What to give a boy 11. What to give a boy for his birthday? We give pleasant emotions and impressions

Sometimes it is difficult to decide on the task of what to give a boy for 11 years. If you find yourself in this situation, our selection of mega 11th birthday gift ideas for your teen is just for you!

Why are there difficulties in deciding what to give a child to a boy for 11 years? At this age, yesterday's little boy is changing before our eyes. He is growing rapidly, the boy's muscles are growing and getting stronger, and his voice is increasingly giving false notes and coarsening. The boy becomes a teenager.

Externally noticeable changes also cause psychological instability of the boy. He can break loose, be rude.

This is because the processes of excitation begin to predominate in the nervous system of a teenager and it is difficult for him to cope with them. Changes in appearance and behavior are associated with changes in the hormonal background of the child.

During this period, it seems to adults that the teenager is moving away from them. They do not recognize their own son, grandson or nephew.

This is how parental confusion sets in and in the question of what can be given to a boy for 11 years. Don't worry! Your child still loves you, although he asks for more independence with defiant actions.

Show that you value your relationship with the boy as much as before. How? Choose one of the cool surprises from our list for a boy's 11th birthday!

TOP 86 ideas What you can give a boy for 11 years

  1. Magnetic bracelet for smartphone.
  2. USB vacuum cleaner for desktop.
  3. Electric bycicle.
  4. A projection keyboard and a vertical computer mouse that will help the boy avoid hand and eye health problems.
  5. Board games: Monopoly, Jenga, chess, backgammon and others. They require the inclusion of other players in the process.
  6. Gaming computer chair.
  7. Finger drum set.
  8. 3D pen with LCD display.
  9. Balanceboard.
  10. Wireless headphones.
  11. Game steering wheel.
  12. Electronic, wooden, magnetic or polygonal constructor.
  13. Interactive pet - the idea of ​​what to give a boy for another 11 years to understand whether he is ready to take care of a real puppy or kitten.
  14. Scratch map of the world.
  15. Hanging track car.
  16. Collectible model of a ship, aircraft or car.
  17. Removable rollers for shoes.
  18. Children's circle for swimming in the form of a wheel.
  19. Game console.
  20. Crossbow or bow with arrows.
  21. The illuminated Hover Ball is a great idea what to give a boy for 11 years to a football player so that he can train at home.
  22. Regular football, volleyball or basketball.
  23. Magician's suitcase.
  24. Microphone for studio recording.
  25. Microscope.
  26. Bed set with print. For example, with a 3D image of a knight's armor or a superhero costume.
  27. A kit for conducting experiments and experiments (for example, a kit for growing crystals).
  28. Portable music speaker.
  29. An electronic firefly in a jar or a lava lamp.
  30. Gamepad.
  31. Wrist MP3 player.
  32. Wood burning kit.
  33. Glasses with a built-in video camera.
  34. Grab toy.
  35. Apparatus for making popcorn or cotton candy.
  36. DJ mixing console.
  37. LED disco lamp
  38. Magic ball of predictions.
  39. Portable printer.
  40. Acoustic guitar, drums, ukulele, harmonica or other musical instrument.
  41. A set of interesting puzzles.
  42. Set for self-creation of robots.
  43. Roller, regular ice or hockey skates.
  44. Stormglass (meteorological instrument, weather forecaster).
  45. Prefabricated dumbbells.
  46. Antigravity machine.
  47. Phone case with charger function.
  48. Spy set.
  49. Racing diving boat.
  50. Desktop punching bag.
  51. Sound system or projector for smartphone.
  52. Virtual reality glasses.
  53. Starry sky projector or home planetarium.
  54. Gyro scooter, mini segway or electric scooter (electric vehicles).
  55. Skateboard, waveboard, longboard or snowboard.
  56. Penny board.
  57. Electronic piggy bank.
  58. T-shirt with an equalizer that glows to the beat of the music.
  59. Bluetooth hat - with its help you can listen to music without using headphones.
  60. Table football or hockey.
  61. Encyclopedia dedicated to the boy's hobby - cities and countries, weapons, cars, science.
  62. Aqua farm - an aquarium with a fish and a tree (you feed the pet, its waste feeds the tree, which, in turn, fills the water with oxygen).
  63. Jumpers (device for jumping).
  64. EBook.
  65. External battery for charging gadgets.
  66. Set for darts on magnets.
  67. Monopod, cell phone tripod or selfie stick.
  68. Swedish wall.
  69. Flying or running away alarm clock.
  70. Tablet for drawing with water or sand.
  71. USB aquarium.
  72. A set for self-growing a tree.
  73. Toy water or snow blaster.
  74. Youth backpack with built-in speakers.
  75. Quadcopter with aerial photography function.
  76. Instant camera.
  77. spyglass or telescope.
  78. Metal detector.
  79. Globe with illumination.
  80. Game joystick for smartphone.
  81. Indoor basketball (ball and hoop that can be hung on a wall or door).
  82. Flying saucer, boomerang or kite.
  83. Luminous laces or sneakers.
  84. Night-vision device.
  85. Children's smart watch.
  86. Children's radio.

