What to wear to a pop concert. How to dress for a concert, different looks for each occasion

Before the evening concert, "U2" decided to share their 20 years of experience in attending concert events. I hope many will be spared from unpleasant minutes by reading these simple tips.

1. When to arrive?
It is best to arrive at least one hour before the start of the concert indicated on the ticket. Believe me, an hour is not so much to go through all the cordons and checks and reach your place indicated on the ticket. It's very frustrating, you know, to hear your favorite band sing while standing in line to get in.

2. What to do with tickets?
If you are traveling in a large group, take each of your tickets immediately. This will not only speed up your passage, but also save you from unpleasant moments if the “ticket keeper” suddenly gets lost, falls behind or splits up with you for some other reason.

3. What is the best way to arrive?
The best way to come to the concert is by subway. There are no traffic jams.

4. Can I come by car?
Would really not recommend. Even if we exclude the usual problems in the form of a possible delay due to traffic jams, then there will be a lot of problems: parking before the concert and departure and an excited audience after. If you cannot come by metro, leave your car at the next metro station away from the center. This way you won't be jostling on the train either before or after the concert.

5. What to wear to the concert?
A big concert is not a trip to the theater. Think about how you dress when you go out for outdoor activities. These are the preferred clothes. The best option: jeans, T-shirt, light sports jacket.
If you have taken tickets to the "standing" (standing parterre, fan zone, etc.), I recommend taking a small backpack with you (so as not to interfere with free movement), in which you need to put a towel and a clean, dry T-shirt. Then after the concert you can take off your wet clothes, dry off and change into dry clothes.
I really do not advise girls to wear shoes with heels, especially if you go to "standing places" (added graf_De) .

6. What to take with you?
Preferably a ticket. And everything you can't really do without. Do not take cameras, players and other equipment with you (even if photo and audio-video shooting is allowed). Anyway, from where you are (unless, of course, you have VIP seats), you won’t be able to record or photograph anything worthwhile. Don't take anything with you that can't handle the pushing in the crowd (for example, phones with large screens like the iPhone). Anyway, you won’t be able to talk normally with anyone, and you can break the phone very easily.
I also advise you not to take liquid in any form and prickly-cutting objects. Then all this will not be taken away from you under control.
I do not advise girls to take large bags.

7. Food and drink.
As a rule, at any concert they sell beer and all sorts of sandwiches and pastries at very high prices. Therefore, it is better to eat and drink before the concert (as you do, for example, before exercising in a fitness club).

8. Alcohol.
Strongly recommended not to drink alcohol before the concert. It is much more comfortable to do this after the concert. Otherwise, you risk not only not getting to the concert (the security service may not let you in), but also missing most of it. I have heard stories many times, the heroes of which paid good money for good seats at good concerts of good performers. But they don't remember anything about it. Because they took it well on the chest before the concert.

9. How and how to protect yourself from the rain?
As the experience of the Rolling Stones concert in 1998 showed, umbrellas at concerts do not help much. I recommend bringing a raincoat with you. I do not recommend taking umbrellas. In the crowd there is a big risk of breaking it (added graf_De) .

10. What to do after the end of the concert?
Do not hurry. Anyway, you will not have time to leave earlier, no matter how fast you are. Relax and calmly wait for your turn to exit. Treat this as inevitable. I strongly advise you not to meet after the concert in some prearranged place. Not the fact that you can physically get there. It is better to meet already in the subway 3-4 stations from the venue of the concert.

These simple tips will help (hopefully) save your nerves and not spoil the impression of the concert.

Almost every woman in her life has such moments when she simply does not know what to wear. It seems that you understand and know what suits you, but still you just can’t find some stylish combination that would fully correspond to the image created in your head. This is especially true for fees for some important events. For example, for a date, for an important party, or for a concert that you have been waiting for a long time. So why go to a concert? Let's look at this issue in a little more detail.

How to dress for a concert?

What to wear to a rock concert? Let's start, perhaps, with the most popular direction in music among young people, that is, with rock. If you're going to a rock concert, then of course you don't have to wear "heavy" smoky-eyes makeup or dress all in leather and black. Stereotypes should be left to those people who do not know how to think broadly. The best clothes for a rock concert will be those things in which you feel comfortable and, of course, look stylish. For example, it can be thin tights, high-waisted shorts, a stylish T-shirt or T-shirt with some interesting print and massive boots, sneakers or high-heeled shoes. If it's cold outside, then add a jacket or cardigan to the look. With the same success, you can replace the shorts with skinny jeans or even with a skirt. There are many options, the main thing is to choose the one that will suit you perfectly and like you.

What to wear to a symphony concert? If you are going to a concert at a conservatory or a theater, then you obviously need to think over the image in such a way as to emphasize your grace and femininity. The best clothing for such a concert is undoubtedly a dress. It can be both long and short, the main thing is the absence of vulgarity and calm colors. You can also choose a blouse with a skirt, if you suddenly do not want to go in a dress. A classic trouser suit would also be a good option, but it is important to “dilute” it with accessories to make the look more festive than official. As shoes, it is best to choose classic pumps or ballet flats. Also a light scarf or an elegant brooch will be a good addition to the image.

In the gallery you can see some photos with examples of what a girl can wear to a concert to look attractive and comply with the unspoken dress code.

When going to a long-awaited concert, rock music lovers are not only worried about the upcoming event, but are also puzzled by the selection of the appropriate set of clothes. The outfit should be comfortable, convenient and correspond to the atmosphere of a rock concert, because no one wants to look like an alien element in a crowd of rock fans.

