To miss and yearn for a conspiracy to the wind. How to catch up with longing for a beloved man: strong conspiracies

The most effective magical way- a love spell for melancholy, which will easily make it so that the object of your dreams cannot spend even a minute without you. As a rule, everyone can perform these rituals: those who have been married for a long time and who have lost love, and who are just entering into a relationship and seek to attract the attention of a loved one, and who want to achieve reciprocity from a married man.

We perform the ceremony correctly

catch up strong melancholy various conspiracies, ceremonies and rituals will help on a loved one. Depending on what effect they have, two types of love spells for melancholy can be distinguished.

  • Simple and short term. They can be used if you want the object you like to draw attention to you. As a rule, they are done when the relationship is just beginning.
  • Long. These are very strong in their magical properties rituals, popularly called prisushka or witch rite. Such a love spell on a man’s longing is very dangerous, because in its actions it is close to damage. If the one you love does not feel a drop of interest and sympathy for you, then a love spell can then have the most Negative consequences. Often this person has a craving for alcohol, drugs, a riotous lifestyle.


Regardless of what kind of love spell you will read, keep the following points in mind:

  • such conspiracies can be carried out independently at home at any time of the day, it is important that no one interferes with you: do not forget to also leave the window open during the ritual so that new energy enters the house through it;
  • a love spell on the longing of a loved one is done when the full moon dominates in the sky;
  • the effect of the ritual is stronger if it is carried out by a girl or a woman who wants to make her beloved yearn than a man;
  • think about conducting the ceremony in advance: collect all the necessary attributes together, do not forget to take off your pectoral cross before performing the ritual;
  • it is forbidden to change anything in the ritual, because then it simply will not work.

For lovers

Have you been together for a long time and over time your feelings have dulled? Is your man not paying as much attention as you want? Take advantage of this simple but effective rite to bore your boyfriend or husband.

Prepare for the ceremony in advance. Put on the table Blank sheet, ballpoint pen and a church candle. Wait until midnight. To begin, light a candle and place it in the center of the table at which you will perform the ritual. Then write the name of your man, also indicate the year of his birth. After that, focus on how you feel and imagine how much you love each other. Set fire to your message, look at the fire and say the prayer:

“The sadness-sorrow of the servant of God (name) eats up, so he misses me! I will tie him to me and dispel the longing! Only with me he feels joy, only with me he is happy! For the sake of our future! My word is strong! Amen!" .

Repeat these words three times. Wait until the paper burns out and throw the ashes out the window, while saying the following words: “It will be so! There is no other! I will tie you to myself - I will catch up with melancholy! The effect of the ritual will be instant. The attitude of the guy will change right before our eyes. Remember that you can not tell anyone about the ceremony.

At the beginning of a relationship

If a man or a guy who makes you sympathetic is inactive and does not take the first step, use the following rite, which will help to bewitch him and allow you to catch up with melancholy.

This binding is done with a tea silver spoon. To make the slander work, prepare holy water in advance. Take a spoon and place it in a glass of water, while you need to read a prayer:

“Servant of God (name), you are my beloved and only! My future me! You yearn for me, but without me you are sad! I want you to think, be bored, call and hurry to see me! I appeal to all earthly and heavenly forces, may his feelings be strong! Amen!".

This plot, like the previous one, is repeated three times in a row. After the ceremony, the spoon must be set aside in a glass for the whole night. In the morning it must be hidden in a place inaccessible to outsiders. Water should be poured over the threshold of the house so that the guy who came to visit would step over this place. How long will the conspiracy take? Just wait a few days, and your beloved man will take the initiative and invite you on a date, show his love and care.

Simple love spell

This is the most easy way bring sadness. The conspiracy easily makes a person suffer an unbearable longing. And it is suitable for both girls and men. It is very important to comply with all its conditions.

For a guy to call - A STRONG PLOT

A conspiracy to love. So that the beloved is bored.

A conspiracy to make your loved one miss you.

In this ritual, to induce melancholy, one should turn to the forces of nature. Say the following independent slander:

“Everything is natural and harmonious on our Earth: water flows and the wind blows, trees bloom, and fire burns, so the servant of God (name) will be best next to me! Otherwise, sadness-longing winds around him, and does not give life! I ask the powers of the earth and heaven, hear me! Son of God, help!"

At the end of the conspiracy, you must wait and see how events develop. You will see that very soon the man you love will take the first step.

What else does magic have to offer?

You can use other rituals to induce melancholy.

  • Drying on an apple. Such a conspiracy will strongly bind a person, make the man miss you all the time, think about you, and as a result experience love. To carry it out, you need to take an apple, just keep in mind that this fruit cannot be bought in the market or in a store, it must be picked from the tree yourself. Prepare a photo of your loved one, cropped to the size of an apple, and a divination card that symbolizes your feelings. Then cut the fruit into two pieces and place both the portrait and the card there. Tie the halves together tightly with red thread. Next, you should read the text: “Bulk apple! How red is your barrel, like blood, so is the love of my dear one red and strong! I beg you, help me send and evoke in him a heartfelt and irresistible longing, only resolvable next to me! Together we are forever! So it will be!” Then the apple used to bring melancholy must be hidden in a dark place. In no case should you touch the charmed objects with your hands. After the apple dries completely, it must be buried along with the attached photo. This slander refers to dark magic. But on the other hand, a black love spell for longing helps to bewitch a man forever.
  • Love spell on the wind. If you want your loved one to miss you, turn to the wind for help. The ritual can be performed on the street, outside the city, in a field or forest. If these options are not available to you at this moment, then when conducting the ceremony, simply open the window wide. Shout the following words loudly: “I call on you the wind, I command my will! Until my beloved man, the servant of God (name), reach out to the winds and whisper about my feelings. Without me, the world is not dear to him, without me, sorrow and sadness are all around! And joy is with me! My words are exact and not subject to change!
  • Ritual for new socks. To return a loved one, you can use this simple rite. To do it right, buy a new pair of socks at the nearest store. Say over them: “I get socks - I tame you! You are with me forever! At home, turn them inside out and with the help of threads in color, like blood, embroider a small cross. At the same time, do not forget to say a slander: “I embroider a sock, I call you, servant of God (name), call! Become my sweet and beloved! Faithful and unique! After the ritual, the charmed socks should be presented to the person whose attention you are trying to achieve.

Decided to use a love spell on melancholy? Remember that black magic is a power not to be trifled with. Perhaps it would be better to seek the help of specialists who, in their practice, have already performed such a rite more than once and are able to control hidden forces.

Conspiracies for the longing of a loved one have been known since ancient times. In the old days, they helped beauties to kindle feelings in a man and bind him to themselves.

Sending longing to your beloved, be careful. The conspiracies of our great-grandmothers, causing this condition, sometimes looked like damage, and not like a love spell. It is not surprising, because many love spells and rituals came out of corruption: the love that they evoke is similar to an obsession or illness.

