Competitions for the New Year I am the kindest. New Year's games at the table

The traditional and still best solution would be to spend the New Year with your family, where only your favorite and closest people are present. But it will still be boring to just sit at the table and watch an endless stream of entertaining television programs. It is much more interesting to organize some exciting New Year's competitions for the whole family at home, in which both adults and children can participate equally. By organizing New Year's competitions for children and adults, you can unite your family even closer and make this winter holiday even more magical and unforgettable.

"Relay of Memories"

Usually, before the New Year, people say goodbye to the outgoing year, summing up its results. This can be turned into a game. Let everyone quickly and briefly name the most pleasant moments that happened to him in the past year, and pass the baton to someone else. The one who could not quickly pick it up and continue with his memories becomes a loser, but for this he is awarded the title of “lucky person of 2017.” At the same time, the display of a sense of humor by those gathered is encouraged.

"Draw a dream"

When choosing New Year's competitions for a small company, you can pay attention to the following. Participants are provided with sheets of paper and markers, crayons or pencils. They are then blindfolded and must then blindly try to draw their dream. When all the participants have finished their work, they take off their bandages and, together with other guests, try to guess what kind of dream was depicted on each canvas. The winner of the competition receives a small prize, and the rest of the artists can only believe that their dreams will come true in the coming year.

"Funny drawings"

You need to get a large sheet of corrugated cardboard, in the middle of which make two holes for the hands. Then the competition participants, one by one, must stick their hands into these holes and, without seeing what they are doing, try to draw something, for example, Santa Claus. This fun competition for adults for the New Year is won by the one who comes up with the most beautiful or funniest drawing.

"Not a word of truth"

The presenter for this competition must prepare in advance many questions on New Year's themes, for example:

  • which plant is most often decorated for the New Year;
  • who is customary to sculpt from snow;
  • what is our most “New Year’s” film;
  • that on New Year's Eve rushes into the sky;
  • whose year begins according to the Chinese calendar;
  • who we see on television screens last in the past year.

In family competitions at the table for the New Year, you can include questions about the habits of guests or New Year’s traditions among different nations. In general, the more questions there are and the more diverse they are, the more interesting participation in this competition will be for everyone.

The host must quickly and decisively ask his questions, and the guests must answer them in such a way that there is not a word of truth. The unwary player who tells the truth will receive a forfeit - to sing a song, read a poem, or fulfill the wish of one of the participants, just as it happens in the classic game of forfeit.

"New Year's Talisman"

When thinking over a scenario for the New Year in the family, competitions can be chosen with a creative twist. For example, make a New Year's talisman from office supplies (tape, pins, paper clips), plasticine and even food. Each participant in the competition is offered the task of making a talisman for one of the participants in the feast from the materials provided in 2-3 minutes. The winner is the one who not only designed the most impressive talisman, but also accompanied it with the most convincing or original explanation of why it is needed.

"Remembering the Alphabet"

You can include such entertainment in New Year's competitions for an adult company. At the height of the feast, the host turns to the guests and says that he has taken so much that he has already forgotten the alphabet. On this occasion, he suggests raising glasses and making toasts to the New Year, which should begin in alphabetical order. Next comes the turn of the guests, who must invent toasts, starting with the letter “A” and further alphabetically. For example, these:

  • Shouldn't we do it again for the New Year?
  • Be healthy in the coming year!
  • To your health!
  • Brilliant thoughts to everyone this year!

When the audience is exhausted and the last toast is said, everyone should vote for the most successful or funniest toast and drink to the health of its author.

“Make your favorite cabbage”

Agree that the funniest new competitions for adults for the New Year should be held with the participation of couples. The essence of the entertainment is that one of the couple is blindfolded, after which he must blindly dress up his partner. Here you will need preliminary preparation - you need to put a variety of clothes in a large bag, preferably incompatible in style, color, etc. Thanks to this, the “outfit” will turn out to be very funny, it will cause fun among all the guests.

You can add competitive principles to this game by having different couples compete in dressing speed. And after the competition is over, until the wonderful outfits are taken off, you can pose in them for the camera.


Everyone's favorite funny New Year's competitions for children and adults, such as snowball fights, are especially win-win. Moreover, you can give yourself such pleasure without going outside. A large pile of old newspapers must be placed in front of each participant, after which the presenter times the time of 1 minute, during which the competitors must make as big a snowball as possible.

There is also a more dynamic version of the snowball fight, which is designed for accuracy. At the same time, the participants should be seated in a row and a personal bucket should be placed at an equal distance from each. Then, on command, everyone begins to crumple newspapers, forming “snowballs” and throwing them into their basket. After a minute or two, the game stops and the baskets are checked - the winner is the one whose catch is richer.

"Frost Breath"

For this fun activity, you need to line up everyone in front of an empty table, on which you place small snowflakes cut out of paper. Then, on command, all participants begin to blow as hard as they can on their snowflakes, trying to make them fall from the opposite end of the table. As soon as the last snowflake falls from the table, the competition ends. And the winner unexpectedly turns out to be the one whose snowflake lasted the longest on the table - all thanks to his frosty breath, because of which it froze to the table.

Be sure to take a couple of competitions from our article “Children’s competitions for the New Year”, then neither adults nor children will be bored.

