30: 70. The tone for the holiday is set by the leader, who congratulates, encourages, thanks the employees, sums up, and enthusiastically talks about plans for the future.

A properly thought out and organized New Year's program is the key to the success of the holiday. It should not be banal, hackneyed and pretty fed up with everyone. Need to create new year holiday concept in the full sense of the word. Naturally, the opinions and moods of the collective should be the guideline. Perhaps you will take into account the preferences and wishes of colleagues about previous New Year's Eve or organize the distribution of questionnaires with leading questions, or perhaps, as an experienced office manager, you simply know and feel the mood of the entire office and do everything at your discretion.

Theme of the evening. Traditionally, the holiday is performances by invited artists, competitions from the host, joint gatherings. All these components should be united by one idea. For example, you can arrange gangster party,alpine elves party,Indian tribes,pop bands of the 90s, ball of christmas decorations etc. In any case, it is better that all employees break into groups and form several teams. Each of these teams, a few days before the holiday, is given a task: to present the team, come up with a motto, an appropriate name for each team member, be in the appropriate outfit and with the appropriate make-up.

Take on TV! The scenario of a New Year's corporate party may include a culinary duel between teams, KVN, "Fields of Miracles", "Star Factory" or even "Dancing with the Stars". Of course, this will require preliminary training of employees, but such a holiday will be remembered for a long time.

The holiday gives everyone a great chance to demonstrate their creative potential, so you need to remember everything that you were taught in childhood: read poetry, compose charades, dance, act out, improvise. And who knows, maybe it is on this holiday that your talents will be noted not only by colleagues, but also by management.

A guest showman can act as the host of the corporate party, but a bright employee of the company will be met much more friendly: it is he who knows the contingent, the intricacies of the internal office life and will not allow overlays, inaccuracies and inappropriate jokes that are sometimes found with invited hosts.

When it is not possible to gather all employees in one room (there are many small rooms in the office, each of which contains a particular department), you can skillfully use the following office space: island party. Each department decides whether it will be the Canary Islands, the Bahamas or the Maldives (or maybe Cyprus?). Island residents, dressed in self-made national costumes, represent their habitat. You can also come up with your dream island. Each team prepares a short performance and talks about the peculiarities of their culture. A prerequisite is to treat guests with a signature dish and a signature drink. You can come up with the recipe and the name yourself. The team should learn as much as possible about the represented island, about its traditions and customs, in order to adequately tell the guests about them. In the prescribed sequence, the inhabitants of the islands “come” to visit each other, and after the “round the world trip”, the best island is selected based on the results of voting.

Instead of islands, there can be cities or countries, which is no less funny and informative. You can also invite the team to conduct, for example, italian new year: in Italy there is a tradition to throw old and unnecessary things out the window. In our country, it’s better not to throw anything out of the windows, but it’s quite possible to get rid of office trash along with negative emotions accumulated over the year and written on scraps of paper. Along with this, you can order Italian food - pasta, pizza, tiramisu. Another colorful option spanish new year: bright costumes, flamenco, delicious cuisine.

In a word, the theme of countries, peoples, capitals is inexhaustible, so for our century there will be enough sources of information to create New Year's scenarios!

New Year's performance. If there are older employees in the team, then it is not always convenient for them to perform numbers and participate in competitions. In this case, all the hope is for the younger employees: they present the concert program, and the senior employees are entrusted with the responsible and strict role of jury members.

Well, without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, the holiday will not be perfect. Employees from their home office, dressed as everyone's favorite grandfather and granddaughter, can be the hosts of the evening or come only to congratulate and present gifts. You can give all employees the task in advance to write a letter to Santa Claus with a story about their work and wishes. Santa Claus will read letters and encourage the best authors.

How to decorate an office?

First of all, do not forget about the need office cleaning, preferably general.

And now a fresh and radiant office can be decorated (remember that this is still your place of work, so choose fairly discreet decorations).

The main thing, of course, Christmas tree(usually artificial: less litter, and besides, it can be used for more than one year). If the office has a large hall, then it is possible to install a “wide-format” Christmas tree, if not, a desktop Christmas tree will beautifully complement the reception or reception area. If there is no reception, office decoration should start from the entrance (hallway, corridor).

Now almost everyone decorates the Christmas tree in the European manner - with plain balls. But in the West, this tradition is slowly ceasing to be popular: colorful balls are increasingly used for decoration.

One of the options for decoration - miniature postcards(purchased or self-designed). Tell all employees in advance that these postcards are for New Year wishes: it is likely that many will want to congratulate colleagues and write warm words to them, and you can read all the wishes aloud during the holiday.