To prevent this from happening, you can use a white love spell. In addition, you must be sure of a happy ending. Conspiracies are often used to take a man away from his family, to separate him from his current love, having tried all other means - if this is your case, think about it before kindling a fire in someone's heart. Perhaps it is better to ask for love with a prayer, let go of the one who is unable to make up your happiness, and open up to a new relationship.

Well, if you decide to ignite past feelings if your object is not occupied by another woman and you are firmly convinced of your intentions, love plots for longing and strong feelings will help you.

A conspiracy for melancholy in the distance

Remember me, (name), without me you eat - do not eat, drink - do not get drunk, you will not like anyone but me. I lock the longing in you, I close it with a key-lock. On the other hand, you do not know, do not kiss, do not have mercy. As I said, so be it.

To better concentrate, you can look at a photo of your man or mentally imagine his face in as much detail as possible.

This conspiracy can be accessed simply by calling on the phone or in a personal conversation. All you need is while you hear the voice of the man you love, quietly say:

I hear you, and you breathe me. Let it be so.

Previously, in order to make your loved one feel sad and bored in this way, you had to guess the case so that the bewitched person would not guess anything. But today it is much easier to use this conspiracy.

A conspiracy to longing for the moon

This conspiracy helps to rekindle feelings and makes you remember. Use it when the moon is visible in the sky. You can make your man dream about you, thus fixing your image in the subconscious itself, or you can send love longing. Try to imagine the details of the dream as best as possible before sending it to the addressee. Formulate the intention in colors, then look at the moon and say:

A dream about me is a dream for you, for (his name) about me, (your name).

A conspiracy to longing for fire

Fire has long helped our ancestors in love affairs. Yes, and the very feeling of love is like a fire: it also consumes those who do not know reciprocity. Speak cherished words on the flame - for this you can use a candle.

As a candle burns, so do you, (name), burn like wax without me, melt away, don’t know peace without me, remember me. As I said, so be it.

To make the fire plot work better, you can visualize the image. Imagine melting wax, you can imagine love in the form of a fire, quickly flaring up dry grass. A love plot for a candle is not suitable for romantic dreams, but for inciting strong passion.

You can attract love in other ways - for example, affirmations, runes or mandalas. Choose the one you like and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.11.2016 07:55

There are times when all it takes is a small miracle to get the person you want to notice you. ...

An article on the topic: "a conspiracy to longing for a man at a distance to read at sunset on your own on the site of a love spell master" will help you do everything right.

Reading a conspiracy to miss a beloved man or boyfriend has always been and will be in demand among the fair sex. This simple magical ritual helps to arouse in a man - beloved or just pretty - a feeling of longing for the performer, obsessive thoughts about her, a desire to see and be with her.

A conspiracy to longing is nothing more than a special energy installation that works on the principle of changing the state of the soul of the person who has become a victim of the rite.

Don't equate it magical effect to a love spell. Unlike a love spell, a conspiracy is characterized by a lighter action and does not imply a karmic binding. Nevertheless, as a result of this ritual, there is still a slight intrusion into the consciousness of a person and the suppression of his will, because love longing does not appear by itself, but arises as a result of the use of magic. It is for this reason that rituals for the melancholy of a man should not be addressed too often, without understanding the possible consequences.

The thoughtless use of witchcraft in itself is already dangerous and fraught with negative manifestations, up to the complete destruction of the lives of the performer and the victim.

Most male yearning spells are white in nature and are considered relatively safe, but only on the condition that everything was done according to the rules, without abuse. Therefore, you need to cast these magic spells only in really necessary cases:

  • in order to push the chosen one to the first step towards the performer and to the beginning of a love relationship;
  • to refresh the senses long term relationship when cooling is observed from the side of a loved one;
  • in order to return a loved one, if parting with him occurred as a result of a quarrel or actions of a rival who has long been a thing of the past.

Whatever the goal of the performer, a magical ritual aimed at evoking longing should be addressed only with absolute certainty that the chosen one does not experience any negative feelings and emotions towards her. Otherwise, a man on a subconscious level will strongly resist the impact of the conspiracy, which can lead to sad consequences - alcoholism, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies.

As for the timing, like all love rituals, during the growth of the night luminary. However, some may apply when the moon is full in the sky.

What conspiracies for melancholy can you read on your own

Strong way on the growing moon

Pronounced on the growing moon. It is desirable that the weather was windy outside. You can read a conspiracy to melancholy both with an open window and on outdoors. Words:

“On the island of Buyan, the wind is strong. Day and night he grinds stones. Fly you, wind, to my dear, stream his heart, catching up with melancholy. Let the heart of God's servant cry and cry (name of the chosen one) . Let his longing for me, the servant of God(own name) , waiting and waiting for a meeting with me. Like a baby without mother's milk, like a fish without water, so be it,(name of the chosen one), can neither be without me, nor live, nor eat, nor drink, neither in the dawn of the morning, nor in the evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor with the sun in the day, nor with the moon in the night. Amen (3 times) !”

For a flour dish

This conspiracy can be used by a woman who already lives with a man (a married couple, for example) - in the event that separation is planned from her beloved. The ritual makes the faithful yearn for the performer, protects from betrayal. To make it, you need to cook with your own hands any flour dish (pancakes, pie, cake) - the main thing is that the sweetheart likes it. Stock up on flour, sieve and cinnamon in advance.

A woman should sift the flour with a sieve, do this 7 times. At each time, you should pronounce the words (during the entire sifting process):

“I grind and sow flour, my dear for flour. Let the servant of God grieve(name of the chosen one) and worries about his blood. Let someone else's beauty not embarrass the body. Let the evil eyes not touch the thoughts of the brave. Let the servant of God strive (name of the chosen one) to God's servant(own name) , I sprinkle cinnamon for this. Amen!"

When cinnamon is mentioned in the plot, the flour needs to be seasoned with it a little - just a little bit so that it is almost not felt in the finished dish. Ready-made pastries from charmed flour can be given to a man with you on the road, or you can drink tea with him at home.

Another way in video

This video shows another powerful rite:

For salt

Salt is an element of many rituals. It can also be spoken in order to make the chosen one yearn, of course, on the growing moon. The charmed salt needs to be poured under the threshold or the door of the sweetheart, so that he will definitely step through it. The text is as follows:

“I’m not pouring salt, but laying pain. I do not take peace, but steal peace. Smiles and laughter(man's name) take away, take away joy. So that the light becomes not sweet - from pain and longing. To be bored and longing - both day and night, and under the moon, and under the sun. Salt - eat in, and melancholy - warm up. Amen".

On the picture

A conspiracy is pronounced in the phase of the growth of the moon on a fresh photo of the chosen one. In the photograph, he should be alone, his eyes should be clearly visible. They say the words three times: at dawn, in the afternoon, at sunset. The performer should look directly into the eyes of a man and say:

“How can not a servant of God(man's name) without his shadow, so the servant of God cannot(man's name) without longing for me, God's servant(own name). Go and stumble, suffocate from longing. As the sun goes across the sky, so are you on the way to me, God's servant (your name) , go. My word is strong and stucco. Amen!"