"Secret Name"

Family New Year competitions on this topic can have two options. On the back of each family member participating in the game you need to attach a piece of paper on which his new name will be written (you can use the name of an animal or the name of a well-known person). And then, throughout the New Year's evening, all those gathered can hint to each other about new names. The one who is the first to guess what his name is now will be the winner of this fun competition.

In the second version of this game, everyone can ask leading questions about their name, but should only receive monosyllabic answers like “yes” or “no.” In the end, he will be able to guess his new name and then the turn to guess goes to the other player.


When choosing intellectual and funny New Year's competitions for the family at the table, you cannot pass by this entertainment:

A volunteer is selected from among the participants. The rules of the game are explained to all participants in the game - the guesser can ask any questions to anyone sitting at the table in any order, but will only receive “yes” and “no” answers. You should also not try to guess what MPS is by letter. Then the player leaves the room for a minute, and all participants are explained what an MPS is - this is my right neighbor. That is, each person sitting at the table should, when answering a question, keep in mind his neighbor to the right. Since each participant in the game has his own right neighbor, the answers to the same questions from different participants can be different (for example, for some it is a man, and for others it is a woman), which only confuses the guessing player. By the way, not everyone, in the end, manages to guess what MPS is.

Take a look at our article “Competitions for a New Year’s corporate party” - perhaps in it you will also find suitable competitions for the family circle.

"Surprise Ball"

Funny New Year competitions for families can play on wishes. To do this, you need to place scraps of paper with written wishes in rubber balls in advance and then inflate them. Each member of the household will choose the balloon they like, burst it and read out a wish for everyone for the coming year.

"Funny Numbers"

Everyone celebrating the holiday should be given a piece of paper and a pencil so that everyone can write any number. After this, the presenter begins to voice questions addressed to each specific person, and the answer will be the number written on the piece of paper. This requires appropriate questions such as:

  • What time do you get up?
  • How old are you?
  • How many chili peppers can you eat in one sitting?


This game can be considered one of the funniest New Year competitions for the family. Couples of different generations should participate here: mother and son or father and daughter. The couple hugs the waist with one hand, while the other two hands remain free. In this state, the “Siamese twins” will need to cut out the figure: one will have to hold the paper, and the other will have to manipulate the scissors. The “Shiva” whose figurine turns out to be more successful will win.

Do you organize New Year's competitions for the whole family? Which of the above competitions did you like the most? Share your opinion in the comments.

How to celebrate the New Year so that it is fun and noisy? To do this, you need to prepare competitions for the New Year 2019 in advance! New Year's games and entertainment will make traditional New Year's family gatherings in the company of the TV bright, fun and unforgettable! Not to mention a corporate party for the whole company.

However, it is best to prepare a little.

How to do it? We'll tell you more in this article.

How to prepare for competitions and games

1. Make a plan for games and competitions. It is better to make auxiliary materials on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them on regular cards in advance, this is much more convenient than using one large script.

2. Prepare your props. Having decided what you will play for the new year, make a list of what you will need for this or that competition. It's best to organize props and prizes into themed competitions (I use small gift bags for this).

3. Stock up on prizes. People love to receive small funny surprises - candies, chocolates, cute New Year's toys. It is better to take prizes in reserve.

4. Choose music.

5. Prepare a place for games.

6. Identify your helpers.

The very first in the series of New Year's fun are corporate parties. How can you celebrate them cheerfully in order to create the mood for the whole year and have a great holiday event? The closer the New Year's corporate party, the greater the excitement.

What's the best way to organize a holiday? How to please all guests at once? How to choose the most interesting competitions for the Year of the Pig?

A group of adults will need to eat, raise their glasses to the New Year, and dance, so the game program should be carefully woven into the natural flow of the party. We offer you great ideas for fun games and competitions.

Competitions for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful company are the coolest

Competition "Sing"

Number of players: Any
No props needed. Uses your own vocal cords.

Essence: Participants are divided into 2 teams. One “choir” must take turns asking a question, remembering a line from the song. For example: “What should I give you, my dear man?” Opponents quickly find the answer - a line from another piece of music, for example: “A million, a million, a million scarlet roses...” The last team to answer wins. You can make the task more difficult by choosing only New Year's questions.

Competition “What is my name?”

Number of players: Any.
Props: Cards made of paper with funny words on them (for example: lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.), of course not names.

The essence: Everyone receives a new name for the evening - a corresponding sign is attached to their back. The players' task is to find out their name from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The winner is the one who first guesses the inscription on his sign.

Competitions for corporate events for the New Year 2019 (Year of the Pig)

Relay race "Pig's hooves"

Props: for this competition you will need paper cups (insert ribbons or strings along the edge of the glass on both sides into the slot, secure with a knot from the inside).

Essence: Guests are divided into two or three teams, depending on the number of people. The first players in the team are given cups, they stand on them, and take the ropes in their hands. On the contrary, there should be a space limitation, for example, a chair, 5-7 meters away. The first participants, accompanied by music, slide to the obstacle, go around it, return to the team and pass the cups to the next participants. The team that finishes the relay first wins, but points can be deducted for accuracy of execution.

Competition "Advertising"

Two young men are called. The presenter asks them to choose one lady from the audience. Then the presenter asks the question: “Why exactly did you like this girl? Viewers choose - eyes, hairstyle, shoes, etc.
Now the task of the participants is to come up with an advertisement for this part of the body, an item of clothing. The most creative advertisement wins.

