Abstract of the lesson on the topic. Game "Magic Time Train"

Summary of the lesson on the topic: One. A lot of. (age 3-4 years)

Target: Learn to find many similar objects in the environment and single out one object from it.
Tasks: Introduce the concepts of "one", "many". Work on the ability to coordinate the numeral "one" with nouns in gender and case. Understand the concept of "right" and "left" hand. Form spatial representations (the concepts of "before, behind, over").

Materials: a basket with balls of different colors according to the number of children + 1 ball for the teacher.
During the classes.
1. Children sit on the carpet and play with their fingers to the rhyme "Let's count fingers."
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will count the fingers. (bend fingers)
Here is a fist, and here is a palm. (Show fist and palm)
A cat sat on the palm and sneaks slowly, (Another palm moves along the palm, fingering with fingers)
Maybe a mouse lives there?
The cat guards the mouse. Meow! (Like a cat to scratch your palm with your fingers, and quickly hide the handles from the cat on the last word)

2. The teacher has a basket with balls of different colors according to the number of children +1 to the teacher.
- What is in my basket? (balls)
How many balls are in my basket? (A lot of)
- I'll take one ball. I have one red ball.
- Sasha, take the ball. How many balls did you take? What ball do you have? You have one green ball. Repeat. (Give out all the balls)
How many balls were in the basket? A lot of.
- Now how much is left? No one.

There were many balls, we took one at a time, and not a single ball was left.
3. Physical Minute.

Take the ball in your right hand. (The teacher stands facing the children and shows all the movements in a mirror image) Transfer the ball to your left hand. Raise the ball over your head. Hide behind your back. Hold the ball in front of you. Jumping in place with a ball in hand to a poem:

Girls and boys bounced around like balls.
They jumped, got tired, got up on their toes,
Slowly they spun and sank onto the mat.

4. Let's collect the balls in a basket.
How many balls are in the basket? (No one)
- I will put 1 red ball in the basket.
- Sasha, put the ball in the basket. How many balls did you put in? (collect all the balls in a basket)
How many balls are in the basket? (A lot of)
- We put one at a time, and there were a lot of them.

5.Game "Train".
We were sitting, we were tired
And now we stand together.
They stomped their feet,
They clapped their hands.
We will collect the steam locomotive,
to take us to visit.

The children move in a group one after another to the song “Rides, rides a steam locomotive”, putting their hands on the shoulders of the one in front. The locomotive "drives up" to a corner of nature.

What items do we have? What subject is one? (Many cones, one squirrel) Take the item that is alone and put it on the table.

"Drive" to the construction site. - What items are many? Which one? (Many blue dice, one red.) Take 1 of the many dice and put it on the table.

"Drive" to the puppet corner. There are toys on the table. - How many bears? (One) How many dogs? (One) How many dolls? (One) How many kitties? (One) How many toys are there? (Many) Take 1 toy and put it on the table. etc.

"Drive" to the table. - What's on the table? What are they for? - These are toys, they are needed in order. to play. How many toys are on the table? (A lot of)

What else can you say "many", "one"?
6. The result of the lesson.
Which game did you like best? You and I considered which items are many, and which are one at a time.

A speech therapy lesson on the topic "Words-objects" is carried out at the I stage of correctional training (method of Yastrebova A.V.).

The lesson is aimed at students of the first grades of secondary schools.

Goals of speech therapy classes:

  • mastering the concept of "word" as part of a sentence, its lexical meaning;
  • practical assimilation of words denoting living and inanimate objects;
  • development of sound and letter analysis and synthesis skills;
  • formation of the communicative side of students' speech;
  • development of spatial orientation;
  • formation of skills for organizing educational activities;
  • development of attention, memory, thinking, self-control, ability to switch.


  • images of planets and spacecraft;
  • split alphabet;
  • subject pictures (cheese, onion, donkey, mittens, watermelon, doll, titmouse, shoes, fox, hat, mouse, squirrel);
  • type-setting cloth for frontal work;
  • typesetting canvas "Computer" for individual work (according to the number of students);
  • table of syllables and words;
  • chips denoting vowels and consonants;
  • chips denoting sentence schemes;
  • demonstration scheme of animate and inanimate nouns.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. Today we are going on a space trip. We will fly to a distant planet, where we will study the characteristics of the local inhabitants.

