How to make a Christmas tree from large boxes step by step. How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands

On the eve of the New Year celebrations, the traditional Christmas tree becomes the most popular festive attribute. However, in the case when decorating the interior with a world-famous Christmas tree is impossible, you can create its original alternative with your own hands, especially since you can make it from anything. Mini-Christmas trees made from improvised materials will not take up much space and will help to recreate a full-fledged holiday atmosphere no worse than a natural forest beauty.

The crafts presented in our selection are suitable for decorating a home, office space and will be a good option for joint creativity with children.

Bead craft

Stylish golden Christmas tree made of beads

In order to make a spectacular Christmas tree from beads, you need the simplest set of materials and a minimum of time:

1. It is necessary to prepare a cone shape, wrapping paper, bead garlands and hot glue in advance;

2. In the absence of a finished frame made of wood or foam, you can make it yourself by folding a sheet of cardboard into a cone and fixing it in this state. The base is then covered with wrapping paper;

A string of beads is glued in a spiral from the bottom up

4. At the crown, the extra beads are cut off and fixed, closing the top of the mold.

Glowing Christmas tree from garlands

Glowing Christmas tree from garlands

A Christmas tree made of garlands, complemented by toys, looks interesting and modern in any light. However, such a decoration will most effectively manifest itself in the dark when plugged into an electrical network.

In order to make a luminous Christmas tree, you need to fix the wire of the garland on the wall with double-sided tape, creating an elongated triangular silhouette. In the same way, several Christmas toys are fixed within the framework of the resulting figure.

Air tree made of threads

Light and airy Christmas tree made of threads

A Christmas tree made of threads looks light and airy. By varying the size of the cone, you can create a Christmas tree of any height. And if you put an LED garland inside the resulting craft, then the idea will become even more spectacular and magical.

In order to make a Christmas tree, you need any thread or yarn, PVA glue, water, starch, packaging film, a cone or a piece of cardboard with tape.

Master class on creating a filament Christmas tree

1. In the absence of a finished frame, a sheet of cardboard is rolled up in the shape of a cone and fixed with adhesive tape, and then the finished base is wrapped in food or packaging film.

2. In order to prepare a fixing mixture, you need to mix PVA glue, 1 tbsp. l. starch and 4 tbsp. l. water.

3. In the resulting composition, the threads of the desired color are soaked for several minutes.

4. The wet thread is slightly squeezed out of excess glue and glued randomly onto the cone.

5. So that the tree does not deform, you need to let it dry thoroughly and only then remove the frame and film.

6. If desired, the surface can be decorated by sticking sequins, beads, buttons and toys.

How to make a Christmas tree from cones with your own hands

Christmas tree made of cones

For such a Christmas tree, pine cones are best suited, although spruce cones can look original and interesting. If desired, crafts can be made from cones bleached in a solution of "Whiteness" or simply painted with gold or silver paint.

Christmas tree making step by step instructions

1. As materials for New Year's crafts, you need to take the shape of a cone, hot glue, dried cones, toys.

2. It is advisable to paint the frame of the Christmas tree in the color of the cones or paste over with paper of the desired shade.

3. Then on the base in turn, starting from the bottom, cones and small Christmas toys are glued in rows.

The trunk of the Christmas tree should not contrast with the cones.

4. On the top of the head, you can install a toy in the form of a star or simply paste a bump there.

Christmas candy tree

New Year's craft - candy tree

A sweet Christmas tree made of sweets can be not only an original craft, but also an excellent gift or decoration for the New Year's table. Since the procedure for its manufacture is simple, you can make such a beauty in a matter of minutes. This will require a cone shape, double-sided tape, sweets and a garland-beads.

1. The first stage of creation is to glue the cardboard or foam base with double-sided tape. Since the candies will occupy the entire area of ​​​​the Christmas tree, it is important to avoid empty unglued places.

2. Starting from the bottom, candies are glued on the adhesive tape in rows.

3. Transitions and empty spaces between rows are masked with tinsel or garlands in the form of beads.

herringbone lamp

Christmas tree lamp will decorate the room and will be a good option for a night light

In order to make a safe herringbone lamp, it is undesirable to use candles and other flammable materials, especially in combination with paper or cardboard. The best option would be an LED garland hidden in the base.

1. To work, you need a form in the form of a cone made of thick cardboard or papier-mâché, a figured hole punch for cardboard or a drill with drills of different diameters, sandpaper (when working with a drill), spray paint and a garland.

2. In random order, many holes are made on the cone. In the absence of a figured cardboard hole punch, this can be done with a conventional electric drill. In the lower part of the form, it is desirable to make holes of a larger diameter than at the top.

3. In case of irregularities and roughness, you need to use fine sandpaper to polish them.

4. Then the future lamp is covered with paint in several stages. The color of the paint can be white, green, silver, gold or any other that is in harmony with the interior of the room.

5. After the paint has dried, a garland is inserted into the base.

Volumetric paper Christmas tree

Christmas tree made of colored paper

To make a voluminous Christmas tree, you will have to stock up on green colored paper and patience. The technique of its creation is called "papercraft" and consists in stringing sheets of paper folded in the form of needles on a rod.

1. In order to get a small desktop Christmas tree, you need to take a metal wire, a compass, a ruler, a simple pencil, colored paper (10-12 A4 sheets), glue.

