Summary of excursions in the middle group in winter. Synopsis of a trip to the grocery store

Winter excursion "Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air ..." for children of middle preschool age

Target- formation of primary natural-scientific ideas (seasons. Winter. Signs of winter).

Equipment: a bag with snowballs prepared in advance by the teacher, a poster with the image of a wolf, a feeder and food for birds.

preliminary work

Learning the outdoor games “Snowflakes” and “Hey, frost”, the counting rhyme “The bunny came out on the track ...”, finger gymnastics “Feeder”, riddles about trees.

Conducting experiments "Properties of snow and ice" in the center of experimentation.

Conducting conversations “Our feathered friends in winter” and “Wild animals in winter”.

Building a bird feeder with dads.

Tour progress

The teacher invites the children for a walk in the nearest park or square, in a grove or on the edge of the forest. On the way, he draws the attention of the children to the fact that it has become completely cold, frosty, steam comes out of the mouth when breathing.

In the park, the teacher gathers the children around him and reads a poem.


Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air,

Lace stars fall to the ground.

One fell into my palm.

Oh, do not hide, snowflake,

Wait a bit!

Look at the snowflakes in the air. Catch snowflakes on a mitten and examine them. What snowflakes?

Children. Beautiful, patterned, carved, lacy, white, fragile, different.

Teacher. Snowflakes are made up of snowdrifts and a thick snow coat on the ground. Look around and tell what you see. What do the clearings, pond, trees and bushes look like in the park?

Children. There is snow on the meadows. The pond is covered with ice. Trees and bushes are bare, without leaves. They also have snow on them.

Teacher. Scoop up the snow with a mitten, examine it, and then squeeze it. Tell us what color it is, what it feels like.

Children. Snow is white, fluffy, light, cold, soft.

Teacher. Can you tell me the same about ice?

Children. We can.

Teacher. Now I will check. I will throw a snowball at you and talk about what kind of snow, and you will catch a snowball and say what kind of ice. Snow is white and ice...

Children. ...transparent.

teacher. The snow is soft and the ice...

Children. ...solid.

teacher. The snow is melting fast and the ice...

Children. ...slowly.

Teacher. The snow is fluffy, and the ice ...

Children. ...smooth.

Teacher. Let's remember our game "Snowflakes", which talks about why snow melts.

Children, together with the teacher, do a familiar exercise.

Exercise "Snowflakes"

I stand and catch snowflakes in my palm.

(Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index, on the palm right hand.)

I love winter and snow and snowflakes.

(Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right hand, starting with the index, on the palm of the left hand.)

But where are the snowflakes?

Water in the palm of your hand!

Where did the snowflakes go?

(Clench your fists at the first question, unclench your fists at the second.)

Fragile ice-rays melted...

(Small shaking with relaxed palms.)

As you can see, my palms are hot.

Teacher. Why is the snow melting?

Children. The snow melts when it gets warm. It melts if it gets on the palm or face, or some warm objects. Snow melts when thrown into water.

Teacher. Right. But today the snow does not melt, because it is cold and frosty outside. Are you not cold?

Children. No.

teacher. But your cheeks are flushed, which the frost stings. Let's warm up and tease the frost.

Children choose a driver with the help of a counting rhyme.

The bunny came out on the path,

Wet the poor man's feet.

To keep your feet from getting cold

Will walk in felt boots

Will walk in felt boots.

And it's time for you to drive.

Fifteen game "Hey, frost!"

And it's cold outside

Pinches our cheeks and nose.

(Children jump around in a circle, in the center of which stands a child - “frost”.)

Our cheeks are flushed,

(As they run, they rub their cheeks with their palms.)

Why are we better.

We are not afraid of frost

(Continue to move in a circle, hands on the belt.)

We are laughing at his threats.

Hey, frost, run to stain!

(They stop and stand in a circle.)

One two three four five.