The photograph must be hidden in a safe place, closer to you. No outsider should see him.

If the one you like is indifferent to you, you can change this with the help of magic. A longing conspiracy will make your beloved man remember you, miss you, wish you soon. You will learn about what conspiracies are, how to carry them out and what consequences to expect from this article.

If you are not lucky in love, do not despair. Magic will help you.

Traditions of love magic

Longing conspiracies, like all love magic, are rooted in ancient times. Centuries have passed, everything in the world has changed, but the problems of relationships between men and women have remained the same. Someone sincerely loves, others suffer from unrequited feelings, and still others cannot find their soul mate. Everyone has their own story.

If you can’t cope with loneliness on your own, people turn to magic. It has many ways to solve problems, but they must be used with great care. Remember that every action always has consequences.

What is a conspiracy

There are many rituals for this purpose. To choose the right one, listen to your heart.

In white magic, a conspiracy to longing is a text magical character used during the ritual. A strong conspiracy to longing for a loved one at a distance can be read on its own or in combination with additional equipment (candles, ashes, apples, salt, etc.).

When can you read conspiracies

  • It is necessary to turn unrequited love for a man into mutual;
  • Do you want to yearn for you on the object of your love;
  • You do not have enough attention from your loved one (boyfriend, husband);
  • You don't know how to increase your partner's desire to be with you more often;
  • You strive for your beloved man to call more often, looking for communication.

Each case is individual, but they are united by the emotional experiences of a lonely woman. The longing conspiracy is in an efficient way channel the love energy sexual desire V right direction.

What is the difference between a conspiracy and a love spell?

You can use a strong conspiracy to anguish a loved one on your own, but love spells are more complex magical rituals. They require special knowledge and skills. A love spell should be done only by those people who can predict the consequences of reading it.

If you are a beginner, contact practicing magicians. They will explain the intricacies of love spells and love spells so that the effect is only positive. .

It is necessary to distinguish between a love spell and a conspiracy. This different ceremonies with different consequences

We can say that a conspiracy is one of the components of a love spell. The use of only a magical text, without mentioning spirits, deities, various entities, carries a directed action on a loved one, but the ritual is considered safe.

A love spell has a stronger effect, but also more severe consequences. Anyone who wants to use a love spell to attract attention to himself will pay for the implementation of the request. In this case, the negative nature of the magical ritual is present.

Conspiracies for melancholy black magic

Changing reality with the use of black tricks has an irrevocable and directed effect. In this case, a strong conspiracy is used for the longing of a loved one, so that he “dries” for you, dissolves in thoughts about you.

In other words, a man will become obsessed with your person, he will not see, hear other female representatives, being completely absorbed solely in the existence of your personality.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

The consequences of a love spell - fact or fiction?

Hello. I would like to do a spell on ex-husband who left the family. While looking for various rituals, I read many stories ...

Is there a spell that can't be removed?
Is it possible to make a love spell from a photo at a distance

Hello. I plan to order a love spell for one man. I have already accumulated the necessary amount of money and found a witch who is willing to help. But…

Appeal to the dark forces has quick effect but there are some dangers. Men who are trying to fall in love with themselves in this way, on a subconscious level, feel the magical beginning of attraction to a certain woman.

A side effect is manifested in the fact that the charmed person completely obeys the will of the performer, but his consciousness tries to rebel against this. A man can become aggressive, lose his temper, change somewhat in character. He will not be aware of the reason for the changes, but he will not be able to refuse attraction to a female performer.

You need to prepare for the ritual in advance. The ability to visualize what you want has a great influence on the result. Women can practice a few days before the full moon, imagining the result they would like to achieve after the ceremony.

When the full moon comes, you need to read a conspiracy to the melancholy of a man from a distance. Magical texts can be learned from special literature for warlocks. Take their choice seriously.

Prepare carefully for the ritual. Learn to visualize desires. The more realistic it is, the stronger the effect.

The black conspiracy for melancholy has a very great energy and sacred power. If there is no result within 13 days, it can be repeated at the right time.

Conspiracies for melancholy white magic

White conspiracies can be carried out without prior preparation, but all actions must be done consciously. It is always worth remembering that even light magic is not a game. Choosing the right time, place, and element matters. It is best to read a plot for melancholy at dawn.

Witches are both white and black. Choose what is closer to your soul, without looking back at others

To do this, you need to go outside or open the east window in the apartment.

A small mirror should be placed so that it reflects the rising sun. There should be no one else in the room.

The text of the conspiracy is turned to the sun, so after the ritual it becomes warm and calm in the soul in anticipation of the result.

You can also perform rituals with conspiracies indoors, but the spoken words should be directed out the open window. So the longing conspiracy will receive double strength, and its action will overtake the man faster.

After reading the plot to make the guy bored, remember that you are forbidden to independently seek meetings with this person. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand whether the rite worked or not. It is worth showing caution and patience while waiting for a meeting.

How to read a white conspiracy for melancholy

  1. On a full moon night, enter an empty room;
  2. Light a candle;
  3. Beautifully drawing letters on a white sheet of paper, write the name of your beloved;
  4. Focus on his persona and try with eyes closed clearly present his image;
  5. Do this for 10-15 minutes;
  6. From a candle, set fire to a sheet of paper with a written name and pronounce words about that;
  7. That you, the Servant of God, wish that your beloved longed for you greatly, and could not imagine his life without you;
  8. At the end, be sure to say: “Amen!”.

The ashes must be carefully collected and thrown out the open window. During this action, clearly pronounce the words that as you said, this is how everything should happen. When the candle is completely burnt out, collect the wax and store it.

Never tell anyone that you have read a conspiracy. If you tell, then the impact on the man will decrease or nothing will work at all.

Forum "Fortuneteller's House": active discussions on the topic

Consequences of conspiracies for melancholy

Applying a strong conspiracy to the longing of a man, try to think only in a positive way. If your relationship has gone wrong or a loved one doubts your person, is looking for possible options replacements, feelings began to lose their former strength, think about how much you need a distant person.

Why sometimes the most powerful conspiracy to longing has negative consequences? It's easy to understand. Some women do rituals not out of sincere motives or strong love, but being in a state of resentment, pain, disappointment. If this is about you, then you should not read conspiracies, because the negative attracts the like.

Only for good intentions sincere love a conspiracy to melancholy can work. It is important that a man feels exactly longing and emotional craving for you, and not suffering and torment. Be supportive of the object of your boundless love.


If you have any questions or need help with a life situation you can consult with our experts.

Somehow we don’t really imagine the same “ divine love”, in which only roses and happiness surround us. I would like the counterpart to also try the “bitter” pill. It is believed that this leads to a strengthening of the senses. To do this, in magic they came up with a “conspiracy for melancholy”. It is believed that the impact similar method not very strong and short-term. Therefore, you can often use it in practice, without fear of "scooping" for such influence.

