36 years of married life what a wedding. What to give for an agate anniversary (36 years of marriage)

universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Two characters in the title - why?

But let's take a look at why this day has this or that name. Bone china is a kind of porcelain that is distinguished by its dazzling whiteness, sophistication, has very thin walls and, accordingly, excellent transparency.

What does this mean? This tells us that the newlyweds are at the level of relationships that are distinguished by their impeccability, sincerity and purity. They are full of trust and mutual understanding. But this porcelain is very fragile. And this name of the wedding only emphasizes that relationships that have overcome such a milestone must be treated with care and reverence. Passed already strawberry, amber and coral anniversaries.

Agate is a mineral that has a layered texture and striped coloration. In the context of the name of the wedding, it means that this couple has experienced a lot together - both bad and good. There were sorrows and joys. A with Greek the word "agat" is translated as "kind, good, happy." Well, isn't that an accurate description of our married couple?)

So, we figured out the name of the wedding, and now go ahead for gifts!

What to give your wife on a special day

The wedding is porcelain, which means white and tender. Today this woman is not just a spouse - on this day she is again a bride! Choose a gift for her that matches her current status.

  1. Be sure to give a bouquet of white roses. Even if the spouse prefers flowers of other shades, she will feel how much love and tenderness is in each petal of this bouquet.
  2. On the day you got married, you can give your wife an outfit made of light, almost air materials. It could be Evening Dress, blouse or suit. Products from organza, chiffon, silk are perfect. And you can choose from such fabrics stylish scarf, shawl or cape.
  3. Any woman will be delighted with a new accessory. It can be a purse, a belt or even a case for glasses. But to emphasize the peculiarity of this holiday, they can be white.

What to give your husband on the day of the agate wedding

The name of the wedding is a direct clue to what kind of stone you can use to give your husband products.

The most popular, of course, is black agate, but there are also white, blue, grey, yellow and red. Based on your husband's taste, choose a gift that will remind you of your holiday and emphasize his status.

  1. There is a staggering array of agate jewelry for men today. These are cufflinks, rings, bracelets, pendants or watches.
  2. And if your husband does not wear jewelry, you can pick up a money clip with elements made of agate or a business card holder.
  3. If you do not want to focus on the symbolism of the holiday, then organize a cozy home gala evening. Light the candles and open the champagne. Even if your husband is not a romantic, a warm evening with your beloved in the appropriate atmosphere will leave unforgettable impressions of the holiday!

What to give parents for a porcelain wedding

You, the children, are perhaps the dearest guests on this holiday for the newlyweds. Whatever you give to dad and mom is priceless for them (remember at least the postcard you drew in kindergarten). But you, of course, want to please them on their anniversary with something special.

It is not in vain that we remembered the name of the anniversary today. Products made of bone china will come in handy on this holiday. Exists variety of options. Dinnerware or coffee set, salad bowls or gravy bowls, a teapot for brewing tea or saucers for olives. Variety of sizes and amazing shapes.

There are quite a lot of products made from this fragile material. However, if you want them to be individual, make a symbolic engraving on your gift. It can be the filigree initials of the newlyweds or the number of the wedding anniversary. The memory of the holiday will last a lifetime!

What to give friends for their wedding anniversary

Some say 36 life together it's not a holiday at all. But if you remember this day or the newlyweds invited you to the celebration, then you are among the chosen ones.

The date is not round, so you can pick up a gift without much pomposity. But at the same time, nevertheless, it is worth considering the characteristics of a young couple. Let's say if they are art connoisseurs - it can be a picture, lovers of outdoor recreation - barbecue, people who are fond of dancing - tickets for a tango master class, etc.

Give figurines and souvenirs with agate or porcelain elements. A pair of doves or swans, which symbolize fidelity and devotion, a candlestick or an angel figurine are perfect as gifts. The main thing is that they organically fit into the interior of the newlyweds.

Congratulations to the married couple

Everyone presents greetings in their own way. Someone will prepare a postcard with poems, someone will make a toast (no worse than that of the inhabitants of the Caucasus), someone will sing a song.

Spend some time preparing for the holiday and make your congratulations original and unique. If poetry, then let them be their own composition. It can be comic, humorous and optionally 5 pages long. Although if you are a master of the pen and write a poem about the newlyweds - honor and praise to you!

And the favorite song of the spouses can be performed in a duet that is completely unexpected for them. Let's say the bride's sister and the groom's father. Of course, you need to meet in advance and prepare. But rest assured, such a congratulation will surprise the newlyweds and will remain in memory for a long time)) Which, in fact, was required.

You can organize a video greeting. Ask friends or relatives who live far away to make a video with wishes for the young. Edit videos and present to the newlyweds.