2. Using a compass on each sheet, you need to draw circles of different diameters.

3. On each circle at the same distance, cut lines should be marked.

4. Having made cuts at the marked points, each strip must be rolled up with a funnel and glued from the bottom side.

5. Dried sheets of paper are strung on a wire from a larger diameter to a smaller one.

6. The top of the Christmas tree is hidden by a paper star or a piece of paper folded into a small cone.

New Year crafts from felt

Stylish Christmas trees made of felt

Felt is a soft and pleasant material to work with. Due to its flexibility and aesthetics, it can be used to make voluminous compositions on the wall, miniature crafts from scraps and unnecessary pieces, or multi-layered multi-colored Christmas trees.

To sew a small voluminous tree, you must:

1. Take several pieces of felt of different colors, thread with a needle, safety pins, scissors, pencil, paper and decor (colored buttons or beads);

2. Using paper and pencil, it is advisable to draw a pattern in advance for future crafts;

Option patterns for the Christmas tree of their felt

3. From pieces of felt of different colors, according to the patterns obtained, you need to cut out the details. The lower edge of the products can be processed with curly scissors;

4. Then the cut parts are superimposed on each other with a slight overlap and fastened together with safety pins;

Blank for a future Christmas tree made of felt

5. The properly folded workpiece is folded into a cone shape and sewn together with threads of the right color. The pins are removed;

6. The resulting Christmas tree can be decorated with bright buttons or beads, and for stability and better shape retention, put a cardboard frame inside or stuff it tightly with cotton wool.

Lace vintage herringbone

Lace Christmas craft

A vintage shabby nik Christmas tree looks like a miniature work of art, yet it is as easy to make as possible. The original craft will decorate the space and create a festive mood. You can make a tree in two versions: with a leg and without it.

Lacy Christmas tree on the "leg"

1. Materials for a Christmas tree with a "leg": cardboard, plastic, wooden or metal stick 30-40 cm long, several options for lace and braid, beautiful buttons and beads, unnecessary brooches, rhinestones and jewelry, beads, glass, glue, scissors.

2. In order to make a trunk for a Christmas tree, you need to wrap a stick lubricated with glue with a braid.

3. Before you start decorating the tree, a finished cone or a homemade paper cap shape is fixed with glue to the trunk.

4. The resulting paper base must be pasted over with several layers of lace and braid, and after it dries, decorate it abundantly as you wish.

5. In order for the tree to stand stably, the trunk holding it must be installed in a glass filled with glue or filled with plasticine, and then fixed in this form until the gluing mass hardens. From above, a glass can be covered with white beads and decorated with pieces of lace, ribbons and jewelry.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Button Christmas Tree

A beautiful Christmas tree will turn out if there are unnecessary buttons in the house. You can make it using pins or glue. In the first case, after the holidays, the tree can be dismantled, until the next celebrations.

In order to make a Christmas tree from buttons with pins, it is advisable to take a ready-made foam cone. Such a frame will hold the pins tightly and prevent them from falling out. To make the Christmas tree look more interesting, it is advisable to wrap it in a fabric that matches the color of the accessories. Then, with the help of pins, each button is strung on the base in turn.

The glue option does not require a dense base, so in this case you can resort to a cardboard or thick paper form, folding it into a cap shape. Next, the cone must be covered with paints of the desired color or pasted over with wrapping paper. After drying with hot glue, you will only need to glue the buttons closely to each other.

New Year is the most fun and most children's holiday.
Even adults are not afraid to look funny in red Santa Claus hats and with a bunch of gifts.
What can we say about the children, who in this joyful mess are trying to participate in all matters!
The main attributes of the New Year are Santa Claus and a Christmas tree.
Traditionally, a large Christmas tree is decorated with toys and tinsel, round dances are danced around it. But what if you make an unconventional Christmas tree?
A beautiful do-it-yourself paper Christmas tree will not pretend to be the centerpiece, but it can decorate a nursery or become a souvenir gift. Believe me, such a Christmas tree will find a use for itself.
A Christmas tree is made from paper, cardboard, colored and corrugated paper, tinsel and any other materials at hand.
It is easy and fun to do: the kids take part in the work with great pleasure.
Two-year-old children, for example, can roll up plasticine balls, which then become a toy, or glue a small piece in the place indicated by adults.
And the memories of the joint craft will last for several days.
There are at least a dozen ways to make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands, but in any case
you will need:
- Paper (colored, corrugated, thick - whatever)
- Pencil with ruler Glue and stapler
- Scissors
- Sometimes a compass

Model No. 1. Volumetric paper Christmas tree

First, the base of the Christmas tree is made - a cone. If the tree is planned to be large, the cone is made of whatman paper (it can be replaced with four A4 sheets glued together). The center is marked in the center of the wide side, we draw lines from it to the two lower corners, cut it off (do not forget to leave an allowance for gluing), cut off the semicircular base, glue it, check whether it is even. On this basis - a cone - you can make several different options for Christmas trees. You can get a big Christmas tree out of paper if you make a large cone, and a small one on a small cone. And different ways of making needles will generally mislead: it may seem that these are different Christmas trees.

The first version of the Christmas tree-cone

To make the blank cone look like a Christmas tree, we make needles from colored paper. Traditionally, the needles are green, but it can be assumed that there is snow or frost on the branches - the choice of color is up to you. We outline the rectangles: for the lower needles, the width of the rectangle is 7 cm. We make a trapezoid from the rectangle: the upper side is cut off. The wide side is folded into a triangle and fastened with a stapler or glue, it is convenient to glue the top to the cone.