A conspiracy to longing and what consequences it may have

Everyone is interested in what happens in the case of a magical "dreary" effect. It's easy to understand and even remember from your own life. After the corresponding "energy" is launched, the victim experiences some discomfort associated with the customer. He will miss you, he will definitely want to see you, talk, touch. That is, he will begin to yearn, remember the most pleasant moments of communication.

It is clear that you do not bear anything bad for this person. Even vice versa. It turns out that, despite the rather pessimistic name, a conspiracy to longing pushes a person to a very pleasant emotions. He will go over in his memory the good things that happened between you, and, naturally, strive to repeat. This will be followed by his activity. He will call, trying to meet (if it is in this moment Maybe). For some, such a conspiracy pushes for more decisive behavior. For example, someone who does not dare to propose, under the influence of their own emotional thoughts, will dare to take an important step.

Conspiracy on the longing of a guy

Here old rite, which was performed at any time so that the darling would yearn and remember, did not dare to look “on the side”. His girls practiced when their dear ones went to distant lands, for example, to work. You need to take your personal item that you often wear (in the old days they just took a headscarf or a ribbon). Go with this item to the birch.

Tie your ribbon on a branch (let it be just such an object). Tell:

“Dear birch, my friend! Support, help, save dear (name). From the arrows of the golden maidens, from thoughts about others. Navey, sister, longing for him. So that he does not eat, does not sleep, only remembers me. To play the blood, the heart was worried. So that love in my body rises to me! Let the mighty river break through the clouds of separation! Let him see my image in anyone! Amen!"

A conspiracy of a loved one for melancholy

Is there some more old recipe a conspiracy to anguish a man, and how to make a loved one suffer from his own feelings and thoughts. For this, a special potion is brewed. You will need herbs: fern, sage, yarrow, plantain and a few earthworms. All herbs in a handful. Pour into an earthenware (required) dish with half a liter of water. Boil. Throw some herbs in there. Wait for the liquid to bubble up. Throw worms into it one at a time, seeing them off with these words:

“Lilith lived in darkness, but she did not give strength to everyone. She was a sister to me (name), but she passed on her secrets. As a worm writhes in a hot broth, so the soul of a young man (name) rushes into the fog. I catch up with melancholy, I force myself to remember. I endow with longing, I command you to think about yourself! As I pour out a decoction, so I will fill my thoughts with a burning longing, a mighty wave! Amen!"

The more worms there are in your bowler hat, the more the victim will suffer from longing. When you're done, wait for the potion to cool down. Then take it out into the yard and splash it on the bare ground with the words:

“I give to the bare earth, I give you (name) everything!”

Conspiracy for love longing

So that the object of passion does not forget about you, but all the time thinks about how to make the relationship stronger and closer, such a ritual is recommended. At midnight (better on the growing moon), open the window. Speak these words into it:

“My road lies from my native threshold, towards the east, forever immaculate. There in the hut at the head lies an amber stone. An evil melancholy sits on him. He doesn’t get up, don’t pray, he toils with his share. Waiting for white light and clear sun. There is no light in the hut without doors and windows. I (name) will break the hut, I will drink longing with light. Let his sadness and heaviness give the slave (name) to my joy. So that, like a fish without water, like a baby without a mother's breast, he could not breathe without me, he only thought about me, but he didve in his heart. Run melancholy to the slave (name), knock at the temple, excite the cold blood. So that both day and night, in the sun, the light and in the twinkling of the stars yearned for me, remembered with love! Amen!"

Close the window and go to bed. Try to pay attention to dreams. If this person seems to be upset, then your effort has had its effect. If you see him cheerful and happy, you will have to repeat the ritual. By the way, it can be done at least every day. Only on the full moon, give up this practice. This is a very strong day, by negligence you can drive a person crazy.

A strong conspiracy for melancholy

But on the full moon, a completely different rite is recommended. He is quite efficient. Only you need to pronounce it in an open space, looking at the queen of the night. For this, just an open window or balcony will not work. Go out into a wide open space (in a field, for example), raise your face to the sky and say:

“The moon is bright, but regal! You sit high in the sky, you notice everything, you own everything! Fulfill the will of your sister (your name). May the son of God (name) yearn for me, think and suffer, he does not know a quiet life. Let him drop everything from his hands, but he does not know the affairs of another. Only my image remembers, but sheds tears with anguish! Amen!"

A conspiracy to longing for a photo

To influence a loved one from a photo, you will have to kindle a small fire. Any firewood is usually thrown at it, but one full must be special. Runic symbols are applied to it. Rainbow on one side, Chernobog on the other. Note the log, you will need coal from it. They cross out the photo of the object with a cross and say the words of the conspiracy.

“As the whole planet lives by heaven and light, so does the soul (name) live in my image. He doesn’t know anything else than dreaming about me, suffering, not knowing peace, yearning, shedding tears, and toiling with desire. I block all the exits, I cover the soul (name) with suffering! Amen!"

Coal and photo must be packed and hidden.

Every girl wants to hear fiery declarations of love from her lover and know that even in the shortest separation he is very homesick. But most men are not inclined to experience strong feelings and even more so to confess them.

To push a loved one to passionate confessions will help a special conspiracy for longing, which refers to fairly simple magic and does not require much effort or special knowledge.

  • What should be understood by conspiracies for melancholy
  • In what cases is a conspiracy needed?
  • We read the plot at a distance
  • Ritual with baking
  • Ritual with playing cards
  • Bringing grief to the husband
  • Conspiracy to the light of the moon
  • Ritual with fire
  • Effective conspiracy in the photo
  • Rite with candles
  • Conspiracy to your favorite voice
  • Ritual with salt
  • Conspiracy for an apple
  • A little about the consequences

What should be understood by conspiracies for melancholy

When a girl suffers unrequited love or wants to strengthen the affection of her man, she has a natural desire to cause a feeling of longing in her partner. I want him to be bored too and more often reminded of tender feelings pleasant SMS and calls.

But a rare man is able to behave in such a way. Therefore, many girls try to bring melancholy with the help of light magic.

And often their choice falls on special conspiracies designed to evoke feelings of longing and affection. With the correct use of such magic, the beloved man begins to experience inexplicable sadness and incredibly miss his soulmate. He has an irresistible desire to see each other as soon as possible and spend time together.

Almost all conspiracies to make a guy bored must be performed during the growing moon (when the dreary message is stronger). At the same time, you should completely concentrate on your desire, strongly believe in the magical effect being carried out and not tell anyone about it.

Even if a loved one has gone to another and does not want to communicate, a conspiracy should not be used for melancholy, since the consequences can be very serious. You should never use magic for evil, because in the end it will return in a multiple amount.

If the need to cause longing on the part of the guy is associated with strong and bright feelings, any conspiracy will be powerful and will quickly lead to the desired result.

In what cases is a conspiracy needed?

