Gifts for the fourth anniversary: ​​what to give for a linen wedding? All wedding anniversaries. What is the name of the wedding and what to give

You have been together for 4 years, your wedding is linen,
Silver ahead and even gold.
But it is linen, and everyone knows this,
Makes a family stronger by tying spouses closely!

So let your union be stronger than linen fabric.
Happiness, joy and love always be with you.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you prosperity.
Let your life bloom like flax, and everything will be smooth in it!

You have an anniversary today -
Linen wedding "came" to you.
We sincerely wish you
Love for many years!

4 years is a short time
But for the family - the most important thing,
After all, he checked your feelings,
And feelings like "nothing".

We wish you a strong family:
Without quarrels, and fights, and tears, let
Your days are like a honeymoon
Pass, life will be sweet.

Today you have a linen wedding. And flax is a symbol of relationships that have already been established. Therefore, I want to wish you that the family grows stronger every day. Keep faith and devotion to each other. Let love be pure like linen, and life be as soft and light as this fabric! Happy anniversary to you!

Four years is a long time
The family is in order. Congratulations!
Love you sincere and true,
To always be an example to others.

Go both - only uphill,
Linen thread - do not break.
More happiness, less quarrels for you,
And more hugs!

Four years together - incentive
Much longer to be together.
Easy to wish and beautiful
Bring your boards to life!

Linen wedding - achievement,
And in it love is your main prize.
Fate will give a surprise.

Patience to you unearthly!
And keep the happiness in marriage.
Wealth, money - a lot, a lot.
Dream, hope, love!

Linen wedding celebrating
Strengthen love with smiles,
We sincerely congratulate you
May everything that you so desire
It will soon come true, and happiness
On the wings of joy will rush,
Fun will knock on you
Sadness - forever dissolved!
Quarrels will not be familiar to you,
But wonderful moments
After all, together - you will move mountains,
Have a great mood!

Linen wedding - fret four years.
Let the feelings only grow stronger every year!
Let the weather be warm in the house,
You did not know that sorrows, adversities!

I wish you family prosperity
You did not know the need for anything.
May your life be sweet like honey
Know that happiness is the two of you!

4 years after combination
The linen wedding is coming.
And then this realization came to you,
That is now the fourth year.

And today is a beautiful holiday.
May joy fill your hearts
And they sound distinct and clear
Love is a wonderful voice without end.

May the joint path be forever bright,
And happiness sits at the table
You will always be interesting together
Blessed and strong will be the house.

Four years ... a long time
Were you able to get through...
Congratulating you on this date,
Greetings sincere helmet.

The linen wedding has arrived!
Accept congratulations to her:
May good luck await you ahead
And many good, bright days!

Linen as a symbol of purity
Protects your union today
From anger, various squabbles and fuss.
But the strength of marriage bonds does not depend
From time to time and different anniversaries.
And it's not hard for us to remind again:
There is only one secret of harmony in the family,
And he is known to everyone - this is love!
We wish you love for all years.
The last four are just training.
You will always be happy together
Live brightly, cheerfully and cleverly!

Flax bloomed blue
Your union has found love.
Year after year flew by
And in spite of any adversity
You have become even wiser
Kinder and kinder.
We wish you
Divide everything.
Joy, happiness and success
Let them come without interference.

4 years have passed since the date of the marriage, the young spouses have already got used to each other, they saw not only advantages, but also disadvantages, a three-year critical period has passed, but they still remain together. And this is worth noting, because according to statistics, not many families overcome the four-year threshold of living together - in the first 4 years, about 40% of all marriages break up in Russia. How to congratulate a married couple on their wedding anniversary - 4 years is a long time, and surely on this day you want to present something special to them?

linen wedding

The four-year anniversary is popularly considered a linen wedding. The symbolism is clear - the relationship of the spouses to this day is already quite strong and durable, like linen fabric is strong and durable, and there is every chance that the marriage will be durable.

