Congratulations on the anniversary of graduates of different generations. Congratulations to the school on its anniversary in prose from graduates of past years

Dear Colleagues!

Accept the most my sincere congratulations with the 50th anniversary of school number 13!

Your educational institution occupies a worthy place in the education system of the city of Oktyabrsky. The teaching staff is distinguished by high professionalism, devotion to their favorite work, creativity to work.From year to year, the teachers of your school pass on their knowledge and experience to children, serve as an example of high morality, an honest and conscientious attitude to business. The school has created favorable conditions for learning and comprehensive development students, modern educational technologies, innovative platforms are successfully operating. Please accept the words of sincere gratitude for the daily selfless work. We are convinced that your invaluable life experience and knowledge will continue to serve the development of the education system in your hometown. We wish the school further prosperity, the whole team - good health, vital and creative forces, well-being, grateful and talented students! All the best!

E.I.Malova director of the school,

staff of school №12

School No. 13 has never stood still and has changed a lot in 50 years. It is rightfully considered a school in the city. excellence: one of the first in the city to introduce an office system, specialized education, classes with several specialized groups, design and research technologies. Today, school number 13 is one of the most equipped with modern equipment. educational institutions cities. Holder of the honorary status "National Treasure of Russia", laureate of the educational program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia" and many others all-Russian competitions. Undoubtedly, this is the merit of the entire creative, united, highly professional team of teachers, good students, interested parents under the guidance of an experienced and purposeful director of the school, Maria Sergeevna Bogdanova, where new traditions do not replace the old ones, but harmoniously enter life, making it brighter and richer. Sincere congratulations to all participants educational process school number 13 with the 50th anniversary! I wish all the teaching and technical staff, veterans of the school, students and their parents good health, achievements in creative work And successful study. May school number 13 continue to flourish!

N.F. Mukhametkhanova, director of the school,

School No. 15 team

50 years ago, secondary school No. 13.50 years ago hospitably opened its doors to us ... For history - just a moment, and for a team of teachers - a whole life devoted to their favorite work, students. Dear teachers! You are subject to a great miracle - to create a Human. It is you who manage to discern in the restless, restless first-grader a future scientist, a talented musician... On the day of the anniversary, I would like to wish the whole team further success, prosperity, talented students glorifying school No. 13.

Mashenkova Nadezhda Gennadievna, graduate of 1966

School is a trailblazer

There are many educational institutions in the city that work in such a way that children come with joy, receive knowledge, grow up healthy, kind and happy. But among all the schools in our city there is one that can rightfully be considered a pioneer, discoverer, experimenter. This is a municipal budget educational institution"Secondary school No. 13". School No. 13 attracts with innovative processes. Design and PR technologies are boldly introduced, the programs “Our children are the future of Russia”, “Gifted children” are being effectively implemented. It is also important that many general education schools in the city have put into practice the experience of profile education of this institution. School No. 13 was the first in the city to open classes with several profile groups, began to practice pre-profile training for students, one of the first to switch to an experimental mode of operation at the city and republican levels. The specifics of this school are expressed not only in the programs developed and implemented by teachers, but also in those traditional holidays which are held from year to year by the efforts of teachers and students. In the school, under the guidance of Marina Sergeevna Bogdanova, a competent teacher, a competent and demanding director, real enthusiasts of their work, highly qualified and broad-minded, whose activities are based on the implementation person-centered, activity and competence approaches. I am glad that the graduates of this school bring their children to their native school, that many of them return to it not only as parents of students, but also as teachers. The significant victories of teachers and students of the school in competitions, festivals, conferences, olympiads are also pleasing (look at the official website of MBOU "Secondary School No. 13" in the Achievements section - they have something to be proud of!). In turn, the school, like the city, can rightly be proud of the remarkable successes of the director himself, who strives to become a real Guide along the immense, but wonderful path of knowledge and creativity. We sincerely congratulate the school staff on the anniversary, wish him prosperity, development, new creative victories and beginnings!