Competition "Negotiations with polar bears and penguins"

An interesting and fun competition to “stretch” the brains of the whole team. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 5 people. All teams receive the same task: they will negotiate with polar bears and penguins in the same room, but bears are predators, and penguins are birds. In theory, the former should eat the latter. But here you can relax, no one will eat anyone. And the teams will have to answer in a minute of discussion why they shouldn’t worry, because 100 percent of the time, polar bears won’t eat penguins. There will be plenty of options. Ah, here is the correct answer and it is quite simple. But it’s unlikely to come to mind right away - polar bears won’t eat penguins, because the former live at the North Pole, and the latter at the South Pole, and in principle cannot eat each other, so the meeting will go peacefully. And, if suddenly, the team answers correctly, of course, they will receive a prize.

Of course, after unforgettable fun at work, the long-awaited family holiday New Year comes. Bustle, cooking delicacies, dressing up, everyone wants to celebrate the New Year fun and in style.

In order to celebrate this joyful holiday in a fun and funny way, our selection of New Year's competitions for family celebrations and games at the table will come in handy.

And to make the table not only fun, but also delicious, we have prepared for you: .

If, after tasting a little of everything that the hospitable hosts offered, the guests begin to get bored, immediately start games at the New Year's table. They will help entertain everyone, the table will be interesting and fun.

Competition "Say a Toast"

The host invites each participant to come up with a toast, but it must begin with a specific letter of the alphabet. The first one comes up with the letter “A”. “And I want to drink to good luck in the coming year!” The second one starts with the letter "B". “Let's all be happy and rich!” The next one starts with the letter “B”. “Let’s drink to our dear hostess!”

The guests will start having fun when someone has to start an original letter with the letter “Y” or those toasts for which it is difficult to quickly come up with an initial word. The author of the most interesting toast wins.

Competition "Burst the Ball"

Many family fun competitions for the New Year are organized with balloons. In this case, you first need to put small notes with funny riddles in them, and then inflate the balloons. During the fun, the host distributes them to the players. Each owner must burst the balloon and take out a note from there, read the riddle out loud and answer it. If someone finds it difficult to answer, then he will have to complete a penalty task invented by everyone.

Riddles need humor, for example:

What can a student envy a lizard? (Tail throwing speed).
How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be completely happy? (One more than at the moment or one more than a friend).
Which clock shows the exact time only 2 times a day? (Which stopped).
What goes from one settlement to another, remaining in place? (Road).
When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open).
Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald).
Two birch trees grow. Each birch tree has four cones. How many cones are there in total? (Not one, because cones don’t grow on birch trees).

Game “What will I do with the gift?”

You can also use the idea of ​​a magic gift bag in this table game. The presenter has cards on a tray with options for what can be done with the gift received. Each guest draws a card, reads it out, then randomly takes a gift out of the bag and, if desired, depicts the action predicted with it.

This fun is good as a game at the table at any home holidays.

A list of inexpensive little things that you can take as surprises from Santa Claus: a box of matches, a ball, chewing gum, a tennis ball, a lighter, lollipop, a disc, a brush, a pencil, glasses, an adapter, a bag, decals, paper clips, a tea bag, calendar, notepad, postcard, bag of coffee, eraser, top, sharpener, bow, magnet, pen, thimble, toy, bell, etc.

Cards with answer options: What will I do with my gift?
I'll kiss it.
I'll powder my nose with this.
I'll eat it right away with pleasure.
This will become my talisman.
I'll put it on and admire it.
I will share this with friends etc.

Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table “Win-win lottery”
Each guest draws (or receives for participating in games and competitions) a lottery ticket with a certain number, each number is a certain prize.
Sample list of prizes:
1. You got a piano in the bushes - a New Year's calendar.
2. You surprised the whole world - get a souvenir.
3. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immeasurable (notepad or notebook).
4. And for you, what adults and children love is, of course, sweet candies.
5. And you got a prickly darling, but a useful fork in the household.
6. And with this prize you will definitely not be lost, carry it with you and always leave full (they give you a spoon).
7. Get a place for a stash and a useful item to boot (stockings or socks).
8. Remember us more often, invite us for tea (pack of tea).
9. It will give you a thrill and will come in handy, no doubt (a jar of mustard).
10. You will be the most beautiful of all with this prize of ours (something from cosmetics).
11. Sadness and despondency will go away, here’s fun for you all night (pacifier).
12. Even if something doesn’t go well and doesn’t stick, you definitely have something to hope for (a tube of glue).
13. You won the main prize - receive and sign (any prize).
14. Paper napkins are useful and important for any feast.
15. Three, whatever you want, don’t mind, because you have a new washcloth.
16. They will help you solve the problem of styling your hair (curlers or hairpins).
17. “Montana” will envy such a product for a slender figure (family panties).
18. Brush your teeth often, your smile will be great (toothpaste).
19. To help you maintain your hair, we will give you a comb.
20. We, friends, won’t hide it - now there is a fashion for crystal, today we are giving you a chandelier made by Montreal (light bulb).
21. You received a flower - a rose, which does not wither from heat and frost (postcard with a flower).
22. The symbol of the year (magnet or souvenir) given today will help you in any weather.
23. Of course, it would be nice to win a Persian carpet or a house. But fortune has rewarded you with a self-writing pen (fountain pen).
24. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immeasurable (notepad or notebook).

If the celebration is held in a close family circle, then games and competitions can be selected accordingly.