In the old days, there was such a tradition: the wife had to sew a sheet from linen fabric woven with her own hands, decorate it with embroidery and lace, and then this sheet was laid for the spouses precisely on the fourth anniversary of marriage. Such underwear became a relic, and it was cherished for a lifetime. And if you are a happy wife and are thinking about the approaching wedding anniversary of 4 years, what to give yourself on such a day, why not take advantage of this idea and purchase beautiful linen bedding?

The wedding table on the day of the linen wedding should also be cleaned with a linen tablecloth and decorated with wax candles, which were most often brought as a gift by guests.

Gifts and congratulations for a linen wedding

If the spouses decide to celebrate 4 years from the date of their marriage with friends and relatives, then the latter have a difficult question: “what to give for this celebration?”. It should be some kind of special gift, symbolizing reliability, trust and love, which over these four years have already overcome many obstacles in the way of a young family. Usually for this wedding anniversary it is customary to present:

  • wickerwork: all kinds of baskets, caskets, frames, vases;
  • macrame souvenirs;
  • bed linen, tablecloths, napkins, or even linen curtains. Linen bedspreads and towels are also suitable;
  • small bouquets of flax or flowering flax in a pot - they are sometimes found in flower shops;
  • any candles, but always cast from wax, since another name for a linen wedding is wax. Wax is a symbol of the flexibility of relationships and the basis of family well-being.
  • paintings painted on canvas; embroidery or tapestry.

How to congratulate the happy couple?

Yes, it is not easy to decide on gifts for guests invited to a 4-year wedding anniversary - gifts for young spouses should not only be pleasant and useful, but also symbolic. But as you can see, there are a lot of ideas for presents for the four-year anniversary, and any of them will remain an excellent memory for a lifetime. However, if the problem with the offering is easily solved, then it is somewhat more difficult to organize a real holiday that would remain in the memory. Here are just a few examples of congratulations:

You can perform rituals similar to those adopted by our ancestors on the day of the 4th anniversary of family life. For example, this: a husband and wife are seated on chairs and their hands and feet are tightly tied with ropes. The task of the spouses is to get out of these bonds. If they fail to do this, then their love is strong, and their married life will be long and prosperous.

Another rite that can be offered for the holiday is the showering of spouses with flaxseeds and sweets, which also symbolizes the reliability and fidelity of marriage.

It is best if loved ones come up with a whole scenario for the holiday, where you can use a variety of rituals and competitions and involve not only the spouses themselves, but also all the guests. Then surely this celebration will remain in memory!

Wedding anniversaries 4 years - what to give spouses to each other?

An important question that a wife must decide for herself is: how to congratulate her husband on the day of the celebration? Since, according to tradition, the spouse should wear a linen shirt on this day, the way out will be to give him some linen items. If such a gift does not seem too original, you can deviate from traditions and present something related to the hobbies of the faithful. For example, if he likes hunting - to present a new gun with an engraving, likes beer - a good beer glass with a commemorative inscription, an avid motorist - a solid braid on the steering wheel with his wife's initials.

The husband, for his part, should also think about how he can please his beloved. For example, he can also give her beautiful clothes made of linen, because in the old days the wife had to meet the linen wedding in a richly embroidered linen sundress.

A pleasant surprise for the wife will be small figurines made of flax stems made by the husband for the anniversary. They should stand on the festive table, and then be stored until the next anniversary, where the spouses will solemnly burn them.

An even better gift would be a romantic evening by candlelight, which, if desired, can be spent together at home or in a cozy restaurant. An unusual surprise will be bed linen decorated with photographs of a married couple or a new album with the best photographs over the past four years of marriage. And if each photo in the album is accompanied by a playful inscription, you get a cheerful congratulation that your beloved woman will surely like.

Liana Raymanova

The fourth wedding anniversary was nicknamed linen not by chance, but for the similarity of the relationship of the spouses with some properties of flax. This fabric is wear-resistant and durable, as well as strengthened feelings between the heroes of the occasion. The fourth anniversary is sometimes called the wax anniversary.

