Ex-husband. Your ex-husband is getting married

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog! Today I would like to talk with you about how to get your ex-husband back if he got married. Relationships with exes can be perfect different scenarios. Much depends on how you broke up, who initiated it, whether you have a new relationship. Let's deal with all this and decide how you can become happy.

Back to the Future

Relations between people are not always simple and understandable. And the blame for this is the people themselves who love games and intrigues. Agree how much easier it would be if people were honest and frank. If people would speak directly, and not try to say something with the help of hints and other things. I have always been a fan open relationship. When both partners tell the truth.

Relationships with an ex have their pros and cons. Among the advantages, we can say that partners know each other, understand what to expect, have an idea about each other's character, weaknesses and strengths. It's like reading a book for the second time. The plot is known, but new details may be revealed.

Among the minuses are all those things that did not suit you in a relationship, your quarrels and scandals. No wonder these relationships are called the former. This stage has already passed and you or your partner wanted to leave something in the past.
Relationships that arise between past lovers can never be new. They will always pull past history. No matter how much a person wants to start with clean slate If a story similar to the past happens, then past quarrels, scandals, and tantrums will certainly arise. It is only in your hands to make sure that your past load does not affect the relationship.

Can you get your ex back? Can. It's not that hard. It is more difficult to create new relationships and keep them.

The atmosphere of your previous relationships will follow you and it is very important to be able to rebuild yourself and look at your partner with a new look. But if everything is not so difficult with the return of the ex-husband, then difficulties arise when he is married or dating another.

to be superfluous

If you want to return former partner, and he has another wife, then my advice to you is not to break up the relationship. Being the cause of a divorce or separation is not the most pleasant burden. This is, of course, my subjective opinion.

When a person is in another relationship, you can simply try to establish communication with him. Start with friendship. Just try to communicate more. Perhaps you will realize that you do not need this relationship. Maybe the person has already changed so much that you will not be interested in him. Do not think that a person does not change. Especially being in a new relationship.

Get on with your life. Career, communication with new people, hobbies and hobbies. Man lives only once. And only you decide what to spend precious time. I believe that it is best to spend precious days on developing yourself, your potential, improving your skills, gaining new knowledge and skills.

There is nothing worse than being third wheel. Think a million times if this game is worth the candle. Are you so eager to get your ex-husband back that you are ready to destroy his happiness with another woman.


If you really decided on this, then the first thing you need to think about. Remember everything that happened between you and draw certain conclusions. Think about what he did not like in your relationship and specifically in you. Maybe he was annoyed by some manners, your style of dress or something else. Remember every little thing. Because yours will be built from these little things. new look. After all, it is not for nothing that he acquired new woman. It means that something about you did not suit him. Look for all these moments and celebrate them in yourself.

Second factor: his new wife. When a man marries another, then you need to understand what is similar and different in you. This is where you need to do an evaluation. Why is she so good, what does she give him, what qualities of her admire him, and so on. When you understand what you are missing, you can easily acquire the necessary qualities.

Remember that no magic can create strong and happy relationship. Love spells, evil eye and so on should not be the basis of your life or relationships. Better try to work on it yourself. Change, become better, learn how to cook deliciously, be perfect mistress in bed, read books to interest men not only in the body, but also in knowledge.

Dear ladies, remember that you yourself forge your own happiness. That next to you is exactly the man you chose. That you are as beautiful as you want to be. Everything is subject to change. There would be a desire. Nothing will happen just because you want it to. Wanting is very little. It is necessary to work. A lot, diligently, sparing no effort. It is then that the desired result can be achieved.

Be honest with yourself, do not be afraid of hard work, be diligent, stronger and more confident in yourself. Then you will definitely succeed and you will become a happy woman.

I hope my article has brought you many new and interesting ideas. Be sure to share the link in social networks and subscribe for updates.

Good luck in all your endeavors!

10/13/2011 THURSDAY 00:00


Your ex-husband is getting married

You accidentally found out; your ex-husband is getting married. It would seem that now, when the divorce is long over - you should not worry about it. But it's not. You experience his marriage as a betrayal, you are jealous and do not find a place for yourself. Of course, the thought of a new wife or even your husband's fiancee, even if you don't know her, is unsettling. Why?

There are many women's clubs in Germany where I sometimes give lectures on psychology family relations. After the lecture, women come up to me with various problems. It turned out that for our compatriots, communication with ex-husbands is a great difficulty. And why be surprised - a different country, a different environment, he came with one wife, got another, got divorced, got married. How to survive it, how to build a life further, how to maintain contacts? Especially. if there are children in the family, and they are left without a father. Many problems in emigration are perceived more acutely than in their former homeland. Here's what the results of my survey among women who have experienced divorce showed.

After four years of living in Germany Natalia (37)- finally declared) to her husband; “It’s better to be on a desert island for the rest of your life than to spend another day with you!” Eternal grumbling on any occasion, inability to fit into new life, and, of course, drunkenness, became unbearable. Recently, she experienced literally shock. "I went there with my friend and nose to nose I ran into my ex-husband and was stunned. My ex-husband was not looking fit and even elegant. Dmitry ceremoniously introduced his youthful companion to me:" My wife! It was a pretty blonde with whom he danced, gently stroking her"

Telling all this, the woman was visibly nervous. “I was speechless, just numb! I tried to portray something on my face, but I couldn’t say anything. And now it’s just like an obsession - I can’t live in peace. All the time I think about how he lives with this blonde. And how she I was able to change it ? ". To my question: did she want to return to Dmitry, Natalya replied that “for no price. “And although I was incredibly lonely and sad next to this egoist, but since we parted ways, left alone in a foreign country, I have become independent and more confident in myself.

Svetlana (30) came with her husband (40) to Germany, and two years later they divorced. After the divorce, she doubted her own sexual attractiveness for men. “We never got along with sex,” she says. “My husband was practically impotent, and sex was not interested in him at all. I begged him to go to the doctor - no way. Such a life was not a joy, and we broke up. I recently met We were on a tourist trip to Spain He was with a pretty girl, introducing her as his bride My vacation was poisoned I watched them all the time They sat in an embrace, her hand was on his hip and it seems that his impotence did not bother her at all. Maybe there was no impotence? Maybe I did not inspire him and did not cause him sexual sensations? To my question, would she like to return to her husband. She answered in the negative..

