Corporate halloween - original ideas for celebrating at work. Halloween party with friends - cool games and contests "The scariest mask"

Halloween party script for adults: Executioner, Death, Witch.

From 19 o'clock the presenters meet guests:

The executioner at the entrance, Death pretends to be dead at the table and scares the incoming ones, the Witch messes (throws evil spirits into food) on the first and second floors.

The Executioner and the Witch persuade everyone, under pain of a curse, to order something from the special Halloween menu.

At this time, music is being played. The musicians arrive at 19-30.

At 20:00, when live music appears, the hosts take the stage.

Executioner: Welcome to the cafe ... (cafe name) - a stylish cafe in the heart of the city ... (city name)! Today we have gathered to say goodbye to the old, bad, unnecessary with the help of rituals. Say goodbye to autumn and welcome Halloween.

Death: Today, on the night of Halloween, we will move into the unknown new, we will meet winter. Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.

Witch: Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and no future. Only today we enjoy the mystical "now" that does not exist.

Executioner: Halloween time is the time to throw off the burden of worries and fuss accumulated over the summer. Today we are following the example of trees that are shedding their outdated leaves. After all, if a tree does not throw off dead leaves, they will not give it the opportunity to come to life again in the spring.

Death: Halloween originates far, far in history, it is said to be at least two thousand years old. According to ancient belief, it is tonight that the door to the other world will open, and the inhabitants of hell will penetrate the earth.

Witch: Going to another time is not easy. The gate is well guarded. We Witches and Demons legitimized this holiday for especially evil and dark jokes.

Executioner: We came up with a Halloween symbol - a pumpkin head. It symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and the fire that scares it away.

Death: Today you have to dress up in scary costumes and do strange things to confuse the ghosts. The only thing not to do on this day...

ALL (in unison): No need to be offended by anything.

Witch: today you have to guess, dance until you drop and misbehave, only today you can do whatever you want. So let's start our evening with a groovy dance and have fun today with might and main!

The orchestra plays 2-3 catchy melodies. At this time, the presenters invite the audience to dance, and also go around the hall and distribute ivy sheets to everyone, explaining that they have to guess and everyone must take them for themselves.

Three leaders come out - the Executioner, Death, the Witch.

Executioner: So, we begin Halloween divination!

Death: Everyone needs to make a wish! Guessed? Did everyone guess?

Witch: Women are the first to guess! Get your ivy leaves! Everyone raised a leaf!

Gotta say it out loud after me:

"Ivy, ivy, I love you,

I keep you on my chest."

Hiding a leaf on the chest!

"The first one to speak to me,

That husband will be mine."

The result of divination will be known literally within one dance.

The orchestra plays one slow tune.

Witch: Women were the first to guess and the first to know the result!

Executioner: And we are starting Halloween divination for men! Men, take out your papers and write your names and phone numbers on them. You do not need to indicate your last name, place of work, marital status, only your first name and phone number!

Give us your papers!

The Witch and the Executioner are collecting leaves!

Death: So, all the leaves are collected! In order to look into the future of our men, you will have to wait a bit, the result will not be as fast as that of women! The leaves will be stored in our café until Midsummer Eve.

If by that time the leaf is still green, you will have a happy year and all your wishes will come true. Men! Come to the cafe on June 22 and you will know your fate for the whole year.

Witch: By the way, it’s clear that if you look into our cafe more often, you will always be happy! Everybody dance!

The orchestra plays 2-3 melodies.

Executioner: I see, everyone is having fun, no one is scared anymore!

Death: We must scare everyone! Let's call the mummy!

ALL: Mummy here! Mummy!

The witch invites two teams of 3-4 people to participate in the game and conducts the game "Mummy": you need to wrap one of the team members with a roll of toilet paper, making a mummy out of it. The winner is the one who did it faster and more accurately.

Death: The winner gets a dish called "Halloween Study".

Hands over a dish. The orchestra plays 2-3 melodies.