There is a tradition to present gifts for a wedding anniversary from a material that serves as a symbol of the holiday: for a chintz wedding - things from chintz, for paper - from paper, for leather - from leather. For a 4-year wedding, you can give your wife things made of linen or wax.

Regardless of the chosen present, the wife should be presented with a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers.

Otherwise, there are no restrictions: you can give your wife linen items for a linen wedding anniversary, and any other items, and even no items at all.

Tribute to traditions: linen and wax, gifts made from these materials

Linen is a beautiful fabric with good performance characteristics. It is durable, wear-resistant, pleasant to the touch. That's why one of the best gift options on the fourth anniversary, linen clothing is considered.

A spouse can be pleased with a dress, a sundress, a blouse, a T-shirt, a skirt, trousers. To make the gift a useful addition to her wardrobe, it is important to choose the right size. A good helper in this matter will be the clothes that the wife already has. You can secretly "borrow" a dress that fits her figure perfectly and take it with you as a sample.

There are other items made of linen that you can pleasantly surprise your spouse with: comfortable bed linen, a fashionable mobile phone case, a beautiful summer handbag.

It is also customary to exchange handkerchiefs made of symbolic material for a wedding. If the wife is sentimental, then she will surely be delighted with a large soft toy made of linen.

wax gifts for a linen wedding is also very relevant. Most often, husbands present candles to their wives and do not go wrong with the choice. Numerous variations are possible here: a set of scented candles, handmade figured candles, one large candle with a beautiful candlestick, a romantic dinner with “wax lighting”. Any wax souvenir is fine, but candles remain the preferred option due to their ability to create a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

The material symbolizing the anniversary does not have to be used as the main one, it can only serve as a wrapper. An actual gift will be an album with joint photographs, which has a beautiful linen cover. You can give your wife any thing for 4 years of marriage, but it is advisable to wrap it in linen.

What to please your spouse - gifts that women like to receive!

Friends and relatives can get by with bedding sets, curtains, tablecloths and other banal household gifts. Husbands don't have that luxury. A gift for a woman you love should be personal, perhaps even a little intimate. After all, with this thing, the husband demonstrates his attentiveness. If he is well aware of the needs and preferences of his wife, he will be able to choose an original gift for his wife on the 4th linen wedding anniversary.

Almost every woman wants to look good for her husband and at least sometimes feel like a real beauty. Therefore, cosmetics have been one of the most popular gifts for the fair sex for many years. It can be difficult for men to navigate beauty products, so when choosing a gift, you can enlist the support of your mother, sister or colleague.

A high-quality perfume is also considered one of the best gifts for a woman, but here it is important not to miscalculate with a choice.

To find a good fragrance that your wife will like, it is permissible to use a little trick.

Many women's magazines and beauty catalogs have scented sample pages. You can casually give your wife a sniff of a few options, “out of boredom” flipping through the catalog. But you need to use this method in advance, at least a few weeks before the cherished date. If you offer your wife samples two days before the holiday, she will definitely guess everything.

You can surprise your wife on the 4th wedding anniversary by organizing a candlelit dinner in a restaurant or an expensive cafe. It is important not to overdo it with the surprise effect: give the wife enough time to get ready, communicate the dress code and make sure she has no other urgent business at the scheduled time. . If at least one of these conditions is not met, the event, which was conceived as a romantic dinner, will turn into a real disaster.

DIY gift ideas for the wife for the fourth year from the wedding day

Handmade things are charged with the most positive energy, because a person invests in them piece of soul at creation. If you are skilled in any craft and are able to create a truly beautiful thing, then you can present it as the main gift. Examples of such gifts are jewelry, caskets with an unusual design, exquisite figurines.

Gold bracelet with amethysts, SL(price link)

If your skills are far from professional, then it is better to hand over a hand-made item as an addition to the main gift. There are even more options in this category:

  • postcard;
  • photo collage;
  • thematic video;
  • craft;
  • cake or other culinary masterpiece;
  • souvenir.

