Game tasks by September 1. Theatrical game program for younger students on the Day of Knowledge "Day of Knowledge with Dunno

game program

"Fun Exams"

Pippi exit

This is the House children's creativity? Are those who are going to the first class gathered here today? (sluggish answers from the audience) Yes, well! I know that first-graders are inquisitive, friendly, active, cheerful, attentive and very smart people. It seems to me that completely different children are sitting in the hall today. Or I'm wrong? (Children answer: No!). Something I can't believe is true. Well, if you claim that you are real first graders, then you have to prove it. And at the end of the program, I will tell you whether you can go to school tomorrow or you will have to sit in kindergarten for another year.

So, let's see what a real first grader should be like. (gets big book). Yeah, the first grader is the most polite student in the school… I see. You will have to pass the first exam - the courtesy exam. And who is considered a polite person? (answers) of course, the one who knows how to greet loudly and cheerfully.

So that there is no misfortune, I will say to all people "Hello!"

And you answer me .... (hello)

To avoid trouble, I will say to the guys "Hi!"

And you answer me ... (hello)

And the girls are not too lazy to say "Good afternoon!"

And you will answer me ... (good afternoon)

And I won’t tell my parents anything, I’ll just wave my hand

And you in response ... (waving)

To all the people who come from afar, I will say "Bye!"

Oh, not “bye!”, But “be healthy!”, Like cows in our city

In general, "Hello!" everyone

(everyone says hello)

That's great, hello. Wait, you said hello to me, but you forgot each other. Let's say hello to the neighbor on the right, to the neighbor on the left (children do). That's good, we can consider the task completed.

Wait, wait, you said hello with your hands, but you forgot your feet. They stretched the legs forward, connected them to the neighbor's legs, and don't forget to say “Hello, right leg. Hello, left leg ”(children perform) It seems that everything. Ay, no. Did we say hello with our hands? Did you say hello to your feet? But they forgot about the ears. Get your ears ready. Neighbor, how can you hear me, reception! We greet the neighbor's ears on the right and left.

Now that's all for sure. You can check the box that you are polite first graders.

And the next quality of a first grader is the ability to give answers in unison. Help me.

(the audience adds the answer in chorus. I own will I choose two people for each answer to form two teams with school supplies. To everyone who comes out, I give the item they are in. this moment guessed)

MANOK How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!

Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run myself
I would dance like this!
Yes, you can’t, I’m a school ... (satchel)

DECOY New house I carry in my hand

The doors of the house are locked,

And they live in that house

Pen, book and album. (Briefcase)

I, friends, your friend,

Simple agile ... (Pencil)

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach...
What is this?.. (pencil)

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain. (rubber)

you colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful...( eraser)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have... (plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack... (diary)

Straight line, come on
You can draw yourself!
It's hard science!
Useful here... (ruler)

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am... (pencil case)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Feel free to write to me!

You can also draw.

Who am I? (Notebook)

White hare in the black sky
jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? (chalk)

I'll draw summer, mom

And yourself. Panama is on me.

Sea, rainbow and house.

Keeps everything inside ... (album)

Extends the life of notebooks

And some textbooks

They are always fine with her.

Protects them ... (cover)

It is not new to her to work,

No lesson is lazy.

It's boring for her to lie in a pencil case,

Writes, writes, writes ... (pen)

They did an excellent job. Well, now we need to put all the things in the briefcase. But since you are just beginning first-graders, you can forget something at home. So, the first student runs to school (the chair is in the distance). He runs to school and suddenly remembers that he forgot his school belongings. He returns to his team, passes the portfolio to the next student. He puts his subject in a briefcase and runs to school. But already at school, he again remembers that he forgot something, returns to the team and passes the portfolio to the next one. So until all the items are in the portfolio. Let's see which team will collect their portfolio faster.


They did an excellent job. I'll give you an A for collecting a portfolio.


All dancers are entitled to chocolate. By the way, which one of you likes chocolate? (children answer). No, when kids love chocolate, they quickly raise their hand and shout “I!”.

    Which one of you loves chocolate?



    Who loves oranges? Tangerines? Petrol?...

    Who loves coca-cola? Goes to school?...

Well, since you go to school (at least you were going to go there), then you probably know how to count to 5. Let's try. How many fingers am I showing? (one, two, three, four, one)

It's clear. You didn't come in vain today. Let's listen to you, do you know what can be done at school? If what I will name is done at school, then you shout “yes!”, And if you can’t do it, then don’t let us down and shout “no!”.