But no matter what kind of wedding it is - agate or bone china, the main thing is that two loving people have been together for 36 years. And we are happy for them and happy with them. Even if you know this couple not so long ago, choose gifts from the heart. Show imagination and creativity!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Behind is more than a quarter of a century, lived hand in hand with a loved one. And now, 36 years have passed since your wedding ceremony. Among most couples, it is customary to celebrate each wedding anniversary for the first ten years after the celebration, then only round dates. Therefore, not everyone knows what the day of 36 years of marriage is called. But each anniversary is a certain stage in the life of a husband and wife, their families, shared difficulties and joys. Many spouses want to celebrate this day in a special way, to arrange a holiday in honor of a strong marriage union.

What is the name of the wedding anniversary of 36 years?

Some wedding anniversaries do not celebrate at all, among them 36 years of marriage. Popular superstitions associate this date with a bad omen, so some spouses refuse to celebrate this wedding anniversary. IN European countries, in America, the 36-year-old date is usually called the day of bone china. This name symbolizes the resilience, reliability and fragility of the family at the same time.

In Russia, this date is not only not customary to celebrate, but it has not been given a name either. Wedding dates have been celebrated since Ancient Rus', and in some ancient sources the 36th anniversary is called agate. That is, the agate wedding was twice: on the day of the 14th anniversary of the creation of the family and on the 36th year from the moment of marriage. And this name has taken root, so many modern couples, despite superstitious prejudices, on the 36th year they have lived together, arrange a celebration in honor of the agate wedding anniversary.

Wedding symbol

Since the 36th anniversary has several names, the symbol of the wedding is also not one. If we take into account the American name, then the attribute of the wedding is bone china. It is extremely fragile, but at the same time refined material. Beautiful table sets, tea and coffee sets are made from it. Products made of bone china are distinguished by their special sophistication; in the light they seem translucent, but strong. As a family life - strong, but with a strong blow, cracks may appear in it.

In Russia, agate is considered a symbol of the wedding anniversary. This semi-precious beautiful stone associated with wealth and prosperity. It is strong and damage resistant. For 36 years, the couple tested their relationship, tested it for strength. As a result, they gained joint wealth, in the form friendly family and prosperity. agate has different shades, color, original fancy drawings in the style of abstraction.

Some psychologists recommend that spouses look at family relationships to check a natural stone, on his photo or video image. Try to unravel the figures gone away on its surface. It is believed that the husband and wife, who built the same associative array when looking at the tint motifs of agate, built a strong relationship. Such a family is not afraid of any life ups and downs.

In France, on the 36th anniversary, it is customary to celebrate a wedding, the symbol of which is a muslin. This is a type of cotton fabric. Previously, clothes for representatives of the royal family were sewn from this fabric. Muslin is considered a durable fabric, but requires some care, because products from it can lose their appearance when stored incorrectly. So in family life in order for the marriage union to remain strong and strong, it is necessary to work on its safety, to properly care for it.

Options for congratulations on your wedding anniversary

When celebrating the next wedding anniversary, the spouses celebrate the day of the official creation of the family. Traditional congratulations“newlyweds” is giving them gifts. But nothing will be as valuable as spoken words with beautiful wishes. In words, the guests express the whole gamut of feelings of joy for the "young", celebrate their family achievements. Congratulations can be expressed when presenting a gift, written in greeting card or uttered during a celebratory toast.

Each guest tries to be original in their wishes. But a certain unanimity in congratulations on the wedding anniversary can be traced. So, when composing your speech, focus on the strength of the family in whose honor the celebration is being held. They want their spouse to always remain young at heart and be just as loved by their chosen one, as they were during the first years of their life together. A man wants to remain a strong support not only for his wife, but also for children and grandchildren.

Each "birthday" of the family is filled with joyful experiences, which are recommended to be noted in holiday greetings. Apart from beautiful words, good option congratulations on your wedding anniversary will be a bouquet of flowers. The rose is the flower of love, so big bouquet with roses will be a great addition to the festive evening. Florists recommend adding flower arrangement a pair of sprigs of ivy and mint - plants that are considered symbols of love and fidelity.

Take advantage of ready-made original texts with wishes for congratulations on the anniversary of marriage:

Our precious anniversaries! In an age of special precariousness family boats together you manage to decisively overcome all obstacles and other nonsense that undermines the joint life of two loving people who once created a family. Let the secret of the strength of your relationship be inherited and lead to the creation of a powerful and happy dynasty. Let wedding anniversaries become the most beloved and frequent holidays where they know how to love and teach fidelity by their own example. We heartily congratulate you, wish you health and prosperity!

Dear comrades, former newlyweds, and now anniversaries! Allow me on this festive day for you and an exciting day for us to congratulate your family on another anniversary your wedding, wish your family happy days, bright future and continued prosperity. But most importantly: let this speech be the last official text in your life! Let it be filled with lyrics: iridescent birdsong, the most delicate smell of flowers, a light breeze and other attributes that are pleasant for you and useful for the family. And may this joyful stream never dry up!