O.I. Starshinova, director of the school,

School No. 18 staff

This is our dear and beloved school. No matter how many years pass, the place where the unique moments of our childhood and youth were lived becomes especially dear and close to us. School #13 turns 50 this year. For history, this is just a moment, but for many generations of graduates, veterans of labor and current teachers, this is unforgettable event, which gives wonderful memories of bright everyday life and opens up new pages of creative activity.

Sorokina (Platonova) Larisa Viktorovna, graduate of 1988

Our graduation is the same age as the school, this year we all celebrate the anniversary and not only a personal one, but also our beloved school. I would like to recall the wonderful teachers who invested in us not only knowledge, but also their soul: Malinina Mina Mikhailovna, our classroom teacher, Mylnikova Valentina Mikhailovna, our director, teacher of mathematics, Rima Rizaevna, Alisa Vasilievna, Raisa Semyonovna, Zinaida Ivanovna, Maria Ivanovna, Zukhra Zufarovna, Lyubov Pavlovna, Karamyshev Vladimir Georgievich. Our 10A class for the first time in the history of the school came up with and organized the Day of Self-Government. How long did we persuade Valentina Mikhailovna to allow it to be held. Self-Government Day was a great success, without incident, and was liked by all teachers and students. In the future, this event became a tradition on Teacher's Day. From the graduates of the same age as 1981, I want to congratulate the team of “our thirteenth” on the anniversary of the school and wish health, success, further prosperity, new creative achievements, and professional victories.

Galliamova (Khannanova) Nasima Kamilevna, a graduate of school No. 13, graduated in 1981.

Congratulations to the team high school#13 Happy Golden Anniversary!

It seems that quite recently school number 13 accepted its first students. For 50 years of the wall, you have given hundreds of graduates a start in life. Most of them fondly remember their school life, their teachers and classmates. And no matter how their fate turns out, school No. 13 will always remain a second home for them, a place where they are remembered, loved and appreciated. We wish you, Dear colleagues, further growth, talented teachers, understanding parents and inquisitive students, glorifying their native school with their successes.

The team of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3"

Dear Colleagues!

School number thirteen - fifty,
Congratulations on her anniversary!
Oh, how the years fly by
Children grow up quickly in school.
Their teachers bring them to life,
Teachers give their souls
So that fate is lucky
The roads were smooth!
School is a symbol of earthly holiness:
And love, and friendship in it began,
Home for every second,
Joyful songs sounded in it ...
Congratulations on this date to all:
Both students and teachers
So that success always accompanies
There was a lot of happiness and health!
optimism, joy, love
And good luck in life unchanged!

WITH Best wishes team of MBOU secondary school No. 9

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the anniversary of the school!

For 50 years, life has been raging here. The school gladly welcomes new students and sadly sees off graduates. Everything changes. Only one thing remains unchanged! The love and devotion of teachers to the chosen profession. It is a great gift to accept and love each of your students, to give him a piece of your heart! In your work - the joy of creativity, strength of mind and the ability to empathize. With all my heart, let me wish YOU good health, professional achievements, love and recognition of students and parents.

Administration and staff of MBOU "Secondary School No. 22"

This is n our dear and beloved school. No matter how many years pass, the place where the unique moments of our childhood and youth were lived becomes especially dear and close to us. School #13 turns 50 this year. For history, this is just a moment, but for many generations of graduates, labor veterans and current teachers, this is an unforgettable event that gives wonderful memories of bright everyday life and opens up new pages of creative activity.

Kumaneeva (Mukhametzyanova) Louise Rafikovna, graduate of 1989,

Sorokina (Platonova) Larisa Viktorovna, graduate 1988 A

Dear Marina Sergeevna! Dear teachers of school number 13!