Original gifts for a guy for 11 years

An 11th birthday present for a relative should be entertaining. Boys of this age, unlike girls, are still enthusiastically collecting interesting toys.

Choose a gift that is new to the birthday person.

For example, such a gift could be:

Rubik's ball. The teenager must have collected the cube more than once. Let him try to master a new puzzle.

Radio-controlled helicopter. What guy would turn down a radio controlled toy? The boy will devote more than one hour of his free time to this toy!

Trampoline. The mini-format of your favorite attraction will now always be a step for the hero of the occasion. It will bring him and his friends a lot of positive emotions, and will also develop their vestibular apparatus.

Ant farm. Watching how little insects build their lives is amusing. Especially at the age of 11, when the whole world is still full of unknown miracles.

Pen with scanner function. You no longer have to rewrite important information from notebook to notebook! One movement - and the pen has already digitized all the data from the sheet!

A couple more interesting ideas of what to give a teenage boy for 11 years

Choosing a gift for your son is a responsible mission. In order not to knock it down, use the options for win-win offerings. Here they are:

Action camera. Perhaps the hero of the occasion will not become a blogger, but this device will help him create many videos about his childhood as a keepsake.

lego technical. Models of cars and equipment of this manufacturer look very realistic. Even the older brother will be asked to participate in games for the birthday boy!

Trainer "Grasshopper". With such a pogo stick, a teenager will become the most popular boy in the yard. And, of course, with this device there will simply be no time to get bored or sit up at the computer.

DIY gifts for 11 years old boy

Choosing a present for a classmate is an important matter. When you want to present something unique, there is also a way out.

Swap store-bought items for hand-crafted items! So you can present to a friend:

  • Diary handmade.
  • Flash drive.
  • Plaid.
  • A basket for small things or toys made of jute or knitted yarn.
  • Wall organizer.
  • Hat and scarf handmade.
  • Handmade soap.
  • Decorative pillow.
  • Squishy toy.
  • Thread picture.

Mars portrait

For work you will need:

  • sheet metal;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • vinyl paper;
  • spray bottle;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • paper towels;
  • clear varnish in a bottle;
  • transparent or other stencil paper.


  1. Cut a piece of metal into a square shape.
  2. Clean it with hydrochloric acid.
  3. Cut out the mask from vinyl paper. Glue to the cut piece.
  4. Pour hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. Put it on the iron sheet.
  5. Leave for a few minutes. Remove excess liquid with paper towels.
  6. Remove the vinyl mask.
  7. Cover the rusty circle with several coats of varnish from a spray can.
  8. Enclose a picture in a frame or apply a portrait to paper using screen printing.

desktop garden

For work you will need:

  • cactus or succulent;
  • fine sand for a terrarium or aquarium;
  • kapron sock;
  • a transparent bowl or other container;
  • soil for succulents (optional).


  1. Put the soil for the succulent in a nylon sock, plant a plant there. Tie the sock.
  2. Place the sock with the plant in the bowl and sprinkle with sand.
  3. The surface can be decorated with patterns. Use toothpicks, miniature rakes or other tools for this.

Tips: How to choose the best gifts for a teenager on his 11th birthday

Tips and recommendations on how best to choose a gift for your grandson, it is important to discuss with the parents of the birthday man. We will recall the main points that close people often forget or lose sight of when they choose a gift for a boy for 11 years.