Today is your family's birthday. Looking at your happy faces Once again make sure that happiness exists and happy marriages is not a phantom, but an exceptional reality. Exceptional because there is simply no other such family and cannot be. You have become so accustomed to each other that sometimes it seems that it cannot be otherwise.

One ancient sage said: "Agate protects only pure souls and loving hearts. And he gives such people in full: peace, family happiness and prosperity. And here evil people- punishes". I have known the heroes of our celebration for a long time, so I am sure that the Agate wedding will be very happy for them!

Beautiful congratulatory words in verse

An ideal gift for "newlyweds" for 36 years of marriage is a congratulation in verse. It is not at all necessary to have the gift of a poet in order to express your feelings and wishes in rhymed lines. Among the many ready-made original poems, you will find the work that will help you verbally convey the overwhelming feeling of joy for the anniversaries and wish them beautiful nice words for the wedding anniversary.

Let the admiration of your couple

You hear from all sides

Wife gets better with age

The husband is as good as Apollo.

And let them wish you heartily

For a glass full of poured

May your union last forever

Until the wedding golden!

There is no more beautiful love in life,

And you gave it to each other!

In one destiny for many, many years

You have connected your two destinies!

May there be twice as much happiness in her,

Warmth and joy fill your house,

And tenderness and love on any day

A wonderful family is protected!

Today your wedding is thirty-six,

And that means there is happiness in your life!

Together you are waiting for the arrival of spring,

And summer with autumn, and a snowy New Year.

For a long time you have common features,

Together, strive to fulfill your dreams.

Love still unites you.

So let it dominate again and again!

So tender are your feelings and looks,

So much light in them, so much goodness!

You are still happy around

As if the wedding day was just yesterday!

May love forever remain

Decorates the year!

May everything work out in your life

Be happy together always!

So wonderful and joyful it is to love!

After all, all days are illuminated with love,

But you're doing great!

The sun's light and comfort fill your home,

Kindness and warmth, understanding,

Let love burn brighter, stronger day by day

Fulfilling all your desires!

What is customary to give on the 36th anniversary of marriage?

It is necessary to choose gifts for the wedding anniversary according to the name of the celebration. So, on the 36th anniversary of the marriage they give things that represent a combination of fragility and beauty. Porcelain products are ideal for this, since according to one version, bone china is the symbol of the anniversary. Choose dinner sets, tea or coffee porcelain sets as a gift.

If the spouses have a collection of figurines, then replenish it with a new porcelain gizmo with your gift. They also give the symbols of the current year, made of high-quality porcelain. For example, in the year of the tiger, they give a figurine with the image of this beast, a horse - the corresponding porcelain miniature horse. An original gift for a wedding anniversary will be a souvenir dish, on which images of the main heroes of the occasion will be placed, beautiful inscriptions with wishes or the date of the creation of a family.

Close friends can give the family agate jewelry or accessories as a gift. A woman will love this pendant with an agate pendant framed in steel. Look also at others jewelry: bracelets, earrings, brooches. Agate cufflinks or a cigarette case that is decorated with precious stone. useful gift for the anniversary of living together there will be candlesticks, a floor lamp with agate decor details.

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

The main gift that spouses should give each other on their wedding anniversary is a romantic day spent alone. On this holiday, give your chosen one / chosen one love, attention, affection. It is not necessary to make any themed gifts. For so many years lived together, the wife and husband have learned the addictions or secret desires of their soulmate. Why not make it come true cherished dreams each other.

Has your spouse been dreaming about a new fishing rod for a long time? Wedding anniversary - great occasion to please your beloved by giving him a treasured thing. The same applies to women's gifts. Did your wife repeatedly repeat that she would like to buy new household appliances or dishes? Please her on her wedding day with a useful long-awaited gift. Also, do not forget about the tradition of giving jewelry. Exchange rings with agate stones, make commemorative inscriptions on them in honor of the anniversary.

Do they celebrate an agate wedding?

There are no specific traditions for celebrating the 36th wedding anniversary. Some couples prefer not to celebrate this day at all because of popular superstitions. By American version this anniversary is considered porcelain. The fragility of this material causes restless associations in some spouses who refuse to arrange festive celebration for the anniversary, so as not to violate the integrity of the family.

Non-superstitious people are advised not to pay attention to folk beliefs rather spend your wedding day in a narrow family circle. A day spent together is a great option for celebrating a family's birthday. If possible, go to the restaurant where one of your first dates took place. Can arrange romantic dinner for two by candlelight, turning on the video of the wedding day in the background. Look through the wedding photo album, remember that day, the joy of anticipation of a new life.