    Make noise, shout, be silent in the classroom

    Study, be lazy, ask to go outside

    Do homework, walk at recess hands to hips

    Make noise in the lessons, look at your neighbor's notebook

    Solve problems, give back to offenders

    Scatter peels from oranges, get one five.

Well done, everyone can put fives for attention.

And now the lesson is announced foreign language. Now we will learn the language of animals. As one famous book says:

Kittens meowed, we got tired of meowing,

We want to grunt like piglets. (show how) - you have an excellent command of the language of piglets.

So the pigs meowed ... (how?),

Kittens grunted ... (show),

The ducks croaked

The hens screamed.

And the sparrow flew in and mooed like a cow (picture)

Wait, wait, but this is some kind of confusion. Let's give the animals back their voices.



And now an exam on the knowledge of the habits of animals is being announced. MANOK: (hare, kitten, elephant, bird, crocodile, dog)


FIVES (strings with tubes)


Participants and guests of the holiday (first graders, graduates, parents, teachers) gather in front of the school building. School songs sound, the holiday traditionally opens with the “Polka of first graders” (students of the art school and everyone). The porch of the school is decorated with flowers, balloons, ratings (numbers from 1 to 5, drawn wherever possible).

Hello, hello everyone! Hello boys! (Boys answer.) Hello, girls! (The girls greet.) Hello, mothers! (Moms answer.) Hello, dads! (Dads greet.) And also grandparents!
Whole summer, whole 3 long months We didn’t see each other, and, frankly, I missed you a little. Today is one of the holidays of knowledge that every schoolchild experiences at least 9 times in his life. But for first-graders, this day is especially festive. For them, today begins a new - adult stage of life. Now they are not just boys and girls - they are students, and their mothers and fathers are the parents of students. And now, instead of the usual worries, games and entertainment, the main ones for them will be strange and not yet known to the kids words - algebra, geometry, biology, geography, astronomy. And behind every word - new knowledge, new discoveries, adventures and wanderings. But that is in the future, tomorrow. And today - here they are, standing in front of us, small and frightened, smart, with huge bows and bouquets. Today we meet our first graders for the first time. By the way, let's really get to know each other. Let's all say our names out loud together.

On command, children and adults call their names together.

Yes. Great. Just not clear. Let's try differently. Let's make a "nominal" roll call, find out who we have more: Vov, Pet, Anechek or Tanechek!

The host calls the names, the children raise their hands in response, as in the classroom.

Well, we got to know each other. And now I will introduce you to the person who is the most important in the school. Do you know who is in charge at school? That's right, director."
The floor for greeting is given to the director of the school. Then comes the number of amateur performances.
Well, everyone knows each other now. It's time for the first bell to ring. You know, I want to ask one of you first graders to ring that first bell. Here is the bell, who will help me? But two girls with bows, you want? Come here!

Nekhochuha and Nemoguha come out of the group of first-graders.

I don't want to:
Who are we? Notmoguha:
Where here?
Yes Yes! Come on! I want to ask you to ring this bell and start the new school year!
Nehochuha and Nemoguha take the bell and try to jingle it, but they can't manage it, they look at it with surprise.
I don't want to:
No, I don't want this...
No I can not! Presenter:
How do you not want to? How is it you can't? It's so simple! Do you actually know anything?
We can't!
Nehochuha (belligerently)."
And we don't want to. And we don't want to be here with you. And not only we - everyone does not want to!
And many people can't!
I don't want to:
All the guys don't want to, do they? They don't want to go to your school - it's better to run and play! Is it true?

I am your sister
You are my sister
We are a mountain for each other
Repeat after me.
Let's have fun together
Jump, run and rage
We will tumble
We will tumble.
With Nehochuha, with Nemoguha
I can play all day
I do not want to study -
Here are the miracles.
Very hard, very hard
For those who will be first-graders,
It's time for them to learn.
You have to do all the lessons
Listen to mother's reproaches,
It's impossible to play.
It's impossible to play.
I am your sister
You are my sister
For each other we are a mountain.
To moms everything in the world
Allowed small children
Do as I teach.
You have to wave your hands
And kick your feet like that
And jump the way I teach:
"I can't", "I don't want to".