Let me congratulate you on 50 summer anniversary schools!For me personally, this is also a significant and exciting event, since at the 13th school I was lucky to start my school years and study up to the 7th grade. Here the foundation of school knowledge was laid, the school gave friends, taught to love nature, respect the older generation, since the Timur movement was well developed. Warm memories have been preserved of the first teacher Karimova Ekaterina Fedorovna, who strictly, kindly and carefully tried to instill in each of us the qualities good man. In the middle level, the class teacher and teacher of the Russian language Fokina Svetlana Mikhailovna became a real mentor. She taught with great skill educational material on such a complex subject as the Russian language, it was so easy and understandable. A cool watch And extracurricular activities conducted by her, rallied our class in Friendly team. Working in the commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights of the administration of the Oktyabrsky city district, we cooperate with educational institutions. School No. 13 stands out from all educational institutions with its well-coordinated team of like-minded people, whose deeds, sometimes and emotions, are aimed at creating conditions for the full-fledged upbringing and education of all children without exception. Particular attention is paid to children living in socially dangerous families. School teachers try to support such children, to help them. In addition, students of school No. 13 provide "Timurov" assistance to children in the orphanage. The school is a member of the Global Movement " kind children peace." And this is a small part of what the school has achieved in all its years. On its anniversary, the school can rightly be proud of its achievements. The anniversary is another stage, an occasion to take stock of the work done and set new long-term goals. Despite the significance of the date, in essence, the school is still young, a tense, dynamic, creative life is seething in it. The children who inhabit it are talented, cheerful, energetic, they are the same as those who entered it first. As at all times, they need love, warmth and care. And I want to believe that today's students will find their place in life. Dear teachers of the 13th school, on this solemn day, accept gratitude for conscientious work! Good health to you, preservation of school traditions, implementation of plans and a confident look into the future!

Sincerely, Svetlana Basyrova

congratulations on school day

School Anniversary - 100 years

Centenary School Anniversary

Celebrate among friends!

Pages of life of our school

Successes and traditions are full.

Teachings illuminated by light

Raised smart, gifted,

talented students,

Brought up among the calls!

And the covenant of life is true:

There is learning great light!

Let now another hundred years

Promise fulfilled!

Anniversary of the school - 50 years

Half a century of school is a date!

Let's celebrate guys!

Half a century of joyful accomplishments

And real achievements!

Learned, thought, decided

All in school life experienced!

Let them make mistakes

But with them gained experience!

Ready for an anniversary

Both for myself and for people!

We read this congratulations,

Let's give solemn bell!

I wrote you congratulations

On a holiday, the birthday of the school!

After all, knowledge is this cute island,

And a bright childhood, our island is cheerful.

On this holiday, I will give you:

Poems, perfumes and compliments.

Because I love my school!

Many moments of happiness passed here.

Anniversary of the music school

Anniversary at the music school -

Sing about the triumph of the piano chord,

Let Bach's fugues sound

The violin song is pouring,

And people will shut up.

In the silence of that temptation is:

Understand everything, comprehend, see clearly,

In music, see the whole world of color!

Wrote this greeting

The solemn chord begins!

Anniversary of the school - 75 years

At seventy five

There's a lot behind

Round dance of students -

Toddlers, graduates -

And the last calls

Graduates are waiting for them.

And we have the opportunity to be proud

Among us are all worthy faces!

At seventy five

Much is ahead!

We write this congratulations

Let's sit back to class!

School Anniversary - 25 years

A quarter of a century behind

Celebrate your anniversary with us.

We write this congratulations

To give a holiday call!

Let the lessons change

Will be forever unchanged

May the teaching for all

Work hard for success!

And brings faith

What are her high spheres

Completely under control

Doubts about that are in vain!

Congratulations on the last call in prose



Congratulations on the last call in prose

Graduates, like birds, leave the school, spreading their wings, and rush into free flight. We, parents and teachers, are watching with delight and sadness how you fly out of the doors of your native school, and with it, in part, out of parental home. WITH today you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And the way your life will be depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think everything over clearly and balancedly, do not be led by other people's desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will certainly be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it is waiting for you outside the school!

So that bright hour has come, for the sake of which you have put a lot of effort and work. Now you are on the threshold of a new life and even greater achievements. Primers, knapsacks, bows, first written own hand letters and the first self-read word - all this is left in the past. Now you are already quite mature and established individuals who have chosen their path in life.