If you want to be close to your loved ones on this day, then arrange a small dinner party for the anniversary. No one will share your joy with you like children and grandchildren. They will be a vivid example for you of how strong and happy family you created. This day can be a great opportunity to live a second Honeymoon. Take a trip or a weekend out of town where you can enjoy the privacy and company of each other.

Many are interested in the question, what is the name of the 36th wedding anniversary. Not everyone considers it necessary to arrange a holiday, but for some, every wedding anniversary is important and not celebrating it means disrespecting this day for them.

However, there are those who do believe that the celebration of 36 years of marriage - Bad sign that will bring discord into the family. When 36 years have passed since the wedding day, the people call it an agate wedding. And if this wedding was called that by the people, it means that they nevertheless considered it necessary to celebrate it. Besides, married couple, who treat their life together with trepidation, simply cannot miss such a date.

Agate wedding symbols

Why was agate stone chosen to celebrate this anniversary? Everything is quite simple, since agate - semiprecious stone, which is endowed mystical meaning. It is said to bring prosperity and wealth. In addition, the stone is so strong that nothing can destroy it. For 36 years of life together, the relationship of the spouses is also strong and indestructible.

The color of agate is amazing, each pebble has only its own bizarre drawings that are not like the others. You can look at the stones for hours and not find a single identical pattern. Each family is also individual, unlike the other.

There is an interesting psychological test when the spouses must examine the surface of the agate and tell what they saw. If a husband and wife have built the same associations, then this means that the couple has built a strong relationship over many years.

In Europe and the United States, the thirty-sixth wedding anniversary is called the date of bone china. This material is quite fragile, but at the same time resistant and attractive. You need to look at bone china products to enjoy its sophistication and transparency. With strong impacts, cracks appear on such a material, as well as in family relations Difficulties can arise if they are not taken care of. But for sure, in 36 years, the spouses have learned to take care of their relationship, because otherwise they would not have been able to live for so many years!

Agate Wedding Traditions

In Russia, they began to celebrate every anniversary only recently and no specific traditions have been formed, but there are still several traditions. Spouses give agate jewelry to each other: a bracelet, a chain, a ring, cufflinks, etc. In addition, a husband and wife can add something at their discretion, because they know each other's preferences better than anyone else.

Many couples refuse to celebrate this anniversary, some do it because the date is not round, and some believe in superstition. They are afraid that their life together, like porcelain, may break, but you should not believe in such superstitions. After all, a married couple has lived together for so many years, so their relationship will definitely not be destroyed if you celebrate 36 years of marriage.

A magnificent holiday can not be arranged. Sometimes a romantic evening in a cafe for two or a modest family dinner with children and friends is enough. Spouses should also choose congratulations for each other and prepare gifts for the 36th wedding anniversary.

How to celebrate an agate wedding

To celebrate the 36th anniversary means to have great occasion gather under one roof all your friends, relatives, children, but this can be done in different ways:

  • Everyone go to the cinema together. Spouses probably have little time to do this. Thus, they can have an interesting time and distract from domestic problems. An alternative to theater can be going to a concert or theater. You can choose anything, the main thing is that it brings pleasure. For some, a simple trip to the zoo will be a joy and an unforgettable experience.
  • Going on a wedding day trip is also a very common option. Route choice will depend on financial opportunities. But even a trip to a neighboring city can become interesting event and bring a lot of fun.
  • Organize a party where the closest people will be present. The table is laid, the room is decorated, entertainment is organized. An alternative to such a pastime would be outdoor recreation. If the weather is warm outside, then it is better to go to the bosom of nature, taking marinated meat and other treats with you.
  • Organize a holiday for two and visit a cafe, restaurant, spend romantic evening to make the 36th anniversary unforgettable. This trend in Lately is becoming more and more popular.

What to give for an agate wedding

The name of the celebration usually determines what to give for the wedding. You can do it like Europeans and give products from fragile fine porcelain. Dinner sets, tea sets will be a great home decoration, and it will be so nice to use them!

A porcelain figurine can perfectly fit the collection of other figurines that are available in the spouses' house. When choosing a figurine, you can be guided by the symbols of the year according to Chinese calendar. Who wants to pick Original gifts on agate wedding can give figurines of the spouses themselves, located on a souvenir dish.

Agate jewelry and accessories will surely appeal to you, because this stone attracts with its beauty and carries the energy of wealth.

But it is not necessary to give a gift associated with the symbols of the anniversary, you can choose something that suits the preferences of the spouses. If the heroes of the occasion are connoisseurs of beauty, then they will certainly appreciate the picture, if they like to spend time in nature, then the barbecue will make their pastime even more interesting. Art connoisseurs will be interested in visiting an exhibition or a museum.

Both spouses also exchange gifts, taking into account each other's preferences. Why not give this holiday something that you have long wanted, but did not have the opportunity to purchase. Perhaps it will be a new fishing rod for her husband or a desired tablet. Zhenya can buy new household appliances that will make life easier. Jewelry are never superfluous, the spouses give them for each other, making commemorative inscriptions on them. A bouquet of white roses from her husband will be a great addition to the whole holiday.