  1. Determine the budget for the gift. In addition, it is important not to go beyond its limits by more than a few hundred rubles. Too expensive a surprise will put parents in a binding position in front of you, and too cheap a souvenir will upset the boy.
  2. Start shopping early. Immediately after the invitation to the celebration or before it, make a list of ideas that you can give the boy within your budget. If you have time, you can order gifts in online stores, which often offer good discounts or the best prices for goods.
  3. Choose quality items. Presenting an item for a birthday that will not last long due to low quality is ugly and short-sighted. The birthday boy will lose all trust in you.
  4. Ask the birthday boy. There are things that a child dreams of for a long time. At 10-11 years old, boys and girls can talk about the desired toy for hours. Take advantage of this and give the children what they have been dreaming about for so long!
  5. Choose what the birthday person likes. Birthday is meant to bring joy, right?
  6. unite. When you want to give an expensive gift to a birthday man, talk about it with other guests invited to the holiday. Perhaps you will give a valuable thing in a clubbing? This will save both parents from embarrassment, and the boy from another unnecessary toy.
  7. Get ready! Even the most long-awaited item will not bring joy to the hero of the occasion if it is carelessly packaged. In a box, tied with a ribbon or even a coarse thread, the gift has every chance to protect itself from street dust, dirt and retain its attractive appearance.
  8. Make a game out of giving a gift. Let the boy and his friends complete some fun tasks to “buy back” the surprise box from you.
  9. Congratulations words. Include a card with your signature in the gift box. When presenting the offering, do not forget to congratulate the birthday man and say why you sincerely appreciate him.
  10. Do not ask persistently whether the birthday person liked your offering. It is not customary to do this so as not to distract the boy from other guests. He himself will thank you in a few days, when he will appreciate your gift.

What is better not to give a boy for 11 years

When choosing a surprise for a nephew among hundreds of options, you can forget that some items cannot be given to him. We will remind you what is included in the TOP list of gifts that are better not to give a boy on his 11th birthday.

  • sharp objects. Leave knives, daggers and other similar things for souvenirs for business partners and connoisseurs of military history. A teenager at the age of 11 can still injure himself with such gifts or unintentionally harm other people. Yes, and signs say that it is impossible to give piercing and cutting gifts for a birthday. So ties with the hero of the occasion are broken, quarrels and misunderstandings may follow.
  • Clothing and footwear. A boy at the age of 11 probably already wants to form his own wardrobe. Support him in this endeavor and do not impose your tastes on him.
  • Pet. Sometimes even an adult birthday boy cannot afford to take responsibility for a living being. Why impose additional obligations on a boy at 11 years old, even under the guise of a gift?
  • Certificate. Issued for purchase, entertainment or some kind of service, this document has one incomparable minus. The certificate always has a limited validity period. The age of the birthday person will not always allow him to use the certificate without the participation of his parents, which makes the gift not very convenient, as it seems at first glance.
  • Educational gift. Devices with a reminder of the daily routine, food or rest are not suitable for a birthday surprise. They indirectly indicate the imperfections of the boy, and even adults cannot make gifts with such a message. What can we say about a teenager who is still looking for his own way in life and often may not understand the motives of his actions due to a change in hormonal levels?
  • used items. With such an offering, you express your complete indifference to the feelings of the boy. Do not be surprised that after that he may stop communicating with you. If you are presenting a rare item or a family heirloom, tell the birthday person about its value specifically for your family.


Choosing a birthday present for an 11-year-old boy only at first seems difficult. A budget or elite surprise for a teenager should be made with the desire to please the future owner. If you listen and look closely at the boy's lifestyle, you will surely be able to pick up just such a surprise for him!

An eleven-year-old boy is already a teenager, with his own inner world, tastes and outlook on life. He no longer considers himself a child, and for good reason - children today grow up quickly, and develop even faster. What does the birthday man want for his birthday, how to surprise and please him?

It is important to remember that you can give an 11-year-old boy both a useful gift and something for entertainment and games, or you can combine both criteria in an unusual surprise that will bring both joy and benefit. The main thing is that the birthday present does not turn out to be boring, but causes surprise and delight! Consider the individual tastes and interests of the birthday person, try to please him, and choose with imagination!


What does every 11-year-old child like, especially a boy? Of course, electronic novelties, technological devices and various things, all this literally attracts modern teenagers like a magnet. If you want to please the birthday man for real, and give him a thing that will last a long time - give gadgets!