Creatively gifted husbands indulge their beloved with poems and songs of their own composition, paint their portraits on canvas. Practical men prefer to give material things. To get a clear guide to the creation of a particular item, you can sign up for a master class: soap making, pottery, artistic carving, etc. Another option is to find a video lesson on the Internet on a topic of interest.

What you can do with your own hands as a gift for your wife for 4 years of marriage

Remember that giving your wife a good gift for a linen wedding anniversary is not enough - you need it add appropriate behavior. Compliment your spouse, show attention, be courteous and romantic. In this case, the anniversary day will become one of the most pleasant memories of your lady of the heart.

January 30, 2018, 23:49

4 years is not such a long time for family life, but it was during this time that the spouses had already managed to get used to each other, learn the habits of the second half, and even come to terms with shortcomings. During this time, mutual affection has become so strong that life without each other is no longer imagined. The husband and wife seemed to be tied to each other - that's why this wedding is called "rope". Its second name is “linen”, because flax ropes have been considered the strongest since ancient times.

It is better to celebrate the fourth anniversary with the closest relatives and friends. Lush celebrations are not organized on this occasion, but it is desirable to adhere to some traditions. In the old days, a young housewife sewed a festive linen shirt for her husband, and a sundress for herself. The outfits were generously decorated with embroidery. Today, it is quite enough to buy things made of linen and put them on to celebrate a linen wedding. It is not customary to celebrate this wedding in a cafe or restaurant. It is better to organize it at home, especially since the couple may already have a baby who will find it difficult to be in a public place. The baby can also wear a beautiful linen shirt.

Cover the festive table with a linen tablecloth, and if there is none, then put a linen napkin for each guest near the appliances. On the table on this day should be dishes prepared by the young hostess herself. If the anniversary falls in the summer months, then it would be nice to decorate the room with wild flowers, especially bunches of flowering flax. If the wedding takes place in the cold season, then you can make artificial flowers from linen. As gifts for a married couple, guests should bring good-quality linen textiles: bed linen, towels, curtains for the kitchen, tablecloths and napkins. In response, the hostess can also give guests cute, pleasant handmade souvenirs. For example, linen sachets filled with dried aromatic herbs.

And let the linen wedding celebrations not be as magnificent as we would like, but the couple still has many, many wonderful anniversaries ahead. And some of them, on the contrary, are celebrated widely and on a grand scale. Good and kind family life to you!

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 29 minutes


  • (wedding day)
  • (married couple 1 year)
  • (2 years of married life)
  • (3 years of marriage)
  • (4 years married couple)
  • (5 years of married life)
  • (6 years of marriage)
  • (6.5 years of married life)
  • (7 years married couple)
  • (8 years of marriage)
  • (9 years of marriage)
  • (10 years of marriage)
  • (11 years of marriage)
  • (12-12.5 years of marriage)
  • (13 years of marriage)
  • (14 years of marriage)
  • (15 years of married life)
  • (18 years of marriage)
  • (20 years of marriage)
  • (25 years of marriage)
  • (30 years of marriage)
  • (35 years of married life)
  • (40 years of marriage)
  • (45 years married couple)
  • (50 years of cohabitation)
  • (55 years of marriage)
  • (60 years of marriage)

Together with the main gift, the newlyweds should give a small tree or a flower in a pot as a symbol of comfort, freshness, purity. On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds can plant a family tree .

1 year - print or gauze wedding. What is customary to give?

In the first year young getting used to each other his first household . Couple's feelings at the end of the first year of marriage undergoing a lot of testing , and everyday life and everyday problems can already overshadow the happy coexistence of partners. The name of this anniversary is not accidental - gauze or chintz - very thin fabrics that capable of breaking even at the slightest strain . Friends and family congratulate the couple, wishing them happiness, peace and love.

Spouses themselves can give each other for this anniversary cotton handkerchiefs . Relatives, friends can give a couple new bedding sets, handkerchiefs, towels, chintz embroidered napkins, chintz cuts for diapers, aprons, window curtains, tablecloths .