Volumetric needles can be replaced with circles glued to the top. If you cut circles of different shades of green, the tree will look more original.

Needles are glued in rows, we start from the bottom. To make the Christmas tree look beautiful, every three rows we reduce the size of the needles. That is, we first draw rectangles of 6.5 cm, then 6 cm and 5 cm. We draw the top of the Christmas tree with a small cone, the bottom of which we cut with triangles. If desired, the Christmas tree is decorated with sparkles. You can use ready-made sparkles, you can finely chop the tinsel. Apply glue to the needles and sprinkle glitter on them.

The second version of the Christmas tree-cone

We build a frame, cut thin short strips from colored paper, wind each strip on a pencil. The stripes take on a twisted look. With a certain skill, you can twist the strips of paper with scissors: gently draw the blade of open scissors from one end of the strip to the other, while pulling the strip. Glue the twisted strips to the cone. You can decorate the Christmas tree with anything: sparkles, bows, balls, stars.

The third version of the Christmas tree-cone

Glue drop needles onto the prepared frame. We make needles from strips of green (or any other) paper, glue their ends together - we get a drop. Glue larger drops at the bottom of the cone, smaller ones at the top.

The fourth version of the Christmas tree-cone

Wide strips of paper cut into fringes are glued to the base. Again, the strips are wider at the bottom (respectively, the needles are longer), at the top the strips are narrower. The color of the needles can be any: green will make it natural, multi-colored - decorative. We cut the strips into small “needles”, not cutting to the end about 1.5-2 cm. After the glue dries, the needles can be bent upwards - carefully draw a scissor blade from the base of the needles to the ends. Such a Christmas tree made of corrugated paper will look beautiful.

Model number 2. Christmas tree made of paper and cardboard

Cardboard will need double-sided. We fold a sheet of cardboard in half, draw the outline of the Christmas tree. We draw exactly the same contour on another sheet. We cut out both contours, then we make cuts along the axis to the middle: on one Christmas tree from above, on the other from below. We insert the parts into each other. We decorate with tinsel, balls (glass or paper), sparkles - anything. In the photo - slotted toys.

A similar Christmas tree can be made from colored paper. It will require 4 sheets. Fold each sheet in half, cut out a triangle. The resulting parts are glued together and cut at an angle of the needle. You need to twist them before the glue has dried.

Model number 3. Christmas tree made of colored paper

For this model, you will need thick paper. It is done simply: cut out a triangle, fold it with an accordion, make a through hole into which we insert a stick-rod. To make the Christmas tree stable, the stick can be inserted, for example, into an eraser. Such a Christmas tree can become a small souvenir or decorate the workplace. She will definitely create a New Year's mood.

Model number 4. Christmas tree in papercraft technique

How such a Christmas tree is made of paper, the diagram shows clearly. It is necessary to cut several circles of different diameters (the bottom of the Christmas tree - from circles of a larger diameter, the top - from circles of a smaller one). Circles are drawn and cut, needles are folded. Finished tiers are strung on a rod. We decorate the Christmas tree with sparkles, beads, foil bows - the fantasy is limitless.

Model number 5. folding herringbone

For such a Christmas tree, several circles of different diameters are cut. The diameter and number of circles depends on the desired size of the Christmas tree. Fold each circle in half 4 times, unfold and straighten the circles. The trunk of the Christmas tree can be made from an old pencil, a straw for a cocktail, a wooden stick - all this is wrapped in colored paper, the tip is glued. In the center of each circle we cut a small hole (it should be smaller than the diameter of the trunk in order to hold on tighter). Circles-tiers are strung on the trunk, starting from the bottom. A Christmas tree stand can be made from a wooden coil, cork, plastic bottle cap, plasticine, glued from thick paper.

Model No. 6. Paper origami - Christmas tree

In this popular technique, you can make any figures, including Christmas trees. How a paper tree is made using the origami technique, the video will demonstrate better than any words. We offer two options.

Another beautiful Christmas tree made of paper and made very simply and quickly! We only need to take a sheet of colored paper and scissors. such a Christmas tree made of paper will be a beautiful craft for the holidays.

An error has occurred; maybe the ribbon is not available. Please try again later.

Helpful Hints

To become the owner of a Christmas tree,you don't have to buy it- just look at the useful tips and find out how you can do itbeautiful Christmas tree with your own hands.

Today you can findmany Christmas treesin stores and on the street.

You can put in the house a natural Christmas tree or sprigs from a Christmas tree for smell, but you can decorate a house, or a gift for a loved one, knowing a few interesting tricks.

On our website you will also find:

  • 20 small DIY Christmas trees that will decorate any home
  • How to make a Christmas tree from cones
  • How to make a Christmas tree

Learn how to make a Christmas treepaper, food, fabric and even pasta.

Make this craft quite easy, and your house will be decorated with a unique decor, and friends and acquaintances will be happy to receive a Christmas tree made by you as a present.

Christmas tree made of paper with your own hands. Christmas tree made from scraps of magazine pages.

You will need:

Unnecessary magazine or book with bright pictures

Cardboard or thick paper

Glue gun or PVA glue

Shaped hole punch, optional

Pencil or pen

1. Make a cone out of a thick sheet of paper and fix it with glue.

2. Prepare pages from a magazine with bright pictures and cut out many circles of the same diameter from them. If there is a shaped hole punch (the shape of a flower or a large circle) it will be easier.

