Day of laughter in kindergarten. Holiday script. The scenario of a musical and sports holiday for children of senior preschool age, dedicated to the Day of Laughter "Day of Laughter in kindergarten


8.15—8.45 "Fun exercise" (music hall)

8.45—9.30 Entertainment "Clown visit us" (in groups)

The first half of the day:

Contests (by groups):

- "The funniest face" (drawing);

- "The funniest story" (storytelling);

- "The most charming smile";

- "The funniest photograph" (exhibition).

Cheerful disco (music hall).

Walk: according to the plans of educators.

Afternoon: comic outdoor games (according to the plans of educators), reading G. Oster's book "Bad Advice".

Fool's Day plan for younger children preschool age

The plan of the Day of laughter for children of primary preschool age

The first half of the day:

Charging under funny song"Chunga-Changa" (lyrics by Y. Entin, music by V. Shainsky).

Game "What has changed?".

Game-performance "Our circus" ("Bear", "Horse", "Monkey", "Toy").

"Guessing Riddles".


Outdoor games: "Engines", "Sun Bunnies".

After reading K. Chukovsky's poem "Zakalyaka", invite the children to draw their own Zakalyaka.

Disco with animal guests.

Game "Funny face".


Outdoor games: "Birds and a swallow", "Fox-fox", "Owl-owl", "Mousetrap".

Funny adventure "Find a toy".

We launch multi-colored airplanes (made of paper).

Fun games "Who is more", "Catch a mosquito".


Balloon games.

Reading humorous poems by S. Cherny “What do you like”, “Thomas”, poems by I. Mikhailova “Ay Dili”.

Attraction "Joke fishing".

"Carnival of animals" (imitation of animal movements to music).

Reading poems of miniatures: "Fox", "Kitten", "Top with the foot".

Smeshinki for Have a good mood

If someone in the group cries:

1. Broshinki-nepro-shen-ki,

Where did you come from?

By tram or train to ... (Kati)

Got it?

No, spoil the mood

Nobody asked you!

Or maybe you didn't cry

Did it rain?

2. A steamboat walks along the river of tears,

He wipes his nose, only his nose is not the same:

Our nose was small

Our nose was a button

And now - scarlet,

And he's still swollen!

Well, it's not a problem

Tears will dry - then

There will again be a nose like a nose,

The nose just doesn't like tears!

While eating:

Valya barely ate beets,

She blushed a lot.

Well, what if our Valya

Are you eating cucumbers?

On a walk:

Sasha and Dima are friends -

Together they walk in a puddle.

Slipped and fell

Trousers, jackets soiled.

April Fool's Day plan for children 4-5 years old

The first half of the day:

"Fun exercise": performing ordinary exercises at an accelerated pace; funny Games: "Trainwreck", "Molecule".

Drawing competition " funny face(drawing a funny portrait).

“A game of funny poems” (when they read a funny poem, you need to clap your hands).

Watching your favorite cartoons (on video, DVD).

"Funny Fables" competition for the most cheerful and provocative laughter.


Funny ball games: “Say the name”, “Don't yawn and pass it faster”, “Hunters and ducks”, “My funny sonorous ball”.


Reading the works of N. Nosov “How Sharik went to visit Barbos”, “Live Hat”, etc.

"Merry disco" (dances with soft toys under the tape recorder).

Show soap bubbles.

Game "Catch the bubble".

Plan for the Day of Laughter for children 5-6 years old

Purpose: formation of the need for communication with peers; social contacts; development of the ability to work together in everyday life and gaming activity; maintaining mental health.

Tasks: teaching the ability to "be at peace with yourself"; the formation in children of the skills and abilities of practical possession of expressive movements (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime); the formation of positive emotions.

The game "Clown Tyap-Lap".

Purpose: to expand the range of emotions in children through understanding and experiencing a sense of joy; form positive feelings and emotions through a smile; learn to be emotional fun mood of people.

The teacher informs the children that the clown Tyap-Lyap came to visit them today. He is very cheerful and he is interested to know if the guys know how to laugh and rejoice. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the clown is hiding something behind his back. Tyap-Lap suddenly takes out a small bright ball and offers to play, throws it, the children catch it. The clown notes that the guys really know how to rejoice, have fun, and he is very pleased. The clown asks the children when and what they laugh at. And do they know what their faces are at that moment.

