Mystical meaning and location of the line of love on the hand. Where is the line of love on the hand and what does it mean

Among the many systems of knowledge and teachings that can provide certain information about a particular person, palmistry occupies a special place. Her knowledge allows us to determine the meaning of the inscriptions on the palms, which a person is endowed with from birth. By studying for many years the lines on the hand, magicians practicing palmistry were able to find an explanation for their location. And in today's article we will talk about the meaning that the line of love conceals in itself, located on the hand of each person.

Questions of a love nature, which could provide answers to questions of interest regarding personal life and marriage, are the most popular when referring to various fortunetellers. To learn about what awaits a person in this area, the line of love that every person has in the palm of his hand will also help.

On the palm of each hand there are inscriptions that nature endows from birth. They help to read data not only about the fate of its carrier, but also to look into its future. And in order to understand what fate has prepared in the sphere of love and marriage, one can follow the location and nature of the corresponding line.

To understand which arc among the other stripes in the palm of your hand is fateful, it is enough to simultaneously slightly bend three fingers of the hand:

  • little finger;
  • nameless;
  • average.

The visible line that can be seen as a result of such manipulation is the arc of love (pictured). It originates from the inside of the palm under the little finger. In the terms that palmistry uses, the arc of romance and marriage begins under the hill of Mercury (under the little finger). It can be flat, or it can go to the area between the index and middle fingers, smoothly bending around the hill of Saturn (a tubercle under the middle finger).

What does the mark contain?

Like other marks on the hand, the line of love is fraught with a unique meaning. First of all, it carries the meaning corresponding to the name. That is, according to this mark, you can determine the nature of your personal life and learn more about future romantic relationships.

In addition, according to this strip in the palm of your hand, you can judge what the bearer of the mark himself thinks about marriage or his partner. But in some cases, interpretation of the inscriptions on each hand of the partner will be required. Looking at such stripes, a fortuneteller who is subject to the science of palmistry will be able to clarify every detail.

What could be the label?

Ideal, promising a smooth and happy personal life, is the line:

  • smooth;
  • distinctly expressed;
  • without breaks;
  • without islands and other figures.

As a rule, when making a prediction, attention should be paid to the marks on each palm. Love lines on each hand allow you to get more open information about the area of ​​​​interest to a person:

  • marks of the right palm demonstrate developing events (consequences of the recent past, present, near future);
  • on the left - future events in general.

The branches that extend from the sides of the main line are indicative of shared experiences and romantic relationships. In other words, these are marks that speak of those partners for whom a person experienced pure sincere feelings. You can learn about the temporal belonging of this kind of phenomena using the proposed photo. It clearly shows that the starting point is a line that runs approximately in the middle of the little finger. The next mark, therefore, is located in the middle of the ring finger, and so on.

Additional signs

Palmistry considers all the inscriptions on the palm as a whole. Therefore, the meaning of each sign is worth exploring in accordance with the symbols and figures that complement it.

The same applies to fortune-telling, when the fate of love is read in the palm of a person. When studying the corresponding line, the fortuneteller must pay attention to the symbols and signs located on it.

Most often you can find a "fork" on the main strip. If its edges do not converge again, then this is a symbol of a break in relations, marriage. If a fork is formed on the straight lane, which converges again after some interval, this sign will indicate problems with the partner, which will end as a result, and the union will not break up.

In addition to the forks on the main line of the palm, the fortuneteller can observe other figures:

  • dot - a symbol that the bearer of the label will remain a widower / widow;
  • cross - a relationship in which one partner uses the other;
  • a thin parallel running along the main line indicates that the bearer of the mark has a lover / mistress.

However, palmistry does not exclude such a phenomenon as the absence of a line of love and marriage in general. In such situations, it is either very weakly expressed or very short. In any case, this phenomenon means a lack of interest in marriage and long-term relationships. Sometimes people who have such an arc on their hand are weakly expressed, start families, but at the same time do not show any interest in it.

When will the marriage according to palmistry take place?