Competition "Get to know a relative"

Funny New Year's competitions in the family circle rarely take place without this competition. Some members of the household are blindfolded and woolen mittens are put on their hands. Then one of the participants in the feast approaches him, and the host invites the player to find out who is in front of him. The player can feel the person's figure without taking off his mittens, trying to guess who is standing in front of him. In fact, even a close and well-known person is not so easy to guess.

Competition "Dance on an Ice Floe"

Any number of male-female couples can participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need newspapers (according to the number of pairs). A newspaper is placed in front of each couple - this is their ice floe. The participants' task is to dance without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. Every minute the ice floe begins to melt, and the newspaper folds in half. Music is constantly changing. You cannot stand; the couple must dance. Participants who step outside the boundaries of the newspaper are eliminated from the game. The last pair remaining wins.

Do you want even more interesting and cool competitions? Read Part 2:
And of course, the most important thing at the New Year's holiday were always children.
And for them it is worth choosing not only individual competitions and games, but also involving all adults in them. Otherwise, what fun is it?

Game "Candy"

Suitable for adults and children. It is necessary to tie the candies to threads in advance and hang them on chairs. Contestants, one at a time, must try to cut the candies with scissors with their eyes closed. Other guests may give incorrect advice in finding candy.

Competition "Hairdresser"

“Victims” sit on chairs, preferably men, of course. At the command of the presenter, young hairdressers must do hairstyles for clients using elastic bands, hairpins and combs. Whoever gets the most creative hairstyle wins.

Competition “Remembering Childhood”

This nostalgic competition for the New Year with family can appeal to different generations. You need to say a phrase or sing a verse or chorus of a song of a famous fairy-tale or cartoon character without saying his name. For example, “I am a man in the prime of life,” “Whoever helps people is wasting his time,” “Normal heroes always take a detour.” If no one remembers who they are talking about, the player who made the guess begins to give clues without saying the name of the hero.

Relay race “Snowball Gatherers”

For the relay race, two large, thick bags are prepared in advance, with slits for the legs at the bottom. In addition to this, you will need foam snowballs. You can replace them with lumps of white paper in the shape of snowballs. Children are divided into two teams. One of the players on each team is given the honorary name “Snowball Collector” and a bag with slots is put on his feet.
Cheerful music plays and the presenter throws snowballs on the floor. At the leader’s command, the children begin to collect snowballs, throwing them into the bag of their “Snowball Collector”. At the end, they count whose team collected the most snowballs.

Game "Throwers, knockers, hits"

There is no need for intelligence here, and it is quite possible to entertain guests from 3 to 103 years old.
From experience, such competitions sometimes turn out to be very exciting. It is difficult to guess what exactly your guests will like, we will simply list some options, and you will decide on the available props and set aside a place for the game:
– If you find any version of darts (magnetic, balls with Velcro), feel free to award a prize to the most accurate, there will definitely be interest in the competition.
– Skittles or plastic bottles filled with beans, peas or water are fun to knock down with a rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
– Throwing “snowballs” from a newspaper into a basket (what if someone gets a 10 out of 10 result?). Choose the distance yourself.

DIY New Year's crafts

Choose the most interesting Competitions for the New Year 2019! New Year's games and entertainment will help make your holiday interesting and unforgettable, which you will remember for a long time with warmth and joy! Happy New Year!

Send the competition to yourself or friends.

The most fabulous holiday of the year is just around the corner, which means it’s time to think about entertainment: games and competitions for children and adults. Perhaps the New Year is the most family holiday, when all family members get together to share the joys of the outgoing year, remember what good things happened to them and dream about what will happen in the coming year.

Of course, the menu and setting of the New Year's table are very important points, but if you are planning a fun New Year, then you can't do without entertainment! We have prepared for you 20 of the best New Year's games that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

#1 Guess how much

For this competition you will have to prepare in advance. You will need a container into which a number of identical items will be placed (for example, a basket of tangerines). The container should be in the most visible place so that each of the guests can take a good look and evaluate it. The task of each guest is to guess how many items are in the container. You will also need to prepare a box where each guest will throw a piece of paper with their guess and signature. The one who indicates the number closest to the result wins.

#2 Memories

The game is suitable for children from 6 years old. You will need from 10 to 20 different items. All participants are called to the table on which the objects are laid out and carefully study them for one minute. You can only study with your eyes. Then the items are covered with a towel, and participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. The task of each player is to write as many items as possible from those that were on the table.

#3 Sticker Stalker

The game is suitable for a large company. At the beginning of the holiday, each participant in the event is given 10 sticker tags, which he must paste to other guests throughout the evening. The main condition: the one to whom you are going to attach the tag must not suspect anything. If you are unlucky and the victim discovers your plans, then you become the victim, and whoever caught you can openly stick one of their tags on you! The winner is the one who gets rid of the tags issued at the beginning of the holiday before the others.

#4 Hot potato with camera

Suitable for a large company. All guests must gather in one place. To the music, everyone passes a camera to their neighbor. At the moment when the music stops, the one in whose hands the camera is must take a funny selfie and leave the game. The one whose camera it is wins, because now you have a whole bunch of funny photos of your friends!