Every girl should understand that using magic spells to make a guy yearn should be in really serious situations. You need to turn to magic only when other options have already been tried.

The most common cases requiring the use of a longing conspiracy include:

  • the chosen one needs to be pushed to serious actions in relation to the beloved girl;
  • I want to return the beloved man who left as a result of a stupid quarrel or out of pride;
  • it is necessary to refresh feelings in long family relationships;
  • I want to know about the true feelings of my chosen one.

But regardless of the reason, it is necessary to use conspiracies to make a guy bored only with good intentions. It is important to be confident that the chosen one is experiencing reciprocal feelings. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve desired result rather than suffer from unpleasant consequences.

We read the plot at a distance

In order for a guy to yearn for a conspiracy, you can read it at a distance. And it is best to read the cherished words late in the evening, when it is time for sleep. In a sleepy state, any person is most vulnerable, so magic will affect him much more strongly.

It is necessary to stand near the window and looking at the night sky and the moon, pronounce the cherished magic words:

“Remember me soon (say the name), and let your heart be filled with longing. And without me you will not want to eat or drink, and you will not love anyone else. I lock the longing in you, and I take the key to the lock for myself. On the other hand, you will not know love, never kiss and never have mercy! Amen!"

Repeat the words three times, mentally concentrating on your favorite image. It is very important to believe in the spoken text, so that magic has the most powerful action and quickly led to the desired result.

Ritual with baking

Very the right step in a relationship with a loved one, there will be a decision to use conspiracies in the event of an impending separation. IN similar situation so that the guy misses the conspiracies will help direct the thoughts of the beloved man in the right direction. He will become more bored, still call and be sure to rush home.

In order to carry out the rite, you will need with my own hands bake any flour dish of the dearest half. In this capacity, a cake, a delicious berry pie, or just pancakes can act. But it is very important to include such components as a sieve and cinnamon in the cooking process.

Must be carefully sieved right amount flour exactly 7 times, reading the following magic words:

“I sow flour, sift, my dear (pronounce the name) I put the necessary thoughts in my head. Let the beloved yearn greatly, and thoughts of me excite his blood. Letting someone else's beauty not excite, and evil eyes will not let you down. Let him strive only for me alone, I sow cinnamon for this! Amen!"

For the seventh time, a little cinnamon should be sifted into the flour. Next, you should cook pastries according to the usual recipe, all the time thinking about your loved one. When the dish is ready, all that remains is to feed it to the beloved man or put the charmed pastries right on the road.

Having eaten just a couple of pieces, he will never forget to call and will try to return as soon as possible.

Ritual with playing cards

A very interesting plot for melancholy is a special ritual using cards. You will need to purchase a new deck of cards, among which you should carefully choose only one with the image of a jack or a king, the suit of which is similar to the hair color of the chosen one.

Exactly at midnight on the growing moon, you need to hold the card in your hands, mentally imagining your beloved. Next, you should whisper a depressing conspiracy in a whisper:

“I appeal to the powers of heaven, to the special powers and forgive the great help! I call for longing for my dear one, and I take his heart from him! I lay a heavy stone on the heart of my beloved, which does not allow me to forget! Amen!"

It is necessary to put the card in a conspicuous place and press down on top with any small gold jewelry. Over time, the cherished words will work, and heavy longing will force the chosen one to show true feelings. Then it remains only to maintain relations at the proper level.

Bringing grief to the husband

Among the most powerful conspiracies, you can choose the most suitable one for your beloved spouse. good example is vintage effective ritual performed during rain.

You need to wait for rainy weather and follow a few simple steps:

  • Take a blank sheet of white paper and write the name of the chosen one.
  • Take a piece of paper with a name in your hands and go straight under the rain.
  • Raising your hands to the sky, say the following words: “Rain drops are knocking harder, and they will fly into the heart of a loved one with longing. Let him miss me more, and heavy thoughts visit him. Let the pure rainwater merge our names together (pronounce your name and beloved man)! Amen!".
  • It is necessary to return home, let the paper with the name dry and hide it in a secluded place.

Every drop of rain will make your spouse miss and miss you. If everything is done correctly, the conspiracy will definitely work, and the husband will more often show signs of attention.

Conspiracy to the light of the moon

In the old days, it was customary to perform a very strong conspiracy to melancholy to the moon. Its light is able to multiply the magical effect and quickly lead to the intended goal. The ritual should be performed during the maximum full moon, when its light is especially bright. It is necessary to wait until midnight, go out into the courtyard and find the place most illuminated by the moon.

You should stand under the moonlight, close your eyes and fully concentrate on your favorite image. When it becomes especially distinct, it is necessary to pronounce the following magic text in a low whisper:

“Let my image in the moonlight, beloved (pronounce the name), dream, and longing in your heart will burn with fire! And only I will arrive in your thoughts, and there will be no other there! Amen!"

You should repeat the cherished phrases three times, after which you bow low to the moon and go to sleep. On the way home, while getting ready for bed and lying in bed, you should think about your beloved man, sending him an inner message about yourself and your desire to always stay together. After all, thoughts are material, and the light of the moon will surely make them real.

Ritual with fire

Fire belongs to one of the four elements and has been used in various magical rituals and rituals since ancient times. Therefore, it is not surprising that with its help, any conspiracy to catch up with melancholy allows you to do it in the shortest possible time.

An example is the well-known folk ritual used by girls for several centuries.

It is necessary to purchase a thin wax candle in the church and put it at the mirror at exactly midnight. It is necessary to set fire to the candle, loosen the hair and begin to comb it slowly, saying:

“The candle burns with a hot flame, so you, my beloved (name), burn with fire without me, languish from melancholy. Remember me soon, but forget about others forever! Come visit and long years stay! Amen!"

When the candle burns out, you should carefully collect all the wax and wrap it in a new men's handkerchief. It is necessary to put it at the head of the bed and try to fall asleep for exactly 3 nights with thoughts of a loved one, imagining joint walks, going to the cinema and quiet family evenings.

After a while, the guy will succumb to the influence of magic and will certainly come to visit. And the further development of events will largely depend on the girl and her desires.

Effective conspiracy in the photo

The photograph of the chosen one is an excellent means by which to bring longing to the guy will turn out quickly and very effectively. Need to get high quality photo beloved, where he is depicted alone, in full height and distinctly smiles.

It is necessary to wait for sunset, put the picture on the bed, and looking into your beloved eyes, say the following text:

“I look at the servant of God (pronounce the name), I bring sadness and sadness to him. Let him walk the earth and stumble, and his heart fills with longing for me. As the sun floats across the sky, so let my beloved come to me sooner come! Amen!"

The cherished phrases should be repeated exactly 7 times, stroking the photo and peering into the most small features beloved. Then you need to put the picture under the pillow and go to bed, dreaming of a quick meeting with your loved one. And after a while, the chosen one will definitely show special attention and tenderness.