In addition to characterizing a person’s personal life and relationship to it, palmistry can also provide an answer regarding marriage. In particular, with the help of such a knowledge system, you can find out when the bearer of marks in the palm of your hand gets married or gets married.

The attachment band has a meaning that determines the date of marriage. This mark is located in the area between the beginning of the little finger and the beginning of the love line. Possessing the knowledge that palmistry gives us, when looking at the location of the attachment band, you can find out the date of marriage / marriage. If the streak starts:

  • not far from "love" - ​​a person will marry acceptably early (up to 23-25 ​​years old);
  • in the middle of the indicated area - a person closer to 30-33 years old will conclude his life by marriage;
  • closer to the base of the little finger - the bearer of the inscriptions on the palm will marry / marry quite late (from 40 and later).

Having studied the main lines and their meaning, determined in conjunction with nearby signs, one can easily and fairly quickly determine the attitude of a fortuneteller to love and marriage.

The location of the main lines in the palm of your hand allows you to see the fate of a person. It is important to consider where the line of Love is on the hand, its main branches. The lines of marriage and children diverge from this line. Together, the whole pattern in the palm of your hand shows how your personal life will turn out.

Line location

The lines may differ on the passive and active hand, change throughout life and make a unique forecast.

There is a line indicating the sensual component of life along the palm. It starts at the edge of the palm and ends under the bases of the fingers (near the ring or index). It is located near the line of Fate and along the arc of the Heart (this location will help to make a more accurate forecast).

The total value of the arc depends on such factors:

  • location;
  • length;
  • definition;
  • additional figures;
  • branches and divergences.

If the strip is located near the mark of Fate, the person is subject to emotions. Everything he does is filled with love or resentment due to unrequited feelings. Such a person is changeable and vulnerable. The connection between the line of Heart and Love is also important, these are arcs that are often confused, they affect the meaning of each other. The difference between the two stripes is in their length: if the mark of the Heart is large and immediately noticeable in the palm of your hand, then the mark of Love is thin and only partially visible in the palm of your hand.

Line characteristic

The Love Line shows how lucky a person will be in his personal life.

Its general value directly depends on the appearance:

  • The strip is straight. This person knows what sincere feelings are and how they affect his life. A person fills his life with love: it is in his work, in relation to the outside world and himself.
  • The line is short but clear. Such a person is not accustomed to flaunt his feelings. He is humble, calm and devoted.
  • The band is indistinct. It indicates difficulties in personal life, betrayals that a person will experience painfully. It is difficult for a person to cope with emotions and trust a partner.
  • The stripe is missing. Such a sign speaks of the frivolity of the individual. She does not single out love as the dominant feeling in life, and easily does without it. These are people who are used to being guided by logic and common sense.

If the strip is located near the arc of the Heart, its meaning is enhanced: it gives its owner a sensual and vibrant life. Such people perceive the world around them as an environment saturated with emotions. Next to the dash of Love is a strip of Marriage. This is a dash indicating a serious relationship.

Line of Love or Line of Marriage

The Line of Marriage is located on the edge of the palm. This is a small bar indicating the approximate age at which a person will start his own family. It can be a serious relationship or an official marriage. The strip of Marriage is outwardly similar to the dash of Love: short and not very clear stripes are located between the little finger and the arc of the Heart. How to distinguish them?

The strip describing the future marriage is located under the little finger: if there are several official marriages, there will also be several such strips. They are long, even and with outgoing dashes, a sign of the children who will appear in the union. That line, which is closest to the line of the Heart or connects with it, is the sign of Love. It may be curved or intermittent.

Divination for love

A man and a woman are always worried about the question of when they will find family happiness, find love and create a harmonious family.

Fortune telling by hand using palmistry is carried out by comparing the dashes on the right and left palms: the differences between the patterns will tell what a person’s personal life will be like.