#5 Hurry up to take off your hat

Ideal for large companies. The essence of the game is that each guest must have a hat. It is better to prepare in advance and buy (make) paper caps for each guest. The essence of the game is that at the beginning of the evening everyone puts on their caps together. The party hat must be removed, but this must not be done before the host (host of the party) removes the hat. You will take off your hat somewhere in the middle of the evening. Attentive guests will notice, but the one who is busy telling his interesting stories from last year will most likely become a loser, because he will be the last one to take off his hat, if at all!

#6 Who Am I?

Great game for the whole family. Each player is given cards on which are written the names of celebrities, fairy-tale characters, writers or other famous people in your community. Each participant cannot read their card, but must stick it on their forehead. By asking leading questions to your neighbor, to which he can only answer “Yes” or “No,” you need to determine who you are according to the inscription on the card.

#7 Explain to me

Game for all age groups. You will have to prepare in advance. You will need several with simple words and a stopwatch. Participants must split into pairs. Each pair is given a piece of paper with words. One person from the couple reads the words and tries to explain them to his partner without using the name of this word and cognates. Each team has a minute to talk about everything. The winner is the one who can explain the most words in a minute.

#8 Damaged phone, only pictures

Suitable for all age groups. You will need several participants (at least 5-7 people). Each person is given a piece of paper and a pen. On command, each participant writes a sentence on their own piece of paper. Anything that comes to his mind. When the sentences are written, the sheet is given to the neighbor on the left. Now in front of you is a sheet of paper on which your neighbor’s proposal is written. Your task is to illustrate this proposal. When everything is ready, you wrap the proposal so that the neighbor on the left receives a piece of paper with only your drawing. Now the task is to describe in words what you see in the picture. This is repeated until the sheet with your first sentence is returned to you. Upon completion, you will have an equal number of sheets with mind-blowing stories in pictures and descriptions! It's funny to read what was in the first sentence and how the thought developed!

#9 Crocodile

Of course, you shouldn’t ignore the game “Crocodile”. For those who don’t know or don’t remember the rules: the essence of the game is that one person explains to others the word hidden for him using gestures. It would be symbolic to only wish for words related to New Year’s themes. In addition, if only people who know each other well will be present at the holiday, you can make up whole life situations that all participants in the event are well aware of. For example, if you are celebrating the New Year with work colleagues, it is quite logical to think of some event that is significant for you, say, the celebration of last year’s corporate party, when Irina Petrovna danced a striptease perfectly.

#10 Guess the word

Another exciting game for New Year's Eve, which all guests will be able to take part in. The essence of the game is that guests need to guess a word or name only by consonants. You will have to prepare in advance by choosing a topic and preparing several word options.

Topic: New Year's films

Tasks: krnvlnnch (carnival night); rnsdb (irony of fate); mrzk (Morozko); lklhmt (shaggy Christmas trees); dndm (home alone), etc.

#11 Draw what I described

The game is suitable for both children and adults. Players need to split into pairs. A pair of players sits with their backs to each other. One player from the pair is asked to take one thing out of an opaque bag. After this, his task is to explain to his partner as clearly as possible what he is holding in his hands. At the same time, you cannot name a thing, just as you cannot use words with the same root.

#12 Truth and lies

Another New Year's game that both adults and children can play. So, one of the players tells two truths about himself and one lie. The task of everyone else is to guess which of what was said is a lie. The turn goes to the one who guessed the lie first.

#13 Things that...

Suitable for a large company. All participants are asked to write on a piece of paper some things that make them feel or do something. For example, things that make me smile/happy/sad, etc. After everyone has written an answer, the papers are collected and the answers are read aloud. Now the task of each player is to guess whose answer was read out.

#14 Racing with snowflakes

If a large number of children are expected at the New Year's party, then you should pay attention to outdoor games. Divide the guys into teams, each team is given a large paper snowflake. The essence of the game is to carry a snowflake on your head to a certain place, and then pass it on to another participant. The team that completes the task faster wins. When a snowflake lies on your head, you cannot touch it with your hands.

#15 Cookies on the face

An excellent game not only for children, but also for adults. You'll need cookies, so prepare ahead of time. A cookie is placed on each participant's forehead. The goal is to move the cookie into your mouth without using your hands.

#16 New Year's fishing

A very entertaining game for participants of all ages. You will need Christmas candy canes. One lollipop is tied to a stick, and the rest are placed on the table so that the curved part extends beyond the table. The participants' task is to use a lollipop tied to a stick to collect the rest of the lollipops without using their hands. Participants hold the lollipop stick in their teeth.

#17 Snowball fight

Ideal entertainment for the whole family. You will need ping pong or tennis balls, plastic cups, paper straws and a long table. Plastic cups are glued to one of the edges of the table (with tape). At the other end there are players whose task is to roll the balls into plastic cups. Only air can be used! Players blow through paper tubes onto the balls, trying to direct them in the desired direction. If the ball falls, you will have to start over. The one who can do it faster wins.

#18 New Year's balance

Another active team game. Participants must be divided into teams of two. You will need a cylinder made of thick cardboard and a long stick or ruler. The cardboard cylinder is placed vertically on the table, with a ruler placed on top. The task of each team is to place as many New Year's balls on the line as possible so as not to upset the balance. You will have to work harmoniously, because if you hang the ball on only one side, the balance will be disrupted!

#19 Unwrap the gift

You can keep guests busy at your New Year's party with another entertaining competition: who can unpack a gift the fastest. You will have to prepare a well-wrapped gift and ski gloves in advance. The task of the participants is to open the gift while wearing ski gloves. The smaller the box, the more interesting!