You can organize a "New Year's mail" by decorating a stationery box and suggesting that employees throw postcards there. The reason for decorating your workplace for employees may be a message about the competition “Who will decorate the workplace most interestingly?”, The results of which will be summed up at the New Year's party.

Turning the office into a fabulous place will also help air balloons: they can be tied into garlands, hung in clusters, you can also write New Year's wishes and congratulations on them. Bright garlands, rain, confetti, tinsel, gilded cones, artificial snow, small Christmas trees of different colors, figures - symbols of the coming year (2013 - the year of the Snake) - New Year's paraphernalia there is always a place under the ceiling, on walls, windows and even on festive tables. Colorful posters with New Year's pictures and greetings can be an additional decoration.

Remember: when using garlands, fireworks, firecrackers, sparklers, one should not forget about fire safety rules.

Get comfortable!

The most suitable option is the presence in the office of a large room, and preferably two: a hall where a buffet table and a solemn part (the leader’s speech and awards) will take place, and a spacious office where the entertainment part will take place. Do not forget to organize an impromptu team of men who will help free the office from office equipment and desktops.

To make everyone feel comfortable

  • When distributing seats, division by departments, positions, or on any other grounds should be avoided. Either the team is celebrating together, or each department is celebrating at different times. A person should not feel disadvantaged because of the seat at the festive table. In this case, the so-called "principle of festive equality" is important.
  • In addition to a large room where the main action will take place, it is important to provide for a smaller, quieter hall. This is a kind of opportunity to retire for lovers of silence and for those who decide to take a break from the stormy fun. All employees are different, it is important that everyone is comfortable. When there is no opportunity for privacy, most often quiet-loving employees leave the event early.

We organize a treat

Increasingly popular are not traditional gatherings at a common table, but office buffet. You can organize it on your own or order it from a catering company or restaurant. The services of professional catering services have more advantages compared to the services of a restaurant. Catering companies can develop dishes according to your wishes. Such companies have more opportunities for organizing a buffet table than ordinary restaurants. The main advantage of a buffet table compared to a banquet is that a buffet table allows you to serve a much larger number of guests on the same area as a banquet. In addition, a banquet is more expensive per person than a buffet.

The most rational size of the buffet table is 1 m in height and 1.5 m in width. To find out how long a table you need, multiply the number of guests by 20 cm. The length of one table should not be more than 10 m. It is always better to put several medium-length tables than one large one. Traditionally, during a buffet table, such small tables are arranged with the letter “P” or “T”. When it comes to a buffet table in the office, the most suitable option is the arrangement in the form of the letter “W” or “G”. Thus, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will be used more rationally.

Table setting is unilateral and bilateral. With a one-sided table, it is covered on one side and is often placed against the wall. Bilateral serving means setting the table on both sides. This option is more convenient and common. In this case, guests have the opportunity to approach food and drinks from all four sides and, moving one after another (as it should be according to etiquette), fill the plates.

Exists several principles for arranging cutlery:

  • On tables covered with tablecloths, stacks of plates are placed, to the right of which are knives, and to the left - forks. Slightly to the right of the dishes, bottles with drinks and glasses of various sizes are placed. Dishes with beautifully decorated and portioned pies, salads, juliennes, tartlets, appetizers are placed behind the cutlery. The first row is occupied by small plates, closer to the center - salad bowls. The edges of the table are left free so that there is where to put the filled plates.
  • Food is placed on one (largest) table, dishes and cutlery are on the other, drinks, glasses and glasses are on the third.
  • During buffet tables, no chairs are provided near the tables. Semi-buffets are quite popular now (invited guests are seated only at the beginning of the holiday) and a buffet (guests are seated at tables without serving).
  • On the table there should be only those dishes that can be taken with a fork without using a knife (the word "buffet" comes from the French fourchette - a fork).
  • One of the most popular buffet dishes is canapes (skewers are often used for their decoration - there is no need even to use forks). Assorted cheese is also an integral part of buffet tables.
  • Cold snacks (cheese, meat, fish) for a buffet table are cut into small pieces for convenience, because. guests eat standing up.
  • When arranging dishes, it is necessary to observe the alternation of appetizers: for example, several meat appetizers should not be located side by side.
  • For a New Year's office buffet, it is appropriate to decorate each table with New Year's paraphernalia.
  • For guests who smoke (if any), it is necessary to provide tables with cigarettes and ashtrays, which are located away from the rest.
  • Additional tables should be provided for spare clean and dirty dishes.
  • General rules for laying the table for a buffet table: in the background there should be dishes that, over time and with temperature changes, do not lose their appearance and taste; dishes with ingredients such as butter, mayonnaise, caviar are put in the foreground. Meals are prepared at the rate of approximately 500 g per guest. Any gourmet buffet should contain at least 15 types of appetizers and several hot dishes. For a light buffet, you need several types of canapes, several appetizers and desserts. Suitable drinks for a buffet table: champagne, wines, vodka, juices.