How is divination by hand:

  1. First of all, the lines of Mind, Fate and Heart are studied. The main arcs will help to see the fate of a person, the inevitable trials, difficulties in all areas of life. Guessing without studying the entire pattern is ineffective.
  2. The lines of Marriage are compared. If on a passive hand it is thin and barely noticeable from birth, then the person is not gifted with great love, but this does not mean that he himself cannot change the situation. On the right hand, the strip displays the choice of the individual and the decisions made.
  3. The length and location of the line relative to other lines are considered. If she goes down, then this indicates a short love. If raised up, then this is a sign of a long and harmonious relationship.
  4. If there is a clear line of Marriage above the line of sincere feelings, then a person will be able to find one love for life.

If the strip crosses the line of the Heart, the person will outlive his partner, but they will live a long and happy life together. With the help of the line of Love, you can find out the true intentions of a partner. To do this, you need to compare the strips of Love, Marriage and Heart.

Signs on the Love Line

In palmistry, every detail on the pattern has its own meaning. In many cultures, the lines of marriage are associated with the line of Love. They are equated in value and they are used to judge how each union will develop. The line of love on the hand in such cases may form several figures or intersect with other marks. Two or more lines on the edge of the palm speak of love at different ages: youthful love, then a new serious relationship that will lead to marriage.

Other important marks on the dash:

  • star;
  • cross;
  • island;
  • Pictures;
  • dot.

The figures on the line of Love and the line of Marriage are considered (if they are located in different parts of the palm from the little finger to the line of the Heart).


A negative sign when a deep dot forms on the line. It symbolizes stagnation and serious difficulties. If it is located before the branches symbolizing children, the couple may have problems conceiving a child.


In palmistry, a star means the duality of nature. A person knows what he wants, but does not always strive to achieve it. On the line of Love, the figure symbolizes a strong union, but devoid of love. It is beneficial for partners to live with each other, they have a well-established life, harmonious relationships. The star on the strip can talk about marriage for cover: people need to create the appearance of marriage, but you can’t call their union a family.

A star is a sign of self-interest on the part of one partner. It is convenient for him to portray the family and the idyll. In such a relationship there will be only respect, but never love. Children appear in such a family, but only by agreement, if there are branches on the marriage line after the star.


One of the most dangerous marks in palmistry is the cross. This is a symbol of the end of one stage through protracted difficulties. If such a figure appears on the line of Love, good changes will not have to be expected. For relationships based on strong love and affection, such a sign promises interference. Relatives and close people will be opposed to the union. Newlyweds may experience financial difficulties.

  • Circumstances will always be against the union. No matter how hard the partners try to improve life and relationships, new problems will lead to quarrels and conflicts.
  • Such a sign is dangerous for an unmarried woman who is unlucky in her personal life. She will suffer from loneliness if the line of Love does not continue after the cross.
  • The sign says about the infidelity of the spouse, if the cross is clear and large. Such a marriage will break up if there are no children in it.


Another negative symbol in palmistry for personal relationships is the island. The figure is formed from two or more lines. The more a person wants love, the harder it is given to him. The island promises loneliness to too demanding people. Combined with such character traits, the island promises a long period of disappointment and apathy.

The island speaks of unrequited feelings. If a person is strongly attached to the object of adoration, but does not receive reciprocity, he himself creates problems for himself. Such a person will not have harmonious relationships if there are no other lines after the figure. The island promises inharmonious relations if the worldview of people is too different. Such partners will not be able to find harmony.


A crooked image is a bad sign. Any picture counts. She promises widowhood or a long separation. Partners will not be together, fate will separate them. Such a sign is unfavorable if there are no other branches after it. A person cannot recover from a loss.

If the picture is located below the line of Love and enters the arc of the Heart, it will not be possible to find a new partner. The picture that is formed on the branches of the line of Marriage has a bad meaning (children born in wedlock will get sick and suffer).

Cruel relationships are characterized by several marks at once.

If pictures, crosses, and an island are combined, then the relationship is doomed to disappointment and suffering. It is dangerous to have children in such a family, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid domestic violence.


The Line of Love is one of the most controversial marks on a person's hand. She speaks of great affection, and of suffering in marriage, and of the absence of reciprocal feelings. To understand what the strip on the edge of the palm promises, it is necessary to consider the entire pattern. If there are branches, children will appear in the pair. Dangerous marks on the arc are figures that are formed with the help of additional dashes. Unfavorable signs: island, cross, branch going down. Such symbols promise inharmonious relationships.