Tyap-Lyap shows the children the drawings of his friend Ulybkin, who is not only cheerful, but also sad. Invites children to find smiling clowns in the drawings and color them.

Etude "Do as I do".

The clown, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, is trying to cheer up the guys. Children repeat after him movements:

index finger press on the tip of the nose;

- stretch the corners of the lips;

- with the palm of one hand they wave from behind the head, with the other they scratch the tip of the nose;

- show a long nose, like Pinocchio, with the palm of the hand;

- depict a monkey, etc.

Tyap-Lap reports that he saw how the guys can have fun, and that they can make good clowns.

Mobile game "Freeze!".

Clown with help fun rhymes chooses from the children of the driver:

Turtle tucked its tail

And she ran after the rabbit.

Got ahead

Who does not believe - come out!

He invites children to move freely throughout the group. After his clap, everyone should freeze. Tyap-Lap approaches the guys and tries to make them laugh. Whoever laughs is out of the game.

At the end of the game, the clown thanks the children for giving him moments of joy, he has never had as much fun as today.

Excursion "Learning to enjoy nature."

Purpose: to teach children to enjoy the world around them (nature), to emotionally express a sense of joy from communicating with the outside world.

Preliminary work: drawing on the theme "We rejoice in nature."

The teacher tells the children that they are happy not only when they go to the circus, read funny stories, watch cartoons, etc., but also when they see a clear sunny day that gives warmth; clear blue skies and white clouds that bring a good mood, as well as trees and flowers that give beauty. Therefore, today they will learn to enjoy nature.

Etude "Sunshine".

The teacher invites boys and girls to enjoy a clear sunny day. Lifting their faces and stretching their palms up, they greet the sun. The teacher accompanies the actions of the children with the words: “We are glad to see you, sunshine! We are glad to see you, clear day!”

Etude "Sky".

The sketch is carried out by analogy with the previous one, with the only difference that the teacher says: “We are glad to see you, blue sky! We are glad to see you, clouds!”

Etude "Flowers and Grass".

It is carried out by analogy. The teacher accompanies him with the words: “We love you, flowers! We love you, green grass! We are very glad to see you all!”

Etude "Birds".

Conducted as before. The teacher says with the children: “We love you, birds! We always rejoice in your singing!”

Mobile game "Merry dance".

Purpose: to develop joint movement skills.

The boy and girl stand with their backs to each other. The teacher ties them with a scarf around the waist. Children are invited to perform a dance for two to music (“Polka”, “Waltz”, folk dances).

From several pairs of participants, the best is selected by the applause of the audience.

Didactic game "Who will notice the fables more."

Purpose: to teach children to notice fables, illogical situations, to explain them; develop the ability to distinguish between real and imagined.

Children sit down so that chips can be put aside on the table. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Whoever notices a fable in a poem and drawings must put a chip in front of him, and at the end of the game name all the fables noticed.” Then he continues: “Now I will read you an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s poem “Confusion”. There will be a lot of fables in it, try to notice and remember them. The one who notices more fables wins.

The teacher first reads a small part of the poem slowly, expressively, intonation highlighting places with fables.

After reading, ask the children why the poem is called that. Then the child who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the fables they noticed.

Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. If the child put more chips than the tales in the poem, then he did not follow the rules of the game, and should be more attentive another time.

Then the teacher reads the next part of the poem and makes sure that the children do not get tired, because. The game requires a lot of mental effort. Noticing by their behavior that they are tired, he must stop the game. At the end of the game, praise should be given to those who found more stories and explained them correctly.

Option: in the game you can also use the fables depicted in the figures.

Holiday scenario for April Fool's Day for children 5-6 years old

Children take their seats in the music room.

Leader (V.).

Welcome, come in!

Everything here is ready for fun -

Dance, sing, have fun!

And let laughter fly everywhere!

Tanya, Sasha, Vova, Nina!

Let's start the humor!

Humor means laughter

Good joke for everyone!