Children should also think about what is so useful and necessary to present to their parents on their wedding anniversary. It is possible that their house lacks some small household appliances such as toaster, mixer, yogurt maker and other things. Or you want to give something for health, for example, pay for a massage course or a day at the spa. Of course, any medical equipment - blood pressure monitors, massagers will also be useful to them.

But if the parents have all this, then you can give a symbolic gift for the wedding - a variety of agate products. But the most desirable gift for spouses can be a romantic evening for two, which is organized by the children of the couple.

Congratulations on the agate wedding

Each person invited to the anniversary celebration prepares not only gifts for the wedding, but also his congratulations. congratulations card, interesting toast or a number of his own composition - everyone chooses what he is ready for.

If you give a little time for preparation, you can do something really interesting. Show your imagination and creativity - and let the agate the wedding will take place fun and interesting!

People who have lived 36 years together simply cannot do without congratulations, because this is admirable!

The article offers you congratulations on an "agate" wedding for parents and close friends.

Why is a wedding of 36 years of marriage called an agate wedding? Why not celebrate 36 years of marriage?

The couple, living in marriage for 36 years, celebrates their anniversary under the name "agate wedding". This date is practically not celebrated, because when it is reached, it is no longer customary to “roll up a celebration” every year. However, there are still couples who are ready to solemnly celebrate each anniversary, as new stage relations.

Many believe that 36 years of marriage should not be celebrated at all, as it will be a bad omen. However, this feature depends on how superstitious the spouses are and in which country they live. Here, for example, in Europe and America, 36 years of marriage are not called “agate wedding” at all, but “bone china wedding”. This material for spouses should symbolize strength and fragility at the same time. Surprisingly, bone china, like marriage, can be translucent in the light and strong, like confidence and fidelity that have come over the years. Abroad, the anniversary is celebrated modestly.

INTERESTING: In Russia, it has long been customary to celebrate only round dates of marriage, and therefore the 36th anniversary was quite rare. Only some sources called this wedding "agate".

What is agate associated with? This stone is considered semi-precious and it is customary to characterize it as a stone that brings prosperity and wealth. It is worth noting such features of the stone as a fortress, because agate is really very resistant to damage. This agate is comparable to relationships at the age of 36: they are strong, but they can “crack” if they do not pass “strength tests”.

For 36 years of marriage, the family, like an agate, gains prosperity and knows its wealth (both material and spiritual: children, grandchildren, connections). An interesting fact is that agate stone has several types of shades and colors, which are manifested by bizarre patterns and abstractions. Likewise, every marriage is different.

This anniversary has psychological point vision. In particular, experts family psychologists), advise the couple to go special test, where each of the spouses should consider agate patterns and build an associative array from what they see there. This test is done separately, and the results are then compared. Those spouses who gave similar answers can be proud of strong and strong relationship which I can not destroy any of life's problems.

INTERESTING: The French call the 36th wedding anniversary "muslin". Muslin is just a type of fabric, but not everyone could afford it before, and only members royal families clothes were sewn from muslin. Muslin requires special care, like fabric, because if this is not done, he will lose his attractive appearance. So a married couple should take care of maintaining their union, caring for it and respecting each other.

Agate - a symbol of marriage in the 36th year of family life

How to celebrate an agate wedding?

Since it is not customary to celebrate the 36th wedding anniversary, the date should be spent in the family circle or the spouse alone with each other. A big feast, as the sign says, will bring discord and negativity to the family, and therefore it is better to limit yourself to a modest dinner or travel. However, gifts from pure heart”, which relatives and friends can present to you on this day, should be taken as congratulations and wishes.

Anniversary options:

  • Go to the cinema, circus, concert or theater- This is an interesting option for spending time together, which so rarely happens with a couple who have lived 36 years of marriage. You should be distracted from everyday problems and devote time only to each other. Choose the concert, movie or performance that both of you like or the event that you have been dreaming of attending for so long.
  • Go to the zoo - a great alternative to visiting the theater or cinema. Here, spouses, already at a “prestigious” age, will be able to forget about their problems and years, look at life around, get a positive boost of energy from animals and pleasant impressions.
  • Visit the exhibition we are talking about periodic exhibitions that come to the city: modern, artistic, art exhibitions. Get tickets in advance and go to this event on the day of the anniversary, as if to a “social evening”.
  • Go on a trip– this option for celebrating an anniversary offers you a lot of interesting options: from traveling to a neighboring city, to traveling abroad. The choice of route depends solely on preferences and financial issues.
  • Gather children and grandchildren for dinner - a simple and very popular way to celebrate your 36th wedding anniversary. To do this, parents should, on their own or with the help of children, organize a table with many treats and spend the evening with family conversations.
  • Give each other a romantic evening - a good option for an "age" married couple. A man should independently propose to his wife a date in a cafe or restaurant. Not superfluous will be a bouquet of flowers and compliments.
  • Sit in nature great alternative family dinner at the table. Nature allows you to have an organized or spontaneous picnic with your children and grandchildren.