Today everyone heartily congratulates you: teachers who have led for many years to this significant day; parents who supported in any endeavors and aspirations; schoolchildren who look at you now with great respect! We wish you to achieve everything that you have planned, to easily go through the chosen paths and successfully pass the first serious exam in your life - the Unified State Examination. Mutual understanding to you, happiness and good luck! We believe that you will succeed in life!

Dear Guys! Today is your last call. Everything will remain in its melodic modulations: the joy of the first victories, and hard work on yourself, and the sleepless nights of your parents, and true love your teachers. Let each of his trills remind you of bright days spent by you in the eternally young temple of sciences, whose name is the school. She will not forget you either, because over the years she has become accustomed to you, and today her day is full of inescapable sadness ... Well, nothing in this world is permanent. You are waiting for new achievements and new successes, and your favorite school - new students. We wish you good luck and bless you for glorious deeds. Good luck, graduates!

We congratulate you, our dear teachers, who endured and loved us for so many years, with the Last Call. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work invested in us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you said! Thank you for your love, support and important tips that we will remember for the rest of our lives! A new, bright future awaits us ahead, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything that you knew yourself, putting into every word special meaning we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us in the right direction and thanks to you we now know which way we will go! With the Last Call to you, our beloved teachers!

When the last bell rings - usually all the best that has been experienced over the years is remembered school studies.

Ahead - like a border separating childhood from adulthood - is a difficult, but no less magical summer:

June is the month of examination tests and verification of not only knowledge, but also endurance, ingenuity, responsibility.

July is the month of making the first independent decisions.

August is the month of happy starfalls.

I wish you, graduates, not only to have time to make your own cherished desires, but also to catch your star and hold it in your hands!

Remember: there comes that exciting moment when your whole life is in your hands. Let it be illuminated by the good light of the star of your youth!

Congratulations on your graduation. Today the school bell rang for you at last time. You were impatient to quickly become adults and say goodbye to school desks, you wanted to run away from school faster.

And today the school says goodbye to you. Parting for you will be a new stage in life, the verge of change and responsible choice. The very first independent choice in your young destinies.

And your school teachers, and your most important allies in your studies - your parents want for you the best that you can wish for your children, happiness. Happiness such that there is enough for everyone and still remains for the world around you. May this world be kind to you, may only kind, sincere people meet on your roads. And, if you need advice or help, you always know who to turn to. Good luck, dear graduates!

The last call comes only once in a lifetime. And how quickly it will ring out, how quickly you will plunge into the whirlpool of adult life, where there is so much new, interesting, but also a lot of trouble, obstacles! Our dear children, our yesterday's students! We tried our best, putting everything that the school and the family can give into you. You grew up, matured, developed and, of course, also tried, even more than we do, to adequately approach the line of the last call. We are very pleased with the result, we are pleased with you, and we want you to continue to give us only joy, only pride for you, and life itself and luck itself have already given you in full. Let it develop with training, with work, with a career, with families. Let adulthood will be happy, youth will be long, and old age will recede before your enthusiasm and enthusiasm!

Excitingly, loudly, alarmingly sounded the school bell. For you, our dear children who have grown up so imperceptibly, it will become a signal, a call to boldly move towards a new, interesting life full of joy and success! Quite recently, just like that, with tears of joy in our eyes, we stood, worried, giving you into the reliable hands of the first teacher. And today you are worried with us, realizing that childhood is left behind - and cheerful changes, fervent sports, joint excursions, trips, will remain only in memories and school albums. But there are still unconquered peaks, new discoveries ahead of you, and we believe that your life will be rich and interesting! May everything go well!


More on Last call on our website: congratulations to teachers and congratulations to subject teachers!

Congratulations in prose

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas! The year 2012 is fading away, but the experience, the achievements and victories that it brought with us remain with us.

Last year was different for everyone: for some it seemed light and joyful, for others it was heavy and unsuccessful. But it has ended, and the fate of the new year, how it will develop, is in the hands of each of us. Armed with the experience of previous mistakes and failures, achievements and victories, we all have to solve problems again, rejoice, grieve, love.