Olga (32), admits: “When I announced to Nikolai that I wanted to divorce him, he was in despair and called me every evening, begging me to change my mind, at least for the sake of our child. I’d rather raise a child alone than live in an atmosphere of scandals. But when I found out that he had another woman, I suddenly felt deceived. Perhaps because I myself did not meet with anyone at that time. Apparently, this worsened my mood. "

Catherine (38). found out that my ex-husband was starting a new family life. “Now I often remember how it all started with us, what bright plans we made,” she says. When we got divorced, I was so angry that out of the ten years we lived together (6 years in Kazakhstan and 4 years in Germany), I could not remember anything good. And now I miss and envy his new wife. They are just getting started. What a pity that all our dreams never came true.

Leah (41) admits “I never saw the one that replaced me, and still hated her. I was awakened by furious jealousy. I was interested in everything about her: how she dresses, what kind of lover she is. were we married? Will he be faithful to her or will my fate await her?" .

Psychologist's comments.

Why does the news about the bride, and even more so the wife of the ex-husband, cause such pain to the woman? The reason is simple: even if you fail to keep the love, the habit remains, and it does not die with a divorce certificate. Whoever initiated the divorce, for some time something remains unfinished in the relationship, as if some final line has not been drawn. The marriage of an ex-husband most often takes a lot of women by surprise. And no matter how painful it may be, you need to understand the situation and yourself, finally part with illusions, irritation, reticence. After all, otherwise it will not be easy to build your own life. Attachment does not weaken, even if the family was not the happiest. After all, even in unsuccessful marriages there are moments when only the best qualities are noticeable in a beloved husband. These moments of happiness remain in the memory for a long time. We sometimes forget that we part not suddenly, immediately - separation occurs in stages. As you know, women initiate divorce in 70 cases out of a hundred. Many women, filing for divorce, do not even think about the fact that the husband can change or behave differently, especially create another family.

The marriage of an ex-husband most often takes a woman by surprise. How dare he be happy when I feel so bad?! And jealousy leads to comparison: is the other more beautiful, smarter, more charming and sexy? No matter how painful it is, you need to understand the situation and yourself, finally part with illusions, irritation, reticence. After all, otherwise it will not be easy to build your own life.

The prospect of an ex-husband's wedding and his real marriage is especially depressing if you yourself don't have anyone yet. Despite the fact that reconciliation is out of the question, in the depths of her soul a woman may believe that it is worth beckoning her finger - and the "former" will come running. The thought warms the heart that the ex-spouse is at your disposal, always at hand. And when another woman appears in his life, it often turns out to be more painful than the divorce itself. After all, the marriage of your ex means the final break in your relationship, and also demonstrates his clear success against the backdrop of your failure.

In such a situation, there is always something to mourn and regret, even after some years after the divorce. After all, the ex-husband played a certain, and sometimes significant role in your life.

Of course, when there are common children, post-divorce passions become especially acute. Rivalry with the new wife of the ex-husband often results in a struggle for the feelings of the child. It is not easy for children to understand why parents can no longer live together, and dad or mami-to-wedding means that the parents will never be together again. It is important for a child of divorced parents to maintain good relations not only with dad and mom, but also with their new relatives.

Anna Tsipris, psychologist

For many women, if the husband initiated the divorce, there is always a glimmer of hope that the husband will return. And this is true: you should not take the departure of your husband, the breakup of your marriage as something final and irrevocable. No matter what a man says out loud, very often there comes a moment when he wants to return.

« I threw after my husband leaving me: "You will come back to me anyway!" and indeed, we got along with him again after seven years. But he told me. that he wanted to return after a year and a half, disappointed in his new wife, but my last phrase, and because of pride and stubbornness, he did not want to return". Irina, 39, It becomes clear what mistake Irina made.

For many men, some time after a divorce, the most joyful, brightest episodes pop up in their memory. married life. And more than half of divorced men are thinking about returning to the family. According to psychologists, two-thirds of divorced men, three years after the divorce, consider their "ex" a more worthy person than a new wife or permanent girlfriend. Psychologists have established critical time-17 months, after which most men think about returning to a family or creating a new one. They are ready to run away from the long-awaited freedom, it was even called the "seventeenth month syndrome". Why do not all men return back to the family? This is, of course, hindered by male pride and fear of what other people will think and say. If a woman wants to return her husband , she should keep the door open, and if possible, at least for the sake of the children, support with him companionship. According to, for example, Russian statistics, in large cities every fourth divorcee remarries his former wife, and every third would like to do this. Therefore, if a woman wants to return her husband without resorting to the services of magicians and fortune-tellers, she needs to show wisdom and patience. Let the husband think that this is his personal decision, and not an "action" carefully thought out and carried out by his ex-wife.

If family relationships do not allow living together, threaten the life and health of the child, then it is better to divorce. Before deciding whether to keep the family or divorce, think about the child and his safety, and then your choice will be the most correct.

The circumstances leading up to divorce require certain behavior, especially for women, if there is a child in the house.

Try not to sort things out in front of the child.

Do not set the child against each other, show him that, even if you divorce, you remain friends.

Do not put the child in front of a choice with whom it is better for him to stay, decide for yourself which of you can give more attention to the child.

If the child visits the father in new family and you don't see what that vibe has on him bad influence, do not forbid him to visit his father with his new wife. otherwise he will be forced to lie.

Do not put a condition on your husband: either you stay or you will not see the child. You still can’t keep a person who decides to break off relations with you.

If your spouse is a tyrant not only in relation to you, but also in relation to children, if he suffers from alcohol or drug addiction and his behavior

affects children, in addition, all means have already been tried, and when mentioning a divorce, he repeatedly promises not to repeat mistakes - do not believe him, and then it is better to get a divorce.

But the advice is universal, both for men | and for women:

If you're trying to decide whether or not you should keep your family together, look at the situation you're in and decide: I can't live like this anymore; I don't want to live like this anymore; I'm willing to endure long enough for...; the marriage is so bad that there is nowhere else to go. In general, whatever the reasons for divorce or thoughts about it, dot the “I”, make a decision and start counting a new life.

If you decide to keep the fading fire of family relationships alive, then learn behave different under new conditions: be tolerant and don't make hell out of family life. Try to replace the departed love with friendships.