Executioner: What a delicious dish from the chef of our cafe ... (first name, last name) was won by the previous winner! Who else wants to try their luck and eat a new dish absolutely free? Participate in the next game!

Death : This will be a game for those who want to know if he will get married or get married this year. We invite those interested!

The participants of the game become in the center of the hall. The Executioner and the Witch take out the basin and place it on a stool.

Witch: The one who first gets an apple out of the pelvis will marry or be the first to marry this year!

After the game, prizes are awarded to the winners - a girl and a boy.

Executioner: You are celebrating a wedding this year, so a wedding cake from a cafe ... (cafe name) will come in handy!

The witch brings out the "wedding" cake. The orchestra plays 2-3 melodies.

Executioner: As we found out, several weddings will be celebrated this year, and our next game is for those who are already swimming in the sea of ​​love.

Death: We invite couples to come to the site!

Spouses come out, line up, respectively, in pairs.

Witch: Now you will swim in a dance in the sea of ​​​​love. But as soon as the music stops, you need to stand on one of these "islands".

Leading conduct the game "Sea of ​​Love". They show and lay out "islands" (sheets of paper), the number of "islands" is equal to the number of couples playing. Music is turned on. While the music is playing, all players "swim" in the "sea of ​​love", without entering the islands. As soon as the music is abruptly turned off, couples should instantly jump "on the islands". It turns out that there are two players on one island. The islands are cut to size so that only two feet can fit on them.

Therefore, couples stand almost close to each other, each on one leg, holding each other. The one who cannot stay on the island and falls into the "sea" will be "absorbed by the sea", i.e., he is out of the game (and takes the island with him). Game continues. There is one less island, which means that again someone will not be able to resist and fall into the sea.

The last remaining pair is awarded a prize (souvenir).

The orchestra plays 2-3 melodies.

The game "Bows" is being played. Three or more players participate. In the middle, the main player becomes, let's start with the girl. The other two players are blindfolded. For example, men.

One of them is given yellow ribbons in his hands. He should go up to the girl with his eyes closed and tie a yellow bow on her anywhere. Now the second man comes up to her, fumbles for the yellow bow, and unties it.

Then the players change places - the girl ties a bow. And so on, until everyone has tried all the roles.

The "Symbol of the Holiday" contest is being held: yellow is considered the symbolic color of the Halloween holiday, we find among the guests the one in whose suit the most yellow is.

(The prize is a bottle of Champagne.)

The party ends with dancing, you can hold the competition "Best Dance Couple".

Funny announcements during the party:

Witch: Here one man really wanted to take a picture with me. The cost of a photo is 13 rubles, 28 kopecks.

(repeat 2 times).

Death: Who wants to talk heart to heart with Death - you are welcome to my table.

(repeat 4 times)

Executioner: Who wants to sing a love song with me? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles.

Who wants me to sing a love song? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles.

By popular demand of the audience, now I will perform a song about love. *********

Room decoration: The room can be decorated in dark colors. Be sure to decorate with bats, pumpkin lanterns can be made a little later and used as decoration.

Can be placed on pieces of furniture and the floor of body parts: a severed hand, eye, finger, etc.

Also in the design, you can use small spiders and snakes, leave "traces" of the presence of magicians and sorcerers: a black cat, a toad, a raven.

To create a mysterious and mystical atmosphere, it is better to illuminate the room with candles.


It is also advisable to agree with friends in advance that everyone will come in costumes. You can arrange a witches' sabbath, or a meeting "In the middle of nowhere", or just a ball of evil spirits.

To intrigue your friends, you can prepare an original congratulation for everyone, in which you warn them to get there carefully, because there are so many extra ears around that they can overhear and interfere.

Scary joke:

During the event, you can try to scare your friends.

Sitting in the middle of the room and setting a pumpkin lantern in the center, tell each other scary stories in turn. Then suddenly put out the candle in the lantern and scream in a terrible voice.