Petrushka runs.

Parsley. Ugliness! Holiday again? Without me? Not good! I have a Nose Pump! In! What, you're not afraid of me? Right! Whoever has fun is not afraid! And the mood today is great! I even want to sing!

Q. Who are you going to sing with?

Parsley. With you!

B. First you need to get acquainted!

Parsley. Exactly! Get in two circles, let's get to know each other!

The game "Two circles".

Parsley. Now I know you.

Q. And you didn't greet the audience.

Parsley. I don't see any bagels!

V. Yes, not with bagels, but with the public!

Parsley. A! With the audience… Hello, dear viewers! Do you want to fight with me?

Q. What are you talking about?

Parsley. Hello dear viewers! Do you want to compete with me? Well, for example, who opens his mouth wider. Or who will scream louder.

Q. You know, we don't need such competitions!

Parsley. Okay, let's sing along. I have a conductor's baton. And I will lead your choir.

Cheerful song (at the choice of the music director).

Parsley. Oh, my legs are asking to dance!

Come out soon

Get up in a circle more fun

We will play with you all

Have fun and dance!

Cheerful dance (at the choice of the music director).

Q. What a dance! You know, Petrushka, since this is a holiday of laughter, listen to our jokes for half a minute. And give the correct answer, where is the truth, and where is not.

1. One day, hot, hot summer,

When the snow was deep

A rocket was flying across the sea

And lost all the candy

And the sperm whale found them,

And he put it in his mouth!

And then when I ate them

Got fat and flew away!

2. A tiger cub lived on a tree,

He was yellow as a chicken.

Grunted, croaked and cracked,

Behemoth visited.

Behemoth loved him

And fed me candy!

3. Two pigs danced,

Like in the Petrushka circus!

The wolves caught them

Dragged to the tree

Needles on the trees

The wolves have pricked!

Parsley and children name mistakes.

V. Well done! What time of year is it now?

Petrushka (guesses). I know for sure - either winter or summer!

1st child.

Spring has come to us

And brought fun!

Grass turn green

And the children sing songs!

Song about spring (at the choice of the music director).

Parsley. And now we will guess the heroes of fairy tales.

Which inhabitant of the sea carried out wishes? (Gold fish.)

Who ate washcloths? (Moydodyr.)

Who went to a ball and lost a shoe? (Cinderella.)

April 1st (one of the dads), Teacher, Joke (maybe one of the moms or a nanny), children.

small prizes for competitions (homemade medals), 2 drawing paper, 2 sets of colored pencils.

Children go out into the hall to the perky music and sit down in their places. Next comes the teacher.

Today is a very strange day
Look, don't trust anyone
Today everyone is joking with everyone
We meet April 1!

Children, as well as their parents, I hasten to congratulate you on one of the most happy days in a year. I want to wish everyone good mood and joy!

Child 1:
Today laughter is ringing everywhere
Today everyone is joking around
We drove away the evil blizzard,
Spring is already here!

Child 2:
We celebrate the day of laughter
The whole world laughs with me
That's fun, that's fun
Papa with a white back!

Child 3:
Do you know how this day came about?
When did you decide to make April 1st?
When did the whole world suddenly decide to joke?
I don't believe in reflection today!

Good question, I don't argue
Let's call the holiday
Let us answer questions
We are very, very looking forward to it!

1 April :
Something softly you called
But I heard, I came to you,
I just lost the joke
I did not find a joke at home.
Maybe she's under the chair
Maybe sitting in the closet
I'm very sad without her
I'm lost without a joke!

Maybe it will help with the kids
We will find a joke for you,
Only you owe the kids
Tell everything about yourself!

1 April :
Fine! Easily! Agree!
I'll tell you everything about myself
Only then will we find
Friendly joke my!

Kids, do you agree?

(Children respond in unison)

1 April :
I'll start my story
I'll tell you, I'll reveal a secret,
Listen carefully to the story
I'm not hiding anything today.
So I was born a long time ago
I have lived in the world for many years
In Europe, it seems he was born,
Already in the century before last!
I grew up, wandered around the world,
And visited countries
Made people laugh everywhere and everywhere
Gave everyone a good mood!
Joked with kings and princes,
And I was friends with the prince,
To beautiful, glorious queens
I always gave a smile!
But it was along with the Joke,
I'm nowhere without her
Please help me kids
It's time to make people laugh!