Oh no! I disagree. Our first-graders not only want and love to go to school, but they already know a lot. After all, being able to do something yourself is so cool! Guys, let's show Nehochuha and Nemoguha what we can do.
I don't want to:
I don't want to watch, I really need to!
But I can't, I'd rather lie down!
Yes, just try to see. And to make it more interesting, every time the guys can do something themselves, you will give them a balloon - that's how many of them I have!

Assistants bring in inflated balloons, each of which has one letter of the phrase "I want to go to school!" These balls of Nehochuha and Nemoguha, 2 each, will be tied to a special rack as the competitions are held. Nehochuha and Nemoguha at first simply observe the actions of the guys, sometimes even interfering with them, and then they themselves participate with the help of the guys in contests and games.

Guys, the most important thing they teach at school is to read, write, count. Do you want to be able to write, count and read? (Yes!) Maybe someone already knows how? (Yes!) And let's check! (Children write their names on the pavement with chalk, “ good words".) Presenter:
Well done! Look, Nehochuha, Nemoguha, what beautiful words our guys wrote - “Good, Beauty, Hello, Thank you”! Now let's see if you guys can count. How long? Up to a million! Let's do it. I will read you a funny "mathematical" poem, and you help me!

Once a bunny ran along the plains -
And, therefore, the bunny was ... (one)
A hare ran up to him,
Then only ... (two) hares became.
Another one running - look!
Now there are hares ... (three)
Rushing new hare:
"The way is wider for me!" —
So, therefore, there are already ... (four)
Bah, here one runs again,
So, it means that the hares became ... (five)

The counting game is played several times, each time faster and faster.

You see, Nehochuha, Nemoguha, how well our children can count.
I don't want to:
So why go to school then? And so everyone knows - I can not understand. What else can you teach them?
And I know who does not want to go to school - teachers!
But see for yourself - teachers can do a lot, and everything that they can do themselves will definitely be taught to children. Here, for example, how to decorate your house, class for the holiday - see how you can do it!

The presenter introduces the children to young teachers and gives the task of decorating Nehochuhi and Nemoguhi from improvised materials.

I can't understand how they could do that. Literally from nothing.
I don't want to:
And I don't want to understand. Beauty (admiring yourself) is a great thing!
But I know who does not want to get up early, cook lessons, collect a portfolio!
There aren't any here!
Yes, they are parents! They would be on the couch, watching TV, and not taking their own child to school.
Let's see what our parents can do.

Contests are held for parents: mothers must collect a portfolio, fathers must draw a portrait of their child in 10 years, grandmothers tie beautiful bows. Nehochuha and Nemoguha help them, having become infected with the general excitement.

You see how much our guys can do, how much they want to learn.
I don't want to:
Certainly! They know how. But to grimace, as we (shows), to rage, as we (shows), to sing, as we do, they don’t know how.
But listen to how our children sing - in our school they teach this.

There is a number of amateur performances.

I don't want to:
Yes, I can’t study, but I really want to sing like that.
I want to, but I can't! Presenter:
Dont be upset! Let's read together magic words on these magic balls, let's say them all together loudly - maybe something will happen?
Children chant: "I want to go to school!". Nehochuha and Nemoguha turn into Hochuha and Moguha - girls with bows, aprons and briefcases.
That's such a miracle! The magic has happened! So let these words stay magic spell all 10 years in our beautiful, beloved school! Good luck, first graders!

Hochukha and Moguha ring the bell, the first graders enter the school doors in pairs to the sound of a waltz.

Scenario of the game program for first graders "Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Description of work: Given methodical development useful for teachers primary school. The game program "Journey to the Land of Knowledge" is focused on first graders, it is recommended to use this scenario on September 1. Fascinating tasks and games will help first-graders get to know the teacher, each other, and the school.


To create conditions for positive motivation for learning among first-graders by applying game forms learning;

Activate the emotional factor of learning;

To develop the communication skills of students, guided by the principles of trust, support, creativity and success.

Equipment: balloons, wall newspapers to decorate the class; fabulous train, ticket bells (according to the number of students), telegram, flags with the names of stations, pictures depicting fairy-tale characters, big box for sending, letters on magnets.