Of course, if there are no particularly impressionable participants.

Food and drink for the holiday:

  • For food and drinks, you need to come up with original names: traditional blood - tomato juice or any other red drink, swamp slurry - if the drink is green.
  • Dishes can be called like this: "The Eye of One-Eyed Jack", "Kruger's Fingers", "Horns and Hooves".
  • Each dish served can be accompanied by a mysterious story: where did you get the main ingredient, how did you get it. For example, to talk about a terrible battle with Krueger, in which it turned out to cut off his hand.

style predictionsHalloween:

After that, you can hold “terrible” relay races, various games and contests, a comic quiz, and draws.

At the end of the event, there are traditional predictions: either positive, asserting that everything will be fine, or comical, which will be much more interesting and fun.

Predictions can be placed, for example, inside baking, decorated in the form of spiders. Thus, spiders will appear on the table - predictors, on the "catch" of which a lot of effort was spent.

Games and contests for friends' Halloween party

1. "The scariest mask"

The main task: to decorate the mask.

Small images of insects, body parts, bones act as decoration. Each is given a ready-made template and glue to attach the selected drawings.

2. The game "Sweetness or trick"

Prepared in advance cards with various comic tasks: crow, stick your head out the window and howl long, sing a song, etc. They are placed in a carved gourd. In addition, notes with various penalties are being prepared.

Each participant is given several small sweet things - sweets, chewing gummies. The facilitator invites the participant to pull out the task from the pumpkin. After the participant has familiarized himself with the task, the facilitator asks him: “Sweetness or trick?” In the first case, he gives one of his sweets, in the second he completes the task.

The one who runs out of sweets the fastest is considered the loser.

The one who lost must complete the penalty task.

3. Game - fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed

Similarly to the old Scottish custom, you can conduct comic fortune-telling for your betrothed.

To do this, all unmarried girls are given an apple and a knife, with which they will cut the peel from the fruit. Having cut off the peel, the girls throw it over their shoulders. According to the position of the fallen cleanings, the first letter of the future husband is determined.

You can arrange all possible names in the form of a memo and hand them in a comic form to each fortuneteller to search for a betrothed. You can also even indicate its approximate coordinates in a comic form (for example, your betrothed Pavel is located in three flights on a broomstick to the north).

4. Game "Get the apples"

Several apples are placed in basins of water, preferably with tails. The task of the participants is to get an apple without the help of their hands and eat it as quickly as possible.

Of course, it is desirable to provide also a towel to wipe the faces of the participants.

5. Pumpkin Relay

Since the pumpkin is the main attribute of the holiday, the expediency of its use for competitions is obvious.

The relay is held in two stages:

  1. Creating a festive symbol - Jack's head. To complete the task, each participant needs to distribute a knife and a small pumpkin, from which all the pulp is first removed, and then the face is cut out. A candle is inserted into the center of the pumpkin.
  2. Carry a pumpkin with a lit candle so that the flame does not go out.

6. "Garlic necklace"

Everyone knows that fighting vampires requires garlic and aspen stake. In our case, it will be garlic.

The task of the participants is to collect 13 heads of garlic, which were previously laid out in different places in the room, and make a garlic necklace out of them, tied with a thread.

7. "Find a couple"

Pre-cook 20 cards, which depict various attributes of the holiday in two pieces: two pumpkins, two bats, etc. They are laid out in four rows of 5 cards.

Two people are involved. Each participant opens two cards. If they match, he takes them for himself and makes another move. In case of a mismatch, the cards are turned over, and the turn passes to another participant.

The player with the most cards wins. The loser performs a penalty task, which was agreed in advance.

8. "Witch's potion"

Pre-prepared list of necessary ingredients for the potion. For example, 5 spiders, 3 mandrake roots, dragon claw. All the necessary components are laid out in advance throughout the room.

The task of the participants is to prepare the potion faster than the others, having collected all the components.