3. Wrap the cut circles around the pencil so that they curl a little.

4. Starting from the bottom of the cone, start gluing the bent circles.

Make neat rows. The circles should be tightly glued to each other so that the cardboard is not visible.

5. From one circle, make a small cone, and glue it to the top of the cardboard cone.

The tree is ready!

DIY Christmas tree made from cones and dried citrus fruits

Christmas tree with your own hands (master class). Trees from wrapping paper.

You will need:

Large thick sheet of paper


double tape



1. Make a cone out of a sheet of thick paper.

* If your wrapping paper is quite thick, you can bypass step 1 and make a cone out of wrapping paper.

1.1 Fold the paper diagonally, holding one end to keep it sharp.

1.2 Secure the folded paper with tape. You do not need to do everything too carefully, since you will cover the cone with wrapping paper.

1.3 Cut off the excess at the bottom of the cone to make a flat base.

2. Prepare colorful wrapping paper and cover the cone with it. To do this, lay the paper face down on a flat surface.

2.1 Using tape, attach the end of the colored paper to the top of the cone.

2.2 Start slowly twisting the cone, wrapping it in wrapping paper. You need to wrap the cone tightly.

2.3 Measure the paper and cut before wrapping the cone all the way around. Glue double tape to the edges and connect to the other end. At the base, you need to cut off the excess so that the paper is even.

3. It remains only to decorate the Christmas tree as desired. You can make paper stars, use glitter, stickers, glue on beads and/or buttons, wrap with ribbon, etc.

Similar trees:

Christmas tree made of fabric with your own hands. How to make a Christmas tree out of felt.

You will need:

Glue or double tape


* Try using felt in two colors to make the Christmas tree even more beautiful. In this example, yellow and orange felt was used.

1. Make a cone out of cardboard. Secure the ends with glue or double tape.

2. Prepare the felt and cut out circles of different diameters from it, from small to large (see picture). You can use pre-prepared circle templates made of cardboard.

3. Glue Christmas tinsel to the bottom of the cone.

4. Now you need to make a criss-cross cut in the center of each circle cut out of felt. Do not cut too much so that the felt robe does not fall. Make an incision exactly such that you can tightly put the circle on the cone.

5. Start gradually putting the circles on the cone. If you use two colors, then put on the circles in sequence, first one color, then another. Also worth noting. That you need to put on the next circle not only on the cone, but also over the tips of the cuts of the previous circle.

6. We decorate the top of the Christmas tree. To do this, simply add tinsel, to which you will need to add a pre-prepared small cone of felt. Fix the tinsel and crown with glue.

* If you wish, you can hide a sweet gift inside the cone.

Original Christmas trees with their own hands. Glowing tree.

You will need:

Floral florist net (preferably several shades of green)


Cardboard for the cone

PVA glue




floral wire

Decorations on request

1. Make a cone out of cardboard.

2. Wrap the cone in cellophane.

3. Take any container and make a solution of PVA glue and a small amount of water in it

3. Prepare your floral grid. Cut it into small pieces and lower each into a container with a solution.

4. Start gluing the pieces onto the cellophane-covered cone. Glue different shades of mesh in different directions. The joints should be anointed with another layer of glue for a more durable fastening.

5. Secure the entire structure with pins and wait for the glue to dry.

6. You have the first layer of the Christmas tree. Now in the same style you need to make a second layer. After finishing gluing the second layer, leave the structure to dry.

7. Now remove the Christmas tree from the cone - the glue should quickly lag behind the cellophane.

8. Place a garland inside the Christmas tree, which you need to secure with floral wire.

9. It remains to decorate the Christmas tree according to your taste.

DIY Christmas trees (photo). Christmas tree made of pasta with your own hands.

You will need:

Plastic or foam cone (or you can make your own out of cardboard)

PVA glue

Pasta of various shapes and sizes

Spray paint, acrylic paint or gouache


1. Prepare the cone and paint it in the desired color. Wait for the paint to dry.

* If you are using spray paint, you can skip this step.

2. Prepare pasta. Start applying glue to each piece and stick the pieces to the cone. Create a Christmas tree design the way your imagination tells you.

After applying the glue, press the piece a little and hold it so that it adheres well to the cone. It's okay if glue is visible from under the pasta.

Continue until you have covered the weight of the cone with the pasta. Wait for the glue to dry.

3. Start painting on the pasta. In this example, acrylic paint was used. Try to carefully paint all the details so that there are no empty spots.

* It is desirable to paint in two layers.

* If painted with white paint, the Christmas tree will look like a porcelain product.

Helpful advice: if you want to remove the craft, then put it first in a plastic bag, so you can immediately find the part that could come off the cone.

We make a Christmas tree with our own hands. Bright paper tree.

You will need:

Colored cardboard or design paper

Thick cardboard

Glue moment or glue gun (with hot glue)

1. Cut out a square base for the Christmas tree from thick cardboard.

2. Insert the skewer into the cardboard and fix with glue.

3. Now you need to cut out circles of different diameters from designer paper or colored cardboard. You need to make 3 circles of the same size.

For example, if you want to make circles in 10 different sizes, then you will need to cut out 30 circles (3 for each size).

* If you don't want to cut out a lot of circles, just shorten the skewer and you end up with a cute mini Christmas tree.

4. Make a small hole in the center of each circle.

5. Before you start putting the circles on the skewer, grease the hole in the middle with glue.

6. Start putting the circles on the skewer, leaving some space between them.

7. Cut out stars from paper and glue them to the top of the Christmas tree. You can use another detail for the crown and not necessarily paper.