The course of the holiday

1. Organizational part, greeting.

(Children enter the classroom, sit down at their desks, the song “First Grader” sounds)

Hello dear guys! So the long-awaited day has come when you first came to school. I'm sure you've been waiting for this day to come! Yesterday you were called kids, and today they will say “student”, “schoolchild”, “first grader”. I congratulate you on the start school life I wish to be kind, honest, study well, find many new friends. I am your first teacher, my name is Natalya Yurievna. And in order for us to get to know you, I suggest playing the game "Our Names". I will call names, and those who hear their name will run out to me. (continues until all children have been named)

2. The main part.

Well done boys! Well, here we are with you and met! Guys, today is an unusual day - the holiday "Knowledge Day", and I want to tell you that some kind of miracles are happening. Look what telegram I received today (show telegram). This telegram is from the Queen of the Land of Knowledge, for students of the 1st "a" class, for you and me! Shall we read the telegram?

(Telegram read out)


Hello guys! I hasten to congratulate you on the first day of school and invite you on your first journey through the Land of Knowledge!

Your Queen of the Land of Knowledge

Well, guys, let's go on a trip to the Land of Knowledge?

I propose to travel on this train, only I think that in order to travel by train, we are missing something?

Of course, tickets.

Do you have tickets? And I don't. But look, along with the telegram, the Queen of the Land of Knowledge sent us tickets, but in order to receive them, you must name one item of school supplies.

(Children take turns calling school supplies, for the answer they receive a ticket-bell)

Well, did everyone get tickets? Then we can hit the road! On the way we will meet stations where we will make stops. But since this journey is unusual, then we will meet unusual stations - magical. We have to complete all the tasks and at the end of our journey a surprise awaits us. Is everyone ready? Well then, let's go! Close your eyes, let's go! (sounds of a moving train turn on)

Oh, look, we got to the Land of Knowledge, and our train makes its first stop at the School Rules station.

Guys, what do you think, what rules should be followed at school?

(Conversation with children about the rules of behavior at school)

Guys, remember the rules of conduct? Amazing! And let's check it out. Get up everyone from your seats. I will read you quatrains about behavior at school, if you agree that this is how you should do it, you raise your hands, jump high in place and say "Me too!" . If you do not agree and will not do so, silently squat. Agreed? Go!

All homework

I will strictly follow.

To the lesson without delay

I will run in the morning.

I won't forget my pen at home

Both notebook and pencil.

And I forgot - I will roar

For the whole class, for the whole floor.

I promise in class

Don't make noise or talk.

If I don't know the answer

I will raise my hand.

And during the change

I promise not to make noise

Don't knock down people and walls

Don't push like a bear.

I'll be smart, I'll be brave

I will play football.

So I'll be here and there

Shoot the ball into the windows.

I will be smart and funny

Do good deeds

So that I native school

As a native, accepted.

Well done boys! Everyone take your seats. Let's go further!

Guys, I think our magic train stops again - we arrived at the Mathematicheskaya station. At this station, I suggest you solve fun puzzles. Do you agree?

1. In a clearing near the oak

He found another one.

Who is ready to answer us.

How many mushrooms did the mole find? (3)

2. We counted the holes in the cheese,

3 + 2 in total… (5)

3.Under the tree 4 lions

One left, left ... (3).

4.How many bagels per bag

Did you put it, Cockerel?

We will give two, one to grandfather,

And it will remain... (1).

5. Found 5 berries in the grass,

I ate one, left .... (4).

6. On a birch 3 titmouse

Selling gloves.

5 more arrived

How much will they sell? (8)

7.5 baby bears

Mom put me to bed.

One can't sleep

How many people have a good dream? (4)

Well done guys, you got the job done! Let's go further!

Look, our magic train brought us to the "Glade of Games". I suggest you take some rest and dance. (the song “A giraffe has spots ...” by E. Zheleznova is turned on, movements are performed to the music)

And here is the next station - "Read-ka".

At this station, I suggest you play the game "Find out fairy tale hero". Do you agree? (children guess the hero, choose a picture with his image and attach it to the board)

1. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl no more than a fingernail.

Who read this book

Knows a little girl. (“Thumbelina.”)

2. Red - the girl is sad,

She doesn't like spring

She's hard in the sun

Tears shed, poor thing! ("Snow Maiden".)

3. He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals.

He is famous, famous.

kind doctor... (Aibolit.)

4. My father had a strange boy,

nice wooden,

And daddy loved his son

Shalunishka ... (Pinocchio)

5. Lives in Prostokvashino,

All farming is done there.

I don't know the exact address.

But the surname is marine. (Cat Matroskin)

6. To fly above the ground,

She needs a mortar with a broom. (Baba Yaga)

7. Loves honey, meets friends

And composes grumblers,

And also - puffers, chants, nozzles ... Wow!