For a simple buffet in a modest office setting, there is a minimum set: canapes, fruits, vegetables, cakes, toasts, wine, champagne, cognac. You can set the table with plastic bright dishes with the inscriptions "Happy New Year" and "Happy New Year!", napkins with New Year's symbols, Christmas tree bouquets. Under each plate, you can put a New Year's wish or "prediction" for the next year.

How to behave?

Let us recall once again the rules of conduct (unfortunately, they are not always observed at corporate parties).

According to etiquette, management comes to the corporate party a little later, and leaves a little earlier than the rest of the invitees. With the introductory speech of the leader, the holiday begins. From what this word will be, the further course of the holiday sometimes depends. When the company is small, you, as a competent secretary, can yourself encourage the manager to say thankful or recommendatory words to this or that employee by discussing these points with the manager in advance and compiling an appropriate speech for the speech.

Drinking too much alcohol, coming in too defiant and flashy outfits is a forbidden technique. For adventures there are many clubs, cafes, restaurants. Corporates do not exist for these purposes. Remember that it is easy to ruin your reputation, but it will take a lot of time and effort to restore it.

What else should be remembered?

Of course, we should not forget about the gifts for all those present at the evening and for the participants of the competitions. Let it be inexpensive mugs, t-shirts, towels with the symbols of the coming year or small souvenirs - in any case, employees will be pleased.

Most companies today provide for the provision of gifts to the children of employees: sweets, cards for toy stores, tickets for New Year's performances. Everyone knows that compliments, gifts, and even more bonuses can work wonders.

Remember also to properly invite all employees: either it will be a separate invitation on a postcard for each, or a general letter of invitation in the form of a greeting card.

Mandatory elements of any holiday today are photo and video shooting. To determine or find (if necessary) those responsible is also the task of the organizers of the corporate party.

According to reviews, it is the office “original” New Year that turns out to be especially sincere and warm. And even if in the process of a self-organized holiday there are small organizational overlays - everyone is around and someone will definitely come to your aid. Everyone feels more free and relaxed, and the holiday, in the creation of which you took an active part, will be remembered for a long time!

How can you celebrate the New Year in the office? Gather around the holiday table? invite artists? Go to the restaurant opposite? No, it's all already happened. I want something new, unusual, unforgettable .... "Women's Passions" will tell you how to organize an original holiday on your own!

New Year's Eve is a magical time when dreams come true. Forget at least for this time about urgent matters and daily duties. The fact that you are a middle manager and you still have a million projects to develop, or you are just an ordinary employee and whole mountains of documents are waiting for you.

Allow yourself to be a carefree child for at least one evening.

Try to create a fairy tale with your team or visit some fictional unfamiliar country. Feel like a queen at a ball next to a handsome prince. Embark on a journey to other planets, get to know their culture and customs. Or just visit all the islands of planet Earth in one evening. But is it possible? Yes! Everything is possible on New Year's Eve! The main thing is to really want it.

Where to begin

On New Year's Eve, everyone wants a dream come true, but do not forget: everyone has their own dream. When choosing a place and a celebration program, do not forget to take into account the age and interests of all members of the team.

Ideally, all employees are about the same age. In this case, you can easily choose a place of celebration and a program that everyone will like. But, as practice shows, such situations are extremely rare. Basically, the enterprises employ people of different ages and, accordingly, different interests.

Olya, a young and energetic employee of the marketing department, shared her ideas with us: “I would like the celebration of the New Year to be fun and active. I really love sports, movement, and I think it would be great if employees had the opportunity to participate in various competitions and games during the holiday!”

As for older employees, they have other wishes. Vera Stepanovna, head of the accounting department, advises to hold the New Year's event more calmly. “During the year I get so tired that even a summer vacation of 28 days does not save me. Now at work I have to learn a lot of new things, go to refresher courses. Yes, there are plenty of chores around the house. So I would be very happy to celebrate the New Year in a restaurant and watch the performance of the artists.”- our heroine complains.

Different views on the New Year's program can even lead to conflicts.

How to make sure that young people can have plenty of fun, and older people have a good rest?

Experts recommend: in addition to a large room where the main action will take place, provide for a small, quieter hall. It should set the table for the followers of silence. If there is no opportunity to retire, then the team may simply split: some of the employees will leave the event early and continue the celebration in a more relaxed atmosphere in the cafeteria opposite.