What does a joke look like? What does she love?

So this is wonderful, because our children have prepared wonderful poems that they will now tell, what if the Joke hears and comes?

(Children take turns talking)

And we also have songs.

(Several children sing children's ditties)

(Several options to choose from)

For girl:
Option 1. I got up this morning,
Wrapped everything in paper
And dressed up the cat
Replaced salt with sugar!
Option 2. And I surprised my mother,
Made a cookie
On your favorite plasticine,
She poured jam.

For boy:
Option 1. I congratulated dad in the morning,
Happy holiday,
I salted his coffee
Made sandwiches.
Option 2. And I got up early in the morning,
Hid the phones
Then the parents ran
All over the house!

Sing along:
We played you
We love parents
We congratulate you on the holiday
Come on, smile!

(chastushkas may be different for more children)

1 April :
Something is not visible My jokes,
I'll probably look out the door
Who stole my joke
If I find it, I'll show it to him!

What else does Joke love?

Kids, I suggest you draw,
But we will draw together,
Need to find the joke
And help us art!

(Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives a set of pencils and a drawing paper. The task is to draw a clown in a minute. The best team will receive a medal. You will need: pencils, drawing paper)

1 April :
You drew beautifully
Just no joke
Maybe she's in danger
She is so young!

April 1, today is the day of humor, laughter, and you are so sad. Let's think about what else Joke likes?

Guys, do you want to dance?

(Children answer. The music from "Pippi Longstocking" is turned on)

1 April :
There is no joke, and I'm sad,
I need to unwind
I'll tell you riddles
I need to have fun!

(Makes riddles to children. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Listen, can we try to call her? What do you say children? Let's call the Joke in chorus, suddenly respond?

(The children call Joke. In the far corner of the hall, something stirred, and Joke crawled out from under the blankets, stretching)

Joke :
Why are you screaming in the morning
Prevent me from sleeping
I'm tired of making people laugh
I want to rest!

Joke :
April, I'm not lost
I slept peacefully in the corner
Since the evening I was going
I'm sorry, please, please!

Joke :
Kids, cute monkeys,
Let's play with you
You repeat everything after me
Well, let's start!

(Children stand near the Joke, who sings a song that says what the children should do)

Song variant:
We clap our hands loudly
And let's drown
And let's jump up to the sky
We touch the ears.
Let's hold hands together
Let's have fun jumping
We stand on one leg
We move the shoulder.
And now it's time for a little
We and make faces,
Make funny faces
Everyone needs to participate!

The kids are having fun
The joke knows its business
Her little ones were waiting,
Let them entertain.

Joke :
Children, let's
Let's play with you
Cartoons now we are with you,
Let's guess right away!

(Shows children frames from cartoons (you can use a tablet or a projector for this), whoever guesses more will receive a medal "Cartoon Expert")

You sang and danced
It's time to let go of the holiday
A joke is also needed together,
Let's see the guys off!

1 April :
It's time for us guys, it's time
Waiting countries, people, cities,
We will come to you in a year,
We will bring you laughter and joy!

Joke :
Then I won't sleep anymore
And I will play with you
I will make you laugh and listen
I will eat sweets with you!

Children sing a song, bow, the teacher thanks everyone for their participation.

If desired, the script can be supplemented with several . Beat all the images and do not forget about the design of the hall. Alternatively, you can hang balloons and paper flowers, you can cut out a large unit and decorate it with ribbons. Also, color posters corresponding to the theme of the holiday will not be superfluous.

Laughter and fun for children is a completely natural thing, so April 1 is a real holiday for children of any age.
For educators and kindergarten workers, it is important to think over the organization of the April Fool's Day to the smallest detail, taking into account the characteristics, preferences and expectations of their pupils.
We have prepared a wonderful scenario "Let's make Crybaby laugh!", Which can be easily adapted for any kindergarten group.