It is easier for modern children to learn and develop intellectually, because today a myriad of interesting educational games, useful devices and everything that is not only useful for children's intelligence and development, but also exciting are being created.


An 11-year-old teenager needs to move a lot and play sports in order to grow up healthy, strong and agile. Therefore, a gift for sports and active leisure is a good idea!

cool stuff

Every 11-year-old modern child likes unusual toys, jokes and creative things. Let such a souvenir not be very practical, and will not bring much benefit, but it will please and cheer you up, and this is in the first place on your birthday!

What should be a gift for an 11-year-old teenager? Original, bright, cool and unusual, and most importantly - to cause pleasant surprise and delight! Choose wisely and connect your imagination, and you can give real joy!

11 years old is a paradoxical age: the boy is with might and main equal to more authoritative peers, older guys, actively demonstrating his adulthood. But, in fact, he is still a child who believes in miracles and loves surprises. So what is required from a gift to a young teenager? A gift for an 11-year-old boy should be interesting to the child, bring him joy and benefit. It is naive and pointless to assume that a gift toy will cause a storm of delight, by the way, the most common mistake parents make when choosing a gift. This warning does not apply to board games and controlled machines.

It is not necessary to present a child with money on his eleventh birthday: after all, this is an “adult” present. An exception is acceptable for a close circle - parents, godparents, grandparents, if the child himself asked to add a small amount for the independent purchase of what he dreamed of and saved money for. Showing independence, a boy of this age seeks recognition of his importance, which means that his interests and hobbies must be taken into account when choosing a gift.

Hobby Gifts

It is not difficult to choose a good gift according to the child's hobbies: the direct boy himself talks a lot about his desires and passions. And the options in this category can be:

sports gifts

Sport is also a hobby, worthy and useful. If a boy by the age of 11 has an interest in this direction, it needs to be developed. Birthday is a good occasion to provide the child with high-quality sports equipment and praise for the right hobby and the pursuit of agility and strength.

  • Dumbbell set. Introduces to sports, contributes to the regular maintenance of excellent physical shape. It is better to present a set of dumbbells with words about how important it is for a man to have beautiful developed muscles and constantly keep them in good shape, even despite such a young age.
  • Bike. A good modern model will be a reason for the boy to be proud of the gift in front of his friends.
  • Roller Skates. You can give, even if the birthday boy has never ridden them before. Perhaps this gift will start a new hobby.
  • Outfit for the game, kimono. If a child is seriously engaged in wrestling, karate, football, hockey or other team play, devotes a lot of time to his hobby, then such a gift will come in handy.

Educational games as a gift

There are many ways to develop abstract thinking, attention, logic, communication skills of a teenager, teach him how to interact in a team. Board games are one of the best options, it will come in handy at a birthday celebration, because at the age of 11 a boy can have a lot of invitees, especially friends.

  • Board game like "Activity" or "Alias"("Say otherwise"). An interesting excursion into the jungle of a foreign or native language. The game contributes to the expansion of vocabulary, forms a creative look at common concepts and associative thinking.
  • Chess, checkers, backgammon. When choosing a gift set, you need to remember that they are no longer intended for a child, but not for an adult young man either. A design on a military or historical theme is suitable here (“Crusaders”, “Battle of Borodino”, etc.). Expensive chess is a great gift for life, training logical and abstract thinking.
  • Economic board games (such as "Monopoly"). Develop entrepreneurial skills, form the right attitude towards money. Good budget gift.

Stylish "adult" gifts

The search for what to give a boy for 11 years excludes frankly children's topics, because the hero of the occasion considers himself a young man. And therefore, you can safely give modern gadgets for a computer or phone, things "like dad":

"Magic" gifts

The arsenal of modern souvenir gifts is rich: a lot of unusual, truly fabulous items can be presented to a boy at the age of 11, who, with all his desire to grow up, continues to believe in miracles:

  • Drawing tablet with water. With him, even a beginner will feel like a talented artist.
  • Chameleon mug with a cartoon drawing or a name inscription. The young prankster will be delighted with the new exclusive cup.
  • mini planetarium(“Northern Hemisphere”, “Starry Sky”, etc.). The present is enchanting, practical and functional. It will entertain the child, expand his horizons in the field of physics and astronomy.