(On the word “stain”, “frost” begins to stain children. Children escape from “frost” by standing in circles drawn with tinted water on the snow. There should be fewer circles than children.)

Teacher. Here are the good guys! Warmed up. But now it's cold not only for you, but also for the birds. In winter, it is difficult for them to forage. Let's hang up the bird feeder you and your dads made and lay out some treats for the birds. Lay out the food and tell whom you want to treat.

Children, under the guidance of a teacher, hang a feeding trough on a tree branch, lay out food in it, and comment on their actions.

Children. For titmouse, we will hang pieces of unsalted bacon next to the feeder. We will pour millet into the feeder for sparrows, and burdock seeds - for goldfinches. We will hang sprigs of dried mountain ash for waxwings.

teacher. Well done! The birds will thank you. And we will do finger gymnastics"Feeder".

Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

How many birds to our feeder

(Children rhythmically clench and unclench their fists.)

Arrived? We will tell.

(Waving crossed palms.)

Two tits, a sparrow,

(For each name of the bird, one finger is bent on both hands, starting with the big ones.)

Six goldfinches and doves,

A woodpecker in colorful feathers.

Everyone had enough grains!

(Rubbing thumbs on index fingers, as if pouring food into the feeder.)

teacher. On which tree did we hang the feeder?

Children. We hung the feeder on a birch.

Teacher. How did you recognize this tree?

Children. Birch has white bark with black spots.

Teacher. Right. What trees and shrubs do you recognize? It's not easy when there are no leaves on them.

Children. There is an oak tree in the distance. It has a thick trunk and spreading branches, wrinkled bark. On the other side of the path we see rowan. Clusters of berries hang on it. Wild rose bushes grow along the path. They also have berries.

Teacher. Well done! You are very observant. I'm proud of you! At the beginning of our tour, you said that the trees and bushes were bare. And what trees have not shed their clothes in autumn?

Children. These are trees and pines.

Teacher. Right. Who remembers the riddles about these trees?

Children guess and guess riddles.

Here is a thorny thorn.

You better not touch her.

Oh sharp needles

At the green ... (Christmas tree)!

Like a red candle

It stands on a hill by the river.

Tousled from sleep

In needles, in cones ... (pine).

Teacher. Remember which of the wild animals loves to eat cones of Christmas trees and pines?

Children. This is a squirrel.

Teacher. What else does she eat in winter?

Children. She eats nuts and mushrooms that she stocked up in the summer.

Teacher. Tell us about how other wild animals hibernate.

Children. The bear sleeps in a den and sucks its paw. Moose feed on bark from young trees. Bunnies love her too. The fox hunts mice and hares. The wolf also attacks the hares.

teacher. How much do you know about the life of wild animals in winter! That made me happy. And I have prepared a surprise for you. Let's throw snowballs at the wolf so that it does not offend the hares.

The teacher takes out a bag with pre-prepared snowballs and hangs a poster on a tree with the image of a wolf that has opened its mouth. Children take snowballs, line up and throw snowballs at the image of a wolf. Beforehand, it is necessary to remind the children how to properly perform overhead throws.

After the game, the tour ends. The teacher removes the poster and asks the children the last questions.

Teacher. Remember what you know about winter, what we talked about today on the tour.

Children. It's cold outside in winter. Often there are very coldy. Snow covered earth. Rivers, lakes and ponds are covered with ice. The trees are bare. Birds are cold and hungry in winter. They need to be fed. Sometimes it is hard in winter for wild animals. Foresters take care of them.

teacher. Well done! That's how much you know about winter! We will continue talking about winter on the next tour and find out how plants hibernate under the snow.

Irina Novgorodova
Plan of excursions in the middle group.

Excursion plan in the middle group. With directions.


Target walk in the garden.

Target: Replenish children's knowledge about what vegetables grew in the garden, expand children's ideas about vegetables, be able to distinguish between them. To instill a desire to care for the garden.