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

I have a ticket with the name of this planet. But there are pirates in space, and the name of the planet is encrypted so that the pirates do not guess. However, smart kids can always decipher it.

Sound analysis and synthesis:

Name the 1st sound of each picture, say these sounds together and you will get the name of the planet.

There are a number of pictures on the "ticket": With yr, l uk, O slick, V utensils, A rmelon.

What happened? ("words" - typed in letters of the split alphabet)

The "ticket" is placed in the top row of the typesetting canvas.

Now we know the name of the planet and we can hit the road.

Open notebooks. These are our logbooks. Step 2 lines down. Write down today's date.

III. The concept of "word".

We flew to the planet "Words". See how many locals and tourists are welcoming us. Let's determine which of them are the inhabitants of the planet of the Word.

Read only the 1st column. Do you understand what is written here?
- What is this? (set of letters)
- Read only the 2nd column. Do you understand what is written here?
- What is this? (words)
- Why do you understand the words, but not the set of letters? (every word has a meaning, words mean something)

IV. Words for things.

The Planet of Words is divided into several parts. In which of them we are now, I do not know.

But the Words left us a clue. Look, there are letters in the envelope. I will put them in the second row of typesetting canvas.

Read. Do you understand the meaning?

What is this? (set of letters)

Can you make a word out of these letters?

What word came out? ("items")

What are the names of the inhabitants of this part of the planet? ("words-objects")

Get to know some of these residents better.

The students have subject pictures on their desks: a doll, a titmouse, shoes, a fox, a hat, a mouse.

Now listen carefully. I will represent our friends. If you have this word-subject, raise the picture.

The speech therapist mixes up the words or the sound combinations corresponding to them in structure. Having heard the word, the students raise the corresponding picture and explain why, for example, they raised the picture to the word “doll”, but did not raise the picture to the sound combination “kla”.

Words-objects can be living and non-living. And you need to ask these questions in different ways.

What is the first sound in the word "live"?

What is the letter for this sound? (AND)

What is the first sound in the word "inanimate"?

What is the letter for this sound? (H)

On the board: F

See what letters they can turn into:

Words denoting living things answer the question "Who?"

Words denoting inanimate objects answer the question "What?"

On the board diagram-poster:

Name the living things in this diagram. What question are they answering?

Name the inanimate objects in this diagram. What question do these words answer?

Write in your notebook on one line the questions “Who? What?".

Now each of you will come out with your picture-word and determine whether a living or inanimate object is drawn.

Ask the right question and write the words in the correct column.

VI. Fizminutka.

Word-objects invite us to play with the ball.

1st part of the game: throwing the ball, the speech therapist calls the word-object - the child poses a question and determines the “living” or “inanimate” object.

2nd part of the game: throwing the ball, the speech therapist asks the question "who?" or “what?”, and the child must choose the appropriate word.

House - …? Who? — …
Spoon - …? What? — …
Mosquito - ...? What? — …
Snail - …? Who? — …
Chair - …? What? — …
Tiger - …? Who? — …

VII. Consolidation of what has been learned.

1) - It's time for us to fly home, but in order to get on the spaceship, you need to complete the task: change the sounds in the words so that they answer the question "Who?". Write down word pairs. (Work at the blackboard and in notebooks).

A stake is an ox, a drop is a heron, a door is a beast, a poppy is a cancer, a house is a catfish, a donut is a mouse.

2) - They flew. But guys, it looks like we're flying in the wrong direction. Our planet is on the other side.

Arrived. Some strange planet. It's probably the work of space pirates. They did something to send our ship off course.

Look, there's an envelope. What is this?

Sheets are attached to the board, on which are printed: kiga, vedo, bear, prta, vika, rucha.

Of course, only pirates could write such things. Let's spell these words correctly. Perhaps there is a clue in these words.

How to dictate these words? (Work at the blackboard and in notebooks).

Students write down the words, checking each word with a pencil. The "boat-lock" technique is used:

3) - We need to get to the nearest space port. Let's try to restore our ship by repairing the on-board computers. You need to choose the correct password. Remember what words-objects are. (living and non-living)

Using this knowledge, find the superfluous (“bear”) among the words just written.

Make a sound scheme of this word on the "computer keyboard". This is the password.