Scenario No. 1 "Winter hunting"

Irina Andreevna, head of personnel department

“This is a simple, but very funny option for organizing a holiday. We try to come up with something new every year. But the team liked this idea so much that we spend the 3rd New Year in a row in this way.

Despite the fact that the scenario is the same, the celebration is always different and never repeats. To begin with, we turned our office into a "magic forest". They got forest toy inhabitants: bunnies, chanterelles, rabbits, cubs, wolves. Paper was attached to the abdomen of these fidgets (you can also use a thick fabric), on which a letter is depicted.

The animals were well hidden in various and unexpected places. I found mine quite by accident when I went looking for a TV remote control. Looking closer, I saw a forest dweller hiding behind him. At the entrance to the forest (office), we divided into two teams, came up with a name and a slogan.

For about half of the evening we collected animals and tried to put together a funny word. At the beginning of the event, a competition was announced: whose team will come up with a funny word / phrase, will receive a prize! We were missing literally a few letters, and we could not find them anywhere. But you could buy them in a fabulous shop for money.

The means of payment could be obtained by participating in various contests throughout the celebration. Each competition, depending on the degree of complexity and originality, brought the participants a commensurate capital. Our money was called neweshki. You can dream up and call them, for example, restiks (from the word rest - rest), or clausics, frosts, in honor of the New Year.

Let your imagination run wild, play with your company name. Our team won! We won a prize in the amount of 1000 newesheks, divided it equally among ourselves and went to buy souvenirs in the New Year's shop. This fabulous commercial structure "worked" all night.

A characteristic feature of our company is staff turnover. Although we try to create good working conditions for our staff, there is still such a negative trend. For me, this way of spending a holiday is a lifesaver. If my task is to rally the team as quickly as possible, I use this method.

Only instead of letters I dress animals in T-shirts with the image of an employee. You can use a more creative idea and make a soft toy copy. The found double must be identified and taken to the owner. A more "budget" option would be to create a prototype from salt dough.

Depending on the style of behavior, some character traits, almost every person resembles a particular animal. You can make doppelgangers. Sometimes it's very interesting to know which animal you associate with. But do not forget that the line between funny and offensive is very thin and easy to cross!”

Scenario #2 "Island Party"

Ludmila, accountant

“We have a small recruiting company that has only been around for 3 years. In our office space, it is not possible to gather all employees in one room. Each department is in a small room. But we are not upset, and skillfully use the space, which at first glance is unsuitable for celebration.

Last time we had a holiday in the form of "island parties". Each department is some kind of island: Ferdy, Galapagos, Bali, Hawaii, Seychelles, Polynesian. We chose for ourselves which island we want to represent.

The island inhabitants (employees), dressed in fictitious national costumes, represented their habitat. You can dream up and imagine the island of your dreams. In this case, you need to give it a name. Also, each team prepared a short speech, spoke about the features of their culture.

A prerequisite is treating guests with a branded drink. You can also come up with a recipe and a name yourself. This task contributes to team building, since everyone takes an active part in its creation and execution.

If the team has chosen an existing island, then it should learn as much as possible about it, look on the Internet, ask friends. If this is a fictional place, then the flight of fancy is not limited here.

In both cases, there is a common task, and the team is working on its implementation. In a certain sequence, the inhabitants of the islands came to visit each other. After such an unusual "round the world trip", the best island is selected based on the results of the general vote. The winners receive a prize.

Firstly, it's really fun and interesting, and secondly, thanks to this, the employees of our department have become much closer to each other. Now we really are a team! This year we plan to make a "tribal" party. The terms and conditions remain the same. Our department has already chosen which tribe we will represent. Now we are at the stage of developing the script for the performance. To do this, I and several of my employees signed up for a belly dance. We want to make a surprise for our colleagues. As long as it's a secret!

Scenario No. 3 "Carnival Ball"

Maria, secretary

“On New Year's Eve, more than ever, you want changes in your life. Someone buys a car, someone goes on a trip, and someone changes their image.

Psychologists are convinced that on New Year's Eve, everyone can afford something that they would not dare to do at any other time. Let's take advantage of a wonderful occasion - New Year's Eve and plunge into a fairy tale.

We had an original outfit as an entrance ticket to the New Year's party. It was unusual! At first I was indignant where I would look for a New Year's outfit, and what an additional waste of time and money it would be. But then I realized how long I didn’t feel like a real lady and how much I miss it.

Each participant had to present their outfit and explain why they chose it. I was the queen and my companion was the king. We have prepared a mini performance. Everyone liked our idea and execution. In the end, we won and went to Paris for a few days. It was unforgettable!