Route: We take the children out of the doors of the kindergarten, go to the right, go along the sidewalk around the kindergarten to the garden with reverse side kindergarten. We return to the kindergarten, so the route.

Excursion to the road.

Target: Expand children's understanding of the rules of behavior on the road, street, introduce the sign "Crosswalk", to see everything that poses a danger to their life and health. Distinguish between driveway and sidewalk. Cultivate attention, caution, discipline.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten to the left, we pass along houses No. 25 and No. 28 from the yard and stop between house No. 28 and the store "Alexander" from where you can see the carriageway, sidewalk and "Crosswalk"

Excursion to the hairdresser.

Target: Expand children's ideas about the work of a hairdresser. Introduce children to the labor process (thinks up a hairstyle, washes the client’s head, cuts and styles hair) Cultivate respect for working people.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten, we pass along the house number 25 to the left, we go along the sidewalk to the salon "Salon", which is located at the end of the house number 25. We return to the kindergarten, so the same route.

Target walk - observation of the work of the janitor.

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the professions of adults, observe the work of the janitor, what work he does (cleans the snow on the paths, sprinkles them with sand). Promote speech development through enrichment vocabulary. Raise interest and respect for the work of the janitor, appreciate his work.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten, take them across the road, along the pedestrian crossing and bring them to house number 25, which is located next to the kindergarten, across the road. We return to the kindergarten, so the same route.

Excursion to the Christmas tree.

Target: Consider with the children how beautifully the yard is decorated New Year's holiday, which beautiful tree, Garlands. Create a happy mood. Cultivate love for your hometown, region.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten. We go to the left along the sidewalk near houses No. 25, 28 from the yard and approach house No. 22. We return to the kindergarten, so the same route.

Target walk to the birch alley

Target: Continue to introduce children to birch, her characteristic features and changes associated with the seasons. Bring up careful attitude to the tree as a living object of nature.

Route: We take the children out of the kaliki kindergarten, go left along the sidewalk, past the cookery to the houses at number 30 and 29. We return to the kindergarten, so the same route.

Target walk - observation of dogs

Target: Continue to expand your horizons about the animal world, instill interest in pets, introduce the history of the domestication of dogs by humans, give an idea of ​​​​how dogs help a person in life. Raise the need to take care of a pet.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten, go left along the sidewalk, past the cookery, approach the house at number 29 and go around it from the yard on the other side of the house, where the owners walk with their pets. We return from the kindergarten, so the route.

Shop tour.

Target: Expand children's ideas about the work of the seller. To introduce children to the components of the labor process (takes an order, weighs, takes money, gives change and politely thanks for the purchase). Cultivate respect for working people.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten, go to the left, along the house number 25 and go out onto the sidewalk to the house number 28, go to the store of this house, there is a store on the ground floor "Ideal". We return to the kindergarten, so the same route.

Excursion on the territory and outside the kindergarten.

Target: To form in children an idea of ​​​​the diversity of the plant world, to develop the ability to distinguish and name familiar flowering plants. To form the ability to establish the simplest connections between changes in inanimate and living nature; it is warm, the sun shines brightly, flowers appear. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, a desire to examine them and admire them. Route: We take the children out of the doors of the kindergarten, lead them to the left along the sidewalk, throughout the kindergarten, then take them out of the gate to the left along the sidewalk near houses No. 29,30,31. We return to the kindergarten, so the same route.

Excursion parking for cars and trucks.

Target: To form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the transport of cars and trucks, about the work of the driver. To expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the yard and on the street where cars drive. To develop the ability to see everything that poses a danger to the life and health of people. Raise respect for the work of the driver.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten, go to the right from the courtyard of house number 25 to house 32, and stop between these houses, where the parking lot is visible. We return to the kindergarten by the same route.