Dear Juniper
I will only try to answer some of your assumptions, of which I hope I can help you.
"..consequences of your unsuccessful personal life?.."
The fact is that more than half of life, or even 95%, to be more precise, a person lives in .. imagination. Yes, sometimes it’s hard for us to imagine it, it seems to us that we really think (although we imagine) and reason (imagine) something, even make calculations (but if he / she / I, etc. - again, imagination) , but in most cases it is not the mind, but the imagination. Living in it, of course, we stumble, fall from hole to hole, and all because we do not see - the pictures in our heads think for us. Lesha really wanted to buy an Alfa Romeo car, he began to talk about this to Masha. Masha, having a mind at that time, answered - I’ll show you Juliet now, where can we get money, and food, and gasoline? Here Lesha's imagination began to crush - we will borrow money from your parents, we will save up. Just imagine - we are driving near the beach, and what a sunset, we will take a picture, send it to our friends - they will envy us. And then .. Lesha's imagination still won the Mind Machine. Like you thought? And ... only after 3 months there was nothing to pay for gasoline, the car is worth it, and then it was completely stolen. So where is the reason for the "unsuccessful personal life"? In the imagination - we live not in the present.
Regarding "there are no exes", a person should immediately understand before the wedding - why he is getting married and ask himself the question "Will it be good for my husband / wife?", and not, as we are all used to, "Will it be good for me with him / her ?". This is where all the problems start. The wife immediately wants to change her husband, despite the fact that he changes ... in one day, and the husband wants to submit to his wife - again immediately, everyone wants everything at once, in one day - but this does not happen. Especially when it is after a 20-year barrier, when the habit becomes the first-main nature of a person. We perceive bookish, cinematic, narrated love, but there is another kind of love - real. The mother of a child who knocked over the porridge on the floor, which she had just folded in half, washed, again cleaning and kissing him - watched films how to do this? Have you read stories? No, she loves him, because she does something for him - she puts her soul into him, that's it real love. When we give and ask for nothing in return. But such a rarity. We are like a deal, like buyers - you tell me, I tell you, otherwise there will be a scandal, I will be offended. And there are professionals in this business.
They say they float in Heaven. And if a person managed to get married / get married, then this is definitely his / hers and you don’t even have to sit and think - “is it really mine?”. Everything does not happen “just like that”, there is always a primary reason for everything. A wise wife does not climb to her husband when it is not necessary (coming from work), but wise husband does not scream and does not allow himself to lose his temper at his wife. A big lump falls out of all this, which is then already so big that it is crowded to live in a house for two.
I wish you find a new husband

1. A man will always pay two dollars for a one dollar thing if he really needs it. A woman will always pay one dollar for a two dollar item, even if she doesn't need it at all. 2. A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man does not worry about the future until he marries. 3. successful man one who earns more than his wife can spend. successful woman the one who managed to find such a husband. 4. To be happy in marriage with a man, you need a lot of him ...

"You meet those events and relationships that reflect your inner state" "You can change jobs, spouses or religions, but until you change inside, you will attract the same people and the same circumstances" If you are with a man who does not want to marry - ask yourself a question, only honestly: "Do I want to get married?" In the world around the mass of the most different men: single, married, willing to start a family and not willing. And if you, among all the variety of men, have chosen the one who ...

How to get married - after a divorce or breakup. 2 exercises

Tryndet. Somehow my mother told me this phrase: they say, if a man has not married a woman in two years since they met, then most likely he will not marry. We mean official marriage. My husband and I applied six months after we met. And most of her friends are about the same: from a month to a year, basically. But the couples who met for 5-6 years broke up. Naturally, there are exceptions. There are acquaintances who signed having a common seven-year-old daughter. But I only know one...


all of mine were not originally going to get married, and I never dreamed of a white dress and a wedding party. But my character is a gift, only as long as they treat me well. as soon as my care ceases to be appreciated and good attitude- I'm cooling down. And when a man feels that things smell like kerosene and soon he will be free, he makes me an offer. It's even ridiculous to save a relationship with marriage. I went once for the sake of order), it was enough for 9 months.) now I also feel that it’s going to a proposal (not to save relationships, but just too decent), but I don’t want to refuse, and I don’t want to get married - on fic it to me? GB is much more honest (although the state in our personal life wants to put his paws in ....)

An official marriage is still needed, like many other legal procedures. I have always treated the registry office as a procedure not romantic, but legal. it's just convenient, the common surname is also from the category of conveniences. It is much more convenient to say the Petrov or Ivanov family than Masha Ivanova and Vanya Petrov. It's a little thing, of course, but still.
And so I know interesting story. A girl who knew a guy met lived together, everything seems to be fine, when she got pregnant, she went to tell her beloved the news, and on the way she found out that he had a wedding with another in a week. He lived comfortably with her, and arranged a wedding with another "profitable party"

05/03/2017 17:45:28, Love 8

Last straw. Shining user blog on 7ya.ru

What would be the last straw for you? What would motivate you to put an end to the relationship and go for a break/divorce?! For some, this is the husband’s phrase “I love you both, I can’t choose”, for the other it is the concealment of income when the spouse was given to the family " living wage", and the surplus was hidden ... For me, personally, it was news that the former bought an apartment for his mistress and is doing repairs there, although he has never helped me in all the years of family life, he gave money, he said" you are smart, you can handle it yourself "and chewed...


I didn’t have the last drop, the husband was the initiator of the divorce, for me it was a relief. I got tired of pulling everything on myself, my husband not only didn’t want anything himself, he tried to drag me to the bottom with him, but I resisted, but this didn’t was neither in his plans nor in the plans of his relatives.

there was also a former martyr, someone already wrote here that, yeah, he decided at some point to leave his wife for me - he was immediately sent so that I don’t need tantrums, his desire to rush out of Russia is also his all sorts of deceptions.

I'm married second marriage, self-sufficient, financially independent, I live my own life and this does not prevent my husband from being himself

Everyone has their own threshold. Sometimes one drop of indifference is enough for a divorce. This is for a worthwhile relationship.
If a marriage is built on profit or other dependence, then there is no limit to forgiveness.

Women work and earn about the same as their husbands. Household duties are divided, and marriage becomes more and more modern form: now it is a union of people who love each other and fairly distribute responsibilities. People began to marry later, which means it is wiser to choose. In the 1950s, the average marriage age was 23 for men and 20 for women. In 2004 the number rose to 27 and 26 respectively. So there is a tendency to continue, soon only one out of three marriages will break up, and this is already something. So watch movies, listen to stupid jokes, don't spend money on weddings and liv...

He, She... and His child

In our time, when the values ​​of marriage are increasingly losing their positions, remarriage surprise no one. Women get married after divorce, and men get married. However, very often such relationships are complicated due to the fact that the spouse cannot accept the fact that the man has obligations to the child or children from the first family. Alimony, communication on the territory of the "former", holidays, dedicated to the child from the first marriage, which means "stolen" from the newly formed family...