It is known that children's emotions are brighter and stronger than those of adults. An unforgettable memory for an 11-year-old boy will be a mini-trip, a trip, a visit to an interesting place. You can carry out this venture on the birthday itself, and after, by presenting a certificate or entrance tickets at the celebration. The main thing is that the choice must be made by the child himself. It could be:

And here, by the way, is another version of the designer as a gift for a boy for 11 years.

So, the gift is chosen and colorfully packaged. But that's not all: the right, encouraging wishes from parents and friends are important for a boy at 11 years old. In congratulations, it must be emphasized that the gift was purchased with a great desire to bring joy to him!

It seems to many that the older the child, the less difficulties arise with him: it is easier to communicate, you can convince, it is easy to please. But choosing the perfect gift for a 12-year-old girl is just as difficult as choosing a surprise for a five-year-old baby.

Or maybe it’s more difficult, because at the age of 11-12 a girl moves from the category of children to the category of teenagers. Accordingly, new desires, passions, hobbies, a new range of interests arise.

Teenage girl: what to give for her birthday?

A girl of 11-12 years old is a contradictory and ambiguous creature: on the one hand, she is still a child who loves noisy running games in the yard with friends, but on the other hand, she tries to imitate her mother or older sister in an attempt to look more mature and feminine. How to please a person with a gift, in which an explosive mixture of a tomboy and a lady coexists?

As with choosing a gift for a child or adult of any age, you should find out what hobbies, preferences and desires are overwhelmed by the girl at the moment. Modern children so often change their hobbies, start doing something and leave it, listen to one singer today and another tomorrow.

A confidential conversation with the future birthday girl or her parents will help you navigate and not get into trouble with an unsuccessful gift. Among other things, she will like such an interest in the opinion of the girl herself: after all, this is a recognition of her own opinion, her adulthood.

Not only parents, but also children of this age note that money can often be the best gift. It is much more rational to give a certain amount, albeit a small amount, than a gift that turns out to be unnecessary. The girl will be able to add money to the money already accumulated or donated by other relatives and acquaintances in order to acquire something significant for herself: for example, a new phone or camera.

Even if you decide to donate money, it is advisable to arrange them beautifully - put them in an elegant envelope, do not forget about a postcard and a bunch of flowers.

Option one: developing

The age of 11-12 years is a period of active development: girls tend to learn more, learn and comprehend something new.

To help them, you can donate a personal tablet or laptop that will help you find new information, communicate with peers not only in your own country, but also abroad, and take online language courses. Life without a personal computer for a modern teenager becomes inferior, and it is often not only about communicating on social networks, but also about gaining knowledge, completing tasks, participating in competitions.

Any of the modern gadgets will be a welcome gift for a teenager:

  • personal laptop or tablet;
  • modern phone with many functions;
  • e-book for reading;
  • mp3 player for a person who is fond of music;
  • quality digital camera.

If a child is given a tablet with Internet access, then it is necessary to install the “Parental Control” function: this will save the child from information that is not yet needed, but at the same time will not completely limit freedom on the Web.

No one forbids giving good old books: they will remain the best gift for many years. For a girl of this age, encyclopedias for a lady, rules of etiquette, or simply high-quality fiction suitable for her age will be of interest.

A complete edition of books about the young wizard Harry Potter with related accessories will appeal to an addicted girl, and for someone, a huge colorful encyclopedia of the animal world will be desirable. When choosing a book, you should definitely consult, if not with the future birthday girl herself, then with her parents.

Various board games can also be classified as educational gifts: strategies that develop logic and thinking (“Monopoly” and the like) enjoy special attention.

Option two: decorating

Every twelve-year-old girl is already growing a young lady who wants to be beautiful and attractive. Adolescence brings with it the first attachments, loves and walks by the hand.