#20 Find the word

Another game that kids will love. Cards with letters need to be prepared in advance, and participants must make up as many words as possible from these cards. You can write, for example, 10-12 New Year-themed words, and then cut the words into letters, mix them and the competition is ready. Alternatively, you can simply write words on a piece of paper, mixing the letters, and the participants must guess what the word is (for example, nikvegos - snowman).

In general, there are countless ideas for New Year's competitions and games. You can use our selection, or you can use your imagination and give yourself and your guests an unforgettable evening!

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What holiday could be complete without laughter and good mood?! Right! No! This is especially true for such an event as the upcoming New Year 2019. What is needed to create a unique and bright holiday? To begin with, the appropriate surroundings: New Year's songs and music, winter themed decorations, delicious dishes, beautiful costumes, a sea of ​​champagne and many guests! But that is not all! Well-fed and well-dressed event participants need to be entertained! And here you can’t do without funny and perky New Year’s competitions! We invite you to check out our selection!

The most exciting competitions for friends for the New Year 2019

Competition "Couturier"

The men of the company are invited to play the role of couturier. For the competition, you need to draw on a sheet of whatman paper a women's elegant dress with a lot of details: ruffles, cuffs, flounces, neckline, etc. The presenter, preferably a lady, names various details to the men one by one, and they must show it on the dress. The one who named incorrectly is eliminated. The one who never makes a mistake wins and receives the title of world couturier.

Game "Web"

You need to tie multi-colored ribbons to a gymnastic or any other stick. They are intertwined in random order, but without strong knots. The player is given the task of unraveling a web of ribbons using pencils in both hands or another object, but not with his hands.

Game "Jumpers"

Players jump rope, competing in the number of jumps. Everything would be fine, but they have flippers on their feet.

Game “How many bottles do you have?”

In the cartoon, boa constrictors were measured with monkeys and parrots, but we will measure our waists with bottles. It is necessary to measure the circumference of the bottle, but do not report it, and the waist circumference of each participant. Then calculate the waist size in terms of bottles and invite the players to guess their number each. Whoever named it more accurately wins.

Game "State in the Wind"

Players are encouraged to throw their fortunes to the wind. We need identical banknotes according to the number of players. Everyone lines up and blows on the bill on command, then runs up and blows again. And so on until a certain point. Whose bill reaches the mark faster, wins.

Seven funny New Year competitions for any company

Game "Blind Pirate"

A blind pirate was left to guard the treasure. His role is played by the captains of the two teams. Various objects are laid out around them: scissors, a pair of shoes, toys and more. These are treasures. They will be hunted by players of the opposing team. The robber is blindfolded. Rivals blow a whistle and make attempts to grab the treasure, while the guard steals the thieves. A thief caught three times is eliminated from the game. The time is recorded for each team. Whoever left the pirate without treasure the fastest won.

Game “There is a sun in every drawing”

Relay competition for the street or a large hall. The competitors are divided into two equal teams and stand in columns. Everyone is given a gymnastic stick, and two hoops are placed on the floor at a distance of 10-15 m from the players. Players take turns running up and placing sticks in the shape of sun rays around their hoops. The team whose last player returns to their place wins.

Competition "Plastic Christmas Tree"

To hold this competition, you need to prepare a certain number of plastic cups in advance (for example, eighty) in order to divide them equally and give one part to one of the two participants. The glasses are stacked one on one. As soon as the competition begins, the players must assemble a Christmas tree from the “props” as quickly as possible, and then disassemble it, carefully folding the cups the way they were folded initially. The fastest of the two players wins.

Game "Snowman T-shirt"

To conduct this competition, you will need three players who will have a seemingly trivial task - just put on a T-shirt the fastest, thereby earning victory in the competition. However, not all so simple. Before giving out the shirts to the players, they should be rolled up and frozen in the freezer, which will definitely make the task more difficult.

Competition "Read the Lips"

To run this competition, you will need two players (for one round) and two pairs of headphones. Each participant puts on headphones with music already playing. It is necessary to check whether it is loud enough so that the players cannot hear each other's speech. The first must ask the second a question, which he, in turn, answers by reading lips. After a certain period of time, the roles change. In this competition, the winner is given to the one who understands the essence of the most questions.

Game "Dangerous Dancing"

To carry out the competition, you will need from five to eight people, for each of whom you will need to prepare an already inflated balloon and something with which it can be tied. A ball is tied to one player’s foot. Everyone's task is to burst their opponents' balloons. The last “survivor” whose ball remains intact will win.
Competition "Race during the Sabbath"

To conduct this competition you will need a certain amount of equipment. It is necessary to prepare two scarves, two mops and two buckets in advance. An unlimited number of people can take part in the relay, but they must be divided into two equal teams, each of which lines up at one end of the room. At the leader’s signal, the first in the line puts a scarf on his head as quickly as possible, sits on a broom and pushes one leg into the bucket, without using the help of the team. In this form, the participant runs to the other end of the room and back, passing the baton to the next player on his team. Whichever one finishes faster is awarded the victory.

Funny contests for adults for the New Year 2019

Competition "Anecdote with a beard"

This competition can be held without leaving the festive table. The presenter stands up and begins to tell some famous joke. The one who can continue it receives a piece of cotton wool, which must be glued to the chin. The same thing happens with the next joke. In the end, the winner is the participant who has the largest beard.