Rite with candles

You can bring strong longing to the chosen one with the help of conspiracies carried out using black candles. It is necessary to purchase a pair of candles in a specialized store. It is necessary to carefully tidy up the house, wash yourself and light candles in front of the mirror.

It is necessary to sit comfortably in front of the mirror and begin to slowly comb your hair while reading the following words:

“I will get up in the morning blessed and go out into the yard crossed myself. I'll go through the gate into the open field. I will find a hut there, and inside it is a board. Under the board lies anguish, filled with tears, is not going to eat and drink. Let my dear man also languish from longing, he can’t get enough sleep from thoughts of me, he wants to see you as soon as possible! I speak my beloved, I put my name in his heart! Amen!"

It is necessary to repeat the plot 12 times, then carefully extinguish the candles and carefully collect all the melted wax. It is necessary to try to make a tight ball out of it, then go out into the yard and bury it under the nearest tree. In the near future, the attitude of a loved one will definitely change.

A fairly simple, but effective plot for strong longing can be performed directly on the phone. It is enough to call your man and directly during the conversation, covering the receiver with your hand, quickly and clearly whisper: “I hear you perfectly, and you only breathe me! Amen!"

It will take at least three days to repeat the ritual, after which the man will definitely begin to yearn and begin to call more often and show intrusive attention.

But in order for him to really miss you, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • before calling, you should carefully concentrate on the goal;
  • you should call at a convenient time when a man can calmly devote a couple of minutes of his time to a conversation;
  • the pretext for a conversation should be weighty so that the call does not seem like an ordinary female whim;
  • if a man is not in the mood, you should not use the plot, it is better to wait for another convenient moment.
Only if the above rules are observed, the conspiracy presented so that the beloved is bored will have the most powerful impact. After him, he simply will not be able to “hear enough” of his favorite voice, he will call more often and strive to talk heart to heart more.

Ritual with salt

Simple rock salt has been a staple of many magical rituals for centuries. With her help, a strong conspiracy can also be read on a man so that he is bored and shows more care and attention. You just need to purchase some fine salt without any additives and bring it home.

On the full moon, exactly at midnight, you should pour a small amount of salt on the windowsill, so that moonlight falls on it, and then say:

“Salt I slowly pour, dear in the heart of pain and longing fall asleep. Let him yearn day and night, languish from unprecedented sadness for me. And under the sun, and under the sun and under the moon, let it always be only with me! Amen!"

After reading the text three times, you should sweep the salt out the window, and then go to bed with thoughts about the second half. After a short period of time, the conspiracy to make the guy bored will work and his attitude will change significantly. It remains only to reciprocate the beloved and enjoy the effect produced.

Conspiracy for an apple

Another popular spell that causes sadness should be cast on an ordinary red apple. But you need to take it not in the store, but pick it directly from a tree branch with the first rays of the sun at dawn. You should bring the apple home and carefully cut it into two equal halves.

Then you need to take a small piece of unlined paper and write the name of the chosen one in a beautiful legible handwriting. The paper should be folded in four and placed between the halves of the apple and firmly clamped in your hands. Then you need to quietly read the following cherished phrases aloud:

“An apple is red, a fresh apple will definitely dry out over time. So let also a friend of the heart also languish for me from longing, and can no longer imagine life without me! Amen!"

After reading the plot, you should carefully tie the halves of the apple with a red thread made from natural fibers. Then the fruit must be placed in a conspicuous place where the sun falls. Over time, he will begin to wilt, and with dear to my heart the chosen one will also begin to experience very noticeable changes for the better.

A little about the consequences

For the most part, conspiracies to make a guy get bored belong to the section of white magic and are relatively safe. But only if you resort to magical help in accordance with all the rules. Just one violation is enough, and the end result will not be what was expected.

After all, influencing the will of another person is quite a responsible task.

If the plot for longing is incorrectly performed, the consequences can be very serious:
  • a man can change dramatically, become angry, aggressive and even dangerous;
  • a change in habits and the appearance of a tendency to alcoholism and drug addiction are possible;
  • sometimes a man has suicidal thoughts;
  • apathy, drowsiness and lack of sexual desire may occur;
  • often a lover becomes overly intrusive and annoying.

Of course, any conspiracy to make a loved one yearn does not apply to love spells. And it is characterized by a lighter magical effect, without implying a serious karmic binding. But a slight effect on the will and the subconscious is carried out. That is why abuse even the most simple conspiracies never worth it.

Folk conspiracies for longing helped more than one girl to push a loved one to fiery confessions. With their help, it is possible not only to learn about the cherished feelings of the beloved, but also to achieve a caring attentive attitude on his part.

If you do not abuse such magic and use it only for good, you will get to know each other better and significantly strengthen family relationships.

Love, unfortunately, fades over time, feelings fade, not causing such a strong seething of emotions as before. To stimulate feelings, use magical methods. For example, a conspiracy to melancholy. It helps both to stimulate a long-term partner and to make a potential partner think about the customer of the ritual. Let's get acquainted with this irreplaceable magical tool.

How does such a ritual affect the victim?

A conspiracy to longing leads to the fact that the person to whom it is directed begins to languish, worry, think about the customer. He wants to meet, talk, hug, soak up. In general, love in his soul is experiencing another spring. It's a great state, really. An aggravating consequence of such a ritual is, in some cases, jealousy. But it already depends on individual features. By the way, it is advisable for a magician to consider such nuances before reading a conspiracy for melancholy. Moreover, it is recommended for home wizards. You know like the back of your hand. If a person is jealous, then you should not use a strong conspiracy to longing. Provoke a flash of the indicated, not particularly pleasant, feeling. The ritual itself is absolutely safe. It is often compared to a love spell. This is not true. After all, no one deprives the victim of will here. Just something slightly change the direction of thought to please the customer. Moreover, after a while, the effect of the conspiracy weakens. And then it stops altogether. It does not leave traces in the aura of the victim, it does not burden karma for both.

When is such a magical effect rational?

You know magical rituals are fairly thin instruments. They involve third-party forces with their own will. If you abuse their kindness, they will turn away, stop helping. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally approach the manipulation of a loved one with the help of magic. In what cases do they read a conspiracy to melancholy? There are several. We list the most important situations:

  • feelings began to lose freshness and brightness, attraction weakened;
  • the object of passion does not reciprocate;
  • a loved one is going to leave you for a long time due to a work or personal need (a business trip, a visit to relatives, sanatorium treatment, and so on).

Try not to abuse rituals. After all, your plans do not include disrupting plans dear person because of your own insecurity about his feelings? Let him get a little bored, but do not go crazy because of the forced separation.

A conspiracy to longing for a loved one

Let's get down to practice. The first ritual is considered not very strong, but effective. Prepare:

  • church candle;
  • needle and scarlet silk thread;
  • a teaspoon of dried rosemary and cornflower;
  • metal utensils;
  • two photos: my own and a loved one.