According to a good tradition, on the eve of this holiday, the results of the past year are summed up, plans for the future are outlined. Everyone asks himself the question, how did he live this year, what did he manage to do from the plan, what needs to be done in coming year to live better, prosperous?

The outgoing year was woven from a multitude significant events and everyday life problems, leaving their mark on our lives.

May the new year 2013 be the next step towards a better life, bring happiness, peace and good luck to every home!

I want peace on earth in the coming year, warmth and light in every home, peace and love in every heart, sonorous children's laughter in each family!

May all your secret dreams come true! May every day of the New Year 2013 be warmed with kindness and love!

Let's wish each other happiness, good luck and prosperity!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year, friends!

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

Autumn is not only a charming time of the year, when it's time to look for the brightest ruby ​​and gold leaves for a herbarium, but also a time of knowledge ... We congratulate you on September 1 and, letting you go to school, we want to wish you good luck and inspiration so that your studies are not a burden, but in joy! ©

The sultry, cheerful summer ended, the guys stretched out, walked and rested well, and before the trees had time to wrap themselves from head to toe with a golden autumn dress, the holiday of September 1, the Day of Knowledge, came! With all my heart, I wish you great intelligence to walk in the favorites of teachers and friends, as well as good luck in exams and good mood! ©

Equipping a student to school is a responsible task! Everyone gives advice, instructions, you need to check ten times whether everything from the textbooks is in place ... in a word, your head is spinning! On September 1, I wish you not to worry, believe in yourself and know that behind you is good luck, which all your relatives sincerely wish you! ©

When the students rush to school on September 1, they are all dressed up like princes and princesses! But for this holiday, it is also important to have joy in your heart, because the school is a real palace of sciences, from which one day you will have to leave as an adult, educated person, ready to change the world around him at your own discretion! I want to wish you to study not for show, but with great interest and success! ©

Congratulations on September 1st! May you, young schoolboy, always be well and in order! In the diary - good marks, in the bag - neatly folded textbooks and stationery trifles, and in your bright head - knowledge and all sorts of pleasant thoughts! Learn, learn new things, and let your dreams come true! ©

It's no secret that many problems are very difficult until a solution is found, and then one can only wonder - how did we not understand this before?! We all once went through checklists and cheat sheets, but today, September 1, I want to wish you more decisions for yourself and always be able to find original and completely correct solutions! ©

The golden enchantress-autum seemed to have dressed up everything to make it more fun for you to go to school! On the holiday of September 1, all attention to you, the students! Today you will hear a lot of instructions from relatives and teachers, good luck wishes ... And I want to wish you wonderful mood to never hang up your nose and dream more! ©

In autumn, everything goes on as usual ... Trees change clothes, dressing in rustling gold and bronze, birds fly to the South, and children rush to school! I know that you are no longer a child, but a completely independent young man, and you will soon finish school ... But for now, I still strongly advise you to study well and wish you brilliant success in this! ©

The first bell rings with a golden ring, and students run from everywhere to the front door of the school! You can’t wait to join them, and I don’t dare to delay you, but first I want to congratulate you and wish you a cheerful, cheerful mood for every school day, friendly teachers, new friends and useful knowledge! ©

On Knowledge Day, I congratulate you and wish you not to get sick in the coming academic year, not to skip classes, and, answering best of all in the class, learn no less than to become a professor! Today, on a warm autumn day, I seem to see your wonderful future and wish you to rush to it with good luck and inspiration! ©