2 years - paper or glass wedding. What to give for a paper wedding?

Ordinary paper and glass are very fragile materials that can easily break or tear from rough handling. A marriage that is only two years old is also subjected to various life tests , which can also undermine stability, cause quarrels and misunderstandings in a couple.

So that the family does not run out of paper, and it can be torn without fear, friends and relatives give young people books, photo albums, calendars . Can be given small pieces of furniture and plastic products for the home, glass glasses, crystal vases, decanters, glass teapot . Close people on this anniversary can donate paper money, lottery tickets .

3 years - leather wedding. What do you give for a leather wedding?

When the family experience of the spouses reached three years, they begin to understand each other , literally skin - hence the name of this anniversary. Leather is a flexible, soft, but very elastic material that is much stronger than paper. The first trials of the family are overcome , spouses can boast of extensive experience in managing family affairs.

On a leather anniversary, spouses can give each other leather gifts - purse, belt, shoes. Parents can give couple upholstered furniture - sofas, armchairs, and guests give gifts, symbolizing prosperity and strong family foundations - leather wallets, key holders, leather bookbindings, leather panels, gloves, key chains, belts And. Of particular importance is a leather suitcase as a gift - it's time for a couple to think about a new romantic trip.

4 years - linen or wax wedding. What do they give for a linen wedding?

Linen, wax wedding - four years have passed from the date of marriage. The name of this anniversary symbolizes the materials that are very important in the household, serve as an indicator of family security, stability, prosperity and comfort, successful investment in strong things for the home . On the linen anniversary, a linen tablecloth, linen napkins should be laid on the table, and a linen sheet should be laid on the matrimonial bed.

This anniversary gifts will be appropriate - linen tablecloths, linen bedding sets, linen embroidered napkins, bedspreads, towels. You can also donate aprons, shirts, wax candles, weaving and decorative macrame crafts .

5 years - wooden wedding. What to give for a wooden wedding?

Wooden wedding anniversary symbolizes the strength, unsinkability of family relationships . Five years - first anniversary th, a rather impressive period of cohabitation, during which the spouses literally grow heart to each other.

Since the symbol of this anniversary is a tree, for the celebration give various wooden objects for further arrangement of the economy and decoration of housing - wooden boxes, wicker baskets and chairs, wooden crockery and kitchen utensils, wooden furniture, wooden spoons and mugs, wooden pendants and bracelets . Husband can give a set of tools for woodcarving.

6 years - a cast-iron wedding. What do they give for a cast-iron wedding?

This is a very significant date, the first metal in the relationship of the spouses. He is still quite fragile, and you can’t call him precious, but still he knows how to resist the adversity of the outside world than a tree. This is family again, its stability. Cast iron is easy to cast, but holds any shape well.

On this day, the couple will be glad to receive crockery and cast iron - grates for a fireplace, locks for doors. Sports dumbbells can also be presented to a husband and wife who are fond of sports.

6.5 years - zinc wedding. Zinc Wedding Gifts

This is a very strange anniversary that symbolizes holiday on weekdays . On this day, the couple gathers guests. Since the celebration is usually accompanied by jokes, practical jokes, young people can be pompously presented galvanized buckets for the household.

7 years - copper wedding. Copper Wedding Gifts

Seven is a lucky number, and the seventh, copper, marriage anniversary is usually celebrated especially solemnly . Copper is a very strong and important metal. It is not precious, but already has a much higher value than cast iron. Spouses everything is ahead , they can melt relationships and give them any shape, but these relationships are already strong, they cannot be broken or split.

Spouses give each other copper coins, copper jewelry . Friends and family give the couple copper utensils, belts with copper buckles, candlesticks, copper basins, spoons, trays, a copper horseshoe .

8 years - a tin wedding. What to give for a tin wedding

For this anniversary family becomes solid , in it there is already prosperity and children. Spouses understand each other well. But by this time, the relationship between partners may become mundane and they need an update, which symbolizes the brilliance from the new tin.