9. Terrible Relays

Relay races adapted to the theme of the holiday:

  • "Run on a broomstick" - witch competition;
  • "Each finger has its own nail" : on the image of the hand, glue the nails on each finger;
  • "Find a Pair" : disassemble all the "eyes" - painted tennis balls - in pairs;
  • "Delicious drink" : as quickly as possible through a double straw, drink a glass of "blood" - tomato juice or any red drink.

10. "Scary bag"

The bag, which contains various items, is passed in a circle to ominous music. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the bag in his hands gropes for some object in it and tries to guess what kind of thing it is and where it came from.

The game must comply with the condition: the story must be scary.

11. "Creating sculpture"

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, a “sculptor” and “clay” are selected.

Each sculptor must create a sculpture that matches the theme of the holiday.

For a better manifestation of fantasy, you can use paints and additional items. You can create a sculpture with the help of two or three people.

12. "Word game"

Since Halloween is a holiday of evil spirits, then you need to choose words that describe evil spirits. For example, vile, terrible, terrible, etc.

Whoever has the last word wins.

He is given the right to take out the main dish of the evening - "Pumpkin Pie"

13. "Damn, rooster and soldier"

All players are divided into two groups and discuss in advance the task for the losing team.

Each group agrees who they will show: a trait - they imitate horns on their heads, a rooster - they shout “Kukurek” and clap their hands on their sides, or a soldier - they stand at attention.

Having made a choice, both groups line up opposite each other and at the same time, on a signal, show the one they have chosen.

In various combinations, different actors win: the devil is afraid of the rooster, the rooster is afraid of the soldier, and the soldier, in turn, is the devil.

Play up to three points. The losing team takes a penalty task.

14. "Haunted Volleyball"

Two teams of two people participate, who stand at the edge of the table against each other. Each team is given two balloons, a total of 4 balloons.

The task of the participants is to throw the balls on half of the opponents so that they do not fall to the floor.

You can complicate the task: move the balls without the help of hands.

15. Dance competitions:

  • "Broom Dance" - a broom is passed around the circle to the music, the one who has a broom when the melody stops must dance a waltz with it.
  • "Count Dracula" - while music is playing on the street during the day, everyone is dancing, Dracula is sleeping (specially selected person). Night falls, the music stops, Dracula goes hunting. All participants stand still. If Dracula notices that someone has moved, he takes him to his lair and turns him into a vampire, who, with the onset of the next night, will go hunting with Dracula. The game continues until the most persistent participant is identified.
  • "Reincarnations" - quickly change into a different costume to the music.

16. "Ghost Contest"

Participants are divided into two teams that "howl" the motive of some well-known melody.

The task of the opponents is to guess the name of the song.

17. "Boat of fate"

In China, traditionally on this evening, the monks make the boats of Fate, which are sent to sail at dusk, along with a lit candle installed on them.

You can hold a competition for the manufacture of a paper boat and send it to sail through a filled bath.

You can also use a mystical element - divination. If the boat sails normally from one end of the bathroom to the other, then the year will be successful.

You can set wishes for the whole year ahead on ready-made boats and give them to friends at the end of the event.

The fashion trends of holding parties in a certain style have not bypassed the theme of horror stories, horror films, and mysticism. Of course, it's hard to think of a better occasion than Halloween to organize such creepy gatherings. Of course, a vamp-style evening can be dedicated to a birthday, a simple party or a corporate party. But the holiday will be much more symbolic in the evening on the eve of All Saints Day.

Planning a Halloween Party

A theme night is always an unusual and fun holiday. Participants are puzzling over makeup, hairstyles, gifts. Waiting for interesting competitions and unusual photo shoots.

But much more responsibility and responsibility falls on the shoulders of the party organizer. It is not enough to come up with an idea, the name of a Halloween party and invite guests, you need to think through the whole concept and not miss any trifles. Let's try to sort through all the stages of preparing a Halloween party at home.