4) - Let's fly! The space port is located near the planet whose name you have to guess:

Who likes to rush through the branches?

Of course the redhead...

Determine: what question should be asked if the squirrel is an animal? (Who)

What if it's the name of a planet? (What)

Make a sentence with the word "squirrel".

Name the 1st word of this sentence, the 2nd word, ...

How many words are in this sentence?

Submit a proposal outline.

What rules for writing proposals do you know? (The beginning of a sentence is capitalized; the words in a sentence are written separately; a period is put at the end of the sentence).

Write down this offer?

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

Here we are at home, on Earth. How many words are around us.

What words did you learn today?

What did you learn about words?

What questions are answered by living and inanimate words-objects.

Select and name the words-objects that answer the question "Who?", "What?".

Panova Lyubov Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist,
MOU secondary school No. 24, Podolsk

(First year of study)

Program content:

1. Clarify the idea of ​​​​vegetables.

2. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

3. Improve the grammatical structure of speech.

4. Develop phonemic perception.

5. Develop connected speech, visual attention, thinking, coordination of speech with movement, fine motor skills.


, a plot picture on the theme "Harvesting", typesetting canvas, a magic bag, dummies of vegetables, a ball.

I. Organizing time

1. Speech therapist: - Guys, get out of the magic bag what is hidden there.

- Put what you got on the table. Name what it is?

How can you put it in one word?

- Guys, who guessed what we will talk about in class?

What other vegetables do you know?

- Where do vegetables grow?

How are vegetables harvested?

– Today we will talk with you about harvesting.

II. A conversation about vegetables with a picture.

(On the type-setting canvas, put the plot picture "Harvesting").

2. Speech therapist: - Guys, look at the picture, carefully. What season is shown?

– What are people doing? What vegetables do they pick? Where do they put them?

3. Game "Pick up a sign"

Speech therapist: - I will name the vegetable (put the picture on the panel), and you will tell me as many words as possible about it what it is.
Carrots (beets, turnips, cabbage) - (what?) - tasty, crispy, orange, large, round, healthy, juicy, large, small ....
Onion (cucumber, tomato, garlic, zucchini) - (what?) - tasty, crispy, red, large, round, healthy, juicy, large, small, bitter ....

- Well done. Completed the task. Next game.

4. The game "What's gone?"

Speech therapist: I put 4 vegetables on the table. Look at them and remember. Now you close your eyes, I will remove one, and you will say what is gone.

5. Speech therapist: It's time to relax and play with your fingers. Finger gymnastics "The hostess once came from the market."

The hostess once came from the market, Stepping fingers on the table.

The hostess from the bazaar brought home Bend over one finger.

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table - Alternately strike with fists.

Who is better, tastier

And more needed on earth. Bend one finger per name.

Potato? Cabbage?

Carrot? Peas?

Parsley or beets? Oh! .. Cotton.

The hostess, meanwhile, Knock with the edge of the palm.

She took the knife.

And with this knife

Crumble the beginnings Bend one finger on the hand.

Potato, cabbage

carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. Oh! .. Cotton.

Covered with a lid, Fold your hands crosswise.

In a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water

Potato, cabbage, Bend one finger on the hand.

carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. Oh! Cotton.

And the vegetable soup was good! Show how to eat soup.

6. Game "Call it affectionately" (with a ball).

Speech therapist: - I will throw you a ball and name a vegetable, you will affectionately call this vegetable and throw the ball back to me.
Tomato - tomato; carrot-carrot
Cucumber - cucumber; pumpkin - pumpkin;
Onion - onion; beets - beets;
Garlic - garlic; cabbage - cabbage;
Peas - peas; potatoes are potatoes.

- Well done, take your seats. We play on.

7. The game "One - many"

Speech therapist: - I will name one vegetable, and you will name many vegetables. (For example: home-home)
Tomato - tomatoes
Cucumber - cucumbers
pumpkin - pumpkins
Zucchini - zucchini
eggplant - eggplant

8. Speech with the "Harvest" movement.
Let's go to the garden and harvest. Marching.
We carry carrots "They're dragging."
And we're digging up potatoes. "They're digging."
We cut a head of cabbage, "Cut off."
round, juicy,

Very tasty, They show a circle with their hands 3 times.
Let's pick a little sorrel "Rip".
And let's get back on track. Marching.