Crafts. Fir-trees from a thread with their own hands.

You will need:

thick yarn

Pile yarn

Cone (made of cardboard or foam)


Decorations to taste.

1. Make a paper cone or buy a Styrofoam cone from specialty stores.

2. Take both strands and secure their ends with pins at the base of the cone.

3. Start winding the threads around the base of the cone, pinning about every 2 inches.

4. Now start moving towards the top of the cone, gently wrapping the future Christmas tree with both threads. At this stage, you do not need to attach the thread to the cone.

5. When you get to the crown, secure the threads again with pins, wrapping the threads several times around the crown.

6. Both yarns now need to be pulled down, also wrapping the cone with a second layer.

7. Cut the threads at the base of the cone and fasten them.

You can leave the tree as it is, or you can also decorate it.

In this example, artificial berries were used for decoration, but you can use multi-colored beads, buttons, buttons, etc.

Try also to make a decoration for the top of the Christmas tree. The crown can be decorated the way you like.

You can leave the tree as it is, or you can also decorate it.

You can make just a paper hat or a star, or you can make something more complicated. If you chose the latter option, then the instructions for you follow.

You will need:

flower wire

Wire cutters (for wire)


PVA glue

Fine wire (calibrated wire)

1. Bend the wire into a star shape (see pictures) and cut off the excess.

2. Cover the star with glue and sprinkle glitter on it.

3. Attach a thin wire to the star, as shown in the picture:

4. Attach a star to your Christmas tree.

DIY creative Christmas tree

If you want something original, or you just don't have enough space for a large Christmas tree at home, you can try to make such a simple design.

It is worth noting that such a tree is suitable for any room. It can be done both at home with children and at work.

This Christmas tree can rise by 1.5-2 meters and takes up almost no space in the house. In addition, it is a good background for New Year's photography.

You will need:

Foam base or matte cardboard


corrugated paper

masking tape

adhesive tape

PVA glue

Stationery knife

marker, optional

1. Lay out the styrofoam or cardboard on a flat surface to get a large rectangle (see picture).

2. Use adhesive tape to connect all parts.

* In this example, black tape was used for better visibility, but white tape is better.

3. Mark the size of your future Christmas tree with masking tape.

4. Using a utility knife, carefully cut out the shape of the future tree.

5. Prepare the crepe paper, fold it in half and cut the fringe. You should have plenty of fringed paper to cover the entire Christmas tree.

6. Start gently gluing the crepe paper to the styrofoam, starting at the base of the tree. The fringe should hang just below the base to cover the styrofoam (or cardboard) and also slightly cover the top of the tree trunk, which we'll make later.

7. Move to the top, covering the entire tree with a bright green fur coat made of crepe paper.

8. On the back of the tree, add a hook so that the tree can be hung. Instead of a hook, you can use double tape to cover the perimeter of the Christmas tree.

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We continue to decorate our home for the winter holiday. We have already made various ones, hung them on windows and walls. Now we want to give the holiday symbolism. And this, of course, is the main princess of the celebration - the Christmas tree. I know that many feel sorry for the trees and replace them with artificial counterparts. But sometimes you just want to make something with your own hands in order to get satisfaction from the action and accent in the decor.

All craft ideas are easy to do with the kids. To make it easier to do the job, make the basics in advance. And try not to skimp on decor. Buy more different beads, ribbons, ribbons, beautiful buttons. Collect small toys from kinders and decorate with them. And they will go into business and will not wallow.

You can create beauty from everything that is at hand. The main thing is to attach to this a share of imagination and all your accuracy. With modern devices, such as a glue gun, you can give the product original shapes and fix different textures and materials.

I know that wine bottle corks and ice cream sticks are also used. Well, we didn’t have any traffic jams at home, and the sticks have long been sold for different needs, so let’s move on to materials that any housewife will definitely have - pasta and yarn.

Let's start with pasta. I know that various snowflakes are made from them. It turns out that they are also suitable for the Christmas tree.

We will need:

  • A pack of pasta (better to take feathers)
  • glue gun
  • Cardboard sheet
  • Dye
  • Decor

It is better to prefer the shape of "feathers" or "spirals". Choose a good manufacturer so that all the things are even and the same length.

First of all, we glue a cone out of cardboard. I do this by simply twisting the sheet around my hand. To prevent the workpiece from falling apart, we fasten it with a stapler.

And now we cut the base so that the tree stands straight, and not crooked.

We always start from the bottom. “Lay” the first two rows, i.e. glue them so that they lie on the surface, so the product will be more stable.

And the next rows need to be raised exactly on the previous one by an amount equal to half the “spiral”.

When you finish the top, we begin to cover the entire craft with paint.

You can take green, or you can buy gold or silver paint in a spray can. Only then you need to spray it not at home.

I really like the result. It doesn't take much time, but it looks very elegant.

Now it's the turn of yarn and cord.

To make a Christmas tree out of yarn, you need to wind the thread exactly one above the other on a paper cone. Periodically fastening it with hot glue to the base.

Decorate with decor.

This product is made even faster than pasta.

You can decorate them with buttons.

We will need:

  • Wire
  • Decor

First, we select the wire. It should be firm and not thin. From it we turn a cone-shaped spiral. We check for stability. The bottom can be wrapped twice.

We begin to string the cord on the wire.

Dry and decorate.

Glue will give the structure additional strength and will not allow the cord to slide down the frame.