For this anniversary give sweets, tea, coffee in tin boxes, trays, kitchen utensils, baking sheets . Also for the eight year anniversary donate any electrical appliances for home, home furnishings, furniture, home renovation .

9 years - Faience (chamomile) wedding. What to give for a faience wedding

Summer chamomile flower symbolizes flourishing marital relationship , love, warmth, divination for love. Faience is a very warm, homely material, but it is extremely fragile. During this period, the relationship of the spouses can be fiduciary , cozy and very warm, like a faience cup filled with tea, and can easily break if you forget about respect for each other.

Of course, gifts will be appropriate for this anniversary - dishes, vases, sets made of crystal, earthenware or porcelain .

10 years - a pink or pewter wedding. tin wedding gifts

This one first round anniversary matrimony is symbolized by roses, the flowers of everlasting love. The color of this event is pink and red, which means triumph, victory, optimism. Tin is also a symbol of this event, because tin is easy to melt, it takes the desired shape, it is a soft metal. Tin has a high cost and is very useful in the household - with its help you can repair, solder all the cracks in obsolete things, giving them a new life. Spouses strew the bed with rose petals, carry a tin spoon in their bosoms, and fried or baked poultry is served on the table.

On the tenth anniversary of their marriage, the couple calls the guests who attended their wedding to the house. Can donate bottled red wine, bouquets of roses, souvenirs and pewter kitchen utensils, as well as any household items, red or pink bedding sets .

11 years - steel wedding. What do they give for a steel wedding?

The partners have been together for 11 years, another holiday is coming - the steel anniversary of their marriage. Steel is a very durable metal that is not susceptible to damage, it symbolizes strength of relationship , inviolability of family foundations, stability. Steel can be black metal, but if it is processed correctly, it acquires a mirror shine and looks like silver. Steel can be hardened, and then it is not afraid of even the elements of fire or icy cold.

Spouses celebrating their eleventh wedding anniversary should preferably give jewelry, dishes, household utensils from steel - pans, trays, cutlery. It should be remembered that do not give sharp cutting objects for an anniversary .

12 or 12.5 years - a nickel wedding. What to gift?

The anniversary is usually celebrated at 12.5 years from the date of marriage. But sometimes this celebration is celebrated at 12 years of marriage. An incomplete anniversary has a subtle meaning - it is always celebrated in a very close circle. On this day, partners can visit the registry office where they signed, the church where they got married, the places where they made dates, or a meeting cafe. The nickel has a shine, it reminds the couple that from time to time need to renew, refresh relations .

On this date, spouses can give nickel-plated dishes, candlesticks, chandeliers, nickel lighters, earrings, rings, bracelets .

13 years - a lace or lily-of-the-valley wedding. Present.

13 is not at all an unlucky number for a couple who has such a long history of living together. This anniversary has sophisticated and very tender symbols of love - lilies of the valley and lace. These symbols mean beauty and fragility of the relationship of spouses , remind them that relationships need to be protected.

Husband usually give your wife lace underwear, a negligee with lace . Relatives and friends of this couple give on the thirteenth wedding anniversary napkins, bed linen with lace, tablecloths, knitted scarves - openwork of fine wool, bouquets of lilies of the valley.

14 years old - agate wedding. Gifts for an agate wedding.

This is the first semi-precious stone in the life of this family, meaning loyalty, love, understanding . Spouses must tell the most secret to each other, so that there are no secrets in the pair.

Spouses can give each other beautiful jewelry with agate - it can be beads, rings, cufflinks, a hairpin for a tie. Guests can also gift both spouses jewelry with agate, but you can also present a beautiful wooden box for all these jewelry.

15 years - a crystal or glass wedding. What do they give for a crystal wedding?

Crystal or glass symbolizes the clarity of the relationship of the spouses who have come to this anniversary.