Divination for love and personal life has been known since ancient times. If we talk about palmistry, it is the line of love that allows us to look into the future and find out: how serious your current relationship is, how soon marriage will happen, how many serious novels and children to expect in the future. If you are seriously interested in palmistry, from this article you can learn how to correctly read information about this trait and what effect neighboring lines and special signs have on it.

Short dashes on the love line reflect short love relationships that did not become serious for various reasons.

What information can be obtained?

The line of love, which is also called the line of marriage, in palmistry refers to minor signs on the palms. This is due to the fact that two main lines are also responsible for the love sphere - life and heart. However, if the main lines characterize the state of personal life in general terms, then the love line allows you to find out the most interesting details. This small and inconspicuous line contains information about the number of serious relationships and marriages by fate, although it is difficult for an ignorant person to even notice it.

A professional palmist on the line of love will be able to decipher the details of your personal life. By the state of the trait, you can find out not only the number of husbands or wives, but also whether the partner will be faithful to you and how harmonious and long-term this union will be.

In palmistry, by the location of the love line, one can assume the approximate age when a person will marry

The best result can be obtained by comparing the corresponding drawings on the hands of both partners. In this case, we can say whether these people are suitable for each other, whether their ideas about marriage and relationships are similar.

The location of the love line in the palm of your hand

The love line is usually thin and inconspicuous, so in order to find it, you need to know exactly where to look for it. This feature (or features) is found almost entirely on the side of the palm near the little finger. In order for it to be drawn more clearly, bend your fingers slightly towards the palm and turn your hand sideways (the closest side to the little finger). The trait found, or a few small dashes in the photo - this is your personal line of love and marriage. On the open hand, it is located just above the line of the heart.

Line characteristics

A professional or novice palmist needs to pay attention to the following features of the line:

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  • Quantity;
  • duration;
  • Depth and thickness;
  • The clarity of the drawing;
  • The presence of breaks and changes in direction;
  • The presence of other important signs.

The absence of a love line in the palm of your hand does not portend anything definite regarding a serious relationship.

Such characteristic features must be analyzed in aggregate, then a fairly accurate forecast can be obtained. It is important to remember that for women, all information about personal life, love and family is located on the left hand, and on the right hand you can find out about the past (relationships, successes and disappointments). For the representatives of the stronger sex, the opposite is true - the left palm is responsible for the past, and on the right you can learn about the future.

External signs

If the line of love is straight, even and deep, this indicates that its owner is a faithful and devoted person who prefers a long and serious relationship. A happy marriage is to be expected in the future. A long and thin line predicts a successful union based on harmony and mutual understanding of the couple. If it is too thick, this indicates a marriage of convenience, and you will be the injured party.

Too meek and barely noticeable dash indicates the absence of true love and the presence of a large number of short and frivolous hobbies. It will be difficult for such people to choose one partner and start a family. The wave-like character speaks of weak, only nascent feelings. If at the base (on the edge of the palm) it begins with a fork, this indicates numerous partings and convergences with the same person.

The length and clarity of the trait speaks of the quality of the relationship: the longer and deeper it is, the stronger the connection between people will be.

If, after branching, the ends come together again, expect a remarriage with the same partner.

A love line pointing down speaks of great feelings and serious relationships that will suddenly end. If it is directed upwards, you are not yet ready for marriage, or there are objective obstacles to its conclusion.

Quantity and location height

The number of lines on the left hand means the number of significant relationships in your life. There can be quite a lot of them, but, as a rule, no more than three. On the right hand, you can find out the current state of affairs, how strong the existing relationship is and how they affect your life. The longer the dash, the more serious and promising the relationship. If there is only one line on both hands, the person is monogamous by nature.

There is an opinion that a few small strokes located in the immediate vicinity of the love line symbolize betrayal and relationships on the side. Moreover, if such a small dash is located parallel to the main one, this indicates a long and serious romance on the side. But if they intersect, the romance on the side will be short and remain secret.