Tour of the area where is the kindergarten

Target: Encourage children to memorize the names of the streets of our area, where our kindergarten is located. Tell yourself about the meaning of a particular building (people live in houses, children go to school). Cultivate love for your hometown, region.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten. We go left along the sidewalk around the kindergarten, near houses No. 25, again to the left past the cookery, past houses No. 29,30,31. We reach Budochnaya street to houses No. 50,51,54 and to Partizanskaya street to house No. 1. We return to the kindergarten along the same route.

Excursion to railway

Target: Continue introducing children to different types transport (train). To replenish children's knowledge about the railway, about safety on it, who built it, who works on the railway, who drives trains, etc. Raise interest and curiosity.

Route: We take the children out of the gate of the kindergarten, go to the left along the houses at numbers 25 and 28. from the yard, we pass along the sidewalk, past the store "Alexander", we pass along the pedestrian crossing to Budochnaya Street, we pass by the Pharmacy, and we approach the railway from the back of the pharmacy building. We return to the kindergarten along the same route.

Tatyana Perova
"Excursion to the autumn park." Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the middle group

SUBJECT: Excursion to the autumn park. Golden autumn.

TARGET: to teach children to distinguish the most characteristic condition

autumn weather: it's cold, it's raining, the winds are blowing, birds are flying south, leaves are falling from the trees,

to monitor autumn nature,

to consolidate children's ideas about the main parts of a tree (trunk, branches, leaves, exercise in distinguishing leaves by size, color,

evoke aesthetic experiences from the perception of beauty autumn trees,

develop observation, attention, memory, imagination and speech,

to cultivate love and respect for nature, the desire to take care of it and protect it.

Course of the EXCURSION:

Introductory conversation

What season is it?

Which you know the autumn months?

What month autumn now?

We met with signs of early autumn. And now the most beautiful time autumn - Golden autumn . We are going to a park to see how it has changed. Has it become gold?

Main part (V park)

Children, today we will go to excursion to the park. There we are with you

we will play, observe, learn a lot that you don't know yet.

Came in a park.

Children, what do you observe in the sky? (Warm but not bright sun, clouds in the sky.)

What has changed in nature with the onset autumn?

What do you see on earth? (Carpet from autumn leaves that crunch underfoot.) Let's listen to this noise.

Children, look at the park got brighter. How do you really park brightened up? And why?

Listen to a poem by E. Trutneva « Autumn» .

It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard in the sun

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain.

Rustle underfoot

And fly... fly... fly...

We will go with you park and watch...

Look at the trees and tell me what happened to the leaves? They began to turn yellow and fall off. There are fewer leaves on the trees.

Now guys, let's enjoy autumn trees . Look how beautiful they are. Get close and try to reach the lowest branch of the tree. What a high it is! This is birch. Tell about her. What is she? (Children's stories.) And what outfit does maple have? But poplar, oak.

And who will show me the trunk of the tree? Grab it with your fingers.

Can you wrap your fingers around a tree trunk? Why not?" What

That's right, the trunk of the tree is thick and you can't clasp it with your fingers.

Therefore, we will try to do it by hand.

The teacher offers 2-3 children to hold hands and hug

Guys, who will show me the branches? That's right, how fat are they?

or thin?

Now let's look at the leaves. What are they? (yellow, red,

orange, brown, in some places still green.)

Are the leaves big or small?

That's right, different ones, there are very small ones, but these are big ones.

Let's collect the leaves, but only the yellow ones. Collect later

brown, then only green).

Then, at the request of the teacher, the children collect only small

leaves, then large. Combine the collected leaves into a single bouquet, and

invite the children to see how they are circling smoothly and quietly,

descend to the ground.

Let's also spin like leaves.

Well done, beautiful. And now we'll play.

A game "Trees". caregiver speaks: - Strong blowing wind- o-o-y-y and shakes

trees, all the children shake their hands with leaves "leaves swirling"- children

circling with leaves, arms raised. "And now the leaves are flying to the ground".

Children toss leaves and squat. "Snake of leaves"- children with leaves

take each other by the hand and walk like a snake.