Decor, props, costumes


You can decorate the hall for the holiday with any accessible way: Balloons, emoticons pasted everywhere, laughing faces.
Before the holiday, educators can prepare with the children interesting crafts, dedicated to the Day laughter, and decorate the room with them.


  • April Fool's Day costume (it looks like a big inflated colorful bubble, ridiculous decorations, different color boots),
  • crybaby costume,
  • dunno costume,
  • parsley costume,
  • Spiderman costume.


  • greeting card,
  • several balls,
  • magician's hat (or just a regular hat),
  • small stalk,
  • iron (toy, small size),
  • telephone,
  • selfie stick.



  1. Leading.
  2. Crybaby.
  3. Day of laughter.
  4. Dunno.
  5. Parsley.
  6. Spider Man.

Scene #1

Leading: A long time ago or recently, in the last century or in the present, an extraordinary thing happened! And the day began on April 1 as usual, April Fool's Day was going to properly celebrate his birthday.

Music sounds, the Day of Laughter enters the hall with a brisk step, reads a greeting card.

April Fool's Day: Ho! Ho! Ho! How funny! Now I'm just bursting with laughter! Where is my hairbrush? I have to make myself beautiful hairstyle For birthday! (He scratches the back of his head in puzzlement.) Ha ha ha! I don't have hair.

There is a sob.

April Fool's Day: What? What is that annoying sound? (runs up to the guys). Is that you roaring? Or you? Who dared on my birthday? (It is important to go to the middle of the hall). Well, I'll find you! (Threatens with fist).

To the music, Crybaby enters the hall.

Crybaby: And what to look for me? I came myself.

April Fool's Day (runs up, shakes his shoulders) What are you, are you crying? A?

Crybaby: Don't know…

April Fool's Day: And who should know? Today is an important day - my birthday!

Crybaby (crying): Well, there is April Fool's Day, but there is no Lamentation Day!

April Fool's Day: So. The thing is bad. Now I'll show you the trick! (He takes the balls, tries to juggle them, they fall to the floor. He takes out his hat, looks in it with his hand). Well, where are you, where is the rabbit?!

Crybaby (covers eyes with hands, sobbing heart-rendingly): Not funny-oh!

April Fool's Day: So, stop, stop! Do not Cry! I will send all my magical power to help! I will conjure great merry fellows for you, you will instantly forget about crying!

Crybaby (through tears): OK, try!

April Fool's Day (mysteriously moves his hands, jumps on one leg, sentences): Enikibus-monikibus! Dunno-appearing!

Music sounds, Dunno runs into the hall.

Scene #2

Dunno (shakes hands with children) Hello Hello! Did you see the hat? Lost my hat! How can I go to April Fool's Day without a hat on my birthday?

April Fool's Day: Actually, you have a hat on your head.

Dunno (laughs): Ahaha! Good joke turned out?

April Fool's Day: Well, that's a joke! For three! Dunno, it's a million dollar deal!

Dunno: Listen carefully!

April Fool's Day: There is one person here ...

Crybaby: And it is not necessary to call me special!

April Fool's Day: What's your name? Princess Nesmeyana?

Dunno (importantly lifts his head): Well, it can be...

April Fool's Day: Help her cheer up!

Dunno A: Oh, well, I'm easy! Now I will compose funny poems, you will immediately laugh! (pulls up pants). Crybaby crying why? Because it's sad! No one needs to be sad... (thinking). When there is cabbage in your pants!

He takes a small stump out of his pocket and hands it to Crybaby.

Crybaby (throws a stump to the side): Is this funny? What kind of stupid-and-and (roars).

Dunno: Don't cry, you crybaby! Do not be sad! And wipe the snot in one fell swoop! Take my iron soon ... Swallow it, cold, in one fell swoop!

Crybaby: Leave! I will not swallow irons!

He swings at Dunno, he runs away from the hall.

April Fool's Day: Wow! Why did you drive Dunno away?!

Crybaby: What does he say all sorts of nonsense?

April Fool's Day (begins to spin around himself): Amnikubus-lyalikubus, urgently Petrushka will fly to us!

Music sounds, Petrushka runs into the hall.