Very often, men and women do not understand each other, and all because they are different. Not better or worse, just completely different. In order to find a common language with the opposite sex, our psychologist Anastasia advises to play a rather funny game this year.

On New Year's Eve, we will switch roles. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will have to dress in women's clothes, and beautiful representatives in men's. At the entrance to the main hall, you need to divide all the participants into groups and play some kind of funny life situation. Having been in a particular role / situation, you better understand the point of view of men / women. And the conflict just disappears!”

Scenario No. 4 "Crazy Hands"

Elena Nikolaevna, executive director

“Our company is now going through hard times and cannot allocate money for organizing parties. But we try to spend every holiday together and create it on our own. Last time The entrance ticket to the celebration was a dish prepared by oneself.

For the female half of the team, this is a great opportunity to prove themselves, and for men to appreciate the efforts of their fragile employees. Men also had to prepare something for the holiday.

For a month, our electrician Vladimir Anatolyevich was constantly sleepy. Nobody could understand what happened to him. As it turned out later, he composed poems for each department at night. We didn't even know he was writing. He has talent!

According to statistics, people around the world spend much more money in December and are more active than in other months of the year. They are more liberated and take part in such undertakings with pleasure.

Psychologists note that the holiday, in the creation of which you took an active part, is emotionally perceived and remembered. And in this regard, it is advised not to miss such a wonderful opportunity to bring the team together.

As a rule, employees spend a lot of time at work, solving current monotonous tasks. Work is associated with stress and problems, there are no positive emotions. In this case, the motivation of employees falls, which entails a decrease in productivity and the quality of performing tasks.

There is a direct connection between how the holiday went and the productivity of work. People absorb positive emotions that give them the strength to effectively complete tasks and increase productivity.

Also I noticed: the probability of changing jobs after a good holiday is much lower. If relations deteriorate between someone, I use the holiday as a means of reconciliation.

I try to find out what our employees do after a hard day, maybe someone has some kind of hobby or talent. You need to give people a chance to express themselves.

I also recommend filming all corporate events, taking photos and creating your own film library, and distributing copies to participants. As practice shows, these records remain positive for many years.

A person can review the recording, mentally return to that time, recharge with good emotions again. It is best when the operator starts his work from the preparation stage. There are moments of joint creative work in the film. All this brings the team together and increases loyalty to the company!”

What not to do...

The purpose of recording an event is to capture positive emotions.

No need to take photos that a person will not like, can confuse or compromise him. Everyone needs to have positive emotions from the event. And the record/photo is just a thing that serves as a trigger for memories.

Security guards must be present at the festival. It is very important that no showdowns take place on the territory of the celebration - one such small episode can ruin a positive mood. If the management or employees know about the strained relations of some colleagues, it is better to warn the guards about this. Alcohol affects people differently, and it is better to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant moments.

Dividing or zoning a team should be avoided on departments, official statuses or on any other grounds. Either the team celebrates together, or each department separately and at different times.

For some teams, it is often not possible to hold a festive event outside the office space, so self-preparation and organization of a corporate party in the office occurs quite often. Traditional table, Olivier, white collars, dark suits and dresses. All this is reminiscent of a boring "obligation". But, a classic corporate party can be significantly diversified and turned into a real fun holiday with performances by artists, musical numbers, quests and other positive attributes of a joyful party.

The main reasons to organize a festive corporate event in the office :

  • the day the company was founded;
  • professional holiday;
  • company anniversary;
  • National holidays;
  • corporate achievements;
  • family and health day.

A professionally organized holiday should have a specific goal, emphasize the corporate identity of your team of like-minded people, and not be an exclusively entertaining collective entertainment event. Regular organization of a corporate party is one of the most important events that help to improve the working atmosphere within the team, as well as strengthen relations between business partners. Holding a corporate party in the office, which is a big event in the life of any team, all employees of the team of like-minded people, regardless of their position, become one. Everyone feels like a hero of the day at this emotional and bright festive event.

In order to make the corporate event in the office as efficient as possible, we offer an individual, professionally prepared, coordinated scenario. It provides for the choice of office decoration for decorating a celebration, and also defines one of the packages of the necessary list of services for a high-quality corporate party. A properly prepared event will significantly improve the psychological climate within the team, and this will improve the quality of work and have a positive impact on the successful development of the business. With an integrated approach and professional training, corporate party in the office will bring a lot of positive moments of the real activity of your company.

In order to properly organize the preparation and conduct a corporate event on your own, you need a lot of personal time and an attentive attitude to a huge number of the smallest details that are not always possible to take into account. Therefore, we recommend that you seek advice from real professionals.

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