Funny bear cub ... (Pooh)

8. Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me what her name was. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Well done boys! We continue our journey through the Land of Knowledge!

Oh, guys, in my opinion, we ended up in a magical forest, letters grow on the trees in this forest! They invite us to solve riddles. Shall we guess?

(Children guess a riddle, choose a guess letter and attach it to the board)

1. We have such a law,

I have no right to change it -

This letter every time

Wants to send me inside! (IN)

2. Walks with a wand, alas,

Through the pages of the letter ... (S)

3. It has long been known to all children:

The cow knows the letter ... (M)

4. Hoop, ball and wheel,

You will be reminded of the letter ... (Oh)

5. Trying on a lion overcoat,

And the overcoat under the letter .... (L)

6. Hollow in an old tree

Well, just like a letter ... (Oh)

7. Agree when,

With it you put the letter "a",

And when you put "o" you

You get just a note! (D)

8. The letter "pe" was turned upside down,

On the right, the ponytail was fastened,

Wrapped up at the end

It turned out a letter ... (C)

9. What kind of vowel is this

Not simple, but double,

And I swear I'm ready -

It is not at the beginning of words! (S)

On the board: YOU ARE GOOD

Guys, what kind of record did we get on the board?

You are real good guys! Shall we continue the journey?

Guys, we arrived at the last station - “Draw-ka”, at this station I suggest you plant our cool “Friendship Tree”, which will help us make friends. To do this, each of you needs to circle your palm, write your name on it, color it, and together we will glue it to the "Tree of Friendship". (Children work, teacher helps)

Look what a beautiful, lush tree we have planted. I hope that every day it will become higher, stronger, just as our friendship will grow stronger!

And our journey has come to an end, it’s time for us to return, but don’t worry, we will return to the Land of Knowledge more than once. The Queen of the Land of Knowledge does not want to let you go without gifts. Look what a package she has prepared for you! (teacher shows a parcel box)

Let's see what's in this package. We open!

(Open the parcel together with the children)

The material is intended for primary school teachers, day care group educators, organizers children's leisure. The game is designed for children of primary school age.

This event can be used at events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

Equipment: 2 chairs, 2 alarm clocks, 2 baskets with numbers from 0 to 15, 2 posters with adhesive tape on the wall, 2 tables with 2 sets of letters (the entire alphabet), 2 glues, 2 drawing paper; for fun starts: 2 baskets, 2 balls, 2 rackets.

Event progress:

Children enter the hall, where Znayka meets them.

Znayka: Hello guys! I'm Znaika from the Flower City. I came here to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge.

(Dunno runs in, interrupts Znaika.)

Znaika: Hello, Dunno! We are very glad that you are going to school, but do not forget that you must say hello when you meet!

Stranger: Oh! Hello guys! How great that academic year Summer starts September 1st!

Znaika: What are you, Dunno! What summer?! Today we celebrate the first day of autumn.

Dunno: How is autumn? Where is summer? Where did the summer go, where did it go?

Znayka: Don't you know when the seasons change?

Stranger: No.

Znayka: Guys, tell Dunno when was the last day of summer.

(Children answer.)

What about the first day of autumn?

(Children answer.)

Dunno: And when will winter, spring, when will autumn end?

Znayka: Guys, let's answer Dunno together. Winter will come... December 1, spring will come .... March 1, and autumn will end ... November 30.

Dunno: Well, it’s necessary, but I didn’t know.

Znayka: And how are you going to go to school?

Dunno: So I'm going there to be taught everything there.

Znayka: Yes, but you must have at least some fundamental knowledge!

Stranger: And what should I do?

Znaika: Don't worry. Guys, can we help Dunno get ready for school?

Znayka: Then let's split into two teams. The Znayka team and the team

Dunno: I choose this boy as the captain of my team ...

Znayka: And I'm this ...

(They take the captains to their platform.)

Znayka: Now, take turns choosing players for your teams.

(Teams are being formed. Dunno at this time puts chairs with alarm clocks.)

Znayka: Teams stand in columns. To begin with, we will show Dunno that you need to get up early for school. And for this we need an alarm clock. Guys, don't set an alarm near your bed. When you wake up, you can turn it off without getting out of bed and fall asleep again. And then you'll be late for school.

1. Game "Turn off the alarm clock"

In front of you are chairs with alarm clocks. On my command, the first participants run to the alarm clock, press it, come back, hand over the baton to the second player with a hand clap. The second player also runs, presses the alarm clock and passes the baton to the third player with a hand clap. The game goes on like this until all players complete the task. So. Ready?.. Let's start!