Scene #3

April Fool's Day: Parsley! Help out!

Parsley: Yes. I already heard! I met a Dunno, he told me about your guest 5 times. Then he offered me to eat a cold iron, and ran away.

April Fool's Day (in a whisper): What to do? Roar!

Parsley: I know! I can't do it alone, I need help guys! Guys, are you ready to help?

Children, in chorus, answer: “Yes!”

Parsley: I will dance a clockwork dance, and you repeat after me! Be careful, listen to my commands! Ready? Go!

Music sounds, Petrushka shows characteristic rap movements.

Parsley (talks like a rapper):
We dance everything for Crybaby! Yes Yes Yes!
We can make her laugh, no problem!
Come on, everyone, let's dance with our ears! We put big bananas in our ears!
Now let's dance with our hands! We hug ourselves and our neighbor!
Let's dance with our eyes! Bulging - fish! Look, look... Shark!

(Screams, jumps, waving his arms).

Parsley: We kick our feet, faster, faster! We swim away from the shark bolder, bolder! Let's shout together: "One, two, three! Crybaby do not cry, but repeat the movements after us!

The crybaby begins to lightly stamp his foot, but then turns away, waves his hand and cries again.

Parsley (running away, on the go): Sorry brother! I don't know how to help!

April Fool's Day (approaches cautiously to Crybaby): Who else do you want to call! Well, who can make you laugh! Spiderman maybe?

Crybaby A: I don't even know who it is! I don't care!

April Fool's Day sighs. Music sounds, Spider-Man enters the hall, stealthily.

Scene #4

Spiderman: Called?

April Fool's Day (makes big eyes): How did you… Quickly reacted!

Spiderman (shrugs): Such work!

April Fool's Day: Here, my birthday is today. And here, you see, a waterfall of tears.

Spiderman (interrupts): Wait, wait, let's take a selfie!

Crybaby: What shall we do?

Spiderman: Well, a selfie! Photo!

Crybaby: What for?

Spiderman (looks puzzled at April Fool's Day): Is she completely out of touch with life? What do you mean why?! I'll post it on Instagram, I'll collect likes from subscribers!

Crybaby (looks at Spider-Man with interest, wipes away tears): Likes? What is this? Are dogs like that?

Spiderman: Let's take a picture and I'll tell you everything.

Crybaby: No, no, wait! I'm all crying! (Turns away, then turns, everyone is photographed). Well, come on, now show your instagram!

Ludmila Kalashnik
Project "April Day" (senior group)

Target: The formation of preschoolers' ideas about holidays on the example of the celebration of the Day laughter, development of initiative and independence in the course of preparation for the holiday and its holding.

Tasks project: form in children elementary representation about holidays on the example of the Day laughter - April 1. Enrich lexicon children. Give an idea of ​​​​how they have fun on April 1, explain the meaning of the words humor, laughter, practical jokes.

Develop cognitive activity preschoolers, thinking, memory, fantasy, communication skills through learning joke stories, poems and songs, practical jokes and fun games

Improve visual skills in the process of making attributes for decorating a holiday.

To cultivate interest, attention and consistency in the process of preparing for the holiday, the education of a common culture, the ability to negotiate, distributing roles in joint creative work, the education of collectivism and humanism through conversations, communication games, collective creative works with peers and adults.

Estimated result:

Children learn about the holiday - April Fool's Day how they prepare and have fun at the holiday;

will form positive attitudes To various types joint labor and creativity;

Improving communication skills with peers and adults.

Type project: pedagogical, short-term (1 week, group.

Members: pupils senior group №4 "Kolobok" educators.

Preparatory stage:

Preparation of material for implementation project;

Creation of a subject-developing environments:

Selection of visual and methodological material on the topic project;

Manufacturing didactic games on this topic;

Selection of material for the organization joint activities teacher with children

Selection of material for creative work.

main stage:

Target: Implementation of the planned plan project.