Volumetric Christmas tree made of paper

Paper is always the first thing that the word "craft" is associated with. And from it you can create not one Christmas tree, but a whole spruce forest in which not a single tree will be repeated!

Let's say we want a paper tree to delight us on the kitchen table. Then you need to make it fluffy and voluminous. And also the most stable.

So, I picked up a few detailed master classes with a clear description of the process.

Option 1

We will need:

  • cardboard cone
  • Paper of green color of different shades.

We cut out many circles of the same size from paper.

And we begin to glue their edges to the cone, observing the rows.

The first layer always goes at the base.

This craft is available in terms of difficulty, even for a two-year-old child. And it looks quite rich because of the different shades of the same color.

Option 2. Terry cone herringbone

Cut out 4 half circles. Each of them is smaller than the previous one in diameter by 2 centimeters.

We glue the blanks into a cone and cut the edges around the perimeter a little to get the volume. Fold the terry edges a little.

Now glue a smaller cone on the largest workpiece. And so in the direction of decreasing.

That's the whole easy process.

Option 3. Let's make a Christmas tree from paper circles

Cut out 4 circles. Each of them is 1 centimeter smaller than the previous one.

Then we fold each circle 3-4 times in half.

We also make the base out of paper. You can wrap green paper around a pencil or a kebab stick.

We string round blanks on the barrel in descending order of size.

To give stability, you can plant the trunk in plasticine, wax or a wine cork.

Option 4

We mark 15 circles, each time reducing the diameter by 1 centimeter. Then we divide each circle into 12 equal parts, drawing lines through the center.

From the center mark half the radius and draw a circle. Now we cut the lines clearly to the drawn circle.

Glue the tips on each petal.

When you have completed all the levels, start collecting the Christmas tree from the widest row to the smallest.

How do you like the ideas, I think that you will find ideas for yourself.

Craft from cotton pads for the new year in kindergarten

The child was taken aback by the task that tomorrow you need to bring crafts to kindergarten? And outside the window, of course, it is already night. Then you can use the packaging of cotton pads. In most families, they are actively used.

We will need:

  • Packing of cotton pads
  • Cardboard for the cone base
  • PVA glue
  • Decor

We fold the cardboard frame, connect the edges with a stapler.

Take a cotton pad and fold it in half.

Then, on a harmless PVA glue, we plant two tips of a cotton semicircle.

And we glue the workpiece to the base, after smearing its fold with the same PVA glue.

So we do row by row. It is better to glue cotton pads closer to each other so that there is a minimum of gaps.

It remains only to decorate the delicate beauty!

Children in kindergarten will definitely like your product, and they will not be ashamed in front of other parents.

DIY craft from napkins

Another very affordable material is napkins. You can use the most inexpensive and monophonic.

We take white, red, blue and green festive shades.

We fold the napkin several times to get the shape of a square, then cut the fold points and cross-fasten the middle with a stapler.

Now we bend each layer, forming a pompom.

Lay out the first row on the frame with these balls. Then we glue balls and other Christmas tree decorations on double-sided tape.

And fill the entire surface of the frame with napkins.

Everything is pretty fast.

By the way, you can see how to make from napkins here. It also turns out very nice.

Candy Christmas tree

A wonderful gift would be a candy craft: buy a box of good candies in a beautiful package at the grocery store.

It is made of two parts - a base for sweets and a barrel.

We glue the base with a side of 23 centimeters. When cutting, indent along the bottom edge and at one edge 1 cm. We will apply glue to them.

We decorate with beautiful paper or film. Glue the bottom to its base.

We make the trunk, decorate it and glue it with the frame.

Now we evenly put sweets, braid or Christmas tree beads on the hot glue.

Use the same color scheme for the base and candies.

We make a Christmas tree for the New Year from pine cones

Natural material always gives the desired zest to the decor. It immediately smells of freshness and resin at home. Will give a symbolic meaning to this winter holiday.

Cones are also suitable for various crafts.

You can create a Christmas tree from only cones, or you can dilute them with sisal balls, decorative flowers or fir branches.
The combination of cones and dried citruses also looks unusual.

Glue the cones onto the base with hot glue. You can not think about the side that you have them. This will give a slight bewitching negligence to the product.

We alternate cones with Christmas balls or other decor.

We cover with artificial snow or white enamel from the sprayer.

Everything is quite easy, and the result is incredibly beautiful.

Light tinsel Christmas tree

We can't imagine the New Year without tinsel! There are no decorations on it now: stars with balls, and multi-colored tips. It decorates windows, curtains, walls and, of course, is used as a material for crafts: wreaths and Christmas trees.

Since most tinsel manufacturers thread it on a thin wire, it is easy to bend and shape in all sorts of ways.

A spruce tree is made from it in three minutes!

We will need:

  • Tinsel
  • Cardboard sheet
  • Double sided tape.

From cardboard we make a base in the form of a cone and glue it with double-sided tape.

We remove the protective film from the first row and begin to glue the end of the tinsel, tightly wrapping the frame.

If you didn’t have enough tinsel, then glue the end with tape, and put the next fluffy ribbon of the same color on top of it.

Fluffy pom-pom beauty

Pompoms have also long been loved by our craftswomen. Previously, we made a dog out of them, now we will create a fluffy beauty.

The balls themselves can be made in two different ways: by winding 20 layers on a fork or using two round blanks.

We will go with the second method.

We take cardboard or plastic, cut out two identical rings.