Halloween: party theme, ideas for a holiday at home

In principle, the whole further concept of the holiday will depend on the chosen style. The Halloween theme is absolutely not limited to pumpkins and ghosts. Of course, you can inform guests about the general theme of the party, without limiting their imagination.

At such a holiday, witches will meet with Peter Pan, ghosts with Cheshire Cats and snow whites with leprechauns. Enough space for Halloween for everyone. But you can come up with a narrower theme, from which the party will become even more intriguing.

The zombies are coming. A disease unknown to the world struck all the living, turning them into terrible creatures. The purpose of their life is food and fun. And the zombie party will become a lesson in survival.

Where the host is a real mad scientist who experiments on guests.

Yes, and the guests are all as a choice. Here is a "beautiful" super-model, and an important president, and a dashing cowboy, and a mysterious artist.

Agree with the invited roles or prepare props that guests can use. Wigs, ties, torn shirts and, of course, makeup will come in handy.

As prizes for the winners of the competitions, prepare small brains. And the scientist will definitely resurrect the winning participant. And, of course, he will be eaten by his own brothers.

Vampire party. Invite your friends to Dracula's castle. Decorate invitation cards with traces of blood and teeth marks.

And for sophisticated and sedate bloodsuckers, prepare the same measured entertainment.

The photo shoot in an impromptu coffin, which can be made from a pencil case, will also be original. Decorate such an attribute with a bright fabric and a bouquet of dried flowers. Guests will have to try to match the image.

House with the ghosts. An interesting and popular theme for a party. It will not be difficult to turn a dwelling into a haunt of ghosts.

Various frightening attributes with which you need to decorate the house will come in handy. Mysteriousness will add a web hung in the corridors. And horror will be caused by wet creatures made of sponge.

Squeals and screams will confirm that such a harmless creature licked the guests - it is precisely such sensations that arise when accidentally touched.

Otherworldly themes should also be present in the competition program. It can be not only contests for movie memories, but also a ghostly fashion show.

Witch's coven. Perfect for a bachelorette party theme on Halloween eve. Although the guys are happy to take part in the Sabbath as sorcerers and shamans. Sorcerers, witches, psychics and magicians must follow the dress code.

For negligent witches and sorceresses, prepare a small supply of hats, cloaks and wands. Don't forget to put a broomstick stand. And, of course, prepare a place for the mysterious.

Each participant must present his image, coming up with not only an original name, but also a mysterious story.

An interesting competition will be with reincarnation in objects or animals that participants must portray without words. Be sure to spend a few. The theme of witches is great for this.

It is also interesting to beat the plot of a certain movie or cartoon.

For example, Harry Potter, Leprechauns, The Addams Family, Supernatural, Alice in Wonderland are suitable as a plot.

Fixing interesting ideas for Halloween

It is not enough to brainstorm and decide on the concept of the holiday.

Record all emerging ideas on paper or electronically. So you do not miss important little things, and the holiday will turn out well.

Don't forget to make a separate shopping list. And only after that go to the store.

What should be on your list of Halloween party ideas:

  • options for decorating the room in accordance with the theme of the holiday;
  • attributes for costumes and make-up, which can be quickly applied to guests who have not taken care of specific outfits;
  • selection of music and films;
  • party script with games and quizzes;
  • halloween party contests;
  • prizes for competitions;
  • table setting details;

Such a plan will help organize a Halloween-style holiday with all the details.

Invite Guests: Halloween Invitations

The script of the holiday and the menu will depend on the number of guests. Think about how many people it will be optimal to accept in your home.

It is not very pleasant when 30 people crowd around in a one-room apartment, pretending that they really like the holiday. Consider thematic zones, the age of the guests and their tastes.

Definitely, all responsibility, both for successes and for failures, lies with the owner of the house.

You will also have to distribute roles if the party is dedicated to a specific plot. Be sure to notify guests about them so that a dozen Harry Potters are not present at the celebration.