9. The game "Name the juice, salad."

Speech therapist: Now I will name the vegetable. And you will answer what kind of juice, soup, salad can be prepared from it.
Carrot juice - carrot Pea soup - pea
Cabbage juice - cabbage Potato soup - potato
Beetroot juice - beetroot
Cucumber salad - cucumber

10. Summary of the lesson. Remember what was discussed in class. Children's assessment.

The game "Tell me a word."
Where it was empty in winter

Growing up in the summer... cabbage.

From the earth for a forelock cheat,

We pull juicy ... carrot.

Even though I'm called sugar

But I didn't get wet from the rain.

large, round,

Sweet to the taste

Did you know? I… beet.

Back forward

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Lesson objectives:

  • To form the concept of emotions of joy and anger, to show their schematic representation.
  • To update experience and knowledge from the field of the emotional sphere, to contribute to understanding one's states and understanding that negative emotions take away health, while positive ones contribute to its preservation.
  • Teach ways to express negative emotions in a socially acceptable way.
  • Develop the ability to control various muscles (face, arms, legs), develop volitional regulation of behavior.
  • Develop kinesthetic sensations, perception of the shape of objects.
  • Develop spatial orientation, attention and thinking.
  • Contribute to the rallying of the children's team and the establishment of a positive emotional mood in the group.

Glossary of terms

Emotion These are our moods and experiences that accompany the events of our life.
Joy- this is when we feel good from something done, from communicating with my mother, a friend, from the fact that we are given gifts, we have fun. Slight wrinkles at the eyes, eyes slightly narrowed, upper lip slightly raised, corners of the lips raised and usually laid back, lower jaw relaxed, mouth may be slightly open.
Anger- when we are angry at someone, for example, at the one who undeservedly offended us, who beat us, called us names ... Closely compressed eyebrows, horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, swollen nose, clenched teeth, neck convulsively tightened, while hands can be clenched into fists.

Equipment: an envelope with a letter; a magic bag with various items, a scarf; a tape recorder and an audio recording of the songs “If you are kind”, “Smile”; a box with medals for each child; 3 palms made of colored cardboard; a toy hedgehog that laughs.


- Hello guys!
I was walking to your class and met the postman on the way. He gave me an unusual letter. Let's see what kind of letter? So, the Golden Key kindergarten for children. This letter is for you. Who is it from? From Smesharik the Hedgehog. Do you know this? Shall we read the letter? Listen carefully.

Hello guys! The Hedgehog is writing to you from the country of Smesharikov. If someone does not know me, I send my photo (2nd slide). My favorite pastime is the compilation of various collections: wrappers, mushrooms, cacti. I look for items for my collections everywhere: in the mountains, the sea, even in a dark forest. Most recently, I wandered into one of these forests in search of something new for my collection.
And suddenly I went out into a clearing on which stood a beautiful palace (slide 3). I became interested and I went into this palace. Different emotions lived there: joy, anger, fear, surprise and others (slides 4 and 5).
It turned out that on this day the evil wizard Sad-crying made his way into their kingdom (slide 6). He quarreled all the emotions among themselves, and I really love to reconcile everyone, even those who do not want to put up with any. And I succeeded. The evil wizard got angry with me and locked me in a dungeon. And he took away my laughter from me, and I love to laugh so much. Help me return my laughter and get out of the dungeon of his palace, and to do this, complete the tasks of the evil wizard Sadcrying. Thank you guys, I believe that you can easily cope with all his tasks.

- Well, guys, can we help the Hedgehog?
- With each correctly completed task, we will come closer to the castle of the evil wizard Sadcrying, the closer we come, the better we will see it, but for now we do not see it.
Let's start with the first task.

Exercise "Depict an emotion"

Sad crying gives such a task: to depict two inhabitants of the palace of emotions. 1 pictogram - joy (7 slide).

What does a person look like when he is happy? (Eyes sparkle, lips smile).
- Look at the beautiful faces of those who rejoice (8 slide).
- Guys, when do you feel happy? (When mom comes, they read books, buy toys, sweets...)
- You see how many reasons for joy we have (slide 9).
- Remember something joyful and when I count to 3 we will all depict joy together. Fine. So the palace of the evil sorcerer Sad-crying (10 slide) has already become visible a little.