Znayka: Well done, guys! In this game, the first point was earned by the team….

We all know that everyone needs a backpack for school.

Dunno, do you know what they put in it?

Stranger: No, I don't know.

Znayka: Guys, we will tell Dunno about school supplies. Now I will ask you, and you answer "yes" or "no"!

(During the game Dunno removes alarm clocks and puts baskets with numbers from 0 to 15 on chairs.)

2. The game "What we put in a backpack"

Do we put a bag of sweets at the bottom? (NO)

What about a police pistol? (NO)

Shall we put a vinaigrette in there? (NO)

Or maybe smiles light? (YES)

Shall we put down a pen, pencil? (YES)

And colorful gouache? (YES)

Take a watering can from the garden? (NO)

For math ruler? (YES)

In a line, in a cell of a notebook? (YES)

And a single tent? (NO)

Putting a smile and success? (YES)

Perky children's sonorous laughter? (YES)

Shall we put a ripe orange? (YES)

A grocery store? (NO)

Do we carry a diary with us? (YES)

Here comes the student!

Stranger: Oh, thanks guys! They told me what they put in a school backpack.

Znayka: And now, having collected our backpacks, we all go to the first lesson!

Pros, cons, equals -

This is not grammar.

The first step is waiting for us.

What?.. Mathematics!

Dunno, do you know the numbers?

Stranger: No, I don't know.

Znayka: Now we will show them to you.

3. The game "Stick the numbers"

Guys, there are baskets with numbers on the chairs. Sticky tape posters are attached to the wall. Your task is to stick the numbers from the basket on it. You just need to glue in order, start from 0, and end with the number 15. You will glue in turn. That is, the first player runs, glues the number 0, returns, passes the baton to the next player with a hand clap. He runs and glues the number 1, also passes the baton to the next one. And so, until you stick all the numbers and numbers. Ready?.. Let's start!

(The song "What they teach at school" sounds, the game is running.)

Stranger: Well done guys! The team earned one point ...... And thank you, now I know the numbers!

Znayka: Do you know the letters?

Stranger: No, I don't know.

Znayka: Guys, do you know the letters?

Stranger: Can you help me learn them?

Znayka: For this we will take out the finished alphabet.

(Brings out the alphabet.)

Stranger: What is the alphabet?

Znayka: Guys, tell him what it is.

(Children explain.)

Znayka: That's right, well done guys! You know the letters. And that means you know how to make words out of them.

4. Game "Make words"

The Know-It-All team goes to this table, and the Know-It-All team goes to another table. You get a set of letters. It contains all the letters of the alphabet. And you get a glue stick. Now you will make words from these letters. For example, you came up with the word "school", which means you take the necessary letters and with the help of glue, compose this word on whatman paper. From the remaining letters, you come up with more words and glue them on paper. Whoever sticks the most words wins. Is the assignment clear? Then start! And you, Dunno, watch and learn.

Stranger: Okay.

(The song "What they teach at school" sounds, the game is running.)

Znayka: Well, Dunno, let's see what happened to our young students?

Stranger: Come on.

Znayka: Teams, show us your posters. And we will check who has more words ....

(Read and count the words.)

Dunno: Guys, you are so smart, I would never have been able to come up with so many words. But now, thanks to you, I know the letters, which means I can compose words!

Znayka: Yes, and in this competition the team received one point ... ..

Stranger: Will there be more games?

Znayka: They will. Guys, line up. We're moving on to physical education. And you have to compete in fun starts with the ball.

(Dunno arranges props for fun starts: 2 baskets, 2 balls, 2 rackets.)

5. The game "Funny Bunnies"

The first participants pinch the ball with their knees and jump to the basket and back. They pass the ball to the second players and stand at the end of the column, the second also jump to the basket and back, pass the ball to the third players and stand at the end of the column. So until the first players again find themselves in their places. Ready? Started!

(The song "What they teach at school" sounds, the game is running.)

6. The game "Roll the ball"

Get in a column. The captains are in front. Put your feet shoulder width apart. Roll the ball between your legs. The last one catches the ball, stands at the beginning of the column. The game continues until the captain is again ahead. Ready?.. Let's start!

(The song "What they teach at school" sounds, the game is running.)

7. The game "Pass over the head"

Everything is the same, only this time the ball is passed from hand to hand overhead.

(The song "What they teach at school" sounds, the game is running.)