The ceremony itself is desirable to be carried out on the growing moon. Put the herbs in the bowl and set it on fire. Turn down the fire so that it only smokes. Now take the photos and take turns holding them over the fragrant puffs. Fold them with the images inside and sew around the perimeter. During this process, say the following words: “Blooming herbs, fragrant winds, deep rivers, wide lands of the Lord’s servant (name) I bind to myself, I only punish me to think about. To grieve, to grieve, to dream of my love! Amen!". Now you need to set fire to the stitched photos in a candle flame and place them on the herbs. Collect the ashes. It is thrown either into the victim's belongings or to the doorstep.

How to make love sparkle with new colors

The previous ritual can be performed in any case, regardless of whether the relationship between people exists or is only assumed. If you have been living together for a long time, then use the shirt (sweater) of your partner in the magical rite. Just be sure to choose clothes with long sleeve. The ceremony itself is held on Sunday after sunset. You need to find a natural water reservoir (river, lake or other) near the house. Dip a shirt into it, holding it by the sleeves, and rinse it, reading a strong conspiracy to the longing of a loved one. His words are as follows: “Violent waters leading round dances with the earth and mountains. Wash away from the milenka (name) virgins of strangers calls, love spells and slander. Let no love thieves stand between us. Only for me to languish, always strive for the birth threshold. The turbulent waters are wide, open the distant roads to happiness! Amen!". Dry the shirt, but do not wash it and give it to your loved one.

A strong conspiracy for melancholy

This ritual is designed to hold the attention of a frivolous and windy person. In the people they are called revelers. It is read on a moonless night in the churchyard. Go there alone. Explore the recent grave in advance, in which the namesake of a loved one rests. Bring a mention, but not poor. Bow to the grave seven times, accompanying each movement of the body with a conspiracy. He is like this: “The spirit rests in the tomb. He would go out on a spree. Does not allow serious sin. He knew success in love. Now he toils in a coffin and curses his fate. The dead man's place is in the grave, and the Lord's servant (name) is with me forever and ever. Amen!".

Ritual for inducing longing for a potential chosen one

If you want a person with whom you are not yet in a relationship to think about you, then try to get his photo. Image, in general, is a very powerful impact attribute. You will also need a wax candle from the temple and fireproof containers. Sit in front of a mirror. Light a candle. Place a photo in front of you. Focus on the object. Imagine it in every detail, feeling the smell, voice and other little things. Drip candle wax on the photo, saying: “I lock my beloved in a cage, I enclose my heart, I braid my dreams with nets, I only let me think about me! Amen!". Say the plot three times, stop. Burn the photo completely. Collect the ashes on your left palm and carry to open window or to the balcony. There scatter in the wind.

Very strong ritual with blood

Sometimes no rituals and conspiracies have a visible effect. It happens by different reasons. Most often, a home magician simply does not have enough strength. The victim of its influence is protected so that you will not break through. In this case, it is recommended to apply a conspiracy to the anguish of a guy with blood. Naturally, if you are not afraid of her appearance and do not faint in the middle of magical manipulations. You will need a needle, white wool thread and a candle. Place everything in front of you so as not to be distracted. From the skein, tear off (do not cut) a piece equal in length to the circumference of your left palm. Tie knots on it according to the number of letters in the full name of the chosen one. Prick your finger and mark each with blood. Now you should burn the thread in the flame of a candle, repeating the plot once. His formula is as follows: “I tied all the paths of the path of the Lord slave with knots. Wherever he goes, he will come to my doorstep. Entangled in knots of thought. You will not yearn and toil for hours, minutes. Whoever undoes the knots will tear my order! Amen!". Collect the ashes and let them into the water.

How to capture the thoughts of an unfree person

Life, you know, presents us with difficult tasks. It happens that a girl is destined to fall in love with a married man, and he does not even think about adultery. In such a situation, it is worth applying a conspiracy to the anguish of a man. On the one hand, this is not a spell. That is, you will not take sin on your soul. On the other hand, you will make a man desire, dreams of passion. And there, as the Lord will judge. For the ceremony, prepare:

  • coarse salt;
  • photo or thing desired;
  • seven red candles.

Perform the ritual only with the growing queen of the night. Her energy will contribute to the emergence of excitement in the soul of a loved one. Start just after midnight. Turn off all electrical appliances in the room. Open a vent or window. Arrange candles on the table in a circle, place a photo in the center. Light them up by moving clockwise. Pour a pinch of salt onto the image, accompanying with the words of the conspiracy. This should be done seven times. Wait for the candles to burn out. Collect all the attributes of the ritual and wrap in a handkerchief. Immediately carry it into the yard and bury it under an old tree. Just so no one can find it. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “I do not sprinkle salt on the wounds, but I call the heartache of the Lord servant (name). I will lead his rest into the circle of light and steal it forever. So that boredom and melancholy would eat him up, others did not care. And night and day only sought me, only in the arms of the Lord the slave (his name) was forgotten. Salt is poured into his heart, longing for me settles in his soul. Amen!".

Distance and time give rise to doubts about the fidelity and sincerity of feelings young man. The disagreements, quarrels and conflicts that arise on this basis, which become frequent companions of relations between lovers, lead to the final break of the couple. The longing conspiracy, the features of which will be discussed in today's article, makes you want to meet and talk as soon as possible.

By nature, every person is selfish. The desire to capture the energy and consciousness of a partner is inherent in almost every second person. People who are prone to selfishness want to be the constant object of attention and adoration of their spouse. In most cases, such behavior is typical for the fairer sex, since women are characterized by emotionality and sensuality.

Wanting to attract the attention of a man and influence his feelings, many women resort to the help of witchcraft spells. To perform a love spell and induce strong longing, black magicians use the biological material of the object of interest: hair, saliva, blood, etc. However, black magic, which has a love spell on a person, has many negative consequences. For all actions you have to pay with your health or happiness.

Unlike black magic, white magic works for good. Thus, supporters of white magic use magic spells to resolve disputes and conflict situations. You can find a way out of a difficult situation, conclude a lucrative contract or deal, “make” a loved one remember past feelings with the help of various witch rituals. Please note that when performing magical rituals, you need to have pure thoughts and piously believe in the action of what is happening. Faith in magic and your powers works wonders. Visualization as a method of influencing the consciousness and feelings of another person helps to achieve the desired more quickly. To make the darling bored and arrive faster, you can put into practice conspiracies for longing.

Video "An effective conspiracy to longing and the return of a loved one"

This video tells how to catch up with melancholy on a man and make him come back.

The most powerful rituals

Love magic is considered one of the most popular. The attention of supporters of white magic is used by witchcraft rituals and witchcraft rituals to attract the attention of a husband / wife, love at a distance, an early arrival or news. Spells for melancholy can differ in duration and complexity of the execution technique. But not necessarily a simple and quick magical ritual will be less effective than a technically complex and time-consuming ritual.