2 pictograms - anger.

What does a person look like when they are angry? (The face is angry, the lips are compressed, the eyebrows are furrowed, the eyes are angry)- 11 slide.
- How ugly we are when we are angry (12 slide). And when are you angry? (When offended, something does not work out)- 13 slide.
- Let's try on the count of 3 to show how angry we are. (Another piece of the palace - slide 14).

Exercise "Ways to master a negative emotional state"

- Sad crying believes that if a person is angry, then this can go on for a very long time. What do you think can be done to make anger quickly leave you? (Cheer yourself, draw something beautiful, beat a pillow, tear paper, play a funny game, watch an interesting cartoon, read a funny book, eat candy, sculpt from plasticine, run outside, blow bubbles)- 15 slide.
- Being angry is bad for your health. With what kind of people is it more pleasant to communicate: with good or evil?
- Well done, he did not know that you could find the answer to this question. (16 slide).

The game "Screamers-clappers-silent"

- Oh, here are some palms. So what is this assignment?
The sad cryer does not believe that we will be able to complete this task, because here you need to be very careful and remember the order of actions (17 slide). And the order is this: If I show a blue palm, then everyone needs to shout the sound “A” loudly together, if it’s green, then everyone needs to clap loudly together, if it’s red, then you need to sit quietly and quietly. Let's remember and practice. Well, now we are very carefully fulfilling this task of the evil wizard (slide 18).

Magic bag game

- The sad cryer put various small objects into this bag and stabbed the bag so that you, with your eyes closed, could not guess by touch what is there. Who will be the first to take on this challenge?
- Well done! Another part of the castle appeared (19 slide).

Exercise "Find the Differences"

- Before us is the next task (20 slide). Sad-crying, as best he could, drew two inhabitants of the palace of emotions. What are these emotions? They seem to be a little similar, but in fact they have 5 differences. We need to find all the differences.
- Well done, the last part of the castle has appeared (slide 21).

Exercise "Tower of Joy"

- And here is the Hedgehog, but laughter has not yet returned to him (slide 22). Sad crying is always sad, angry and very often cries, so that the action of his magic ends and laughter returns to the Hedgehog, you need to build a tower of joy.
To do this, each in turn needs to tell what he likes or what makes him happy. I will name what I like and hold out my hand palm up, and you will take turns coming up, saying what you like or what makes you happy and put your hand on my palm. What a good tower of joy we got, and the Hedgehog is laughing again. Quietly sit down, and the Hedgehog, as a token of gratitude and in memory of our fabulous lesson, gives you magic medals with his photo, and the magic word “Smile” is written on the back. Let when you are sad or angry, then this medal will help you become more cheerful and kind. ( Under the song "Smile, everyone is awarded a medal with the image of a Hedgehog).

“Our fabulous lesson has come to an end.
- What do you remember and like?
What emotion do you like the most?

- A person, when he is angry, has an ugly face, angry, evil eyes. You should always treat people kindly, affably, then you will be treated the same way. Well, when a person has a joyful mood, then any business turns out.


1. In the world of children's emotions: a guide for practitioners of preschool educational institutions [Text ]/ T.A. Danilina, V.Ya. Zedgenidze, N.M. Stepin. - M.: Iris-press, 2007. - 160 p.
2. Lyutova, E.K., Monina, G.B. Training of effective interaction with children [Text] / E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina. - St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing house "Rech", 2001. - 190 p.
3. Semenaka S.I. Socio-psychological adaptation of the child in society. Correction-developing classes [Text] / S.I. Semenak. – M.: ARKTI, 2006. – 72 p.
4. Tarasova, T.A., Vlasova, L.V. Me and my health: A practical guide for developing and strengthening healthy lifestyle skills in children from 2 to 7 years old. The program of classes, exercises and didactic games [Text] / T.A. Tarasova, L. V. Vlasova. - M.: School Press, 2008. - 80 p.
5. Khukhlaeva, O.V., Khukhlaeva, O.E., Pervushina, I.M. Little games for big happiness. How to maintain the mental health of a preschooler [Text] / O.V. Khukhlaeva, O.E. Khukhlaeva, I.M. Pervushina. - M .: April Press, EKSMO-Press Publishing House, 2001. - 224 p.
6. Zhigalova, N.Yu., Kulikova, I.N. Valeological entertainment and games in kindergarten [Text] / N. Yu. Zhigalova, I. N. Kulikova.// Preschool pedagogy. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 16-18.
7. Zedgenidze, V.Ya., Eroshkina, N.G. Correction of violations of the emotional and personal development of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution [Text] / V.Ya. Zedgenidze, N.G. Eroshkin. // Reference book of the senior educator. - 2009. - No. 1. - P. 35-37.
8. Biktasheva, N.P. Country of colorful emotions [Text] / N.P. Biktashev. // Educator preschool educational institution. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 51-52.