A line of love crossing the palm along the width of the little finger and beyond indicates strong feelings and true love.

By the height of your love lines, you can find out about the estimated age of marriage. So a dash in the middle of the hill (equidistant from the line of the heart and the beginning of the finger) speaks of a wedding in the period of about 28-32 years. If the line is lower, the wedding should be expected much earlier. But the closer the line is to the little finger, the later you should expect an official union.

Reading the drawing on both hands

If on the left palm the line is deep and clear, and on the right it is blurry and fuzzy, an unexpected event will adversely affect your relationship. The reverse arrangement prophesies positive changes in the couple. If the stroke on the left hand is clear and straight, and on the left it ends with a fork - you do not take your partner too seriously, although if you changed your attitude, your relationship could well lead to a happy marriage. If the situation is reversed, the current relationship will be short-lived, as the couple does not have common goals and interests.

In palmistry, the curved line of marriage has the meaning of unsuccessful love, the impossibility of creating a lasting union.

Intersection with other lines

In the case of the intersection of the love line with the line of fate, this is a sign of a happy and harmonious marriage. Contact with the line of success going up indicates a profitable marriage, but without special feelings and emotional attachment. If it goes down and intersects with the line of the heart, this is a sign of widowhood.

Small strokes leading their way from the base of the little finger to the love line indicate the number of children. A clear line means a boy, and a thinner line means a girl.

Additional signs

Sometimes there are special marks on the love line that significantly affect the interpretation of future personal life.

Many small branches from the main feature represent the disagreements that got in the way of a happy family life.

The fact that personal life can be predicted from the palm of your hand has been known since ancient times. According to, along the line of love in the palm of your hand, you can find out how many serious relationships a person will have, whether he will marry (and how strong they will be), as well as the number of children. In this article, we will talk about the line of love, plus we will consider how other lines and auxiliary signs affect it, and, of course, we will give useful recommendations.

Palmistry experts say that the line of love on the hand can be located either only on one or on two hands at once. To find it, you need to squeeze your fingers very tightly into a fist (but it is important to avoid the appearance of skin folds) and turn your palm with an edge relative to you. You will see one or more lines located on the side of the base of the little finger - this will be the desired sign.

If an open palm is considered, then the lines will be located on the hill of Mercury or next to it.

Please note that it is very easy to confuse the Love line with the Heart line. The latter is observed when you bend your little finger, ring finger and index finger. It will originate from the hill of Jupiter or Saturn and will reach the finger of Mercury. The marks that tell about the married, love life of a person will be parallel to it and originate from the outer edge of the hand.

Most palmistry experts give the two lines starting at the beginning of the edge of the palm the same meaning. But some of them separately highlight the line of Love from the line of marriage.

If this separation occurs, then the lines will have such differences:

  • the line of Love is shorter;
  • it almost completely occupies the edge of the palm;
  • sometimes the lines located next to the line of the Heart and heading towards the Venus Hill can also tell about a person’s personal life.

What should be given more attention?

Performing a session, each palmist should consider different indicators of the line of Love, namely:

  • be interested in the length of the line;
  • study its inclination and direction;
  • deal with clarity and depth;
  • follow the pattern - it can be either intermittent or continuous;
  • look at the number of lines on the hand;
  • study the right and left hands separately;
  • deal with the location in relation to other significant lines;
  • study various additional characteristics on the line.

Take into account all these factors together, and not separately, to obtain the most accurate and complete prediction. In addition, you need to remember that when guessing the fair sex for fate and personal life, the left hand is taken, and the right hand will tell about all the successes and failures of the past. As for the representatives of the stronger sex, for them the situation will change vice versa.

Also, when trying to answer certain questions, keep in mind that the left palm is love karma, and the right palm characterizes the relationship that has developed between lovers.

General characteristics of the line of Love

If we see a straight, even, clear line of Love in the palm of our hand, we can say that we have a faithful lover who is able to create a serious and long-term relationship. He will certainly be rewarded from above with a happy marriage.