Competition "Ariadne's Ribbon"

You should prepare for the competition in advance: cut a long ribbon into many pieces and hide them in different unexpected places in the hall. In addition, it would be good for the participants to be given such a piece as an example. Their task is to find as many hidden pieces as possible and knit a ribbon from them. The winner is awarded to the one with the longest ribbon. It is better to hold the competition during dancing, when the overhead lights are turned off and the room is illuminated only by light and music.

Competition "Dzhigit Competition"

This competition is very popular due to its entertainment, fun and excitement. The host invites several people (usually 2-3), who are given carnival mustaches and hats. In addition, they are given “horses”: children’s horses on sticks. If you cannot find them, you can use any household tool with a long handle, such as mops. The players' task is to ride the distance to a certain goal. It will be even more fun if you invite them to play the balalaikas at the same time. The one who arrives at the destination first wins.

Game "Reveal the secret!"

This game is for the whole company. Participants are given pieces of paper and pens. Half of them write questions, the other half write answers. Both questions and answers should be standard, for example: “Do you drink cognac in the morning?”, “Are you cheating on your other half?” and so on. Answers: “Sometimes”, “Only if no one sees”, “With pleasure” and the like. Questions are placed in one pile and answers in another. The first player says who he wants to ask the question to and takes out a piece of paper. After that, he says: “Reveal the secret...” and reads out the text that is written on the piece of paper. The person to whom the question is addressed takes out a piece of paper from the pile with the answers. Next, the answerer himself asks a question to one of the players, and so on. The couple whose question and answer is the funniest or most original wins.

Competition “When you hear the number 3, take the prize immediately!”

The competition involves 2 or 3 players. They stand around the chair on which the prize lies. Santa Claus calls the numbers in random order and suddenly sounds 3. At this moment you need to grab the prize. The most efficient participant wins.

Snowball game

Snowballs in this game are white balloons, and the more of them inflated before the game starts, the better. The players are divided into two teams. Each has a captain appointed. Each of them is given a large garbage bag with pre-made holes for the legs. Their task is to get into the bag and keep its top edge open. The presenter gives a signal, and ordinary team members enter the game. Their task is to collect “snowballs” scattered on the floor and throw them into their captain’s bag. All this happens to cheerful music. Then the host gives the signal to stop, the music stops, and the game ends. The summing up begins - counting “snowballs”. Which team has more of them? And she won.

"Smell the Smell"

Five people play. For the game, various things are prepared in advance (a tea bag, an apple, money, a beer bottle, a book, etc.), which are attached to a string so that the players do not notice them. The first participant is invited to the room. The presenter blindfolds him and brings each item one by one. The player needs to determine in five seconds what kind of thing is in front of him, without touching it with his hands. You can only use your nose. The winner is the one who has the best sense of smell and guesses the most things.

Guests will definitely enjoy such entertainment for the New Year 2019! With coming!

Competitions and quizzes for the New Year holiday.

Fun games and competitions for adults on the New Year's holiday

Round dance

The players stand in a circle in the order “boy - girl”, Grandfather Frost (leader) is in the center. Grandfather Frost says: “Are my hands good?” Everyone answers: “Yes,” takes their neighbors’ hands and walks around the leader while the music plays. As soon as the music stops, Grandfather asks again: “Is my stomach good?” The players grab the bellies of their neighbors and continue the round dance. What else is good about Grandfather Frost and what you will have to hold on to while dancing in a round dance depends on your mood and degree of intoxication.


To play you will need “snowballs” (you can crumple up napkins or newspapers, the more the better) and chairs according to the number of players.

Participants are divided into two teams. Players of one team line up on chairs. The opponents’ task is to choose the most accurate one, and he must send as many projectiles as possible to those standing on chairs from a distance of 10 meters. “Targets,” in turn, can dodge. Then the teams change places.

The team with the most snowballs hitting the target wins.


For the game you will need the following props: a children's plastic stick and a puck. Several couples participate: the woman represents the goal with her feet, and the man must drive the puck into the “goal” from 3-4 meters away. The winning couples advance to the second round, where men and women switch places. The funniest thing about this game is the comments from the “hockey players” and fans.


Players form 2 circles: outer - men, inner - women. The presenter announces what needs to be done to the players, and they complete the tasks. The nature of the actions is determined only by the leader’s imagination, for example: greeting each other like wife and husband after a long separation, hugging, strangling each other neighborly, scratching each other behind the ears, etc. After each action, the outer circle moves clockwise.

Amazing creatures

Each guest is given a piece of paper. The player must draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Then the sheet is folded so that the image is not visible - only the tip of the neck remains. The drawing is passed on to the neighbor. Each participant in the game ended up with a new sheet of paper with an image that he had not seen. Everyone draws the upper part of the body, again “hides” the drawing and passes it to a neighbor so that they can complete the limbs on the new piece of paper they receive. And now you can expand all the drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them. The presenter can announce a competition for the best story about amazing creatures.

Prize in riddles

Any item that can act as a prize is wrapped in paper. The contents of any riddle are glued to the wrapper. This package is wrapped again, and the riddle is stuck again. This operation must be repeated 10 times. The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed right, he says the answer, if not, he reads the riddle out loud. The one who guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize, and everything continues according to the same pattern.

The prize is given to the one who guesses the last riddle.