Watching her mother or familiar girls, a teenage girl seeks to imitate them in her ability to dress stylishly, correctly combine clothes and accessories, and smell pleasantly with light perfumes. If the future birthday girl shows such interest, then the following items can easily be included in the list of likely gifts:

  • Clothing and footwear. Pleasant new clothes will please a novice fashionista, but in order not to miss the size or color, it is better to purchase a gift certificate in one of the children's clothing stores - then the girl with her mother or donor will be able to independently choose the blouse or shoes she likes.
  • Accessories. This item includes a beautiful bag, a stylish belt or a fashionable hat. An online forum or a magazine for teenage girls will help you choose the perfect option.
  • Decorations. There are many options for such a gift: from high-quality children's jewelry to neat gold earrings - it all depends on the budget of the gift and the desire of the birthday girl herself.
  • Cosmetics. For a twelve-year-old girl, sets like "Young Fairy" may no longer be relevant, but high-quality cosmetics from a specialized store - in stylish jars, "like mom's", will make you feel like a real lady. Skin care cosmetics - tonics, lotions and creams that help get rid of problems on the face can become relevant in adolescence.

Option three: creative

Surprising a birthday girl, and even more pleasantly surprising, is not an easy task, but quite feasible, especially if you take into account the diverse range of original and unusual gifts and surprises for a teenage girl.

The choice depends only on the financial capabilities of the donor and the personal preferences of the hero of the occasion. You can choose from a dozen options:

  • A photo shoot is a welcome gift for all girls of this age, because in front of the camera they can transform into a princess and a fairy, try on a doctor's coat or a flower girl outfit. A nice addition to such a gift can be souvenir products with the best photo: a cup, a poster, a calendar or a T-shirt.
  • For many girls, their portrait will be a welcome surprise - a real one, painted in oil on canvas. It will become not only a decoration of the room, but also a memory for many years.
  • A fascinating trip to the old city or Disneyland, timed to coincide with the birthday, will please the girl.
  • If the young lady is fond of music, arrange for her to go to a concert of her favorite band or singer. Also, for the future singer, an excursion to a recording studio or to an orchestra rehearsal will be informative.
  • Active and sporty girls can be given a flight in a balloon or in a wind tunnel, a horseback ride or kayaking on the river.

Option four: controversial

Often, in addition to the necessary, useful and pleasant, parents and other relatives strive to give a teenage girl something special, completely disregarding either the wishes of the child or the advice of other people.

Therefore, adults get into unpleasant situations when they are invited to a birthday party for an unfamiliar child and do not know what to give. Trying to show originality in this case is dangerous: there is a high probability of missing and not guessing. Then the birthday girl herself will be in an uncomfortable position, because the rules of good manners will oblige you to thank for the gift and rejoice at least “in public”.

In order not to get into a mess, you should not give a girl 11-12 years old:

  • Things "for growth" or things from someone else's shoulder - even if a mink coat is presented, the child is unlikely to be delighted (it is unlikely that a girl will be able to dress her before the age of 16, and someone else's worn clothes can only upset the birthday girl).
  • Things for household and health - you should not give an often ill girl an inhaler or a humidifier. Despite the importance and benefits of these things, they are unlikely to please the child.
  • Gifts inappropriate for age. A girl who has stepped into adolescence will not need dollhouses and touching baby dolls (unless they are collectible porcelain items), as well as expensive adult gold jewelry that a child simply will not appreciate.
  • Gifts out of season - a girl with a summer birthday will not appreciate a brand new snowboard, and a girl born in winter will not be happy with a donated swimsuit. Delayed joy is not an option.

When choosing a gift for a girl of 11-12 years old, it is worthwhile to realistically evaluate the desires of the birthday girl, as well as the capabilities of the donor: only a sincere and heartfelt surprise can cause a real smile of joy in a teenager.

What gifts to choose for 11 years old boy on his birthday? Toys, clothes, sweets, football tickets… It all depends on his interests, social status, teenage needs. So, for one child, going to a bowling alley or a water park will become a bright event, and for another - a common thing, one is happy with a huge plastic tractor, and the other is tired of electric cars. Still, an eleven-year-old is easier to please than an eighteen-year-old.

Ordinary gifts for 11 years old boy: pros and cons

Analysis of unusual gifts

Useful gifts

11 years to hit the mark?

Eleven years is the age when a boy already has his own taste, views, interests, preferences. You can find out in advance what he is interested in and what he wants to receive. Sometimes the needs of a teenager are incommensurable with the finances of the donor.

Then you can, together with your parents and other relatives, add up to one expensive gift. Sometimes parents allow adults to give money for a birthday so that the child saves up to buy the gift of his dreams. But this situation needs to be discussed in advance.