How to celebrate an "agate" wedding?

What to give for a wedding of 36 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

It is not necessary to be invited to a celebration to give close friends a gift in honor of an agate wedding. You can make it only because you want to give it to spouses pleasant emotions as well as a festive feeling. Since the date is not marked, the gift can be modest and symbolic.


  • Vase -good gift and a symbol of marriage, which can be strong and fragile at the same time. You should also listen to the fact that giving an empty vase is a bad omen, so fill it with sweets, soft toy, postcard or something else. Alternatively, you can bring a vase with a bouquet of flowers already placed in it.
  • Service - This gift is universal for any occasion. You can donate any set of cups and plates you see fit. Dishes are always useful in everyday life and will be able to please spouses. Alternatively, you can give paired cups with wishes, photos or images printed on them.
  • Salad bowl - You can give not just a beautiful dish for holiday table, but something that the spouses did not have until now: a multi-storey plate for desserts, a candy box, a bread box, fruit bowls. The choice of such a gift option in modern store very large.
  • Frame - small and very nice gift. In the photo frame, you can pre-place joint photo couples (you can take it on social networks or ask relatives). Such a gift will certainly be displayed in a prominent place and will always be associated with the date.
  • Book - a gift is good, but only if you know the tastes and preferences of the couple. A large cookbook, encyclopedia, reference book, or the couple's favorite forgotten fictional novel will come in handy. Choose a hardcover book.
  • Casket - the choice of caskets these days impresses with its variety. You can purchase the box from different materials and for different purposes: storage of personal items, money, jewelry, papers, cigars, keys, and much more.
  • Painting - if your friends love and respect art, they will definitely be pleased with a picture or a panel. You can hang it in a conspicuous place and it will always evoke pleasant associations among spouses. Choose a picture, focusing on the interior of the room.
  • Key holder - An interesting gift that will definitely come in handy. This is a kind of box or hanger with hooks for keys that will keep the spouses' personal belongings organized and in order.
  • Statuette - the choice of this gift depends on how much the spouses like to collect figurines and what significance they have for them.
  • Lamp - can be purchased as a gift table lamp, night lamp or floor lamp. Such a gift is very affordable in terms of cost and always brings pleasant emotions. In addition, the lamp turns out to be necessary!
  • Plant - you can present an already adult plant, which can now be purchased at any flower shop. A flower or plant can complement the spouses' home greenhouse and give them pleasant emotions. You can buy ficus, palm, orchid, anthurium and other beautiful plants.

What to give for a wedding of 36 years to parents: gift ideas

Children should definitely congratulate their parents on such an anniversary. Except nice words you can pick up symbolic gifts that will mean a lot: your love, respect, devotion.

Gift options:

  • Home textiles - a universal gift that always comes in handy. You can give anything: a set bed linen, bath or kitchen towels, curtains, tablecloths and napkins. You can choose decorative pillowcases, sofa cushions or “letter” pillows that will be folded family name, word "love" or other ideas.
  • Small household appliances - such a gift can be very necessary, its choice depends on the need: a toaster, a mixer, a combine, a tape recorder.
  • Gift for the soul give your parents the opportunity to relax when visiting an exhibition or gallery, tickets for interesting concert or to the movies. You can also purchase a subscription to visit the "beauty zone" in the salon, where parents will get massages and beauty treatments.
  • Gift for health we are talking about things that can improve or control the health of parents: visits to specialists, treatment courses, a sanatorium or material gifts: massagers, blood pressure monitors, orthopedic shoes
  • Symbolic gift - we are talking about a gift made of a symbolic material - agate. It can be a small figurine or a box decorated with stones.
  • Video film - creative children will be able to take from a series of photographs or video filming a whole feature film, which will tell about the history of the family until today.
  • Paired t-shirts - An interesting gift for a couple with a sense of humor. Such t-shirts can serve spouses as home clothes or leisure wear.

What to give for a wedding of 36 years to a wife from her husband: gift ideas

  • Earrings with agate - beautiful decoration for every day and for the holiday. Depending on the design, the product can be frilly or modest.
  • Ring with agate - the ring is always symbolic gift for spouses. A ring with an agate insert will bring harmony and love to relationships.
  • Agate beads - a beautiful decoration for a woman "with taste". The symbol of the anniversary will bring good luck to the family and love to the couple.
  • Agate bracelet - like beads, this gift is very symbolic in honor of the anniversary.
  • Pendant with agate – if a woman is very whimsical in her choice of jewelry, a pendant can be a great alternative. It can be hung on a chain as desired.
  • Pendant in the shape of a heartbeautiful gift from a man in love who wants to confess his sincere feelings.
  • Box with agate - This decorative item will decorate your home or become a convenient storage item for your personal belongings.
  • Brooch with agate – a classic piece of jewelry that looks great on older women.