Now stepping back from the edge of the thread 5 centimeters, we begin to wind the yarn very tightly.

Then cut the outer fold between the blanks.

With the thread end left, we tie the middle of the pompom so as not to lose all the threads.

Now we are looking for a thick wire and turn it into a spiral. Leave the base wide. We string pom-poms on it.

If the wire is not found, then we use the experience of previous products and form a triangular or conical base.

Felt Christmas Tree Ideas

Felt is also popular with our craftswomen. No matter what they do, educational toys and Christmas tree decorations. Today I will give a few ideas for creating a spruce tree.

From the simplest options to the most complex.

Option 1. Cut out 10 Christmas trees of the same size from felt. Fold in half and glue the fold to the trunk.
We use branches, saw cuts of trees (preferably spruce or pine).

Option 2. Cut out many identical triangles from felt.

Glue them to the frame in rows. The upper triangle lies between the two lower ones!

Option 3. We prepare 5 squares of different sizes: 9 cm, 7 cm, 5 cm, 3 cm, 1 cm.

We make five of each size.

Now we string the largest squares onto the thick one, distributing them diagonally to each other so that there are no voids.

We pass all the squares like this.

New Year's beauty from fabric

And two more ideas of fabric beauties in the piggy bank. The ends can be finished with a decorative stitch with a thick contrasting thread. Sew buttons or beads onto symbolic branches.

Use several colors of fabrics and textures. For example, take velvet on one side and linen on the other.

You can also choose different patterns in the same color scheme, or vice versa, play with companion flowers.

You can fill the Christmas tree with holofiber, synthetic winterizer or cuts, the remnants of your creativity.

If the product is small, fill it with cotton wool.

My dear, I tried to find for you the most interesting and affordable materials for creativity. I'd love to hear your opinion in the comments!


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An article about how to quickly and unusually make a Christmas tree with your own hands. This craft will be a great decoration for your home or a gift for your loved one.

Handmade gifts are becoming more and more popular. With great interest, parents make crafts for kindergarten, school with their children, give unique things to relatives, colleagues and friends. Naturally, the most optimal New Year's decoration at home is a Christmas tree made of paper, sweets, tinsel glasses or napkins.

Today we will get acquainted with some ways in which you can make an unusual, but very beautiful Christmas tree with your own hands. We will use the simplest and most inexpensive materials.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of sweets and improvised materials: photo

List of materials:

  1. base (cone)
  2. Candies,
  3. Tinsel,
  4. Glue,
  5. Scissors,
  6. Decorations (bows, balls, stars).

For the base, you can take everything that will hold the cone:

  • special styrofoam figures
  • cardboard
  • colored paper
  • an empty box from the same sweets that are planned to be used as decoration
  • Anything that comes to mind and comes to hand

A variant of a Christmas tree with a cone made of plain paper and sweets: diagram, description

  1. We take any colored sheet, fold it to make a cone, fix the edge with glue and remove the excess with scissors. The base is ready.
  2. We pass to the tinsel. Starting from the base, we pass the glue with dotted movements and from above, we wind the tinsel spirally to the very top. If there is an asterisk in size suitable, then you can fix it.
  3. Candies are attached to the Christmas tree around, using glue or thread. It is advisable to use 1-3 colors of candy so that it is harmonious and not sticky.
  4. If there are any balls, bows or other decorations, then we attach them at the very end. Specially fixing in those places where the space was visually formed.

This is the fastest way to make a Christmas tree with your own hands. Estimated production time is up to 10 minutes.

  • The base of the Christmas tree can be decorated with cotton wool, thus creating a “snow effect”.
  • For lovers of American style, red bows around the entire perimeter are ideal.
  • We do not limit our imagination and do as our inner voice tells us.

This is a chic New Year's gift for grandmother, teacher, aunt, sister. The most popular sweets are raffaello, ferroroche, although from ordinary caramels it also turns out a sweet, sweet Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree made of colored paper: photo, description

DIY Christmas tree made of colored paper

To make a paper Christmas tree, we need:

  1. Paper (the more paper the better)
  2. Glue,
  3. Scissors,
  4. Pencil or pen
  5. Decorative materials for decoration.
  • We cut out a circle from paper, with which we make a cone for our Christmas tree.
  • The easiest option would be to paint the Christmas tree with any colors and
    for volume, add a few beads, securing them with glue.

The tree is ready.

Also, after we have made a cone, you can cut a huge number of small circles, each of which we attach to the Christmas tree with glue, spreading only half of it, and bending the other a little. As a result, we get a voluminous Christmas tree.

How to make a cute Christmas tree out of paper snowflakes and mini barbecue skewers: instructions, photos

A version of a Christmas tree made of paper snowflakes and wooden skewers for a mini barbecue.

  • Cut out snowflakes, as shown in the figure below, of different diameters. The top is the smallest, and then we increase the radius of the circle by 1.5 - 2 times. How do you like the splendor of the Christmas tree. The more we increase the diameter, the more magnificent the tree.
  • Cut the snowflake to the center of the circle. Cut out a segment at the top of the snowflake 1/3 of the circle. From the second snowflake (middle) cut out 1/4 of the circle and from the third (bottom) cut out 1/5 of the circle.
  • We glue the edges of the snowflakes so that we get cones, as in the figure below.
  • We string snowflakes on a skewer and get beautiful Christmas trees that are suitable for decorating a festive table and interior.
  • The skewer can be stuck into fruits, dishes, into a piece of foam, as in the figure below. It all depends on your imagination.