Congratulations on graduation in prose

  • Dear graduates! From today, you will see new world, completely different, unlike what it was before. Now you - independent personalities who are responsible for their actions. Often remember your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!
  • Congratulations, graduate! Today, farewell to school will be the last day when you can be called an eleventh grader. Years of hard study will be left behind tomorrow, so I wish you to enjoy this last school day and remember it forever.
  • I would like to congratulate each graduate on their graduation day and wish you guys to achieve everything in this life - to become what you want, to get interesting profession, to work in the area where it will be possible to be realized. And, of course, love - without it, you can't go anywhere!
  • Graduate, today I want to congratulate you on wonderful holiday which is both sad and joyful at the same time. Graduation day... You will never step on the doorstep again as a student, so don't forget your favorite teachers!
  • Let today everyone who leaves their native school forever remember it like this - friendly and open. May the voices of your favorite teachers forever remain in your memory, and school lessons you will remember with pleasure and a pleasant warm feeling. Congratulations on graduation school year!
  • Dear class teacher! Today we leave you forever. There have been a lot of things over the years - both bad and good, but we sincerely hope that you will remember our class as a friendly team that overcame everything under your leadership! We love you very much and will never forget you!
  • Congratulations, dear teachers, With wonderful holiday- our graduation. Yes, many of us were looking forward to when our studies would finally end, but today for some reason everyone is sad and no one wants to part with their beloved school. May this day remain forever in the memory of each of us!
  • Favorite teachers! You are the best! Today, on our graduation day, I want to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday. I know that we will all miss and remember our favorite school, but today you should not be sad - let's celebrate this day so that it will be remembered for a long time and we will all be happy!
  • To the graduates of our school, I want to wish you to be worthy people, so that everything always works out in your life and any desires come true! It is enough to make an effort - and every dream can come true, do not forget about it, and remember that everything depends only on you!
  • May everyone who says goodbye to school today remember this day for long years! May any of you achieve everything you want in this life and be able to cope with any difficulties! I wish the graduates a happy long life filled with the most wonderful events!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the school - the empire of the holiday

All of us were once students, drove at breaks in school yard, sometimes they skipped classes, sometimes they did not homework. But, nevertheless, the school years will forever be remembered as the most carefree time. Years have passed since you left school, the teachers have aged a little, and the school is getting ready for solemn events about your anniversary. Preparing congratulations on the anniversary of the school is quite simple, because you have something to remember and something to tell.

When speaking, you must say nice words your teachers, who certainly influenced the development of you as a person. For this case, both congratulations in prose and congratulations in verse are suitable. Great option there will be a combined congratulation, which will combine both prose text, as well as poetry. For example, official part- direct words dedicated to the school and her anniversary may be prose. A personalized congratulations school administration and teaching staff - can be written in verse. However, the main thing is not in what form you compose your congratulations, but how you present it.

Congratulations are better on a large colorful postcard, which will then remain within the walls of the school and will remind you of solemn day. Saying kind words to your former teachers, the main thing is not to ignore anyone, because they all need to say kind words and express gratitude. Do not forget about sincerity and sensuality, and your congratulations will undoubtedly be appreciated, and maybe it will even cause someone to have a tear of tenderness.

Congratulations to the school in prose -

The start of the school year is long-awaited meeting with friends, teachers and students, and new stage V important work on which the future of each of us, our city and the country as a whole depends. After all, in modern world only educated and active people achieve success and recognition. There is not a single area of ​​life where deep professional knowledge would not be in demand.

The Russian government is doing everything possible to ensure that our students have access to the highest quality education, Special attention improving the material and technical base of schools, introducing innovative educational programs, while focusing on the development of a free, spiritually holistic personality.

Realizing ourselves as a part of a large, multi-million, strong country, we strive to revive the significance and greatness of the Fatherland. We must remember and honor our past, which helps to become a wise person, proud of our Motherland. Russia is a country with an interesting and glorious history, vast expanses, inexhaustible natural resources, and a unique culture. We have something to be proud of.

With all my heart I wish the children an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, excellent grades and the conquest of high peaks, and teachers capable and grateful students!

Let this school year will be interesting and fruitful for you!