We already know that it often rains in autumn. Now we'll play a game

"Sun and Rain" and let's see which of you is the most attentive.

The sun is shining, everyone is running and playing. But now it's raining, on cue

educator children run under the umbrella.

Suggest other games. Before the kids leave parka, caregiver

Offers to admire the beauty autumn park.

Elena Konopkina

Synopsis of the ecological excursion "Trees on our site".

Software content.

Contribute to the formation of children's ideas about trees;

Learn to compare trees outward signs(thickness and color of the trunk, size and shape of the leaves).

Develop the ability to compare and analyze;

Develop imagination and thinking in the process of observing and studying natural objects;

To promote the education of interest in plants;

To instill a careful and sensitive attitude to the plant world of nature;

Activate the speech of children, enrich vocabulary;

Call in children emotional response in the process of admiring native nature.


Trees and bushes on the territory of the kindergarten.

The course of the tour.(Children and the teacher gathered at the kindergarten site).

IN.- Guys, our familiar squirrel Fluffy came to us again today. We promised to show him the trees, so let's walk along our site together. First solve the riddle:

White-barreled beauties

Together we stood on the path,

The branches go down

And on the branches of earrings.

IN. What is this riddle about?

D. - About the birch.

IN.- Right. Let's go to the birch and take a closer look at it. A birch tree is very easy to recognize by its tree trunk. The birch has a slender, tall, white trunk with black spots. In Russian folk tales and in songs it is called so - “white-barreled”. The birch bark is thin and light. It is impregnated with a special substance - betulin, because of it the birch trunk is white. Let's stroke the trunk with a pen, lean against it with our cheek. What is he?

D.- Smooth, hard, rough. (children stroke the tree trunk with their hands, examine it from all sides).

IN.- Let's smell the birch bark. What does she smell like?

(Children sniff the tree trunk and express their opinions).

D.- The trunk smells of "wood", "nature", "grass", "mushrooms", "birch sap", "freshness", etc.

IN.- Let's see if there are cracks on the trunk? Hollow?

(Children carefully examine the tree trunk and come to the conclusion that the bark of the tree is smooth, without cracks, only a birdhouse hangs high in the branches.)

IN.- Look down at the ground, how the birch trunk smoothly turns into roots (a part of the tree roots is clearly visible on the surface of the earth). What are they?

D.- Thick, clumsy, like hooks. They probably go deep into the ground and hold the birch firmly in the ground.

IN.- Yes, it's all true. But the fact that in some places the roots are visible from the ground says that the birch is no longer a very young tree. Now look at the birch branches. What do you see?

D.- Little leaves.

IN.- Yes, but not only leaves that look like small hearts are on the branches. Guess the riddle:

On the branches - dense lumps.

They have sticky leaves.

D.- Kidneys.

IN.- Yes, in the spring you can carefully examine the kidneys. They are smooth, soft, sticky. Do you think it's possible to stick to them? What do they smell like?

(Children examine the kidneys: touch them, check whether the fingers stick after that, try what the kidneys smell like.)

IN.- And there are also earrings hanging on the branches, they have blossomed and smell very fragrant. But we will look around: what other trees are there on our site?

D.- An oak grows next to the birch.

IN.- Indeed, a young, strong oak grows next to the birch. Let's look at it and compare it with a birch.

D.- The birch has a thick trunk, and the oak has a thin one.

oak trunk dark color, and the birch is white-trunked.

The bark of an oak is dark, rough, while that of a birch is light and smooth.

The birch roots are visible from the ground, but the oak roots are not, they are deeply hidden in the ground.

The birch is very high, and the oak is lower.

Leaves have already blossomed on the birch and have grown, and the oak has strongly swollen buds and the leaves are just - just appearing.

IN.- What good fellows you are! How carefully we examined both trees and found many differences, from which we can conclude that the oak is probably a young tree, and the birch is older. They stand side by side, like the older sister Alyonushka and the younger brother Ivanushka from the fairy tale Geese-Swans.