What to give for a wedding of 36 years to a husband from his wife: gift ideas

  • Keychain with agate - personal accessory that you can always carry with you. The symbol of the anniversary must necessarily bring good luck to the person and harmony in the family.
  • Table figurine with agate - a man who regularly works at the table will often be able to observe a symbolic figurine, which will certainly give inspiration, positive and good mood.
  • A table clock - they will also be useful to a business person who, every time he looks at his watch, will remember his beloved wife who gave it to him.
  • Desktop Organizer - this is a special module with a glass for pencils, a calendar holder, stands for books and notebooks.
  • Belt, suspenders, tie (any accessory) - such a gift would be nice if needed. Choose carefully this gift to make sure your man loves it.
  • Book or diary if you will be giving a book, it is important to guess with the type of literature. On the other hand, a notebook and a diary are a good gift in any case.

Beautiful congratulations on the agate wedding of 36 years of friends in poetry and prose

Dear friends! Thank you for inviting me to your humble celebration wedding anniversary. We wish you to live more than one year in a happy family life, to please us with your successes and achievements, sincerity of feelings and devotion.

Our favorite! How bright and clear today is, so joyfully and easily us at heart. We wish you strong love for many years, which, like a blossoming bud, will bloom and smell fragrant, delight in color and incredibly sweet aroma.

Expensive! Today we want to congratulate you on your wedding, which is called be called "agate". Let, like this stone, your life be painted with a riot of colors, be strong and reliable, precious and unique!

You are beautiful today, friends,
Happy and friendly family!
Thanks for inviting me to the party
And they inspired me with their bright feeling!

Sparkling grape wine
Gentle warmth emanates from you,
We are glad to wish you today
Sadness, resentment and sorrow do not know!

Agate wedding on the doorstep
You have walked together more than one road,
Passed happily, proudly and easily,
Find each other very lucky!

The set table and treats are darkness,
We wish you only good and good,
Let life take its confident step,
Your union will not separate life and fear.

We want to raise a glass with you
Shouting “Bitter!” to you, so that the whole hall can hear,
For 36 years you have become big
Beautiful powerful and friendly family!

You have beautiful, kind children,
They are your happiness and the sun that shines.
Live happily, live happily
May your labors not be in vain!

How joyful to look at your couple,
You met once and not without reason,
You started the family
Now everyone in it is happy today!

Around relatives, only the eyes are warm,
Perhaps someone will say "lucky"
But we know that the family is your work,
It is stronger than theories and sciences.

Thank you for your welcome and kindness
What gives your marriage daily,
We are so calm and easy with you,
You are probably the happiest!

Modest agate anniversary
But you are beautiful and today you are happy
We congratulate you with strong love,
May your grandchildren, children, please you regularly!

Beautiful and touching congratulations on an agate wedding of 36 years for parents in verse and prose

The best thing we have in life is our parents! Thank you for kind example and strong love, which was given to us from an early age and with which we went hand in hand through life. You are our happiness, live for many more years, so that we celebrate your anniversaries more than once and rejoice at your feeling!

Thank you parents for inviting us to your anniversary every year. weddings! We are happy to share the table and this event with you. We thank you for the kindness and affection that you gave us and that taught us to be good people. Love each other for many more years, inspire us!

Parents, on your example, we built our own family happiness. Thank you to you, dad and mom, for all the good deeds and words. We wish you to be forever young, live to see a golden and even a diamond wedding! Be joyful, be cheerful, be healthy!

My parents are my example
They instilled in me kindness and faith,
They taught me to love happily
On strong marriage and feelings inspired!

Today is a holiday, even if it is not great,
But your faces glow with happiness,
I so want the holiday to be repeated,
So that year after year you can have fun!

Anniversary with agate sign,
How wonderful to congratulate you!
Once married young
We came to you only to wish you happiness!

We want to share the holiday with you,
Congratulations on a fabulous, good day,
Don't let loneliness touch you
Let life be a sweet dream for you!

Parents have a holiday today -
Anniversary of wedding and love,
Let the whole life be painted with colors,
Let the bright lights shine!

Our strong, happy family -
Symbol of the holiday and this anniversary,
May there be no envy or evil in her,
May all be friendly and united in it!

Agate anniversary for you,
Pleases the radiance of kind eyes,
So I want to live for many more years
In family happiness, do not know evil and troubles!

You taught us parents
Laugh, enjoy life!
Thank you our inspirations
For light, love and good thoughts only!