Good day to all conference participants! I'm new here, I hope I'm asking the question in the right section. Tell me, who after the divorce returned to her ex-husband? It’s not like they parted and got back together in a month or two, and didn’t live for several years, and then decided to be together. Maybe someone got married a second time, but then still returned to the former? And what came of it? I'm standing in front of important choice and want some real examples both negative and...


We got divorced, lived separately for a year and a half. Then they got back together. They parted and converged on my initiative. Initially, they got married on a flight, although there was love, but the marriage began with pregnancy and diapers. Both of us were not up to the bows. And when the diapers were over, it turned out that my husband was a jealous satrap and a despot. At first I bucked, became in a pose, it came to a divorce. Then she asked the price of life with children, tried to try on how to fit another man into this life. After all, I was young, good, worthy offers of a hand and heart came in, despite the two children. And somehow I decided for myself that my own dad is better than someone else's, and I can somehow handle his cockroaches. Well, I coped for a long time, successfully, sometimes we lived very happily, although I had to give up a lot of things that were important to me. Then the children grew up, the motivation decreased. And the husband has grown old, cockroaches have become fatter and more aggressive. When the crisis of forty years with him was added, I spat completely. Because by the age of forty, if there are brains, that is, and if not, then as he wants. Well, he's gone. Until I realized how it is for me. So far it seems to be ok.
You must understand why you need it. That's it for what purpose and whether it is suitable for it. If my goal was to be loved or to live in comfort, then I would choose another.

06/25/2014 18:10:06, Anonymous3

My parents:)
Divorced when I was 4 years old, got married again at my 7. Everything is great with them now :)))
Although both dad and mom were going to marry others during this period, they eventually changed their minds (as I was told mainly because of me :))) do not disappear for themselves, but if both are ready to work on them, then everything can work out.
Good luck to you!:)

A collection of children's explanations. Olga_Mo's blog on 7ya.ru

Groom: That's what the uncle is called before he gets married. And after he marries, he is already called by other different words. (Anya Glebova, 9 years old) Insomnia: This may be the bride. She lies at night and thinks: “What dress will I have tomorrow? Beautiful or not? And most importantly - what kind of husband will I have tomorrow? (Masha Sinelnikova, 7 years old) Cruise: After it, men and women often have to get married. (Lena Radkovskaya, 7 years old) Food: Grandmother gets the most delicious food, mom does it well too. A...

Officially, she and her husband have been divorced since April of this year, before this year they either converged or scattered. My daughter and I now live at my young man, but he doesn’t want to marry yet, he treats my daughters well. All this time, BM continued to write to me, prayed for a family reunion, said that he loved me. And since the summer, BM has been living with a woman, she is older than him, and much more so. This old lady does not let him go a single step. BM even takes her daughter to her for the weekend. She pretends to be a mom. Even ready...


Your train has left. You tried to manipulate BM - you failed.
Wish your spouse happiness and live on with your MCH, also in happiness.

Natal Petrovna, you are surprisingly well preserved. Until I read how old you are, I thought - a maximum of 20. Your ex-husband chose an older woman for himself, because, talking with you, he decided that all his peers are the same as you, hmm ... clear and not burdened by life experience . This, of course, is not so, but only you yourself are to blame for the fact that your BM chose a woman 7 years older than you. Now there's nothing to be done.

Reasons for divorce: the law is harsh - the family is strong? What history will tell


Co is involved with all authors. There is pride, and lack of proper knowledge, and negative experience in numerous incomplete families. And most importantly - the fall of moral values.
But! It is also important - the destructive influence of groups in the social. networks and sites, such as: "I'm a bitch and I'm proud of it", a woman with iron balls", "we can do everything without men", etc.
Increasingly, it is women who are the initiators of divorces.

27.06.2017 18:27:38, Hearth Keeper

Behavior of a man: where does love for a child disappear?


So I will say. My wife and I recently separated. I haven't talked to my wife or daughter for a month now, and I don't want to for even longer. The reason is that it is simply useless with my wife, some scandals, reproaches and so on. Memories are just very painful with my daughter - that's why I don't want to communicate now. He offered to pay alimony himself, the wife seemed to have filed it so better - better and better. I'm thinking of visiting in the summer. I know it will hurt, but she is my daughter and I love her and in life, I will always help. Now she is 4.5 years old, she still does not understand what happened and it is probably better not to injure her. I don't know, it's very sad. Women, do not judge from your bell tower different reasons there are.

02/14/2019 09:34:47, Alexey35

We've all heard those tales about "I never stopped him from seeing his kids."
All divorced women from the first to the last lie insolently on this issue.
Therefore, at some point, the man runs out of patience and he sends her nah forever.
Yes, it’s hard, difficult, painful not to see children, but to constantly communicate with a woman terrorist who holds children hostage and does not go to any improvement, even if you fulfill all her crazy requirements - this is not self-respecting.
In general, divorce is a shame for a woman.

About the role of husband and wife in the family, men's dreams and fear of loneliness
...They are afraid of disturbing the peace in the family, the existing balance of relations. And no wonder they are afraid! For a man, this can be a big blow to pride. Traditional role does not allow the supremacy of women in providing for the family. Have you ever heard of a wife suffering because her husband began to earn more? Only if big money took him away from home to seek adventure. A new generation of men is learning to overcome the inertia of tradition and cooperate with women. But for them, the question of why to marry remains unresolved. The only thing that reconciles them with the need to take such a step is the desire to have children. Interesting...

Love marriage, can you have one without the other?.

Love marriage, can you have one without the other? This morning as I was going through my inbox, I came across some tweets about the upcoming wedding season along with interesting message about the advantage life together (civil marriage) compared to marriage. That's when it dawned on me that I had not attended a wedding in recent years. In fact, I can't remember when last time I heard my friends talking about someone getting married. I'm on Facebook...

Serious relationship men and women - but when is the wedding? How to get a man to marry?
... It is necessary to develop a plan that combines elements of the hostage exchange procedure and the act of seduction. How to ask main question: 1. Remember, no sudden movements. Nothing to scare him at all. Therefore, do not attack him with this question during breakfast. 2. It is necessary that he be completely relaxed and able to give you maximum attention. And this means that the main question cannot be asked at the moment when he is focused on something. For example, during the final football match (even at halftime) or when he has some potentially traumatic tools in his hands. Again, there is no point in raising vital questions when the audit came to him ...

Dad and child: methods of education. Where do they come from and how to change them?

Do you have such stories when husbands returned to their wives after a six-month or one-year break (remaining officially married) and started all over again? And how did this second beginning end or last for someone? I don't believe in second wind. And you?