In fact, oak is a very beautiful and strong tree. Because of its strong roots, which go very deep into the ground, the oak is called "mighty". The crown of the oak is sprawling, raised high, often the oak resembles a column, especially if it stands alone and no one interferes with its growth. Oak leaves are very beautiful, "carved". Oak is a rather heat-loving plant, it does not like the cold, therefore its leaves have not yet fully blossomed - it is still too early for it. Well, you know the fruits and seeds of oak well. This - …

D. - acorns, pigs like them.

IN.- Look, our little squirrel says that he likes to eat cones, there are a lot of nuts in them. What trees grow cones?

D.- On fir-trees and pines.

IN.- Are they the same on these trees or are they different?

D.- Different: the Christmas tree has long cones, and the pine has short ones.

IN.- There is one Christmas tree in our area. Let's go up to it and take a look at it.

What is this girl? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She does not sew anything herself, but in needles - all year round.

Questions for the conversation:

- Does the Christmas tree look like the trees that we considered before or not?

What does a Christmas tree have instead of leaves?

How long is the needle on the Christmas tree? What colour?

Is our tree high or low?

What kind of tree trunk: thick or thin; smooth or rough; light or dark?

- Does the Christmas tree smell or not? Do you like her scent? What holiday does it remind you of?

Based on the results of the conversation and observation of the Christmas tree, the children came to the conclusion that:

D.- The Christmas tree on our site does not look like birch and oak. She is short, she has a thin trunk of light Brown, but it is difficult to see it behind thick branches, the bark of the tree is rough, as if with “scales”, there are no leaves on the tree, even young ones, but there are needles. This is needles. The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree, not a deciduous tree like birch and oak. The needles on the Christmas tree are green, short and prickly. If you rub them, they smell strongly and resemble the New Year holiday. But there are no cones on our Christmas tree, it is still young and we have nothing to treat the squirrel.

IN.- Don't worry guys. We can play with the squirrel, and we will treat him with nuts from the store. Let's play a game now "One, two, three - run to the tree".

Children stand in pairs. Leading educator he names one tree, then another, and the children run up to him in pairs.

IN.- Well, we played with you, but there are many other trees on our site. Do you think they like us? (children's answers) Let's make friends with our trees, take care of them. If every person finds a friend among the trees, then all over the Earth people and trees will become friends. This is good for both trees and people. Listen to the poem "Happy Tree" V. Musatov.

Noisy all summer tree

green foliage

And, turning yellow, undress

Autumn sometimes.

Frost is not afraid of a tree:

Snow is sprinkled on the trunk.

In it the tree will warm up,

He is a tree, like fur.

In the spring, whitewashing glows,

Dug around…

A happy tree grows

The tree has a friend.

IN.“Come on, and we will become friends with our trees and take care of them. And now it's time to go back to kindergarten. And you, little squirrel, come running to us in the fall, and we will see how the trees on our site will change.

Program content:

1. Develop the ability to determine and name the state of the weather in winter: it became cold, it is snowing, trees without leaves.

2. To fix the properties of snow, to introduce new ones: you can sculpt from snow, sledding, skiing, playing winter games.

3. Introduce children to the winter months.

4. Expand children's knowledge about wild animals: what animals live in the forest and why they are called wild animals.

5. Fix the name of wintering birds, teach children to take care of birds.

6. Cultivate respect for nature.

Dictionary activation:

Snowy, frosty, sparkling, fluffy, red.

Individual work with: Sasha, Irina, Sabina, Maxim.

preliminary work:

Examination of pictures about winter, an album with wild animals, observation on a walk, conversations.

Lesson progress:

Guys, listen to the riddle:

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

What time of year can you say that? (Winter) And how did you guess that

this is winter?

Children Answers:- Because she rode on a sled.

- Decorated the windows.

- Powdered the tracks.