Summary of the lesson on the topic "Profession huntsman"

TARGET: The development of interest among preschoolers in the world of adults by familiarizing themselves with the areas of their work.


    Continue to nurture a respectful attitude towards the work of adults, through the formation of ideas about the profession of a forester; show the importance of this profession for society and nature.

    Continue to learn to group objects according to given criteria; to teach to make generalizations, to differentiate subjects based on the analysis and synthesis; develop the ability to express their own emotions and imaginary images through words and movements.

    Contribute to the formation of normative regulation of behavior, support the desire for success in achieving a certain result; to promote the mastery of typical forms of interaction (simultaneous actions with others, the exchange of functionally distributed actions within the group, compliance with the contract during the game).

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Today we will take a trip with Little Raccoon to a place where many different animals live and many different plants, trees and shrubs grow. I want to introduce you to an interesting person, he has a very rare profession, but to find out who he works with, you must complete the following task. For each correctly completed task, I will open a letter in the name of the profession.

Assignment: “Who will collect it sooner?”

Target: Identification of children's knowledge about the stages of development of animals (insects, amphibians); development of abilities for differentiation based on the analysis. Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary: larva, pupa, caviar, tadpole.

Instruction: Guys, to complete this task, you need to be divided into 2 groups, each receives a set of cards depicting the stages of animal development. You need to correctly build a consistent chain of development of a frog and a butterfly.

Be careful! The result of your work depends on it!

Let's check the correctness of the task.

(A caterpillar emerges from the testicles, the caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, a butterfly emerges from the chrysalis).

(The frog lays eggs, tadpoles appear from the eggs, the tadpoles grow back and front legs, then the tail disappears, and the frog comes out on land).

Guys, what do you think, did you cope with the task?

Yes, you guys did a great job! (open Letter E)

2. Task: "The fourth extra" (work in a notebook)

Purpose: Formation of the ability to isolate an extra object from a group of homogeneous objects based on the generalization and analysis of their distinctive features. Enrichment and activation of the dictionary: white mushroom, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, fly agaric, spruce, oak, poplar, bluebell, narcissus

Instruction: To complete the task, guys, you need to be divided into 3 groups, each receives a set of 4 cards with the image of plants. You need to remove the "extra" item, explaining the reason.The success of the task depends on how well you work together. You are ready?

Explain your choice! Look guys, do you think they made the right choice?

Well done! We worked together! (We open the second letter E)

3. Task: "Guess who it is?" (work in a notebook)

Instruction: In this task, guys, you need to guess the animal from the image of its eyes.The main thing here is to show ingenuity and try to speak out for everyone.

Who else thinks? Maybe someone thinks differently?

Great guys! You are so smart! (open letter b)

Fizminutka: (A recording of birds singing in the forest sounds).

Guys, let's get some rest. Everyone stand in a circle, close your eyes, imagine that we are in the forest in the summer. All children enter the forest. Open your eyes. We walk quietly so as not to frighten away animals and birds, stepping over stumps, pushing branches apart ...

Take a deep breath of fresh forest air. Reach for the sun, warm yourself under its gentle rays. Go ahead. Be careful not to step on the daisies, bend down to smell the flowers, sit down to examine them. Go ahead. There is a spring in front of us, wash your hands in cool water, shake them. We leave the forest.

Educator: Guys, answer me this question: “Why do people go to the forest?” (Answers of children). Now compare your answers with the pictures on the poster.

Have a rest? We continue to guess the word! Who wants to roll the dice? (Answers of children). (open letter R)

Task: "Who lives where?"