The final stage:


Summing up the work on project;

Holding a holiday « April Fool's Day»

Creation teaching materials for educators on the topic project

Implementation plan project

Used Books:

"Theme days and weeks in kindergarten» E. A. Alyabyeva, Ed. "TC Sphere". Moscow, 2005

"We do, we celebrate, we play" T. I. Kandala, ed. "Teacher", Volgograd 2014

« group tradition in kindergarten S. V. Shapashnikova, ed. "Teacher", Volgograd 2014

caregiver: Guys, today we have an unusual day. Today is April 1st. Do you know what is being celebrated today? April Fool's Day? Today they laugh all over the world, joke with friends, come up with all sorts of practical jokes. Today They say: April 1 - I don't trust anyone! And today we will joke, play, laugh!

Guys, do you know where you came from April Fool's Day? Why did he appear?

Please listen to this history:

The exact origin of the holiday is still debated. According to one version, the holiday appeared in Ancient Rome i.e. in Italy. There in the middle of February (and not at the beginning of April) Feast of the Fools was celebrated. According to another version, this holiday originated in ancient india, where on March 31 they celebrated the holiday of jokes. There is also an assumption that on April 1 in ancient world only the Irish joked, and even then in honor of the New Year. In a word, there are many versions, but the most important thing is that now April 1 is an international April Fool's Day. I'm sure you love to laugh and have fun too! In that day we joke about our friends, relatives, acquaintances. But the most important thing you must remember is that the jokes must be kind, not evil.

Conversation "How to cheer up a clown?" (poem, picture of a clown) Invite the children to listen to the poem, show how to convey the mood of the clown with the help of facial expressions, discuss with the children how to amuse the clown.

A game "Say hello"

(To the cheerful music, the children move in a circle. With the end of the music, the teacher says what you need to “say hello” (palms, heels, noses, tails, etc.)

Contest "Ha ha ha"

The task of the players is not to laugh. Children sit in a circle, one of the players speaks: "Ha!" The next player in the circle speaks: "Ha-ha!", third: "Ha ha ha!" and so on. The one who says the wrong amount "Ha" or laughs - out of the game. The game continues, and those who are eliminated trying to make the players laugh. Whoever laughs last is called Tsar Nesmeyan.

A game "And so are we"

I will read a poem. When I pause, you will say in unison "and so are we". Just so that the sentence makes sense.

I once went to the forest.

And I saw a squirrel on the tree.

She sits on a branch and gnaws nuts.

I clapped my hands.

And the squirrel jumped to another tree.

I look - a woodpecker on a pine tree.

Bangs his head against her.

I whistled.

The woodpecker got scared and flew away from the tree.

Suddenly I see it on the ground.

I got scared and stopped.

And he raised his head and hissed.

I ran away in fear.

Contest "Game with clothespins"

We play four or five people. Three clothespins must be attached to the clothes of children in advance. Exercise: tear off clothes and bring as many clothespins as possible. You can't pick up clothespins! The one with the most pins is the winner!

Contest "Magic Boxes"

Large, bright boxes with a hole for the hand. They contain a lot of cut paper and hidden surprises (toys, sweets, children, on command, put their hand into the hole and find objects by touch.

Contest "Funny face"(drawing a funny portrait)

game task "Draw a Clown Smile"(circles with painted face "no smile" allowance "Emotions", pencils, picture of a funny clown)


Fun ball games "Say the Name". "Don't yawn and pass quickly". "Hunters and Ducks".

blowing bubbles (game) "Catch the Bubble").


Fun exercises after sleep using massage mats.

Fun quiz:

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (behind teeth).

Why are they wearing a hat? (because she doesn't walk by herself).

What can be seen from eyes closed? (dream).

What baby is born with a mustache? (kitty).

Why does a person look back? (because there are no eyes on the back of the head).

When is a person a tree? (when he is from sleep -_ pine).

How to cut a branch. so as not to scare the bird? (you have to wait. when she flies away) .

Outdoor games Freeze!. "Merry Dance" (develops joint movement skills).

caregiver: Guys, I hope today day you will remember in kindergarten. Today « April Fool's Day» . We had a lot of fun. But I really want you to smile, laugh and joke kindly, not only this day and as often as possible!