Only parents, dad left for his mistress, exactly 9 months later he returned, life began to be 100 times better, but my mother was the reason for looking for a mistress, she didn’t live normally, I remember it very well, I was 14. My mom appreciated my dad, they live for 16 years after the break, they lived for 23 years before the break. I am even now grateful to my father that he left then, otherwise I, apart from my mother’s scandals and tantrums, that everything is not like that and not like that, I didn’t see much of anything , now they are almost an ideal family for me, I don’t know how they are with love-carrots with such and such experience and at such and such an age, but they respect each other, take care of each other, support.
I don’t know other examples, I myself would not have returned to my former husband.
IMHO, this is an exception, in the case of my parents, my father was not a walker, the problem was in my mother, in her incontinence and intolerance, she drew conclusions in 9 months, of course, everything worked out for them, .. if a woman wants :))) And if a man is a walker, an alcoholic, even the grave will not fix him (introduced the walker to the cemetery :)) brrr)

01/24/2010 08:44:20, leg

For certain :) I know only one case - the husband first returned to his first wife 7 years after the divorce, a year later - he came back to the second.
For this case, I don’t even know how to calculate% :))

01/22/2010 10:50:34 PM, sloth

Love will suddenly come... What to do with someone else's husband? Psychologist's advice.


I'm 18 and I'm a lover... In the summer I met a man who seems to be the best. He was 23 at that time, I was 17. He wrote to me on the social network from a fake page, at first I didn’t attach much importance, then he threw off the photo - he turned out to be a real handsome man, and I liked his communication - competent, well-read, polite, everything is like me I love. He immediately said that he was married, he loved his wife, that he had married early, he did not regret at all. With his wife at that time they lived in different cities but he didn't go into the details. When I found out that I was married, I immediately relegated him to the background, since I did not plan to become a mistress. We corresponded with him about three weeks, then called to meet and I, in my stupidity, agreed. He called for me, waited for me for 20 minutes, because I did not have time to get ready. And so I went out to him: in a short dress, on heels and with a twinkle in my eyes, such a young, lovely girl. To be honest, I didn’t really like him, his face was dissatisfied, some kind of evil, harmful. We sat in the car, took a walk, and he drove me home. Our next meeting was about a week later. He fell ill and said that he would take me to his home so that I could “cure” him, I don’t know what kind of treatment he was talking about, but there were no hints of sex. I told myself that we would not have anything, but just in case, I prepared for everything. He picked me up and we went to him. I was in a skirt and blouse, he offered me to change into his shirt, and I agreed. I was incredibly sexy, and he undressed me with his eyes. We drank tea, talked, joked. And I realized that I fell in love. He lay down on the bed, told me to lie down too, I lay down, however, a whole meter away from him. He moved closer, and I did the opposite. It amused him, he joked, I was so comfortable with him. He said: “I want to kiss you. Can I?”, and I replied: “Well, try it.” Everything turned to sex, it was the best night in my life, we didn't sleep for probably a minute. In the morning he took me home. So we met for a month, and on August 10 his wife arrived, he was unrecognizable. Approximately two weeks before her arrival, it was as if he had been replaced: he stopped calling, writing, began yelling at me, we stopped seeing each other. I endured all this because I loved, but I understood that he only needed from me the possession of my young body. When he was at work, he tried to write, saw each other about once every two or three weeks. Our last meeting was September 20th. We went, as usual, to the hotel, had great sex, he brought me home ... and disappeared. A week passed, two - from him not a single message. I was in pain, very painful. I often thought about him and cried. He said that on October 6 he had to go on a business trip to another city for two months. By the way, I found his wife on Instagram, subscribed from the left page. She almost did not post photos, but on the night of 5 to 6 she posted a photo of the train and left a caption: “I will miss ...” I am not at all deprived of the attention of men, I’ll say more, I get it in fairly large quantities, respectively, I have suitors a lot - beautiful, rich, smart, but all this is not the same. I hated all men. Yes, I went on dates, even kissed to forget him, but it didn't help much. And yet, over time, it became easier, surrounded by new people, things. So almost a month and a half passed. November 11 morning he called. I answered, and he said: “I can’t live without you, I love you, I feel bad without you, I dream about you every night.” The fact that I was in shock did not say anything, I said that I also love him and miss him very much. Perhaps this call was a mistake, and I did not need to answer him then. I was waiting for him for a month, we talked virtually, as he was on a business trip. I believed him, believed that he really loves me. He arrived on December 12 and seemed to have been replaced. Of course, he almost stopped writing and calling, I understand everything, my wife did not express anything to him. And on Saturday morning he called and said he would come. I imagined our meeting differently. We sat in the car for an hour, I gave him a blowjob and that's it, then he said that he needed to go for his wife. I felt used, I was terribly offended. Then we met on the 19th, also in the morning, went to the hotel, stayed there for three hours, and then he went on urgent business, and took me home. I told him that I was tired of waiting for his messages, calls, our meetings. She said he had a week to see us again. By the way, he stopped telling me that he loves me, I asked him about it, he said: “Silly, of course, I love you” and I melted. That's all. On the 21st, we exchanged a couple of messages. Then in the group of our city, I saw that in the comments he met girls, complimented them, corresponded with them, but absolutely nothing to me. It's been 24 now and there were no messages from him, but I'm still waiting. I understand that he is deceiving and that he does not need me. I'm only 18, I have so much ahead of me, but I can't let him go, I love him so much. I don't want to destroy his family. The only thing I really want is the truth. I'm tired of waiting, hoping for something, I need him to tell the truth that he does not love, that he does not need, and that it was all just a game. So it will become easier for me, because I myself can hardly part with this person.

I'll tell you right away - article complete nonsense. Our life is very multifaceted and unpredictable. My wife is me, and I am also abandoned. The choice was in favor of the mistress. No need to write about unsettled life, etc. Everything is normal - there is a son, and life, and money, and an apartment. My husband chose for six months - he wandered back and forth. And in the end he went to his mistress. They have been living and happy for 8 years. He is not divorced from me (this suits me for a number of reasons). No need to write nonsense about happiness, not happiness on someone else's grief. Everyone is different.

04/14/2018 02:32:28 AM, Nina7777

Inspired by a recent topic of one girl. We know each other for 4 years, married for 3, the child is 1-4 months old, the husband is the breadwinner, I'm on maternity leave. About three months later, I began to notice a bad change in myself towards my husband. I became indifferent to physical contact with him. And not for sex! In sex, everything is fine, you want sex, it delivers great pleasure Everything is the same as before, even better. But before, I was very fond of "hugs" after, falling asleep in hugs, waking up together - I was so delighted that my husband was inclined to this, there was so much joy ...