In accordance with the theme, we also prepare invitations. Be sure to indicate the date and time of the celebration. If necessary, we prescribe the role of the guest in the theme party, as well as the little things necessary for the holiday.

Sabbath invitations can be made in the form of a black witch hat. Figurines of black cats, pumpkins, images of a tombstone, an old castle are also suitable.

An invitation to a Halloween party written with a marker on real small pumpkins will look original.

Activities before the party

Getting ready for a Halloween party takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is desirable to involve assistants in this process.

It can be relatives, and someone from the invitees. Preparations will have to start not on the day of the holiday, but a little earlier, by making decorations for the room, trifles for the table and costumes.

Halloween Room Decor and Decoration Ideas

Think over the decorations to the smallest detail. You will have to decorate not only the room where the feast will take place, but also the entrance, kitchen, and bath.

Pay special attention to the yard if the holiday takes place in your home. Halloween decor ideas are terrible and intriguing.

Web. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made web in a gift shop. It looks very believable, and guests will think that for the holiday you specially transferred cobwebs from sheds and basements.

But at no cost, you can make such decorations from ordinary threads, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.

Pumpkins. The theme of pumpkins holds a special place in the preparation of Halloween as well. They can be easily used to decorate the house itself, and for the yard. They put pumpkins on windowsills, on tables. From this vegetable, original and unique faces and figures are obtained. And when you light candles in them in the evening, it will be an unforgettable sight.

To make a Jack Lantern, all the pulp and seeds are removed from a ripe pumpkin. And holes are made in the peel itself to make a wonderful face. And of course they cook.

You can use our samples to get ideas for your masterpieces.

Dolls. Homemade rags and old toys will do.

Give them a scary look with paints. Tear their clothes or wrap them in bandages.

Mini ghosts. They are easy to make from old sheets. Place a piece of cotton wool in the center and secure the torn fabric.

Ghosts in balloons look interesting. Hang such ghosts in front of the front door, in the rooms.

Skeletons. In ancient times, there was a ritual with the installation of animal skeletons, which scared away evil spirits.

Now "human skeletons" are popular. Where to get such a "decoration"? Useful ready-made or made from papier-mâché, paper.

You can buy animal bones in the market and, after processing, hang them in rooms on the walls.

Decorate glass and mirrors with a special varnish or spray. Or stick paper applications. They perfectly hold on ordinary soap, after which the glass is easy to clean.

Table setting

The table occupies a special place at any party. Therefore, he will have to devote a lot of time.

The main colors used in serving, of course, will be black, orange, red and white. A tablecloth can be made from disposable plastic by painting it with gouache.

It will also be interesting to look at the black fabric, with a cobweb applied to it. On the table there is a place for antique lamps, candles, bouquets of autumn leaves and dried flowers.

You can decorate the table with horror animals. Spiders, worms, small animals, teeth - everything will be used for the most terrible holiday.

And be sure to work on decorating dishes. You can not only think of an intriguing menu with cocktails for Halloween and, but also decorate dishes in an unusual way.

Dip the edges of the glasses in sugar, tinted with red dye. Tilt the glass and let the improvised blood run down the glass.

Place glowing lights at the bottom of salad bowls or bowls. And in a vat of punch, which, well, just should be at such a holiday, place dry ice with smoke. The clouds of smoke that enveloped the vat look bewitching.

Holding a holiday

The atmosphere of terrible fun, of course, depends on the mood of the guests. Therefore, take care to create it right from the doorstep.

Greet those invited to terrifying music.

Don't forget about little surprises like skeletons popping out of closet doors and ash spilling out of suddenly torn bags.

Screams and cries out of place on this holiday will just be appropriate.

Let during the holiday dressed up waiters carry glasses with "blood". It will be red wine, cherry or pomegranate juice.

And Madame Tarot gives guests unusual cards with intriguing predictions.