Guys, what can you say about winter? What is winter? Happens... (cold, frosty, snowy because there is a lot of snow)

What about snow? (snow is white, fluffy, cold, soft)

What else is snow? (Snow is also crumbly when frosts, and sticky- When warm days. That's when the snow is sticky, you can sculpt snowmen, various figures from the snow)

Guys, tell me, is winter good? (Yes)

Why is it good, what do you think? (In winter there is a lot of snow, you can ski, sled, skate, play hockey)

It can also be bad in winter. Why? How do you think? (Because it is very cold in winter, there are strong snowstorms, snowstorms, you can catch a cold and get sick, the days become short, the sun heats weakly)

Guys, do you know that winter lives in 3 months? Please name them. (It's December, January, February)

What month does winter begin? (December)

What month starts New Year? (January)

AND last month winters are... (February)

That's right, well done. And now Danil Trushin will tell a poem

"February" Gurin.

Everything is white-white around ...

This is the month of snowstorms.

And now I want to invite you on an excursion (walk) to the Winter Forest.

Let's put on warm trousers, socks, a warm coat, a hat, felt boots, mittens, tie scarves and go to the winter forest, see how animals and birds live and escape from frost in the forest.

Music sounds and the children enter the forest.

Oh, guys, look what a beautiful winter forest. Let's go quietly, guys, through the crisp snow. We see trees in the forest whose leaves are left under the snow, in winter our trees rest.

Only Christmas tree "In winter and summer in one color." Why?

(Because the needles of the Christmas tree are green both in winter and in summer)

What animals live in the forest? (Hare, fox, wolf, bear)

What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals)

Sasha, why are they called wild? (Because they have no owner and they live in the forest and get their own food)

Guys, listen to the riddle

small, white,

Jump through the forest

On the snow poke-poke.

Who is this? (Bunny)

Right. Oh, and here is the bunny sitting.

Guys, what is a bunny? (The coat is white, the tail is short)

Why does he have a white coat in winter, do you know? Because he hides from enemies in the snow.

What does a bunny eat? How do you think? The bunny sleeps during the day and goes to feed at night.

In winter, it feeds on the bark of young aspens, willows, birches - the bark of trees.

And now we will play the game "The little white bunny is sitting."

The game "White Bunny is sitting"

Well done! Here's another riddle:

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under the big pine

And when spring comes

Wake up from sleep(Bear)

And here is the bear - sleeping under the Christmas tree.

Guys, when does the bear wake up? (When the heat comes. In the spring)

Where does he sleep? What does it eat? (sucks paw) Well done!

tail fluffy,

The fur is golden

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village.

Who is this? (Fox)

Guys, how does a fox winter in the forest?

She walks quietly, not audibly. Eats mice. The fox hears well and therefore hears mice under the snow. Her warm, fluffy, thick fur coat helps her escape from the cold.

Let's walk like a fox. Phys. minute

Guys, do you know who else lives in the forest? (children's answers) And here is the white one. Camilla, tell me where the squirrel lives. (In a hollow in a tree)

What does a squirrel eat in winter? (mushrooms, nuts)

Where does she get them in winter? (She collected them in the summer and dried them)

We saw all the animals. Look who is sitting on the tree? (Birds)

What birds do you see? Go, Maxim, and show me the waxwing.

What kind of bird is this, Sophia? (It's a woodpecker) What is another name for a woodpecker?(Doctor of the Forest)

Why? (Because he heals trees)

And who will show...? (work with images of birds)

What is the name of the birds that live in the forest in winter? (Wintering birds)

There are many birds. Some of them fly to warmer climes, they are called migratory.

They feed on worms and spiders. These birds are afraid of the cold, and when we have winter they fly to warmer climes.

And how we should take care of the birds, Artyom will tell us. (Feed with bread crumbs, seeds)

Guys, our walk with you has ended. winter forest. Did you like it? Let's remember together:

What season are we talking about today?

What animals are we talking about?

Well done! Now let's go back to kindergarten.