Are you talking about my topic?))) I envy you if the passion has not passed, you adore him and get pleasure in bed, what kind of divorce is there!? You should rejoice!
If I didn’t have a child, touches and hugs-kisses with which are pleasant, I would have gone crazy (((

You just switched to a child :) My son is also so affectionate that now I grumble at my husband more often than hug. It will pass. If you have a son, then he will soon be able to say - Mom, leave me alone! And you will again begin to hunger for tenderness. go to your husband. :) Do not read this nonsense about 3 years. By the way, in this book there was a moral not to marry, and not that love lives for 3 years.

Do grateful men exist?

Today I had another fight with my husband. AND Last year it happens for the same reason: i maternity leave, the child is two years old, I took on most of the life. Thank God my mother actively helps me, without her it would be unbearable for me. Every time my husband comes home from work, he looks for a reason to complain about the cleanliness of the apartment. I am tormented by the question, why didn’t he care about it before, and now, even some toy left uncleaned after the child becomes my “jamb”? Let me explain. When we started living together...


Thanks a lot to everyone for the feedback. My mother's example still taught me, and in any case I won't be left without a penny. From September, my daughter will go to kindergarten, and there I will go to work and my husband’s quiet home life will end. Under no circumstances will I hire a nanny, this is my subjective opinion.
For those who do not quite understand me, I want to explain: to do household chores with all household appliances, of course, not catarrh, but I don’t have a desire to do it every day. When, for the whole day, you have time to do a lot of things with the child and the doctors and around the house, and to the store and something else to sew for your child, and to work out in sports. And by the time your dad returns, you are satisfied with yourself, if not admiration, then at least some kind of gratitude, but instead you hear: “That’s it? I could have done it all in 3 hours, but was it difficult to clean it here?” It ends with nothing but a scandal, and after that I don’t want to have sex, warmth, or even talk.

An example of my mother’s life (. She didn’t really get out of the decree with me. But there were musicians, a ballet artist, etc. The institute and everything is in order. My father provided VERY well. But ... as I grew up, he from time to time he started a conversation with me about why my mother does not work (apparently, he was counting on what I would tell her. I did not dare to open such a topic ..). I know for sure that money did not play any role. Father received a lot (high rank in the army) and at the same time was very intangible. He needed social status wives. Exactly the same beautiful mommy is my friend. Her husband is a wealthy oriental man. At the same time, his housewife wife is very burdensome. there are such men. Although women too .. I can’t imagine that I can fall in love with * a householder *, even if he is rich.

07/11/2012 02:47:42 PM, songbird...

Inspired from below. At first I intervened, but then I decided to make a separate issue ... Unexpectedly, many ladies (Bun, Alek79, Local, etc.) wrote very sharply about the children's acquaintance with the new wives of their fathers. In the sense that it’s not good and there’s no need for children, nothing good will come of it, and men, bringing children to new family thus assert themselves and do very wrong. Question: WHY? I have the opposite opinion. Especially if there is no negativity from the new wives, they did not ruin that family ...


Maybe I can explain, "he wants to be with the children, take them to rest, go shopping with him"? On your example.
There are two children, the eldest was then 11 years old, the youngest was 3 years old. I divided the folder of children: I "took" the older one for myself, and I "got" the younger one. Dad traveled "in the north", did not give alimony, but went shopping to the older one. ONLY HER was bought, including food. Here she eats, but she does not give to her sister, although she asks.
Further. Dad bought everything from the eldest, I buy clothes for the youngest. So the eldest gives me: "You DO NOT BUY ANYTHING for me," and does not listen to any advice and orders at all: dad is good, and mom is evil, makes her learn lessons. :-)
The father took the child to rest in the suburbs. He works there, they registered them at the camp site. By September 1, NOT RETURNED. I called and said that they would arrive a week later, on September 1 there would be nothing new at school, only a repetition. I returned my daughter only on September 15th. And the daughter began to lag behind (after all, this "repetition" was just to reach out, remember, etc.), and STARTED to play truant, because she knew that it was POSSIBLE and there would be nothing for it, as mother did not rage.

Am I supposed to experience something other than anger, negativity, and rejection after this?

If BM, with its generally positive actions, creates situations that the ex-wife will then disentangle for a LONG time ...
When, for the sake of momentary popularity, it REALLY causes long-term harm to a child ...
When with his “I want with a child here and now” he violates the family’s plans drawn up in advance, thus striking a blow to the authority of the mother (which is unequivocally unprofitable for the child) ...

And I'm still wondering who ex-wives licenses the right to distribute labels and conduct a moral assessment of new wives. And after all, it doesn’t even occur to any of the “she-morally-doesn’t fit” applicants that these assessments are of little concern to anyone and will have little effect on anything if there is a desire to ignore such things.

Today I found out that my husband got married. It's only been 1 year and 5 months since our divorce. strange feelings some. When they got divorced, he swore that he would never marry again. We got married in the church ... I thought that after the wedding it was impossible to get married. I'm not happy, but I'm not crying either.


Did you find out by chance or are you constantly interested in his affairs?
I think that he survived "decency" more than a year. On this side, you have nothing to be sad about. And the fact that I got married, I understand. Now he has become a complete stranger to you. But you know, give yourself time, and for you it will soon become an empty phrase. I think you are sad because you still feel a kinship with him. Take a break. Life is going. And there are places for ex-husbands in it.

BM got married probably six months after ours official divorce. in a new family gave birth to a second child.
And I don't care if he's happy or not. I'm sorry... that I made a mistake at the time.

What do men want to see in women in their twenties, thirties, forties and older?
... Dear ladies, of course, there are no rules without exceptions. In this chapter, I have tried to paint only a general picture of what happens to men as they reach each new milestone of biological age. I will be happy if what I have shared with you helps you achieve love and respect from men and build harmonious relationship which you certainly deserve. A chapter from the book "You Know Nothing About Men"...


Most people were brought up and continue, according to the pattern of the customs of society, instinct, decrees of authoritative personalities in the form of parents, etc., to say common definition without your personal opinion. The sciences of human research are reduced to these underestimated, and rather incorrect indicators, from the point of view of ideality. My opinion is this / At the age of 33, the end of the formation of a man’s worldview (the end of education, a clear picture, thoughts, ideas, etc.) Provided that self-importance has been developed through self-study (not education, not copying examples from a person!) And blood, genetics 80 % depends on her (intellectually). But unfortunately I am not aware of the girls!

well, a 50-year-old bachelor is already a diagnosis

He constantly yells at her, does not hesitate to call her a fool. I see that he is wrong, that the girl needs praise, encouragement and support. The husband also wants peace, a second child. And how can I imagine what these bans can result in in six years ... Well, if it turns into rebellion and rudeness, but if it turns into drug addiction? A man marries a woman because he loves her, and not at all her child, besides, born from another person. Of course, the baby does not seem to be a stranger, he is part of his beloved woman, with whom he wants to tie his fate. But the child takes too much time and attention from his mother, and the second spouse finds himself in a situation of being abandoned. A rare man can accept a child from another person as his own, and this cannot be demanded of him. TO...