1. Conversation with children "What can you laugh at".

2. Games with a mirror "Sun Bunnies"

3. Consultation for parents "Developing a Sense of Humor"

1. Drafting "Joke-fiction"

2. Theatrical performance "Funny stories"

3. Reading and discussing children's jokes

1. Musical lounge "The clowns have arrived!"

2. Balloon games

3. Reading the stories of N. Nosov

1. Making baby books on the topic "Funny stories"

2. Reading a poem by G. Sapgir "Sad clown"

3. Experimentation "Tricks with water"(Wed- wa: jar of water, cups of gouache water, sugar, coffee, spoons).

1. Conversation "How to cheer up a clown?"

2. Game task "Draw a Clown Smile"

3. Fun game "Blowing Bubbles"

Which holiday is not national in any country, but is widely loved all over the world? On what day do pranks, jokes and laughter not stop? Of course, it's April 1st! The traditions of celebrating April Fool's Day are rooted in the 14th century. If the tradition is already more than 500 years old, how can the kids - the most cheerful people in the world - bypass it?

In our section you will find april fools pranks and entertainment scenarios in kindergartens. Only here: jesters, buffoons, red-haired clowns as leaders, air bubbles, balls and mortars as vehicles. It is difficult to list all the characters of the participants, the jokes and jokes that sounded that day. Everything you need to organize your own happy holiday, you will find here on the section pages.

Getting ready for Memorial Day. Scenarios of events for children

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 823 .
All sections | Day of laughter. Scenarios of entertainment, children's parties

Scenario miniature "Merry scene" (school scene for April 1) CHEERFUL SCENES(based on the stories of A. Shibaev "Stupid Things", I. Butman "Correct answer", L. Medvedeva « School Riddles» ) Operating faces: Dima Katya Friend Anna Sergeevna Masha Schoolchildren 1 April. School. Music sounds. Change, confusion. They run and play along the corridors ...

Intra-group event for April 1 "April Fool's Day" Target: cognitive and physical development children through entertainment event . Tasks: - introduce children to history April Fool's Day celebrations(April 1); - develop Creative skills children; - promote physical development; Forms of organization...

Day of laughter. Scenarios of entertainment, children's holidays - Scenario of the holiday "Day of humor and laughter." for older children

Publication "Scenario of the holiday" Day of Humor and Laughter. " for older children ... " Vedas - Everyone, everyone, everyone! Welcome everyone! Everything is ready for fun! Dance, sing, have fun. And let laughter reign everywhere. Today you have come to the festival of laughter. Oh, guys, who is knocking on our door? Who is in a hurry to celebrate with us? Clown: Hello guys! Hello...

MAAM Pictures Library

Fun for April Fool's Day "Fun around us" Entertainment for April Fool's Day "Fun around us!" Characters: Adults: Klepa the Clown - Peppy - Entertainment course: Children under cheerful music enter the hall and sit on chairs. Clown: Hello guys! My name is Klepa. Today is an unusual day, because today is the first of April - Day ...

Leisure on April Fool's Day "Make Nesmeyan laugh" Host: Hello guys. Today is an unusual day for us. On this day, people rejoice, joke, smile, arrange funny pranks. Everyone should have today wonderful mood. Do you love fun? Do you love smiles? So let's start our holiday! The princess appears...

Scenario of sports entertainment "Clown Tyapa" for the Day of Laughter The purpose of the sports and gaming program is to increase interest in physical education And healthy lifestyle children's lives. To identify the abilities and interests of children. Cultivate strong-willed qualities, develop the desire for victory and self-confidence. Learn not only to get...

Day of laughter. Scenarios of entertainment, children's parties - Scenario of a sports festival for middle, senior and preparatory groups "Jumper's Day" as part of Health Day on April 7

Scenario sports festival for middle, senior and preparatory groups"Jumper's Day" as part of the Health Day, timed to coincide with April 7th. Location: playground. Goals and objectives: To cultivate a love for physical culture and sports. Develop physical and volitional...

Purpose: to create a positive emotional atmosphere of laughter in children. Tasks: development of communication skills, a friendly attitude towards each other. Equipment: jump rope, balls - 6 pcs, toilet paper- 2 rolls, sweets - 4 pcs, markers -2, drawing paper -2, tangerines - 2 pcs....