Accept from us as a gift
Wishes from the heart.
Let life be a sweet fairy tale
And all days will be good!

We have great joy today -
Parents Anniversary!
And you won't find better
Live, family, happily!

Beautiful and touching congratulations on an agate wedding of 36 years for a husband from his wife in verse and prose

My love! Thank you for the support and love! I'm so glad that one day you decided to connect your life with me! You have always been a strong wall to me, behind which I could hide, a big warm heart with which I could warm up!

Expensive! I congratulate you on the "agat" anniversary! Let our marriage be like this as strong as this beautiful stone. I want to wish you great health so that you can please me for many more years to come!

Handsome husband, my dear,
Warm and fun with you!
We are celebrating an anniversary
Friends, children are welcome!

Thank you my dear husband
Because you are golden to me!
I'm behind you, like behind a wall,
You are the best and only mine!

How lucky I am with my husband
What a joy to be with him!
36 good years easily,
They flew by like a moment!

My husband is handsome, smart and kind,
He does not look at me strictly,
He gave me a happy marriage
He loves me with a terrible force!

Thanks for the love blessing
We are close - it's not a coincidence at all,
Heaven brought us together and God introduced us,
All in order to create a family with you!

How dear your look is to my heart,
I will not give you, my love, to anyone!
You are the best friend in the world and you are my companion,
With you, my life has been and will be happy!

Agate Our Anniversary
I came to congratulate you on the holiday of love,
You are my dear and faithful man,
Thank you for brightening my days!

How fun and joyful it is for me to live in the world,
My husband is with me, my grandchildren and children are with me.
And this happiness was given to me by my husband,
He is the best, most faithful friend in the world!

At 36 years of our life
Only good thoughts in my head
With you I found family happiness,
Where my every day is like a fabulous holiday!

We have lived together for 36 good years,
With you, happiness and prosperity have amassed,
During this time we have become similar,
During this time, you have become very important to me!

Beautiful and touching congratulations on an agate wedding of 36 years for a wife from her husband in verse and prose

Darling! Long and fabulous 36 years we live for each other. Thank you, that all this time you remain a joyful ray of light for me, and only for your sake I am ready to try, perform feats, strive forward!

Expensive! Today is the “agate” anniversary on our life calendar weddings. I want to sincerely and warmly congratulate you on this event, wish you good and joyful events in our family life!

Beautiful, beloved wife,
I have loved you so much all these years.
I'm sure you're given to me by God
To give me tenderness and freedom!

You are the joy in my life and support,
You gave me love, dream, hope.
Thank you for being 36 years in a row
It was my well-deserved reward!

I congratulate you on your anniversary
What measures our term of love.
I'll try to be a man for you
That will protect you from longing.

I will try to protect you
And the best support in the world,
Thank you, my life is very beautiful!
Thank you, children make the heart happy!

Before you, I didn't know what it was.
Happiness, joy, family and love.
And now my life is like a sea
What excites blood in my body!

I look at you with all my soul,
You are my muse all these years
I'm so happy next to you
I'm warm and cold!

May everything be fine with you and me
Evil will never touch us.
Let love be sugar, sweet,
It will be warm in the heart and in the body!

You are beautiful, like a bright agate,
You are my soul 36 years old
I gently catch your every glance,
You give me your tender trace!

Thank you my faithful
What so many good years
You lived only for me
Gave happiness and love to me light!

Thank you dear,
That you could make me happy.
I'm ready to move all mountains for you
I am ready for you to believe in family and happiness!

Funny congratulations on the agate wedding 36 years old, congratulations for SMS, short congratulations

We lived together like an eternity
They gave each other happiness infinity,
Let happiness shine like a radiant sun,
Let our love be bright and pure!

We want to congratulate you today
Wish you prosperity, love,
May you be all right
We wish you only the best!

Whatever one may say, you are happy!
Today are kind, beautiful,
All because you celebrate
You are the love that is very strong!

You have great happiness
Which gives today's holiday,
Thank you our beloved people
We will remember your loyalty!

Few people know how beautiful agate is,
Today he is your amulet from trouble,
May he protect you for many years in a row,
Gives a dream come true!

Your marriage smells like a bouquet
Beautiful rich color roses.
May he rejoice for many, many years,
Let it give you the feeling of summer!

Like a beautiful fairy stone
Your marriage shines and pleases the eye.
Let there be no separation between you,
Let it be happy, gentle, wonderful!

You won't look at you without a smile:
You are sweet, kind, joyful.
Let the children give you only joy,
And you will never be sad!

You have beautiful children and grandchildren,
They are the merit of your family.
Let marriage not be touched by sadness and separation,
May you have lots of love!

Smile, spouses, happily,
May everything be fine with you.
Your marriage is joyful, strong, beautiful,
Let it be easy for you in the future!

Video: “Video congratulations on an agate wedding to a married couple”