I recently found out that my husband is talking to a girl. It's unclear how far they've gone in the relationship. Their relationship continues for no more than 3 months. She was not married, no children, she is 30 years old. I know her mobile phone, what is her name (last name and first name), found her photo on the Internet (much inferior to me in beauty). I know where she works. I know her ICQ number. I found out about the connection by accident, firstly, I felt it by the changed attitude towards me, and secondly, I read their love SMS correspondence, with bunnies and tender ...

I am like a child with him. At first, Stas was terribly angry when he found Vanka at our house, once he even wanted to lower him down the stairs. But somehow Ivan came half-dead with pneumonia and almost died before our eyes, and here the husband resigned himself. Now, when friends who are not in the know ask him who Vanya is, Stas replies: "This is my stepson. I thought that I would marry a youngster, but she has a son-a fool. That's how women learned to hide their age!" Psychologist's Summary: Such an alliance will not last long. Sooner or later, Stas will get tired of the third extra, and he will put forward an ultimatum, or he himself will feel superfluous and leave Marina. No matter how extravagant it may seem family life Marina, a situation where an ex-husband tries to interfere in a new marriage...
... You do not quarrel, do not sort things out and do not compete in wit in front of a child - and rightly so! When meeting with such a husband-friend, discuss children's affairs, consult about important issues regarding the present and future of your child, but do not translate the conversation into the plane of personal experiences. Neither he nor you need it anymore. Ex-husband- enemy. This also happens. Pre-divorce passions were so heated that you don’t even want to see each other. But you don’t dare to leave the child alone with the father either: “He does everything wrong”, “He uses the child as a spy”, “He pours mud on me!”. What to do? There are two options: or, having collected the remnants of benevolence and patience ...

Knowing about the merits of his father, he will regret the illness that has knocked him down, but he will not feel hatred and disgust for him, some of which he will transfer to himself. Your ex-husband got married... But think about what can change in your life and in the life of your child for the better? Imagine the future of your child, how you and your ex-husband will experience his teenage tricks, first love, prom, wedding. Let the bonds of love and marriage not bind you, but the feeling of kinship, common cares and joys can make you truly good friends. Everyone will benefit from this, especially your baby. Nadezhda Yurgina family psychologist Sta...


We have lived for 7 years, we are raising a son for 5 years. I live as a husband and child, they are like air for me ... But my husband fell out of love, filed for divorce. It’s hard for me. Very. Burden him with your love? I love him too much ... I have to live. The theory is good, but how will it be in real life? Will I be able to create a bridge of friendship with my father?

02/27/2008 13:36:23, Natasha

Anechka 13.8.2004 Very agree with you and with you Olga 14.11.2004.
My husband and I separated six months ago, we have not yet officially divorced (he is in no hurry, but I cannot take the first step). I still love him, we have a 4-year-old son, a copy of dad. I now have a person who is ready (as he says) to love both me and the child, but it makes me sick, because I understand that neither me nor the son of a real dad and beloved husband will be replaced by any good man. Yes, he behaves better native dad but are we all perfect? But dad found a "good" girl. I wonder how you can be a good girl and at the same time break up a family? And I don't know what to do with the lives (of my own and my son's). Maybe you need to live according to the principle "be patient - fall in love" and "let the son and uncle be good friends, sometimes it's better than loving dad unable to raise his child. "Who knows the answer - write.

05/05/2006 17:52:15, Anyuta

For such remarks - since recently, however, since - I get "thank you". Previously, he did not really react to my reproaches, calls to relax. Even angry. Then I said: "Go alone to where you are so preoccupied. I won't make any more remarks to you, I'm not a nanny! Why do I need this?" And mine smart husband replied that he would no longer spoil my mood with his concern. I believe ... I also "got" him with claims to clothes (probably, many husbands suffer from this; but what handsome men!). At first, Leonid scandalized, said that he had dressed, got ready, that we were late ... I answered: "Let's be better late than I'll be all day in bad mood because of your appearance; who is looking at you?
... "You were fired from your job? That's what you need!" Those from whom they do not leave tactfully dispel men's fears. "Kicked out of work? With your golden hands - we will not be lost!" In our family, the word "I'm afraid" is forbidden. We are not afraid of anything. 9. I try to become more beautiful than myself. I immediately found out: what do you want? And then, after all, how it turns out: a guy married a plump and black woman, and a year later she decided to become thin and white. And women who wear what their husband does not like are strange to me. I was ordered a thin figure and blonde hair more authentic. Ordered "no trousers", ordered shorter dresses. Comfortable shoes. OK! This is what I'm always working on. I'm losing weight, growing my hair ... The number of compliments from my husband is increasing. Another husband...


I liked the ending about "even more curly"

30.01.2008 16:41:34, ***

You know, in fact, it happens that they leave both the cheerful and the beautiful and the docile. And they do not leave the terrible, fat and groomed. And on what it depends - it is impossible to understand ...

02.11.2007 08:31:30, Tanya

"I live in two families and do not know what to do in this situation!" were the first words of my client.


Every person must think. If a person cannot make a decision, it means that he lacks some information.
The most important thing in this situation is honesty. Everyone should know what everyone thinks.
I myself am now in a situation of making a choice. I have already spoken honestly with my wife, now I am waiting for a calm answer from her.
Alas, in addition to the happiness of a man, the happiness of the family and children lies on the scales. The choice is difficult and real choice done once in a lifetime.

If he cannot make a choice, then this, sorry, is not a man, but Buridan's donkey.

When they, peers, create a family in their youth, marrying for their first (or second) love, both are completely satisfied with each other. But time goes by, children grow up, now silver wedding on the horizon - and suddenly the husband begins to look "at the young." Is this always explained by the notorious truth "the demon in the ribs"? By no means! The elderly husband has other serious reasons behave like this. Sexual dissatisfaction C sexual culture in the generation born in the forties and fifties, as you know, the situation is almost the same. Of course, this is not their fault, but a misfortune, but this does not make it easier for them, first of all. After all, as a result of "unenlightenment" - twenty years of living at night in the same position under...
...Of course, a controversial postulate, but for such girls it serves as a rather strong consolation. Such, even if she is a beauty, in the depths of her soul does not even hope to charm a "free" man and marry him to herself. In the meantime, she has a family man in her "cavaliers", there is an excellent excuse for society: "He will not marry me because the divorce has not yet been filed." Moreover, in fact, it is not at all necessary to marry ... Thirdly, there is a certain category of women who vitally need to assert themselves at the expense of others. In particular, take away someone else's partner, even if he is not needed at all. But if she was given preference, then she is better than "that old wife." And nako...