8. The game "Bring the racket"

The first participants dribble the ball to the basket and back, passing the baton to the next. So until the whole team completes the task.

(The song "What they teach at school" sounds, the game is running.)

9. The game "Ball-barker"

The first players take the ball, run, stand behind the basket, throw the ball back. The second participants catch, run, and also throw the ball back. So until the whole team is behind the basket. Get ready. Started!

(The song "What they teach at school" sounds, the game is running.)

Znayka: Well done, guys! Our fun starts are over! Take a seat on the chairs. Let's sum up.

The Dunno team earned ____ points today, and the Znaika team earned ___ points.

You are all great! Well played! Really, stranger?

Stranger: Yes, it was great! Guys, thank you for introducing me to letters and numbers, showing me how to run and play with the ball.

"Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Performed: Murashova Valentina Alexandrovna


To create conditions for positive motivation for learning among first-graders through the use of gaming forms of learning;

Activate the emotional factor of learning;

To develop the communication skills of students, guided by the principles of trust, support, creativity and success.

Equipment : balloons, wall newspapers to decorate the class; fairy-tale train, ticket bells (according to the number of students), telegram, flags with the names of stations, pictures depicting fairy-tale characters.

The course of the holiday

1. Organizational part, greeting.

(Children enter the classroom, sit down at their desks, the song “First Grader” sounds).

Hello dear guys! So the long-awaited day has come when you first came to school. I'm sure you've been waiting for this day to come! Yesterday you were called kids, and today they will say “student”, “schoolchild”, “first grader”. I congratulate you on the beginning of school life, I wish you to be kind, honest, study well, find many new friends. I am your first teacher, my name is Valentina Alexandrovna. And in order for us to get to know you, I suggest playing the game "Our Names". I will call names, and those who hear their name will run out to me (continues until all the children are named).

That's it, my friendsOur Friendly family!

2. The main part.

Well done boys! Well, here we are with you and met! Guys, today is an unusual day - the holiday "Knowledge Day", and I want to tell you that some kind of miracles are happening. Look what telegram I received today (show telegram). This telegram is from the Queen of the Land of Knowledge, for students of the 1st "b" class, for you and me! Shall we read the telegram?

(Telegram read out)


Hello guys! I hasten to congratulate you on the first day of school and invite you on your first journey through the Land of Knowledge!

Your Queen of the Land of Knowledge

Well, guys, let's go on a trip to the Land of Knowledge?

I propose to travel on this train, only I think that in order to travel by train, we are missing something?

Of course, tickets.

Do you have tickets? And I don't. But look, along with the telegram, the Queen of the Land of Knowledge sent us tickets, but in order to receive them, you must name one item of school supplies.

(Children call school supplies in turn, receive a bell ticket for the answer)

Well, did everyone get tickets? Then we can hit the road! On the way we will meet stations where we will make stops. But since this journey is unusual, then we will meet unusual stations - magical. We have to complete all the tasks and at the end of our journey a surprise awaits us. Is everyone ready? Well then, let's go! Close your eyes, let's go! (sounds of a moving train turn on)

Oh, look, we got to the Land of Knowledge, and our train makes its first stop at the School Rules station.

Guys, what do you think, what rules should be followed at school?

(Conversation with children about the rules of behavior at school)

Guys, remember the rules of conduct? Amazing! And let's check it out. Get up everyone from your seats. I will read you quatrains about behavior at school, if you agree that this is how you should do it, you raise your hands, jump high in place and say "Me too!" . If you do not agree and will not do so, silently squat. Agreed? Go!

All homework

I will strictly follow.

To the lesson without delay

I will run in the morning.

I won't forget my pen at home

Both notebook and pencil.

And I forgot - I will roar

For the whole class, for the whole floor.

I promise in class

Don't make noise or talk.

If I don't know the answer

I will raise my hand.

And during the change

I promise not to make noise

Don't knock down people and walls

Don't push like a bear.

I'll be smart, I'll be brave

I will play football.

So I'll be here and there

Shoot the ball into the windows.

I will be smart and funny

Do good deeds

So that my native school

As a native, accepted.

Well done boys! Everyone take your seats. Let's go further!

Guys, it seems to me that our magic train is stopping again - we have arrived at the Attentive station. At this station, I suggest you check how attentive you are. Do you agree?