Along a long, deep and thin line, we can talk about a harmonious couple, in a relationship the partners are firmly attached to each other.

The presence of a thick line - will tell about a mercantile marriage in which a person feels that he is being used.

The presence of fuzzy, pale, small lines of Love will tell about fleeting romantic intrigues, but there is no real feeling in a person’s life. It is unlikely that such a person will be able to limit himself to one lover and burden himself with family ties. It can also tell about the platonic connection. And waviness will tell about a weak attachment.

A fork starting on an edge portends separation at the beginning of a relationship and new meetings with the same person. In the case of the connection of the ends, we can talk about reunion with the former spouse. The same is said about the ends of the fork that are torn and crossed one with the other.

Direction features:

  • down - tells about great love, which, however, will pass very quickly;
  • up - a person does not welcome marriage or some circumstances prevent him from concluding it.

Other marks on the hand

A vertical stroke responsible for success and extending from the middle of the palm or sometimes even from the wrist area can touch the long line of Love. In this case, we can say that a person will be in a rather profitable union in which there will be no love.

When it comes to the line of Fate, this will tell about a very successful, harmonious, love-filled marriage union.

Long branches that depart from the line of the Heart and reach the line of Life will tell of a strong emotional attachment to a loved one, but still not so strong that it forced a formal marriage.

If the line intersects with the Mount of Mercury, we can talk about a person's propensity for promiscuity and probable monetary losses in the event of a divorce.

And if it intersects with the belt of Venus, it means that the subject will be in a relationship with a person who will influence his spiritual growth and contribute to success.

In the case of a close location of the deep line of Influence - we can talk about a cloudless married life, a person will act as a leader in this pair.

Touching the line of the Heart - tells about widowhood.

The passage of small lines from the little finger to the line of the Heart will tell about children. Moreover, if the lines are clear and deep enough, this indicates the birth of boys. And the presence of soft lines - herald the birth of girls. Based on the number of lines, you can count the number of children.

Different signs on the line of Love

  • A star - such a person in life is used to playing and manipulating the feelings of his environment, often love is used by him as a means of improving his social status, personal enrichment, or for other purposes.
  • Island - portends a very frequent non-reciprocal love, and if we consider existing relationships, then these will be pauses, conflicts and partings (although after them the connection will resume again).
  • The cross is not an easy love relationship, in which a person will regularly encounter various obstacles and problems that often do not depend on partners (for example, illness or periodic departures).
  • A triangle is a marriage union in which there is no harmony.
  • Dots - very high chances of becoming a widow, but subsequently re-experiencing an important feeling of love.

What does it mean if there is no line of Love on the hand?

If there is no line of Love on your hand, then you can talk about the following:

  • about difficulties with spiritual intimacy between you and your loved one;
  • about emotional coldness;
  • about wild sexual desire, which cannot be controlled;
  • about selfishness, which takes place instead of true love.

But palmistry experts are in a hurry to reassure everyone: if there is no line of Love on the hand, this does not mean at all that a person will not have an official marriage. This will tell only about the likely problems and difficulties in relationships with a loved one.

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Each of us makes a conscious choice of what will be the most important thing in life for him. Someone is interested in money, someone is interested in education, another is interested in personal life.

Perhaps for women there is no topic more interesting than marriage and love relationships. Yes, and men are attracted to this area, especially when there is an opportunity to peep into the future and discover the history of their personal relationships. To learn everything about the personal will help the line of love.

Palmistry refers to the ancient systems of divination and helps to predict future events from the drawing on the hand. When you get married or get married, the number of heart affections on your way and everything about love relationships before and after marriage can be recognized by one or more short dashes on the edge of the palm - along the line of marriage or, as it is also called, the line of love or relationships.

How to find "love" on the hand?

The line of love is in the gap between the line of the heart and the base of the little finger, see the photo with the location. On, which is located just in this very place, below the little finger, you can also notice other horizontal features parallel to the most clear, often one - the line of marriage or love.