He she. And her child. Love | "Your child will not be a hindrance"

To make it clearer, imagine that a man is estimating: his income is enough to provide a decent standard of living for himself, his wife and two children, the third child does not fit into the budget. This automatically means that if this man marries a mother with a child, then he can have only one child of his own. And if you marry a mother with two children, then it may turn out that the matter will no longer reach his heirs. Thirdly, someone else's child is a constant reminder of who used to sleep with this woman. Agree, few men would like to build relationships with a woman who has a portrait of her "ex" hanging on the wall in her bedroom. And k...
... And one more thing: for some reason, a man is almost always charged with the duty to love the children of his woman, to treat them as if they were his own. But rarely is a woman ready to respond in kind if a man has children from a previous relationship. How many groans on the topic: "He has a spoiled daughter, she interferes in our lives, her husband spends too much money on her!" In a word, summarizing what has been said. I'm not saying that it's unrealistic to get carried away by a woman with a child. But she must be a very, very outstanding personality, be able to interest, captivate, be a worthy companion, successful in her career, initially self-sufficient. And to see in the satellite, first of all, a man, and not a wallet and a worker ...


I would not accept someone else's child, but I would not be able to endure a man who would not love my child. I may be selfish, but it is very difficult for me to show emotions to other people's children.

There are a lot of people around me who are raising children of spouses from previous relationships, and they are happy.

Where is the guarantee that he himself will not deceive you later?.. What can be offered as a safer alternative? Probably, only to invite the lady to think about why a particular man himself does not want to start a family with her and have children. There are several reasons for this, and if you want, further actions very strongly depend on these very reasons. Maybe he himself is still a child at heart, and simply has not matured to be a husband and father? As they say, every vegetable has its time, and if you still drag it to the registry office, well, he will play with you in the family, and then over time he will be carried away by other toys. Or vice versa, he mature person and understands the full measure of responsibility that falls on his shoulders when registering marriage and paternity: but at the same time, his life is simply different ...


I would like to hear opinions from the outside, my head is already thinking badly: ((I have a beloved husband, we have been together for 8 years, my daughter is 4 years old. Four months ago I found out that my husband had an affair for 2 years. I found out by accident, he could deny, but "He didn't. He said that he loves me, that these relationships are needed only for self-affirmation, etc. Well, in general, probably what men usually say in such cases. He promised that this would all be over, that I could trust him again. I weighed all the pros and cons, decided that not ...


I have a friend in Moscow...
Married 19 years, 2 teenage kids..
the sweetheart appeared, but it didn’t seem to be a sweetheart at all ... but at the party she still slept with him .. and flew in .., gave birth to herself ...
a friend knew, but pretends not to know ..., there is no trust in her husband, she is waiting for the children to turn 18 years old ...
completely different people became each other ..
and her husband did not go to the child and the sweetheart did not ask for anything ... but a couple of years ago the child went to first grade and the sweetheart called ... like the son wants a computer, but for now there is no money, can you help?
he bought a computer and told my girlfriend ..
no longer communicates like ... but who knows?????

you - make a decision that is beneficial to you ... it will not be the same as before ...

Directly according to A. Marinina - read to the end - you will find out what will happen :(

How common is this situation? After 10 years, for example. According to my observations, after a divorce, all men are divided into two types - the first - whine, drink too much - in general, they degrade in all directions. The latter, on the contrary, get married quite quickly, create a new, most often stable family (since they are getting older and more experienced and do everything wisely from the first day), but, perhaps, the first marriage .. the memory of the first relationship (children?) of peace does not give ... But, it is clear that the second type becomes ...

My current man was officially married 3 times. There are children from the first two marriages. Wants to spend "the rest of the days" with me. 15 years older than me. He is under 50. A lot of thoughts crept into my brain..... Can a man "stop"? That is where is the guarantee that I will last wife? I understand that no one can give guarantees, well, you know what I mean .....


Good way- sex, a lot of sex, nightclubs and right there - plentiful fatty food and wine + expensive cigars. The heart will not stand it ... but it will die happy ... :))))

Actually, maybe. Observed this as well. And there are wonderful marriages. BUT ... often elementary reasons such as illnesses, operations: ((That is, here life no longer allows you to roam. And I would also look not at the number of official wives, but at the number of unofficial connections. Maybe he is on every girlfriend married!!!:))))))))) Then he is an angel in the flesh. The most important thing- attitude towards mother, children, help, etc. Ie. if it pulls, it helps, that's one thing. The degree of reliability is normal. If children and grandchildren are abandoned, there are more chances that they will leave their next wife and child again: ((

09/27/2006 04:01:27 PM, VV :))

My husband just hates such words as "husband", "wife", "spouses". Sometimes you have to call him that, he just shakes. Even if in jest, he does not understand such humor. I try once again not to use these words, but sometimes I still have to, when I need to indicate the status of a man next to me. This is Vasya, my ... uh .... husband (I know that he is boiling inside), but what else can I say? Beloved, lover, faithful .... how? Actually, we have been officially married for 1.5 years, our son is about to be a year old. We are 25 years old...


We have no problems in this regard, but here we have some acquaintances, I don’t know why, I didn’t ask, but they call each other “my half” :)) Very nice, at least not as slobbering as the beloved, the only one .. . I like:))

Well, I forbid calling myself a wife! It shakes me too. Why is it so hard for you to adjust? Personally, I am very satisfied with the performance by Name, First Name, Patronymic, even My + name will calmly endure. Ask him what's on his mind. Once a year, at a completely unfamiliar reception, you can separately say to people you know and strangers: "Let's go, I'll introduce my husband to you." And with him, no gu-gu, only by name. Is it difficult? If receptions are frequent, then you are already known as a couple. Why tease the bull? There are some agreements in any couple, for example, I tolerate his mom's red curtains, huge paintings of his mom's girlfriend, and that my brother's wife stubbornly calls my child behind the eyes with a stupid name, but he also tolerates my bells and whistles. Such as this one. I think that such a wish is very innocent. You can totally respect him.)