What to wear to a rock concert

The most standard set for a rock concert is, of course, jeans, sneakers and a T-shirt. Shopping centers offer a wide range of casual items, so finding something original is not difficult.
You can make a set of jeans and a long sleeve shirt. At the same time, the cuffs should be unbuttoned to emphasize negligence and audacity. A denim vest will successfully complement a pair. Instead of jeans, you can also wear tight plaid pants.

An extravagant and bold look can be made up of tight-fitting trousers or leggings, a loose top with bare shoulders, worn over a tight T-shirt and high-heeled shoes. Loose-fitting trousers are also suitable for the event, under which you can pick up fashionable moccasins or sandals.

Appropriate clothes for outdoor concert

If the event is held in the "open-air" format (in the open air), you need to make sure that the clothes match the weather. If it's cool in a T-shirt, put on dark pants and match them with a long-sleeve knitted sweater, decorated with some interesting print. A long cloak will complement the image, which will look very stylish. The finishing touch to such a set is a small black hat, casually worn on one side.

If your goal is to attract attention and stand out from the crowd, try to come up with some famous image. Dress up in the style of a famous musician or movie character. You can find all the necessary paraphernalia in specialized stores.

Particular attention should be paid to accessories. Intricate metal or leather bracelets adorned with studs, thick or thin chains, wooden beads, massive silver rings and rings in the form of an animal or any other object will do. Decorate your ears with hoop earrings or small rings and studs. Jeans can be complemented with a wide leather belt with a large metal buckle.

Today at Shtuchka.ru we will talk about how to dress properly for a concert.

Why is it so important? Because it is there that you want to look at others, and show yourself, and at the same time not lose face. Agree, if you come to a concert of a symphony orchestra in sneakers and wide trousers, at least everyone will look askance at you, at the maximum - they may not even let him in. And you will definitely not get pleasure from this whole event.

Picking clothes for a concert is a whole science. Someone advises to see what style the musicians and their girlfriends are wearing (in the photo, for example), but this method is not suitable for each of us. Therefore, the site has prepared for you a brief excursion on what is best to wear to a concert based on the style of music.

What to wear to a concert in any style

So, if you are going to go to a rock concert, you should carefully consider your outfit. If this heavy music concert then the clothing must be appropriate. For this concert choose:

  • clothes of dark shades, black, blue, gray;
  • bright, slightly defiant makeup. Here you can not be afraid of experiments at all, even if you look a little extravagant, you will be understood;
  • careless styling. Bunches and braids will not go to such a concert at all (unless you have a long black braid to the waist, it will look very appropriate at such a concert). Try, for example, combing your hair or just loosening it;
  • matching accessories: spiked wristbands, collars, combat boots, etc.

If you are going to a light rock or pop punk concert, then you can choose something simpler, for example, a light T-shirt, jeans, sneakers, a sweatshirt or a thin jacket.

Rock concert wear: a combination of lace dress and heavy accessories

If you thought what to wear to a rap concert, choose an informal style for yourself:

  • in clothes, give preference to simple but interesting things. For example, wide trousers, unusual sneakers, baseball caps, light T-shirts and colorful hoodies are good for such a concert;
  • do not forget to pay attention to a variety of accessories: rings, earrings, piercings, if you have one. But do not overdo it with their number, otherwise it will not look stylish, but funny;
  • the hairstyle should be simple: for example, a ponytail or a careless bun, if possible, also decorated with interesting accessories.

What can you wear to a pop concert? Yes, almost everything!

  • when it comes to clothes, you have a lot of options here. It can be your favorite dress, jeans with a shirt or an elegant T-shirt, in general, everything in which you will feel comfortable and beautiful. The same applies to shoes. Would you like to wear your favorite shoes? No problem (the main thing is that your legs do not get tired, because you and your girlfriends will probably dance)! Or do you prefer boots? Why not?
  • apply multi-colored evening makeup that best suits your face type and make any elegant hairstyle. Can't do your own hair? A neat ponytail will also be in place;
  • as for accessories, here you are also given complete freedom. For such concerts, it is better to choose something discreet, but not everyday.

Bright image: clothes for a pop concert

If you're wondering how to dress to the concertclassical and jazz music, then here you definitely prefer the classic style:

  • from clothes choose for yourself a feminine and elegant dress. Let yourself get out of trousers and jeans for at least one evening. If you don't like dresses, then a skirt with a classic blouse will look just as good. Pay attention to .
  • jewelry should be chosen discreet, but elegant, and it is better not to use jewelry this evening;
  • as for the hairstyle, here you should also prefer the classic and feminine look. It can be an elegant bun or a neat styling.

Dress up for a concert you won't have much trouble either. Even if you run to it straight from work, you will still look quite appropriate.

  • for such an evening, you can choose any clothes you like, unless something specific is indicated in the program. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and free. It can be a neat casual dress, and jeans with a shirt, in general, those things that you prefer to wear on a normal day;
  • Don't wear flashy accessories tonight. Neat and elegant jewelry will look quite appropriate;
  • make-up and hairstyle should match the clothes. You can make your makeup a little brighter than daytime, but do not overdo it so as not to look vulgar.

A classic dress and bright accessories are a great choice for a variety concert!

As you see, dressing for any concert is not difficult. The main thing is to remember that this evening you should rest and gain strength, which means that you should choose a place and an image in which you will feel comfortable and free. Have a nice rest!

Anastasia Glukhovskaya - especially for the site Shtuchka.ru

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