The strength of the conspiracy depends on the faith and desire of the asker. As auxiliary attributes, you can use a photo of a guy / girl, an apple, salt, wax candles, mobile phone, deck playing cards and other items. In order to bring on a strong longing and a desire to meet a husband / wife, the wind, the moon and even morning dew. The choice of witchcraft ritual depends on the preferences and intentions of the asker.

Consider some of the most powerful magical rituals for the longing of a loved one.

per voice

In an age of rapid development innovative technologies mobile phones have found use even in magic. To make a young man bored and yearning, you need to spend magical rite to melancholy with the help mobile phone. The voice conspiracy is considered one of the most powerful. At the moment of talking with your loved one on the phone, say the phrase to yourself:

“I hear you, and you breathe me. Let it be so".

If the object of the claim does not want to make contact, you can call from another phone number, and changing your voice, quickly say a magic spell:

“You dream of me, day and night! Hurry, do not turn away from happiness! From now on forever! I am your destiny!

You should not enter into a conversation if the guy does not want it. Having uttered the words of the spell, it is recommended to immediately interrupt the call. A return call or messages will not keep you waiting long.

You can influence the subconscious of a young person with the help of a slander on the voice through voice mail. In this case, the words of the spell should be supplemented with background music that provides beneficial effect on the psyche and nervous system person.

“The Supreme Court has decided and ruled! The servant of God (name) will find happiness only with the servant of God (name), grief will be forgotten! Amen".

On distance

Most of the rituals of love magic fall on dark time days, when a person's consciousness turns off, and the protective field becomes less stable. For a loved one to think about his soulmate while on a business trip or long trip, you can cast a longing spell at a distance:

“Remember me, (name), without me you eat - don’t eat, drink - don’t get drunk, you won’t like anyone but me. I lock the longing in you, I close it with a key-lock. On the other hand, you do not know, do not kiss, do not have mercy. As I said, so be it."

Is the darling walking with another? Does he remain faithful away from his beloved? Such questions are often asked by people who are unsure of their abilities and feelings. Visualizing a sleeping young man and reading him a spell for longing, the girl gains confidence and calmness.

To the moon

Spells cast on the moon have special power. In order for a man to love even at a distance, yearn and look forward to meeting, you should perform a slander on the moon. As soon as the moon appears in the sky, imagine meeting your loved one. The more detailed the picture seen, the brighter the young man's dream will be. Drawing a dream picture in your head, pronounce the words of the magic spell:

"A dream about me is a dream for you, for (his name) about me, (your name)."

On fire

Love is like a flame of fire. With mutual sympathy, the passion between lovers flares up instantly, burns brightly and for a long time. But if the feelings of one person are stronger, the flame consumes from the inside. Increasingly, conflicts, disagreements and misunderstandings occur, mistrust and jealousy appear. To revive past feelings and kindle the fire of passion with renewed vigor, a magical ritual on fire or a candle flame will help.

“As a candle burns, so do you, (name), burn like wax without me, melt away, don’t know peace without me, remember me. As I said, so be it."

Salt and water

Drying the sweet to salt and water will bring quick results. For witchcraft rite you will need: a glass of water, a salt shaker, a red cord, a white handkerchief without a pattern or embroidery, a wax candle.

Having retired to the room, light a candle. Lay a white handkerchief on the table between you and the burning candle, on which form a vicious circle of red lace. Place a glass filled with water in the center of the circle. Pick up a salt shaker and visualize the call of a loved one. Put salt on the table and, clasping a glass of water with both hands, imagine how your lover is dialing a phone number. Now take a pinch of salt from the salt shaker and shake it back. Repeat three times, but the third time shake the salt into a glass of water. While the salt dissolves in water, you need to read the words of the slander for melancholy:

“Like salt in water, the thought of me dissolves in you.

The shores are high, among them water, only you need me alone.

The circle closes, the darling smiles.

Phone in hand - calling me! Amen".

For the spell to take effect, divide the charmed salt water into two parts and pour it into flower pots. One flower must wear female name, the other is masculine.


After sunset, retire to the bedroom. Pour spring or melt water consecrated in the church into a glass. Dip in glass container silver spoon with water and say the spoken text:

“My beloved person (name), I want, a servant of God (name), to miss you and yearn for me alone, and white metal and key water will help bring sadness and longing. Let you follow me on my heels, and I would visit you in my dreams, I would not leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the powers of heaven, the powers of the earth, I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen".

Leave all the attributes of the ritual on the table and go to bed. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises, hide the spoon away from prying eyes. Pour out the charmed water in the place where the object of desire can cross it.

On an apple

A conspiracy for an apple can only be carried out if there has been a serious disagreement between lovers or spouses. At sunrise, divide the fruit into two equal halves and put a small piece of paper in the middle with the name of the object of the slander written on it. Quietly and without haste, say the words of the spell:

“As the apple dries, so the servant of God (name) will miss!”.

With food and photo

In love magic, there are many prisushki in the photo. But the most effective and powerful is the magic ritual in the photo and food prepared by one's own hands.

Prepare favorite dish spouse/boyfriend needed on the night of full moon. During culinary experiments, you should read the text of the spell 7 times, while looking at the photo of your lover:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The blue sea rose to the most holy skies,
On seabed woke up the old devil,
He waves his arms, dances with his hooves.
On whom the spray will fall from him,
People will not let him live among themselves.
I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed,
I'll go to the kitchen, cross myself,
I will prepare food for my loved one.
I will become for him beloved and dear,
In thirst for water, in hunger - delicious food.
I take a photo of the betrothed in my hands,
I look at him with love.
Forever and ever you are with me,
My favorite, dear. Amen".

The next evening, as a new month rises in the sky, the young man needs to be fed with the food spoken the day before.

Hex on the wind

The oldest, but no less effective, is a conspiracy to love longing to the wind. You can perform the ritual at home by opening the windows and creating a draft. As soon as there is a draft in the house, you need to read the witch's spell:

“A strong wind is blowing on the Buyan Island. And day and night he grinds stones,
Go you the wind to my beloved, stream his heart catching up with melancholy,
Let the heart of the servant of God (name) cry, sob,
His longing for me (name), waiting and waiting for a meeting with me,
Beloved could neither live without me, nor be, nor drink, nor eat.
Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk,
So would he (name of a loved one) without me (proper name).
I could not live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, nor at the dawn,
Neither at evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds,
Neither in the day with the sun, nor in the night with the moon.

Possible consequences of magical actions

Longing spells are often compared to love spells. But unlike love spells, spells for melancholy act more gently and unobtrusively, there is no binding at the karma level.

It would seem that such simple magical rituals and rituals cannot harm a person. However, the frequent and sometimes thoughtless use of witchcraft in practice has negative consequences, up to health problems and broken relationships. magical actions can not be performed in relation to a married man.

If a young man does not have feelings for a woman, after such a slander, mental problems and addiction to addictions are possible.

Most magic spells require strict adherence to the sequence of ritual actions. An incorrect reading of the text of the slander can have a completely different result: instead of longing, the object of the conspiracy will begin to move away and forget the beloved.