Congratulations to the director in prose

The holiday is different for the holiday, for some events we get off with small souvenirs, and for others long time puzzle over what is Once again present to your favorite director on his birthday. Of course, this festive event cannot be called ordinary, because here you should try and choose the gift that the person will like. As you know, any gift should be complemented by stately and beautiful wishes, that's why congratulations to the director in prose will, by the way, complement gift box, in which is original souvenir. Prose is one of the most fashionable and sought-after congratulations, because all these wishes are distinguished by ease, originality and sincerity, which is what is necessary in order to please the boss. Congratulations to the director in prose have a deep meaning that you can reveal to the hero of the occasion, allowing you to enjoy the grace of phrases that will remind you of birds singing. Do not forget your director, and he, in turn, will not forget about you, which may affect your salary or bonus.

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"You are in the life of each of us, native school!"

We are starting to print congratulations on the anniversary, graduates of past years write to us.

On behalf of the graduates of 1969 Okhlopkova Aitalina Alekseevna , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Head of the Department of High Molecular Compounds and Organic Chemistry of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the NEFU named after. M.K. Ammosova, an excellent student of education of the RS(Y), an honorary worker of vocational education of the RS(Y), an honored worker of science of the RS(Y), an honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the RS(Y).

We are graduates of 1969. Our first teacher was Anastasia Ivanovna Spireva, honored teacher of the RSFSR. An extraordinary person, she gave her whole soul to us, together with her we comprehended not only the first letters, learned to write and read, but also to distinguish between such concepts as kindness, diligence, responsibility, love for our loved ones, nature, Motherland. After completing primary education, we all class moved to Tanas Zoya Ivanovna, who brought us to graduation. With all my heart I would like to thank all our teachers, extraordinary, highly professional specialists. Each of them was a kind of guide to the land of knowledge. How lucky we are to have teachers!

I want to wish the whole team many wonderful students, great success in your difficult but much-needed daily work, good health, optimism and all the best.Happy anniversary, my native school, a forge of highly professional personnel!

Shvetsova Natalya Alexandrovna . Studied from grades 1 to 9, 1986 - 1995.

I am currently working as a Senior Special Investigator important matters in the Investigative Unit for the Investigation of Organized Criminal Activities of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), rank - Lieutenant Colonel of Justice.

My dear school!!! Thank you for everything! For the work of teachers, for care, for understanding, for all those feelings and emotions that you gave me within your walls! I wish you success in all areas. So that you prosper for many years, so that you produce as many medalists and athletes as possible, so that students love you and go to classes with great eagerness, so that no hardships break you, so that teachers are always cheerful and healthy! I wish you to stand forever and teach children to read and write life!!!

Years have passed, time has passed quickly, but I will never forget you!!!

I wish all the teaching staff success in your noble work, good luck and professional victories!

Vysochkina Tatyana Yurievna. Studied at school number 3, 2000-2010.

In 2010-2015 studied at the Southern Institute of Management in the city of Krasnodar. In 2015 she received a diploma with honors in higher education with the qualification "Management of the organization". Since 2013, I have been working at the Southern Institute of Management as Assistant Vice-Rector for scientific work, I teach Introduction to the specialty for 1st year students.

The school has a wonderfully arranged test-examination system in grades 10-11, for example, when I entered the institute in 2010, it was much easier for me to adapt to the system of higher education.

luiza borgwardt, Graduated in 1989, 8th grade.

Hello, my name is (girlish) Louise Sabitova, Teacher of the beginning. classes: Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Class 8b. Now in Germany - General Practitioner. Good luck everyone!!!

Dream Sergey. Time of study 1956-1966

Congratulations to all on the anniversary of the school! I wish the teachers health and patience!
I live in Estonia, graduated from the Tallinn Polytechnic Institute, electrical engineer.

We are graduates of 1969. Our first teacher was Anastasia Ivanovna Spireva, honored teacher of the RSFSR. An extraordinary person, she gave her whole soul to us, together with her we comprehended not only the first letters, learned to write and read, but also to distinguish between such concepts as kindness, diligence, responsibility, love for our loved ones, nature, Motherland.

After graduating from primary education, the whole class went to Tanas Zoya Ivanovna, who brought us to graduation. With all my heart I would like to thank all our teachers, extraordinary, highly professional specialists. Each of them was a kind of guide to the land of knowledge. How lucky we are to have teachers!