Christmas tree made of paper palms: instructions, photos

Interesting and unusual can be called a "Christmas tree made of palms." These can be the pens of family members or students of a school, a particular class or group.

There are many options. The ideological purpose of such a Christmas tree is to unite a certain number of people.

In order to make a Christmas tree from the palms, we need:

  • glue,
  • marker,
  • scissors and
  • several sheets of paper (the number depends on what tree we want to see in the end). Small - up to 7 palms, medium - 12-15, large - more than 20.

We take a person’s hand, draw a contour, cut it out and paste it on a wall, whatman paper, a cone or something else. We do this until the size of our Christmas tree suits us as much as possible.

For the top, you can cut out a star, and decorate around the entire perimeter with tinsel or small balls made from a contrasting color of paper. Thus, we will create the effect of a smart Christmas tree.

From such palms you can make various shapes to decorate houses, kindergartens and schools.

Craft - Christmas tree from the pages of a magazine

Another of the unusual crafts is the "Christmas tree from a magazine."

A magazine with at least 200 pages and glossy pages is ideal. The thick cover can be removed. And now patience and time.

  • We bend each upper right corner of all pages towards us at 45 degrees.
  • All lower corners that go beyond the borders are wrapped up.
  • We fold the remaining pages of the magazine in the same way.
  • It turns out an accordion. When it comes to an end, we see an interesting Christmas tree that can decorate any office all year round.

Christmas tree from old unnecessary children's coloring pages: manufacturing description, photo

Do not rush to throw out your child's already colored magazines, because the New Year is ahead and everything will come in handy for us. So,

  • we take the usual cone made of paper, which we have already fallen in love with,
  • glue,
  • scissors and
  • coloring, which we cut into the longest possible strips, with a width of 3 cm or more.

From it we will now make a garland. We fold our strips and glue them together horizontally, after that we make vertical cuts along the length of the entire garland in half the width and with a frequency of no more than 5 mm.

We create the effect of a “comb”, after which we simply paste it around the cone of the entire Christmas tree. Thus, the "teeth of the comb" turn into the "sharp needles" of our Christmas tree.

There are a lot of ways to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from paper, we examined the simplest and at the same time the most unusual.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree-topiary from napkins: instructions, photos

I want to say right away that a Christmas tree made of napkins always differs from other crafts in its visual airiness and tenderness. Some do not immediately manage to understand what material it is made of.
Topiary lovers will really like this version of creating a Christmas tree with their own hands. In order to make a topiary tree, we need the following materials:

  1. Napkins,
  2. foam cone,
  3. glue gun,
  4. A decorated rod that will hold our Christmas tree (often they take an ordinary tree branch and disguise it under decorations),
  5. small pot,
  6. Gypsum (gypsum plaster is also suitable),
  7. Beads on a string or other decorations.
  • We mix gypsum with water, pour the mixture into a pot, fix the holder for the Christmas tree in it and put the cone of our Christmas tree on it.
  • With the help of templates, we draw circles on napkins and bending the edges, we make “mini-roses” from each napkin.
  • Next, each decoration, using a glue gun, is applied to the cone, filling the entire space.
  • You can put a few of these "Mini Roses" on top of our pot to arrange all our crafts in style.
  • We wind tinsel (beads on a string) around the entire perimeter of our Christmas tree, everything that looks beautiful will do.

Our do-it-yourself napkin tree is ready.

Napkins for this yo Lacks can be the same color or you can take 2 colors and combine them beautifully. Including your imagination in this project will give excellent results.

If you are not a fan of topiary, then a napkin Christmas tree can be made on a regular cardboard cone, completely repeating the above process. Another version of the Christmas tree from napkins.

DIY Christmas tree from a bottle of champagne: photo

DIY Christmas tree from a bottle of champagne

For the manufacture we need the following materials:

  1. Champagne bottle
  2. Tinsel,
  3. Glue gun and glue.

A simple gift can be decorated in an original way if you take a bottle of champagne, glue the tinsel dotted with glue and decorate with additional accessories.

We will succeed, inside which there will be a surprise - a bottle of champagne.

Making a Christmas tree from plastic bottles: a photo, a diagram and a description of the manufacture

At home, the most common is the method of making Christmas trees from plastic bottles. List of required:

Making a Christmas tree from plastic bottles
  1. Green plastic bottles
  2. Paper,
  3. Glue gun and glue stick.

  • We turn the sheet into a tube to get a diameter of 1-2 centimeters.
  • We cut the bottle into strips 2-5 centimeters wide and no longer than the one that wraps our paper tube.
  • We cut the plastic strips perpendicularly to get a “comb effect”.
  • We dig an even edge with glue and attach it around a paper tube.
  • The longer the needles of our Christmas tree, the more beautiful.
  • It is advisable to calculate the length so that the bottom is wider than the top, while maintaining the proportions of a real Christmas tree.

You can leave the craft as it is, or you can decorate it with additional accessories made of paper, cardboard or other materials.

You can hang real Christmas balls on such a Christmas tree, only in a small size, so our craft will look more real.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are many ways to make a Christmas tree with your own hands.

The main thing is to show imagination and try.

Do-it-yourself gifts always delight much more than ordinary figurines bought in a store.

Making crafts together with children brings not only joy, but also real benefits, because during such activities mutual understanding of the parent and child is formed, tactile sensations develop.

Ideas for creative Christmas trees with your own hands from improvised materials: photo

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree options from plastic bottles