For this game you can use the following humorous riddles and questions:

What can't you eat for breakfast? (Dinner and supper)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald)

If he gets up, he will reach the sky. (Rainbow)

About 40 million people do this at night. What it is? (Internet)

A dead man lies in the desert. There is a bag over my shoulders and a flask of water on my belt. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die from and what was in his bag? (The man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag there was a parachute that did not open)

The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often? (Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button “1”)

Where does the snow woman come from? (From ZIMBABwe)

What is it - the color of lilac, it sees backwards as well as forwards, and jumps higher than the bell tower? (White blind horse, because lilacs are white, and the bell tower does not jump at all)

What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands are doing it? (Phone sex)

What is the world's kindest ghost with a motor? (Zaporozhets)

What is it: there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, but there is no head? (The lame man behind the fence)

How good it is for you and me, I’m under you, and you’re on top of me. What's happened? (The hedgehog carries an apple)

What is it: flies and shines? (Gold Tooth Mosquito)

What is: 90/60/90? (Speed ​​with traffic police inspector)

Earrings for simpletons. (Noodles)

What's on a woman's body?

On the Jew's mind

Used in hockey

And on the chessboard? (Combination)

What question will no one ever answer “yes” to? (Sleeping person to the question: “Are you sleeping?”)

When the goat turns seven years old, what happens next? (The eighth will go)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

What needs to be done to keep four guys in one boot? (Take off each person's boot)

He left his grandfather and left his grandmother... (Sex)

Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat and felt boots? (Chukchi Father Frost)

What is it: two bellies, four ears? (Cat wedding)

Wrinkled Titus amuses the whole village. (Lack of youth in rural areas)

How fast must a dog run without hearing the clink of a frying pan tied to its tail? (The dog must stand. This task in the company is immediately identified by the physicist: the physicist replies that it needs to run at supersonic speed)

A bald hedgehog is walking - how old is he? (18 - he is drafted into the army)

Why are you looking at me, undress, I'm yours. (Bed. Option: hanger)

Now hanging, now standing, now cold, now hot. (Shower)

Just remember it a little, it will be as hard as a potato. (Snowball)

Small, gray, looks like an elephant. (Baby elephant)

A hundred clothes, all without fasteners. (Bum)

The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up? (To the police)

It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer. (Vodka)

What do money and a coffin have in common? (Both are first nailed down and then lowered)

The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps? (Only one, because his second one is already broken)

Four brothers stand under one roof. (Brigade)

What word always sounds wrong? (The word "wrong")

Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (Spare)

Santa's Staff

The chairs are placed in a row, with the seats alternately in different directions, and the players sit on them. Santa Claus (the driver) picks up his staff (mop) and begins to walk around those sitting on the chairs. If he hits the floor with his staff near someone, that player must get up from his chair and follow the leader. So Grandfather walks around the chairs, knocking here and there, and a whole round dance of “snowflakes” and a herd of “bunnies” follows him. The driver begins to move away from the chairs, walks in circles, like a snake; the rest repeat all the movements after him. Suddenly, at a moment unexpected for everyone, Santa Claus knocks on the floor twice. This is the signal for everyone to immediately take their seats. And this is not so easy now, since the chairs face in different directions. The driver himself tries to be one of the first to take a seat. Now the one who doesn’t get a chair is driving.

Crawl to the Christmas tree

Using colored chalk, several intersecting, intertwining “paths” of different colors are drawn on the floor, ending at the Christmas tree. Under the Christmas tree, of course, there is a prize. At the beginning of each path, a card is placed with a description of the method of movement: crawling, goose-stepping, backwards, jumping on the left leg, without the help of legs, etc. Players, having chosen their “path”, try to reach the end of the path as quickly as possible in the manner described in the card. Whoever reaches the goal first is the winner.

New Year costume

The presenter calls two couples and offers to make a New Year's costume using only newspapers, pins, clothespins and scissors. The winners are determined by other guests.

Fanta from a bottle

At the party, everyone is given two or three pieces of paper, and everyone writes their wishes on them. For example: “Depict a snow woman who has begun to melt,” or “Kiss Santa Claus,” or “Perform a striptease at the Christmas tree.” Next, these pieces of paper are rolled into tubes and put into a bottle of mineral water or cola. Everyone sits in a circle and plays spin the bottle, but the rules are as follows: whoever the bottle points to, takes out one note, reads the wish and fulfills it. The highlight of the game is that the player can get his own phantom, so a reasonable amount of sadism and masochism in coming up with desires is welcome.

Close circle of friends

Prepare pieces of paper with the names of body parts, fold them so that they cannot be read, and put them in a hat. The first two players draw out a piece of paper and press against those parts of the body that are indicated on them. Then the third participant pulls out a piece of paper that says which place he should touch, and so on down the chain. Then everything starts for the second round. In this case, the chain should not be broken. The first one grabs the last one, the second one grabs the first one, and so on until the papers run out or until there is enough flexibility.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

All the girls present and the presenter remain in the room in front of the Christmas tree. Each person chooses a Christmas ball and remembers it. Then the men come in one by one. The man who enters chooses any ball from the tree and, if he guessed some girl, drinks with her at the Brudershaft or takes off one item of clothing from her. After all the men have chosen once, they go out the door again, and the girls change the hidden balls. The winner is the one who hits the same girl two (three, four) times. The winner becomes Father Frost, and she, naturally, becomes the nude Snow Maiden.