I will read a poem. And you clap your hands if such things are needed at school, but if some things are not needed at school, stomp your feet. Let's see who's the most attentive of you...If you go to schoolThen in a briefcase you take with you:- In a cell notebook?- A new slingshot?- Broom for cleaning?- Diary for five?- Album and paints?- Carnival masks?- ABC in pictures?- Ripped boots?- Felt pens and a pen?- A bunch of carnations?- Colored pencils?- Air mattresses?- Eraser and ruler?- Is there a canary in the cage?- An album to draw?- Chewing gum to chew?- Textbooks in the cover?- Plates, forks, spoons?- Sofa to lie down?- Cardboard to cut out?

Well done guys, you did a great job! Let's go further!

Look, our magic train brought us to the "Glade of Games". I suggest you take some rest and dance. (the song “A giraffe has spots ...” by E. Zheleznova is turned on, movements are performed to the music)

We rested, we can move on!

And here is the next station - "Read-ka".

At this station, I suggest you play the game "Know the fairy-tale hero." Do you agree? (children guess the hero, choose a picture with his image and attach it to the board)

1. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl no more than a fingernail.

Who read this book

Knows a girl - a baby. (“Thumbelina.”)

2. Red - the girl is sad,

She doesn't like spring

She's hard in the sun

Tears shed, poor thing! ("Snow Maiden".)

3. He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals.

He is famous, famous.

Good doctor ... (Aibolit.)

4. My father had a strange boy,

nice wooden,

And daddy loved his son

Shalunishka ... (Pinocchio)

5. Lives in Prostokvashino,

All farming is done there.

I don't know the exact address.

But the surname is marine. (Cat Matroskin)

6. To fly above the ground,

She needs a mortar with a broom. (Baba Yaga)

7. Loves honey, meets friends

And composes grumblers,

And also - puffers, chants, nozzles ... Wow!

Funny bear cub ... (Pooh)

8. Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me what her name was. (Little Red Riding Hood)

You are real good guys! Shall we continue the journey?

Guys, we arrived at the last station - “Draw-ka”, at this station I suggest you plant our cool “Friendship Tree”, which will help us make friends. To do this, each of you needs to circle your palm, write your name on it, color it, and together we will glue it to the "Tree of Friendship". (Children work, teacher helps)

Look what a beautiful, lush tree we have planted. I hope that every day it will become higher, stronger, just as our friendship will grow stronger!

And our journey has come to an end, it’s time for us to return, but don’t worry, we will return to the Land of Knowledge more than once.

Now you are real students! Once again, I congratulate you on the beginning of your school life.

Tips for parents.

Dear parents! Your child is in first grade today. I congratulate you on this wonderful event. I believe that school years will become both for your child and for you a wonderful time, will bring you joy, happiness, good luck. I am glad that it is your children who will be with me for 4 years, will give me the joy of communicating with them. Together with you we will raise the future Man.

Tips for parents of first graders:

    Keep the child calm. Waking up, he should see your smile and hear a gentle voice. Do not push him in the morning, do not pull over trifles, do not reproach him for mistakes and oversights, even if “yesterday he was warned”

    Do not rush, the ability to calculate the time is your task, and if you do it poorly, then the child is not to blame.

    Do not send your child to school without breakfast, he will have to work hard before school breakfast.

    When walking your child to school, wish him good luck, cheer him up, find a few kind words. He has a tough day ahead of him.

    If you see that the child is upset, but is silent, do not inquire, let him calm down, then he will tell everything himself.

    After listening to the teacher's remark, do not rush to arrange a thrashing.

    After school, do not rush the child to sit down for lessons, give him 2-3 hours of rest to recuperate.

    Do not force to do all the lessons in one sitting, after 15-20 minutes of classes, take breaks.

    During the preparation of lessons, do not sit "over your soul", give the child the opportunity to work on his own, but if you need your help, then be patient. Calm tone, support, praise are needed. Don't focus on grades.

    When communicating with a child, try to avoid conditions. “If you do, then….”

    Try to find at least half an hour during the day when you belong only to the child, do not be distracted by household chores, TV, communication with other family members. At this moment, the most important thing is his work, care, joy and failure.

    Be attentive to the child's complaints about headache, fatigue, bad condition. Most often, these are objective indicators of fatigue, learning difficulties.

    Please note that even “very big” children (we often say “you are already big” 7-8 summer child) are very fond of a bedtime story, a song and gentle stroking. All this calms them down, helps to relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day, and fall asleep peacefully.

Try not to remember troubles before going to bed and not to sort things out.