Swipe. Particularly interesting are the ancient fortune-telling and rituals around a large fire.

And, of course, include original Halloween games in the script. Award winners with medals or small prizes. If there are children at an adult Halloween party, take care of places for them to play, as well as where they can relax and sleep.

Such Halloween ideas for kids will allow parents to take a longer walk on the holiday.

Preparing and hosting a Halloween themed party is a responsible and difficult task. But, believe me, the impressions and memorable photos are worth it.

Guests and invitees to the Halloween "Monster's Ball" party should be warned in advance that the traditional costume contest will be held at the party. The hosts of the party also dress up in costumes (Count Dracula, etc.) The script is being held for elementary and middle school classes.

Halloween Party Scenario "Monster's Ball"

Host: Welcome to the Monster Ball! Vampires, ghouls, werewolves, everyone who is so different from others, everyone who scares people leaving the house with their terrible appearance, welcome, monsters! Tonight is your night! Today we will dance terrible dances and play chilling games and of course we will all scare each other today. All the monsters who come in costumes are waiting for the “Main Monster” contest, but more on that later, but now ... We will get to know you. As soon as I raise my right hand up, my name or nickname, because today some of you will have funny nicknames, for example, Drukula or Melifisent, in general, as soon as I raise my right hand, the names of the boys shout, and when the left - girls, let's try.


Host: And now it's time to tell fortunes. I borrowed a hat from Hogwarts for one day. Today she is in our captivity and will predict our future and read our thoughts. We will pass the magic hat around to the music in a circle, and for this we all need to make a huge circle of monsters (get in a circle) While the music is playing, we pass the hat, as soon as the music stops, the one who has the hat puts it on, and we will hear his thoughts or a prediction of his future.

Fortune telling on a magic hat.

The magic hat is passed around in a circle, as soon as the music stops, the one who has it in his hands puts it on his head and hears a prediction from the other world recorded on audio. As audio recordings, you can use cool fragments of songs.

Host: now we have learned the most secret secrets about each other and we can have fun! To do this, we are divided into two teams: a team of boys and a team of girls. Each team needs to come up with a name for itself, and preferably a scarier one.

Come up with a name

Leading: and now, as soon as I raise my right hand, the name of the team is shouted by the boys, and when the left girls.

Team names.

Host: and now we are waiting for a terrible confrontation of monsters. I will give each team a Jack-O-Lantern head, do you know the most popular Halloween character? A Jack-O-Lantern who double-deceived the devil and roams the earth in anticipation of doomsday with a piece of coal in a pumpkin? (Gives orange marbles, one per team) the task of the teams is to write on Jack, the names of all the terrible heroes of which you know in one minute. Ready? Started!

Competition "Pumpkin".

Participants are divided into two teams, each team is given an orange ball - this is a pumpkin. You need to write as many scary characters as possible in a minute.

Host: the time is up and we count and read the names written by the teams. Let's start with the girls' team.

Checking the execution of the task.

Host: great. And now it's time for scary dancing. The dance of the scarecrows is announced. Let's dance!

The dance was scary

Moderator: Well, are the teams ready to continue the battle? Girls and boys line up shoulder to shoulder to each other, facing the opposing team. Now I will distribute tadpole ghosts to each participant (hands out white balls) your task is to inflate the balloon and release it towards the opposing team on my signal. We will launch the balls in turn. You can't move from your place. The team that can launch the maximum number of balls behind the backs of the opponents will win.

Ghost Contest

Each player is given a white balloon, you need to inflate it without the help of hands, then hold it without tying it. Players take turns releasing the balls. The winner is the one whose ball i.e. the ghost will fly away.

Host: And now the rematch. Each team chooses a captain. The captain stands in the center, the team around the captain. I give each team a set of bandages and coins. The task of the teams is to wrap the captain in bandages and hide as many coins as possible in the bandages. You only have three minutes. Time has gone!