Short dashes reflect short-lived love relationships that did not become serious for various reasons. If the dashes are closer to the line of the heart, this indicates an early period of life.

The absence of a love line in the palm of your hand does not bode well for a serious relationship. At this point in life, the sphere of relationships has an indefinite meaning. Fate itself will put all the dots, and the question of how serious and long the relationship with a partner will be will be decided in the future.

How to determine the age of the beginning of a serious relationship? In palmistry, by the location of the love line, one can assume the approximate age when a person will marry. Pay attention to the photo. Mentally divide the distance from the line of the heart to the base into 3 equal intervals, these are time intervals indicating the age of approximately 20, 26, 35 years.

  • A clear line passing near the line of the heart indicates an early union that will take place or has already taken place at the age of 18 to 22 years.
  • The middle position indicates the corresponding age period, this is the average age of 25-27 years.
  • If the line of love is near the little finger, then marriage will occur at about the age of 30-40 years.

The length and clarity of the trait speak of the quality of the relationship: the longer and deeper it is, the stronger the connection between people will be. The line of love, crossing the palm across the width of the little finger and beyond, indicates strong feelings and true love. The gradually fading depth reflects the nature of the fading of feelings for the chosen one.

An upwardly directed marriage line can mean a serious relationship without marriage. It is quite possible that the owner of such a sign on his hand basically does not want to have a mark in his passport. In palmistry, the curved line of marriage has the meaning of unsuccessful love, the impossibility of creating a lasting union.

Bent down speaks of differences in love affairs. Sometimes in the palm of your hand you can find a line pointing down and similar to the letter "C", such a pattern has two meanings: separation or the opportunity to survive your spouse after his death. If the line of love turns down and reaches the line of the mind, the owner of such a hand is warned of the danger of abuse by the spouse.

A marriage line forked at the end promises a divorce or a break in relations, which will happen sooner or later. The gap will happen due to the fault of the partner in whose palm this symbol is located.

Long, based on the line of success has an ambiguous meaning. The fate of the owner of this sign will turn out well, the union will turn out to be long and successful, but it will be concluded by calculation.

Many small branches from the main feature represent the disagreements that stand in the way of a happy family life.

Signs and symbols

The sign of the star, met when studying the palm, can mean fake love that met on the path of the owner of this sign. Perhaps it was simply used for selfish purposes. It makes sense to talk with your chosen one and clarify the whole situation to the end.

A cross on the hand in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe line of love warns of obstacles to happiness. A person with this omen may face health troubles, a decline in financial affairs, perhaps even treason or some other vicissitudes of fate. In general, you can expect anything, the cross is an obstacle that two must try to overcome.

The island is one of the unpleasant symbols that has a certain meaning. The essence of this symbol is relationship problems, burdened by disagreements and quarrels between partners. You can be glad that, perhaps, this is temporary and later it will be possible to return everything to its place.

The triangle in palmistry has a deep meaning, most often having a negative effect on the fate of its bearer. In this case, the triangle on the hand means an unsuccessful marriage. The owner of this sign will experience violence and bullying from a partner, not necessarily only the physical plane, the pressure can be purely psychological.

Sexual sphere

Palmistry through the interpretation of the line of marriage gives an understanding of the sexual life. A clear line in the singular speaks of a strong and healthy sex drive that will last until the end of life. The owner of such a hand is quite capable of strong relationships and marriage bonds. There may be more than one marriage, but the most important thing is the power of sexuality, which nature has generously endowed this person with.

Two or three adjacent lines of love relationships on the hand mean success and failure in love. One day the owner of such a drawing will face difficult circumstances, it can be a long choice of a partner, a long wait, a futile search, loneliness. But sooner or later, this person will get better in the love sphere.

Several approximately identical lines of marriage represent a complex and contradictory nature. It is difficult for a person to adapt to the surrounding life. The more dashes, the more the person experiences difficulties.

The owner of such a hand can cope with his difficulties, but for this he needs special conditions created exclusively for him. A partner should show tenderness, sincerity and care to such a person.
Author: Ekaterina Volkova