To keep the gift a surprise, just discuss with the teenager his hobbies a few months in advance. Maybe the boy collects collectible cars or ships, then you can buy rare models.

It is optimal to discuss the issue of gifts with the parents of the child, if it concerns clothes, educational games, expensive equipment, sports equipment. Since there are times when they give a teenager the same toys. For boys of 11 years old, nevertheless, it is not gifts that come to the fore, but a holiday with friends.

How to mark houses?

It is necessary to prepare for the birthday in advance. The child prescribes a list of guests and suggests a theme, and already the mother will have to prepare dishes and design an apartment according to the chosen plot. For example, a boy is a fan of Harry Potter, then you need to think over paraphernalia for guests (school badges, raincoats), contests, dishes.

This plot simplifies cooking. It is enough to place cups with individual ingredients and magical names on the table, and each child is given a list of different salads. Children mix the proportions of the ingredients at home and get a "potion".

On the birthday of 11 years old boy, you can invite artists in the costumes of fairy-tale characters. They can offer a scenario, competitions in advance, parents will only have to take care of decorating the house and cooking. Before inviting artists, look through their portfolios in videos, pay attention to the emotions of children (sometimes the jokes of fairy-tale characters are understandable only to adults).

How to celebrate on the street?

If the weather allows, it is better to spend a holiday in American traditions. Tables with snacks, tartlets, canapes, sandwiches, fruits and berries stand in one corner under a canopy. And the whole territory is involved in outdoor games, contests. In this option, mothers do not have to worry about dirty dishes, it is enough to buy disposable plates and cups. Adults are only required to organize and referee work in competitions.

Another option is to go with family, relatives and friends to nature. First, you can catch fish with children, then cook fish soup, baked fish, and vegetables. In nature, adults are more relaxed and can play ball, jump rope, and catch-up with children. In this option, military and sports toys for boys of 11 years old are suitable for gifts: crossbows, water guns, badmintons, darts, tennis.

The advantage of street festivities is that children are not limited in their movements and games, mothers are freed from dirty dishes, cleaning the house, careful selection of decorations for the holiday. But a small drawback is that you will have to prepare a lot of dishes, since a “brutal” appetite appears during the time.

Independent celebration: pros and cons

Many teenagers want to spend their own holiday without the presence of adults. In this case, it is necessary to look at the behavior of the child. If a teenager is neat at the usual time, then you can not be afraid for the state of the house, just discuss games for boys of 11 years old that are allowed in the apartment. If he makes a mess, but wants a holiday without adults, then you can use several options.

  1. Teenagers walk in the children's room, and parents play the role of a waiter. Some children are quite satisfied with this option, as they are left to themselves, but at the same time the table is replenished with the necessary products.
  2. Children walk in one room, adults celebrate in another. In this version, the birthday boy takes on some of the obligations: he entertains the guests himself, he himself takes care of the provisions.
  3. Teenagers stay in the house alone and serve themselves. In this case, the time of arrival of the parents is discussed, when the apartment should be put in order.


If parents want to spend a holiday at home, then they are concerned about two questions: “What to give a boy of 11 years old?” and “What competitions, games to hold?”. Here it is important to take into account the theme of the birthday and the interests of children. If the holiday is dedicated to magic, then intellectual, dance, and mobile competitions are dedicated to magical heroes.

You should not arrange quizzes dedicated to the school curriculum (children immediately lose interest). If it is a purely male campaign, there is no need to hold dance competitions. It is better to shift the organizational responsibilities to dad.

For children of eleven years old, riddle contests, guessing literary heroes, rebuses, charades are suitable. They play well in drawing contests and writing fairy tales for a while. If you play outdoor games for boys of 11 years old at home, then a balloon popping contest, drawing an animal with your eyes closed, picking up puzzles or a car from a constructor for speed, squat and push-up competitions will do.

Cakes of the author's work

Many people like to give an author's cake as a gift. This is not true. The child is waiting for a gift that will directly remain in his memory, and the cake is most likely a present to the surprise of all the guests. Not every birthday person is given a cake in the form of a car, fishing, tank, football field, with computer, fairy-tale characters. Even less often, they give 11 years with copies of it, that is, the figurine is made exactly according to the photograph (such a mastic doll is used as a decorative element). Therefore, always attach another souvenir to a sweet gift.