You can give spouses dishes made of glass, crystal, products with Swarovski crystals . At the end of the feast according to tradition breaking a glass or crystal goblet .

18 years - turquoise wedding. What to gift?

Often this anniversary of marriage coincides with the year when the first-born in the family becomes an adult. Turquoise means the end of crises, a new light in the relationship of spouses. For a turquoise wedding, gifts are given to both spouses and the eldest child in the family; gifts should have turquoise details .

20 years - porcelain wedding. Present.

The twentieth anniversary of marriage has a symbol - porcelain. It is more expensive than ordinary glass, but just as delicate and fragile.

Suitable as a gift for spouses porcelain services, crockery, figurines .

25 years - silver wedding. What to give for a silver wedding?

A quarter of a century the spouses have been together, so the symbol of the anniversary is the first precious metal. On this day, partners present each other with silver rings, putting them on the middle finger of their right hand.

For the 25th anniversary of the spouses give things made of silver, jewelry, spoons, dishes, "anniversary" silver coins.

30 years - pearl wedding. What do you get for a pearl wedding anniversary?

The symbol of the 30th anniversary of marriage is pearl, which is a "living" stone and has the ability to grow. Pearls symbolize the strength, the perfection of the relationship of the spouses, as well as the years strung on a common fate.

Husband gives pearl beads for wife (30 pearls). Friends and family can give a couple household items, white, black, pink jewelry, mother-of-pearl boxes, souvenirs and jewelry, products with pearls and "pearl-like".

35 years - coral wedding. Present.

Corals (coral reefs) symbolize the many days that the spouses have already lived together. The red color of corals means love and mutual understanding in the family.

For the anniversary of the spouses give jewelry and souvenirs from corals, red aged wine, things and flowers of red color . The husband presents his wife with a bouquet of 35 red roses.

40 years - ruby ​​wedding. What to give for a ruby ​​wedding?

This is another loud marriage anniversary symbolized by the gemstone ruby. Spouses are so rooted in hearts to each other that they became "blood". The ruby ​​is very hard, and a couple that celebrates a ruby ​​anniversary cannot be broken.

Ruby anniversary gifts, of course, should be jewelry with a ruby, as well as products for the home in red, or with a pattern in the form of rowan clusters.

45 years - a sapphire wedding. Present.

Spouses who have lived together for 45 years usually celebrate this celebration with very close people, in a close circle. Sapphire is a precious stone that symbolizes purity of relationship two people, preserved love and loyalty to each other. As a rule, for this anniversary of the spouse adorn their wedding rings with stones - sapphires . This stone has the ability to eliminate stress and bad mood, which is very important for elderly spouses. Gifts for this anniversary can be anything - the main thing is that from the heart.

50 years is a golden wedding. What to give for a golden wedding?

On this glorious anniversary, there is a special tradition when spouses give their wedding rings to their grandchildren, who are not yet married, but themselves exchange new, specially purchased wedding rings . Gold is a precious and noble metal that symbolizes the high quality of feelings and relationships of spouses, the special high value of their love. On this date, real weddings are held, with a ceremony of new registration in the registry office.

Golden wedding gifts jewelry made of gold, as well as souvenirs, pieces of furniture with gilding.

55 years - emerald wedding. Present.

The symbol of this anniversary is the emerald, which represents eternity, incorruptibility, longevity, good health, maturity and wisdom.

It is necessary to give for an emerald wedding jewelry with emeralds, as well as products and souvenirs of emerald color .

60 years - a diamond or platinum wedding. What is customary to give?

The significance of this celebration lies in the very name of the anniversary. Diamond is the most expensive gemstone, platinum is the most expensive precious metal. If the spouses celebrate this anniversary, all their lives they went hand in hand , survived all the difficult times, having accumulated wisdom and experience.

On the platinum anniversary, you can give anything - the main thing is that the gift should be from the heart. It is customary to organize this celebration in the spirit of the time of their wedding, treat them with their favorite dishes, organize a concert for them from songs from the times of their youth.

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