Competition "Mummy"

Players need to wrap the team captain with bandages, but at the same time hide gold coins in the bandages. Then the teams change captains and the team that quickly gets all the gold coins from the mummy wins.

Presenter: The traditional entertainment of monsters on Halloween is the game "Catch the apple." Teams, line up in two columns one at a time. In front of you are basins of water in which apples float. Your task is to run to the pelvis, grab the apple with your teeth and bring it to the team. Reade set Go!

Grab an Apple Contest

The players are divided into two teams in front of the teams there is a basin of water, each player of the team must run up to the basin and grab the apple with their teeth without the help of hands. And bring it to the team.

Host: and now it's time for the costume contest, all the dressed-up guests of the evening go to the center in turn, give the name of their character, tell everything they know about him, where he lives, how old he is and why he is so scary, show his gait, and return to their place.

Competition "Best Costume"

Host: All the characters are very scary. But who is the scariest? let's choose the main monster by your applause.

Choosing the main monster and rewarding.

Host: And now it's time for a scary-horrible story. Everyone comes closer, the light turns off, only a small flashlight remains, and now that darkness has surrounded us, we will come up with a terrible story about monsters. I will begin to tell it, but when I pass the flashlight to one of you, this person will have to continue my story and come up with a terrible continuation. This is how all monster stories are born.

Scary Contest.

Lights are turned off in the room. The Leader has a flashlight in his hands, he starts a horror story: “There was a dark house in a dark city ...” and passes the flashlight to the next player, you need to come up with a continuation of the story.

Host: I hope you are not afraid? Because we do not need overly frightened monsters, because a monster disco awaits us ahead!

Monster disco.

List of props for the Halloween party "Monster's Ball": hat; orange balloons 2 pcs.; markers 2 pcs.; white balls according to the number of participants; bandages 2-6 pcs.; coins 12-20 pieces; apples by the number of participants; basin with water 2 pcs.; prize for the costume contest; flashlight; musical selection for disco.

Any suggestions on how to celebrate Halloween more scary?!
- Well ... You can shoot scary women ...

If you decide to celebrate Halloween and invite guests, or the party will be held in your office, sketch out a short plan of the event on paper. What should be considered when preparing a Halloween party?

An example scenario for preparing a Halloween party

Halloween entourage

You will need a darkened room. Lampshades with scary patterns (silhouettes of bats, skulls, bones) can be put on lamps.

Halloween costumes

All guests must come in costume.

Halloween photo session

The costumes of your guests should definitely remain in the memory of a descendant. Therefore, do not be lazy to bring a camera and take pictures of everyone.

Halloween Contests

Consider how you will entertain your guests. Contests are the best for this purpose.

  • You need to determine by touch all the parts of the body of Dead Joe. They are laid out at different ends of the darkened room.
  • The caller is blindfolded. The host leads him to each position, offering to touch what lies there and guess what it is.
  • "Dead Man's Heart Joe" - very large, and even better if a rotten and wet tomato is peeled and placed in a cup.
  • "Dead Man Joe's guts" - nasty slimy pasta - spill out into a large plate.
  • A couple of large grapes are placed in a bowl of water - “Dead Joe's eyes”.
  • Small pebbles or hard candies are poured into a metal pot (to make them ring better!) - “Dead Joe's teeth”.
  • "Dead Man Joe's Hair" - The wig is pulled over a ball or balloon.
  • A piece of raw beef liver placed in a bowl of warm water can play the role of "Dead Joe's tongue".
  • In the meat section of the market, several beautiful bones of various sizes are bought in advance.
  • A pickle of a suitable size is cut in half - these will be "Dead Man Joe's ears". Or not ears.
  • Sausages in polyethylene - if peeled, they will be stickier and nastier than "Dead Man Joe's fingers".
  • Heated tomato juice poured into a jug will pass for Dead Joe's blood.


What's a party without dancing? Just don't forget to pick up atmospheric music.