Target: Identification of children's knowledge about the habitats of animals in the wild (birds, insects, fish, animals); development of abilities to group objects based on the analysis. Enrichment and activation of the dictionary: hut, lair, anthill, hollow, beehive, nest, mink.

Instruction: To complete this task, guys, you need to be divided into 3 groups, each receives a set of cards depicting animals and cards depicting their habitats in nature. You need to correctly group the pictures so that each animal is covered by a card with a picture of its habitat.Successful completion of the task depends on the speed of your actions.

Check. Who lives…? Where does he live...?

Well done and well done! Well done! (open the letter G)

Teacher: Did the guys cope with all the tasks, and did the word open on the board? (Huntsman). Who are the rangers? What are they doing? (Answers of children). At the same time, a poster “How a forester takes care of the forest” is shown to help children formulate answers.

A letter from a forester

Hello guys, if you are watching my video letter, it means that you have successfully completed all the tasks and guessed the encrypted word. Yes, my profession is called a huntsman.Hunting or catching wild animals and birds has been known to almost all peoples since ancient times. Depending on the purpose, commercial, sports and amateur and scientific hunting are currently distinguished. A hunting specialist is called a huntsman and works in hunting farms or in reserves.huntsman protects the territory of hunting grounds or farms from poachers, controls the correctness of hunting on the territory of the farm. In commercial farms, he prepares traps, stocks of feed, bait, extracts furs and meat.The profession of a huntsman can be obtained in hunting farms.Related professions: hunter, hunter.

Content of labor: Control over compliance with protection legislation, protection of hunting grounds from poachers, forestry activities.

Must know: Biology of animals and birds, laws and regulations on shooting and catching game, hunting rules, technology and organization of forestry. huntsmenAlso called a forester.

Foresters are important people for the forest, they guard the forest and keep order. They know all the inhabitants of the forest well. They try to help the animals in difficult times - in the winter during the lack of food, in the spring during the flood, they fight against poachers. Take care of the forest - protect it from fire. They clear the forest of old trees and plant new ones. That's how many important things the foresters have.

The forester is the owner of the forest. He cares about the forest, about its inhabitants. To become a forester, you need to learn a lot, know a lot, be able to do a lot.


- clean the forest from debris and dry, broken trees.

- protect from fires

- feed and treat animals and birds

- protect the inhabitants of the forest from evil people - poachers.

- rescue animals during fires and floods

- new seedlings are planted in conflagrations and clearings.

In addition, the teacher reads a poem by L. Zelenovskaya “Forester” and clarifies: “So who are the foresters? Well done! Forester is a human profession.

Practical tasks:

Imagine that you were trained as a forest ranger. And now I will check whether you will be good foresters. Do you agree? Then you need to complete several tasks.


Imagine a flood. The whole forest is flooded with water. Circle the person you need to rescue urgently. And who can save himself, he does not need to be circled.

(each of the children has a card with a task)

Teacher: M Let's remember how trees reproduce - (by seeds.)

Where are the seeds - near the birch? - in earrings

at the maple? - in airplanes

at the oak? - in stomachs

in conifers - in cones.

They are carried by the wind, pecked and scattered by birds, and, of course, specially planted by foresters.

So today we will also sow spruce seeds. Take a seed and a glass of earth. Take a close look at the seed. Make a depression in the ground with your finger, put a seed in it and sprinkle it with earth.

We pronounce a previously learned poem:

“You grow up for the joy of people,

We will be friends with you

Good forest, mighty forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What needs to be done now? - (water) What else is needed for the growth of plants? In case of difficulty, I help children with symbols (water, heat, light, earth, air)

Summary of the lesson. What did we talk about in class?

What have you learned?

What did you like the most? Thank you. Well done!

L. Zelenskaya

A forester walks through the forest, he is used to walking in the forest.

Here he is, just like at home, everything has long been familiar

The look of the forester is sharp: there was recently a fire -

Heat smolders under the branches, you won’t look through, and - a fire.

There, the beauty is a pine. Why is she sad?

Caused her a lot of trouble beetle malicious - bark beetle.

We need to save the tree. Lime bark beetle.

Wait, eared rogue, soon you will be caught here!

Explore everything. The forester, he used to wander in the forest.

He knows not in vain in the face of every bush and tree.

Thank you guys for interesting answers, thanks for the work and attention. Our lesson is over. Goodbye!